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Goddammit! The networks SUCK!

Posted: 2003-01-09 08:28pm
by HemlockGrey
UPN will not pick up Firefly. Goddamit it! WTF is wrong with the world when crap like 'Joe Millionare' or 'Enterprise' thrives but real shows like this die a lonely death?

Goddammit, it seems any fucking show I actually watch dies...

Posted: 2003-01-09 08:31pm
by Straha
QUICK! Start watching enterprise!

Posted: 2003-01-09 08:44pm
by HemlockGrey
Listen to my pain, goddamit!

Posted: 2003-01-09 08:47pm
by Captain tycho
HemlockGrey wrote:Listen to my pain, goddamit!
Dammit, and I really liked Firefly.... :(

Re: Goddammit! The networks SUCK!

Posted: 2003-01-09 08:48pm
by RedImperator
HemlockGrey wrote:UPN will not pick up Firefly. Goddamit it! WTF is wrong with the world when crap like 'Joe Millionare' or 'Enterprise' thrives but real shows like this die a lonely death?

Goddammit, it seems any fucking show I actually watch dies...
Is this confirmed? Where can I read it?

Edit: I just checked out the "Immediate Assistance" site. UPN said it didn't fit with their current programming needs. Read that: "We've already got a space science fiction show, thanks," or "Rick Berman would throw a fit if he had competition on his own network." So everyone, remember that B&B have essentially killed one good SF franchise and their train wreck of a series, "Enterprise", is probably keeping some of the best televised sci-fi in America off the air.

Goddammit. God fucking damn it. Fastlane is in Firefly's time slot now. If it survives until the end of February, I'd be surprised. Not that Fastlane is any good, but it illustrates a point. What kind of lint-headed idiot of a programming executive puts a show aimed at 18-34 year olds on Friday night at 8? Do they look at competent networks and say, "Hey! They're not airing anything for that demographic in that slot! Let's put a show there!" Jesus in Tiajuana on a Port-o-San, NOBODY IN YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE IS HOME AT 8:00 ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!!! Is this THAT difficult to figure out? Here's a fucking idea: AIR IT ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, WHEN THEY ARE HOME! Fuck, put it on Wednesday at 8, directly opposite Enterprise. See how well Beavis and Butthead's abortion does against quality science fiction. Firefly could kick its ass, even if the Trek zombies insisted on watching UPN's drek. Then UPN could cancel Boobyprise and finally just fully embrace its status as the lowest common denominator network ("Look! We can run ghetto-trash idiot comedies and trailer-park idiot wrestling ALL WEEK!"). But no, instead, Firefly's dead, Enterprise will probably be around for 5 more seasons, and Joe Millionaire is on Monday night at 8. There's no justice in this world.

Posted: 2003-01-09 08:51pm
by HemlockGrey

It is a '20th Century Fox source' so there's room to doubt the veracity of the claim.

Posted: 2003-01-09 10:34pm
by Beowulf
You hadn't figure that out already?

Posted: 2003-01-09 11:14pm
by Sea Skimmer
If a show gets dropped by a network, and no one was around to watch it, does it make me give a damn? :P

Posted: 2003-01-09 11:29pm
by Beowulf
Sea Skimmer wrote:If a show gets dropped by a network, and no one was around to watch it, does it make me give a damn? :P
Short answer: No.
Long answer: see short answer.

Posted: 2003-01-09 11:41pm
by Vertigo1
To be honest, I was never able to catch a single episode of Firefly. Fucking Fox rarely aired it at its advertised time, and they wonder why it got shitty ratings. :roll:

Posted: 2003-01-09 11:51pm
by Frank Hipper
What really sucks is that the last episode I caught was when they aired the two hour pilot. Now it's gone for good?

Posted: 2003-01-10 01:38am
by Drewcifer
I can't say I'm surprised that UPN passed, but I hope someone does pick up Firefly. For its faults, I really enjoyed an SF show from the common man's point of view. I enjoy all the uber stuff too, but sometimes it's nice to have a show that is relative to life, rather than an uber wank fest.

Too, it's nice to have an SF show with humour. (forgive my quote, I'm terrible with character names)

Pilot, in response to an explanation: That's ridiculous, sounds like science fiction.
Wife (dryly): Dear, we live on a spaceship.


Posted: 2003-01-10 03:34am
by Dennis Toy
Did anyone see the Episode of Enterprise called "Dawn", i have never seen one stream of shit episodes in a row since Voyagers second season. I have never seen one ep of Firefly but what i hear it is good, too bad it replaced with the bastard child of Miami Vice and Fast and the Furious.

Posted: 2003-01-10 03:44am
by The Yosemite Bear
At this point I am very thankful that I don't get broadcast in Yosemite, at least there is some quality left on Pay Channels.

Playing Max Payne at the same time too.