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Really Important

Posted: 2003-01-01 02:24pm
by Cal Wright
I need a new TV. LoL. You people thought it was some crisis. LoL. Well it is. LoL. I'm gonna try and get a new TV by this weekend whether they go on sale or not. Right now it's down to two choices. I was just wondering mainly if anyone has delt with the two brands.

First choice.
Toshiba 20"

Second choice
Sharp 25"

Yeah, yeah, it should seem clear. However, first off both are $179. They both have a set of AV jacks in the rear and in the front, so it'll cover all of my console gaming needs. I don't think either one has Svideo. My dad keeps bitching that I should get the Toshiba. My brother and I seem to be leaning towards the sharp. I'ave already narrowed down. The sharp will fit in the stand and shouldn't seem to large in the room. The only thing now is just which is a better brand. If Toshiba is a hell of a lot better quality then I'll go with it. Just looking for input thanks!

Posted: 2003-01-01 08:00pm
by jodathalas
I had a sharp once that didn't last long. I have heard that Toshiba is very durable (as far as tv's go). I would go with the Toshiba out of experiance.

Posted: 2003-01-01 08:16pm
by Keevan_Colton
We've a toshiba that's lasted very I'd suggest you go with that.


Posted: 2003-01-01 09:18pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'd go with the Toshiba. I have a 25" TV in my house, and the picture comes out fuzzy. With a smaller TV, the picture is clearer from my experiences.

Posted: 2003-01-01 09:22pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
I do not need a TV, I get all my sustenance from the Internet. However, I have 3 TVs. The boys use the TVs. Go figure. LOL :lol: :lol:

Posted: 2003-01-01 09:24pm
by Sea Skimmer
I've found Toshiba's to be very good TV's. I dont think I've had a Sharp.

Posted: 2003-01-01 11:33pm
by Cal Wright
I did some talking too, (amazingly I happen to run into a guy I work with earlier today.) and he said Sharp was shit for him. That they have really gone downhill, and then I talked to someone else and they had said that Toshiba, while not as good, was quite comparable to Sony. So, the Toshiba might be the way I go. Especially since it will be replacing the Sony that is fifteen years old and except for the occasional flickering looks like it could go 15 more. (Just to let you know, the pic tube is getting ready to go out.)
Thanks for the input you silly English denizens.

Posted: 2003-01-01 11:41pm
by Sokar
Go with the Toshiba, they are very good, not a Sony Trinitron, but will do nicely.

Posted: 2003-01-01 11:44pm
by Cal Wright
I wish I had the cash to blow on one of those damned LCD screens. I can't remember what size it was. It was prolly the next to smallest LCD, around 25" (they do them in wide screen btw) and it was linked on an HDTV feed, the picture blew everything in the store away. I an just imagine Metroid or GT3 on that baby. woo