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What is so bad about STV?
Posted: 2002-12-22 07:35pm
by Pu-239
I did'nt see anything wrong with it, other than it felt too short
Posted: 2002-12-22 08:00pm
by Colonel Olrik
Is that Star Trek V ? The Star Trek V? The one where All Enterprise regulars just got dumb? Where a sentimental vulcan who wanted to talk with God, who happens to be at the centre of the galaxy (ARRRGGHHH), well beyond Enterprises's range, had a magical power and conquered, without any glorious fighting, a mythical starship?
Where nobody bothers to look at the monitors and listen to the alarm bells and a puny klingon ship again captures a mythical ship without fighting?
Where the story ends in an anticlimax and with that same sentimental vulcan psichoanalysing God, who was not God but some sort of devil?
ARRGGHHHH THE PAIN! The WASTE OF TIME! IT BURNS! The googles do nothing!
That Star Trek V ?
Posted: 2002-12-22 08:23pm
by Uraniun235
(Non-canon) Novelisation says that the Enterprise, due to being on a skeleton crew (according to the movie, even less) had few security personnel, hence what you saw at Paradise City was all the Enterprise had on that mission.
Supposedly the budget was also slashed for the film while it was in production... which has always confused me. Paramount wants better performance out of the movie, so they... cut the budget? There was also a strike going on at the time which hurt the movie.
Granted, The Final Frontier is no masterpiece, but it's a lot more fun than any of the TNG movies. I think the biggest flaws were not in the story concept (hey, a movie where they actually go exploring! imagine that!) but in the execution... and even then it's not too bad, I think the pacing is better than 3, 7, 8, 9, and maybe 10.
Posted: 2002-12-22 08:45pm
by papachulo10
I am all for kirk, yet he shouldn't direct movies. Yet all things being equal, it was just as much paramount's fault as shatners.
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:04pm
by Anarchist Bunny
You know, I've never seen a Star Trek movie before Generations. That is so sad.
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:28pm
by Darksider
if you havn't seen a TOS crew movie i recommend star trek 2 and ST6 other than that don't waste your time
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:39pm
by Pu-239
Yeah that part was pretty stupid. How could a shuttle full of people hijack a ship. Of course you can rationalize that with Syboks "powers". You people do realize I'm one of the twisted people who think Enterprise is "decent"
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:48pm
by Dalton
ST:V wasn't really horrid, just lame. The Star Wars Holiday Special was horrid. My sister watched it and is begging to be crucified.
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:55pm
by ArmorPierce
Well, I didn't like the one with v'ger all that much neither. I forget with one that was though...
Posted: 2002-12-22 10:04pm
by HemlockGrey
V'ger is in Star Trek: The Motionless Picture
Posted: 2002-12-22 10:08pm
by ArmorPierce
Thought so wan't, sure though. I'm a bit hazy and might be wrong but as I recall, there wasn't enough action in it for me.
Posted: 2002-12-22 10:56pm
by consequences
It could be worse, I have a friend who goes into a coma 15 minutes in each time he sees Star Trek V, and he doesn't recover until the movie is over. Wait a second, this means he has never seen the crappy thing.... man I envy him.
Posted: 2002-12-23 03:59pm
by Lord Pounder
all i can say isGOD HAS NO PLACE IN A SCI-FI MOVIE. It was fecking awful movie and words do not describe the awfulness of it.
Posted: 2002-12-23 05:14pm
by Durandal
Hehe, "'Thank the Lord'? That sounds like a prayer ... prayer in a public school?! GOD HAS NO PLACE IN THESE WALLS!!!!!"
And yeah, Star Trek V blew. There were rumors floating around a while back the Rodenberry hated it so much that he didn't consider it an official part of Trek canon. It might have been decent, but Shatner has no place as a director.
Posted: 2002-12-23 07:47pm
by Wicked Pilot
Before you defend ST:V, just think back to the scene with Kirk, McCoy, and Spock singing Row Row Row Your Boat.
Posted: 2002-12-23 07:49pm
by HemlockGrey
Before you defend ST:V, just think back to the scene with Kirk, McCoy, and Spock singing Row Row Row Your Boat.
I liked that scene...
Posted: 2002-12-23 07:52pm
by Colonel Olrik
HemlockGrey wrote:Before you defend ST:V, just think back to the scene with Kirk, McCoy, and Spock singing Row Row Row Your Boat.
I liked that scene...
It was a decent one. No Gods to find, and no magic Vulcans. Also, it clearly marked the end of the movie, and that's a good thing in this case.
Posted: 2002-12-24 12:14am
by Uraniun235