w00t! (Computer-related)

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w00t! (Computer-related)

Post by Dalton »

After much swearing, hacking, twenty minutes spent convinced that I destroyed the socket, finally levering out the motherfucking heatsink, fucking with BIOS and jumper settings and with much help from Kynes and Phong, I am now the proud runner of an AMD Athlon 2000+ running at 1,673 MHz...nearly 725 MHz greater than my old Athlon. 57% faster mofos!

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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

|>00|>, j00r 5|<1llz 4r3 4\/\/350|\/|3.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Slightly faster than the computer that I am currently am using.
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Post by Stravo »

To add to the computer related good news I just got AOL Broadband and this cable modem stuff is the shiznit!!!!
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Post by Dalton »

Stravo wrote:To add to the computer related good news I just got AOL Broadband and this cable modem stuff is the shiznit!!!!
But it's still AOL ;)

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Post by Stravo »

Dalton wrote:
Stravo wrote:To add to the computer related good news I just got AOL Broadband and this cable modem stuff is the shiznit!!!!
But it's still AOL ;)

Dalton, AOL is not ALL bad....right? :?
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Post by Dalton »

Stravo wrote:Dalton, AOL is not ALL bad....right? :?
It is quite evil, but like Windows not all its users have fallen to the dark forces. I deem thee nerd-friend, AOL user though you might be. Since I myself use the Unholy Creation of XP :)
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Post by Cal Wright »

Hey, I've used AoL for a loooong time. It was only harsh in the beginning when true internet users were hammered from iron and forged in the fires of Mount Doom

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Post by Temjin »

Right now I'm using the free 3 month trial of AOL.

I fucking hate it.

I hate the fact that it forces you to have the AOL browser open at all times. At least with other ISP's you get to use your own browser.

What I especially hate is the fact that it kicks me off every 20 minutes. Some days I can't get on at all.

Thank god this is the last month.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Hey, I've used AoL for a loooong time. It was only harsh in the beginning when true internet users were hammered from iron and forged in the fires of Mount Doom
We need to form a Fellowship to destroy the Lord* of the ISPs... unfortunately, it seems that everyone gets corrupted by it...

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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Watch "The Mummy" the scene in the city with the zombies....
There is a similarity isnt there?
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Post by Mr Bean »

I plain an gigantic upgrade comes this Augest... Yes the best money can buy and then some, I already have the hookup with a company who pretests proccessors and bundles them with a Kryotech style cooling system, So I looking at a healthy 4.5 Ghtz MINIUM if I bough it in May according to them...

Dare I say... 5... Ghtz? Come August

I also plain on picking up a pretty Gefore FX 256 Meg Card as they should be out by then, mmmm 1 Ghtz Memeory Bandwith +500 Mhtz Core Frequancy

Tis a good time for computer owners

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Post by phongn »

Mr Bean wrote:I plain an gigantic upgrade comes this Augest... Yes the best money can buy and then some, I already have the hookup with a company who pretests proccessors and bundles them with a Kryotech style cooling system, So I looking at a healthy 4.5 Ghtz MINIUM if I bough it in May according to them...

Dare I say... 5... Ghtz? Come August
Possible with overclocking, perhaps. I wonder how Hammer and GPUL will compare with Intel's ultra-clockspeed solutions.
I also plain on picking up a pretty Gefore FX 256 Meg Card as they should be out by then, mmmm 1 Ghtz Memeory Bandwith +500 Mhtz Core Frequancy
I'm wondering about ATI's counter to GFX.
Tis a good time for computer owners
Unless you're a Mac user - GPUL won't be out for some time and there's no guaruntee that it'll be in Macs. Motorola is behind (as usual) on the newer G4es as well.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Unless you're a Mac user
Out of curisoty.. WHEN was it a good time to be a Mac User?

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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

From what I know ATIs counter to the Geforce FX will be a clocked up 9700 pro but the difference between a 9700 pro and a Geforce FX is unlikely to be that high anyway. They're the same generation of card and ATI had a hell of a lot less difficulty getting theirs to actually work heh.

Nvidia really shot themselves in the foot this time out, completely blew the release date and have ended up witha card with a fan that looks like the sort of thing you put on a processor thats been overclocked massively. I'm really suspicious of this one, I'm getting a serious Voodoo 5esque vibe from it. Deeply late and massively hyped.
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Post by phongn »

Mr Bean wrote:
Unless you're a Mac user
Out of curisoty.. WHEN was it a good time to be a Mac User?
Early 1990s/late 1980s, maybe? When the PPC was first released?
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Post by Enlightenment »

Mr Bean wrote:Out of curisoty.. WHEN was it a good time to be a Mac User?
It will be a good time to be a Mac user when it's no longer possible to buy PCs without mandatory Palladium.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

If that ever comes to pass, AMD will be there for us.
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Post by Mr Bean »

It will be a good time to be a Mac user when it's no longer possible to buy PCs without mandatory Palladium.
That would be anytime now, Also there is new Deal with Gateway if you buy your computer from thier corprat branch thier give you your choice of Linux(Redhat, Mandrake and another... can't remeber name) installed

And I remeber right PPC was... 91?

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Post by phongn »

Mr Bean wrote:And I remeber right PPC was... 91?
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Re: w00t! (Computer-related)

Post by Necro99 »

Dalton wrote:nearly 725 MHz greater than my old Athlon.
Thats more powerfull than my computor =|
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Post by Durandal »

Mr Bean wrote:
Unless you're a Mac user
Out of curisoty.. WHEN was it a good time to be a Mac User?
When the 604e and G3 were kicking the Pentium II's ass all around the block in virtually every benchmark possible. Oh, and the PowerPC was the first consumer chip to break the 200MHz mark. That was a good time to be a Mac user ... ahh, the glory days. <sniff>

And Phong, is "Giga-Processor Ultra Light" really the name IBM is using? That name floated around a little back in October (and everyone thought it was stupid, because it was), but as far as I know, IBM calls it the PowerPC 970.

And, to be honest, it's actually not a bad time to be a Mac user ... not great, but not bad. Mac OS X is solid, kicking ass, and has opened up a whole new world of software to me, not to mention that Apple just released their own implementation of X11.
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Post by Vertigo1 »

HemlockGrey wrote:If that ever comes to pass, AMD will be there for us.
AMD is in it too dude...though last I heard that Palladium crap got thrown out.
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Post by phongn »

Durandal wrote:
Mr Bean wrote:
Unless you're a Mac user
Out of curisoty.. WHEN was it a good time to be a Mac User?
When the 604e and G3 were kicking the Pentium II's ass all around the block in virtually every benchmark possible. Oh, and the PowerPC was the first consumer chip to break the 200MHz mark. That was a good time to be a Mac user ... ahh, the glory days. <sniff>
OTOH, you could have been saddled with one of the AIW PPC LC machines like our high school got hit with :evil: That was the last generation of Macs at our school (they were later replaced with Dell Celerons).
And Phong, is "Giga-Processor Ultra Light" really the name IBM is using? That name floated around a little back in October (and everyone thought it was stupid, because it was), but as far as I know, IBM calls it the PowerPC 970.
It's an internal name, IIRC. They actually do call the POWER series the Giga-Processor.
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Post by Vertigo1 »

You think thats bad? You try getting forced to use Apple II E's. :D (this was back when 486's were popular)
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