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My night thus far...

Posted: 2002-12-27 04:19am
by weemadando
Just stepped out to go to the corner store, 5 minutes, max. Back in time for the Simpsons.

Wrong. Half an hour, one juiced up nutter and police response later...

Here I am.

I'll start at the beginning, I'm moving house tomorrow. As such my fridge is kind of empty and I'm kind of hungry, I decide to go to the store.

I step out onto the street and on the other side of the road about a third of the block up there is some wanker shouting and yelling at a another car. To start with I thought this was a case of roadrage. Another driver had pulled up and was getting in the guys face, trying to get him away from the car. Thinking this might be amusing I stand and watch for about 30seconds as this guy rants and yells. I gather from this time that its a domestic dispute. Suddenly the guy lunges in the window and punches the occupant of the car. I run across the road and several others at a nearby bus-stop step up.

The guy looks like he's going to get back in his car and drive off, when suddenly he comes back over ranting and yelling again. At this point I notice that a number of children are also in the car. Having been in their place before I held place in case something else happened (police had already been called). This guy was allegedly drunk and also high as a fucking kite on valium. He attempted to demonstrate to the gathered people that he was perfectly fine. The person who had arrived before me (a female busdriver who was happily getting in this guys face) began standing across the drivers window to block any more attacks.

More ranting, yelling and a few half-hearted lunges later he goes to his (utter shitbox) of a car and tries to start it, it fails, he comes back across, completely ignoring everyone in his way (about 4 of us by now) and starts ranting and yelling again. At this point, an old lady who was one of the people gathered there got in the car to try and comfort the kiddies.

More yelling and carrying on. The guy goes to his car again. And comes back again. He gives the woman a watch and takes a bracelet that he'd apparently given her. He goes back to his car, and comes back. Carry on ad nauseum. Now the problem is that if any one of us touch him without him making another action he can happily have us charged with assault, sure it'd be dropped in an instant by any court, but it would utterly fuck up any potential charges against him. So those of us who would be quite willing to lay the smack down on this utter fuck-tard are left standing there, being able to do nothing other than get in the way.

After yet more of the fucking yelling a cop car appears and the guy decides that he might make a break for it. He goes down a driveway that I know leads to a dead-end carpark. Cops go after him and eventually drag him back.

Cue: standing around waiting for a details/statement to be taken as this fuck-tard denies everything and the woman that he attacked likely drops all fucking charges because "he didn't mean it."

Coming back from the shop I walk straight past the cop car where the guy is bailed up against by the police trying to talk his way out of it.

Fucking hell did I get one hell of a dirty look.

You know, looking back on it, it would have been immensively satisfying, if utterly unproductive to have beaten the living shit out of that arsehole.

Anyhow. Thats my night thus far. I can tell you its only going to more boring from here.

Posted: 2002-12-27 04:28am
by Falkenhorst
That's pretty crazy stuff, man. Around here, the only news is drunk people killing one another in giant car accidents and idiot teenagers.

Posted: 2002-12-27 04:54am
by Cpt_Frank
:shock: That's some shit!

Re: My night thus far...

Posted: 2002-12-27 05:18am
by The Duchess of Zeon
weemadando wrote: Fucking hell did I get one hell of a dirty look.

You know, looking back on it, it would have been immensively satisfying, if utterly unproductive to have beaten the living shit out of that arsehole.

Anyhow. Thats my night thus far. I can tell you its only going to more boring from here.
A pity you don't live in Texas. Then you could've capped him for looking at you funny like that. *grin*

Posted: 2002-12-27 06:01am
by Crown
Ah, a lovely domestic to start/end the night with. Could life become anymore pathetic? :?

Re: My night thus far...

Posted: 2002-12-27 06:04am
by XaLEv
The Duchess of Zeon wrote: A pity you don't live in Texas. Then you could've capped him for looking at you funny like that. *grin*
Fuckin A!

*Fires M1 Carbine into the air*

Posted: 2002-12-27 07:55am
by Mark S
You know, welcom to the club. Shit like that has been happening to me more often than not lately. The strange part is it's all been while I'VE been drinking. Breaking up fights over women, breaking up domestic disputes, finding lost children, all while I, and those I'm trying to quietly share time with, have been in the bag. It seems I can't drink anymore without falling ass-backwards into doing a good deed. I'm starting to call my little group The Drunken Rangers. And no, we don't get all plastered and go looking for this, and none of us are meddlers by nature. Just always seems to be a wrong place, wrong time thing.

Posted: 2002-12-27 09:39am
by Next of Kin
I feel horrible for the kids in the car! Weedmad, I'm impressed that you showed restraint. A lesser man would have begun a fight and then you might have spent the night in the cinder-block hilton.

Posted: 2002-12-27 11:05am
by Ghost Rider
One helluva a story...and well at least something to regale.

Posted: 2002-12-27 12:14pm
by Zaia
Next of Kin wrote:I feel horrible for the kids in the car! Weedmad, I'm impressed that you showed restraint. A lesser man would have begun a fight and then you might have spent the night in the cinder-block hilton.
My sentiments exactly. Those poor kids... :( And I'm really glad that you didn't beat the shit out of that guy; he wouldn't have gotten anything from it other than plastic surgery to fix his face back up, and you could have gotten into a hell of a lot of trouble.

I'm sorry you ending up missing 'The Simpsons,' too. That blows.