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Neoolong's TTT(spoilers)/Sabbatical/Random Thread

Posted: 2002-12-22 02:43am
by neoolong
Hello all,

This is my combination going on vacation and The Two Towers reaction and random stuff thread. Sorry for another TTT thread, but I wanted to add some stuff that didn't seem to have been said.


First of all, I am leaving for the great nation of Australia, oh and New Zealand, for 12 days for vacation. I am going home tomorrow and will leave on Wednesday, yes Christmas. I may post intermittently between now and then though.

The Two Towers

After viewing The Two Towers I have come to the conclusion that I like it. I have the viewpoint of someone that has some knowledge of the books, but has never actually read them. Yes, I will get to them eventually.

So I will mention some stuff about it that I found neat/interesting/bad/etc.
There will be spoilers, and stuff not for the faint of heart, or extremely easily offended.

1. The movie as a whole seemed good. However, it did feel forced for the first 20 minutes or so. It could better when they got to Edoras.

2. The music. For me the music did not seem as distinctive as that from the first one. I did hear some reoccurring themes, such as the Shire/Hobbits theme that played at times. There also did not seem to be powerful moments that had memorable music for me like the first one. These include the part where Gandalf says something like "the great Dwarven city of Dwarrowdelf. And the music where the fellowship is mourning Gandalf's departure outside Moria. And the music when Boromir is getting killed. And the fellowship theme near the bridge of Khazadum.

3. Edoras. Is it just me or does Edoras and the people of Rohan seem to be Norse? With the horns and the buildings and stuff. Maybe it's just me.

4. Eowyn. Major hottie. I wish she was in the movie more. I hear she will be in ROTK too. That is good. And her strength is a major turn-on. And damn sexy accent too.

5. Arwen. Major hottie 2. Her dream sequence with Aragorn seemed rather unnecessary. However, I liked Elrond's speech and her having to consider the ramifications of her decision.

6. My Imagined Scene #1. Eowyn seems to dig Aragorn. Arwen digs Aragorn. I would like a catfight that degenerates into some sweet sweet loving. Yes, I am a scumbag.

7. Smeagol. Incredible. One of the best CGI characters that I have ever seen. And that dual personality dualogue was cool. And that fish song? Forget about it. That just rocked.

8. Faramir. I have read the posts about him being Boromir lite. I agree up to a point. On the surfact he seems to want the ring for Gondor. Though he talks about his qualities and it seems that he wants it to elevate how people see him. Perhaps to come out from his brother's shadow. He did not seem so much as a clone, but as a character that was not completely fleshed out in this movie. I will reserve judgement until after the third movie. I do like however that he is willing to let them go at the end. It is something that Boromir could not do.

9. Aragorn. As nice as ever. But damn it, is there any culture where he can't pick up chicks? I want that power. His supposed death scene seemed unnecessary. But it did allow for that kick ass entrance later. And it allowed some more Eowyn scenes. So it's all good.

10. Imagined Scene #2. Eowyn likes Aragorn. Arwen likes Aragorn. There is only one way that this can be solved. Through a long and highly sexy threesome. Remeber, I'm a scumbag?

11. Legolas. Elf dude kicks ass. Some unnecessary parts however. The shield riding seemed a little corny, but still kinda cool. That horse trick was pretty tight. Gratuitous, but still cool.

12. Gimli. I like the character. However, his use as comic relief was a bit over the top. He was comic relief in the first movie as well, but no too this level. Subtlety would have been nice.

13. Ents. Cool. However, it may just be me, but the mass of them fighting seemed silly to me. That's just me though.

14. Merry and Pippin. They both have grown a lot. They are able to get the Ents to fight. They also realize that the war that is to come involves all of them. And that there may not be a shire left.

15. The fish song. That was just cool wasn't it?

16. Frodo. His character seems more complex. I realize that he is supposed to be strongwilled to resist the ring. However, to do this completely does not make as strong a drama in my opinion. It also ties into why Frodo so needs to redeem Smeagol. He sees that he is on the same path, and is scared that he may not be able to turn back himself.

17. Samwise Gamgee. Samwise the Brave. 'Nough said.

18. Eowyn. Damn she was such a hottie. And damn nice smiles. And those eyes. Forget about it.

19. Theoden. Odd transformation. A quick exorcism by Gandalf and he's fine? Kinda cheap in my book. And trying to hide at Helm's Deep? I didn't like that. Seemed odd considering his character later. I would have liked it if he was going to make his last stand there rather than trying to hide. Though I liked the part where he is getting his armor put on and gets some cool lines.

20. Wormtongue. Brad Dourif is Grima Wormtongue. 'Nough said.

21. Saruman. Okay. We get the anti-technology and anti-industry theme. We don't need to it beaten into us.

22. Elven teep. Odd thing. But necessary in my opinion. The dialog seemed fairly important and it seemed the only way to communicate it.

23. Gandalf. As fine as before. Though the exorcism seemed kinda corny. Oh, and the scene where he goes up to Theoden, and Gimli, Aragorn, and Legolas, beat up the soldiers while moving around, that was awesome.

24. Helm's Deep.

a. Badly designed fortress. And even more incompetent attackers. I could have done a better job commanding the Uruks and Orcs. They had catapults at the other battle, they could have been here, if you have to bring down some walls. But enough about tactics.

b. Elves. I was not so disappointed at their presence. They served the purpose that humans do not just have to stand alone. When Aragorn commented on asking Gondor for help, Theoden believes that men will stand alone, divided. The elves show that they do not have too. This looks important later when men must unite. They do not save the day. Eomer and his crew do. This follows with that theme in that men united, as Eomer reunites with his king, save themselves.

c. Children. Damn powerful. Watching ten year old kids strapping on armor with that look on their face. Damn powerful. I hope that if SW Ep. 3 has something with the younglings, it is this powerful.

d. Celeborn. His death was not as powerful as Boromir's. Though it was touching for Aragorn to be there.

e. The Last Ride. Magic horses. Okay, it was really just funky editing. Pretty impressive I guess.

f. Eomer and crew. Okay, the long spears worked in Braveheart against heavy horse, but not here? Okay fine. Magic horses. Or just damn luck.

g. Overall, pretty well done, despite some tactical problems. I would have liked a little of that desperation that Boromir's last fight had though.

25. Shelob. I assume she is the she referred to by Gollum at the end. I think, depending on how it is in the third movie, that this is wise. It sets up a sort of cliffhanger that she is referred to in the second movie, but we don't know how she is. Yet.

26. Imagined Scene #3. Threesome with Eowyn, Arwen, and me, the plucky soldier extra #310. Yes, I am a bad bad man.

27. The other battle at that other place. With the battle at Helm's Deep it did not seem that well done. Though the Nazgul with the fell beast is cool. As well as Samwise saving Frodo, again. It also serves to show what Faramir is trying to protect.

28. Ties. Some nice referbacks to the first one. The rope and the Elven daggers. As well as the Evenstar pendent.

29. Large animals. The oliphants(sp), the trolls, etc. They did strain my suspension of disbelief a little, but they were overall pretty nice.

30. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Yes I did. Would I see it again? Yes. I was talking with this girl at a store and she planned on seeing it, about 6 hours after I had already seen it. Would I have gone with her if I could? And pay for a ticket this time? Yes. Yes I would.

Random Stuff

Saw the trailer for X-Men 2. I wanna see it. And not just for Kelly Hu and Anna Paquin. I also saw the trailer for Bruce Almighty. Might actually be enjoyable. Trailer for A Man Apart. I have a little hope that Vin Diesel might make it better than just a derivative "cop who plays by his own rules" flick. Bulletproof Monk. Chow-Yun Fat is God. Say it with me folks. Chow-Yun... *Stop looking at me like that* Okay, parts seemed kinda corny. However, that helicopter scene rocked. And Chow-Yun Fat needs a good American movie besides Anna and the King. And yes, I liked that movie. And yes ,I am secure in my manhood.

Christmas is coming. If you're religious/non-religious/heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual/etc., and I don't think you're a moron, happy holidays and I wish you the best. As for the morons, bite me.

And if anybody has any suggestions for anything cool to pick up as a souvenir, or anything I should or should not do culturally in Australia, please let me know. Thanks.

Agree? Disagree? Let your fingers be heard.

And if you have read this complete thread. Bravo. Seriously.

Posted: 2002-12-22 09:03am
by Rathark
Your views on the movie were entertaining and mostly agreeable. I don't have time to elaborate right now, but I guess I liked the movie a bit more than you (and slightly more than I liked FOTR). I believe that Peter Jackson's films are the best adaptations possible in today's film industry, with today's technology and cultural climate. PJ clearly had one of the most difficult tasks in cinematic history, and the results so far - when compared to most other fantasy films ever to come out of Hollywood - stand out like a spike on the graph so towering that it would make Orthanc look like a toadstool. What other Hollywood fantasy films could compare with these? "Wizard of Oz", of course. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" perhaps. I'm a bit vague about the rest.
And if anybody has any suggestions for anything cool to pick up as a souvenir, or anything I should or should not do culturally in Australia, please let me know. Thanks.
1. If anyone offers you Vegemite, eat it.

2. Don't ride in a kangaroo's pouch. Their not big enough. Smaller than Lassie, in fact. You'll probably cause some serious damage to the poor animal, such as torn muscle, ligaments and hide, not to mention broken spine (causing permanent paralysis) and fractured femurs. Trust me, I've seen it before and it's not a pretty sight. Australia is full of special rehabilitation centres built specifically for kangaroos that have been abused this way by misguided tourists.

3. Our beloved neighbour ( :lol: ) New Zealand now has a Minister for Lord of the Rings. It's true. Run a google search if you don't believe me.

Posted: 2002-12-22 12:35pm
by neoolong

Oh and I did really enjoy TTT. There were some slight problems, which I mentioned, but they were outweighed by it's overall goodness.

Posted: 2002-12-22 01:12pm
by TrailerParkJawa
10. Imagined Scene #2. Eowyn likes Aragorn. Arwen likes Aragorn. There is only one way that this can be solved. Through a long and highly sexy threesome. Remeber, I'm a scumbag?
A threesome did not occur to me. But I agree Eowyn was a hottie. I kept thinking of lifting her gown and showing Eowyn what men of Earth can do with their tounges. :shock: Im a bad man too.


Re: Neoolong's TTT(spoilers)/Sabbatical/Random Thread

Posted: 2002-12-22 01:55pm
by CmdrWilkens
Well here's my quick $.02 worht of feedback.
neoolong wrote:<snip>
3. Edoras. Is it just me or does Edoras and the people of Rohan seem to be Norse? With the horns and the buildings and stuff. Maybe it's just me.
They were suppossed to be a combination of a little bit norse and a whole LOT of old English/Celtic.
7. Smeagol. Incredible. One of the best CGI characters that I have ever seen. And that dual personality dualogue was cool. And that fish song? Forget about it. That just rocked.
I honestly think Andy Serkis and the Gollum team should be put up for a "best Supporting Actor" Oscar. Smeagol/Gollum was easily the most fleshed out and both pitiable and hateable character in the entire movie.
b. Elves. I was not so disappointed at their presence. They served the purpose that humans do not just have to stand alone. When Aragorn commented on asking Gondor for help, Theoden believes that men will stand alone, divided. The elves show that they do not have too. This looks important later when men must unite. They do not save the day. Eomer and his crew do. This follows with that theme in that men united, as Eomer reunites with his king, save themselves.
I think the problem people have with this is that the ending of the 3rd Age is about Men finally standing up and taking on the burden of lordship on Middle Earth which the Elves are surrendering. In other words if Men still have to rely on the Elves then the Elves reallys haven't left nor are they about to leave.
Children. Damn powerful. Watching ten year old kids strapping on armor with that look on their face. Damn powerful. I hope that if SW Ep. 3 has something with the younglings, it is this powerful.
The scene with Aaragorn and the little kid and his sword was one of the best in the entire Helm's Deep experience.
d. Celeborn. His death was not as powerful as Boromir's. Though it was touching for Aragorn to be there.
That wasn't Celeborn it was Haldir.
27. The other battle at that other place. With the battle at Helm's Deep it did not seem that well done. Though the Nazgul with the fell beast is cool. As well as Samwise saving Frodo, again. It also serves to show what Faramir is trying to protect.
Osgiliath, the ancient seat for Isildur, Anarion, and the Kings of Gondor before Minas Ithil was captured becoming Minas Morgul.

Anyway that little bit aside I would not have minded the battle for Osgiliath as it did happen, in fact Faramir describes it in RotK right at the beginning. However I have a problem with Frodo being there and I have a real problem with him confrontin the Ringwraith. Part of the whole reason why the deception in RotK works is that Sauron is led to believe that Aragorn or maybe Gandalf actually posesses the Ring. beyond that I find it laugable to believe that Sauron would finally discover where the ring was and not immediately commit all his forces to storming the area around Osgiliath and capturing Frodo.

Posted: 2002-12-22 03:58pm
by Joe
Actually, Haldir's death was my one major gripe with the movie. Faramir doesn't bother me (static characters do not translate well to film, get over it, purists), the Elves at Helm's Deep I can deal with, Aragorn's fall I can tolerate, the love scenes with Arwen are actually pretty good and not at all unfaithful to what Tolkien had in mind (see Appendix A, Return of the King), but killing Haldir is taking a bit too much liberty, like KJA killing Crix Madine in Darksaber.

Re: Neoolong's TTT(spoilers)/Sabbatical/Random Thread

Posted: 2002-12-22 08:31pm
by neoolong
CmdrWilkens wrote:Well here's my quick $.02 worht of feedback.
neoolong wrote:<snip>
3. Edoras. Is it just me or does Edoras and the people of Rohan seem to be Norse? With the horns and the buildings and stuff. Maybe it's just me.
They were suppossed to be a combination of a little bit norse and a whole LOT of old English/Celtic.
There also seemed to be some Saracen influences on the designs of the guys marching with the huge elephants too.
d. Celeborn. His death was not as powerful as Boromir's. Though it was touching for Aragorn to be there.
That wasn't Celeborn it was Haldir.

Oops. My mistake. :(

Posted: 2002-12-22 08:37pm
by neoolong
TrailerParkJawa wrote:
10. Imagined Scene #2. Eowyn likes Aragorn. Arwen likes Aragorn. There is only one way that this can be solved. Through a long and highly sexy threesome. Remeber, I'm a scumbag?
A threesome did not occur to me. But I agree Eowyn was a hottie. I kept thinking of lifting her gown and showing Eowyn what men of Earth can do with their tounges. :shock: Im a bad man too.

What? How can you be a man and not think threesome. :D

But yeah, she is a major hottie. Even though she is about 15 years older than me, I would make an exception to my age rules and bang her. :D

Posted: 2002-12-22 08:55pm
by weemadando

Posted: 2002-12-22 09:22pm
by Exonerate
Heh, if you sound out what you just said in Chinese, it could be translated to "Stir Fried Goat" Fat.

Posted: 2002-12-22 09:34pm
by Cal Wright
I've read over Neo's and Stravo's points. I'm trying not to read much more than that. I have NOT read the books, and will not read them until after the movies. I am actually surprised, find moments suspenseful and rather enjoyable. Personally for me, the qualms are few and far between. In fact I'll have to watch it again before I can really say what I feel could be different. All in all though I loved the movie. I noticed some people are upset about how different it is when compared to the books. To me though it rocks. In fact I thought Golem (sp) was referring to the ring at the end. My friend has told me otherwise. Personally I think the last one is going to rock as well.

Posted: 2003-01-02 12:04am
by Cal Wright
Okay, I just got back from watching for the second time. The one thing I would change would be some of the Ents scenes. I'm not exactly sure how, but they came so spaced out. You'd watch something then all of the sudden it would go to them. The scenes weren't bad, it was just how they showed up. One thing though that really made me get into the movie was the fellowship. They said it was dead at the end of FotR. But to me it's still alive. They lost Boromir, so they're down one. They regained Gandalf. Pippin and Merry are together. Frodo and Samwise are together. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are together. Each part of the Fellowship is seperated but still together. Maybe at the end of Return of the King they get together. That would be great. As I watched it though, the Hobbits really kept together and looked out for each other. However they were all close friends to begin with. The one that really felt strong throughout the movie was the human, the elf and the dwarf. Legolas was ready to kill bleh, I can't remember the dudes name. The king's nephew you was banished. Legolas and elf, was ready to kill him if he took any action toward Gimli. Both were upset to think they let the Hobbits die. Even more so when it was thought Aragorn was dead. During the battle of Helm's Deep was really strong how they fought together. Whew, that's a lot to say. Basically to sum it up, is that those three represent what seems like the three main powers outside of Morrodor, and instead of going at odds they are really bound together.

Somone made the comment that Faramir was a carbon copy of Boromir. To me this is not the case. Boromir was pushy, overbearing and basically wanted to call the shots. Faramir seemed eager to claim the ring and rise, but he was also very loyal to Gondor and his father. The only thing I can think of that he resembles Boromir in is at the end. Boromir was able to overcome his greed and let Frodo go. Faramir does the same thing, he let's Frodo go. Faramir didn't have that much screen time vs Boromir so being able to see into his character anymore would be difficult.

Posted: 2003-01-02 12:41am
by Raxmei
Durran Korr wrote:Actually, Haldir's death was my one major gripe with the movie. Faramir doesn't bother me (static characters do not translate well to film, get over it, purists), the Elves at Helm's Deep I can deal with, Aragorn's fall I can tolerate, the love scenes with Arwen are actually pretty good and not at all unfaithful to what Tolkien had in mind (see Appendix A, Return of the King), but killing Haldir is taking a bit too much liberty, like KJA killing Crix Madine in Darksaber.
My main gripe about Haldir's death was that I had no clue who he was. Maybe I wasn't paying attention.

Posted: 2003-01-02 12:52am
by Vympel
I saw it for the first time the other day:


- Elves at helms deep: I thought it was unecessary. Tolkien made it quite clear that this was about men, not elves, and to me their arrival at helms deep only served to be some sort of Tolkien phanboyism.

- Faramir: I didn't have a problem with it. For one thing, his charachter was less 2d than the book Faramir, and really what Peter Jackson was doing was fleshing him out a bit while at the same time creating tension and adding meat to the entire story arc. There's no way you could follow the book in that respect.

- The battle: I liked it. A lot. Darth Wong had a gripe about the Riders of Rohan charging straight into the Orcish spears- but I got the clear impression from the film that Gandalf blinded the orcish lines so as to make the spear wall falter.

- Arwen/ Aragorn story arc: unobtrusive IMO. Nothing wrong with it, wasn't distracting

- Aragorn/Gimli/Legolas versus Frodo and Sam, Merry and Pippin: a few critics (that fat turd Ebert anyway) have criticized the film because PJ made it an 'action movie'. Unwarranted criticism. You cannot have a 3 hour film about Sam and Frodo walking to Mordor looking at fucking scenery. For me, Helm's Deep was the big thing about Two Towers the book anyway, even though it was a short chapter. Honestly, what was PJ to do, reduce it to a five minute montage?

- Gimli as comic relief: I think PJ over did it slightly in this respect.

Posted: 2003-01-02 01:11am
by Cal Wright
First off to Raxmei, I was the same way when I first saw it. I had no clue about the fucker. However, the second go around, I still do not know anymore than he is the king's son. I was told it's like this in the book. However it is deep from the king's perspective. It shows how much Soroman has his grip on the king. Then after the king is freed it shows how torn he is.

Now a lot of people have complained about elves at Helm's Deep. However to me it's a hell of a lot different. For one, the Hobbits begin to realize they can't hide in the Shire. The Ents learn they are apart of 'world' as well. So it only falls in line with the rest of the story that after the King says they are alone that he learns that it is not the case. The elves show up. To me it shows how all of middle earth is coming together to overcome evil. Sorry, like I said, I have never read the books, so I do not know what Tolkein's original intentions were. If it was to show just men, fine, but what I have gathered from watching the movies, it's about evil trying to overtake middle earth. And in that, everyone learns they are part of the bigger picture.

I'm glad I'm not alone on the Faramir perspective. I really liked the character, and I hope he's in Return of the King.

What does Wong know, really? Not like the guy is smart or anything. :twisted: I was looking really hard this time to see if anyone got speared. I can't honestly say I saw anyone go down. However, two things. Gandalf was blinding the orcs, and a lot of the shied away. Plus most of the shots were close ups of Gandalf and people around him, so if they did have riders getting knocked off, then I'd have to see it again to know for sure. Personally the battle of Helms Deep was spectacular. It felt like an all or nothing battle. Someone was bitching about Legolas 'surfing' down the stairs. When I saw that in the trailer, I about pissed myself. How the fuck do you top Legolas' manuver in FotR were he takes out an arrow, stabs a Uri Kai in the eye, pulls it out, to subsequently shoot another Uri Kai in the head? I got it, during the most intense battle, have the bastard kick up a sheild, ride it down a flight of stairs and take down five or six orcs in the process. Yet again, I cannot wait until Return of the King to see if they top themselves. I really, really loved the scene were they got on horse back and charged out the front gates. That to me was just the, we have to buy time, and this is something they won't expect. Charge!

Arwen/Aragorn again just showed how much everyone is involved with what's going on, and there's more to the big picture then men.

Critised for being an action movie?!? I never listen to critics. Most of them are overpayed shitholes. Which proves the point, those with the least to say, talk the most. It was THREE FUCKING HOURS LONG!!! It was NOT an action movie. It was a very well rounded movie.

Gimli might have been overdone just a bit. Ah, he was funnier than hell.

Toss me!
Very dangerous over short distances.