Libertarian-National Party Plank.
Posted: 2003-01-04 10:17am
Since Alyrium started this, I'm now responding by posting the official plank of the Libertarian-National Party, which would be my political party if I ran my own. This is the Party Plank, or defined set of beliefs you have to espouse if you want to be a national candidate for office for the LNP:
On Amendments:
I. The Repeal of the XVIth Amendment shall be undertaken when possible, so that all taxation of income by the Federal government shall cease, as being capricious and damaging to the welfare of the people and the nation, and harming to the general industry of our society, along with encouraging of excessive government spending and waste; and also to manipulation in the form of levying directed towards certain segments of the population, and loopholes the like, which unfairly distributes the tax burden.
II. The revenue of the State shall instead be collected in the form of a Sales Tax, not to exceed six-percent, which shall be implemented when the income tax is repealed. This sales tax will be comprehensive, and also shall be levied as a duty upon goods purchased in foreign countries by U.S. citizens and holders of green cards, and carried back into this country.
III. The XVIIth Amendment shall be repealed when possible, thereby allowing the appointment of Senators by the States again. This shall return our form of government to that of a full Federal Republic as intended by the Founding Fathers, and ease the extreme and erratic incidences of power seen since the implementation of the XVIIth Amendment from both parties.
IV. An Amendment strengthening the Second Amendment should be passed, with text along these lines: "The definition of the second amendment shall be, that the militia of the United States of America is the whole of the voting citizenry, and an arm is any weapon, which may be feasable carried and operated by a single person."
V. An amendment establishing full representation by population for the Territories, Commonwealths, and Districts of the United States of America, in the House of Representations, ought be passed; but this should also abolish the position of "Shadow Senator" allowed to Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia as undignified to that body.
VI. The Posse Comitatus Act shall be elevated to the status of a Constitutional Amendment when possible.
On Laws:
I. Of course, all current federal legislation regarding firearms would rendered irrelevant by proposed 31st Amendment (Repealing an amendment requires an amendment); individual states would only have the power to legislate firearm possession in the hands of noncitizens, pending likely challenge to the supreme court on the exact definition of "shall not be infringed".
II. Work towards repealing all Federal drug laws and replacing them with a series of special "Sin" Taxes on all drugs. Legalization would be up to the individual states, but in those states where the drugs in question would be produced, the FDA would have oversight on quality. Yes, I'm even talking hard drugs here. We'd fight the cartels by offering a higher-quality product and undercutting their prices even with the tax; smuggling drugs (Or more precisely evading the customs duties on them) would remain a very serious crime.
III. All federal money to the states would be halted, period. This would have the side-effect of ending a lot of federal standards which are not laws, but are actually standardized state laws which have been encouraged by basically bribing the states. We'd cut off the money and tell the states to do things their own way, and, by the way, they'd have to convince their own citizens to raise taxes to do it, too. This would be where we save the federal budget from total collapse after switching from the current income tax to a 6% sales tax.
IV. Social Security would be replaced by a totally voluntary government investment programme, where you could buy stocks and bonds in cooperation with the federal government at a portion of your income equal to what social security used to take, with the federal government providing free investment insurance so that you're guaranteed to at least break-even (depending on the level of risk in your portfolio the government may guarantee a profit).
V. End all Federal Welfare and Medicare. Or, more precisely, current recipients would still be covered, but no new applicants would be accepted. So we'd gradually phase it out, simply. The states, and Charities, can handle this; it is not the job of the federal government.
VI. End affirmative action. As simple as that; people get hired based on ability, not government quotas.
VII. End federal enviromental regulations. Again, this isn't the job of the Federal government. It's the job of the states, especially when each state can easily have a different ecology and need different regulations.
VIII. Consolidate government offices and get rid of others to trim the bureaucracy. (For instance, combine the FDA and the Surgeon General Office's, get rid of the EPA, etc.)
IX. Eliminate the BATF, FBI, and the DEA. The FBI's jurisdiction would be split between the Marshals for the criminal side and the CIA and the NSA for the intelligence side. Get rid of all of those police forces the other agencies seem to have these days. For instance, why the hell does NOAA need cops?
X. Create an armed military border guard force; basically a new branch of the military. Under Posse Comitatus they could not enforce the law inside the USA, could they could reinforce the defence of the borders, which are, as has been noted, a legal grey area.
XI. Strange the USAF and reincorporate it into the army as the Army Air Corps. Ground Support is vital these days and they don't do a good enough job. That will keep the Pentagon bureaucracy from exploding with the addition of a new service.
XII. On Religio: Essentially I'd obey the constitution, which says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" in the First Amendment, to quote it exactly. Therefore we shall do just that; we will leave religion alone.
Religious institutions, in addition to their current protections, will also not have to - even at the state level - go through the enviromental or normal building code safety processes for construction, nor adhere to fairness in hireing whatsoever. At the same time we shall endeavour to support judges who maintain the likewise proper avoidance of the inclusion of religious materials in State documents, including educational material; and of course faith-based charity is out, though at least at the federal level is immaterial, as we won't be handing out any charity anyway.
Basically, once land is in the possession of a religious institution, it might as well be a seperate country as far as the regulatory process is concerned, on the limitation that it is used for a religious function. Conversely clearly religious concepts cannot be included in government or the government institutions even when they have reasonable application.
Executive Orders:
I. I'd rename a few of those presidential carriers which are called after men who don't deserve it; after battles and things which do.
II. At all government functions at least, the entirety of the lyrics of the national anthem would be sung. I don't care if it mentions God; It's a damned good song, and God can be Deistic you know.
III. The rather wishy-washy current policy of "don't ask, don't tell" would be replaced with one more decisive and more sensible, I think: Openly homosexual individuals could serve on the condition that they swear an oath to remain chaste during their service; and would be dishonourably discharged if they broke it. Homosexuality does exist as an unchangeable fact of modern American society, but at the same time I understand that the military is a sub-culture which will always by its nature remain more conservative than the rest of a society; so I think this is an effective compromise.
I. In terms of defence spending, a national missile defence shield and a sustainable fifteen carrier, five hundred ship navy would be top priorities.
II. Cancel the F-22 Raptor; it's hopelessly over-budget, a complete waste of money. In fact, I'd want a special congressional investigation and lots of rolling heads. The Israelis have come up with numerous interesting designs in the past, but we've squashed the latest to make them take our own defence industry's products: It's time to get something good out of that relationship, and I think a cooperative effort between Israel, Turkey, and the USA for a rush-produced alternative to the F-22 would do quite nicely. The new Army Air Corps will be properly obedient for long enough not to complaint about at least this design anyway.
III. After Iraq is in order, American boots trudge through Saudi sand.
IV. A systematic review of foreign aide to find out where it is being given unnecessarily and withdraw it should be undertaken.
I. Postmodernist agenda in education shall be counteracted by the ending of federal funding to collegiate institutions; which would have been done on libertarian principles anyway.
II. Anti-terrorist operations shall be conducted on the ideal of preventing terrorists from entering the country in the first place, and therefore on the exhaustive screening of noncitizens, over restrictions and degregation of personal freedoms and intrusion upon liberties of citizens.
III. The removal of government from the entire institution of marriage shall be encouraged, reducing it to a purely spiritual affair, and thus ending the entire gay marriage issue by making it one between a couple and a priest/spiritual individual/their spiritual community or whatever. What exactly is the point of being forced to get a marriage license, anyway? (Especially if there's no federal tax deduction for marriage now.) However, in those states where one still is required to get one, the legalization of gay marriage would certainly be encouraged on the principle of equality.
On Amendments:
I. The Repeal of the XVIth Amendment shall be undertaken when possible, so that all taxation of income by the Federal government shall cease, as being capricious and damaging to the welfare of the people and the nation, and harming to the general industry of our society, along with encouraging of excessive government spending and waste; and also to manipulation in the form of levying directed towards certain segments of the population, and loopholes the like, which unfairly distributes the tax burden.
II. The revenue of the State shall instead be collected in the form of a Sales Tax, not to exceed six-percent, which shall be implemented when the income tax is repealed. This sales tax will be comprehensive, and also shall be levied as a duty upon goods purchased in foreign countries by U.S. citizens and holders of green cards, and carried back into this country.
III. The XVIIth Amendment shall be repealed when possible, thereby allowing the appointment of Senators by the States again. This shall return our form of government to that of a full Federal Republic as intended by the Founding Fathers, and ease the extreme and erratic incidences of power seen since the implementation of the XVIIth Amendment from both parties.
IV. An Amendment strengthening the Second Amendment should be passed, with text along these lines: "The definition of the second amendment shall be, that the militia of the United States of America is the whole of the voting citizenry, and an arm is any weapon, which may be feasable carried and operated by a single person."
V. An amendment establishing full representation by population for the Territories, Commonwealths, and Districts of the United States of America, in the House of Representations, ought be passed; but this should also abolish the position of "Shadow Senator" allowed to Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia as undignified to that body.
VI. The Posse Comitatus Act shall be elevated to the status of a Constitutional Amendment when possible.
On Laws:
I. Of course, all current federal legislation regarding firearms would rendered irrelevant by proposed 31st Amendment (Repealing an amendment requires an amendment); individual states would only have the power to legislate firearm possession in the hands of noncitizens, pending likely challenge to the supreme court on the exact definition of "shall not be infringed".
II. Work towards repealing all Federal drug laws and replacing them with a series of special "Sin" Taxes on all drugs. Legalization would be up to the individual states, but in those states where the drugs in question would be produced, the FDA would have oversight on quality. Yes, I'm even talking hard drugs here. We'd fight the cartels by offering a higher-quality product and undercutting their prices even with the tax; smuggling drugs (Or more precisely evading the customs duties on them) would remain a very serious crime.
III. All federal money to the states would be halted, period. This would have the side-effect of ending a lot of federal standards which are not laws, but are actually standardized state laws which have been encouraged by basically bribing the states. We'd cut off the money and tell the states to do things their own way, and, by the way, they'd have to convince their own citizens to raise taxes to do it, too. This would be where we save the federal budget from total collapse after switching from the current income tax to a 6% sales tax.
IV. Social Security would be replaced by a totally voluntary government investment programme, where you could buy stocks and bonds in cooperation with the federal government at a portion of your income equal to what social security used to take, with the federal government providing free investment insurance so that you're guaranteed to at least break-even (depending on the level of risk in your portfolio the government may guarantee a profit).
V. End all Federal Welfare and Medicare. Or, more precisely, current recipients would still be covered, but no new applicants would be accepted. So we'd gradually phase it out, simply. The states, and Charities, can handle this; it is not the job of the federal government.
VI. End affirmative action. As simple as that; people get hired based on ability, not government quotas.
VII. End federal enviromental regulations. Again, this isn't the job of the Federal government. It's the job of the states, especially when each state can easily have a different ecology and need different regulations.
VIII. Consolidate government offices and get rid of others to trim the bureaucracy. (For instance, combine the FDA and the Surgeon General Office's, get rid of the EPA, etc.)
IX. Eliminate the BATF, FBI, and the DEA. The FBI's jurisdiction would be split between the Marshals for the criminal side and the CIA and the NSA for the intelligence side. Get rid of all of those police forces the other agencies seem to have these days. For instance, why the hell does NOAA need cops?
X. Create an armed military border guard force; basically a new branch of the military. Under Posse Comitatus they could not enforce the law inside the USA, could they could reinforce the defence of the borders, which are, as has been noted, a legal grey area.
XI. Strange the USAF and reincorporate it into the army as the Army Air Corps. Ground Support is vital these days and they don't do a good enough job. That will keep the Pentagon bureaucracy from exploding with the addition of a new service.
XII. On Religio: Essentially I'd obey the constitution, which says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" in the First Amendment, to quote it exactly. Therefore we shall do just that; we will leave religion alone.
Religious institutions, in addition to their current protections, will also not have to - even at the state level - go through the enviromental or normal building code safety processes for construction, nor adhere to fairness in hireing whatsoever. At the same time we shall endeavour to support judges who maintain the likewise proper avoidance of the inclusion of religious materials in State documents, including educational material; and of course faith-based charity is out, though at least at the federal level is immaterial, as we won't be handing out any charity anyway.
Basically, once land is in the possession of a religious institution, it might as well be a seperate country as far as the regulatory process is concerned, on the limitation that it is used for a religious function. Conversely clearly religious concepts cannot be included in government or the government institutions even when they have reasonable application.
Executive Orders:
I. I'd rename a few of those presidential carriers which are called after men who don't deserve it; after battles and things which do.
II. At all government functions at least, the entirety of the lyrics of the national anthem would be sung. I don't care if it mentions God; It's a damned good song, and God can be Deistic you know.
III. The rather wishy-washy current policy of "don't ask, don't tell" would be replaced with one more decisive and more sensible, I think: Openly homosexual individuals could serve on the condition that they swear an oath to remain chaste during their service; and would be dishonourably discharged if they broke it. Homosexuality does exist as an unchangeable fact of modern American society, but at the same time I understand that the military is a sub-culture which will always by its nature remain more conservative than the rest of a society; so I think this is an effective compromise.
I. In terms of defence spending, a national missile defence shield and a sustainable fifteen carrier, five hundred ship navy would be top priorities.
II. Cancel the F-22 Raptor; it's hopelessly over-budget, a complete waste of money. In fact, I'd want a special congressional investigation and lots of rolling heads. The Israelis have come up with numerous interesting designs in the past, but we've squashed the latest to make them take our own defence industry's products: It's time to get something good out of that relationship, and I think a cooperative effort between Israel, Turkey, and the USA for a rush-produced alternative to the F-22 would do quite nicely. The new Army Air Corps will be properly obedient for long enough not to complaint about at least this design anyway.
III. After Iraq is in order, American boots trudge through Saudi sand.
IV. A systematic review of foreign aide to find out where it is being given unnecessarily and withdraw it should be undertaken.
I. Postmodernist agenda in education shall be counteracted by the ending of federal funding to collegiate institutions; which would have been done on libertarian principles anyway.
II. Anti-terrorist operations shall be conducted on the ideal of preventing terrorists from entering the country in the first place, and therefore on the exhaustive screening of noncitizens, over restrictions and degregation of personal freedoms and intrusion upon liberties of citizens.
III. The removal of government from the entire institution of marriage shall be encouraged, reducing it to a purely spiritual affair, and thus ending the entire gay marriage issue by making it one between a couple and a priest/spiritual individual/their spiritual community or whatever. What exactly is the point of being forced to get a marriage license, anyway? (Especially if there's no federal tax deduction for marriage now.) However, in those states where one still is required to get one, the legalization of gay marriage would certainly be encouraged on the principle of equality.