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Where in the hell did you get...
Posted: 2003-01-08 05:47am
by Frank Hipper
...your username from. Other than from inside your own head. Now, obviously, this doesn't apply to the obvious ones like Darth ***** and such, but a few people around here have got some lulus!
Mine is a corruption of Franz von Hipper, commander of the German battlecruiser force in WWI. He's also my new avatar.
Posted: 2003-01-08 06:32am
by CmdrSweevo
I've been using AustinSweevo online for a while now (Austin because hy surname's Healey, much to the amusement of my PE teacher, Sweevo because a freind once said I look like the robot game character of the same name). The reason it's CmdrSweevo here is because registering failed no less than three times, putting AustinSweevo, Austin Sweevo and just Sweevo beyond use for a few weeks
Posted: 2003-01-08 06:50am
by mantakai
i was toying with the idea of starting a novel and i needed some character names, so i was talking with my friend and he came up with a few and this happened to be one of them that i thought was pretty original and sounded good. i have used it many times since.
Posted: 2003-01-08 06:56am
by Darth Fanboy
I was gonna use Darth and then my last name but its been done, then I realized I was registering fora BBS on a Friday night and it hit me. Fanboy, because the only thing I had going for me that evening was a few posts, a rented copy of TPM and after that? Playstation.
Posted: 2003-01-08 06:59am
by weemadando
Started out as Anders Russell on ASVS. and with the e-mail name of a_tuin (that one dates back to '95/'96).
Later moved my e-mail name to nosh.
Finally in '99 became WeeMadAndo after a LAN when I decided I needed an interesting name.
WeeMadAndo is a derivative of a Terry Pratchett character name, Wee Mad Arthur.
Thats about it.
Posted: 2003-01-08 07:05am
by Dalton
This thread's been done's buried somewhere in the mists of the board.
Posted: 2003-01-08 07:46am
by Boba Fett
Dalton wrote:This thread's been done's buried somewhere in the mists of the board.
Yes, but who cares as long there are new members that you can ask?!
When I first saw Boba Fett in TESB he became my favourite character so that's why I use his name. Unfortunately he was treated by GL -as a character of SW movies- very poorly.
But he is still one of the best designed character in the SW universe.
Posted: 2003-01-08 07:52am
by Faram
Faram --> derivative of Faramir from LoTR
So i'm a huge LoTR fan
Also PJ pissed me off when he wrecked "my" character in TTT
Posted: 2003-01-08 08:03am
by Vympel
Faram wrote:
Also PJ pissed me off when he wrecked "my" character in TTT
Not to hijack the thread, but he didn't 'wreck' your character, he merely fleshed him out , in all liklihood to create tension. You can't expect the book character to pass muster on the big screen.
Back to the thread, Vympel:
- Russian for pennant
- Leading Russian manufacturer of air-to-air missiles, including the R-73 (AA-11 ARCHER)
- Russian Spetznaz force
It just sounds good.
Posted: 2003-01-08 08:16am
by Mr Flibble
Well Mr Flibble comes stright from Red Dwarf. And it is a cool name, so, being the huge dwarf fan that I am, I took it as my user name. I mean who can go past a puppet penguin that has hex vison?
Posted: 2003-01-08 08:40am
by Sir Sirius
I made a humorous remark about jesus in another board and one of the local fundies accused me of "blah<you'll burn in hel>blah...not taking the christian faith s
iriously enough and not showing the proper respect for our saviour...blah<the end is coming>blah" (the typo was his).
When I registered here I remeber that line and took the name Sir S
irius (taking things seriously has always been a problem for me).
Posted: 2003-01-08 08:44am
by InnerBrat
Sir Sirius wrote:I made a humorous remark about jesus in another board and one of the local fundies accused me of "blah<you'll burn in hel>blah...not taking the christian faith s
iriously enough and not showing the proper respect for our saviour...blah<the end is coming>blah" (the typo was his).
When I registered here I remeber that line and took the name Sir S
irius (taking things seriously has always been a problem for me).
I just thought you were a dog...
Posted: 2003-01-08 09:19am
by salm
i got mine due to total ramdomness. i didnt even know it was a german word for salmon because salmon is usually translated as lachs.
Posted: 2003-01-08 09:26am
by Lagmonster
I've done this before, in the other 'names' thread, but I always enjoy mentioning it.
I get my username from LambdaMOO text-RPG, and in turn applied it to myself in FPS games I play, where I use the handle 'Lagbeast' or 'Lagmonster'. If you see one of those names, it's a good chance of being me. I just like it when players angrily shout, 'No fair! I died because of the lag!' and other such petty whiny noises.
Posted: 2003-01-08 10:22am
by Galvatron
I made mine up out of thin air. I created my avatar out of my imagination too. Pretty clever, huh?
Posted: 2003-01-08 10:38am
by Crazy_Vasey
Mine is my nickname that I had at school.
Posted: 2003-01-08 10:43am
by Alyeska
I played WC2 once upon a time and was screwing around and put "dde" for my name. I accidently over wrote my old game so I was stuck with this. I played the game through and the name stuck with me. I used it in every single player game I played. Then I wanted to play Red Alert on Westwood chat but needed to sign up. I tried dde and it didn't work. So I raked my mind and tried several names. Then I looked at the shirt I was wearing, it said "Alyeska Resort, Alaska". I thought that Alyeska would be a cool name. I used that name and it has stuck with me ever since. That was back in early 97'. Now when find a place that already has Alyeska (which is few and far between) I just use minor variations like placing a number at the end of the name or some such. Example, Alyeska-23
Posted: 2003-01-08 10:45am
by Stormbringer
Mine is one of the Ten Who Were Taken. It was a choice between that and Soulcatcher and I decided this one was a little better choice.
Posted: 2003-01-08 12:41pm
by Kuja
salm wrote:i got mine due to total ramdomness. i didnt even know it was a german word for salmon because salmon is usually translated as lachs.
Huh. I figured you named yourself after General Salm.
I got my username because I like IG-88 and because A-D were taken in the story about him.
Posted: 2003-01-08 12:46pm
by Ghost Rider
A high school joke, and I liked the character.
Posted: 2003-01-08 12:56pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Mine started as a handle for Unreal Tournament. I always try to make something silly for Quake and UT names. It has since become one of my internet identities.
Posted: 2003-01-08 12:59pm
by Stormbringer
Ghost Rider wrote:A high school joke, and I liked the character.
Top Gun joke?
Posted: 2003-01-08 01:03pm
by Ghost Rider
Stormbringer wrote:Top Gun joke?
More like a way I got out of getting one too many tardy slips in High school
My school rang it's opening bell at 7:30...I usually(living 5 minutes away spoiled me) woke up at around I used the name Dan Ketch for a great many things
Posted: 2003-01-08 01:36pm
by XaLEv
My name means 'night' in a language I came up with. It's pronounced kah-lev. The case of each letter is important for pronunciation, except for the L. That one's capitalized just for the hell of it.
Posted: 2003-01-08 02:11pm
by Straha
My Original username (robgea) was/is my universal screenname. My current one comes from Harry Tutrledove's world war series and is the one member of the Race with a pro-active view point on their war.