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The world ends in a week(a what if?)
Posted: 2006-06-12 07:39pm
by FaxModem1
Let's say that a giant asteroid is about to hit the earth, nobody can stop it, what are you going to do on your last week on Earth?
Posted: 2006-06-12 07:48pm
by Davis 51
Get laid.

Posted: 2006-06-12 07:49pm
by Vympel
Craploads of as much sex and a small amount of drugs (hey, what are they gonna do, KILL me?) as I can get my hands on. The last day I'll sober up and spend with my loved ones.
Posted: 2006-06-12 07:59pm
by Admiral Valdemar
I wonder, would the vast numbers of religionists go about doing what they wanted because the end was near, or abide by the laws of whatever brand of faith they follow to the bitter end?
Me, I'd go and blow all my savings on whatever I wanted, though it wouldn't get much, I'd try and have the time of my life before I was vaped (because I sure as hell want to be at the centre of where that rock hits).
Posted: 2006-06-12 08:07pm
by Sofia
I would have a lot of sex, swim in the ocean a lot, and kill myself a day before the asteroid hit. Quietly and painlessly.
Posted: 2006-06-12 08:11pm
by Trogdor
Admiral Valdemar wrote:I wonder, would the vast numbers of religionists go about doing what they wanted because the end was near, or abide by the laws of whatever brand of faith they follow to the bitter end?
With what you could call Judgement Day a mere week away? I'd bet everything that almost all of them would be totally angelic.
As for myself, pretty much the same thing as Vympel.
Posted: 2006-06-12 08:38pm
by That NOS Guy
Call me crazy, but I'd just like a decent amount of silence for six days (enjoying nature and the like), and on the last go quietly with loved ones.
Posted: 2006-06-12 08:42pm
by Ryushikaze
If the world was ending in a week, I'd just sit back and watch.
I mean, yeah, sex, hedonism, etc. All good, but the sheer entertainment of watching the panic spread would be gold. I'd also like to live as long as possible. Perhaps even after the strike, if possible. I've always thought that most 'post apocolyptic futures' are far too pessimistic (at least as far as technology goes), and I'd be curious to see how civilization and technology recovered.
Posted: 2006-06-12 09:40pm
by Balrog
Try and find a safe place to hide; not from the asteroid, but from the resulting mob of lawlessness that realizes societal norms arn't going to mean shit in a few days and go hog-wild on everything. If it's some place that can protect me from the asteroid strike, all the better.
Someone's going to have to repopulate the world afterwards....

Posted: 2006-06-12 09:46pm
by aerius
Sex, drugs, and more sex and drugs.
Posted: 2006-06-12 10:34pm
by Cej4096
I would want to spend it with my family. However one other idea that I find appealing is to simply get in my car and drive as far as I can. Not to try to survive, but just to see how far I get, and to see a bit more of the world.
Posted: 2006-06-12 11:06pm
by Gandalf
I'd probably try to see what all of this fuss is in regards to sex.
Maybe I'd get high too.
Posted: 2006-06-12 11:55pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Find a nice, deep cave. Commandeer it, see if I can survive the atmosphere being heated to 1200 degrees by the debris from the initial impact falling back to Earth. And then die, smug in the knowledge that I was, literally, the last man alive.
Posted: 2006-06-12 11:59pm
by Gandalf
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:Find a nice, deep cave. Commandeer it, see if I can survive the atmosphere being heated to 1200 degrees by the debris from the initial impact falling back to Earth. And then die, smug in the knowledge that I was, literally, the last man alive.
I think the guys on the ISS might have you beat.
Unless they somehow get home in the week.
Posted: 2006-06-13 12:45am
by Alex Moon
Try to mend a few fences, clean up a few loose ends. There are a couple of girls that I've fancied, and I would probably ask one of them to marry me.
I figure what better way to go out than in a party, surrounded by friends and loved ones, dancing the last steps of a waltz as the fireball hits...
Posted: 2006-06-13 01:38am
by loomer
We've got a rainforest near here, so I guess I'd grab my friends, some good food (And provisions for later...), a couple of tents, matches, that sorta thing, and head off to live by the creek. It's pretty deep, so if we get lucky we can take SCUBA gear under and pray that the water doesn't, you know, boil.
As for the wait until then, probably an orgy, dancing, potentially savage rituals... All the fun stuff.
Posted: 2006-06-13 07:00am
by Rye
Go for the total hedonism, when I get bored of that, smash all the things I've been fascinated by, then go into town and start killing chavs if I have the bottle for it.
On the last day I get some of the stuff they use to put down pets, put down all my pets and then myself after I've seen the fireball.
Posted: 2006-06-13 07:13am
by Mr. Coffee
Probably spend the time with my son, and maybe my Ex (We didn't get along as husband and wife, but we're still good friends and occasionally call each other up for buddy fuck). Maybe have a few beers, screw a few times, but basically just spend time with my kid before the world goes boom. Take the boy fishing or sit down and play some videogames with him.
Yeah, I could do the drunken live action Grand Theft Auto thing, but it just ain't me.
Though I'd definently take the opertunity to see exactly just how fast my GSXR 1000 can go... Never had the balls to take it up mush past 120mph, but if I'm going to die at the end of the week, why the hell not right?
Posted: 2006-06-13 08:22am
by NoXion
After getting over the initial shock, go shopping. With a crowbar.
Spend the rest of the week fucked off my face on various substances, listen to my entire music collection (Which happens to be about as long as a week coincidentally) and generally have as much fun as possible before the fireball engulfs me.
Posted: 2006-06-13 09:45am
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Gandalf wrote:GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:Find a nice, deep cave. Commandeer it, see if I can survive the atmosphere being heated to 1200 degrees by the debris from the initial impact falling back to Earth. And then die, smug in the knowledge that I was, literally, the last man alive.
I think the guys on the ISS might have you beat.
Unless they somehow get home in the week.
And, come to think of it, people aboard nuclear submarines would also survive the drastic atmospheric heating. Damn. Too bad there's no way to complete nuclear sub training in one week or less.
Posted: 2006-06-13 09:52am
by K. A. Pital
Let's say that a giant asteroid is about to hit the earth, nobody can stop it
Depends on what "giant" is. A K-T impact?
Then sure as hell I will SURVIVE and OUTLIVE that fucking "end of the world".
A "Giant Impact" akin to the one that formed the Moon? Heh. I'd probably have as much fun as I can in the last few days, then try to get to the approximated center of the impact.
Re: The world ends in a week(a what if?)
Posted: 2006-06-13 10:22am
by Kathryn
FaxModem1 wrote:Let's say that a giant asteroid is about to hit the earth, nobody can stop it, what are you going to do on your last week on Earth?
I'd probably buy a laptop
Re: The world ends in a week(a what if?)
Posted: 2006-06-13 10:24am
by jegs2
FaxModem1 wrote:Let's say that a giant asteroid is about to hit the earth, nobody can stop it, what are you going to do on your last week on Earth?
Find out where the asteroid is likely to directly impact, and ride my motorcycle to the location for one last shindig: Likely purchase that camper my wife's been bugging me about (surely the things would become cheaper).
Posted: 2006-06-13 10:32am
by K. A. Pital
Hmm... fatalism seems to be everywhere. Don't you guys even want to try to outlive it?
I mean, it's a giant asteroid, not a planetoid, and thus is probably somewhere in the dino killer level. Effects also depend on the location of impact.
It can't deal enough damage to wipe out life completely, so... why die?
Posted: 2006-06-13 10:41am
by Ghost Rider
Stas Bush wrote:Hmm... fatalism seems to be everywhere. Don't you guys even want to try to outlive it?
I mean, it's a giant asteroid, not a planetoid, and thus is probably somewhere in the dino killer level. Effects also depend on the location of impact.
It can't deal enough damage to wipe out life completely, so... why die?
what are you going to do on your last week on Earth
Unless you can show somewhere that Fax is implying you're going to survive in that statement, I'd be willing to entertain such thoughts.