Ben Skywalker, the Sith Lord, sat in silence on board the cloaked ship Garak had provided. It was a top of the line Imperial cloak, ensuring no one would be able to detect them. Granted, they were operating without sensors, but for one as strong in the Force as he, that was no real loss.
Far below on the planet Aligon the Sith were undergoing their first field exercises, each carefully observed by their master. He'd paired them off on different assignments according to their ability with the Force, and he'd made that point clear before they'd been sent out. Arrogance was an all too common trait of the Sith, but in such neophytes it could prove a fatal flaw. Still, he had no doubt they possessed the skill to accomplish all they needed on Aligon; if not they weren't worthy to become Sith anyway.
J'Dan, the Klingon, had been partnered with Shodah, the Falleen. They both had only about two and a half months of training, and neither had been permitted lightsabers for this mission, which infuriated them both almost as much as being saddled with each other. Ben had also made it clear that if one half of any team was lost, the other half would perish as well. It was too early in their training for infighting and betrayal. Instead they'd been armed with heavy blaster pistols and vibroknives, and with the dark side knowledge they'd been given. For now it was mostly combat instincts and basic abilities to sense and control the Force, but they were far too green for the truly serious work.
Jowana and Triss, the two Mistryl, had learned their lessons quickly, and Ben often allowed them to assist in the training of the newer students. Although they were all united as Sith, there were obvious cliques within the groups. Torda, the Aqualish, and Shodah banded together because both had grown up on Ord Mantel, and also because Shodah spoke Aqualish. Most of the Alpha Quadrant races tended to band together also. Ben had wondered if the Oracle's choices were deliberate, being an AQ native herself, but he did note the fire in them. Unlike the Gamma and Delta Quadrants, there was no single dominant power like the Dominion or the Borg, which made their inevitable conquest a bit harder to adjust to than others. Garak had started there, and so had Section 31. The Hirogen may have remained persistent in their resistance, but it was never any real threat to the Empire. The Alphas, though, they were the real threat, wearing away at the foundations rather than trying to topple the walls directly. A search for those who turned to anger and dreamed of power would be wise to start there.
The only Alpha Quadrant member who stayed out of that little group was Mareth, the Romulan. She and the Klingon didn't see eye to eye, and she seemed to prefer the company of the Mistryl, whom she had more in common with. Because of this, she had a definite leg-up on the others, which furthered the animosity between her and J'Dan. Ben and Molly stayed above it all; Ben made it clear to her that he wanted them to think him unconcerned about their petty rivalries. It was, of course, beneath him, but it also provided a means to feed their anger. Perhaps in time they would battle one another, but if that happened, it would only make the survivors stronger.
There was a small-time group of thugs who'd been brokering information out of Aligon for weeks. Garak was sure they had a slicer droid -an astromech outfitted with the latest infiltration protocols- which could be put to much better use than these fools were. J'Dan and Shodah were charged with eliminating the gang without damaging the droid. It was just past sundown on this part of the planet, and many of the gang's members were out investing their organizations profits in alcohol and entertainment. "I sense, four or five minds," Shodah whispered to J'Dan. The Klingon nodded, and the two crept silently through the shadows. The gang was operating out of a converted warehouse, with an upper level for their housing while the lower level contained their equipment and weaponry. Shodah fired an ascension gun and used it to quickly and quietly get to the upper story window. It was open, but she could smell the ozone residue of a cheap security system to watch for intruders. She waited in the darkness.
J'Dan, in the meantime, had gone around to the front entrance. With three blaster shots the door fragmented and the alarm sounded, causing the gang to rush up from whatever they were doing and check it out. Shodah slipped through the window, unnoticed since the alarm had already been activated. With quick, silent steps she crossed the distance to a gang member who'd taken up the rear, covered his mouth, and stabbed him through the back. She lowered the lifeless body to the floor and slipped after them. J'Dan, meanwhile, had picked off two with snapshots, letting his senses guide him even though he couldn't actually see what he was aiming at. He felt Shodah's presence on the ground level and grudgingly held back to draw their fire for the moment. She slipped up behind another and put him down in the same manner, but this time they noticed her. Using the corpse as a shield, she let go of the vibroknife and pulled out her blaster pistol, gunning another two down. Even as they turned to blast her J'Dan came back in, shooting down the ones who had tried going for the attacker in their midst. Between the two of them, the gang went down in seconds.
Shodah dropped the corpse and ran towards the back room. It was empty of all living occupants, but she spotted the droid. J'Dan was behind her almost immediately. "We've got it," she said into her communicator as she attached a beacon to the droid. The three vanished, rematerializing back on the transporter pad of their ship. Molly was there, overseeing everything as Garak's men began looking over the droid. It was understood that when Ben wasn't there, Molly was his voice. She may have been his apprentice, but she was the closest to him of all of them.
"Well?" she asked.
"Simple personality," the Cardassian said. "This will be easy."
"Good, astromechs can sometimes get a little independent," Molly said. "I don't want any problems." She pulled out the commlink. "Phase one complete," she said. "Proceed with the next step."
Triss, to her disdain, had been stuck with Dirg, the Markalian. He wasn't very far along either, but his strength would be valuable in their work. Triss took comfort in knowing that she was here to balance about Dirg's incompetence, but it was frustrating being stuck with this brute. Lightsaber in one hand, blaster in the other, she led the way towards the compound. It took a great deal of subtlety to cross in the darkness with stormtroopers about; their body heat would still be visible to the stormtrooper gear. Still, they trusted their feelings, and even Dirg managed to keep out of sight until it was safe to move. Within minutes they were within ten meters of the stormtrooper guard. She nodded to Dirg, who shrunk further back into the shadows, while she pulled out her lightsaber. She called on the power of her hatred, reminding herself what the Empire had done to her people, the suffering it had brought her. The anger gave her strength, and with an expression of righteous fury she broke from cover and swung, apparently wildly, yet each stroke felled a stormtrooper until they'd all been killed. Dirg broke into a run and the two made their way across to the tower. Working in tandem, they took the load of charges out of Dirg's pack and attached them all around the base of the tower. While he finished Triss grabbed the rest and sprinted across to the back-up, using the Force to propel her jump so she could catch the edge of the roof. She pulled herself up, placed the rest of the charges even as the alarm began sounding. She ignored it and jumped off the building, easily absorbing the impact. She tore away from the building as Dirg activated the charges, taking out both communication towers. With the jamming field up and the transmitters out, the base would be cut off until they could get an emergency transmitter going.
Even as Triss made her escape, the next group moved in, which was Mareth and Jowana. Both were armed with lightsabers, having shown a great enough proficiency for this assignment. They would need to prove it however, as they would have to fight their way to the lower levels to take out the base's transport scrambler. Rather than risking the high-traffic entrance the troopers would be guarding, they used their lightsabers to make their own door, leading them into a maintenance closet. They slipped out, only to spot two stormtroopers waiting in the hallway. Jowana knocked them over with a force push even while Mareth raced forward, slicing the prone forms where they lay. They rushed to the turbolift and dropped to the lower level. Two more stormtroopers waited, but they met the same quick end.
While the two Sith slipped into the bowels of the base, Torda and Aren Jod, a Ventaxian, were outside the base, wreaking havok. They slipped from cover to cover, sniping at the stormtroopers to create confusion. After a while Dirg and Triss got into the act, keeping the Imperial forces off balance. It wouldn't last for long, but then, it didn't need to. Still the Sith initiates put forth their best. After two false starts Torda managed to force jump to the top of a small building, using the extra height to pick off a few more stormtroopers. However, he was quickly forced to abandon the spot when the troopers started using heavy weapons.
While Torda and Aren sowed mischief, Triss and Dirg concentrated on the troopers who were trying to set up the emergency beacon. This would keep the reinforcements from the main base from learning of the attack until the Sith were already gone, but it was still proving difficult. Dirg stepped out to get a better shot. Triss cursed at him to get back under cover, but he was shot in the chest before he could move. He hit the ground dead.
As expected, overconfidence got the better of more than just Dirg in the end. Mareth stepped around the corner for the last leg of the trip, and was met by a stormtrooper patrol. She managed to react quickly, but it was only enough to save her life, not everything. She flew back, her black outfit stained with green blood that poured from the wound where her left arm used to be. Still, she had Sith force techniques to dull the pain while she pulled a medpak out and stopped the bleeding. Jowana was already moving in; she couldn't afford to stop and help her colleague, even if she was a friend. The hall was filled with blaster fire, but she seemed to be dancing through it like a witch between raindrops, her red lightsaber a blur as she covered the distance and sliced through them with apparent ease. She cut through the door, strode up to the transport scrambler, and stabbed it with her blade, causing a small explosion. With it, the Sith lowered their jamming field, otherwise there would be no point in stopping the transport scrambler.
Jowana took a quick, yet cautious, jog back down the hall, her commlink in her hand. "Scrambler is down," she informed her. "But so is Mareth."
"Dead?" Molly asked.
"Wounded. She's out of this fight."
"I can make it!" the Romulan replied with passion in her eyes.
"I'll continue as planned," Jowana said, ignoring her. "Assuming you can get a lock on her." In response, Mareth disappeared with a scream of anger. Jowana didn't so much as stop to catch her breath as she headed back towards the turbolift.
Yelsar, the Bajoran, had been part of the pah-wraith cult before Ben had found him. He had attributed his power to their approval rather than his use of untapped Force potential, but it gave him an advantage. He accelerated quickly through his training, grasping some of the more difficult concepts already. It was one of the advantages of having faithful on hand, they were more open to the seemingly irrational. He'd been partnered with Di'Bol, the Takaran for perhaps the most dangerous part of the assignment. With the transport scrambler down, the two were beamed into the command center. With Di'Bol providing cover fire Yelsar called upon the power of the Force to create a violent whirlwind that knocked the Imperials off their feet. It was the work of seconds for Di'Bol to eliminate the resisters, even with them flying about on the rushing air. Yelsar dropped his hands and the bodies tumbled out of the air to the floor. Di'Bol pulled the code cylinder from the major's uniform and deactivated the alarms; it wouldn't do much good with the base itself, but it would help in a moment.
At the all clear signal from Yelsar the droid beamed into the command center. Without a word from the Sith it rolled over and plugged into the computer, downloading the Sith command codes into its system. The door opened and the two Sith whirled, but they didn't fire; they could sense it was Jowana. She was breathing heavy, but she'd obviously made sure that any of the stormtroopers heading for the command center had been routed. "Are we ready?" she managed to ask between gasps.
The droid rolled back and beeped. "I think so," Yelsar said, signaling the ship. Across the base, the Sith were beamed out of the firefight where the stood. Immediately upon arrival, the slicer droid rolled over to the ship's computer and used it to tap in to the Imperial network. Using the command codes and its slicing protocols, it quickly pierced the network and downloaded huge amounts of data into the ship’s computer: ship deployments, convoy routes, the defenses for dozens of sectors. Less than seven minutes later security lockouts cut them off, but by then they’d retrieved even more than they’d hoped for. The ship lifted off even as Imperial fighters, no doubt tracking the infiltration back to its source, moved in to eliminate them. The Cardassians quickly downloaded the information onto datapads while they broke for orbit, TIE fire pounding at their shields.
Molly stood at the transport controls, trying to translate the position in her mind with the coordinates of the computer. Despite the cloak, she knew where the ship was; Ben’s mind was like a single star in an empty sky. She finally matched it up in the computer. “Lower the shields,” she ordered. The instant they fell she activated the controls and the crew vanished. Seconds later, so did the ship, although with an explosion of superheated metal and expanding vapor. Ben set the course and the cloaked ship vanished into hyperspace. Once in hyperspace he deactivate the cloak, then left his chair. Leaving the ship in the hands of the Cardassian pilots, he walked back to meet with the other crew.
There was no mistaking the self-congratulatory looks on most of their faces. Even Mareth, who was being treated by the physician, seemed pleased they’d succeeded. “Well?” he said.
“My lord,” said the Cardassian, “we’ve got enough information here to sow chaos throughout the quadrant.”
“Good,” Ben said, still walking down the lines looking over his students. They were a sweaty, disheveled mess, but they’d proven themselves for the most part. For the most part… “What of Dirg?” he asked.
“He didn’t make it, master,” Triss said.
“What do you mean?” Ben asked, drawing out the moment.
“He died, master. He acted foolishly and paid with his life.”
“He was too sure of his strength,” Ben said with a nod. “Let that be a lesson to all of you: a Sith only works from a position of strength. Whether it is your strength of arms, or strength of numbers, or strength of the Force, or strength of secrecy, you do not fight where you are weakened. If you do not know where your strength lies, then you will fall.” There were nods and murmurs of agreement. “However, I also told you you were to ensure that your partners made it back alive. I see Jowana brought back Mareth, but you, Triss, have failed me.”
“Master,” Triss replied, “Dirg was a fool. I could do nothing-“
“He was your partner,” Ben interrupted. “Why is he not here?”
“Master, there was nothing I could do! I was partnered with an idiot!”
“You failed me,” Ben said. “The rest is detail.” He could now sense her fear, because she could sense his anger. He hid his satisfaction at the emotion, at the further she pulled herself into darkness.
“Master,” she pleaded, “I will not fail you again!” She let out a scream as Force lightning came from Ben’s hand and wrapped around her, tossing her through the air into the bulkhead.
“Yes,” Ben said coldly, and then blasted her again. She screamed in agony as the energy coursed through her body. He continued, feeling the reactions of the Sith, mixed though they were, with the underlying fear that it could be them lying on the floor in torment. And it could be, he thought, if you fail me as well. Of course, this had been deliberate; Dirg’s progress was far too slow to be worth the time; let them learn something in his death, at least. Smoke began to fill the air, until finally he stopped, leaving the Mistryl to lie on the floor in a panting, whimpering state. “Fail me again,” he growled to them all, “and I will not be so merciful.”
Blood of Heroes, Part XII
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I believe it's safe to say that Ben Skywalker would have kicked Brakiss's pansy fallen Jedi ass six ways to Sunday.
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
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John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
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- Crayz9000
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Crazedwraith wrote:excellant. Ben's Sith are kiss ass, but how did Dirg die? I musta missed that bit.
Blood of Heroes, Part XII wrote:While Torda and Aren sowed mischief, Triss and Dirg concentrated on the troopers who were trying to set up the emergency beacon. This would keep the reinforcements from the main base from learning of the attack until the Sith were already gone, but it was still proving difficult. Dirg stepped out to get a better shot. Triss cursed at him to get back under cover, but he was shot in the chest before he could move. He hit the ground dead.
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
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I really need to read more carefully. Bah it's Midnight and i just got the Star Trek New Frontier series on CD-ROM, so bite me.Crayz9000 wrote:Crazedwraith wrote:excellant. Ben's Sith are kiss ass, but how did Dirg die? I musta missed that bit.Blood of Heroes, Part XII wrote:While Torda and Aren sowed mischief, Triss and Dirg concentrated on the troopers who were trying to set up the emergency beacon. This would keep the reinforcements from the main base from learning of the attack until the Sith were already gone, but it was still proving difficult. Dirg stepped out to get a better shot. Triss cursed at him to get back under cover, but he was shot in the chest before he could move. He hit the ground dead.
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- LordShaithis
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Very kickass, Chuck.
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
- Sonnenburg
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Crayz9000 wrote:I believe it's safe to say that Ben Skywalker would have kicked Brakiss's pansy fallen Jedi ass six ways to Sunday.
With a Jedi as both his parents and being part of the Skywalker lineage, I always figured Ben would grow up to be an extremely powerful Jedi... whereas Brakiss is a KJA-based weiner.