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Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:03am
by Dahak
It's funny what a New Year (and maybe the alcohol involved) might do to you, but here it goes...
I'm gay, and today, I started telling my best friends.
It still is a funny feeling, deep inside, to give out that bit of information I held so closely to my heart. I always felt it might enstrange some of my friends. But today, I want to believe in such drivel like "True friends like you for what you are". Maybe it's even true...
Another part is, well, this community. It may sound stupid, but you are such wonderful persons, especially people like Kelly, the very special Einhander Sn0m4n, verilon, our Overlord Wong, and many others I have been blessed to meet, that are so, well, normal about this thing that it made it easier for me, and helped me really realize that I have nothing to hide or fear
Just so you know...
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:09am
by Spanky The Dolphin
This might sound weird, but I thought you've already said you were gay.
Either that or I must have predicted it or something...
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:19am
by jaeger115
you're always welcome to say whatever's in ur heart here
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:23am
by Alex Moon
Good luck man. At least you're being honest to yourself and to everyone around you. If they are your friends, they'll stick by, if they aren't then you're better off without them. Just remember that by telling them, you're being honest, which only proves that you're their friend.
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:27am
by Gandalf
Good luck, if you're lucky everone will be tolerant of your choices and respect them. Coming out is apparently one of the hardest things to do in the world.
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:27am
by Jason von Evil
Uh...congrats? I guess that's what you'd say to someone who just came out. @.@
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:31am
by Spanky The Dolphin
So, uh, is there like some kind of party or something?
Is there cake and ice cream or do we sing a song?
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:32am
by Knife
I am straight, I am so straight that it is pitiful. That being said to show the sincerity that I speak,...........Good for you. Honesty is the best policy. Be who you are and be proud of it. Lying to your self has no purpose other than to lie to yourself. Be who you are. Viva yourself.....
Re: Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:39am
by Sea Skimmer
Dahak wrote:
Another part is, well, this community. It may sound stupid, but you are such wonderful persons, especially people like Kelly, the very special Einhander Sn0m4n, verilon, our Overlord Wong, and many others I have been blessed to meet, that are so, well, normal about this thing that it made it easier for me, and helped me really realize that I have nothing to hide or fear
Just so you know...
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:46am
by Howedar
I'm happy for you, or you have my condolences. Whichever seems more appropriate
Re: Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 02:47am
by Knife
Sea Skimmer wrote:Dahak wrote:
Another part is, well, this community. It may sound stupid, but you are such wonderful persons, especially people like Kelly, the very special Einhander Sn0m4n, verilon, our Overlord Wong, and many others I have been blessed to meet, that are so, well, normal about this thing that it made it easier for me, and helped me really realize that I have nothing to hide or fear
Just so you know...
Translation: fight for your beliefs or die.
Re: Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 03:15am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Dahak wrote:It's funny what a New Year (and maybe the alcohol involved) might do to you, but here it goes...
I'm gay, and today, I started telling my best friends.
It still is a funny feeling, deep inside, to give out that bit of information I held so closely to my heart. I always felt it might enstrange some of my friends. But today, I want to believe in such drivel like "True friends like you for what you are". Maybe it's even true...
Another part is, well, this community. It may sound stupid, but you are such wonderful persons, especially people like Kelly, the very special Einhander Sn0m4n, verilon, our Overlord Wong, and many others I have been blessed to meet, that are so, well, normal about this thing that it made it easier for me, and helped me really realize that I have nothing to hide or fear
Just so you know...
Well, I know we've have disagreements on many subjects - libertarians and Germans just don't mix I guess - but the best of luck and fortune to you in your life ahead. Perhaps Germany is a bit easier in that regard.
Posted: 2003-01-01 03:41am
by Darth Wong
I hope everything goes well.
Posted: 2003-01-01 03:43am
by Cal Wright
Not to drag down what is an honourable revelation, but I couldn't give a rats ass which way you swing. Which also goes along with the friends thing. They should like you no matter what. I have a, who gives a fuck attitude for shit like that. No I'm not gay, jus trying to sympathise. But seriously, if they have a problem, tell em to go to hell, from me. The world doesn't revolve around them, and it couldn't give any more of a rats ass than I do what they think.
Posted: 2003-01-01 03:49am
by Darth Wong
Yeah, but it would still hurt if they react negatively. If they're true friends, they won't.
Re: Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 05:03am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Dahak wrote:It's funny what a New Year (and maybe the alcohol involved) might do to you, but here it goes...
I'm gay, and today, I started telling my best friends.
It still is a funny feeling, deep inside, to give out that bit of information I held so closely to my heart. I always felt it might enstrange some of my friends. But today, I want to believe in such drivel like "True friends like you for what you are". Maybe it's even true...
Another part is, well, this community. It may sound stupid, but you are such wonderful persons, especially people like Kelly, the very special Einhander Sn0m4n, verilon, our Overlord Wong, and many others I have been blessed to meet, that are so, well, normal about this thing that it made it easier for me, and helped me really realize that I have nothing to hide or fear
Just so you know...
(OT)Where y'at?(/OT)
Posted: 2003-01-01 08:43am
by Dahak
Darth Wong wrote:Yeah, but it would still hurt if they react negatively. If they're true friends, they won't.
Well, I would like to believe such thing, but I'm so terribly cynical, it's not even funny
But after countless "and where's your girlfriend?" questions at parties, I just had enough of it
Re: Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 08:44am
by Dahak
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
(OT)Where y'at?(/OT)
I hail from the metropole of southern Germany, Stuttgart
A nice city with just too much hills and Mercedes Benz *g*
Re: Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 08:50am
by Dahak
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:
Well, I know we've have disagreements on many subjects - libertarians and Germans just don't mix I guess - but the best of luck and fortune to you in your life ahead. Perhaps Germany is a bit easier in that regard.
You would be surprised about libertarians and Germans. I often am
And I'd daresay Germany made a huge leap in current years regaring homosexuals, especially political. But I am not really a supporter of those Gay Rights activists. Those are sometimes too....outspoken/aggressive...
Posted: 2003-01-01 08:52am
by Malachius
I hope it all goes well and they take it well. There is much homophobia in the world, but if they're really friends or at least people worth beingfriends with then it should be no problem. Let us know how it turns out.
Posted: 2003-01-01 09:21am
by Andrew J.
Good luck with your friends. I prefer not to have any, but I sympathize with people who do.
Re: Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 09:49am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Dahak wrote:[
You would be surprised about libertarians and Germans. I often am
Oh no. Now I'm afraid to ask what "libertarian" means in Germany; it's a political party and a (more supported than the party) ideology over here in the U.S.A.
And I'd daresay Germany made a huge leap in current years regaring homosexuals, especially political. But I am not really a supporter of those Gay Rights activists. Those are sometimes too....outspoken/aggressive...
I understand that perfectly; I think the same thing even moreso of Gay Rights activists over here. I think they monopolize a certain agenda which isn't really conductive for what needs to be done.
Andrew Sullivan is a much better spokesperson for gay rights and gay marriage over here IMO - I don't know if you've heard of him.
Re: Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 10:01am
by Dahak
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:
I understand that perfectly; I think the same thing even moreso of Gay Rights activists over here. I think they monopolize a certain agenda which isn't really conductive for what needs to be done.
Andrew Sullivan is a much better spokesperson for gay rights and gay marriage over here IMO - I don't know if you've heard of him.
Well, we do have the gay marriage as of 2001 in Germany. But for me, that's just the imitation of an already dead institution.
And although I am aware of the need that someone speaks out for homosexuals and their acceptance in the society, it's my opinion that this sometimes aggressive lobbying is more harmful than it is helpful. Tough I think even that aggressive way is at least one step better than to be completely silent...
Posted: 2003-01-01 10:43am
by Mark S
Good for you Dahak.
Hope all is well.
Re: Coming Out, sort of...
Posted: 2003-01-01 11:19am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Dahak wrote:
Well, we do have the gay marriage as of 2001 in Germany. But for me, that's just the imitation of an already dead institution.
I actually agree on that; I would like to have the government's role in marriage totally annihilated, abolished, etc - No civil marriage at all, and no "married" status on tax forms. You get married according to whatever you believe or don't believe in and to whomever you want to (Though getting married to a minor, of course, would get you prosecuted for attempted statuatory rape), and it's none of the government's business.
And although I am aware of the need that someone speaks out for homosexuals and their acceptance in the society, it's my opinion that this sometimes aggressive lobbying is more harmful than it is helpful. Tough I think even that aggressive way is at least one step better than to be completely silent...
For the most part, yes, but in the more conservative USA a certain in-your-face attitude.... Well, I sometimes wonder if it helps or hinders to speak stridently. I suspect you can imagine what I mean, by thinking of gay rights activists in your own country and transposing them against the behaviour of American Conservatives at Spacebattles, and thus the suspected reactions thereof.