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More Madness from our "Friend" RayCav!

Posted: 2003-01-04 06:24pm
by MKSheppard
From our friend RayCav, posted on ASVS:

Yes, it's me, Raynor RayCav, and I'm speaking to you from my public
library in exile. You see, my mom found my (not-so) secret (anymore)
porno stash and I'm grounded from computer use indefinately.
Therefore, I can only communicate with you using Google, and from
school and public libraries in a covert fashion. Therefore, until my
return (knowing my mom until I get the fuck away from under her roof),
I would like to address some things:

- thanks for the GSDA nominations! Considering how those are really
my first fanfics, I consider just the fact that I have been nominated
a great honor.

- John Hansen, I'm giving you full control of my STGOD faction until
I return.

- You may talk to my friend (AIM nick: asvsguy - yes the same one I
used) and I'll try and get a dialouge going between me and him in
terms of any future messages I wish to convey.

Posted: 2003-01-04 06:51pm
by Shinova
Apparently RayCav hasn't died from that "suicide attempt" before.

Posted: 2003-01-04 06:53pm
by kojikun
I wonder what the porn was of. ..

Posted: 2003-01-04 06:58pm
by ArmorPierce
To bad she ain't one of those cool moms that says "Boys will be boys".

Posted: 2003-01-04 07:01pm
by XaLEv
kojikun wrote:I wonder what the porn was of. ..
As do I...

Posted: 2003-01-04 07:04pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
ArmorPierce wrote:To bad she ain't one of those cool moms that says "Boys will be boys".
Except that Ray's idea of pornography is women getting their organs removed during sex.

Posted: 2003-01-04 07:07pm
by Stormbringer
ArmorPierce wrote:To bad she ain't one of those cool moms that says "Boys will be boys".
Except RayCav is Jeffery Dahmer Junior. In his case it's "boys will be serial killers."

Posted: 2003-01-04 07:09pm
by Kuja
You know, I'm getting fairly sick of hearing about "the misadventures of RayCav". Can we just let him go?

Posted: 2003-01-04 08:21pm
by Cal Wright
Naw, if we let him go, MK wouldn't have anything to jerk off too.

Posted: 2003-01-04 08:25pm
by Sea Skimmer
kojikun wrote:I wonder what the porn was of. ..
*Explodes 100 pound C-4 charge under the railway tracks*

That's one train of thought that needs derailing.

Posted: 2003-01-04 08:25pm
by MKSheppard
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Naw, if we let him go, MK wouldn't have anything to jerk off too.
*shoots DG_Cal_Wright between the eyes with Dalton*

"Now, that wasn't nice. I do have to admit a morbid fascination with the depths
that RayCav sinks to. It seems he has no limit to the depravity he can go

Posted: 2003-01-04 08:26pm
by ArmorPierce
LoL true, true.

I enjoy seeing a update on Raycav every now and then be it a suicide attempt, homicide attempt, how the court case is going, how his appealing is going, etc..

Posted: 2003-01-04 08:26pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I leave SD.Net for the army and this is what I find? Geez...

Posted: 2003-01-04 08:28pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
kojikun wrote:I wonder what the porn was of. ..
As Spanky said, it was probably a stash of pictues depicting women getting their organs removed. If it was "normal porn", his mom would probably just shrug it off.

It's nice to know RayCav isn't contemplating suicide as of now.

Posted: 2003-01-05 02:37am
by Dalton
MKSheppard wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Naw, if we let him go, MK wouldn't have anything to jerk off too.
*shoots DG_Cal_Wright between the eyes with Dalton*

"Now, that wasn't nice. I do have to admit a morbid fascination with the depths
that RayCav sinks to. It seems he has no limit to the depravity he can go
Yeah, and it seems that you take joy in the fact that there's someone sadder than you.

Thread closed.