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What is Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Posted: 2003-01-03 10:16pm
by Ted
I've never heard of it or seen it, but it was just mentioned to me by Ando.
What is it?
Posted: 2003-01-03 10:18pm
by Exonerate
NGE is a popular anime, with lots of mecha of destruction. The year is 2015, and mankind has to rely on 14 year old kids to save their asses.
Posted: 2003-01-03 10:20pm
by Ted
Ah, well Ando, see, I took up your dare and posted about my lack of knowledge!
Though the response was what was expected though.
Posted: 2003-01-03 10:42pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Just popping in to state that I'm not saying anything...
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:03pm
by Yogi
Neon Genesis Evangelion, otherwise known as Shin Seki Evangelion, was an anime series that ran in 1995. It was produced by studio GAINAX and ran for 26 episodes. There has also been two two part movies, Death and Rebirth, and End of Evangelion. There are also "director's cut" scenes not shown on television.
The story is about an extremely introverted withdrawn boy attempting to deal with his self hatred, his father, and the world around him. To complicate matters, he also has to pilot a mech to defend the earth against beings which are supposed to be old testament angels. It is well known for it's biblical themes, it's nhilistic atmosphere, the main character of Shinji Ikari, the protrayals of human emotions and failings, and the interesting endings. The TV series and the Movie both show a diffrent . . . "interpretation" of the final days (or possibly diffrent versions altogether, though I think the two are supposed to mesh in some sort of way) While both endings require a certain degree of interpretation to grasp the entire meaning, it re-affirms the focus of Evangelion on the human psyche, as opposed to saving the day with cool mechs.
While most people think it is a worthy title, there are a select few out there who hate Evangelion. It is definetly something that is worth watching in my opinion. All 26 episodes plus the movies have been licenced by ADV Films ( ). There is also an Evangelion manga (comic book) which has been licenced by Viz Entertainmant ( )
Edit: ADV's website contains spoilers.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:27pm
by Uraniun235
NGE is the director's couch trip.
The plot is haphazard and falls apart under scrutiny.
The perfect series for pseudointellectuals.
It's fun to watch once or twice.
EDIT: HOWEVER, I have found the manga to be FAR more enjoyable and comprehensible. I wish the series had been as good.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:37pm
by Darth Yoshi
The manga also has more humor elements, IMHO.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:38pm
by HemlockGrey
(First person to catch the reference wins!)
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:39pm
by Sokar
NGE is a very good anime series, with all the cool art, mecha and combat you can handle. It also has the most fucked up ensemble of characters your likely to encounter in a popular anime film or series that is non-pornographic. The first 24 episodes are great with lots of cool action and some of the most visceral combat ever put on screen, eps 25 and 26 will eiether have you cheering , or pointing at you DVD player and shouting "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!!!!!!!" (Guess which I did.....) They are a serious head trip, strangely you can watch the first 24 eps and not feel cheated, considering that the final episode left so many people scratching their heads that its taken TWO movies to come up with a pseudo-explanation for what the fuck is going on in thoes final two hours.
I reccomend it , the art and style are worth the experience and coin to rent. If you want cool action I also reccomend Spriggan, that move rocked me right out of my chair, rent and enjoy.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:42pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
End of Evangelion overrides episodes 25 and 26.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:45pm
by Darth Yoshi
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:End of Evangelion overrides episodes 25 and 26.
Does it? I thought the two were separate.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:46pm
by The Black Jesus
HemlockGrey wrote:Doom.
(First person to catch the reference wins!)
the 3 evas are supposedly supposed to resemble the barons of hell
is that the magic reference?
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:47pm
by HemlockGrey
Bzzt. The reference has nothing to do with Eva. Try again.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:48pm
by Exonerate
Darth Yoshi wrote:Spanky The Dolphin wrote:End of Evangelion overrides episodes 25 and 26.
Does it? I thought the two were separate.
EoE is an alternate ending, because Anno got death threats because people didn't like Eps 25 and 26.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:49pm
by The Black Jesus
HemlockGrey wrote:Bzzt. The reference has nothing to do with Eva. Try again.
hey! don't blame me, blame peekaboo street
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:50pm
by Shinova
HemlockGrey wrote:Bzzt. The reference has nothing to do with Eva. Try again.
3rd impact?
The volatile nature of this thread?
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:50pm
by HemlockGrey
EoE is an alternate ending, because Anno got death threats because people didn't like Eps 25 and 26.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:52pm
by Exonerate
Yep... It was under those threats when he decided to redo it.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:54pm
by VF5SS
Uraniun235 wrote:
The perfect series for pseudointellectuals.
Such as stuck-up Otaku and their lackeys
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:54pm
by HemlockGrey
Good for him...oi...must be some obsessive fans.
Anyway, in this one movie, a guy is holding a briefcase, and he opens the briefcase, and another guy goes 'What's that?' and the guy with the briefcase says 'Doom' and it kinda reminded of this, hence the reference.
Posted: 2003-01-03 11:55pm
by The Black Jesus
Exonerate wrote:Yep... It was under those threats when he decided to redo it.
there's about a million different accounts of what inspired him to do the movie~ the moral of this story is :don't rock the boat or you'll change into lcl
Posted: 2003-01-04 12:11am
by Archaic`
Darth Yoshi wrote:Spanky The Dolphin wrote:End of Evangelion overrides episodes 25 and 26.
Does it? I thought the two were separate.
There's so many different realms of thought on this, but I think at the moment that it's commonly accepted that the Episodes 25 and 26 and the movies D&R and EoE occur during the same timeframe, on the same timeline. You'll find long and detailed debates about it over on animeboards.
Posted: 2003-01-04 01:00am
by Spanky The Dolphin
God, why must my fellow Eva fans be so fucking stupid...?
The Evas are NOT based on the Barons of Hell or whatever the fuck they are. They are based on the Japanese Oni. This is official fact.
Yes, Anno did recieve death threats for how eps. 25 and 26 were done, but that wasn't his reason for doing EoE.
Anno wrote the last two episodes generally as they are in EoE, but TV Tokyo rejected it for content. Gainax had to sort of rush to do the episodes, so Anno did an internal view of Third Impact from Shinji's perspective, where Third Impact succeeded.
Later on, he was able to do a theatrical version of his original ending, one that overrides the endning of the TV series: where Third Impact is seen from a mostly external perspective, and where it fails. That is official fact.
People had a reation to the brutality of EoE, and decided that since they didn't like it, Anno just did it for revenge. As if someone would be so petty...
I know all for Eva, for I have correct and official information, not personal opinions.
I'm surrounded by morons...
Posted: 2003-01-04 01:12am
by HemlockGrey
My, aren't you the arrogant little fuck.
Posted: 2003-01-04 01:13am
by HemlockGrey
Further, he said they 'resemble' the barons of hell, he didn't say they were 'based off of'