Page 1 of 1, Case Update!

Posted: 2002-12-17 03:03am
by Sea Skimmer
I really need to visit that place more often. A verdict wasreached in the suit last week.

Posted: 2002-12-17 03:08am
by Tsyroc
To the plaintiff's surprise, after hearing the judge's decision Hamburger approached Ms. Evans and her lawyer, giving each a hug. Afterward, he walked toward the exit, stopped, pulled down his pants and laid a log right right on the court room floor, and said "Now that's real ultimate power." Then he ran.

Robert Hamburger's whereabouts are still unknown.

:shock: :? :?: :?: :?:

Posted: 2002-12-17 04:55am
by Sea Skimmer
Tsyroc wrote:

:shock: :? :?: :?: :?:
It will be very......, interesting to learn what has happened since then.

Posted: 2002-12-17 07:13am
by HemlockGrey
Well. That was fascinating.

Posted: 2002-12-17 07:41am
by Tsyroc
That's a real story about a real 10 year-old?

If so I'm glad his freedom of speach was protected but I still think he should also have the freedom to clean up that log with whatever methods/implements nature provided him with. That and a swift kick in the ass (Red Foreman style) should make him hesitate a bit the next time he decides to be such an ass.

Posted: 2002-12-17 07:52am
by His Divine Shadow
It's all parody.

Posted: 2002-12-17 07:56am
by Tsyroc
That's what I thought from reading it and the url but I was begining to wonder thanks to this thread. :) :oops:

Posted: 2002-12-17 08:43pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Wow. His whole hatemail page is full of people saying he know jackshit about Ninjas and he responds by saying, "No, you're wrong" (what kind of fucking wimp says bullcrap?)

Posted: 2002-12-17 08:51pm
by DPDarkPrimus
The site is funny, but it's scary to think someone can make all that up and not believe it himself.

Posted: 2002-12-17 09:49pm
by Enforcer Talen
I remember this kid, now. I wasnt that impressed.