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Why the Gulf War wasn't a real war

Posted: 2002-12-23 04:04pm
by Lord Pounder
To Quote one of my personal hero's, Bill Hicks - A War is when one country declares war on another and the other fights back.

This time it will be a bigger rout. Saddam seems happy to become a maryter for the islamic cause.

Posted: 2002-12-23 04:09pm
by Sea Skimmer
Not a real war? Go tell that to the families of the dead on both sides.

Re: Why the Gulf War wasn't a real war

Posted: 2002-12-23 04:38pm
by CmdrWilkens
Darth Pounder wrote:To Quote one of my personal hero's, Bill Hicks - A War is when one country declares war on another and the other fights back.

This time it will be a bigger rout. Saddam seems happy to become a maryter for the islamic cause.
As one of those who might be fighting this let me say:


Posted: 2002-12-23 04:39pm
by Lord Pounder
Hey i am in the UK reserve army I can be called too but the fact of the matter is this is gonna be a very quick war and all we're gonna do is make maryters for the Islamic cause.

Posted: 2002-12-23 04:53pm
by CmdrWilkens
Darth Pounder wrote:Hey i am in the UK reserve army I can be called too but the fact of the matter is this is gonna be a very quick war and all we're gonna do is make maryters for the Islamic cause.
Let me introduce you to something called reality:
Reality Check 1
Reality check 2

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:00pm
by Lord Pounder
Look the fact of the matter is there is no way Iraq can fight the Allied forces of the US and UK. We will take Saddam out, but we'll make a maryter out of the man. It would be the final straw and would cause the Muslim countries to band togeather. If they do that we are in a lot of trouble. Many people already think GWB is only starting a war to get the oil and a sudden action like the one suggested in the article would only gain Saddam more support, especially among facist left wing Europe.

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:07pm
by Colonel Olrik
Darth Pounder wrote:Many people already think GWB is only starting a war to get the oil and a sudden action like the one suggested in the article would only gain Saddam more support, especially among facist left wing Europe.
"Fascist" left wing europe? You're being an idiot. Care to explain how they are fascist? Don't they accept democracy? Do they want to impose a militaristic order on the society? It seems that anybody you don't agree with is either a troll or a fascist.

Posted: 2002-12-23 08:12pm
by TrailerParkJawa
A guy from my High School ran over a land mine while driving a Hummer. He hurt his leg and Ive heard the experience haunts him even now. Go tell him it was'nt a war.

Go tell the all the poorly trained and poorly led Iraqi conscripts that it was'nt a war.

Go tell another guy from my high school that he did not witness SCUD missiles being engaged by Patriots while he was sitting in his track.

Posted: 2002-12-23 09:48pm
by Enforcer Talen
legally, it wasnt a war. morally and physically? of course it was.

and, I dont think saddam will be a martyr figure. if we can get his body, I think he'll be forgotten, assuming we replace it with something better. my worry is we wont find him; he'll escape during the city fight at the capital.

Posted: 2002-12-23 10:47pm
by CmdrWilkens
Darth Pounder wrote:Look the fact of the matter is there is no way Iraq can fight the Allied forces of the US and UK. We will take Saddam out, but we'll make a maryter out of the man. It would be the final straw and would cause the Muslim countries to band togeather. If they do that we are in a lot of trouble. Many people already think GWB is only starting a war to get the oil and a sudden action like the one suggested in the article would only gain Saddam more support, especially among facist left wing Europe.
Did you even READ what I gave you? If Iraq fails to surrender en amsse and Saddam does not step down then we would be left with the task of attacking Baghdad, a massive MOUT that would be in scale similair to the taking of Seoul in 1950 which cost thousands of lives. All of that doesn't even take into account the chance that he might use chemical or biological weapons.

You can keep jerking off to the suppossed massive advantage we have and there is no doubt that we can win, the quesiton is HOW MANY will die not if any will die on our side.

Posted: 2002-12-23 10:56pm
by Sea Skimmer
Enforcer Talen wrote:legally, it wasnt a war. morally and physically? of course it was.

and, I dont think saddam will be a martyr figure. if we can get his body, I think he'll be forgotten, assuming we replace it with something better. my worry is we wont find him; he'll escape during the city fight at the capital.

The legal bit is suspect, since it was a UN op with resolutions authorizing the use of force by member nations.

Posted: 2002-12-23 11:00pm
by Ted
Darth Pounder wrote:Many people already think GWB is only starting a war to get the oil and a sudden action like the one suggested in the article would only gain Saddam more support, especially among facist left wing Europe.
You do realize that the last part is totally hypocritical?


Idiot. :roll:

Posted: 2002-12-24 03:14am
by Enforcer Talen
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Enforcer Talen wrote:legally, it wasnt a war. morally and physically? of course it was.

and, I dont think saddam will be a martyr figure. if we can get his body, I think he'll be forgotten, assuming we replace it with something better. my worry is we wont find him; he'll escape during the city fight at the capital.

The legal bit is suspect, since it was a UN op with resolutions authorizing the use of force by member nations.

Posted: 2002-12-24 03:20am
by Sea Skimmer
Ted wrote:
Darth Pounder wrote:Many people already think GWB is only starting a war to get the oil and a sudden action like the one suggested in the article would only gain Saddam more support, especially among facist left wing Europe.
You do realize that the last part is totally hypocritical?


Idiot. :roll:
Fascist is generally used to describe any form authoritarian state.

Re: Why the Gulf War wasn't a real war

Posted: 2002-12-24 03:25am
by C.S.Strowbridge
Darth Pounder wrote:This time it will be a bigger rout. Saddam seems happy to become a maryter for the islamic cause.
I don't think Saddam is big into the whole religion thing. Certainly not as big as his neighbours.

BTW, I heard people who've spoken directly with him. They think Saddam thinks he can win. He's not planning on being a martyr for anything.

Posted: 2002-12-24 03:30am
by Enforcer Talen
nah, he doesnt strike me as religious. amoral, arrogant, and foolish - a typical despot, yes. religious, no.

Posted: 2002-12-24 10:24am
by HemlockGrey
Maybe not foolish. He's rather cunning, and his extreme paranoia will make it extremely difficult to take him alive.

However, I hear he's dying of cancer. And, once forced from his posistion, he is not the sort that inspires the loyalty necessary for an underground revolt.

Re: Why the Gulf War wasn't a real war

Posted: 2002-12-24 11:29pm
by phongn
C.S.Strowbridge wrote:
Darth Pounder wrote:This time it will be a bigger rout. Saddam seems happy to become a maryter for the islamic cause.
I don't think Saddam is big into the whole religion thing. Certainly not as big as his neighbours.
AFAIK he's relatively secular and generally uses religion for political purposes.

Posted: 2002-12-25 02:01pm
by Enlightenment
HemlockGrey wrote:However, I hear he's dying of cancer. And, once forced from his posistion, he is not the sort that inspires the loyalty necessary for an underground revolt.
There is also, unfortunately, the matter of his son. He has (literally) his own private, extremely loyal, army and it's highly unlikely that he or his followers will take losing his 'birthright' to rule Iraq lying down.

Posted: 2002-12-26 10:47am
by Tsyroc
Enlightenment wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote:However, I hear he's dying of cancer. And, once forced from his posistion, he is not the sort that inspires the loyalty necessary for an underground revolt.
There is also, unfortunately, the matter of his son. He has (literally) his own private, extremely loyal, army and it's highly unlikely that he or his followers will take losing his 'birthright' to rule Iraq lying down.

You forgot to mention that son has already proved himself to be a very nasty bastard in his own right. I recall seeing a news show on him and he was basically in charge of the secret police. He also made the country's soccer team play with a concrete ball after they lost a critical match.

Posted: 2002-12-26 10:59am
by HemlockGrey
The son may have his own Praetorian Guard, but how can it stand up to the US armed forces? He is a really nasty bastard, so I highly doubt the general populous will support him short of gunpoint, and no matter how highly trained his private army is it will not stand up to the US military.

Posted: 2002-12-26 02:17pm
by Lord Pounder
Yeah thats my point a war is when one country attacks the other and the other country offers some resistance. In the 1st Gulf war more Allied soldiers died to friendly fire (thanks america) than to Iraqi forces.

The Gulf War pt 2 will be even worse

Posted: 2002-12-26 03:41pm
by Admiral Piett
Darth Pounder wrote: The Gulf War pt 2 will be even worse
I would not be so sure.If,and remember that if is the keyword, they decided to resist and managed to entrench themselves in the cities they could cause some losses.
Baghdad has a population of nearly five millions of people and would be defended by 15-25000 troops of the Special Republican Guards.
With all those civilians simply carpetbombing the place is not an option.
And if there is someone willing to use his own population as hostage,that is certainly Saddam,so do not count on him letting everyone leave the city if preventing that is in his power.
No doubts that the US would prevail but it might not be an other zero casualties war.

Posted: 2002-12-26 04:10pm
by Oberleutnant
I guess the outcome of the war depends heavily on how fast Saddam and his inner circle will be eliminated. If not, then USA and Britain will dominate the sea, air and desert, but urban areas will be entirely a different thing. Losses would be inevitable there.

WTF is wrong with non-Europeans (often Americans), who nowadays often seem to believe that Europe has become the playground of left wing socialists and extreme right wing racists?

Posted: 2002-12-26 04:11pm
by Dark Primus
People also forgetting, the civilians may not fight for Saddam but they will fight for themselves, their family and for their country. And that is why I believe the civilian losses will be very high in this coming war.