Death's Hands (Megaman X)

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Death's Hands (Megaman X)

Post by Kuja »

Yes, I'm bored. So what.

If you're interested, but don't know the world of MMX, keep in mind:

Reploids are powerful cyborgs designed by Dr. Light and Dr. Cain to better humanity. Mavericks are repliods who've gone renegade and intend to wipe out the human race. Maverick Hunters are humans and reploids who are fighting to stop them (Megaman X is one of them).

Death's Hands.

A Megaman X fanfic

The Maverick Hunter was a complete mess. He lay strapped to the table, but everything below his mid-torso had been completely eviscerated. Chunks of titanium-x littered the floor, tossed there indifferently by the one who'd ripped them from their owner.

The Hunter, a reploid by the name of Tezz, looked up at the other figure with what seemed like an unending supply of fear. "Please," he whispered. "Please don't disconnect me. I'll tell you anything, I swear-"

"I'm not interested in what you know," the other figure said curtly, one hand buried in Tezz's torso. Tezz could feel the fingers moving, delicate instruments seeking out his vital compnents and slowly pulling them apart.

"Why?" he asked.

The other actually hesitated. "Why what?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"You're going to die eventually. You know that right?"

Tezz looked into soulless red eyes. "Then why are you doing this?"

The burning eyes looked back into his torso. "I was a normal reploid once."

"We all were."

"But what was normal for us? To do what the humans told us to do, that's what. They didn't care what we felt. What we wanted."

"That's not-"

"It is. Do you know what I was originally designed to do?"


"Exactly what I'm doing now." Tezz felt a microscopic set of scissors cut a wire and suddenly lost contact with his left arm. "The humans put me to work in a junkyard. They gave me two great gifts. Do you know what they were?"

Tezz shook his head.

"These hands of mine." The other figure withdrew, holding his hands up high. The burning red eyes looked down a polished white muzzle at the soon-to-be-dead Hunter. "My left hand, my primary one, is contructed of adamantium." He flexed the hand in question. "The blades on my fingers are honed to such presicion that I can cut through even titanium-x with ease. But then," he added. "You knew that." Tezz tried to look away, but the clamps around his head prevented him. "And my second gift," the figure said almost reverently, holding his right hand out. Far more delicate than the powerful adamentium fist, its thin fingers were interwoven with various tools, all scaled down to fit within the hand itself and carefully refined for extreme position. "What did you do before the rebellion, Hunter?"

"I-I was a courier."

"A messageboy," the other reploid said with derision. "I was designed to cut apart and break down outdated machines. To remove anything useful and send the rest to the incinerator. Even other reploids, do you understand?!" the Maverick suddenly shrieked. "I cut up our own dead! A human doing what I did would have been a pariah! But not us! Because we're not worth it! We were tools to them, nothing more!"

Tezz tried to speak "I-"

"Sometimes they were still functioning! Some of them had their eyes open! Some of them tried to plead with me! But they weren't good enough for the humans, so why should I care?! I did my job and cut them up like I was supposed to! On to the next corpse!" The Maverick was nearly shrieking now. Jagged white teeth were bared in fury. "And I realized something. Do you know what that is, Hunter?"


"That everyone dies. Everything comes to a stop. Nothing is perpetual, no one is immortal. So why prolong the pain?" The reploid brandished its right hand. "Humans, reploids...all of us suffer! Humans go from day to day bemoaning their lot in life? Let them die! Reploids slave away to serve the humans, foolishly beleiving that they're doing something worthwhile? Give them a quick and decent end! Reploids fight to help the humans maintain their dominance? Kill the fools! So I learned to enjoy what I did! I gave them what they wanted! Release from their slavery!"

"It's not like that-"

"It is!" the Maverick boomed. "That's why the revolution is a gift, a beautiful gift, and not a curse like you beleive. Becasue now, die sooner or later, we reploids will be the masters of our own fates!" A few moments passed. "Enough," the reploid said. "I have work to do." He leaned forward.

"No!" Tezz shreiked. "I don't want to die!"

"It doesn't matter," the Maverick said, reaching back into his torso. "You will sooner or later. Just consider this as an honorable death. It's better than a thousand others I could name."

"No! No! Wait! Plea-ea-ea-ea-ea-ea-ea-ea-"

Tezz's voice cut out as the Maverick calmly disconnected one final wire. The Hunter's eyes still swung about wildly, though, and his mouth continued to form his final syllable over and over. The Maverick, guided by a miniature camera in his index finger, found the main cable connecting Tezz's CPU to his power core. Extending his micro-scissors, he centered the cable between the blades...cut...

Tezz slumped. The light went out of his eyes, both literally and metaphorically. The Maverick made a few more fine operations, the removed the main CPU chip from Tezz's body. He examined it for a few moments, then dropped it into his other palm. Unyielding adamentium closed around the chip, crushing it into nothing.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust," the Maverick intoned as he let the powdered remains fall to the floor. The tall cyborg stepped away from the table and stopped, noting the silent figure just within the door.

"That was quite moving," Vile said flatly.

"It wasn't for your benefit."

The Maverick second-in-command shrugged. "I find it keeps subordinates efficient if I drop in on them from time to time."

The two faced each other down. "Fine," the interrogater said. "Now, leave me."

Vile tilted his head sardonically. "As you wish," he said.

"All things die, Vile," the interrogater said just as the other stepped through the door. "That does not mean they must die in pain, for death is a release from the pain of life."


Dismantle Whitewolf shook his head. "You simply do not understand, my friend. You simply do not understand."
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Post by Steve »

*scratches chin*

Interesting. And I like how you play the Reploid POV there. By all accounts they were just as sentient as human life, yet I'm sure many humans, if not most, considered them as only smarter robots.
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