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What beast would guard your fortress?

Posted: 2002-12-29 03:37am
by Sea Skimmer
So you've become an evil overlord. You have a fortress of doom similar to mine and now you need something to guard it.

There are two categories, moat guard and gate guard. The moat guard is whatever you place in your moats or equivalent. It must be non sentient. The gate guard may be sentient.

In both cases it must be some creature or beast that's power comes completely or primarily from its biological aspects. A troll with a ax is okay for gate guard, a big mecha with live pilot is not is not.

So what do you chose?

Posted: 2002-12-29 03:38am
by Darth Wong
For the moat guard, I choose the Rancor. He is unsentient but very scary. For the gate guard, I choose Richard Simmons. Who the fuck wouldn't run from Richard Simmons?

Posted: 2002-12-29 03:39am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Darth Wong wrote:For the moat guard, I choose the Rancor. He is unsentient but very scary. For the gate guard, I choose Richard Simmons. Who the fuck wouldn't run from Richard Simmons?

Posted: 2002-12-29 03:40am
by Sea Skimmer
Darth Wong wrote:For the moat guard, I choose the Rancor. He is unsentient but very scary. For the gate guard, I choose Richard Simmons. Who the fuck wouldn't run from Richard Simmons?
I'd just fire my Davy Crocket at him, and then pray its enough firepower.

Posted: 2002-12-29 03:42am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Moat Guard: A Remorhazz (sp?) AKA Polar Worm. Mmm...death...

Gate Guard: Great Prismatic Wyrm will do nicely, thank you :mrgreen:

Posted: 2002-12-29 03:43am
by Alex Moon
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:For the moat guard, I choose the Rancor. He is unsentient but very scary. For the gate guard, I choose Richard Simmons. Who the fuck wouldn't run from Richard Simmons?
Yeah, but for you anyone that's male and havs a pulse appears to be enough to turn you on. :P

Posted: 2002-12-29 03:48am
by The Yosemite Bear
Moat Guard (Outer Moat)
Cribe Paranas
(Inner Moat)
Electric Eels

Gate Guard:
Dweller at the Threshold (See H.P. Lovecraft)

Posted: 2002-12-29 03:56am
by Sienthal
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:For the moat guard, I choose the Rancor. He is unsentient but very scary. For the gate guard, I choose Richard Simmons. Who the fuck wouldn't run from Richard Simmons?
*Sputters a few times, and then thinks better of commenting*

I, for a moat guard, would choose a Devestation Beetle (In the Epic Book in D&D, nasty thing).

For a gate guard I would choose a crack team of homocidal monkies, all with 18th century top hats and lazy eyes.

Posted: 2002-12-29 04:03am
by Enlightenment
Moat: a large number of hungry--but not starving--salt-water crocodiles. That should be proof enough against anyone but Steve Irwin.

Gate: a fiend from Quake I. To eviscerate Steve Irwin if he shows up. :D

Posted: 2002-12-29 04:04am
by Sea Skimmer
My moat guard would be WC3 Rock Golems, and perhaps some of my idiot seeking Voxyn. Any one stupid enough to enter the moat would be easily detected by them. My gate guard would be LOTR movie Balrogs. They would save a fair bit of money since I could cut back on lighting. Much fuck up the thermal trackers though.

Posted: 2002-12-29 04:05am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Enlightenment wrote: Gate: Generic guy with a gun.
You do know that always fails, right? A basic human guard, armed with a gun, and you expect him to be competent enough to ward off secret agents and the like? :P

EDIT: Gah you changed what you said, damnit. :P

Posted: 2002-12-29 04:08am
by SylasGaunt
Moat Guard: A Radam spider-crab
Gate Guard: Well if I had a Fortress of Evil big enough I'd take a Star Dragon from my gaming group's fuzion campaign, but then the damn thing's roughly the size of Alaska so probably not convenient if I want to keep the place secret.. so what the hell I'll take a mama Legion.

Posted: 2002-12-29 04:12am
by Sea Skimmer
SylasGaunt wrote:Moat Guard: A Radam spider-crab
Gate Guard: Well if I had a Fortress of Evil big enough I'd take a Star Dragon from my gaming group's fuzion campaign, but then the damn thing's roughly the size of Alaska so probably not convenient if I want to keep the place secret.. so what the hell I'll take a mama Legion.
Indeed, there's no point when the guard is so big it could carry the fortress around on its back. Using such a dragoon as your terror enforcer of doom is another story.

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:08am
by Dalton
Moat guard? I'd say maybe a Dune sandworm, but we're talking water here...hmm...I'll go with thousands of hungry piranhas. As for gate guard...


Feel the burn!

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:13am
by Sea Skimmer
Moats can be dry, but you'd need some strong walls to keep the worm from leaving.

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:17am
by Dalton
Sea Skimmer wrote:Moats can be dry, but you'd need some strong walls to keep the worm from leaving.
Actually, no. What you do is line the moat's outer and inner walls with water. Like a sandwich. Sandworms can't escape since water kills them.

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:21am
by Sea Skimmer
But then you run the risk of a attacker blasting a chunk out and flooding the place. A minor one though.

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:23am
by Darth Wong
How would the sandworm know there's water until he breaches the walls and finds out the hard way?

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:24am
by Dalton
Sea Skimmer wrote:But then you run the risk of a attacker blasting a chunk out and flooding the place. A minor one though.
*shrug* It was just a thought.

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:25am
by Dalton
Darth Wong wrote:How would the sandworm know there's water until he breaches the walls and finds out the hard way?
They can smell it. Have you ever read Dune? Sandworms are very sensitive. They can detect vibrations from a long way off and can smell water too.

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:26am
by Darth Wong
It's been many, many years since I read Dune. I only remember the irritating plot device of the "slow blade passes" shields, since a sufficiently big concussion would render them moot and they were too stupid to think of this.

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:30am
by Dalton
Darth Wong wrote:It's been many, many years since I read Dune. I only remember the irritating plot device of the "slow blade passes" shields, since a sufficiently big concussion would render them moot and they were too stupid to think of this.
Ah, Dune shields. Which, when mixed with lasgun beams, makes a rather big boom. A rather stupid device I always thought. Which brings me to other gripes I've had about the Dune series, including the whole Duncan Idaho ghola thing, the Ixian no-ships, the bloodline of Paul Atreides...not to mention Miles Teg...

Posted: 2002-12-29 05:56am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Darth Wong wrote:It's been many, many years since I read Dune. I only remember the irritating plot device of the "slow blade passes" shields, since a sufficiently big concussion would render them moot and they were too stupid to think of this.
The Harkonnens actually did deploy artillery.

Posted: 2002-12-29 08:04am
by Andrew J.
Moat: Sharks with laserbeams. :lol:

Gate: Cthuga.

Posted: 2002-12-29 09:49am
by Falcon
Moat: Sirens (from the Odyssey)

Gate: Can't be a balrog, cause as I recall they can speak and such, like when Gandalf fought one at the door in Moria... Gandalf also spoke to it on the bridge, which seems silly unless it could actually comprehend its peril. Dragons too are oft considered to be self aware (smaug). so...

The bunny rabbit from Monty Python, with no Holy Handgernade (tm) its invincible!