Windows and Wingman
Posted: 2002-12-18 01:37am
Okay, now I am getting shitfaced. For some reason I have a problem with things being installed on my USB ports. Earlier I got my digital camera to work on it. It still shows the little yellow dots in the system directory when I look it up. However it works without a hitch. Now, my Wingman Extreme flightstick is on the normal game port, so it's fine. My Wingman rumble pad is USB only. Now when it installs, it asks for my Windoes 98 SE disc. When it gets it, it says that it can't find file 'hibusb.somethingorother'. I clicked skip file ( I did that on the camera and it works fine mind you) and it says it's installed. Yet if you check on it, there's a note on the driver device. Windows says it will reinstall the proper driver which it claims is already there. yet the damn controller is not working. what the fuck?