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Was this going too far?

Posted: 2002-12-31 01:16pm
by Darth Servo
I'm a member of a non-traditional college band. We do shows that are intended to be comical, often by making fun of what ever school we are playing. Unfortunately, the school hasn't been to a bowl game in years.

We do however keep track of what similar bands do. Here's part of what one band did for a halftime show.

Here's the news report.

Tell me if anyone finds this offensive or if the U Va band went too far.

As usual, any and all opinions are welcome.

Posted: 2002-12-31 01:27pm
by Sokar
Heres the only problem for all the folks frm West Virginia, its not a all......I've been to West Virginia and all that hillbilly shit is real, especially if you leave any of the (one) Larger cities and head out into coal country. This dosent make them bad people, but it also dosent make it a lie.

Not to mention this was a PEP Band, that is not a school organization, but a private student one, which allows them to get away with far more. Plus , this same pep band pulled this stunt last time the schools met, what, did they expect them to play nice now? Im in college and I know how this works , you always have to top the prank from last year or the last time it was done. I just think that they are all being touchy about it, if no one had complained it would have just faded away.