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How does a Canadian vote in the US?

Posted: 2005-12-04 08:30pm
by Pint0 Xtreme
Okay, so I'm a Canadian who wants to vote in this coming election in January. But I currently live a few thousand miles south of the border in Los Angeles. Does anyone know how or what I can do to vote?

Posted: 2005-12-04 08:30pm
by Pint0 Xtreme
Oops. I originally intended this post to be in the off-topic forum. Someone please move it if it doesn't belong here.

Re: How does a Canadian vote in the US?

Posted: 2005-12-04 08:46pm
by Elheru Aran
Pint0 Xtreme wrote:Okay, so I'm a Canadian who wants to vote in this coming election in January. But I currently live a few thousand miles south of the border in Los Angeles. Does anyone know how or what I can do to vote?
Contact the closest Canadian consulate. They should have some sort of absentee voting form.

Posted: 2005-12-04 08:56pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Moved to Off-Topic.

Re: How does a Canadian vote in the US?

Posted: 2005-12-04 09:59pm
by Sea Skimmer
Elheru Aran wrote: Contact the closest Canadian consulate. They should have some sort of absentee voting form.
Yeah, that would seem like a near certainty, and there happens to be a Canadian consulate in LA.

Re: How does a Canadian vote in the US?

Posted: 2005-12-05 12:13am
by Jalinth
See this link for some other details ... only=false

Basically, you need to be out of Canada for less than 5 years and intend to return here to be eligible to vote. If you are in the US temporarily (university, contract job,etc... ) no problem as long as you get the paperwork done. Make sure you send in your vote well in time (weeks ahead) to ensure neither US post or Canada Post decide to route your mail via the Moon.

Posted: 2005-12-05 12:56am
by Pint0 Xtreme
Thanks guys. I will definitely look into it.