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Posted: 2006-05-01 04:18am
by Darth Wong
After having seen the latest McDonald's commercials, I have concluded that the entire McDonald's executive suite is filled with mentally retarded people.
Fucking toasted deli sandwiches at McDonald's? Lemme see, in my recollection there's been McDonald's pizza, McDonald's burritos, McDonald's pasta, McDonald's ethnic fucking salads, McDonald's fajitas, McDonald's Every Fucking Thing In The World But A Decent Goddamned Hamburger.
Is it really so difficult for McDonald's execs to understand that the public's tastes in fast food have become more sophisticated over the last few decades, and that we now expect higher-quality food, which is more important than a broadened menu? Who gives a damn how many exciting new entries are on the menu if they all taste like shit?
And why do they continue their strategy of expanding by opening more branches in this already overcrowded market segment, especially when those branches are often too close to existing branches and end up causing fratricidal losses?
In recent years, I've seen several McDonald's franchises go out of business. This would have been absolutely unheard-of once upon a time, yet it's happening now. What is the problem with McDonald's? Why can't they realize that they should improve the quality of their core product before attempting to solve their problems by branching out? If they can't even make a decent fucking burger after 50 goddamned years of experience, why should I trust them to make decent toasted deli sandwiches? Especially when I can get better ones at an actual deli?
Posted: 2006-05-01 04:32am
by Lusankya
The turkey and cranberry ones are actually quite nice. Overpriced, granted, however in my opinion anything sandwitch bought from a shop is overpriced when you consider that it costs about a dollar to make it at home.
I do agree with you on the burger's being crap though. Part of the problem (in my non-expert opinion, of course), is that they hire schoolgirls (it's mainly girls for some reason) and pay them $5 Australian an hour, and have a large, relatively untrained, unmotivated staff which really doesn't care if their store goes under because the market is oversaturated and there's another one five minutes away.
Oh, and they seem to buy their beef from UK discount suppliers. Or the spare parts bin of Holden or something. And their buns have more sugar than most cakes I make, because they get them from America Trailerpark Sugariness Inc..
ROAR!!!!! says GOJIRA!!!!!
Posted: 2006-05-01 08:51am
by Col. Crackpot
McDonald's will never impove quality to satisfy the tastes of a mature market. They can't do that without being forced to sell their offerings at a higher pricepoint. To so would alienate their core market of poor ignorant fat people. Though they did make a few half assed attempts along the way. The Mc DLT, The Big N' Tasty come to mind.
Posted: 2006-05-01 09:01am
by Admiral Valdemar
They've only just got Deli Sandwiches there? They've been here months and, I have to say, they're probably the few decent things worth eating at the place, though not a touch on Subway.
I felt the McD's team lost it when they used that fucking horrible "i'm loving it" campaign. Now they're trying to get rid of the "McJob" image they have. Good luck.
Posted: 2006-05-01 09:01am
by Ghost Rider
Raising the quality would mean getting procedures to cook these thing properly and actually buying it. Far easier in the short term execs mind to simply keep the low grade(because it sells to the ignorant and cheap) and have the occasional "New thing".
Also the big thing about places going out of business is because they are now competing against themselves versus yesteryear's thought of other chains.
Posted: 2006-05-01 09:08am
by theski
Col. Crackpot wrote:McDonald's will never impove quality to satisfy the tastes of a mature market. They can't do that without being forced to sell their offerings at a higher pricepoint. To so would alienate their core market of poor ignorant fat people. Though they did make a few half assed attempts along the way. The Mc DLT, The Big N' Tasty come to mind.
Here in the States .. Hardees is taking a big bite.. out of the Burger market here..
Posted: 2006-05-01 09:10am
by Admiral Valdemar
McDonald's is in serious trouble in the EU, and especially the UK where they're losing sales rapidly and their main customer seems to be ASBO holding chavs. Add the McJob image that they defined and they're bizarre PR campaigns and you have a headless chicken flailing. It's only been the past couple of years that have seen the corporation actually lose money for the first time ever.
Posted: 2006-05-01 09:35am
by Stravo
What gives me a chuckle is the newest ad campaign geared towards kids that implies that McDonalds can be part of a healthy diet. They have Ronald McDonald on a bike riding with some kids after they've eaten a McDonald's meal and the commercial happily tells kids to exercise, etc.
Pathetic and sad. I haven't seen this deli sandwhich offer in the NYC area. Though perhaps offering deli sandwhiches in NYC not such a good idea.
Posted: 2006-05-01 10:20am
by Lusankya
Admiral Valdemar wrote:They've only just got Deli Sandwiches there? They've been here months and, I have to say, they're probably the few decent things worth eating at the place, though not a touch on Subway.
I felt the McD's team lost it when they used that fucking horrible "i'm loving it" campaign. Now they're trying to get rid of the "McJob" image they have. Good luck.
You've only had them for a matter of months? We've had them for two to three years.
ROAR!!!!! says GOJIRA!!!!!
Posted: 2006-05-01 10:37am
by Tsyroc
theski wrote:Here in the States .. Hardees is taking a big bite.. out of the Burger market here..
That's interesting. I always liked Hardees but for their other sandwiches. The roast beef, and the ham & swiss. Hardees was always kind of like Arbys but with burgers. A really long time ago they used to have a fried tenderloin sandwich that I really liked.
The other thing is that Hardees doesn't exist down here. I think they are part of the same company as Carl's Junior but I can't say that I've ever been inclined to try CJ. They have those nasty commercials where people get their sandwhiches all over the place.
I'd much rather eat at Jack-in-the-Box if I'm going to get a fast food burger. Plus the commercials are funny.
Anyway, back on McDonalds. This last two weeks I've picked up some food through the same 24hr McDonald's drive-thru. Both times my order was jacked up in some way. I also noticed that at this 24hr place the menu is a bit truncated. I think it's because they must offer the breakfast stuff for a longer amount of time during the day. It was also clear that this place definately stock piles sandwhiches and then nukes them (if you're lucky) when ordered.
McDonalds and even a few other chains seem to be shoe horning stores wherever they can. There's a McDonalds stuffed into the convenience mart at a gas station next to one of the local high schools. One morning my mom tried to get an eggmcmuffin from the. They couldn't give it to her because they didn't carry those. Instead they were pushing those nasty mcgriddles that they've been advertising the crap out of.
How can a McDonalds not carry their classice items? What's next, a McDonalds without a Big Mac or a Quarterpounder?
While my recent McDonalds experience has been a bit of a turn off I did think that the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese they gave me (I ordered a Quarter Pounder) would have been pretty good if it had actually been fresh instead of recently nuked. Still, I think two strikes is enough to keep me away from McDonalds for a long time. At least until I get stupid or hungry enough to try them again.
Reminder: One of the things I have on my list of things never to do again in my lifetime is to buy a McRib. I used to get one of those every time they brought them back and every time I'd be about 2/3rds of the way through it and wondering why I was stupid enough to get one of these again. So no more McRibs. I think I've made it more than 10 years since I was last stupid enoug to buy one of those.
Posted: 2006-05-01 10:42am
by Raj Ahten
I think Lusankya nailed this when he mentioned the unmotivated workforce. When I had the misfortune of taking fast food jobs, I was one of the few people working at my restaurant that actually seems to give a damn about customer service and basic food quality. The fact that everything comes precooked from some factory doesn't help with quality though, either.
Posted: 2006-05-01 11:09am
by Macunaima
The way of thinking of their marketing department is really weird sometimes. Some months ago, McDonald's around here introduced the Big'n Tasty with a marketing campaign saying that it was "The Killer Sandwich"... just at the same fucking time that Super Size Me hits the local theaters with a lot of press coverage. Yeah, the "killer" part of the slogan implied that it was to kill the consumer's hungry, but I mean, the irony of it was absurd...!
Posted: 2006-05-01 12:11pm
by Darth Raptor
Col. Crackpot wrote:McDonald's will never impove quality to satisfy the tastes of a mature market. They can't do that without being forced to sell their offerings at a higher pricepoint. To so would alienate their core market of poor ignorant fat people. Though they did make a few half assed attempts along the way. The Mc DLT, The Big N' Tasty come to mind.
That doesn't seem right. Wendy's and Burger King aren't significantly more expensive than McDonald's, and yet their food is halfway palatable.
Posted: 2006-05-01 12:25pm
by Admiral Valdemar
BK is the second largest fast food retailer in the US, right?
Posted: 2006-05-01 12:36pm
by Joe
McDonald's is one of those types of food you can eat and never be thinking "Man, I'm REALLY glad I ate that" after you're finished.
Posted: 2006-05-01 12:44pm
by Lord Revan
As rule thumb I never go to McDonald's, the local(as in local here, don't know about other countries) fastfood companies generally have better (if a bit more expensive) products, that's of course just my personal opinion.
Posted: 2006-05-01 12:49pm
by Darth Fanboy
theski wrote:Here in the States .. Hardees is taking a big bite.. out of the Burger market here..
I scoff at your primitive 'Hardees', Carls Jr is the way to go!
I think McDonald's is relying on their brand name too much without fully realizing that the golden arches means almost the opposite of what it used to. Whenever I see the golden arches my brain immediately starts screaming "DON'T EAT THERE".
McDonalds is also becoming just one of a multitude of options. When I pull out of my garage I am within 3-5 minutes of McDonalds, Burger King, Jack In the Box, Wendys, and Carls Jr. (Technically Dairy Queen and taco Bell also). I can go anywhere if I want a couple of cheap sandwiches that will make my feces smell atrocious. I usually pick Jack in the Box because they have some items I really like on their 'value' menu. The Menu-diversifying thing seems to be a lame attempt at distinguishing itself among competitiors, Jack in the Box has been successfully selling Tacos and Egg Rolls for a while (around here at least) so it can work.
But I digress, I live in Southern California anyways, and we have In N Out Burger and I am at peace

Posted: 2006-05-01 12:59pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
McDonalds can burn for all I care. Here in Colorado we have Sonic and Good Times, both of which have some excellent burgers, among other things. And if worse comes to absolute worse, I can always go to Burger King, which while not exactly stellar, is leaps and bounds ahead of McDonalds in quality.
Posted: 2006-05-01 01:11pm
by Darksider
As a current employee of the Mcdonald's corporation, I can assure you that Mcdonald's food is not only tasty, it is of the highest possible quality. Myself, and my fellow grill slav........ crew persons work to our utmost capability to ensure that each and every sandwich is finely crafted to the corporate specifications. And our new healthy meals are a fine way to eat great tasting food without putting one weight.
*Shoots a nervous glance at the 9mm pointed at my head*
Posted: 2006-05-01 01:19pm
by B5B7
McDonald's in Australia currently have a silly ad with a woman being chased by a giant lettuce - then she "wakes up" and the ad says something about you can make your own burger [I forget the exact wording, but its similar to the idea in the old ads of other chains about you can pick what's in your burger] - what this has to do with a "killer lettuce' is anyone's guess.
Posted: 2006-05-01 01:26pm
by Darth Servo
Personally I haven't eaten at McDonnalds in years and I plan on keeping the streak alive.
As for the mentality of their execs, I was always under the impression that McDs was banking on the strategy of having an eternal supply of kids support them because they love the clown. Who cares about quality when you have a clown? It works for the White House afterall.

Posted: 2006-05-01 01:26pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Probably going for the WTF? effect, which would be better illustrated in my mind by comparing the imagery of the burgers in the ads to what you actually get, a la Falling Down.
Posted: 2006-05-01 01:32pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
In my opinion McDonalds is overpriced for the shit you get. I pay $3 at BK, Dairy Queen, or Jack in the Box and get a nice bigass burger. I pay $3 at McDonalds and get $1.50 worth of burger on a good day.
Posted: 2006-05-01 01:39pm
by Anguirus
I don't eat burgers, so I weigh fast food places on the quality of fries and chicken nuggets/sandwiches. McDonald's isn't atrocious, but it isn't that great, either. I much prefer Wendy's. Haven't eaten at BK for awhile but I used to really like them.
I haven't eaten Jack-in-the-Box or Carl's Jr. since I moved away from California when I was four-and-a-half! I miss them...I remember Carl's Jr. having great milk shakes, but that's about it.
Posted: 2006-05-01 01:42pm
by Darth Servo
Anguirus wrote:I haven't eaten Jack-in-the-Box or Carl's Jr. since I moved away from California when I was four-and-a-half! I miss them...I remember Carl's Jr. having great milk shakes, but that's about it.
If you're from Cali, you MUST swear loyalty to the all mighty 'In-and-Out Burger'