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Contact lenses

Posted: 2002-12-30 03:14am
by Vympel
Ahhh my first attention whoring thread

I'm short sighted. It's not acute, but enough that I drive/ watch movies/TV with glasses on.

Should I get contacts?

Reasons for:

1- Just got a cool pair of sunglasses, but need to change the lenses to prescription if I'm going to use them for anything, especially driving.

2- Girls apparently prefer guys without glasses + a few girls have told me I look better without them (confirmation from forum females would be appreciated)

3- I'm told that you can see things more clearly with contacts than you can with glasses (from girl who had worn both)

Reasons against:

1- I will look less intelligent :)

2- Are they expensive?

3- High maintenance

4- How often do you lose them?

Posted: 2002-12-30 03:16am
by Sea Skimmer
I suggest cybernetic implants with optional active and passive infrared capability. That or learn the ways of the force as I have. Sight becomes irrelevant.

Posted: 2002-12-30 03:20am
by TrailerParkJawa
Ive worn glasses since age 19. Im also near sighted.

I have never bothered with contacts because:

1. I have a nice set of frames that most women I ask like.
2. Im really squeemish about putting something in my eye.
3. I think they would be irritating.

However, I do have arguements for contacts.

1. Better for sports wear you were goggles. ( ie paintball and skiing )
2. Cant break them if you fall asleep.
3. Some women prefer no glasses.

Posted: 2002-12-30 03:22am
by Vertigo1
They're actually cheaper than glasses. :) I've got a 3-month replacement plan for $125/year. As for maintenance...for me it involves putting in eyedrops every few hours (when I get up, sometime in the middle of the day, and when I goto bed) and cleaning the lenses once a week. It takes a little getting used to, but they're well worth it in the long run. I no longer have roseacia (sp?) breakouts ever since I ditched my glasses so that was a BIG plus. :) That and I don't look like a fucking geek anymore. :D

Posted: 2002-12-30 03:25am
by TrailerParkJawa
I've got a 3-month replacement plan for $125/year.
That does not sound cheaper than glasses. My last pair cost me $180 bucks and they are now 2 years old.

Re: Contact lenses

Posted: 2002-12-30 03:25am
by Shinova
Vympel wrote:Ahhh my first attention whoring thread

I'm short sighted. It's not acute, but enough that I drive/ watch movies/TV with glasses on.

Should I get contacts?

Reasons for:

1- Just got a cool pair of sunglasses, but need to change the lenses to prescription if I'm going to use them for anything, especially driving.

2- Girls apparently prefer guys without glasses + a few girls have told me I look better without them (confirmation from forum females would be appreciated)

3- I'm told that you can see things more clearly with contacts than you can with glasses (from girl who had worn both)

Reasons against:

1- I will look less intelligent :)

2- Are they expensive?

3- High maintenance

4- How often do you lose them?

1. Contacts are said to reduce the speed at which your eyes get progressively worse by 70%. Fore-most benefit in my opinion.

2. Occasionally they can move out of alignment and end up in a corner of your eye; then you have to spend some time (and possibly some pain) trying to align them again.

3. Wind. Especially wind+dust. They are the horror of contact-users. Trust me. I've had contacts for years and have dreaded windy days.

4. You have to manage your contacts, while with glasses you just put them on or take them off.

5. Also, given the right style of lenses+frames, glasses can actually make a person look "sharper".

Re: Contact lenses

Posted: 2002-12-30 03:28am
by Darth Wong
Vympel wrote:I'm short sighted. It's not acute, but enough that I drive/ watch movies/TV with glasses on.
That's my situation too. I can move around, interact with people, use my computer if I sit a little closer, catch a football etc. without glasses, but I can't read street signs and TV images look blurry.
Should I get contacts?
I wore contacts for a few years. They're hard on the eyes, and the aggravation of taking them out and cleaning them is not really worth it. When you stumble into bed and you're exhausted, the last thing you want is to turn on bright lights in the bathroom and pick things out of your eyes before hitting the sack.

If you get the disposable ones, you still have to pick them out of your eyes but you won't have to clean them. However, you're stuck paying for an endless supply of disposable contacts, which really adds up.
Reasons for:

1- Just got a cool pair of sunglasses, but need to change the lenses to prescription if I'm going to use them for anything, especially driving.
The sunglass situation is a bummer; the coolest shades are not prescription.
2- Girls apparently prefer guys without glasses + a few girls have told me I look better without them (confirmation from forum females would be appreciated)
It all depends. Rebecca says she thinks I look smarter with glasses, and she likes smart guys.
3- I'm told that you can see things more clearly with contacts than you can with glasses (from girl who had worn both)
I've worn both; glasses give you vision which is just as clear if they're prescribed properly. Your peripheral vision is blurry because your glasses don't correct that, but how often do you seriously need razor-sharp peripheral vision? If you see something in your periphery and you want it sharper, turn your head.

Besides, I frequently take my glasses off for small detail work, because one advantage of short-sightedness is that you can see very small things very clearly by getting close to them. You can't do this with contacts.
Reasons against:

1- I will look less intelligent :)

2- Are they expensive?

3- High maintenance

4- How often do you lose them?
I once got a contact stuck up above the eyelid line, so it was squirming around on top of my eyeball. That was fucking awful. I'm very happy not to be wearing contacts any more; ultimately, the only reason to wear contacts is vanity, no matter what anyone else tells you.

Posted: 2002-12-30 04:03am
by Dalton
Actually, I started wearing contacts for several reasons...

1. Vanity. It is true.
2. I hate glasses. I hate the weight, the fact that I can't turn my head at any significant speed without them flying off, the fact that they tend to cause sore spots on my ears and the bridge of my nose, and the fact that I can't wear proper sunglasses with them on.
3. I do a lot of driving and it helps not having yet another piece of glass in front of you that can get dirty or fogged up en route.

Although I still do have a pair of glasses that I wear at night.

Posted: 2002-12-30 04:16am
by Joe Momma
I'm near-sighted as well. I wear glasses vice contact lenses for two pragmatic reasons:

1) I actually see close objects (especially while reading) better without them. The general recommendations I've gotten is that it's better for my eyes to take the glasses off when I don't need them and use them when I do (such as when I'm driving). That's what the optomitrists say, but every one that I've talked to worked for a eyeglasses store, so that could be ass-backwards lies to ruin my vision more rapidly and sell more of their product.

2) I'm a fucking assclown when it comes to manual dexterity. If I tried putting in a contact lens I'd just end up with my eyeball stuck on the tip of my finger like the point guard of a fencing foil.

-- Joe Momma

Posted: 2002-12-30 04:20am
by Dahak
I'm near-sighted, but technically blind without glasses. (A tad under 4 dioptres)
I prefer glasses.
1. They add something special to your looks.
2. I don't have to put them in and out of my eyes. And yes, I'm squeamish about fumbling around with my eyeball...
3. An often forgotten advantage of glasses is the protection they give you. Insects and all sort of flying dirt, rain et al just hit glasses, and not your eyes. A major unpleasantness...

Posted: 2002-12-30 04:39am
by Darth Wong
Most optometrists carry literature on infections and other problems you can get from using contact lenses on your eyes. They don't often instruct you to pay much attention to those problems because they're supposedly rare (and they want to move product), but it's something you should be aware of.

Posted: 2002-12-30 04:54am
by Dahak
Darth Wong wrote:Most optometrists carry literature on infections and other problems you can get from using contact lenses on your eyes. They don't often instruct you to pay much attention to those problems because they're supposedly rare (and they want to move product), but it's something you should be aware of.
Well, after I watched my mother trying to get her contact lense out of one eye for about 15 minutes, and then proudly proclaimining "Oh, it just slid up my eyeball!"
THat was clearly enough for me :D

Posted: 2002-12-30 06:34am
by Vympel
Well my frames are looking better and better so far :)

The worst thing I've ever seen is the contact lenses where they're tinted a different color- so people with brown eyes all of a sudden have blue. My brother's girlfriend walked in with them and my brother made sure she never did it again. It just looked wierd.

Posted: 2002-12-30 06:46am
by Crown
I use both, I use glasses for every day kind of thing, but when I am going out I put in my contacts, yes it's about vanity. But also when I am going to the beach. I have one pair of dispolable (3 months) contacts for about 2.5 years now. Just clean them each time you use them and you will do fine. :wink:

Posted: 2002-12-30 01:09pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I don't need glasses yet, and if I ever do, I'll just memorize the eye chart.

My sister doesn't need glasses for everyday actions, but she wears them only when driving, since things have to be clear when driving.

Posted: 2002-12-30 01:16pm
by HemlockGrey
I have 20-20 vision, and I've memorized the eyechart. Bwahaha.

Posted: 2002-12-30 02:35pm
by Howedar
I like the field of view of contacts.

Posted: 2002-12-30 03:15pm
by Alex Moon
I wore contacts for a little over 6 years (7th grade till graduation). They have they're advantages and disadvantages.


They can look sharper, and you can wear sunglasses, which is nice on bright days.

If you're like me, your glasses are constantly sliding down your nose which is annoying.

I saw better many times when wearing contacts as opposed to when I was wearing glasses. The differences were usually very slight, but it was there, and it helped some times.

When using the computer for long periods of time, contacts seemed to cause me fewer headaches than glasses.


Glasses are a lot lower matinance. They're coming out with contacts now that you can sleep in, but if you don't get those you have to take your contacts out every night, which ain't fun when it's 5am on a saturday morning, and all you want is sleep.

As someone else said, wind and dust are your enemy. I had the added benefit of allergies, which made life real unpleasent at times.

Contacts can slide around if you don't put them in right, and they can be a pain to put in.

Posted: 2002-12-30 04:46pm
by InnerBrat
I've got a stigmatism, and something else, which basically means I can't reda, write or use a VDU with my special prismatic glasses. But I've always been too vain to wear them otu pubbing clubbing or partying, so three months ago I got Wild Eyez 'wolf' contact lenses - black irises with yellow flecks.

- I look sexy.
- I now know what a lot of my friends look like
- I know what I'm ordering at the bar
- I can go to the cinema/theatre without looking like a nerd.
- It really freaks out my sister.

- It took three straight days of going to the optician learning how to poke myself in the eye (plus homework) before they would let me take them home.
- I like chilli. A lot. I cook it myself with fresh chilli. Chilli hurst your mouth. Imagine what happens when it gets in your eye.
- It takes me longer to get ready.
- I have to remember to take them out when I'm near parallytic with drunkenness.
- Some of my friends, they aren't that pretty to look at.

BTW about the cost thing, you'd still need glasses anyway, so you're not going to save any money.