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Grey demands a custom title!

Posted: 2002-12-24 09:43pm
by HemlockGrey
Yes! Verily, I doth demand(read: beg for) a custom title! Show mercy, yea Lord Wong, and deliever unto me as a Christmas gift the gift of a custom title!

Verily, thou mayest flipest a coin, for there are two titles I would like and I cannot decide!

1) Company Brother, for lo, I am a fanatical follower of the Black Company

2) Number Three, for reasons that should be verily obvious(Think; Twelve Angry Men!)

Thankee and goodnight!

Posted: 2002-12-24 09:44pm
by Sea Skimmer
My vote

3) Acid Boy

Posted: 2002-12-24 09:45pm
by Captain Cyran
Good luck...

Posted: 2002-12-24 09:46pm
by jodathalas
I was an infintil brat once. Err, yeah.
*Walks away, shoulders slumped.*

Posted: 2002-12-24 09:46pm
by HemlockGrey
Acid boy? Is this somehow related to the alleged stockpiles of LSD that are allegedly making the rounds in my town?

Posted: 2002-12-24 09:50pm
by Sea Skimmer
HemlockGrey wrote:Acid boy? Is this somehow related to the alleged stockpiles of LSD that are allegedly making the rounds in my town?
Remove the word alleged and replace with considerable then delete allegedly completely and you've got it.

Posted: 2002-12-24 10:45pm
by HemlockGrey
I haven't seen any...

Posted: 2002-12-24 10:53pm
by Sea Skimmer
Your on the young side for it, youngest person I know of on LSD was 15, fired his brain in 6 months. Wait two years and then take a look around. That shit is everywhere. Weed and paint are the substance for the 12-14 year old user.

Every town west of Phily, mine included, is a textbook example of lesser drugs being more common in the suburbs then the intercity. Yours just seems to have more of the major stuff.

Posted: 2002-12-24 11:15pm
by RedImperator
I wonder why South Jersey is so dry...nothing but Delaware ditch weed and some Percoset flying around from what I've been told, and not much of that besides.

Posted: 2002-12-24 11:19pm
by Wicked Pilot
Oh I see, "Rabid Monkey" is not good enough for you. When I was your age, I had to walk five miles through the snow to get a custom title.

Posted: 2002-12-24 11:29pm
by Kuja
I like the reasons behind and the sound of 'Acid Boy'. I second the motion.

Posted: 2002-12-25 12:13am
by Sea Skimmer
RedImperator wrote:I wonder why South Jersey is so dry...nothing but Delaware ditch weed and some Percoset flying around from what I've been told, and not much of that besides.
I'm surprised by that. But then I'd don't have a web of friends spread across 50 miles of New Jersey to keep me informed.

Perhapes NJ's anti drug campaigns don't piss kids off so much that by the end we/they want to go out and smoke something just to shove it to them. Whoever in change of Pennsylvania's stuff is very good at making the crap do just that.

So Wicked Pilot, was it also uphill both ways with the wind in your face no matter which way you turned?

Posted: 2002-12-25 12:36am
by Cal Wright
First of all, Ocean Spammer, he lived in a Valley.

Second, how bout this for a title/

Wong's Bitch

Posted: 2002-12-25 01:30am
by Sea Skimmer
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:First of all, Ocean Spammer, he lived in a Valley.

Second, how bout this for a title/

Wong's Bitch
That name has no meaning to me puny one.

*Begins force choking DG Cal Wright*

You will address me by the custom title, which I have selected and you will vote in favor of Acid Boy. Do you understand?

*Tightens the choke*

Do you?

Posted: 2002-12-25 02:43am
by consequences
Acid Boy works.
Boy Pond Surfer, you really need to relax, and let the Force flow through you to choke someone, rather than trying to bend it to your will.

Posted: 2002-12-25 09:11am
by HemlockGrey
Acid Boy can kiss my ass.

Posted: 2002-12-25 10:08am
by Cal Wright
::shews Lake Hopper aside.::

Well, you don't like Acid Boy eh?

Aright, Acid Boy it is...

Posted: 2002-12-25 03:24pm
by Sea Skimmer
HemlockGrey wrote:Acid Boy can kiss my ass.
I doubt you can actually bend that far.

Posted: 2002-12-25 04:24pm
by Stormbringer
Hemlock, if you want a goddamn custom title ask Mike about instead of posting thread after thread about it. If you don't have the guts to ask directly do fucking bother!