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Christmas whiners
Posted: 2002-12-24 01:34am
by Darth Wong
Another year, another boatload of fucking people whining and mewling that Christmas is being "commercialized". Can someone please explain to these assholes that they do not have the right to dicate to the rest of us how we should celebrate our fucking holidays, and that their holiday is NOT more intrinsically valid than ours?
There is an incredible irony in the fact that these assholes whine about the non-denominational term "X-mas" or "Happy Holidays" (because it's so unreasonable of other religions to ask for us to respect their beliefs), and then turn around and scream that anything less than a full-blown "shove Christianity down your throat" Christmas is somehow an offense to our nation (and we can't commercialize it, because it would ... offend their beliefs).
Oh well, I just felt like ranting. You may now return to your regular sexual degeneracy.
Posted: 2002-12-24 01:39am
by ArmorPierce
Lets never forget that capitalism is the true meaning of X-MAS
Posted: 2002-12-24 01:55am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Keep in mind that Chistians had to use left handed tactics to even get people to worship Chirstmas as the birthday of Jesus. They moved the birthday to the winter solstice and built churches ontop the hills which pagans celebrated this holiday...... which was even celebrated by the Pre-Christan Romans who exchanged GIFTS during the Solstice. Fucking Christans have such audicity. I'm so sick of religion and irrationality in all its forms, I swear this kind of crap is going to drive me insane.
Re: Christmas whiners
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:04am
by C.S.Strowbridge
Darth Wong wrote:Another year, another boatload of fucking people whining and mewling that Christmas is being "commercialized". Can someone please explain to these assholes that they do not have the right to dicate to the rest of us how we should celebrate our fucking holidays, and that their holiday is NOT more intrinsically valid than ours?
There is an incredible irony in the fact that these assholes whine about the non-denominational term "X-mas" or "Happy Holidays" (because it's so unreasonable of other religions to ask for us to respect their beliefs), and then turn around and scream that anything less than a full-blown "shove Christianity down your throat" Christmas is somehow an offense to our nation (and we can't commercialize it, because it would ... offend their beliefs).
Oh well, I just felt like ranting. You may now return to your regular sexual degeneracy.
I don't hate the comercialization of Christmas, I hate the traditional 'get together with yout family' Christmas crap. Well fuck it, I
like being alone. If I wanted to be with my family I'd visit more often.
'But we love you and want to spend time with you.'
If you love me you'd want me to be happy. And right now, happines is being at home running people over in GTA3. (48,000 dead and counting. 53,000 if you add in the people others have killed.) But no, you'd rather I'm miserable just so you could be happy.
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:13am
by Howedar
BlkbrryTheGreat wrote:Fucking Christans have such audicity. I'm so sick of religion and irrationality in all its forms, I swear this kind of crap is going to drive me insane.
Because we all know that, assuming that all of this is 100% true, modern-day Christians (no matter what their individual beliefs) are responsible both for holiday-hijacking two millenia ago and bitching by particular fundamentalist individuals.
Honestly, a few of you are as irrational as the fundies.
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:17am
by ArmorPierce
Wouldn't be the first holiday that the hijacked. Oh well, that's Christianity fer ya.
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:19am
by Vertigo1
If its not them, its the whiners moaning about how they couldn't get a buttload of gifts for whomever. Thats all you ever see on the news anymore, other than more of Bush's fuckups. And people wonder why I hardly watch TV anymore....
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:34am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Howedar wrote:BlkbrryTheGreat wrote:Fucking Christans have such audicity. I'm so sick of religion and irrationality in all its forms, I swear this kind of crap is going to drive me insane.
Because we all know that, assuming that all of this is 100% true, modern-day Christians (no matter what their individual beliefs) are responsible both for holiday-hijacking two millenia ago and bitching by particular fundamentalist individuals.
Honestly, a few of you are as irrational as the fundies.
1. Fundamentalists count as modern-day Christians.... or did they all just happen to travel in time to get here?
2. I never accussed all Christians of stealing the holiday or bitching. Since this is case I fail to see how anything I said is irrational.
3. I was providing information about the origin of the holiday and the dishonest nature of Christianty. Since hundreds millions of people still ascribe to the same religion (or a minor derivative of it) which practiced these tactics, I fail to see how this WOULDN'T be pertinant information in relation to the Christianity as it exists now. After all we STILL celebrate the holiday in December, even when we KNOW that it isn't the month Jesus was born, (we when it was roughly, on information from the Bible "oddly" enough).
4. Christianity is irrational, get use to it.
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:34am
why can't we make it XXXmus
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:47am
by consequences
And there's the sexual degeneracy, about time too.
So who else thinks Santa Claus would look hot in a thong
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:50am
by Enlightenment
consequences wrote:And there's the sexual degeneracy, about time too.
So who else thinks Santa Claus would look hot in a thong
Maybe I should make a 'gross mental images' thread to go along with 'that's not natural...'
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:55am
by XaLEv
consequences wrote:And there's the sexual degeneracy, about time too.
So who else thinks Santa Claus would look hot in a thong
Mrs. Claus perhaps...
Posted: 2002-12-24 03:11am
by Robert Treder
To be a history nitpicker, 'Xmas' isn't a secular term; 'X' has been a church-sanctioned abbreviation of 'Christ' for a very long time. It used to be used more liberally, but the term 'Xmas' has become quite common, so the substitution practice has become more or less specific to being used in that word. Still, however, it is used as 'Xian' (for Christian) in some circles. Run an internet search for Xian, and sift through the references to the Chinese region of the same name and you'll see what I mean.
'Xmas' is more and more thought of as secular due to its ubiquitous use in advertisements. As with many abbreviations, publications make heavy use of this one, as it saves space and therefore money. So, many see 'Xmas' chiefly in association with advertisments and therefore associate it with capitalism and commercialization. This does not, however, remove the Christian origin of the term.
Posted: 2002-12-24 08:04am
by Damaramu
Bah! Festivus for the rest of us, I say!
Re: Christmas whiners
Posted: 2002-12-24 08:24am
by Patrick Degan
Darth Wong wrote:Another year, another boatload of fucking people whining and mewling that Christmas is being "commercialized". Can someone please explain to these assholes that they do not have the right to dicate to the rest of us how we should celebrate our fucking holidays, and that their holiday is NOT more intrinsically valid than ours?
There is an incredible irony in the fact that these assholes whine about the non-denominational term "X-mas" or "Happy Holidays" (because it's so unreasonable of other religions to ask for us to respect their beliefs), and then turn around and scream that anything less than a full-blown "shove Christianity down your throat" Christmas is somehow an offense to our nation (and we can't commercialize it, because it would ... offend their beliefs).
Well, the commercialism
does cheapen the sacred, spiritual aspect of this holiday celebrating the Roman Saturnalian festival, and diminishes the deeper meaning of my Norse yule tree symbolising Yggdrasil in honour of Odin Allfather. And people really don't understand the importance of the Fertility Wreath either, especially when they can get one for 30% off during S-Mart's post-Christimas clearance.
I guess it's just something you have to live with in today's world.
Oh well, I just felt like ranting. You may now return to your regular sexual degeneracy.
Sounds good to me.
Posted: 2002-12-24 08:27am
by Patrick Degan
Damaramu wrote:Bah! Festivus for the rest of us, I say!
Festival! FESTIVAL!
Re: Christmas whiners
Posted: 2002-12-24 09:38am
by Antediluvian
Darth Wong wrote:Another year, another boatload of fucking people whining and mewling that Christmas is being "commercialized". Can someone please explain to these assholes that they do not have the right to dicate to the rest of us how we should celebrate our fucking holidays, and that their holiday is NOT more intrinsically valid than ours?
There is an incredible irony in the fact that these assholes whine about the non-denominational term "X-mas" or "Happy Holidays" (because it's so unreasonable of other religions to ask for us to respect their beliefs), and then turn around and scream that anything less than a full-blown "shove Christianity down your throat" Christmas is somehow an offense to our nation (and we can't commercialize it, because it would ... offend their beliefs).
Oh well, I just felt like ranting. You may now return to your regular sexual degeneracy.
You hould hear them scream about that on the various fundie shows. Back when I used to watch them and when I flip past them now, it's like the main topic of discussion this time of year.
I feel like saying: "You want some cheese with that whine?"
Count on fundies to try to ruin it for everyone.
Posted: 2002-12-24 12:29pm
by pellaeons_scion
My dads a fundy xian. One year when I was a kid the church decided that because of the commercialisation of christmas that it wanted all its members to either refuse presents from family ( not in the church) or accept them and give them to 'charity'. Other sucky things about a fundy xmas.....looong, boring speeches in church, lotsa crappy hymns, and listening to the story of Jesus for the 4 billionth time.
Save the planet, Aid Evolution, KILL A FUNDY!
Posted: 2002-12-24 12:32pm
by pellaeons_scion
My dads a fundy xian. One year when I was a kid the church decided that because of the commercialisation of christmas that it wanted all its members to either refuse presents from family ( not in the church) or accept them and give them to 'charity'. Other sucky things about a fundy xmas.....looong, boring speeches in church, lotsa crappy hymns, and listening to the story of Jesus for the 4 billionth time.
Save the planet, Aid Evolution, KILL A FUNDY!
Bring on commercial Xmas I say. Dispense with the fraudulent religious illusion and lets just have a day where we have a bang-up party where people get drunk as and have fun. Religion kills fun. So lets kill religion
Posted: 2002-12-24 01:36pm
by Howedar
BlkbrryTheGreat wrote:
1. Fundamentalists count as modern-day Christians.... or did they all just happen to travel in time to get here?
Many fundamentalists are also Christian. That does not make all Christians fundamentalists.
2. I never accussed all Christians of stealing the holiday or bitching. Since this is case I fail to see how anything I said is irrational.
"Fucking Christians have such audacity..."
I don't see any differentiation in here between some Christians and others.
3. I was providing information about the origin of the holiday and the dishonest nature of Christianty. Since hundreds millions of people still ascribe to the same religion (or a minor derivative of it) which practiced these tactics, I fail to see how this WOULDN'T be pertinant information in relation to the Christianity as it exists now. After all we STILL celebrate the holiday in December, even when we KNOW that it isn't the month Jesus was born, (we when it was roughly, on information from the Bible "oddly" enough).
I'll bet you practice speaking modern-day English. So, do you also combine modern Germanic dialects and French in your everyday speech?
4. Christianity is irrational, get use to it.
Helloooooo, take a reading comprehension course. I said you were
as irrational as a fundie. Does that mean I think that fundies are rational?
Are you intentionally so asinine, or is it just a gift?
Posted: 2002-12-24 01:48pm
by InnerBrat
I don't understand why fundies think they can celebrate Christmas at all.
Hear me out: I'm talking about the scary freakish fundies like Jack Chick who think that Catholics / Gays / Rock Stars can't possibly be Christians because they don't take the Bible absolutely at face value literally.
Christmas is one of the traditions that has been retained from the times when the Roman Church ruled supreme over the Western world. Recent fundies have rejected the entire Catholic tradition to rebuild Christianity form what is left of the writings about Jesus (i.e. the Bible, as nearlt all other texts were considered blasphemous and destoyed)
If anyone can point me to the passage in the Bible that says Jesus was born on 25/12 and everyone must celebrate this occasion, fine. But as long as it's not pointed out, celebration of Christmas is a traditional custom just as much as every other Catholis sacrement that fundies reject.
So literal bible fundies can fuck off. Christmas/Solstice, whatever you call it, is nothing to do with their warped version of Christianity.
Posted: 2002-12-24 01:53pm
by Colonel Olrik
Posted: 2002-12-24 01:54pm
by HemlockGrey
The Airing of Grievences has already commenced, I see...
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:09pm
by InnerBrat
Grey, I don't know about your beliefs at all, but because you're sensible and logical, I'm going to make a minor assumption about your beliefs and stress that my rant was very probably not directed at you.
I'm a bit peed off because a 1-line post I posted on another board wishing people a happy solstice was deleted, and I feel that extreme fundy Xtians that whine about 'the true meaning of Christmas', and yet beleive that every single word in the Bible should be taken at absolute face value.
Because you're reasonable and sensible, I don't include you in this group.
Posted: 2002-12-24 02:13pm
by InnerBrat
Had to last this, but I couldn't remember or find the entire song, but it was on
It's Been A Bad Week last year:
The true meaning of Christmas is to eat until it hurts
Then drink until it don't hurt anymore