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Probably getting old but...

Posted: 2002-12-13 02:24pm
by Larz
Much like a good number of our college bound denizens here, I am taking my leave of this place for a month. I don't have a home connection so coming here from their is not possible.

So... thanks for all the fish, and I guess thats all!

:: grabs bag of golf clubs and towel :: oh, by the way, I hope I don't return to find this place in shambles... ::glares at them... you know... them ... ::

Posted: 2002-12-13 02:39pm
by irishmick79
Take care. We'll keep the light on for ya.

Posted: 2002-12-13 04:10pm
by Dalton
Lata, and great av.

Posted: 2002-12-13 08:38pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Don't worry, we can have fun without you. :P

No, I wanted to say we'll miss you dearly, and the borad will become extremely boring without you.

Damn, that's not right either.

Anyway, have fun, and I'll miss you.