The level of inteligence on
Posted: 2002-12-29 06:59pm
Why is it that the people on are, almost as a rule, complete and utter cockmongers. I have encountered so few smart people on there. And today I have encountered an annoyingly large ammount.
BTW, this is focusing on Starcraft.
I encountered this guy, in a map for Risk, the creator lagged so the dl was slow, and he told him to ban me. I'm use to that. But once I finished(the creator didn't ban me) Not only did he have to DL, but he dled as SLOW AS I DID! While continuing to insult me and talked bullshit about his download was 10x faster then mine.. Also there was a guy with him that called him by his real named, downloaded even slower. I know right there I'm going to get double teamed. So I don't click Start on the briefing screen for 5 minutes. When I finally do he's still there luckily, and goes 'wtf what shithead didnt clik ok", I go "Ah, do you not like playing with someone that is a complete and total cockmonger, Well now you know how it feels" and pulled the phoneline out of my computer to delay his game even more.
Then I was playing a map someone was testing. Didn't title it, but made it clear it was about the battle of endor. He didn't rename or edit ANY of the units, gave the rebels about 12 carriers, a bunch of scouts and about 6 arbiters, vs 10 fucking battlecrusiers. And on the ground it was just bunch of marines randomly placed, some goliaths and some tanks against some zealots. While my forces easily overpowered the lots, my fleet had been raped by the cloaked scouts and carriers and they promptly began to destroy me. He then quit because he just relized that his friend had left(the map took that long) and I whisper to him "You need a lot of practice in making maps" and this little inbred shit head goes "no u do". I immediantly went off on him for his utter stupidity in his childish comeback, and I really didn't insult him. And then I'm playing another map, about 5 minutes after I flamed him and his friend whispers to me "fool". I squelched them both.
Then I was playing a map that I kinda like, but rarely is ever played an never has a full house, Star Trek Diplomacy. Three people were playing, one quit during the briefing. We decide not to rm. I'm going along, i've cleared out all the other units on my home planet and discovered warp my first warp core. I've played it a couple of times before and so I had already gotten a second tier unit, goons, and my basic unit were lings. He scanner sweeps me and sees that my lings do more damage then his hydras. I've played his race before, were talking like 7 damage more, and his hydras had about 12 more hp then me. I tried to explain that he had range, which allowed him to hit my guys before I could hit his, and that his units could all fire at one time, while mine had too wait until the unit infront of them died. Then he saw the dragoon, I said its the second unit you get, yours is an ultra, and that he had better units then me cause he could have his ultras tank damage while his hydras pounded away from behind, safely. But no, apparently I was just a fucking cheater and had rigged the map and I wasn't even the creator of the match and quit.
I was playing a 4 vs 3comp game on a money map, I wanted to try some things out with zerg. There is one person with me thats good, and 2 idiots. One built only BattleCrusers(about 30) the other build only carriers, and filled his base with, I fuck you not, over 50%photon cannons. Midway through the game I attacked a comp with zerglings, the terran player said "lings sux dood" as my lings killled most of the comps base. Well we beat all the comps and we didn't win. Odd I thought and then I relized it as the 2 shitty players backstabbed us. Ofcourse they didn't do anything smart like line my base with units(which I never let happen) or even have units near by base, they just start killing the leftovers of the last attack. So it turns into the two shitty players vs the good player(protoss) and me (zerg). Remembering what that guy had said about lings I send about 150 lings, into his base, right under his 30 something battle crussiers. Distroy most of his base except for some turrents, supply depos, and starports. No SCVs, no command centers, then he sends about 24 of his BCs at me, as their crawling to me(we were on opposites sides of the map) and worthlessly destroying my sunken colonies, I made about 12 Devourers and a lot of Scourges. Destroy his BCs, and have a nice new wave of lings to throw at him. Now the other guy that was backstabed took out all of the other idiots carriers with Corsairs and was about halfway into his base with dragoons and such, took out a lot of cannons. And they fucking ally agian. What morons I think as I set my lings onto the remanents of the terran's base. Then my ally allies them. Fuck, I'm facing a 3v1 or a win. Looking back I would have rather lost that one then allying them.
Is it just me, or do you all encounter these fools too stupid to be a rabid trekkie.
BTW, this is focusing on Starcraft.
I encountered this guy, in a map for Risk, the creator lagged so the dl was slow, and he told him to ban me. I'm use to that. But once I finished(the creator didn't ban me) Not only did he have to DL, but he dled as SLOW AS I DID! While continuing to insult me and talked bullshit about his download was 10x faster then mine.. Also there was a guy with him that called him by his real named, downloaded even slower. I know right there I'm going to get double teamed. So I don't click Start on the briefing screen for 5 minutes. When I finally do he's still there luckily, and goes 'wtf what shithead didnt clik ok", I go "Ah, do you not like playing with someone that is a complete and total cockmonger, Well now you know how it feels" and pulled the phoneline out of my computer to delay his game even more.
Then I was playing a map someone was testing. Didn't title it, but made it clear it was about the battle of endor. He didn't rename or edit ANY of the units, gave the rebels about 12 carriers, a bunch of scouts and about 6 arbiters, vs 10 fucking battlecrusiers. And on the ground it was just bunch of marines randomly placed, some goliaths and some tanks against some zealots. While my forces easily overpowered the lots, my fleet had been raped by the cloaked scouts and carriers and they promptly began to destroy me. He then quit because he just relized that his friend had left(the map took that long) and I whisper to him "You need a lot of practice in making maps" and this little inbred shit head goes "no u do". I immediantly went off on him for his utter stupidity in his childish comeback, and I really didn't insult him. And then I'm playing another map, about 5 minutes after I flamed him and his friend whispers to me "fool". I squelched them both.
Then I was playing a map that I kinda like, but rarely is ever played an never has a full house, Star Trek Diplomacy. Three people were playing, one quit during the briefing. We decide not to rm. I'm going along, i've cleared out all the other units on my home planet and discovered warp my first warp core. I've played it a couple of times before and so I had already gotten a second tier unit, goons, and my basic unit were lings. He scanner sweeps me and sees that my lings do more damage then his hydras. I've played his race before, were talking like 7 damage more, and his hydras had about 12 more hp then me. I tried to explain that he had range, which allowed him to hit my guys before I could hit his, and that his units could all fire at one time, while mine had too wait until the unit infront of them died. Then he saw the dragoon, I said its the second unit you get, yours is an ultra, and that he had better units then me cause he could have his ultras tank damage while his hydras pounded away from behind, safely. But no, apparently I was just a fucking cheater and had rigged the map and I wasn't even the creator of the match and quit.
I was playing a 4 vs 3comp game on a money map, I wanted to try some things out with zerg. There is one person with me thats good, and 2 idiots. One built only BattleCrusers(about 30) the other build only carriers, and filled his base with, I fuck you not, over 50%photon cannons. Midway through the game I attacked a comp with zerglings, the terran player said "lings sux dood" as my lings killled most of the comps base. Well we beat all the comps and we didn't win. Odd I thought and then I relized it as the 2 shitty players backstabbed us. Ofcourse they didn't do anything smart like line my base with units(which I never let happen) or even have units near by base, they just start killing the leftovers of the last attack. So it turns into the two shitty players vs the good player(protoss) and me (zerg). Remembering what that guy had said about lings I send about 150 lings, into his base, right under his 30 something battle crussiers. Distroy most of his base except for some turrents, supply depos, and starports. No SCVs, no command centers, then he sends about 24 of his BCs at me, as their crawling to me(we were on opposites sides of the map) and worthlessly destroying my sunken colonies, I made about 12 Devourers and a lot of Scourges. Destroy his BCs, and have a nice new wave of lings to throw at him. Now the other guy that was backstabed took out all of the other idiots carriers with Corsairs and was about halfway into his base with dragoons and such, took out a lot of cannons. And they fucking ally agian. What morons I think as I set my lings onto the remanents of the terran's base. Then my ally allies them. Fuck, I'm facing a 3v1 or a win. Looking back I would have rather lost that one then allying them.
Is it just me, or do you all encounter these fools too stupid to be a rabid trekkie.