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Where did you hear the USSR fell, and what did you think?
Posted: 2003-01-07 09:21pm
by HemlockGrey
Where were you, when was it, and what did you think?
Posted: 2003-01-07 09:24pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I was too young to know anything about world politics at the time, and when I was old enough to understand, I'd already taken the country of Russia for granted.
Posted: 2003-01-07 09:30pm
by Enforcer Talen
I was five in my living room. I played checkers.
Posted: 2003-01-07 09:34pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I was too young to remember much. All I knew is that one big country split up into a bunch of smaller ones, but I didn't know that Communism fell. I believe at my school at that time, the maps still had the Soviet Union on them.
Posted: 2003-01-07 09:42pm
by Mr Bean
Dunno not realy news to me, The USSR had been falling apart three years runing, Not like it was
*Breaking news! The Soviet Union's Chief of Financing Accidently molted of the gold reserves and sent it to the nations Movie theaters as a butter repalcment on pop-corn
Posted: 2003-01-07 09:48pm
by Icehawk
Never heard about it untill long after it happened. I was like 9 or 10 years old and was playing with a globe I had gotten about 3 years earlier and then my dad came in and we started talking about stuff, and he mentioned that the globe was outdated because the USSR didn't exist anymore. I didn't understand the significance of it much less know just what the USSR had been at the time aside from the fact it was some other country on another part of the Earth.
Up untill I was about 13, I never gave too shits about what was happening in the rest of the world and never even watched the news or read newspapers untill around that age.
Posted: 2003-01-07 09:55pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I graduated from high school in 1989. From 89-91 the USSR slowly came apart, the Berlin Wall fell, we saw Russia not come to the aid of Iraq in the Gulf War, China oppressed demonstraters in a brutal crackdown in Tianamen.
Since there was no single date I cant say I experienced any kind of ephiphany. It was more like a long let down, that a way of life ( The Cold War ) was over and new territory lie ahead.
Posted: 2003-01-07 10:07pm
by Next of Kin
I was vacationing in Ft. Lauderdale at the time and I heard over the news that USSR had broken up. The other biggie in the news was that Ric Flair had signed with the WWF.
Re: Where did you hear the USSR fell, and what did you think
Posted: 2003-01-07 10:16pm
by Stormbringer
HemlockGrey wrote:Where were you, when was it, and what did you think?
I watched it on the TV in my living room and I remember thinking. This is bad, over and over. I was worried there would be a war.
Re: Where did you hear the USSR fell, and what did you think
Posted: 2003-01-07 10:54pm
by jegs2
HemlockGrey wrote:Where were you, when was it, and what did you think?
I was enlisted in the Coast Guard. I was quite happy to hear about it, falsely believing all would be right with the world.
Posted: 2003-01-07 11:11pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I was four years old when it happened and apparantly no one would talk to a 4 year-old about that, so I never knew about it until much later in Year X. I don't really remember what exact year I started having an interest in national and world events, but I know it was when I was in elementary school. I think the Gulf War was what got me interested in events. But that was after the Gulf War happened, so...maybe I was interested around...err....the early 90's, I suppose. I remember feeling disappointed that Bush was beaten by Clinton and I remember following the election a little, so....aha. At the least, it was around 1992. I was seven then.
Posted: 2003-01-07 11:18pm
by Sienthal
I was about 5 years old at the time, and I thought, "Hmm...I don't like Red anyway." and "I wonder if it snows all the time there."
Man...I missed our old biology books...They had a USSR map on them! However...Freaking Hell! We were the last year to use 1981 books! Now the damned Sophmores have new books...I'm bitter, and jealous.
Posted: 2003-01-08 09:44am
by salm
cant remember the fall of the ussr itself but i saw the fall of the Mauer in berlin on TV. damn, that was cool.
Posted: 2003-01-08 10:13am
by Tsyroc
I don't remember where I was but it made it made my job in the Navy different. Instead of studying the crap out of Russian naval assets we had to be more generalized. Then of course we had to learn about Iraq's air assets. and potential to attack us.
One cool thing about the USSR's decline and end was that we got to see some of their ships much closer. We even rendered honors to a Soviet cruiser/destroyer that was some admiral's flag ship.
Posted: 2003-01-08 01:26pm
by TrailerParkJawa
One cool thing about the USSR's decline and end was that we got to see some of their ships much closer. We even rendered honors to a Soviet cruiser/destroyer that was some admiral's flag ship.
Things sure have changed. Once every other month or so a Russian Anatov lands at Moffet Federal Airfield to pick up stuff they are buying from Lockheed.
Moffet used to be a Naval Airstation with P-3 sub hunters. With the exception of a reserve squadron of P-3's and the 129th Air National Guard Recce Wing, there is not much their anymore. But still, to see a Russian plane land at a military installation to do business is a big indicator of how things have changed.
Posted: 2003-01-08 01:31pm
by Crazy_Vasey
I remember watching the Berlin Wall get torn down on BBC new but I was too young to really understand the significance of it.
Posted: 2003-01-08 02:38pm
by Sea Skimmer
I saw the wall coming down, though I barely remember it. I also remember the attempted coup in Moscow but the actual fall of the Union never really entered my mind until I was older.
Posted: 2003-01-08 02:45pm
by StarshipTitanic
I wasn't old enough to know when, I just know that it did happen.
Everyone else in my school didn't know because we didn't get updated maps of any sort until I was in 7th grade (00) :rolleyes:.
Posted: 2003-01-08 03:28pm
I was in third grade, and I generally knew what was going on with eastern europe at the time. I remember the falling of the Berlin Wall years before. For a little kid I knew quite a bit about what was going on. Thanks to my oarent for not letting my sibs and I not just watch cartoons.
Posted: 2003-01-08 03:29pm
I was in third grade, and I generally knew what was going on with eastern europe at the time. I remember the falling of the Berlin Wall years before. For a little kid I knew quite a bit about what was going on. Thanks to my oarent for not letting my sibs and I not just watch cartoons.
Posted: 2003-01-08 04:52pm
by Howedar
I remember the statue of Lenin coming down. Thats all.