Episode II: Attack of the Rewrites
Moderator: LadyTevar
Episode II: Attack of the Rewrites
I have continued on from my Ep 1 rewrite with this piece. Again, I took a script from the net, this time changing it to fit with what I had started with The Phantom Rewrite. Some things have remained the same, others are totally different. Here's the first bit, enjoy and please comment.
Star Wars: Episode II, Attack of the Rewrites
Mark Shantz
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Starfield, opening scrawl:
War grips the Galactic Republic. After remaining in hiding for the past ten years, the vicious Marauder Fleet, now under the banner of The Mandalorian Regime, has re-emerged stronger than ever, this time with a massive army of clone soldiers. Republic forces are hard-pressed to stem the tide of invasion.
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, leader of the Republic, has called an emergency meeting of the Senate to discuss the state of affairs and hopefully put an end to the squabbling and back-stabbing that mires the galaxy’s defence.
Meanwhile, the dreaded Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith, has been stalking and killing Jedi Knights one by one. Despite their efforts, the Order has been powerless to stop him.
Ext. Starfield: The camera pans past the lower hull of an immense Stardestroyer. When it finally reaches the rear engines, the camera pulls back to reveal two other battleships orbiting an Earth-like planet (Fallion). The first Stardestroyer fires a blast of heavy turbolaser fire down on the planet.
The camera follows the green bolts of energy down, through the atmosphere, to smack a second later into a line of Mandalorian tanks rumbling down a vast throughway.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tellon city, Fallion, street level. Explosions rock the city as an entire enemy tank battalion is turned to vapour. The camera pulls back, stopping blocks away, to show turbolasers raining down from the sky. Heat radiates up, causing the air to shimmer.
Republic troops in white armour run past the camera in a defensive formation. They stop at the nearest corner and the lead trooper, marked with yellow on his helmet, looks around the building cautiously. He makes a series of gestures with his hand, signalling the number of enemy he sees and sending part of his men down the alley behind them and another part dashing across the street to head down an alley on the opposite side.
As the soldiers break from the building and run across the street, enemy troops a short distance away open fire. The Republic commander and his remaining men open return fire and cover their comrades’ manoeuver. A heavy fire fight ensues. Red energy blasts are traded back and forth at the corner with casualties on both sides. Suddenly the enemy emplacement is devoured in a massive set of explosions. As the smoke clears, the team sent down the first alley can be seen rushing from cover and searching the area for survivors.
Seeing this, the Commander and his men break cover and run to join the others. As they are followed down the street, the team at the enemy emplacement turns their attention to the other side of the road and opens fire into the alley. As the Commander reaches the area we see another set of Mandalorians caught in a crossfire between the first team and the second that had been sent to cross the street.
The fighting ends and the remaining team joins up with the rest of the group. Once together again, the troopers form up and continue their sweep towards an impressive-looking capital building.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, tactical display room. Prince Bail Organa, General Obi Wan Kenobi and Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker stand around a circular table watching a holographic display of their military elements advancing toward a central point. Data scrolls down one side of the display. To the side, other displays show more specific battles and locations. Around them, the room is filled with clear vertical sheets showing other tactical information, as well as computer terminals and communications stations. Soldiers are hard at work everywhere.
Organa is a man in his forties. He is fit and as well groomed as any noble. For a man from a peace-loving planet he is now all too familiar with war.
Organa: We seem to be doing well, General. It looks like our men are just about to storm their command. I’d hazard to say that Fallion will be back in Republic hands by the end of the day.
Anakin: It could have been over a lot sooner. Why didn’t we just bombard the whole place from above once we had orbital superiority?
Organa looks to Obi Wan to control his apprentice.
Obi Wan: Mind your aggression, Anakin. Our primary purpose here is to return the people of Fallion to freedom. Once that has been restored, I’m sure they would appreciate the use of their cities again. Which won’t be possible if we turn them to glass during the liberation.
Anakin: *Head hung* I’m sorry, Master. I let my excitement get the better of me. It’s just that I’ve had a bad feeling ever since we landed here.
Organa: Remember, young man. Wise judgement on the application of force is often just as important as knowing when to use force at all. You can’t alway outright kill everyone that displeases you.
Obi Wan: And lucky you can’t, Bail.
The older men laugh. Anakin continues to watch the holograph with concern.
Anakin: Have we heard anything back from Master Sellor yet? She was due to check in with her status.
Obi Wan is pulled back into the moment. Organa looks to his communications officer for the answer.
Comm: We’ve heard nothing from Commander Sellor or any of her strike team, Your Highness. Shall I try to establish contact, Sir?
Obi Wan: No. That may just give away their position if they’re closing in on capturing the enemy command. I feel we must be patient in this.
Anakin: But Master Kenobi. I sense a...
Obi Wan: Yes, Anakin. I sense it too. We must have faith in Master Sellor. Our place is here.
As if on cue, the communications office motioned for attention.
Comm: We have an incoming transmission from the strike team now, General.
Over the comm a soldier’s voice is heard. The soldier stands against a wall in the Mandalorian command centre. Around him, his teammates take controlled shots. In the background two figures duel. Green and red energy blades stand out against the smoke and chaos.
Soldier: General Kenobi. This is Strike Team One. We are in the enemy command centre. I have been ordered by Commander Sellor to inform you that, ‘the Sith is here.’ I repeat. The Sith is here. She is fighting with him right now. She requests your aid, General Kenobi. Immediately. I repeat. Comman...
The communication link goes to static and ends. Obi Wan and Anakin are immediately moving for the exit.
Obi Wan: Prince Organa. I hope you can finish up without us. Anakin, quickly now.
The Prince does not have time to reply before the pair is gone.
Cut to: Ext, day, city. Obi Wan and Anakin race through the streets on a pair of military speeder bikes. The two zip around crumbled buildings and past marching soldiers.
Up ahead they see an enemy bunker being attacked. A stray blaster bolt shoots by.
Obi Wan: We don’t have time for this.
The two quickly turn a corner and bypass the bunker. The buildings move by in the background as a blur. Soon another group of Mandalorians appears in front of them.
Anakin: I’ll handle this and meet you at the command center.
Anakin banks slightly to the right while Obi Wan veers hard to the left. The enemy soldiers fire on Anakin as he quickly approaches. He shoots back with the blaster on the speeder but can’t get off more than a couple shots before blowing past. He quickly brings the bike to a stop, spinning it to face his enemies at the same time. His blue lightsabre ignites.
Cut to: Ext, day, city streets. Obi Wan charges forward at break-neck speed, heading straight for the enemy command center. He passes more and more of his own troops as the regal-looking building before him grows larger and larger.
Cut to: Ext, day, enemy bunker. Anakin deflects a few blaster bolts and then kicks the speeder into action again. He races back toward the Mandalorians, steering with one hand and holding his lightsabre in his other. As he closes in he sends many energy bolts back to the enemy soldiers.
Anakin crosses through the soldiers again, slicing down a couple with his blade and then motions with his weapon to the last of the group as he wheels around. The soldiers fly back to crash into a wall.
Anakin guns his speeder and flies off.
Cut to: Int, day, Mandalorian command center. Obi Wan rushes through the hallways, alert for danger but not wasting time. He rounds a number of corners, letting the Force guide him, until he finally arrives at the main war room. He enters just in time to see Darth Maul cut Sellor down.
Obi Wan ignites his lightsabre, drawing Maul’s attention to him. The Sith raises his weapon.
Maul: You.
Obi Wan: You will find I am not so easily toyed with this time.
The battle is joined and the two clash together, locking blades. Maul is only using one side of the familiar double-bladed lightsabre. Obi Wan pushes Maul back with the Force but instead of falling to the floor, the Sith flips with the push and lands on his feet a short distance away. He swings his blade angrily as he charges in again.
A dizzying series of slashes, blocks, thrusts and parries is traded back and forth between the two swordsmen. The blades lock again and Maul tries a round-house kick to Kenobi’s head. The Jedi grabs the foot with his free hand and kicks the inner thigh of Maul’s support leg. The Sith pushes down on Obi Wan’s blade with both hands and barrel-rolls in the air over the weapon as he absorbs the impact of the kick. The move throws Obi Wan off balance and he finds himself doubled over. Maul lands on his feet and swings back his weapon to take Kenobi’s head quickly.
As the red energy blade arcs toward the Jedi’s neck it is suddenly blocked from the side by a blue blade. Maul sneers and kicks Anakin in the ribs, sending him flying back to hit the far wall. It was enough of a distraction to save Obi Wan’s life, however, and he is back up and swinging at his enemy. Maul blocks the attack and ignites the other half of his weapon in time to block a swing from the recovered Anakin.
Now it is two against one. Outnumbered, the Dark Lord goes on the offensive even harder. His weapon moves with blinding speed as he attacks both men at once. He kicks Anakin in the knee and thrusts at Obi Wan at the same time. With the padawan in pain, Maul shoves a hand into Obi Wan’s face meaning to Force push him away. The Jedi, however, gets his own hand up and counters the move. For a second, both are locked in a duel of the Force.
Anakin breaks the pair up with a slice from the side that is barely deflected away. The Sith uses the momentum of his block to swing at Obi Wan’s face with the other end of the weapon and at the same time kick the man in the mid-section. Obi Wan spins with the attack and brings his blue blade racing around for Maul’s neck. The Sith ducks backward and blocks another attack from Anakin at the same time.
Anakin immediately attacks again with an overhead chop to the Sith’s waist. Maul dodges to the side, locking blades with Obi Wan and pushing him away, but does not escape the tip of Anakin’s lightsabre grazing a pouch on the back of his belt. The contents spill to the floor and the battle continues.
The trio is now separated. Maul backs away slightly, eyeing both opponents and readying himself for the attack. The two Jedi spread out; one going left, the other right. As the Jedi move in slowly, the room is suddenly stormed by squads of Republic soldiers from all entrances.
Maul dives through a nearby window and flips to the ground three stories below. Anakin moves to immediately jump after but is stopped by Obi Wan as soldiers surround them.
Obi Wan: Anakin wait!
Anakin: But Master, we can still catch up to him!
Obi Wan: *Kneeling* Let him go for now.
Obi Wan holds up a small disk and activates a hologram. The image of Padme Amidala, Senator for the planet of Naboo, floats above his hand.
Obi Wan: I have a feeling we’ll be able to find him again easily enough.
Cut to: Ext, day, the planet Coruscant, city skyline. The huge Republic senate building stands distinctly amongst the other towering buildings.
Cut to: Int, day, Senate building, Main Rotunda. The vast, circular chamber, housing thousands of delegates from all over the Republic, is abuzz with chatter. Mas Amedda, the Supreme Chancellor’s Vice Chairman, tries to quiet things down as Palpatine confers with his aide, Uv Gizen, a small, hoggish creature riding a small one-man floating scooter.
Amedda: Order! We must have order here! The motion to commission a Clone Army for the Republic is what is on the floor. Speakers shall address that issue only.
A pod floats to the center of the arena. It holds Padme Amidala, her security chief Captain Typho, a handmaiden that is her double in appearance, and Representative Jar Jar Binks of the Gungan people of Naboo.
Padme: Fellow Senators, colleagues, it saddens me to see the legions of clone troopers the Mandalorians send at us, knowing that Naboo’s own stolen cloning technology is helping to produce those soldiers. I can not dwell on this however, but must face the consequences of it head on. Our people are dying by the millions in this war and there is no end in sight. We can not keep up at the pace we are or soon we will run out of able conscripts and will be forced into submission. Senators, we must begin production of a clone army of our own. It is the only way we will match our enemy. We will not last otherwise.
A mix of cheering and booing circles the room.
A second pod moves into position across from Amidala’s. It is the representative from Malastare, Ask Aak.
Aak: And what will we do with all of these new soldiers once the war is over? Shall we cast them aside and forget about them? Will they turn on us themselves?
Padme: Of course they will not be forgotten! They will live out their lives in the service of the people.
Aak: And who will pay for the food and housing of these cast off legions?
Padme: *Becoming angry* They will not be cast off! Wake up, Senator! Who will be left to fight the Mandalorians when our armies have been exhausted? Certainly not you, I’m sure! Do you expect the Jedi to do the job? As valuable as they have been thus far, they are keepers of the peace, not soldiers. Even the Jedi can not work that miracle.
Aak: Do not draw this government further into obsessive right-wing militarism because of your own guilty conscience about the state of this war!
Padme: May I remind you that it was this council that denied Naboo military aid until it was too late to stop the theft of our cloning technology. It would be well for you all to feel a little guilt at the state of this war.
Again, a mix of cheers and descent fill the arena. Palpatine looks to Padme with sympathy and then turns to his Vice.
Amedda: Order!
When the room is silent once more, Palpatine speaks.
Palpatine: Due to the lateness of the hour and the seriousness of the motion, we will let heads cool and take this motion up tomorrow. Until then, this session stands adjourned.
Cut to: Ext, day Executive Quarters Building. The giant towers of the Republic Executive Building seem to reach the heavens. Traffic clogs the smoggy sky.
Cut to: Int, day, Supreme Chancellor’s Office. Chancellor Palpatine sits behind his desk with the Coruscant skyline through the window behind him. Yoda, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Mace Windu sit across from him. Behind them stand the Twi’Lik Jedi Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee.
Palpatine: I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote, my friends, and frankly, it is not looking good. Many in the Senate feel we already have too much invested in this war. Our recent successes under Prince Organa and General Kenobi only serve to fuel their false hope and convince them that we are holding our own. Not to mention their fears that this army will place too much power in the hands of the military. But the facts of the matter remain; without additional forces, and quickly, the Republic will soon find itself in a dire situation.
Mace: And if the motion to create this clone army is not ratified?
Palpatine: I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be torn asunder. The Senate will be made to see logic!
Mace: Jedi have done their best to aid in the protection of the Republic. Many have already died in this conflict, to be sure. And too many more at the hands of the Mandalorian’s Sith assassin.
Palpatine: Are you any closer to bringing this person to justice or finding the master you believe he serves, Master Yoda?
Yoda closes his eyes.
Yoda: The Dark Side clouds everything. Difficult it has been to track our enemy. All that go to confront him never return. But indeed, another encounter we have just recently had.
Palpatine: What?
Mace: Master Kenobi and his Padawan, Skywalker, have reported a confrontation with him on the planet Fallion. Yet another of our Order has been slain.
Palpatine: Surely not General Kenobi?
Yoda: No. Master Sellor, it was.
Ki-Adi: A tragedy to be sure.
Mace: More grave is what they have discovered...
A muted buzzer sounds and a hologram of an aide, Dar Wac, appears on the Chancellor's desk.
Wac: *In Huttese* Senator Amidala has arrived, as the Jedi requested, my Lord.
Palpatine: Ah. Send her in please.
They all stand as Senator Amidala, Captain Typho, Jar Jar Binks and their attendants enter the office. Amidala is slightly stricken by the sombre mood of those in the room.
Padme: Supreme Chancellor, Esteemed Jedi, the request for my presence at this meeting was quite abrupt. Is there something wrong?
Yoda: Most wrong, indeed, young senator.
Padme’s face falls into seriousness.
Mace: As we were just informing the Supreme Chancellor, Senator, we have received a report from the front lines that is most disturbing.
The room is silent, waiting for him to continue.
Mace: An image of you was taken from the Sith assassin before his escape.
Ki-Adi: It would seem you are his next target.
Padme is silent.
Palpatine: This is terrible news! What could the fiend want with Senator Amidala?
Yoda nods his head in thought.
Yoda: Much like Plo Koon, this is.
The Jedi nod in agreement.
Ki-Adi: Indeed. He uses her like Master Koon’s sister was used.
Padme: *Not Understanding* What do you mean, Master Yoda?
Yoda: Your relationship with young Skywalker, he seeks to exploit.
The Jedi frown to themselves at Anakin’s constant breaching of their rules.
Yoda: Bait you were to be, to trap the padawan and his master.
Padme: But how would this assassin know of this. *She is embarrassed to have her relationship with Anakin dragged out into the open.* Who would be giving him that kind of information.
Yoda: In dark times nothing is what it appears to be, but the fact remains for certain, Senator, in grave danger you are.
Palpatine walks to the window, and looks out at the vast city.
Palpatine: Master Jedi, may I suggest that the Senator be placed under the protection of your graces.
Padme’s captain of security, Typho, a large, muscular man with his left eye replaced with a cybernetic implant, steps forward with concern.
Typho: If I may, my Lord, do you think that is a wise decision, putting her among this assassin’s very targets?
Padme: Chancellor, if I may comment, this will only get in the way of my work with the Senate. I have enough security of my own. I do not believe the...
Palpatine: ..."situation is that serious." No, but I do, Senator.
Padme: Chancellor, please! I don't want any more guards!
Palpatine: I realize all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but it is necessary to match this adversary with protectors of equal skill. You know first hand what this thing is capable of.
Mace: Perhaps we can make it easier for you. Perhaps Master Kenobi and young Skywalker can watch over you themselves. They are here now debriefing the Council on their confrontation.
Palpatine nods to Mace Windu, who nods back.
Yoda: Better protection, she could not be under.
Padme: This is not necessary, Chancellor.
Palpatine: Do it for me, M'Lady, please. I will rest easier. The thought of losing you is unbearable.
Amidala sighs as the Jedi get up to leave.
Mace: I will have Obi-Wan report to you immediately, M'Lady.
Yoda leans into her ear.
Yoda: Too little about yourself you worry, Senator, and too much about politics. Be mindful of your danger, Padme. Accept our help.
The Jedi leave the office and Senator Amidala’s retinue follow.
Typho: So now THEY use you as bait instead of the Sith using you. I don’t like this.
Cut to: Ext, twilight, Apartment Building. A graceful skyscraper twinkles in the evening light of
Cut to: Int, twilight, Apartment Building Elevator. Anakin and Obi Wan ride in a windowed elevator attached to the outside of the Senate Building. They are on their way to Senator Amidala’s apartments. Anakin nervously adjusts his clothing.
Obi Wan: You seem a little on edge, Anakin.
Anakin: Not at all.
Obi Wan: I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks.
Anakin: You fell into that nightmare, Master, and I rescued you, remember?
Obi Wan: Oh yes. *They both laugh.* You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath.
Anakin: I just can’t help feeling responsible for her being in danger, Master.
Obi Wan: That’s because you ARE responsible, Anakin. You spend entirely too much time with Senator Amidala. It is not appropriate. I’ve told you this. The Council has told you this.
Anakin: But we like each other, Master. I don’t see why we...
Obi Wan: She is a target because of your feelings toward her. That is why attachment is forbidden to the Jedi. You know this.
Anakin: *Defensive* I can’t have friends?
Obi Wan: This is not about friends, my young apprentice.
Cut to: Int, twilight, Apartment Corridor. The door to the apartment slides open. Jar Jar walks into the corridor, where two Jedi are exiting the elevator. He smiles as he sees them.
Jar Jar: Ah, my friends! We meet again.
The Jedi smile.
Obi Wan: All to often it seems.
Obi Wan pointedly looks at Anakin. Jar Jar chuckles.
Jar Jar: Oh, Annie is no bother to us here. My people have a saying, ‘when the young are filled with the fluids of...
Anakin: *Embarrassed.* Jar Jar. Shouldn’t they be expecting us?
Jar Jar: Yes. Yes. Come in.
Cut to: Int, night, Apartment. Padme is in a conference with Captain Typho and her handmaiden, Dorme. Jar Jar enters the room, followed by the two Jedi.
Jar Jar: Our friends have arrived, Senator.
Padme and Typho rise as Obi Wan and Anakin stop before the Senator. Anakin and Padme exchange glances and she blushes slightly before Obi Wan steps between the two.
Obi Wan: *Trying to be professional.* It's a pleasure to see you again, M'Lady.
Padme, broken away from Anakin’s eyes, takes Obi Wan’s hand in hers.
Padme: As always, the pleasure is mine, Master Kenobi. I’m glad to be spending more time, officially, with the... both of you. *She looks back at Anakin, who is smiling.* I must warn you, however, that I think your presence here is unnecessary.
Obi Wan: I’m sure the Council has only your best interests in mind, M’Lady.
She moves in front of Anakin.
Padme: *Smiling while trying to sound detached.* And how have you been Anakin?
He shares the look between them for a moment and unconsciously takes her hand.
Anakin: I won’t subject you to war stories, Pad... I mean, Senator Amidala.
Obi Wan looks disapprovingly at his apprentice.
Padme: I’ve prayed for your safe return...
Obi Wan, still looking disapprovingly, clears his throat.
Padme: *Overly load.* As I have for all our soldiers on the front lines.
The two young lovers look embarrassed. Captain Typho can’t help but smile.
Obi Wan: Our presence will be invisible, M'Lady. I can assure you.
Typho: I, for one, am grateful you're here, Master Kenobi. This situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit. Though I can’t help but think she is being used as bait to draw this assassin out.
Obi Wan: As her head of security, it is your job to think such things, Captain Typho. I assure you, the Council has only the Senator’s best interests in mind. She will be perfectly safe under our supervision.
Padme: The Jedi are right, Captain. If this assailant is after me to get to Anakin, it is better that we are in the same place to begin with. * Looking mostly at Anakin.* I’m sure you will catch him before he strikes.
Obi Wan: While it is true that we believe the attack is ultimately against my apprentice and through him, possibly to myself, please do not feel, My Lady, that we are not dedicated to your protection first and foremost.
Anakin: Anyone who tries to harm you will pay, M’Lady.
Anakin immediately knows that he’s said the wrong thing. He bites his lip in frustration and shame. Obi Wan gives Anakin a dirty look.
Obi Wan: Anakin! Calm yourself. Be mindful of your thoughts. That is not the way.
Anakin: I only meant that...
Obi Wan: You must not give in to aggressive feeling like this, Anakin.
Anakin: But with the Sith...
Obi Wan: Anakin. That is enough.
Padme: I’m sure he only has the best intentions for me, Master Kenobi. I appreciate the enthusiasm.
Obi Wan: Best intentions can often lead to terrible ends, My Lady.
Padme: I feel safer, never the less. Now, if you will excuse me, I will retire.
Everyone gives Amidala a slight bow as she and Dorme leave the room.
Typho: Well, I know I feel a lot better having you here. I'll have an officer situated on every floor and I'll be at the control center downstairs.
Jar Jar: I’m glad to see you safely back from the wars, Anakin. But remember to keep your mind on your duty.
Captain Typho leaves.
Anakin: Don’t worry about me, Jar Jar. The Senator is the only thing on my mind.
Jar Jar: That’s what I mean, young Jedi.
Obi Wan: Our tall friend is right, Anakin. I do not want your feelings for her to cloud your judgement in a critical situation. Now lets check the security.
Anakin: Yes, my master.
Cut to: Ext, night, Skyscraper Ledge. A man in a black cloak, Darth Maul, waits on the ledge of a skyscraper as a bounty hunter, Zam Wesell, a Changeling in the guise of a human woman, steps from her hovering speeder and approaches.
Maul: You’re late.
Wesell: I got hung up.
Maul hands Zam a transparent tube about a foot long, containing centipede-like Kouhuns.
Maul: Use these. They're very poisonous. They should finish her quickly.
Zam attaches her veil across the bottom of her face. She turns to leave, but the Dark Lord calls her back.
Maul: There can be no mistakes.
She turns again, and walks toward her speeder.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Anakin is standing in the living room. He is in a meditative state. It is quiet. We hear distant footsteps in the corridor outside the apartment. Suddenly Anakin’s eyes pop open and dart around the room. He reaches for his lightsabre, then smiles and puts it back in his belt.
The door to the apartment slides open, and Obi Wan enters.
Obi Wan: Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs. No assassin will try that way. Any activity up here?
Anakin: Quiet as a tomb, Master. I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her.
Kenobi checks a palm-sized view scanner he has pulled out of his utility belt. It shows a shot of R2 by the door, but no sign of Padme on the bed.
Obi Wan: What's going on?
Anakin shrugs.
Anakin: She covered the cameras. She doesn’t like people watching her sleep.
Obi Wan: What is she thinking?
Anakin: She programmed R2 to warn us if there's an intruder.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. Padme is asleep in her bed, lit only by the light of the city outside her window coming through the blinds. R2 stands in the corner of the bedroom. His power is off.
Obi Wan: *V.O.* It's not an intruder I'm worried about. There are many other ways to kill a Senator. I can’t believe you let her do this.
Anakin: *V.O.* Believe me, I tried. I couldn’t exactly stop her, Master.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Obi Wan looks at his six foot plus apprentice and chuckles.
Obi Wan: Never the less, this is not a good idea.
Anakin: Don't worry, no harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room. Trust me.
Obi Wan: It's too risky... besides, your senses aren't that attuned, young apprentice.
Anakin: And yours are?
Obi Wan: To danger and not our charge? Possibly.
Cut to: Ext, night, skyscraper ledge. Standing on the skyscraper ledge, Zam Wesell loads the cylinder carrying the deadly Kouhuns into a probe droid. She then sends the droid out into the Coruscant night.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Anakin and Obi Wan continue their conversation, moving out onto the apartment's balcony.
Obi Wan: You look tired.
Anakin: I don't sleep well anymore. I have been having disturbing dreams.
Obi Wan: *Nods slowly.* Many in the Order have. It is because your connection to the Force is strong.
Anakin: I fear for what I see, Master.
Obi Wan: Understand your dream. Use the knowledge the Force is giving you. Don’t fear it.
Anakin: I try not to, Master. *Pause* I'd rather dream of Padme. Just being around her is...
Obi Wan: As I have told you many times, Anakin, you've made a commitment to the Jedi Order... A commitment not easily broken. *Pause* She is a wonderful young woman but don't forget, she's a politician. They're not to be trusted.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. As Padme sleeps, a probe droid approaches outside her window. It sends out several small arms that attach to the window, creating sparks that shut down the security system. Then a thin beam cuts a small hole in the glass. A faint sound is heard as the small section of glass is removed from the window.
R2 wakes up, and his lights go on. The probe droid freezes. R2 looks around, makes a plaintive little sound, then shuts down again. The probe droid extends a little tube into the hole in the window. Two deadly looking centipede-like creatures exit the tube, crawl through the blinds and head toward the bed.
Anakin: *V.O.* She's not like the others in the Senate, Master.
Obi Wan: *V.O.* It's been my experience that Senators are only focussed on pleasing those who fund their campaigns... and they are more than willing to forget the niceties of democracy to get those funds.
Anakin: *V.O.* Not another lecture, Master. Not on the economics of politics...
Cut to: Int. night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Anakin and Obi Wan continue their conversation, walking back into the main room.
Anakin: ...and besides, you're generalizing. The Chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt.
Obi Wan: Palpatine's a politician.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. R2 sounds an alarm and shines a light on the bed. The Kouhuns quickly scuttle under folds in the covers or under the bed before the light touches them. R2 shuts down once again.
Obi Wan: *V.O.* I've observed that he is very clever at following the passions and prejudices of the Senators.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Anakin and Obi Wan continue their conversation.
Anakin: I think he is a good man. My instincts are very positive about...
Anakin looks stunned. He looks sharply at Obi Wan.
Obi Wan: I sense it too.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. Obi Wan and Anakin burst into the room. The Kouhuns stand on their hind legs and hiss, inches from Padme’s face, as she wakes up. Anakin throws himself onto the bed, whacking in half the deadly creatures with his lightsabre.
Obi Wan sees the droid outside and races straight at it, crashing through the blinds as he goes through the window.
Star Wars: Episode II, Attack of the Rewrites
Mark Shantz
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Starfield, opening scrawl:
War grips the Galactic Republic. After remaining in hiding for the past ten years, the vicious Marauder Fleet, now under the banner of The Mandalorian Regime, has re-emerged stronger than ever, this time with a massive army of clone soldiers. Republic forces are hard-pressed to stem the tide of invasion.
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, leader of the Republic, has called an emergency meeting of the Senate to discuss the state of affairs and hopefully put an end to the squabbling and back-stabbing that mires the galaxy’s defence.
Meanwhile, the dreaded Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith, has been stalking and killing Jedi Knights one by one. Despite their efforts, the Order has been powerless to stop him.
Ext. Starfield: The camera pans past the lower hull of an immense Stardestroyer. When it finally reaches the rear engines, the camera pulls back to reveal two other battleships orbiting an Earth-like planet (Fallion). The first Stardestroyer fires a blast of heavy turbolaser fire down on the planet.
The camera follows the green bolts of energy down, through the atmosphere, to smack a second later into a line of Mandalorian tanks rumbling down a vast throughway.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tellon city, Fallion, street level. Explosions rock the city as an entire enemy tank battalion is turned to vapour. The camera pulls back, stopping blocks away, to show turbolasers raining down from the sky. Heat radiates up, causing the air to shimmer.
Republic troops in white armour run past the camera in a defensive formation. They stop at the nearest corner and the lead trooper, marked with yellow on his helmet, looks around the building cautiously. He makes a series of gestures with his hand, signalling the number of enemy he sees and sending part of his men down the alley behind them and another part dashing across the street to head down an alley on the opposite side.
As the soldiers break from the building and run across the street, enemy troops a short distance away open fire. The Republic commander and his remaining men open return fire and cover their comrades’ manoeuver. A heavy fire fight ensues. Red energy blasts are traded back and forth at the corner with casualties on both sides. Suddenly the enemy emplacement is devoured in a massive set of explosions. As the smoke clears, the team sent down the first alley can be seen rushing from cover and searching the area for survivors.
Seeing this, the Commander and his men break cover and run to join the others. As they are followed down the street, the team at the enemy emplacement turns their attention to the other side of the road and opens fire into the alley. As the Commander reaches the area we see another set of Mandalorians caught in a crossfire between the first team and the second that had been sent to cross the street.
The fighting ends and the remaining team joins up with the rest of the group. Once together again, the troopers form up and continue their sweep towards an impressive-looking capital building.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, tactical display room. Prince Bail Organa, General Obi Wan Kenobi and Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker stand around a circular table watching a holographic display of their military elements advancing toward a central point. Data scrolls down one side of the display. To the side, other displays show more specific battles and locations. Around them, the room is filled with clear vertical sheets showing other tactical information, as well as computer terminals and communications stations. Soldiers are hard at work everywhere.
Organa is a man in his forties. He is fit and as well groomed as any noble. For a man from a peace-loving planet he is now all too familiar with war.
Organa: We seem to be doing well, General. It looks like our men are just about to storm their command. I’d hazard to say that Fallion will be back in Republic hands by the end of the day.
Anakin: It could have been over a lot sooner. Why didn’t we just bombard the whole place from above once we had orbital superiority?
Organa looks to Obi Wan to control his apprentice.
Obi Wan: Mind your aggression, Anakin. Our primary purpose here is to return the people of Fallion to freedom. Once that has been restored, I’m sure they would appreciate the use of their cities again. Which won’t be possible if we turn them to glass during the liberation.
Anakin: *Head hung* I’m sorry, Master. I let my excitement get the better of me. It’s just that I’ve had a bad feeling ever since we landed here.
Organa: Remember, young man. Wise judgement on the application of force is often just as important as knowing when to use force at all. You can’t alway outright kill everyone that displeases you.
Obi Wan: And lucky you can’t, Bail.
The older men laugh. Anakin continues to watch the holograph with concern.
Anakin: Have we heard anything back from Master Sellor yet? She was due to check in with her status.
Obi Wan is pulled back into the moment. Organa looks to his communications officer for the answer.
Comm: We’ve heard nothing from Commander Sellor or any of her strike team, Your Highness. Shall I try to establish contact, Sir?
Obi Wan: No. That may just give away their position if they’re closing in on capturing the enemy command. I feel we must be patient in this.
Anakin: But Master Kenobi. I sense a...
Obi Wan: Yes, Anakin. I sense it too. We must have faith in Master Sellor. Our place is here.
As if on cue, the communications office motioned for attention.
Comm: We have an incoming transmission from the strike team now, General.
Over the comm a soldier’s voice is heard. The soldier stands against a wall in the Mandalorian command centre. Around him, his teammates take controlled shots. In the background two figures duel. Green and red energy blades stand out against the smoke and chaos.
Soldier: General Kenobi. This is Strike Team One. We are in the enemy command centre. I have been ordered by Commander Sellor to inform you that, ‘the Sith is here.’ I repeat. The Sith is here. She is fighting with him right now. She requests your aid, General Kenobi. Immediately. I repeat. Comman...
The communication link goes to static and ends. Obi Wan and Anakin are immediately moving for the exit.
Obi Wan: Prince Organa. I hope you can finish up without us. Anakin, quickly now.
The Prince does not have time to reply before the pair is gone.
Cut to: Ext, day, city. Obi Wan and Anakin race through the streets on a pair of military speeder bikes. The two zip around crumbled buildings and past marching soldiers.
Up ahead they see an enemy bunker being attacked. A stray blaster bolt shoots by.
Obi Wan: We don’t have time for this.
The two quickly turn a corner and bypass the bunker. The buildings move by in the background as a blur. Soon another group of Mandalorians appears in front of them.
Anakin: I’ll handle this and meet you at the command center.
Anakin banks slightly to the right while Obi Wan veers hard to the left. The enemy soldiers fire on Anakin as he quickly approaches. He shoots back with the blaster on the speeder but can’t get off more than a couple shots before blowing past. He quickly brings the bike to a stop, spinning it to face his enemies at the same time. His blue lightsabre ignites.
Cut to: Ext, day, city streets. Obi Wan charges forward at break-neck speed, heading straight for the enemy command center. He passes more and more of his own troops as the regal-looking building before him grows larger and larger.
Cut to: Ext, day, enemy bunker. Anakin deflects a few blaster bolts and then kicks the speeder into action again. He races back toward the Mandalorians, steering with one hand and holding his lightsabre in his other. As he closes in he sends many energy bolts back to the enemy soldiers.
Anakin crosses through the soldiers again, slicing down a couple with his blade and then motions with his weapon to the last of the group as he wheels around. The soldiers fly back to crash into a wall.
Anakin guns his speeder and flies off.
Cut to: Int, day, Mandalorian command center. Obi Wan rushes through the hallways, alert for danger but not wasting time. He rounds a number of corners, letting the Force guide him, until he finally arrives at the main war room. He enters just in time to see Darth Maul cut Sellor down.
Obi Wan ignites his lightsabre, drawing Maul’s attention to him. The Sith raises his weapon.
Maul: You.
Obi Wan: You will find I am not so easily toyed with this time.
The battle is joined and the two clash together, locking blades. Maul is only using one side of the familiar double-bladed lightsabre. Obi Wan pushes Maul back with the Force but instead of falling to the floor, the Sith flips with the push and lands on his feet a short distance away. He swings his blade angrily as he charges in again.
A dizzying series of slashes, blocks, thrusts and parries is traded back and forth between the two swordsmen. The blades lock again and Maul tries a round-house kick to Kenobi’s head. The Jedi grabs the foot with his free hand and kicks the inner thigh of Maul’s support leg. The Sith pushes down on Obi Wan’s blade with both hands and barrel-rolls in the air over the weapon as he absorbs the impact of the kick. The move throws Obi Wan off balance and he finds himself doubled over. Maul lands on his feet and swings back his weapon to take Kenobi’s head quickly.
As the red energy blade arcs toward the Jedi’s neck it is suddenly blocked from the side by a blue blade. Maul sneers and kicks Anakin in the ribs, sending him flying back to hit the far wall. It was enough of a distraction to save Obi Wan’s life, however, and he is back up and swinging at his enemy. Maul blocks the attack and ignites the other half of his weapon in time to block a swing from the recovered Anakin.
Now it is two against one. Outnumbered, the Dark Lord goes on the offensive even harder. His weapon moves with blinding speed as he attacks both men at once. He kicks Anakin in the knee and thrusts at Obi Wan at the same time. With the padawan in pain, Maul shoves a hand into Obi Wan’s face meaning to Force push him away. The Jedi, however, gets his own hand up and counters the move. For a second, both are locked in a duel of the Force.
Anakin breaks the pair up with a slice from the side that is barely deflected away. The Sith uses the momentum of his block to swing at Obi Wan’s face with the other end of the weapon and at the same time kick the man in the mid-section. Obi Wan spins with the attack and brings his blue blade racing around for Maul’s neck. The Sith ducks backward and blocks another attack from Anakin at the same time.
Anakin immediately attacks again with an overhead chop to the Sith’s waist. Maul dodges to the side, locking blades with Obi Wan and pushing him away, but does not escape the tip of Anakin’s lightsabre grazing a pouch on the back of his belt. The contents spill to the floor and the battle continues.
The trio is now separated. Maul backs away slightly, eyeing both opponents and readying himself for the attack. The two Jedi spread out; one going left, the other right. As the Jedi move in slowly, the room is suddenly stormed by squads of Republic soldiers from all entrances.
Maul dives through a nearby window and flips to the ground three stories below. Anakin moves to immediately jump after but is stopped by Obi Wan as soldiers surround them.
Obi Wan: Anakin wait!
Anakin: But Master, we can still catch up to him!
Obi Wan: *Kneeling* Let him go for now.
Obi Wan holds up a small disk and activates a hologram. The image of Padme Amidala, Senator for the planet of Naboo, floats above his hand.
Obi Wan: I have a feeling we’ll be able to find him again easily enough.
Cut to: Ext, day, the planet Coruscant, city skyline. The huge Republic senate building stands distinctly amongst the other towering buildings.
Cut to: Int, day, Senate building, Main Rotunda. The vast, circular chamber, housing thousands of delegates from all over the Republic, is abuzz with chatter. Mas Amedda, the Supreme Chancellor’s Vice Chairman, tries to quiet things down as Palpatine confers with his aide, Uv Gizen, a small, hoggish creature riding a small one-man floating scooter.
Amedda: Order! We must have order here! The motion to commission a Clone Army for the Republic is what is on the floor. Speakers shall address that issue only.
A pod floats to the center of the arena. It holds Padme Amidala, her security chief Captain Typho, a handmaiden that is her double in appearance, and Representative Jar Jar Binks of the Gungan people of Naboo.
Padme: Fellow Senators, colleagues, it saddens me to see the legions of clone troopers the Mandalorians send at us, knowing that Naboo’s own stolen cloning technology is helping to produce those soldiers. I can not dwell on this however, but must face the consequences of it head on. Our people are dying by the millions in this war and there is no end in sight. We can not keep up at the pace we are or soon we will run out of able conscripts and will be forced into submission. Senators, we must begin production of a clone army of our own. It is the only way we will match our enemy. We will not last otherwise.
A mix of cheering and booing circles the room.
A second pod moves into position across from Amidala’s. It is the representative from Malastare, Ask Aak.
Aak: And what will we do with all of these new soldiers once the war is over? Shall we cast them aside and forget about them? Will they turn on us themselves?
Padme: Of course they will not be forgotten! They will live out their lives in the service of the people.
Aak: And who will pay for the food and housing of these cast off legions?
Padme: *Becoming angry* They will not be cast off! Wake up, Senator! Who will be left to fight the Mandalorians when our armies have been exhausted? Certainly not you, I’m sure! Do you expect the Jedi to do the job? As valuable as they have been thus far, they are keepers of the peace, not soldiers. Even the Jedi can not work that miracle.
Aak: Do not draw this government further into obsessive right-wing militarism because of your own guilty conscience about the state of this war!
Padme: May I remind you that it was this council that denied Naboo military aid until it was too late to stop the theft of our cloning technology. It would be well for you all to feel a little guilt at the state of this war.
Again, a mix of cheers and descent fill the arena. Palpatine looks to Padme with sympathy and then turns to his Vice.
Amedda: Order!
When the room is silent once more, Palpatine speaks.
Palpatine: Due to the lateness of the hour and the seriousness of the motion, we will let heads cool and take this motion up tomorrow. Until then, this session stands adjourned.
Cut to: Ext, day Executive Quarters Building. The giant towers of the Republic Executive Building seem to reach the heavens. Traffic clogs the smoggy sky.
Cut to: Int, day, Supreme Chancellor’s Office. Chancellor Palpatine sits behind his desk with the Coruscant skyline through the window behind him. Yoda, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Mace Windu sit across from him. Behind them stand the Twi’Lik Jedi Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee.
Palpatine: I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote, my friends, and frankly, it is not looking good. Many in the Senate feel we already have too much invested in this war. Our recent successes under Prince Organa and General Kenobi only serve to fuel their false hope and convince them that we are holding our own. Not to mention their fears that this army will place too much power in the hands of the military. But the facts of the matter remain; without additional forces, and quickly, the Republic will soon find itself in a dire situation.
Mace: And if the motion to create this clone army is not ratified?
Palpatine: I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be torn asunder. The Senate will be made to see logic!
Mace: Jedi have done their best to aid in the protection of the Republic. Many have already died in this conflict, to be sure. And too many more at the hands of the Mandalorian’s Sith assassin.
Palpatine: Are you any closer to bringing this person to justice or finding the master you believe he serves, Master Yoda?
Yoda closes his eyes.
Yoda: The Dark Side clouds everything. Difficult it has been to track our enemy. All that go to confront him never return. But indeed, another encounter we have just recently had.
Palpatine: What?
Mace: Master Kenobi and his Padawan, Skywalker, have reported a confrontation with him on the planet Fallion. Yet another of our Order has been slain.
Palpatine: Surely not General Kenobi?
Yoda: No. Master Sellor, it was.
Ki-Adi: A tragedy to be sure.
Mace: More grave is what they have discovered...
A muted buzzer sounds and a hologram of an aide, Dar Wac, appears on the Chancellor's desk.
Wac: *In Huttese* Senator Amidala has arrived, as the Jedi requested, my Lord.
Palpatine: Ah. Send her in please.
They all stand as Senator Amidala, Captain Typho, Jar Jar Binks and their attendants enter the office. Amidala is slightly stricken by the sombre mood of those in the room.
Padme: Supreme Chancellor, Esteemed Jedi, the request for my presence at this meeting was quite abrupt. Is there something wrong?
Yoda: Most wrong, indeed, young senator.
Padme’s face falls into seriousness.
Mace: As we were just informing the Supreme Chancellor, Senator, we have received a report from the front lines that is most disturbing.
The room is silent, waiting for him to continue.
Mace: An image of you was taken from the Sith assassin before his escape.
Ki-Adi: It would seem you are his next target.
Padme is silent.
Palpatine: This is terrible news! What could the fiend want with Senator Amidala?
Yoda nods his head in thought.
Yoda: Much like Plo Koon, this is.
The Jedi nod in agreement.
Ki-Adi: Indeed. He uses her like Master Koon’s sister was used.
Padme: *Not Understanding* What do you mean, Master Yoda?
Yoda: Your relationship with young Skywalker, he seeks to exploit.
The Jedi frown to themselves at Anakin’s constant breaching of their rules.
Yoda: Bait you were to be, to trap the padawan and his master.
Padme: But how would this assassin know of this. *She is embarrassed to have her relationship with Anakin dragged out into the open.* Who would be giving him that kind of information.
Yoda: In dark times nothing is what it appears to be, but the fact remains for certain, Senator, in grave danger you are.
Palpatine walks to the window, and looks out at the vast city.
Palpatine: Master Jedi, may I suggest that the Senator be placed under the protection of your graces.
Padme’s captain of security, Typho, a large, muscular man with his left eye replaced with a cybernetic implant, steps forward with concern.
Typho: If I may, my Lord, do you think that is a wise decision, putting her among this assassin’s very targets?
Padme: Chancellor, if I may comment, this will only get in the way of my work with the Senate. I have enough security of my own. I do not believe the...
Palpatine: ..."situation is that serious." No, but I do, Senator.
Padme: Chancellor, please! I don't want any more guards!
Palpatine: I realize all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but it is necessary to match this adversary with protectors of equal skill. You know first hand what this thing is capable of.
Mace: Perhaps we can make it easier for you. Perhaps Master Kenobi and young Skywalker can watch over you themselves. They are here now debriefing the Council on their confrontation.
Palpatine nods to Mace Windu, who nods back.
Yoda: Better protection, she could not be under.
Padme: This is not necessary, Chancellor.
Palpatine: Do it for me, M'Lady, please. I will rest easier. The thought of losing you is unbearable.
Amidala sighs as the Jedi get up to leave.
Mace: I will have Obi-Wan report to you immediately, M'Lady.
Yoda leans into her ear.
Yoda: Too little about yourself you worry, Senator, and too much about politics. Be mindful of your danger, Padme. Accept our help.
The Jedi leave the office and Senator Amidala’s retinue follow.
Typho: So now THEY use you as bait instead of the Sith using you. I don’t like this.
Cut to: Ext, twilight, Apartment Building. A graceful skyscraper twinkles in the evening light of
Cut to: Int, twilight, Apartment Building Elevator. Anakin and Obi Wan ride in a windowed elevator attached to the outside of the Senate Building. They are on their way to Senator Amidala’s apartments. Anakin nervously adjusts his clothing.
Obi Wan: You seem a little on edge, Anakin.
Anakin: Not at all.
Obi Wan: I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks.
Anakin: You fell into that nightmare, Master, and I rescued you, remember?
Obi Wan: Oh yes. *They both laugh.* You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath.
Anakin: I just can’t help feeling responsible for her being in danger, Master.
Obi Wan: That’s because you ARE responsible, Anakin. You spend entirely too much time with Senator Amidala. It is not appropriate. I’ve told you this. The Council has told you this.
Anakin: But we like each other, Master. I don’t see why we...
Obi Wan: She is a target because of your feelings toward her. That is why attachment is forbidden to the Jedi. You know this.
Anakin: *Defensive* I can’t have friends?
Obi Wan: This is not about friends, my young apprentice.
Cut to: Int, twilight, Apartment Corridor. The door to the apartment slides open. Jar Jar walks into the corridor, where two Jedi are exiting the elevator. He smiles as he sees them.
Jar Jar: Ah, my friends! We meet again.
The Jedi smile.
Obi Wan: All to often it seems.
Obi Wan pointedly looks at Anakin. Jar Jar chuckles.
Jar Jar: Oh, Annie is no bother to us here. My people have a saying, ‘when the young are filled with the fluids of...
Anakin: *Embarrassed.* Jar Jar. Shouldn’t they be expecting us?
Jar Jar: Yes. Yes. Come in.
Cut to: Int, night, Apartment. Padme is in a conference with Captain Typho and her handmaiden, Dorme. Jar Jar enters the room, followed by the two Jedi.
Jar Jar: Our friends have arrived, Senator.
Padme and Typho rise as Obi Wan and Anakin stop before the Senator. Anakin and Padme exchange glances and she blushes slightly before Obi Wan steps between the two.
Obi Wan: *Trying to be professional.* It's a pleasure to see you again, M'Lady.
Padme, broken away from Anakin’s eyes, takes Obi Wan’s hand in hers.
Padme: As always, the pleasure is mine, Master Kenobi. I’m glad to be spending more time, officially, with the... both of you. *She looks back at Anakin, who is smiling.* I must warn you, however, that I think your presence here is unnecessary.
Obi Wan: I’m sure the Council has only your best interests in mind, M’Lady.
She moves in front of Anakin.
Padme: *Smiling while trying to sound detached.* And how have you been Anakin?
He shares the look between them for a moment and unconsciously takes her hand.
Anakin: I won’t subject you to war stories, Pad... I mean, Senator Amidala.
Obi Wan looks disapprovingly at his apprentice.
Padme: I’ve prayed for your safe return...
Obi Wan, still looking disapprovingly, clears his throat.
Padme: *Overly load.* As I have for all our soldiers on the front lines.
The two young lovers look embarrassed. Captain Typho can’t help but smile.
Obi Wan: Our presence will be invisible, M'Lady. I can assure you.
Typho: I, for one, am grateful you're here, Master Kenobi. This situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit. Though I can’t help but think she is being used as bait to draw this assassin out.
Obi Wan: As her head of security, it is your job to think such things, Captain Typho. I assure you, the Council has only the Senator’s best interests in mind. She will be perfectly safe under our supervision.
Padme: The Jedi are right, Captain. If this assailant is after me to get to Anakin, it is better that we are in the same place to begin with. * Looking mostly at Anakin.* I’m sure you will catch him before he strikes.
Obi Wan: While it is true that we believe the attack is ultimately against my apprentice and through him, possibly to myself, please do not feel, My Lady, that we are not dedicated to your protection first and foremost.
Anakin: Anyone who tries to harm you will pay, M’Lady.
Anakin immediately knows that he’s said the wrong thing. He bites his lip in frustration and shame. Obi Wan gives Anakin a dirty look.
Obi Wan: Anakin! Calm yourself. Be mindful of your thoughts. That is not the way.
Anakin: I only meant that...
Obi Wan: You must not give in to aggressive feeling like this, Anakin.
Anakin: But with the Sith...
Obi Wan: Anakin. That is enough.
Padme: I’m sure he only has the best intentions for me, Master Kenobi. I appreciate the enthusiasm.
Obi Wan: Best intentions can often lead to terrible ends, My Lady.
Padme: I feel safer, never the less. Now, if you will excuse me, I will retire.
Everyone gives Amidala a slight bow as she and Dorme leave the room.
Typho: Well, I know I feel a lot better having you here. I'll have an officer situated on every floor and I'll be at the control center downstairs.
Jar Jar: I’m glad to see you safely back from the wars, Anakin. But remember to keep your mind on your duty.
Captain Typho leaves.
Anakin: Don’t worry about me, Jar Jar. The Senator is the only thing on my mind.
Jar Jar: That’s what I mean, young Jedi.
Obi Wan: Our tall friend is right, Anakin. I do not want your feelings for her to cloud your judgement in a critical situation. Now lets check the security.
Anakin: Yes, my master.
Cut to: Ext, night, Skyscraper Ledge. A man in a black cloak, Darth Maul, waits on the ledge of a skyscraper as a bounty hunter, Zam Wesell, a Changeling in the guise of a human woman, steps from her hovering speeder and approaches.
Maul: You’re late.
Wesell: I got hung up.
Maul hands Zam a transparent tube about a foot long, containing centipede-like Kouhuns.
Maul: Use these. They're very poisonous. They should finish her quickly.
Zam attaches her veil across the bottom of her face. She turns to leave, but the Dark Lord calls her back.
Maul: There can be no mistakes.
She turns again, and walks toward her speeder.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Anakin is standing in the living room. He is in a meditative state. It is quiet. We hear distant footsteps in the corridor outside the apartment. Suddenly Anakin’s eyes pop open and dart around the room. He reaches for his lightsabre, then smiles and puts it back in his belt.
The door to the apartment slides open, and Obi Wan enters.
Obi Wan: Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs. No assassin will try that way. Any activity up here?
Anakin: Quiet as a tomb, Master. I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her.
Kenobi checks a palm-sized view scanner he has pulled out of his utility belt. It shows a shot of R2 by the door, but no sign of Padme on the bed.
Obi Wan: What's going on?
Anakin shrugs.
Anakin: She covered the cameras. She doesn’t like people watching her sleep.
Obi Wan: What is she thinking?
Anakin: She programmed R2 to warn us if there's an intruder.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. Padme is asleep in her bed, lit only by the light of the city outside her window coming through the blinds. R2 stands in the corner of the bedroom. His power is off.
Obi Wan: *V.O.* It's not an intruder I'm worried about. There are many other ways to kill a Senator. I can’t believe you let her do this.
Anakin: *V.O.* Believe me, I tried. I couldn’t exactly stop her, Master.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Obi Wan looks at his six foot plus apprentice and chuckles.
Obi Wan: Never the less, this is not a good idea.
Anakin: Don't worry, no harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room. Trust me.
Obi Wan: It's too risky... besides, your senses aren't that attuned, young apprentice.
Anakin: And yours are?
Obi Wan: To danger and not our charge? Possibly.
Cut to: Ext, night, skyscraper ledge. Standing on the skyscraper ledge, Zam Wesell loads the cylinder carrying the deadly Kouhuns into a probe droid. She then sends the droid out into the Coruscant night.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Anakin and Obi Wan continue their conversation, moving out onto the apartment's balcony.
Obi Wan: You look tired.
Anakin: I don't sleep well anymore. I have been having disturbing dreams.
Obi Wan: *Nods slowly.* Many in the Order have. It is because your connection to the Force is strong.
Anakin: I fear for what I see, Master.
Obi Wan: Understand your dream. Use the knowledge the Force is giving you. Don’t fear it.
Anakin: I try not to, Master. *Pause* I'd rather dream of Padme. Just being around her is...
Obi Wan: As I have told you many times, Anakin, you've made a commitment to the Jedi Order... A commitment not easily broken. *Pause* She is a wonderful young woman but don't forget, she's a politician. They're not to be trusted.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. As Padme sleeps, a probe droid approaches outside her window. It sends out several small arms that attach to the window, creating sparks that shut down the security system. Then a thin beam cuts a small hole in the glass. A faint sound is heard as the small section of glass is removed from the window.
R2 wakes up, and his lights go on. The probe droid freezes. R2 looks around, makes a plaintive little sound, then shuts down again. The probe droid extends a little tube into the hole in the window. Two deadly looking centipede-like creatures exit the tube, crawl through the blinds and head toward the bed.
Anakin: *V.O.* She's not like the others in the Senate, Master.
Obi Wan: *V.O.* It's been my experience that Senators are only focussed on pleasing those who fund their campaigns... and they are more than willing to forget the niceties of democracy to get those funds.
Anakin: *V.O.* Not another lecture, Master. Not on the economics of politics...
Cut to: Int. night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Anakin and Obi Wan continue their conversation, walking back into the main room.
Anakin: ...and besides, you're generalizing. The Chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt.
Obi Wan: Palpatine's a politician.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. R2 sounds an alarm and shines a light on the bed. The Kouhuns quickly scuttle under folds in the covers or under the bed before the light touches them. R2 shuts down once again.
Obi Wan: *V.O.* I've observed that he is very clever at following the passions and prejudices of the Senators.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, main room. Anakin and Obi Wan continue their conversation.
Anakin: I think he is a good man. My instincts are very positive about...
Anakin looks stunned. He looks sharply at Obi Wan.
Obi Wan: I sense it too.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. Obi Wan and Anakin burst into the room. The Kouhuns stand on their hind legs and hiss, inches from Padme’s face, as she wakes up. Anakin throws himself onto the bed, whacking in half the deadly creatures with his lightsabre.
Obi Wan sees the droid outside and races straight at it, crashing through the blinds as he goes through the window.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11948
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
Very good. I thought you killed Maul in Phantaom though?
EDIT: Typos. Also scratch that question I re-read Phataom, you only knocked Maul down the shaft you didn't slice and dice him. He must of used the old 'force survive long falls' trick
EDIT2: For the typos in the edit.
EDIT: Typos. Also scratch that question I re-read Phataom, you only knocked Maul down the shaft you didn't slice and dice him. He must of used the old 'force survive long falls' trick
EDIT2: For the typos in the edit.
Last edited by Crazedwraith on 2004-10-16 02:23pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yes, Maul did not die. If Luke can do it, so can he.Crazedwraith wrote:Very good. I thought you killed Maul in Phantaom though?
EDIT: Typos. ALso scratch that question I re-read Phataom, you only knocked Maul down the shaft you didn't lsice nad dice him. He musta used the old 'force survive long falls' trick
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
Yay! The next part!
Now if only we could print these up and send them back in time to George Lucas' ranch before he started the prequels...
Now if only we could print these up and send them back in time to George Lucas' ranch before he started the prequels...
DPDarkPrimus is my boyfriend!
SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
Cut to: Ext, night, apartment window ledge. Obi Wan flies through the glass window and flings himself at the probe droid, grabbing onto the deadly machine before it can flee. The droid sinks under the weight of the man but manages to stay afloat and fly away, with the Jedi hanging on for dear life, a hundred stories above the city.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. Anakin and Padme stare at the sight of Obi Wan being carried off by the droid.
Padme: He sure loves doing that, doesn’t he.
Anakin turns to her. She pulls her nightdress around her shoulders.
Anakin: Stay here!
Captain Typho, with two guards and Dorme, enter the room as Anakin dashes out.
Dorme: Are you all right, M'Lady?
Padme nods yes.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant cityscape. The probe droid sends several protective electrical shocks across its surface, causing Obi Wan to almost lose his grip. As they dart in and out of the speeder traffic, the Jedi disconnects a wire on the back of the droid. Its power shuts off! Obi Wan and the droid drop like rocks. Obi Wan realizes the error of his ways and quickly puts the wire back. The droid’s systems light up again and it takes off.
Cut to: Ext, night, Apartment Entrance. Anakin charges out of the building and runs to a line of parked speeders. Before he can jump into one however, he is stopped dead in his tracks by the looming figure of Darth Maul.
Maul: Jedi fools. Separated and alone. You are now mine.
Anakin and Maul ignite their lightsabres in unison and charge each other with matched fury. The blades crackle as they slam together on the first powerful blow. A flurry of attacks ensues with Anakin defending against both sides of the Sith’s double-bladed weapon.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant cityscape. The droid bumps against a wall, hoping to knock the Jedi loose and then moves behind a speeder afterburner to scorch him. It takes the Jedi wildly between buildings and finally skims across a rooftop as Obi Wan is forced to lift his legs, tenaciously hanging on.
Cut to: Ext, night, Apartment Entrance. Anakin and Darth Maul trade ferocious blows back and forth, neither able to gain ground on the other. Suddenly, Maul twists the long hilt of his weapon and the two ends come apart. He is now fighting Anakin with two angry red blades, slashing and stabbing from all directions.
Anakin quickly falls into a defensive mode as he has only the speed and concentration to hold off the onslaught pummelling against him. He is backed further and further to the far edge of the speeder landing platform, jumping and dodging to avoid the many sweeping attacks by his enemy.
Suddenly Mauls attention is distracted by Captain Typho and his men rushing through the doors. They open fire immediately and are rewarded by their bolts being sent right back to them. It is the reprieve Anakin needed though, and he regains his footing and presses another assault.
Caught now between blaster fire and Anakin’s lightsabre and constant Force attacks, the Dark Lord makes an incredible leap, over his young enemy, and off the ledge of the building. He disappears for a moment before his speeder rises into view. Maul levels his guns and fires, tearing up the small landing platform.
Anakin rushes to one of the parked vehicles in the area amid the explosions and tears away, leaving Typho and his men ducking for cover.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant cityscape. The droid heads for a dirty, beat-up speeder hidden in an alcove of a building about twenty stories above their current position. When the pilot, the bounty hunter, Zam Wesell, sees the droid approach with Obi Wan hanging on, she pulls a long rifle out of the speeder and takes aim at the Jedi. Through the gun’s targeting scope we see Obi Wan getting closer, readouts constantly changing and cross-hairs tracking his every movement. In a second the outline of the dangling man is flashing in red.
For seemingly no reason Obi Wan’s eyes widen and he pulls the droid down in front of him. It explodes instantly from a blaster hit and the Jedi begins to drop. A few more energy bolts flash toward him but his blue lightsabre is out and deflects them all.
Zam runs to her speeder, jumps in, and takes off.
Obi Wan falls fifty stories, until an open-topped speeder drops down next to him, and he manages to grab onto the back end of it and haul himself toward the cockpit. The Jedi climbs into the passenger seat and sits down next to the driver, Anakin.
Anakin: That’s another one you owe me, Master.
Obi Wan: What took you so long?
Anakin: Oh, you know, Master. I couldn't find a speeder I really liked, with an open cockpit... and the right speed capabilities. That, and I ran into our friend from Fallion.
At that moment they suddenly find themselves in a hail of blaster fire from behind. They look back to see the sleek, black speeder of Darth Maul in pursuit.
Obi Wan: Speaking of which...
Anakin: Oh, well, you know... *Obviously not serious* Had him right where I wanted him... but then Captain Typho and his men stormed in and the Sith took off. *He looks back quickly and ducks another barrage.* Did you know that ‘sabre of his can split in two?
Obi Wan: I had an idea.
The two dodge a few more blaster bolts as they weave through traffic, trying unsuccessfully to throw the Sith off.
Anakin: Well, anyway, I sensed your fall. It was either chase him or rescue you, Master. Again. No matter your lectures, I still thought I’d give you another chance.
Obi Wan: Very funny. If you'd spend as much time working on your sabre skills as you do on your wit, young Padawan, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman and surely would have defeated our enemy.
Anakin: *Smiling* I thought I already did rival Master Yoda.
Obi Wan: Only in your mind, my very young apprentice. Careful!! Hey, easy!!
As this conversation is going on, Anakin deftly moves in and out of the oncoming traffic, across lanes, between buildings, and miraculously through a construction site.
Maul continues firing at them.
Anakin: Sorry, I forgot you don't like flying, Master.
Obi Wan: I don't mind flying... but what you're doing is suicide!
They barely miss a commuter train.
Anakin: Master! I thought you knew! I’m the best star pilot in the galaxy! *Large smile.*
Obi Wan: Just be careful! Watch out! He’s making a move!
Maul and the Jedi race through a line of cross traffic made up of giant trucks. The speeders bank sideways as they slide around right-angle turns between buildings. The Jedi race into a tram tunnel.
Obi Wan: Wait! Don't go in there! Take it easy...
Anakin: Don't worry, Master.
Anakin zooms into the tunnel with the Sith tailing. They see a tram coming at them and at the last minute brake, turn around, and race out, barely ahead of the charging commuter transport. Maul is still on their tail.
Obi Wan: You know I don't like it when you do that!
Anakin turns into oncoming traffic, deliberately trying to throw the Sith off. Oncoming speeders swerve, trying to avoid the two in the erratic chase. He does a quick, tight loop-over and ends up behind Darth Maul, who quickly slams on his brakes and ends up right next to them. The Dark Lord sneers at Obi Wan and ignited his one end of his sabre, raking it across his enemy’s speeder.
Obi Wan: What are you doing?!
Anakin: Right - this isn't working.
Anakin slides underneath Maul's speeder and they race along in traffic, one speeder right on top of the other. The Sith skims over the rooftops, causing Anakin to drop behind. Anakin goes through his gears, zooming around traffic. They race at high speed across a wide, flat surface of the city planet. A large spacecraft almost collides with them as it attempts to land.
Obi Wan: Watch out!
They pull up just in time to skim over the edge of the spacecraft.
Obi Wan: Whooooaaa! Don't do that! I don't like it when you do that!
Anakin: *Smiling* He almost got us that time. Didn’t he, Master.
They chase the black speeder through a power refinery. Maul shoots a power coupler causing voltage, like lightning, to jump across a gap from one coupler to another. Anakin stays on course, piloting the speeder directly through the arc. The two Jedi’s bodies ripple with blue power.
Obi Wan: Anakin! How many times have I told you to stay away from the power couplings! Go around! Don't go through there!
Huge electrical bolts shoot between the buildings as the speeders pass.
Obi Wan: Yiiii, what are you doing?
Anakin: Sorry, Master!
Obi Wan: *Sarcastically* Oh, that was good...
Maul slides around a corner sideways, blocking an alley, firing point-blank as Anakin approaches.
Anakin: Ahh, damn.
Obi Wan: Stop!!
Anakin: No, we can make it.
Anakin barely misses the Sith’s speeder as he dives under it, and through a small gap in the building hitting several pipes and going wildly out of control. As they cross paths, Obi Wan ignites his blade and cuts deeply through the undercarriage of Maul’s vehicle. As Anakin struggles to regain control again, narrowly missing a crane and barely clipping a pair of giant struts, Obi Wan watches as their enemy plummets helplessly down.
A giant gas ball shoots up, causing Anakin to spin and bump a building, stalling the speeder.
Anakin: See. I got us through that one all right.
Obi Wan: *Angrily* No you didn't! We've stalled! And you almost got us killed!
Anakin works to get the speeder started. It races to life.
Obi Wan: *Very angrily* It was stupid!
Anakin: *Sheepishly* At least we got the Sith...
Obi Wan: *Calming* I doubt it. I still sense him out there. And now we've lost the other one too. Come on. We’ll search below for...
Suddenly, there is an ambush. Energy bolts are everywhere. Explosions surround them. They look up to see Zam Wesell take off.
Anakin: Lost ‘em did we?
Out of a cloud of smoke and a ball of flames the Jedi tear after Zam. They are smoking. Obi Wan slaps out the small fire on the dashboard. Zam goes up and down, through cross traffic. There is a near miss as a speeder almost hits them. Zam turns down and left between two buildings. Anakin pulls up and to the right
Obi Wan: Where are you going?! The Sith is who we need! Besides, he went down there, the other way.
Anakin: This is a shortcut... I think...
Obi Wan: What do you mean, you "think?"
Anakin turns up a side street, zooming up several small passageways, then stops, hovering about fifty stories up.
Obi Wan: Well, you lost him.
Anakin: No I didn’t.
Anakin looks around front and back and closes his eyes, calming himself.
Obi Wan: Well, this is some kind of shortcut. He went completely the other way! Once again, Anakin...
Anakin: Got it! Excuse me for a moment.
Without warning Anakin jumps out of the speeder. Obi Wan looks down and sees Zam's speeder about five stories below them cruising past.
Obi Wan: I hate it when he does that.
Anakin miraculously lands on top of Wesell’s speeder. The vehicle wobbles under the impact. Zam looks up and realizes what has happened.
Zam takes off, and Anakin slides to the back strut and almost slips off, but manages to hang on. He works his way back to Zam, who, caught off guard, briefly changes into her natural form, a grey-skinned, humanoid creature with a flattened snout and gilled cheeks. She stops suddenly, and Anakin flies forward to the left front fork. Pulling her pistol again, Zam shoots at him.
There is a blast near Anakin’s hand, which breaks off a piece of the speeder. He slides to the right fork, where Zam can't reach him and scrambles to the top, holding onto an air scoop.
Obi Wan has jumped into the driver's seat and is deftly gaining on the rogue speeder. The two flying vehicles dive through oncoming traffic and then through cross traffic. Finally, Anakin is able to get hold of his lightsabre and starts to cut his way through the roof of Zam’s speeder. The changeling takes out her pistol and starts firing at the helpless Jedi, knocking the sword out of his hand. Obi Wan, racing behind, catches the Jedi weapon and places it in the passenger's seat.
Anakin sticks his hand into the cockpit and, using the Force, pulls the gun out of Zam’s hand. She grabs the Jedi’s hand, and they struggle for the weapon. It goes off, blowing a hole in the controls of the speeder and sending it careening wildly. Zam struggles to pull out of a nosedive.
Behind, Obi Wan gets slowed down by traffic and loses sight of the other speeder.
Just as the speeder is about to nose dive into the ground, Zam pulls it out, and it slides hard on the pavement in a shower of sparks. Anakin goes flying into the street.
Cut to: Ext, night, Entertainment district. It's the seedy underbelly of the city. Broken sidewalks, garish lights reflected in filthy puddles. It's pretty crowded with various alien low-lifes, panhandlers and the occasional group of upperclass slummers.
Zam exits the crashed speeder and runs. Anakin picks himself up off the pavement and runs after her.
Anakin barges into several people in the crowd as he chases after the fleeing bounty hunter. He loses her however but picks her up again. The young Jedi is having a very difficult time getting through the crowd. Ahead, Zam turns in through a door and disappears. A nightclub sign is flashing over the door.
Obi Wan lands the speeder in the nearby street. He gets out and runs through the crowd toward Anakin who is just about to follow ZAM into the nightclub. Obi Wan catches up to him.
Obi Wan: Anakin!
Anakin: She went into that club, Master.
Obi Wan: Patience. Use the Force, Anakin. Think.
Anakin: Sorry, Master.
Obi Wan: He went in there to hide, not run.
Anakin: Yes, Master.
Obi Wan hands Anakin the lightsabre.
Obi Wan: Here. Next time try not to lose it.
Anakin reaches for the lightsabre.
Obi Wan: This weapon is your life.
Anakin: Yes, Master.
Obi Wan finally holds out the lightsabre and Anakin grabs it. They walk through the nightclub entrance, Anakin following Obi Wan.
Obi Wan: Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?!
Cut to: Int, night, Nightclub. Obi Wan and Anakin enter the nightclub bar, and everyone stares at them
Anakin: Don't say that Master... You're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you. I don't want to cause you pain.
Obi Wan: Then why don't you listen to me?!
Anakin: I am trying.
Obi Wan: Can you see him?
Anakin: I think he's a she... and I think she's a changeling.
Obi Wan: In that case be extra careful... *Nods to the room.* You go and find her.
Obi Wan starts to walk away.
Anakin: Where are you going, Master?
Obi Wan: For a drink.
Obi Wan heads for the bar. Anakin blinks in surprise, then moves into the room, where alien faces look back at him with hostility, suspicion, and invitation as he moves among the tables. Obi Wan arrives at the bar and signals the barman.
Close-up: Somewhere in the room a hand moves to a pistol in its holster and unsnaps the safety catch.
At the bar, a glass is placed in front of Obi Wan. A drink is poured. He lifts the glass. A young alien beside him looks over.
Alien: You wanna buy some death-sticks?
Obi Wan looks at him and moves his fingers slightly.
Obi Wan: You don't want to sell me death-sticks.
Alien: I don't want to sell you death-sticks.
Obi Wan moves his fingers.
Obi Wan: You want to go home and rethink your life.
Alien: I want to go home... and rethink my life.
The alien leaves as Obi Wan lifts his drink and tosses it back.
Close-up: The gun is drawn from its holster and held down out of sight.
Anakin continues to search through the clubbers.
The bounty hunter starts to move intently forward.
Close-up: The gun moves toward an unsuspecting back. The gun is raised to aim directly at the person’s back.
Suddenly Obi Wan turns fast and his lightsabre flashes. There is a shrill scream and Zam’s arm hits the floor. The gun drops from its twitching fingers.
The room is silent. Anakin is suddenly at Obi Wan’s side, his lightsabre glowing.
Anakin: Easy... Jedi business. Go back to your drinks.
Slowly, the aliens sit, conversation resumes and the music starts up again. Obi Wan and Anakin lift Zam and carry her out.
Cut to: Ext, night, Alley. Obi Wan and Anakin carry Zam into the alley and lower her to the ground. Obi Wan attends to her wounded shoulder. She stares up hatefully at Anakin and winces in pain.
Obi Wan: Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?
Zam: The Senator from Naboo.
Obi Wan: Where can we find the one that hired you?
The bounty hunter glares at the Jedi.
Zam: It was just a job.
Anakin: Where can we find him?
We hear a deep bass rumble as Anakin uses the Force.
Anakin: Tell us!
Obi Wan looks concernedly at Anakin. Was that the Dark Side he had just felt?
Obi Wan: This wound's going to need treatment.
Anakin: *The rumble is stronger.* Tell us now!
Zam glares hatefully.
There is a sudden ftzzz sound and both Jedi have their weapons out and are blocking some unknown, unseen attack. Both look up to the rooftops to see a deep shadow move away and disappear.
Zam twitches. She blinks in surprise and dies. As Obi Wan lays Zam down on the street, she changes to her Clawdite form.
Obi Wan looks down at Zam, touches her neck and pulls out a small, wicked-looking dart.
Obi Wan: Toxic dart... Come on, before there’s another attack.
Cut to: Ext, day, Jedi Temple. The tall spires of the Jedi Temple stand out against the
blue sky.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple, Council Chamber. Obi Wan and Anakin stand in the center of the Council Chamber. The members of the Jedi Council are seated in a circle surrounding the two Jedi. Some seats are empty.
Yoda: Continue to track the Sith assassin, you must, Obi-Wan. Survived, you have, where so many others have fallen.
Ki-Adi: Perhaps the Master can even be discovered as well.
Obi Wan: His next target seems to be Anakin, Masters. Or me through him. In all likelihood the Sith will come to us.
Yoda thinks and nods slowly.
Yoda: Proud we are, of young Skywalker this day.
Mace: You managed to stand up against a foe that has killed many masters.
Anakin smiles despite himself.
Yoda: But not ready are you for this task. Still too young are you for the burden.
Anakin’s smile quickly fades.
Ki-Adi: We do not dare risk your Padawan’s life again, Master Kenobi.
Anakin: But Masters, I...
Mace: Senator Amidala is still at risk as well. Both of them must be protected.
The Jedi Council nods to each other.
Mace: Anakin, remain with the Senator as her protection. Find someplace where both of you may stay hidden for the time being. Remember however, that this Council knows of your continued relationship with Senator Amidala. This will be a test of you convictions. Do not disappoint us.
Anakin: Hidden away? But I can fight! I’ve proven that! I belong at Master Kenobi’s side, hunting this thing down!
Yoda’s eyes widen at the outburst.
Yoda: Our judgement you will respect, young Padawan! Fighting! Hunting! Even now I see you are not ready!
Mace: Anakin, go to the Senate and inform Chancellor Palpatine of our course of action. Then you will go to Senator Amidala.
The two Jedi exit the Council Chamber.
Cut to: Int, day, Senate Building, Palpatine’s Office. Anakin and Palpatine stand at the window of the office and look out over the vast city.
Palpatine: I’m sure Senator Amidala will be in good hands. And she will not resist this decree. I know you both well enough to assure you of that.
Anakin: Thank you, your Excellency.
Palpatine: And so, my young Padawan, they have finally given you an assignment. Your patience has paid off.
Anakin: Your guidance more that my patience. Though I wouldn’t call this an assignment.
Palpatine: You don't need guidance, Anakin. In time you will learn to trust your feelings. Then you will be invincible. I have said it many times, you are the most gifted Jedi I have ever met.
Palpatine and Anakin turn away from the window and walk through the office towards the door.
Anakin: Thank you, your Excellency.
Palpatine: I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi, Anakin. Even more powerful than Master Yoda. Honestly, sometimes I feel they hold you back.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple. Mace Windu and Obi Wan walk along the Temple corridors. Yoda accompanies them, riding in a small floating chair.
Obi Wan: I am concerned for my Padawan. He is not ready to be let out on his own yet.
Yoda: Powerful Jedi is young Skywalker. Powerful.
Mace: The boy does have exceptional skills.
Obi Wan: But he still has much to learn, Master. His abilities have made him... well, arrogant.
Yoda: Yes, yes. Much like his master was, I remember. *Chuckles to himself.*
Obi Wan: But Master...
Yoda: *Serious now* Disturbing are the feelings I sense from him. Warned the Council I did, those many years ago.
Mace: The prophecy has been coming true without the involvement of Anakin. I only hope that hiding him away is the correct choice. He may be the one to end this conflict.
Obi Wan: If he follows the right path.
Yoda: Whatever the boy’s fate, it is surely entwined in all of our problems.
Cut to: Int, day, Amidala’s apartment. Anakin looks as Padme and Jar Jar talk, standing near the door of the anteroom to Padme’s bedroom. Dorme moves about packing luggage.
Padme: I'm taking an extended leave of absence. It will be your responsibility to take my place in the Senate. Representative Binks, I know I can count on you.
Jar Jar: It would be my honour, M’Lady.
Jar Jar bows and goes out. Padme walks briskly to Anakin, in her bedroom, and closes the door. As soon as the door is shut they fall into each other in a passionate kiss and deep embrace. When they finally part, Anakin puts his forehead to her’s and closes his eyes. His hands run along her face as if he is trying to memorize the very feel of her.
Anakin: I couldn’t stop worrying about you last night.
Padme: I haven’t stopped worrying about you since you left for the wars. Every time news has come I’ve been afraid I’ve lost you. Especially with that assassin killing Jedi.
Anakin draws her closer.
Anakin: Don’t worry about me. Nothing’s going to happen to me. Master Obi Wan is tracking the Sith now. They will not last long.
Padme pulls back, a little angry.
Padme: What do you mean, don’t worry about you? How can I not! You’re always flying around, risking yourself recklessly. You think you’re invincible but you’re not and I don’t want to see you hurt.
Anakin: Well apparently the Council thinks the same thing. I should be out there with Master Obi Wan, not...
Padme: Not with me?
Anakin: You know I don’t mean it that way. It’s just that... I should be a Jedi by now. I know it, they know it, but they’re holding me back!
Padme: You complain about this every time I see you, Anakin. They obviously see something that you don’t. That’s what our mentors are for. I would think a Jedi should be more patient.
Anakin: *Playfully* You mean like a Senator who makes fiery speeches and tells her colleagues to ‘wake up?’
Padme: I never said that I liked this idea of hiding any more than you did. Where are you taking me anyway, Master Jedi?
Anakin pulls her closer again.
Anakin: Oh, I’ve got a place in mind where no one will ever want to go, much less think of looking for us.
The two begin to kiss playfully.
In the apartment’s main room Dorme looks to the sounds coming from the closed door and chuckles.
Cut to: Ext, day, Coruscant, Spaceport docks. A small bus speeds toward the massive freighter docks of Coruscant's industrial area. The spaceport is bustling with activity. Transports of various sizes move supplies and passengers as giant floating cranes lift cargo out of the starships. The bus stops before a huge, intergalactic freighter starship. It parks in the shadows of an overhang.
Cut to: Int, day, Coruscant, Spaceport docks, Transport bus. Anakin and Padme, dressed in peasant outfits, get up and head for the door where Captain Typho, Dorme and Obi Wan are waiting to hand them their luggage.
Typho: Be safe, M'Lady.
Padme: Thank you, Captain. Take good care of Dorme... The threat's on you two now.
Dorme: He'll be safe with me.
They laugh, and Padme embraces her faithful handmaiden and body double. Dorme starts to weep.
Padme: You'll be fine.
Dorme: It's not me, M'Lady. I worry about you. What if they realize you've both left the Capital?
Padme: *Looks to Anakin* Then my Jedi protector will have to prove how good he is.
Dorme and Padme smile. Anakin frowns as Obi Wan pulls him aside.
Obi Wan: Anakin. Don't do anything without first consulting either myself or the Council.
Anakin: Yes, Master.
Obi Wan: *To Padme* This will be over quickly, M'Lady. You'll be back here in no time.
Padme: I will be most grateful for your speed, Master Jedi.
Anakin: Time to go.
Padme: I know.
Padme gives Dorme a last hug. Anakin picks up the luggage, and the two peasants exit the speeder bus, where R2 is waiting for them.
Obi Wan: Anakin, may the Force be with you.
Anakin: May the Force be with you, Master.
They head off toward the giant Starfreighter.
Padme: Suddenly, I'm afraid...
Anakin: *Looking at R2* Don't worry. We've got R2 with us.
They laugh.
Obi Wan and Captain Typho watch Anakin and Padme disappear into the vastness of the spaceport with R2 trundling along behind them.
Obi Wan: I hope he doesn't try anything foolish.
Typho: I'd be more concerned about her doing something, than him.
Cu to: Ext, day, Freighter docks. The freighter slowly takes off from the huge dock area of Coruscant. It soon moves into the crowded skies.
Cut to: Int, night, Amidala’s apartment, bedroom. Anakin and Padme stare at the sight of Obi Wan being carried off by the droid.
Padme: He sure loves doing that, doesn’t he.
Anakin turns to her. She pulls her nightdress around her shoulders.
Anakin: Stay here!
Captain Typho, with two guards and Dorme, enter the room as Anakin dashes out.
Dorme: Are you all right, M'Lady?
Padme nods yes.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant cityscape. The probe droid sends several protective electrical shocks across its surface, causing Obi Wan to almost lose his grip. As they dart in and out of the speeder traffic, the Jedi disconnects a wire on the back of the droid. Its power shuts off! Obi Wan and the droid drop like rocks. Obi Wan realizes the error of his ways and quickly puts the wire back. The droid’s systems light up again and it takes off.
Cut to: Ext, night, Apartment Entrance. Anakin charges out of the building and runs to a line of parked speeders. Before he can jump into one however, he is stopped dead in his tracks by the looming figure of Darth Maul.
Maul: Jedi fools. Separated and alone. You are now mine.
Anakin and Maul ignite their lightsabres in unison and charge each other with matched fury. The blades crackle as they slam together on the first powerful blow. A flurry of attacks ensues with Anakin defending against both sides of the Sith’s double-bladed weapon.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant cityscape. The droid bumps against a wall, hoping to knock the Jedi loose and then moves behind a speeder afterburner to scorch him. It takes the Jedi wildly between buildings and finally skims across a rooftop as Obi Wan is forced to lift his legs, tenaciously hanging on.
Cut to: Ext, night, Apartment Entrance. Anakin and Darth Maul trade ferocious blows back and forth, neither able to gain ground on the other. Suddenly, Maul twists the long hilt of his weapon and the two ends come apart. He is now fighting Anakin with two angry red blades, slashing and stabbing from all directions.
Anakin quickly falls into a defensive mode as he has only the speed and concentration to hold off the onslaught pummelling against him. He is backed further and further to the far edge of the speeder landing platform, jumping and dodging to avoid the many sweeping attacks by his enemy.
Suddenly Mauls attention is distracted by Captain Typho and his men rushing through the doors. They open fire immediately and are rewarded by their bolts being sent right back to them. It is the reprieve Anakin needed though, and he regains his footing and presses another assault.
Caught now between blaster fire and Anakin’s lightsabre and constant Force attacks, the Dark Lord makes an incredible leap, over his young enemy, and off the ledge of the building. He disappears for a moment before his speeder rises into view. Maul levels his guns and fires, tearing up the small landing platform.
Anakin rushes to one of the parked vehicles in the area amid the explosions and tears away, leaving Typho and his men ducking for cover.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant cityscape. The droid heads for a dirty, beat-up speeder hidden in an alcove of a building about twenty stories above their current position. When the pilot, the bounty hunter, Zam Wesell, sees the droid approach with Obi Wan hanging on, she pulls a long rifle out of the speeder and takes aim at the Jedi. Through the gun’s targeting scope we see Obi Wan getting closer, readouts constantly changing and cross-hairs tracking his every movement. In a second the outline of the dangling man is flashing in red.
For seemingly no reason Obi Wan’s eyes widen and he pulls the droid down in front of him. It explodes instantly from a blaster hit and the Jedi begins to drop. A few more energy bolts flash toward him but his blue lightsabre is out and deflects them all.
Zam runs to her speeder, jumps in, and takes off.
Obi Wan falls fifty stories, until an open-topped speeder drops down next to him, and he manages to grab onto the back end of it and haul himself toward the cockpit. The Jedi climbs into the passenger seat and sits down next to the driver, Anakin.
Anakin: That’s another one you owe me, Master.
Obi Wan: What took you so long?
Anakin: Oh, you know, Master. I couldn't find a speeder I really liked, with an open cockpit... and the right speed capabilities. That, and I ran into our friend from Fallion.
At that moment they suddenly find themselves in a hail of blaster fire from behind. They look back to see the sleek, black speeder of Darth Maul in pursuit.
Obi Wan: Speaking of which...
Anakin: Oh, well, you know... *Obviously not serious* Had him right where I wanted him... but then Captain Typho and his men stormed in and the Sith took off. *He looks back quickly and ducks another barrage.* Did you know that ‘sabre of his can split in two?
Obi Wan: I had an idea.
The two dodge a few more blaster bolts as they weave through traffic, trying unsuccessfully to throw the Sith off.
Anakin: Well, anyway, I sensed your fall. It was either chase him or rescue you, Master. Again. No matter your lectures, I still thought I’d give you another chance.
Obi Wan: Very funny. If you'd spend as much time working on your sabre skills as you do on your wit, young Padawan, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman and surely would have defeated our enemy.
Anakin: *Smiling* I thought I already did rival Master Yoda.
Obi Wan: Only in your mind, my very young apprentice. Careful!! Hey, easy!!
As this conversation is going on, Anakin deftly moves in and out of the oncoming traffic, across lanes, between buildings, and miraculously through a construction site.
Maul continues firing at them.
Anakin: Sorry, I forgot you don't like flying, Master.
Obi Wan: I don't mind flying... but what you're doing is suicide!
They barely miss a commuter train.
Anakin: Master! I thought you knew! I’m the best star pilot in the galaxy! *Large smile.*
Obi Wan: Just be careful! Watch out! He’s making a move!
Maul and the Jedi race through a line of cross traffic made up of giant trucks. The speeders bank sideways as they slide around right-angle turns between buildings. The Jedi race into a tram tunnel.
Obi Wan: Wait! Don't go in there! Take it easy...
Anakin: Don't worry, Master.
Anakin zooms into the tunnel with the Sith tailing. They see a tram coming at them and at the last minute brake, turn around, and race out, barely ahead of the charging commuter transport. Maul is still on their tail.
Obi Wan: You know I don't like it when you do that!
Anakin turns into oncoming traffic, deliberately trying to throw the Sith off. Oncoming speeders swerve, trying to avoid the two in the erratic chase. He does a quick, tight loop-over and ends up behind Darth Maul, who quickly slams on his brakes and ends up right next to them. The Dark Lord sneers at Obi Wan and ignited his one end of his sabre, raking it across his enemy’s speeder.
Obi Wan: What are you doing?!
Anakin: Right - this isn't working.
Anakin slides underneath Maul's speeder and they race along in traffic, one speeder right on top of the other. The Sith skims over the rooftops, causing Anakin to drop behind. Anakin goes through his gears, zooming around traffic. They race at high speed across a wide, flat surface of the city planet. A large spacecraft almost collides with them as it attempts to land.
Obi Wan: Watch out!
They pull up just in time to skim over the edge of the spacecraft.
Obi Wan: Whooooaaa! Don't do that! I don't like it when you do that!
Anakin: *Smiling* He almost got us that time. Didn’t he, Master.
They chase the black speeder through a power refinery. Maul shoots a power coupler causing voltage, like lightning, to jump across a gap from one coupler to another. Anakin stays on course, piloting the speeder directly through the arc. The two Jedi’s bodies ripple with blue power.
Obi Wan: Anakin! How many times have I told you to stay away from the power couplings! Go around! Don't go through there!
Huge electrical bolts shoot between the buildings as the speeders pass.
Obi Wan: Yiiii, what are you doing?
Anakin: Sorry, Master!
Obi Wan: *Sarcastically* Oh, that was good...
Maul slides around a corner sideways, blocking an alley, firing point-blank as Anakin approaches.
Anakin: Ahh, damn.
Obi Wan: Stop!!
Anakin: No, we can make it.
Anakin barely misses the Sith’s speeder as he dives under it, and through a small gap in the building hitting several pipes and going wildly out of control. As they cross paths, Obi Wan ignites his blade and cuts deeply through the undercarriage of Maul’s vehicle. As Anakin struggles to regain control again, narrowly missing a crane and barely clipping a pair of giant struts, Obi Wan watches as their enemy plummets helplessly down.
A giant gas ball shoots up, causing Anakin to spin and bump a building, stalling the speeder.
Anakin: See. I got us through that one all right.
Obi Wan: *Angrily* No you didn't! We've stalled! And you almost got us killed!
Anakin works to get the speeder started. It races to life.
Obi Wan: *Very angrily* It was stupid!
Anakin: *Sheepishly* At least we got the Sith...
Obi Wan: *Calming* I doubt it. I still sense him out there. And now we've lost the other one too. Come on. We’ll search below for...
Suddenly, there is an ambush. Energy bolts are everywhere. Explosions surround them. They look up to see Zam Wesell take off.
Anakin: Lost ‘em did we?
Out of a cloud of smoke and a ball of flames the Jedi tear after Zam. They are smoking. Obi Wan slaps out the small fire on the dashboard. Zam goes up and down, through cross traffic. There is a near miss as a speeder almost hits them. Zam turns down and left between two buildings. Anakin pulls up and to the right
Obi Wan: Where are you going?! The Sith is who we need! Besides, he went down there, the other way.
Anakin: This is a shortcut... I think...
Obi Wan: What do you mean, you "think?"
Anakin turns up a side street, zooming up several small passageways, then stops, hovering about fifty stories up.
Obi Wan: Well, you lost him.
Anakin: No I didn’t.
Anakin looks around front and back and closes his eyes, calming himself.
Obi Wan: Well, this is some kind of shortcut. He went completely the other way! Once again, Anakin...
Anakin: Got it! Excuse me for a moment.
Without warning Anakin jumps out of the speeder. Obi Wan looks down and sees Zam's speeder about five stories below them cruising past.
Obi Wan: I hate it when he does that.
Anakin miraculously lands on top of Wesell’s speeder. The vehicle wobbles under the impact. Zam looks up and realizes what has happened.
Zam takes off, and Anakin slides to the back strut and almost slips off, but manages to hang on. He works his way back to Zam, who, caught off guard, briefly changes into her natural form, a grey-skinned, humanoid creature with a flattened snout and gilled cheeks. She stops suddenly, and Anakin flies forward to the left front fork. Pulling her pistol again, Zam shoots at him.
There is a blast near Anakin’s hand, which breaks off a piece of the speeder. He slides to the right fork, where Zam can't reach him and scrambles to the top, holding onto an air scoop.
Obi Wan has jumped into the driver's seat and is deftly gaining on the rogue speeder. The two flying vehicles dive through oncoming traffic and then through cross traffic. Finally, Anakin is able to get hold of his lightsabre and starts to cut his way through the roof of Zam’s speeder. The changeling takes out her pistol and starts firing at the helpless Jedi, knocking the sword out of his hand. Obi Wan, racing behind, catches the Jedi weapon and places it in the passenger's seat.
Anakin sticks his hand into the cockpit and, using the Force, pulls the gun out of Zam’s hand. She grabs the Jedi’s hand, and they struggle for the weapon. It goes off, blowing a hole in the controls of the speeder and sending it careening wildly. Zam struggles to pull out of a nosedive.
Behind, Obi Wan gets slowed down by traffic and loses sight of the other speeder.
Just as the speeder is about to nose dive into the ground, Zam pulls it out, and it slides hard on the pavement in a shower of sparks. Anakin goes flying into the street.
Cut to: Ext, night, Entertainment district. It's the seedy underbelly of the city. Broken sidewalks, garish lights reflected in filthy puddles. It's pretty crowded with various alien low-lifes, panhandlers and the occasional group of upperclass slummers.
Zam exits the crashed speeder and runs. Anakin picks himself up off the pavement and runs after her.
Anakin barges into several people in the crowd as he chases after the fleeing bounty hunter. He loses her however but picks her up again. The young Jedi is having a very difficult time getting through the crowd. Ahead, Zam turns in through a door and disappears. A nightclub sign is flashing over the door.
Obi Wan lands the speeder in the nearby street. He gets out and runs through the crowd toward Anakin who is just about to follow ZAM into the nightclub. Obi Wan catches up to him.
Obi Wan: Anakin!
Anakin: She went into that club, Master.
Obi Wan: Patience. Use the Force, Anakin. Think.
Anakin: Sorry, Master.
Obi Wan: He went in there to hide, not run.
Anakin: Yes, Master.
Obi Wan hands Anakin the lightsabre.
Obi Wan: Here. Next time try not to lose it.
Anakin reaches for the lightsabre.
Obi Wan: This weapon is your life.
Anakin: Yes, Master.
Obi Wan finally holds out the lightsabre and Anakin grabs it. They walk through the nightclub entrance, Anakin following Obi Wan.
Obi Wan: Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?!
Cut to: Int, night, Nightclub. Obi Wan and Anakin enter the nightclub bar, and everyone stares at them
Anakin: Don't say that Master... You're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you. I don't want to cause you pain.
Obi Wan: Then why don't you listen to me?!
Anakin: I am trying.
Obi Wan: Can you see him?
Anakin: I think he's a she... and I think she's a changeling.
Obi Wan: In that case be extra careful... *Nods to the room.* You go and find her.
Obi Wan starts to walk away.
Anakin: Where are you going, Master?
Obi Wan: For a drink.
Obi Wan heads for the bar. Anakin blinks in surprise, then moves into the room, where alien faces look back at him with hostility, suspicion, and invitation as he moves among the tables. Obi Wan arrives at the bar and signals the barman.
Close-up: Somewhere in the room a hand moves to a pistol in its holster and unsnaps the safety catch.
At the bar, a glass is placed in front of Obi Wan. A drink is poured. He lifts the glass. A young alien beside him looks over.
Alien: You wanna buy some death-sticks?
Obi Wan looks at him and moves his fingers slightly.
Obi Wan: You don't want to sell me death-sticks.
Alien: I don't want to sell you death-sticks.
Obi Wan moves his fingers.
Obi Wan: You want to go home and rethink your life.
Alien: I want to go home... and rethink my life.
The alien leaves as Obi Wan lifts his drink and tosses it back.
Close-up: The gun is drawn from its holster and held down out of sight.
Anakin continues to search through the clubbers.
The bounty hunter starts to move intently forward.
Close-up: The gun moves toward an unsuspecting back. The gun is raised to aim directly at the person’s back.
Suddenly Obi Wan turns fast and his lightsabre flashes. There is a shrill scream and Zam’s arm hits the floor. The gun drops from its twitching fingers.
The room is silent. Anakin is suddenly at Obi Wan’s side, his lightsabre glowing.
Anakin: Easy... Jedi business. Go back to your drinks.
Slowly, the aliens sit, conversation resumes and the music starts up again. Obi Wan and Anakin lift Zam and carry her out.
Cut to: Ext, night, Alley. Obi Wan and Anakin carry Zam into the alley and lower her to the ground. Obi Wan attends to her wounded shoulder. She stares up hatefully at Anakin and winces in pain.
Obi Wan: Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?
Zam: The Senator from Naboo.
Obi Wan: Where can we find the one that hired you?
The bounty hunter glares at the Jedi.
Zam: It was just a job.
Anakin: Where can we find him?
We hear a deep bass rumble as Anakin uses the Force.
Anakin: Tell us!
Obi Wan looks concernedly at Anakin. Was that the Dark Side he had just felt?
Obi Wan: This wound's going to need treatment.
Anakin: *The rumble is stronger.* Tell us now!
Zam glares hatefully.
There is a sudden ftzzz sound and both Jedi have their weapons out and are blocking some unknown, unseen attack. Both look up to the rooftops to see a deep shadow move away and disappear.
Zam twitches. She blinks in surprise and dies. As Obi Wan lays Zam down on the street, she changes to her Clawdite form.
Obi Wan looks down at Zam, touches her neck and pulls out a small, wicked-looking dart.
Obi Wan: Toxic dart... Come on, before there’s another attack.
Cut to: Ext, day, Jedi Temple. The tall spires of the Jedi Temple stand out against the
blue sky.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple, Council Chamber. Obi Wan and Anakin stand in the center of the Council Chamber. The members of the Jedi Council are seated in a circle surrounding the two Jedi. Some seats are empty.
Yoda: Continue to track the Sith assassin, you must, Obi-Wan. Survived, you have, where so many others have fallen.
Ki-Adi: Perhaps the Master can even be discovered as well.
Obi Wan: His next target seems to be Anakin, Masters. Or me through him. In all likelihood the Sith will come to us.
Yoda thinks and nods slowly.
Yoda: Proud we are, of young Skywalker this day.
Mace: You managed to stand up against a foe that has killed many masters.
Anakin smiles despite himself.
Yoda: But not ready are you for this task. Still too young are you for the burden.
Anakin’s smile quickly fades.
Ki-Adi: We do not dare risk your Padawan’s life again, Master Kenobi.
Anakin: But Masters, I...
Mace: Senator Amidala is still at risk as well. Both of them must be protected.
The Jedi Council nods to each other.
Mace: Anakin, remain with the Senator as her protection. Find someplace where both of you may stay hidden for the time being. Remember however, that this Council knows of your continued relationship with Senator Amidala. This will be a test of you convictions. Do not disappoint us.
Anakin: Hidden away? But I can fight! I’ve proven that! I belong at Master Kenobi’s side, hunting this thing down!
Yoda’s eyes widen at the outburst.
Yoda: Our judgement you will respect, young Padawan! Fighting! Hunting! Even now I see you are not ready!
Mace: Anakin, go to the Senate and inform Chancellor Palpatine of our course of action. Then you will go to Senator Amidala.
The two Jedi exit the Council Chamber.
Cut to: Int, day, Senate Building, Palpatine’s Office. Anakin and Palpatine stand at the window of the office and look out over the vast city.
Palpatine: I’m sure Senator Amidala will be in good hands. And she will not resist this decree. I know you both well enough to assure you of that.
Anakin: Thank you, your Excellency.
Palpatine: And so, my young Padawan, they have finally given you an assignment. Your patience has paid off.
Anakin: Your guidance more that my patience. Though I wouldn’t call this an assignment.
Palpatine: You don't need guidance, Anakin. In time you will learn to trust your feelings. Then you will be invincible. I have said it many times, you are the most gifted Jedi I have ever met.
Palpatine and Anakin turn away from the window and walk through the office towards the door.
Anakin: Thank you, your Excellency.
Palpatine: I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi, Anakin. Even more powerful than Master Yoda. Honestly, sometimes I feel they hold you back.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple. Mace Windu and Obi Wan walk along the Temple corridors. Yoda accompanies them, riding in a small floating chair.
Obi Wan: I am concerned for my Padawan. He is not ready to be let out on his own yet.
Yoda: Powerful Jedi is young Skywalker. Powerful.
Mace: The boy does have exceptional skills.
Obi Wan: But he still has much to learn, Master. His abilities have made him... well, arrogant.
Yoda: Yes, yes. Much like his master was, I remember. *Chuckles to himself.*
Obi Wan: But Master...
Yoda: *Serious now* Disturbing are the feelings I sense from him. Warned the Council I did, those many years ago.
Mace: The prophecy has been coming true without the involvement of Anakin. I only hope that hiding him away is the correct choice. He may be the one to end this conflict.
Obi Wan: If he follows the right path.
Yoda: Whatever the boy’s fate, it is surely entwined in all of our problems.
Cut to: Int, day, Amidala’s apartment. Anakin looks as Padme and Jar Jar talk, standing near the door of the anteroom to Padme’s bedroom. Dorme moves about packing luggage.
Padme: I'm taking an extended leave of absence. It will be your responsibility to take my place in the Senate. Representative Binks, I know I can count on you.
Jar Jar: It would be my honour, M’Lady.
Jar Jar bows and goes out. Padme walks briskly to Anakin, in her bedroom, and closes the door. As soon as the door is shut they fall into each other in a passionate kiss and deep embrace. When they finally part, Anakin puts his forehead to her’s and closes his eyes. His hands run along her face as if he is trying to memorize the very feel of her.
Anakin: I couldn’t stop worrying about you last night.
Padme: I haven’t stopped worrying about you since you left for the wars. Every time news has come I’ve been afraid I’ve lost you. Especially with that assassin killing Jedi.
Anakin draws her closer.
Anakin: Don’t worry about me. Nothing’s going to happen to me. Master Obi Wan is tracking the Sith now. They will not last long.
Padme pulls back, a little angry.
Padme: What do you mean, don’t worry about you? How can I not! You’re always flying around, risking yourself recklessly. You think you’re invincible but you’re not and I don’t want to see you hurt.
Anakin: Well apparently the Council thinks the same thing. I should be out there with Master Obi Wan, not...
Padme: Not with me?
Anakin: You know I don’t mean it that way. It’s just that... I should be a Jedi by now. I know it, they know it, but they’re holding me back!
Padme: You complain about this every time I see you, Anakin. They obviously see something that you don’t. That’s what our mentors are for. I would think a Jedi should be more patient.
Anakin: *Playfully* You mean like a Senator who makes fiery speeches and tells her colleagues to ‘wake up?’
Padme: I never said that I liked this idea of hiding any more than you did. Where are you taking me anyway, Master Jedi?
Anakin pulls her closer again.
Anakin: Oh, I’ve got a place in mind where no one will ever want to go, much less think of looking for us.
The two begin to kiss playfully.
In the apartment’s main room Dorme looks to the sounds coming from the closed door and chuckles.
Cut to: Ext, day, Coruscant, Spaceport docks. A small bus speeds toward the massive freighter docks of Coruscant's industrial area. The spaceport is bustling with activity. Transports of various sizes move supplies and passengers as giant floating cranes lift cargo out of the starships. The bus stops before a huge, intergalactic freighter starship. It parks in the shadows of an overhang.
Cut to: Int, day, Coruscant, Spaceport docks, Transport bus. Anakin and Padme, dressed in peasant outfits, get up and head for the door where Captain Typho, Dorme and Obi Wan are waiting to hand them their luggage.
Typho: Be safe, M'Lady.
Padme: Thank you, Captain. Take good care of Dorme... The threat's on you two now.
Dorme: He'll be safe with me.
They laugh, and Padme embraces her faithful handmaiden and body double. Dorme starts to weep.
Padme: You'll be fine.
Dorme: It's not me, M'Lady. I worry about you. What if they realize you've both left the Capital?
Padme: *Looks to Anakin* Then my Jedi protector will have to prove how good he is.
Dorme and Padme smile. Anakin frowns as Obi Wan pulls him aside.
Obi Wan: Anakin. Don't do anything without first consulting either myself or the Council.
Anakin: Yes, Master.
Obi Wan: *To Padme* This will be over quickly, M'Lady. You'll be back here in no time.
Padme: I will be most grateful for your speed, Master Jedi.
Anakin: Time to go.
Padme: I know.
Padme gives Dorme a last hug. Anakin picks up the luggage, and the two peasants exit the speeder bus, where R2 is waiting for them.
Obi Wan: Anakin, may the Force be with you.
Anakin: May the Force be with you, Master.
They head off toward the giant Starfreighter.
Padme: Suddenly, I'm afraid...
Anakin: *Looking at R2* Don't worry. We've got R2 with us.
They laugh.
Obi Wan and Captain Typho watch Anakin and Padme disappear into the vastness of the spaceport with R2 trundling along behind them.
Obi Wan: I hope he doesn't try anything foolish.
Typho: I'd be more concerned about her doing something, than him.
Cu to: Ext, day, Freighter docks. The freighter slowly takes off from the huge dock area of Coruscant. It soon moves into the crowded skies.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11948
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
I wanted to make Maul more than a one shot villian. Jango gets mentioned but I didn't think he or Boba were really necessary. The armour does make its appearance though. I think Boba Fett is one of the coolest characters but he doesn't have a place in the prequals. You'll notice you never saw threepio in the first rewrite either.Crazedwraith wrote:Excellant. I see your not including Fett, leaving the EU intact are we?
All in all and good mix of the original's best lines and new ones that actually make the jedi seem itelligent
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
- Singular Quartet
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 3896
- Joined: 2002-07-04 05:33pm
- Location: This is sky. It is made of FUCKING and LIMIT.
Cut to: Int, day, Unknown planet, Mandalorian Command War Room. The room is one of spartan military precision. The walls are lined with screens displaying all manor of tactical information and everywhere people sit working at computer stations. We see that everyone at the stations are identical. In the center of the room is a holographic display table showing the galaxy and highlighting the advancement of the war. Around the table stand Admiral Tarkin and five other men, Generals, in uniform.
General 1 points to the hologram.
General 1: We have been forced to pull back in sector seven but have been making steady advances through sectors three, four, and nine.
General 2: If we move in some of our reserve forces from sector two, we should be able re-establish our position in seven.
Tarkin: Excellent, Gentlemen. We will soon bring the Republic to its knees.
General 5: I would not be so confident yet, Admiral. The Republic is quite resourceful and equally adept in the ways of war.
General 3: Nonsense! They simply don’t have the manpower to hold off the number of soldiers we’re fielding. No matter what they bring, our clones will walk all over them.
General 5: May I remind you that the aid of the Jedi is still proving to be a problem, despite the efforts of Lord Sidious and Lord Maul. Their insight into the Force gives them a great advantage.
Tarkin: Do not worry about them. I have been given assurances that they will soon be no longer the problem they once were... Lord Maul is seeing to that.
The men stand silently watching the hologram for a moment.
Tarkin: Redeploy your men to sector seven, General. I want them crushed swiftly.
Cut to: Ext, day, Coruscant, Downtown street. Obi Wan walks down the street. It is a pretty tough part of town with old buildings, warehouses, and beat up speeders. A transporter rig thunders past. Above, the old elevated magtrain hisses through. He comes to a kind of diner and goes inside.
Cut to: Int, day, Diner. A waitress droid is carrying plates of half-eaten food. There is a counter with stools and a line of booths along the wall by the window. A number of customers are eating: tough-looking workers, freighter drivers, etc. The waitress droid looks up as Obi Wan comes in.
Waitress: Can I help ya?
Obi Wan: I'm looking for Dexter.
The waitress droid approaches Obi Wan.
Waitress: Waddya want him for?
Obi Wan: He's not in trouble. It's personal.
There is a brief pause. Then the droid goes to the open serving hatch behind the counter.
Waitress: Someone to see ya, honey. *Lowering her voice.* A Jedi, by the looks of him.
Steam billows out from the kitchen hatch behind the counter as a huge head pokes through, Dexter Jettster. Dexter is a huge alien, over weight even for his size. He has four arms, a thick, segmented shell on his scalp and a bushy mustache of thick quills under a small nose. Long quills also grow out from under the shell and are tied together at the back of his neck.
Dex: Obi-Wan!
Obi Wan: Hey, Dex.
Dex: Take a seat! Be right with ya!
Obi Wan sits in a booth.
Waitress: You want somethin’, hon’?
Obi Wan: Oh no, thank you.
The waitress droid moves off as the door to the kitchen opens and Dex appears. He is beaming hugely as he arrives.
Dex: Hey, ol' buddy! How goes the war!?
Obi Wan: Hey, Dex.
Dexter eases himself into the seat opposite the Jedi. He can just make it.
Dex: So, my friend. What can I do for ya?
Obi Wan: You can tell me what this is.
Obi Wan places the dart on the table between them. Dex’s eyes widen. He puts down the steaming mug he had brought with him.
Dex: *Softly* Well, whaddya know...
Dexter picks up the dart delicately between his puffy fingers and peers at it.
Dex: I ain't seen one of these since I was prospecting on Subterrel beyond the Outer Rim!
Obi Wan: Can you tell me where it came from?
Dex grins. He puts the dart down between them.
Dex: What you got here is a Kamino saberdart.
Obi Wan: Kamino saberdart? ...I wonder why it didn't show up in our analysis archive.
Dex: It's these funny little cuts on the side give it away... Those analysis droids you've got over there only focus on symbols, you know. I should think you Jedi would have more respect for the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Obi Wan: Well, Dex, if droids could think, we wouldn't be here, would we? *laughing* Kamino... doesn't sound familiar. Is it part of the Republic?
Dex: No, it's near the Outer Rim. I'd say about twelve parsecs outside the Rishi Maze. It should be easy to find, even for those droids in your archive. These Kaminoans keep to themselves. They're cloners, you know. Damned good ones, too. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were working for the Mandalorians. Not one bit.
Obi Wan picks up the dart, holding it midway between them.
Obi Wan: Cloners? No, the Mandalorians have their own tanks. Although... Do you really think they would work for the Mandalorians?
Dex: It depends.
Obi Wan: On what, Dex?
Dexter grins.
Dex: On how good their manners are... and how big their pocketbook is...
Cut to: Ext, day, Jedi Temple. The main entrance at the base of the huge Temple is bustling with activity. All sorts of Jedi are coming and going.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple, Archive Library. A bronze bust of an ancient Jedi stands among a line of others like it in the Archive Room. Obi Wan stands in front of it, studying the striking features of the chiselled face.
On the walls, lighted computer panels seem to stretch into infinity. Farther along the room in the background, five Jedi are seated at tables, studying archive material.
Obi Wan studies the bust for a few moments before Madame Jocasta Nu, the Jedi Archivist, is standing next to him. She is an elderly, frail-looking human Jedi, tough and as smart as any.
Jocasta: Did you call for assistance?
Obi Wan: *Distracted in thought.* Yes... yes, I did...
Jocasta gazes at the bust.
Jocasta: Are you having a problem, Master Kenobi?
Obi Wan: Yes, I'm trying to find a planet system called Kamino. It doesn't seem to show up on any of the archive charts.
The two move over to the computer terminal that Obi Wan has been working at. He shows her his work.
Jocasta: Kamino? It's not a system I'm familiar with... Let me see...
The old woman leans over Obi Wan’s shoulder, looking at the screen.
Jocasta: Are you sure you have the right coordinates?
Obi Wan: *Nodding* According to my information, it should be in this quadrant somewhere... just south of the Rishi Maze.
Jocasta taps the keyboard and frowns.
Jocasta: No coordinates? It sounds like the sort of directions you'd get from a street tout... some old miner or Furbog trader.
Obi Wan: All three, actually.
Jocasta: Are you sure it exists?
Obi Wan: Absolutely.
Jocasta: Let me do a gravitational scan.
Obi Wan and Jocasta study the star map.
Jocasta: There are some inconsistencies here. Maybe the system you're seeking was destroyed.
Obi Wan: Wouldn't that be on record?
Jocasta: It ought to be, unless it was very recent. *shakes her head* I hate to say it, but it looks like what you're searching for doesn't exist.
Obi Wan: That's impossible... perhaps the archives are incomplete.
Jocasta: The archives are comprehensive and totally secure, my young Jedi. One thing you may be absolutely sure of - if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist!
Obi Wan stares at her, then looks back to the map. Jocasta notices a young boy approach. She turns from Obi Wan and leaves with the youngster.
Cut to: Ext, space, Starfreighter. The massive, slow-moving Freighter moves through space.
Cut to: Int, day, Starfreighter, steerage hold. The great, gloomy hold is crowded with emigrants and their belongings. To one side R2 is coming to the head of a food line holding two bowls. With one of his little claw arms, he grabs a chunk of something that looks like bread.
R2 slips a tube into a tub of mush and sucks up a large quantity. A server sees him.
Server: Hey! No Droids!
R2 takes one last big suck and heads away from the food line. The server shouts after him angrily. The little droid moves past groups of eating or sleeping emigrants and comes to Anakin and Padme’s table. She grabs a bowl of mush and bread.
Padme: Are you hungry?
Anakin: Yeah.
Padme sets the food on a make-shift table. Anakin rises and takes a seat as she places a bowl in front of him.
Anakin: Thanks.
They look into each other’s eyes for a long moment before Padme breaks the stare and looks around at the other passengers.
Padme: Well you were right about one thing. No one will want to follow us where we’re going.
Anakin looks around suspicious of the other passengers before letting out a smile.
Anakin: Tatooine has that effect on people.
Padme: I remember.
Anakin: It’s not Naboo. That’s for sure. I've thought about it since being there. It's by far the most beautiful place I've ever seen...
Padme smiles at the complement and shrugs.
Padme: It may not be as you remember it. Time changes perception.
Anakin: Sometimes it does... Sometimes for the better.
They sit in silence, eating and Padme begins to look distant and sad.
Anakin: What’s the matter?
Padme: Oh... It’s just...
Anakin: What is it?
Padme: It’s just... Talking about home makes me think of the war and how it’s changing everything. Everyone I know is effected. Sometimes the Senate can’t see a thing for their own self interest.
Anakin: You think about your work too much.
Padme: It’s who I am, Anakin. You know that. Sometimes I think that you don’t think about your work enough.
Anakin: If this is about what the Council says about us...
Padme: Of course it is. We’re not supposed to be together. Love is forbidden by the Jedi.
Anakin: Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love.
Padme: Anakin, don’t fool yourself. Your going to have to face this whether you like it or not.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple, Main Hallway. Obi Wan walks through the main hallway to the training area.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple, Training Veranda. Obi Wan comes out onto the veranda and stops, watching twenty or so four-year-olds doing training exercises, supervised by Yoda. They wear helmets over their eyes and try to strike little, floating training globs with their miniature lightsabres. The droids dance in front of them.
Yoda: Don't think... feel... be as one with the Force. Help you, it will. *He sees Obi-Wan.* Younglings, enough! A visitor we have. Welcome him.
The children turn off their lightsabres.
Children: Welcome, Master Obi-Wan!
Obi Wan: I am sorry to disturb you, Master.
Yoda: What help to you, can I be?
Obi Wan: I'm looking for a planet described to me by an old friend. I trust him. But the system doesn't show up on the archive maps.
Yoda: Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing... how embarrassing. Liam, the shades. An interesting puzzle. Gather, younglings, around the map reader. Clear your minds and find Obi-Wan's wayward planet, we will.
The reader is a small shaft with a hollow opening at the top. The children gather around it. Obi Wan takes out a little glass ball and places it into the bowl. The window shades close, the reader lights up and projects the star map hologram into the room. The children laugh. Some of them reach up to try and touch the nebulae and stars. Obi Wan walks into the display.
Obi Wan: This is where it ought to be... but it isn't. Gravity is pulling all the stars in this area inward to this spot. There should be a star here... but there isn't.
Yoda: Most interesting. Gravity's silhouette remains, but the star and all its planets have disappeared. How can this be? Now, younglings, in your mind, what is the first thing you see? An answer? A thought? Anyone?
There is a brief pause. Then a child puts his hand up. Yoda nods.
Child 1: Master? Because someone erased it from the archive memory.
Children: That's right! Yes! That's what happened! Someone erased it!
Child 2: If the planet blew up, the gravity would go away.
Obi Wan stares; Yoda chuckles.
Yoda: Truly wonderful, the mind of a child. The Padawan is right. Go to the center of the gravity's pull, and find your planet you will.
Yoda and Obi Wan move away from the children. With a hand movement, Obi Wan causes the star map to disappear and the glass ball to jump into his hand. The two walk into an adjoining room.
Obi Wan: But Master Yoda, who could have erased information from the archives? That's impossible, isn't it?
Yoda: *Frowning* Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is, if someone outside can enter our temple and erased those files. *He pauses of a second.* I leave shortly to refill your position with Prince Organa. In travel, time to meditate on this problem, I will have. Master Windu and Master Tanis will accompany you to this planet Kamino. That should provide enough power to end this threat. May the Force be with you.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Mos Espa Docking Bays. The starfreighter slowly lands in the outskirts of town in one of Mos Espa’s dusty landing bays.
Cut to: Ext, day, Mos Espa Street. Anakin walks beside Padme, carrying her baggage as they leave the unloading area of the freighter. R2 rolls along behind them. All around are farmers, workers, and general riff-raff going about their day. Other passengers mill about.
Padme: ...I wasn't the youngest Queen ever elected, but now that I think back on it, I'm not sure I was old enough. I'm not sure I was ready.
Anakin: The people you served thought you did a good job. I heard they tried to amend the Constitution so you could stay in office.
Padme: Truthfully, I was relieved when my two terms were up. So were my parents. They worried about me so much and couldn't wait for it all to be over. Actually, I was hoping to have a family by now...
Anakin: *Joking.* Besides, I wasn’t on Naboo, right?
Padme: *Laughs.* Of course. When the Queen asked me to serve as Senator, how could I refuse her?
Anakin: I’m glad you chose to serve. I think the Republic needs you... Things are happening in our generation that will change the galaxy in profound ways.
Padme: I think so too.
Anakin and Padme walk onward into the crowd. R2 continues to follow, whistling to himself.
Cut to: Ext, day, Mos Espa, Watto’s Shop. Anakin and Padme ride up in a rickshaw through the streets. Anakin stares at sights he hasn't seen for years. Finally, they come to Watto's shop, and the rickshaw stops.
Anakin: *To the droid driver.* Wait, please.
Anakin and Padme get down. Sitting at a small table in front of the shop are Watto and Sabulba. They are chatting and Watto is using a small electronic screwdriver on a fiddly droid.
Watto: *Yelling, in Huttese.* Stupid, blasted thing!
Anakin walks up to the two, casting a shadow on them that they ignore. Sebulba moves a game piece on a board on the table.
Anakin: *In Huttese.* Excuse me, Watto.
Watto: *Still concentrating on his work.* *In Huttese.* What?
Anakin: *In Huttese* I said excuse me.
Watto turns to the game he is playing, surprised at what has happened.
Watto: *In Huttese.* What? You can’t make that move!
Sabulba only laughs.
Watto: *In Huttese.* It’s not fair. I’m distracted by this. *He indicates the part in his hand.*
Anakin: Let me help you with that.
Anakin takes the fiddly piece of equipment and starts to play with it. Watto finally looks up and blinks in surprise.
Watto: What? I don't know you... What can I do for you? You Jedi, no? Whatever it is... I didn't do it.
Watto drops the screwdriver while Sabulba inches back in his chair slightly.
Anakin: I’m looking for Owen Lars.
Sabulba shifts again. Watto looks at Anakin suspiciously. He stares at Padme, then back to Anakin.
Watto: Annie?? Little Annie?? Naaah!!
Suddenly, the fiddly piece of equipment in Anakin's hands whirs into life. Watto blinks at it. Sabulba is staring now as well.
Watto: You are Annie! It is you! A Jedi! Waddya know? Hey, maybe you couldda help wit some deadbeats who owe me a lot of money...
Gaining confidence at the sight of the boy he used to intimidate, Sabulba moves forward and begins ruffling Anakins clothes, as if inspecting them, and him.
Sabulba: *In Huttese* Anakin Skywalker. He’s no Jedi! Look at him.
The Dug gives Anakin a push with his foot and then grabs his collar.
Sabulba: *In Huttese* You finally come back to race, boy? I still have things to show you.
Anakin looks sternly at the hand on his collar and then back at Sabubla. The threat in his eyes is palpable. Sabulba suddenly realizes that this is not the boy he could push around. His eyes widen in fear.
Watto: *Holding up hands.* Now Annie, Sabulba, I don’t want any trouble.
Anakin raises a hand and starts to close his fingers. Sabulba’s eyes widen and he grabs his throat. Somehow he is choking.
Anakin: No trouble, Watto. None at all.
Watto looks from Anakin to Sabulba.
Watto: Now Anakin, that’s enough. Let him go.
A tight smile of satisfaction appears on Anakin’s lips as he watches his old nemesis squirm. He finally has the power to defend himself from his old demons.
Padme begins to look concerned.
Padme: Anakin! Stop it! You’re hurting him!
Anakin lowers his hand, opening Sabulba’s throat. The Dug gasps and rubs his neck.
Anakin: *Turning to Watto.* My friend Owen...
Watto: Oh, yeah. Owen... Big guy... Hung around the shop waiting for you. He left Mos Espa long time ago, I think.
Anakin: He left...
Watto: Years ago. Sorry, Annie, but you know the farmer types. They don’t stay in the city. I think he bought a farm somewhere.
Anakin: Where?
Watto looks nervously from Anakin to Sabulba. He isn’t sure of his memory and doesn’t want to upset the Jedi.
Watto: Long way from here... someplace over on the other side of Mos Eisley, I think...
Anakin:: I’d like to know for sure.
Again Watto looks from Anakin’s grim expression to Sabulba rubbing his throat.
Watto: Yeah, sure. I think he had a few things sent out to his place when he got it. Let me go look in my records.
Anakin and Watto go into the shop.
Cut to: Ext, late in the day, Tatooine, Lars Farm. The twin suns are low in the sky when Anakin, Padme, and R2 pull up in an old speeder. Owen Lars stands by the entrance to meet them.
Cut to: Int, late in the day, Farm, main area. Padme and Anakin come into the farmhouse’s main area followed by Owen. R2 brings up the rear. Owen is smiling widely and has a hand on Anakin’s shoulder.
Owen: Beru! Beru! You’re never going to believe this!
Beru: *O.S. from somewhere in the house.* What is it, Owen? Who’s out there?
The young woman comes through a door drying her hands on a dish towel. As soon as she sees Anakin her face lights up and she rushes to hug him.
Beru: Anakin! You’re back! It’s so good to see you!
Anakin smiles widely and takes the assault as best as he can.
Anakin: Good to see you too, Beru. It really is. You both remember Padme? She was here with Master Kenobi when I left.
Padme is smiling at the warm scene.
Beru: *Still smiling.* Of course we do! Come in. So what brings you back?
Anakin: We kind of need a place to hide for a little while. I thought...
Beru: Well whatever it is you’re hiding from, we’ll sure be able to see it coming from a long way off around here. I was just about to put dinner on the table. Come and sit.
Cut to: Int, night, Farmhouse, dinner table. The four have just finished their meals and are sitting around the table.
Owen: ... and when I came back home I had enough money from your race to get a few things together and finally get my own farm. We married shortly after.
Owen and Beru smile at each other.
Padme: That’s wonderful. You both look so happy. It must be such a peaceful life.
Beru: Most of the time. *She smiles at Anakin* Something that would drive Annie insane, I’m sure you know. It sounds like you must have so many adventures as a Jedi and running around in the war.
Padme gives Anakin a side-long glance, worry in her eyes. Beru notices
Beru: Oh, dear. You must get so worried about him every time he leaves.
Padme: I do... But he has his duty as I do. And he is a capable Jedi.
Anakin: And I’ve always come back in one piece.
Padme: So far...
There is a silence and Owen changes the subject.
Owen: We have our problems here too. The Sandpeople are pushing in on the farmland all up and down the Jundland border.
Beru shivers and gets up to clear the dishes. It’s obvious that she doesn’t want to think about that topic. Padme raises to help her.
Anakin: Tusken Raiders? They’ve never been so bold.
Owen: Well they are now. Four farms have been attacked in the last week. Good men have been killed or taken by those animals.
Cut to: Int, night, Lars Farm, Kitchen. Beru and Padme work together scraping off dishes and putting them into a machine.
Beru: So have you talked about marriage?
Padme: I’m afraid that might not be possible. We shouldn’t really be together as it is. Jedi aren’t allowed to enter into romantic relationships. Anakin keeps ignoring them but I’m not sure how much longer the patience of the Council will last.
Beru: That’s terrible. How can they ask that of people?
Padme: I love him, but I don’t want to see him give up his life and his dreams. He would whither away simply being the husband of a Senator.
Cut to: Int , night, Lars Farm, dinner table. The two men continue their conversation.
Anakin: So have you and the other farmers talked?
Owen: Yeah.
Anakin: And?
Owen: We’re banding up tomorrow morning actually. Everyone in the area. We’ve got about fifty men, all told. Most are pretty fair with a rifle. We figure we can teach them enough of a lesson to drive them off. Hopefully we’ll find some of the ones who’ve been carried off too.
Cut to: Int, night, Lars Farm, kitchen. The women continue their conversation.
Beru: Anakin’s life has never been easy. His dreams were always too big to be easy. He wants it all. Always has. He’s just never had the means to do anything about it. Until now that is. I’m not surprised he’s fighting this Council tooth and nail for what he wants.
Padme: Sometimes I’m not sure if he’s just with me for the challenge.
Beru: Nonsense. I see the way he looks at you. And you look at him, for that matter. You love each other.
Padme: I’m not sure it will be enough.
Beru: Love is never easy, dear. And once you have it you have to hold on with all of your strength, no matter what tries to fight you. Let what other’s think be damned. This is your life. He is the man you love and he loves you. Everything else will sort itself out.
Cut to: Int, night, Lars Farm, dinner table. Owen and Anakin continue talking.
Anakin: You know where the Tusken camp is?
Owen: Yeah. Reg Hassup’s boy managed to scout it out. Look, Anakin, since you’re here... We could really use you. You’ve got experience from the war we don’t have. And it’s not often we get a Jedi around these parts.
Anakin: You don’t even have to ask, Owen. Count me in. We won’t just drive them away. We’ll totally destroy them.
Owen frowns at the statement.
Owen: Well we don’t need to go that far. We just don’t want them coming back.
Cut to: Int, night, Lars Farm, kitchen. Padme looks through the kitchen door at Anakin.
Cut to: Ext, space, Kamino. The view is just like the star map hologram, plus the storm-shrouded planet of Kamino is exactly where it ought to be. A jedi transport Starship jumps out of hyperspace and flies over camera, headed down toward the planet.
Cut to: Int, space, Jedi Transport, cockpit. Obi Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Veris Tanis, a green-skinned Twi’Lik woman, sit watching the planet Kamino grow larger before them.
Obi Wan: There it is, right where it should be. Our missing planet, Kamino. Those files were altered.
Cut to: Ext, day, Kamino, Tipoca City, Landing platform. Heavy rains and hard-driving winds lash the platform as the Jedi Starship approaches. The huge, ultra-modern city of Tipoca rests on great stilts that keep it above the pounding and ever-present waves that cover the surface of this watery world.
The transport lands. The three Jedi get out and makes their way through the howling wind toward a tower on the far side of the platform. A door slides open and a shaft of brilliant light pierces the swirling rain. They passes through it and go inside.
Cut to: Int, day, Tipoca, Corridor Entrance. A brilliant white light. Obi Wan, Mace, and Veris push the soaking hoods from their faces. They are greeted by a tall, pasty-white alien with long limbs and neck and large, almond shaped eyes (Taun We).
Taun We: Master Jedi, so good to see you.
Obi Wan wipes the rain from his face and blinks in surprise. The other Jedi stand passively.
Taun We: The Prime Minister expects you.
Obi Wan looks from his fellows to the Kaminoan.
Obi Wan: *Warily* We’re expected?
Taun We: Of course! He is anxious to meet you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming. Now please, this way!
The Jedi’s faces are impenetrable as they move away along the corridor.
Cut to: Int, day, Prime Minister’s Office. The door slides open. Obi Wan, Mace, Veris and Taun We enter and cross to where the Prime Minister, Lama Su, rises, smiling, from his chair, which, like all the furniture on Kamino, seems to glow a brilliant white.
Taun We: May I present Lama Su, Prime Minister of Kamino... and these are Master Jedi...
Obi Wan: Mace Windu, Veris Tanis, and I am Obi Wan Kenobi.
Lama Su indicates for them all to sit but they remain standing, arms folded in from of them. Taun We hovers. The room appears very bare, bathed in brilliant white light.
Lama Su: I trust you are going to enjoy your stay. We are most happy you have arrived at the best part of the season.
Veris: You are most welcome. *Bows slightly.*
Lama Su: Please... *Gestures to chairs.* And now to business. You will be delighted to hear we are on schedule. Two hundred thousand battalions are ready, with another million well on the way.
Mace: *Improvising* That is... good news.
Lama Su: Please tell your Master Sifo-Dyas that we have every confidence his order will be met on time and in full. He is well, I hope.
The Jedi exchange a look.
Obi Wan: I'm sorry? Master - ?
Lama Su: Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. He's still a leading member of the Jedi Council, is he not?
Mace: Master Sifo-Dyas was killed almost ten years ago.
Lama Su: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. But I'm sure he would have been proud of the army we've built for him.
Veris: The army?
Lama Su: Yes, the clone army. And, I must say, some of our finest work.
Mace: Tell me, Prime Minister, when my Master first contacted you about the army, did he say who it was for?
Lama Su: Of course he did. This army is for the Republic. But you must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself.
Obi Wan: That's why we’re here.
The Jedi and Lama Su rise and walk toward the door.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tipoca, Parade Grounds. Obi Wan, Mace, Veris, Lama Su and Taun We come out onto a balcony. Below is a huge parade ground. The rain and wind are brutal. Thousands of clone troopers in Republic armour, faces covered by helmets, are marching and drilling in formations of several hundred.
Lama Su: *Beaming* Magnificent, aren't they?
Obi Wan nods slowly.
Cut to: Int, day, Tipoca, Clone Center. The tour continues down a long walkway surrounded by windows. Through the windows on both sides of the walkway can be seen vast chambers serving various functions. On one side the group looks at long rows of clear pods, babies growing inside them. On the other side they look down on a classroom filled with identical young boys.
Lama Su: We take great pride in our combat education and training programs.
Obi Wan: You mentioned growth acceleration...
Lama Su: Oh yes, a standard practise. It's essential. Otherwise, a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. Now, we do it here in a fraction of the time. Those you saw on the parade ground were started ten years ago, when Sifo-Dyas first placed the order. They have been waiting a long time for action.
Cut to: Int, day, Tipoca, Clone Center. As they move along they come to an area looking down on a large eating area. Hundreds of clones who look exactly alike, all about twenty years old, dressed in black are seated at tables, eating. Obi Wan can not hide the surprise on his face when he sees the full grown clones. He has seen them before.
Lama Su: You'll find they are totally obedient, taking any order without question. We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host.
Mace: Who was the original host?
Lama Su: A soldier by the name of Jango Fett, I believe. He was hand-picked by Master Sifo-Dyas himself.
Obi Wan: A Mandalorian?
Lama Su: Perhaps, though I hear the Mandalorians started their own cloning program about the same time that this order was placed. I don’t know why we would be contracted if you are correct. At any rate, he was quite a specimen of your species as you can see.
Cut to: Int, day, Tipoca, Clone Center. The tour continues over a long corridor filled with narrow, transparent tubes into which clones are climbing. Once in the tube, the clone goes to sleep.
Veris Tanis leads Lama Su and Taun We away from the other two Jedi, asking questions about the cloning procedure and pointing to specific locations below them. Obi Wan is troubled as he turns to Mace.
Obi Wan: I recognize these clones, Master.
Mace: You know this Fett?
Obi Wan: No. But I’ve seen that face countless times. I recognize it from the war.
Mace: The war?
Obi Wan: They’re the same clones that the Mandalorians are using.
Mace: Disturbing. Whoever ordered this army, the Council did not authorize it. And we still have yet to find a trace of the Sith we are looking for.
The two Jedi cease their conversation quickly as the others return to their side.
Lama Su: I trust you are adequately pleased with our product?
Obi Wan: Oh yes, Prime Minister. Indeed we are. I have one more question, however.
Obi Wan pulls the small sabredart from a pouch on his belt.
Obi Wan: Do you recognize this?
Lama Su: Of course. It is one of our sabredarts. A specialized weapon for hunting. We do not typically supply them to outside buyers however. I do not believe that they would be an appropriate weapon for your units.
Obi Wan: Yes, of course not. I was hoping you could tell me the name of the last off world buyer you had for these.
Lama Su: Why that’s easy! I won’t even have to look it up. It was quite recently. Another very good associate of ours had a shipment sent to... the planet Geonosis.
Taun We: Yes. Geonosis. Come, I will show you to your quarters.
The Jedi exchange glances.
Cross fade from Mace Windu’s face to Darth Maul’s. Int, night, Coruscant, a darkened room. Darth Maul stands next to a man with a battle-scarred face. They both stare out a large window at the cityscape of Coruscant.
Maul: Ready your men.
Fade to: Ext, early morning, Tatooine, Lars Farm. Wide shot of the farm’s entrance. Anakin and Owen hug and kiss Padme and Beru goodbye and then jumping into Owen’s speeder.
Fade to: Ext, early morning, Tatooine, meeting place. A large group of moisture farmers is gathered together in a rocky area bordering the farms and the wastelands. Some of the men are too old and some seem too young to be part of a war party but all are armed. Rugged-looking speeders are parked in every-which-way among those waiting for the signal to leave. Anakin stands in the center of a small cluster, pointing down at a map on the hood of a speeder and excitedly explaining a plan. The men around him frown and nod cautiously.
Fade to: Ext, night, Coruscant, skyways. Four large, rumbling speeder trucks fly past the camera.
Fade to: Int, night, Coruscant, speeder truck. Maul sits with his eyes closed in meditation at the head of the truck’s cargo bed. Each long wall is lined with silent, grim-faced men in Mandalorian battlearmour, their helmets under their arms. Some of the men wear green armour, others blue, others red.
Fade to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, wastelands. A convoy of speeders, each one filled with men, race over dunes and around jagged rock outcroppings. A cloud of dust follows behind them, marking their trail.
Fade to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. The halls of the temple are quiet. Young children sleep in their beds, small groups of Jedi sit together conversing, Older masters sit in their rooms meditating.
Fade to: Ext, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. The four speeder trucks come to a stop at the main entrance of the temple.
Fade to: Int, night, Coruscant, speeder truck. The Mandalorian Commander steps up to the still meditating Darth Maul, helmet still under arm.
Commander: We have arrived, My Lord.
Fade to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, desert ridge. A line of farmers lays on their stomachs on the lip of a ridge looking through electrobinoculars at a Tusken camp miles away. Little can be made out at this distance besides the crude tents and the large, milling banthas. Anakin motions for one group to head right and another left while the rest head straight down the middle. Owen frowns at how excited his old friend is at the prospect of action and how easily he directs the coming violence.
Fade to: Int, night, Coruscant, speeder truck. Close-up of Maul as he concentrates. Outside, security camera’s and floating droids that watch the main entrance of the Jedi Temple are crushed by unseen hands. They spark and those in the air, fall.
Fade to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, desert. A Tusken watchman falls from his perch as a farm boy lowers his rifle from his eye.
Fade to: Ext, night, Jedi Temple, main entrance. The trucks empty their cargo of commandos and one immediately runs to the huge double doors and begins to slice into the computer lock. Maul steps out of the truck.
Cut to: Int, night, Jedi Temple, Bedroom. Ki-Adi Mundi sits in meditation. Suddenly his eyes open wide, as if a darkness has suddenly lifted only to show him his doom.
Ki-Adi: *Whispers* How did we not see this?! *Hollers* Protect the children! We’re under attack!
Cut to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, Tusken camp. A Tusken warrior shakes his rifle in the air and yowls angrily. The camera turns from him to what he faces. On a sand dune overlooking the camp, a long row of farmers stand, guns ready.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. The main doors open and the Mandalorian commandos rush through.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Entrance Hall. The commandos have fanned out, weapons ready. Darth Maul stalks in, lightsabre hilt in his hand. A commando runs to a computer terminal and suddenly blast shields fall into place at every door and window.
Cut to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, sand dune. Anakin stands on the sand dune over looking the Tusken camp, light sabre in his hand. Below him, the warriors of the camp have grouped and roar a challenge. Close-up on Anakin’s hand flicking the switch to ignite his weapon. We hear a snap-hiss.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Entrance Hall. Darth Maul stands amid his Mandalorian commandos. His red blade extends slowly from the hilt of his sabre to the floor.
Cut to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, sand dune. Anakin raises his blue blade up into the air for all to see.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Entrance Hall. Darth Maul holds his lightsabre in the air for a moment.
Maul: Kill them all.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. Anakin swipes down with his blade and the dune ridges to the right and left of the Tusken camp erupt with blaster fire. The howling warriors of the camp are caught in a crossfire and those that survive the initial strike dive back for any cover they can get. While the Tuskens are in chaos, the middle group of farmers rush forward, covered by the flankers.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. A group of Three Mandalorians rush through the halls of the temple gunning down servant droids as they see them. They enter a room to find four Jedi padawans waiting with lightsabres ignited. The commandos immediately launch a grenade into the room and fall back down the hall. As soon as the explosion has subsided, they rush forward again and gun down anything still moving in the room.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple, sitting room. Four commandos spray the room with rapid fire energy blasts as another four spread out down the walls. Five Jedi are trapped behind some furniture. One Jedi rises and blocks a number of bolts but is ultimately cut down by the many others that come at him. Another Jedi stands only to be wrapped up in one of the commandos’ grapnels and gunned down. Soon the others have to rise and defend themselves as they are being attack from three sides.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. A group of farmers gun down four fleeing Tuskens before having to defend themselves hand to hand against more Sandpeople rushing from around a tent.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. Owen draws a bead on a Tusken about to shoot at another farmer. He shoots and grimly moves on to the next target.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. A Raider jumps out from around a corner and attacks a pair of farmers with its gaffi stick. It roars in victory over the two downed men and rushes off to more battle.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. A young Jedi deflects a bolt back at a Mandalorian and then leaps into the air, spinning as he goes, before landing between two other commandos and cutting them down with his blade.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. Ki-Adi Mundi and a pair of other Jedi push their hands forward, throwing a group of Mandalorians to the far wall of the hallway. The three then rush ahead, lightsabres ready.
Fade in and out between the two battles as Jedi, Tuskens, farmers and Mandalorians fight and die. It is clear that the Jedi and the Tuskens are losing. Darth Maul wades through a group of novice Jedi and begins a duel with a master. Anakin wades through a group of Tuskens, his sabre glowing starkly against the brown leather of the tents. Explosions rock the Jedi Temple as commandos use thermal detonators liberally on their skilled foes.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. The camp smokes from blaster holes in every tent. Dead bodies lay everywhere. Owen runs up to Anakin.
Owen: We’ve found the captives. They’re alive but barely and they need medical attention.
Anakin: Assign the youngest to gather them and the rest of the wounded on the speeders and take them back. The rest of us will continue the attack.
Owen: Anakin, most of their warriors are dead. The rest of the tribe is fleeing into the dune sea.
Anakin: Good. They’re on the run. We almost have victory. We just need to finish it.
Owen: We already have victory! We don’t need to risk any more lives!
Anakin: You asked me to lead this and that’s what I’m doing. We are going to pursue those Tuskens until they are no long a threat!
Anakin turns and starts issuing orders to another farmer. Owen grabs him by the arm and spins him around. Anakin doesn’t give his old friend a second thought as he gestures his hand and throws Owen across the camp into the sand.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. Darth Maul stalks down a corridor flanked by two Mandalorians. The Commander approaches and falls into step.
Commander: My Lord, we have scoured the temple and can find no more Jedi. A few of the blast doors have been forced however and some may have escaped...
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, desert. Anakin walks across the sand to a circle of banthas, listening to the report of a farmer.
Farmer: ...All that are left now are some women and children...
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. Maul and his men walk through door of a darkened room, silhouetted in the light of the hallway.
Inside the room, Jocasta Nu puts herself in front of a large group of frightened children.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, desert. Anakin walks through the circle of banthas straight to the group of Tusken children, protected by a few women.
Farmer: ...They shouldn’t be a threat to us anymore.
Anakin ignores the farmer and activates his lightsabre with a menacing hiss and hum.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. Darth Maul raises his red energy blade.
Fade out to the sound of blasters firing.
General 1 points to the hologram.
General 1: We have been forced to pull back in sector seven but have been making steady advances through sectors three, four, and nine.
General 2: If we move in some of our reserve forces from sector two, we should be able re-establish our position in seven.
Tarkin: Excellent, Gentlemen. We will soon bring the Republic to its knees.
General 5: I would not be so confident yet, Admiral. The Republic is quite resourceful and equally adept in the ways of war.
General 3: Nonsense! They simply don’t have the manpower to hold off the number of soldiers we’re fielding. No matter what they bring, our clones will walk all over them.
General 5: May I remind you that the aid of the Jedi is still proving to be a problem, despite the efforts of Lord Sidious and Lord Maul. Their insight into the Force gives them a great advantage.
Tarkin: Do not worry about them. I have been given assurances that they will soon be no longer the problem they once were... Lord Maul is seeing to that.
The men stand silently watching the hologram for a moment.
Tarkin: Redeploy your men to sector seven, General. I want them crushed swiftly.
Cut to: Ext, day, Coruscant, Downtown street. Obi Wan walks down the street. It is a pretty tough part of town with old buildings, warehouses, and beat up speeders. A transporter rig thunders past. Above, the old elevated magtrain hisses through. He comes to a kind of diner and goes inside.
Cut to: Int, day, Diner. A waitress droid is carrying plates of half-eaten food. There is a counter with stools and a line of booths along the wall by the window. A number of customers are eating: tough-looking workers, freighter drivers, etc. The waitress droid looks up as Obi Wan comes in.
Waitress: Can I help ya?
Obi Wan: I'm looking for Dexter.
The waitress droid approaches Obi Wan.
Waitress: Waddya want him for?
Obi Wan: He's not in trouble. It's personal.
There is a brief pause. Then the droid goes to the open serving hatch behind the counter.
Waitress: Someone to see ya, honey. *Lowering her voice.* A Jedi, by the looks of him.
Steam billows out from the kitchen hatch behind the counter as a huge head pokes through, Dexter Jettster. Dexter is a huge alien, over weight even for his size. He has four arms, a thick, segmented shell on his scalp and a bushy mustache of thick quills under a small nose. Long quills also grow out from under the shell and are tied together at the back of his neck.
Dex: Obi-Wan!
Obi Wan: Hey, Dex.
Dex: Take a seat! Be right with ya!
Obi Wan sits in a booth.
Waitress: You want somethin’, hon’?
Obi Wan: Oh no, thank you.
The waitress droid moves off as the door to the kitchen opens and Dex appears. He is beaming hugely as he arrives.
Dex: Hey, ol' buddy! How goes the war!?
Obi Wan: Hey, Dex.
Dexter eases himself into the seat opposite the Jedi. He can just make it.
Dex: So, my friend. What can I do for ya?
Obi Wan: You can tell me what this is.
Obi Wan places the dart on the table between them. Dex’s eyes widen. He puts down the steaming mug he had brought with him.
Dex: *Softly* Well, whaddya know...
Dexter picks up the dart delicately between his puffy fingers and peers at it.
Dex: I ain't seen one of these since I was prospecting on Subterrel beyond the Outer Rim!
Obi Wan: Can you tell me where it came from?
Dex grins. He puts the dart down between them.
Dex: What you got here is a Kamino saberdart.
Obi Wan: Kamino saberdart? ...I wonder why it didn't show up in our analysis archive.
Dex: It's these funny little cuts on the side give it away... Those analysis droids you've got over there only focus on symbols, you know. I should think you Jedi would have more respect for the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Obi Wan: Well, Dex, if droids could think, we wouldn't be here, would we? *laughing* Kamino... doesn't sound familiar. Is it part of the Republic?
Dex: No, it's near the Outer Rim. I'd say about twelve parsecs outside the Rishi Maze. It should be easy to find, even for those droids in your archive. These Kaminoans keep to themselves. They're cloners, you know. Damned good ones, too. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were working for the Mandalorians. Not one bit.
Obi Wan picks up the dart, holding it midway between them.
Obi Wan: Cloners? No, the Mandalorians have their own tanks. Although... Do you really think they would work for the Mandalorians?
Dex: It depends.
Obi Wan: On what, Dex?
Dexter grins.
Dex: On how good their manners are... and how big their pocketbook is...
Cut to: Ext, day, Jedi Temple. The main entrance at the base of the huge Temple is bustling with activity. All sorts of Jedi are coming and going.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple, Archive Library. A bronze bust of an ancient Jedi stands among a line of others like it in the Archive Room. Obi Wan stands in front of it, studying the striking features of the chiselled face.
On the walls, lighted computer panels seem to stretch into infinity. Farther along the room in the background, five Jedi are seated at tables, studying archive material.
Obi Wan studies the bust for a few moments before Madame Jocasta Nu, the Jedi Archivist, is standing next to him. She is an elderly, frail-looking human Jedi, tough and as smart as any.
Jocasta: Did you call for assistance?
Obi Wan: *Distracted in thought.* Yes... yes, I did...
Jocasta gazes at the bust.
Jocasta: Are you having a problem, Master Kenobi?
Obi Wan: Yes, I'm trying to find a planet system called Kamino. It doesn't seem to show up on any of the archive charts.
The two move over to the computer terminal that Obi Wan has been working at. He shows her his work.
Jocasta: Kamino? It's not a system I'm familiar with... Let me see...
The old woman leans over Obi Wan’s shoulder, looking at the screen.
Jocasta: Are you sure you have the right coordinates?
Obi Wan: *Nodding* According to my information, it should be in this quadrant somewhere... just south of the Rishi Maze.
Jocasta taps the keyboard and frowns.
Jocasta: No coordinates? It sounds like the sort of directions you'd get from a street tout... some old miner or Furbog trader.
Obi Wan: All three, actually.
Jocasta: Are you sure it exists?
Obi Wan: Absolutely.
Jocasta: Let me do a gravitational scan.
Obi Wan and Jocasta study the star map.
Jocasta: There are some inconsistencies here. Maybe the system you're seeking was destroyed.
Obi Wan: Wouldn't that be on record?
Jocasta: It ought to be, unless it was very recent. *shakes her head* I hate to say it, but it looks like what you're searching for doesn't exist.
Obi Wan: That's impossible... perhaps the archives are incomplete.
Jocasta: The archives are comprehensive and totally secure, my young Jedi. One thing you may be absolutely sure of - if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist!
Obi Wan stares at her, then looks back to the map. Jocasta notices a young boy approach. She turns from Obi Wan and leaves with the youngster.
Cut to: Ext, space, Starfreighter. The massive, slow-moving Freighter moves through space.
Cut to: Int, day, Starfreighter, steerage hold. The great, gloomy hold is crowded with emigrants and their belongings. To one side R2 is coming to the head of a food line holding two bowls. With one of his little claw arms, he grabs a chunk of something that looks like bread.
R2 slips a tube into a tub of mush and sucks up a large quantity. A server sees him.
Server: Hey! No Droids!
R2 takes one last big suck and heads away from the food line. The server shouts after him angrily. The little droid moves past groups of eating or sleeping emigrants and comes to Anakin and Padme’s table. She grabs a bowl of mush and bread.
Padme: Are you hungry?
Anakin: Yeah.
Padme sets the food on a make-shift table. Anakin rises and takes a seat as she places a bowl in front of him.
Anakin: Thanks.
They look into each other’s eyes for a long moment before Padme breaks the stare and looks around at the other passengers.
Padme: Well you were right about one thing. No one will want to follow us where we’re going.
Anakin looks around suspicious of the other passengers before letting out a smile.
Anakin: Tatooine has that effect on people.
Padme: I remember.
Anakin: It’s not Naboo. That’s for sure. I've thought about it since being there. It's by far the most beautiful place I've ever seen...
Padme smiles at the complement and shrugs.
Padme: It may not be as you remember it. Time changes perception.
Anakin: Sometimes it does... Sometimes for the better.
They sit in silence, eating and Padme begins to look distant and sad.
Anakin: What’s the matter?
Padme: Oh... It’s just...
Anakin: What is it?
Padme: It’s just... Talking about home makes me think of the war and how it’s changing everything. Everyone I know is effected. Sometimes the Senate can’t see a thing for their own self interest.
Anakin: You think about your work too much.
Padme: It’s who I am, Anakin. You know that. Sometimes I think that you don’t think about your work enough.
Anakin: If this is about what the Council says about us...
Padme: Of course it is. We’re not supposed to be together. Love is forbidden by the Jedi.
Anakin: Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love.
Padme: Anakin, don’t fool yourself. Your going to have to face this whether you like it or not.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple, Main Hallway. Obi Wan walks through the main hallway to the training area.
Cut to: Int, day, Jedi Temple, Training Veranda. Obi Wan comes out onto the veranda and stops, watching twenty or so four-year-olds doing training exercises, supervised by Yoda. They wear helmets over their eyes and try to strike little, floating training globs with their miniature lightsabres. The droids dance in front of them.
Yoda: Don't think... feel... be as one with the Force. Help you, it will. *He sees Obi-Wan.* Younglings, enough! A visitor we have. Welcome him.
The children turn off their lightsabres.
Children: Welcome, Master Obi-Wan!
Obi Wan: I am sorry to disturb you, Master.
Yoda: What help to you, can I be?
Obi Wan: I'm looking for a planet described to me by an old friend. I trust him. But the system doesn't show up on the archive maps.
Yoda: Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing... how embarrassing. Liam, the shades. An interesting puzzle. Gather, younglings, around the map reader. Clear your minds and find Obi-Wan's wayward planet, we will.
The reader is a small shaft with a hollow opening at the top. The children gather around it. Obi Wan takes out a little glass ball and places it into the bowl. The window shades close, the reader lights up and projects the star map hologram into the room. The children laugh. Some of them reach up to try and touch the nebulae and stars. Obi Wan walks into the display.
Obi Wan: This is where it ought to be... but it isn't. Gravity is pulling all the stars in this area inward to this spot. There should be a star here... but there isn't.
Yoda: Most interesting. Gravity's silhouette remains, but the star and all its planets have disappeared. How can this be? Now, younglings, in your mind, what is the first thing you see? An answer? A thought? Anyone?
There is a brief pause. Then a child puts his hand up. Yoda nods.
Child 1: Master? Because someone erased it from the archive memory.
Children: That's right! Yes! That's what happened! Someone erased it!
Child 2: If the planet blew up, the gravity would go away.
Obi Wan stares; Yoda chuckles.
Yoda: Truly wonderful, the mind of a child. The Padawan is right. Go to the center of the gravity's pull, and find your planet you will.
Yoda and Obi Wan move away from the children. With a hand movement, Obi Wan causes the star map to disappear and the glass ball to jump into his hand. The two walk into an adjoining room.
Obi Wan: But Master Yoda, who could have erased information from the archives? That's impossible, isn't it?
Yoda: *Frowning* Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is, if someone outside can enter our temple and erased those files. *He pauses of a second.* I leave shortly to refill your position with Prince Organa. In travel, time to meditate on this problem, I will have. Master Windu and Master Tanis will accompany you to this planet Kamino. That should provide enough power to end this threat. May the Force be with you.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Mos Espa Docking Bays. The starfreighter slowly lands in the outskirts of town in one of Mos Espa’s dusty landing bays.
Cut to: Ext, day, Mos Espa Street. Anakin walks beside Padme, carrying her baggage as they leave the unloading area of the freighter. R2 rolls along behind them. All around are farmers, workers, and general riff-raff going about their day. Other passengers mill about.
Padme: ...I wasn't the youngest Queen ever elected, but now that I think back on it, I'm not sure I was old enough. I'm not sure I was ready.
Anakin: The people you served thought you did a good job. I heard they tried to amend the Constitution so you could stay in office.
Padme: Truthfully, I was relieved when my two terms were up. So were my parents. They worried about me so much and couldn't wait for it all to be over. Actually, I was hoping to have a family by now...
Anakin: *Joking.* Besides, I wasn’t on Naboo, right?
Padme: *Laughs.* Of course. When the Queen asked me to serve as Senator, how could I refuse her?
Anakin: I’m glad you chose to serve. I think the Republic needs you... Things are happening in our generation that will change the galaxy in profound ways.
Padme: I think so too.
Anakin and Padme walk onward into the crowd. R2 continues to follow, whistling to himself.
Cut to: Ext, day, Mos Espa, Watto’s Shop. Anakin and Padme ride up in a rickshaw through the streets. Anakin stares at sights he hasn't seen for years. Finally, they come to Watto's shop, and the rickshaw stops.
Anakin: *To the droid driver.* Wait, please.
Anakin and Padme get down. Sitting at a small table in front of the shop are Watto and Sabulba. They are chatting and Watto is using a small electronic screwdriver on a fiddly droid.
Watto: *Yelling, in Huttese.* Stupid, blasted thing!
Anakin walks up to the two, casting a shadow on them that they ignore. Sebulba moves a game piece on a board on the table.
Anakin: *In Huttese.* Excuse me, Watto.
Watto: *Still concentrating on his work.* *In Huttese.* What?
Anakin: *In Huttese* I said excuse me.
Watto turns to the game he is playing, surprised at what has happened.
Watto: *In Huttese.* What? You can’t make that move!
Sabulba only laughs.
Watto: *In Huttese.* It’s not fair. I’m distracted by this. *He indicates the part in his hand.*
Anakin: Let me help you with that.
Anakin takes the fiddly piece of equipment and starts to play with it. Watto finally looks up and blinks in surprise.
Watto: What? I don't know you... What can I do for you? You Jedi, no? Whatever it is... I didn't do it.
Watto drops the screwdriver while Sabulba inches back in his chair slightly.
Anakin: I’m looking for Owen Lars.
Sabulba shifts again. Watto looks at Anakin suspiciously. He stares at Padme, then back to Anakin.
Watto: Annie?? Little Annie?? Naaah!!
Suddenly, the fiddly piece of equipment in Anakin's hands whirs into life. Watto blinks at it. Sabulba is staring now as well.
Watto: You are Annie! It is you! A Jedi! Waddya know? Hey, maybe you couldda help wit some deadbeats who owe me a lot of money...
Gaining confidence at the sight of the boy he used to intimidate, Sabulba moves forward and begins ruffling Anakins clothes, as if inspecting them, and him.
Sabulba: *In Huttese* Anakin Skywalker. He’s no Jedi! Look at him.
The Dug gives Anakin a push with his foot and then grabs his collar.
Sabulba: *In Huttese* You finally come back to race, boy? I still have things to show you.
Anakin looks sternly at the hand on his collar and then back at Sabubla. The threat in his eyes is palpable. Sabulba suddenly realizes that this is not the boy he could push around. His eyes widen in fear.
Watto: *Holding up hands.* Now Annie, Sabulba, I don’t want any trouble.
Anakin raises a hand and starts to close his fingers. Sabulba’s eyes widen and he grabs his throat. Somehow he is choking.
Anakin: No trouble, Watto. None at all.
Watto looks from Anakin to Sabulba.
Watto: Now Anakin, that’s enough. Let him go.
A tight smile of satisfaction appears on Anakin’s lips as he watches his old nemesis squirm. He finally has the power to defend himself from his old demons.
Padme begins to look concerned.
Padme: Anakin! Stop it! You’re hurting him!
Anakin lowers his hand, opening Sabulba’s throat. The Dug gasps and rubs his neck.
Anakin: *Turning to Watto.* My friend Owen...
Watto: Oh, yeah. Owen... Big guy... Hung around the shop waiting for you. He left Mos Espa long time ago, I think.
Anakin: He left...
Watto: Years ago. Sorry, Annie, but you know the farmer types. They don’t stay in the city. I think he bought a farm somewhere.
Anakin: Where?
Watto looks nervously from Anakin to Sabulba. He isn’t sure of his memory and doesn’t want to upset the Jedi.
Watto: Long way from here... someplace over on the other side of Mos Eisley, I think...
Anakin:: I’d like to know for sure.
Again Watto looks from Anakin’s grim expression to Sabulba rubbing his throat.
Watto: Yeah, sure. I think he had a few things sent out to his place when he got it. Let me go look in my records.
Anakin and Watto go into the shop.
Cut to: Ext, late in the day, Tatooine, Lars Farm. The twin suns are low in the sky when Anakin, Padme, and R2 pull up in an old speeder. Owen Lars stands by the entrance to meet them.
Cut to: Int, late in the day, Farm, main area. Padme and Anakin come into the farmhouse’s main area followed by Owen. R2 brings up the rear. Owen is smiling widely and has a hand on Anakin’s shoulder.
Owen: Beru! Beru! You’re never going to believe this!
Beru: *O.S. from somewhere in the house.* What is it, Owen? Who’s out there?
The young woman comes through a door drying her hands on a dish towel. As soon as she sees Anakin her face lights up and she rushes to hug him.
Beru: Anakin! You’re back! It’s so good to see you!
Anakin smiles widely and takes the assault as best as he can.
Anakin: Good to see you too, Beru. It really is. You both remember Padme? She was here with Master Kenobi when I left.
Padme is smiling at the warm scene.
Beru: *Still smiling.* Of course we do! Come in. So what brings you back?
Anakin: We kind of need a place to hide for a little while. I thought...
Beru: Well whatever it is you’re hiding from, we’ll sure be able to see it coming from a long way off around here. I was just about to put dinner on the table. Come and sit.
Cut to: Int, night, Farmhouse, dinner table. The four have just finished their meals and are sitting around the table.
Owen: ... and when I came back home I had enough money from your race to get a few things together and finally get my own farm. We married shortly after.
Owen and Beru smile at each other.
Padme: That’s wonderful. You both look so happy. It must be such a peaceful life.
Beru: Most of the time. *She smiles at Anakin* Something that would drive Annie insane, I’m sure you know. It sounds like you must have so many adventures as a Jedi and running around in the war.
Padme gives Anakin a side-long glance, worry in her eyes. Beru notices
Beru: Oh, dear. You must get so worried about him every time he leaves.
Padme: I do... But he has his duty as I do. And he is a capable Jedi.
Anakin: And I’ve always come back in one piece.
Padme: So far...
There is a silence and Owen changes the subject.
Owen: We have our problems here too. The Sandpeople are pushing in on the farmland all up and down the Jundland border.
Beru shivers and gets up to clear the dishes. It’s obvious that she doesn’t want to think about that topic. Padme raises to help her.
Anakin: Tusken Raiders? They’ve never been so bold.
Owen: Well they are now. Four farms have been attacked in the last week. Good men have been killed or taken by those animals.
Cut to: Int, night, Lars Farm, Kitchen. Beru and Padme work together scraping off dishes and putting them into a machine.
Beru: So have you talked about marriage?
Padme: I’m afraid that might not be possible. We shouldn’t really be together as it is. Jedi aren’t allowed to enter into romantic relationships. Anakin keeps ignoring them but I’m not sure how much longer the patience of the Council will last.
Beru: That’s terrible. How can they ask that of people?
Padme: I love him, but I don’t want to see him give up his life and his dreams. He would whither away simply being the husband of a Senator.
Cut to: Int , night, Lars Farm, dinner table. The two men continue their conversation.
Anakin: So have you and the other farmers talked?
Owen: Yeah.
Anakin: And?
Owen: We’re banding up tomorrow morning actually. Everyone in the area. We’ve got about fifty men, all told. Most are pretty fair with a rifle. We figure we can teach them enough of a lesson to drive them off. Hopefully we’ll find some of the ones who’ve been carried off too.
Cut to: Int, night, Lars Farm, kitchen. The women continue their conversation.
Beru: Anakin’s life has never been easy. His dreams were always too big to be easy. He wants it all. Always has. He’s just never had the means to do anything about it. Until now that is. I’m not surprised he’s fighting this Council tooth and nail for what he wants.
Padme: Sometimes I’m not sure if he’s just with me for the challenge.
Beru: Nonsense. I see the way he looks at you. And you look at him, for that matter. You love each other.
Padme: I’m not sure it will be enough.
Beru: Love is never easy, dear. And once you have it you have to hold on with all of your strength, no matter what tries to fight you. Let what other’s think be damned. This is your life. He is the man you love and he loves you. Everything else will sort itself out.
Cut to: Int, night, Lars Farm, dinner table. Owen and Anakin continue talking.
Anakin: You know where the Tusken camp is?
Owen: Yeah. Reg Hassup’s boy managed to scout it out. Look, Anakin, since you’re here... We could really use you. You’ve got experience from the war we don’t have. And it’s not often we get a Jedi around these parts.
Anakin: You don’t even have to ask, Owen. Count me in. We won’t just drive them away. We’ll totally destroy them.
Owen frowns at the statement.
Owen: Well we don’t need to go that far. We just don’t want them coming back.
Cut to: Int, night, Lars Farm, kitchen. Padme looks through the kitchen door at Anakin.
Cut to: Ext, space, Kamino. The view is just like the star map hologram, plus the storm-shrouded planet of Kamino is exactly where it ought to be. A jedi transport Starship jumps out of hyperspace and flies over camera, headed down toward the planet.
Cut to: Int, space, Jedi Transport, cockpit. Obi Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Veris Tanis, a green-skinned Twi’Lik woman, sit watching the planet Kamino grow larger before them.
Obi Wan: There it is, right where it should be. Our missing planet, Kamino. Those files were altered.
Cut to: Ext, day, Kamino, Tipoca City, Landing platform. Heavy rains and hard-driving winds lash the platform as the Jedi Starship approaches. The huge, ultra-modern city of Tipoca rests on great stilts that keep it above the pounding and ever-present waves that cover the surface of this watery world.
The transport lands. The three Jedi get out and makes their way through the howling wind toward a tower on the far side of the platform. A door slides open and a shaft of brilliant light pierces the swirling rain. They passes through it and go inside.
Cut to: Int, day, Tipoca, Corridor Entrance. A brilliant white light. Obi Wan, Mace, and Veris push the soaking hoods from their faces. They are greeted by a tall, pasty-white alien with long limbs and neck and large, almond shaped eyes (Taun We).
Taun We: Master Jedi, so good to see you.
Obi Wan wipes the rain from his face and blinks in surprise. The other Jedi stand passively.
Taun We: The Prime Minister expects you.
Obi Wan looks from his fellows to the Kaminoan.
Obi Wan: *Warily* We’re expected?
Taun We: Of course! He is anxious to meet you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming. Now please, this way!
The Jedi’s faces are impenetrable as they move away along the corridor.
Cut to: Int, day, Prime Minister’s Office. The door slides open. Obi Wan, Mace, Veris and Taun We enter and cross to where the Prime Minister, Lama Su, rises, smiling, from his chair, which, like all the furniture on Kamino, seems to glow a brilliant white.
Taun We: May I present Lama Su, Prime Minister of Kamino... and these are Master Jedi...
Obi Wan: Mace Windu, Veris Tanis, and I am Obi Wan Kenobi.
Lama Su indicates for them all to sit but they remain standing, arms folded in from of them. Taun We hovers. The room appears very bare, bathed in brilliant white light.
Lama Su: I trust you are going to enjoy your stay. We are most happy you have arrived at the best part of the season.
Veris: You are most welcome. *Bows slightly.*
Lama Su: Please... *Gestures to chairs.* And now to business. You will be delighted to hear we are on schedule. Two hundred thousand battalions are ready, with another million well on the way.
Mace: *Improvising* That is... good news.
Lama Su: Please tell your Master Sifo-Dyas that we have every confidence his order will be met on time and in full. He is well, I hope.
The Jedi exchange a look.
Obi Wan: I'm sorry? Master - ?
Lama Su: Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. He's still a leading member of the Jedi Council, is he not?
Mace: Master Sifo-Dyas was killed almost ten years ago.
Lama Su: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. But I'm sure he would have been proud of the army we've built for him.
Veris: The army?
Lama Su: Yes, the clone army. And, I must say, some of our finest work.
Mace: Tell me, Prime Minister, when my Master first contacted you about the army, did he say who it was for?
Lama Su: Of course he did. This army is for the Republic. But you must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself.
Obi Wan: That's why we’re here.
The Jedi and Lama Su rise and walk toward the door.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tipoca, Parade Grounds. Obi Wan, Mace, Veris, Lama Su and Taun We come out onto a balcony. Below is a huge parade ground. The rain and wind are brutal. Thousands of clone troopers in Republic armour, faces covered by helmets, are marching and drilling in formations of several hundred.
Lama Su: *Beaming* Magnificent, aren't they?
Obi Wan nods slowly.
Cut to: Int, day, Tipoca, Clone Center. The tour continues down a long walkway surrounded by windows. Through the windows on both sides of the walkway can be seen vast chambers serving various functions. On one side the group looks at long rows of clear pods, babies growing inside them. On the other side they look down on a classroom filled with identical young boys.
Lama Su: We take great pride in our combat education and training programs.
Obi Wan: You mentioned growth acceleration...
Lama Su: Oh yes, a standard practise. It's essential. Otherwise, a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. Now, we do it here in a fraction of the time. Those you saw on the parade ground were started ten years ago, when Sifo-Dyas first placed the order. They have been waiting a long time for action.
Cut to: Int, day, Tipoca, Clone Center. As they move along they come to an area looking down on a large eating area. Hundreds of clones who look exactly alike, all about twenty years old, dressed in black are seated at tables, eating. Obi Wan can not hide the surprise on his face when he sees the full grown clones. He has seen them before.
Lama Su: You'll find they are totally obedient, taking any order without question. We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host.
Mace: Who was the original host?
Lama Su: A soldier by the name of Jango Fett, I believe. He was hand-picked by Master Sifo-Dyas himself.
Obi Wan: A Mandalorian?
Lama Su: Perhaps, though I hear the Mandalorians started their own cloning program about the same time that this order was placed. I don’t know why we would be contracted if you are correct. At any rate, he was quite a specimen of your species as you can see.
Cut to: Int, day, Tipoca, Clone Center. The tour continues over a long corridor filled with narrow, transparent tubes into which clones are climbing. Once in the tube, the clone goes to sleep.
Veris Tanis leads Lama Su and Taun We away from the other two Jedi, asking questions about the cloning procedure and pointing to specific locations below them. Obi Wan is troubled as he turns to Mace.
Obi Wan: I recognize these clones, Master.
Mace: You know this Fett?
Obi Wan: No. But I’ve seen that face countless times. I recognize it from the war.
Mace: The war?
Obi Wan: They’re the same clones that the Mandalorians are using.
Mace: Disturbing. Whoever ordered this army, the Council did not authorize it. And we still have yet to find a trace of the Sith we are looking for.
The two Jedi cease their conversation quickly as the others return to their side.
Lama Su: I trust you are adequately pleased with our product?
Obi Wan: Oh yes, Prime Minister. Indeed we are. I have one more question, however.
Obi Wan pulls the small sabredart from a pouch on his belt.
Obi Wan: Do you recognize this?
Lama Su: Of course. It is one of our sabredarts. A specialized weapon for hunting. We do not typically supply them to outside buyers however. I do not believe that they would be an appropriate weapon for your units.
Obi Wan: Yes, of course not. I was hoping you could tell me the name of the last off world buyer you had for these.
Lama Su: Why that’s easy! I won’t even have to look it up. It was quite recently. Another very good associate of ours had a shipment sent to... the planet Geonosis.
Taun We: Yes. Geonosis. Come, I will show you to your quarters.
The Jedi exchange glances.
Cross fade from Mace Windu’s face to Darth Maul’s. Int, night, Coruscant, a darkened room. Darth Maul stands next to a man with a battle-scarred face. They both stare out a large window at the cityscape of Coruscant.
Maul: Ready your men.
Fade to: Ext, early morning, Tatooine, Lars Farm. Wide shot of the farm’s entrance. Anakin and Owen hug and kiss Padme and Beru goodbye and then jumping into Owen’s speeder.
Fade to: Ext, early morning, Tatooine, meeting place. A large group of moisture farmers is gathered together in a rocky area bordering the farms and the wastelands. Some of the men are too old and some seem too young to be part of a war party but all are armed. Rugged-looking speeders are parked in every-which-way among those waiting for the signal to leave. Anakin stands in the center of a small cluster, pointing down at a map on the hood of a speeder and excitedly explaining a plan. The men around him frown and nod cautiously.
Fade to: Ext, night, Coruscant, skyways. Four large, rumbling speeder trucks fly past the camera.
Fade to: Int, night, Coruscant, speeder truck. Maul sits with his eyes closed in meditation at the head of the truck’s cargo bed. Each long wall is lined with silent, grim-faced men in Mandalorian battlearmour, their helmets under their arms. Some of the men wear green armour, others blue, others red.
Fade to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, wastelands. A convoy of speeders, each one filled with men, race over dunes and around jagged rock outcroppings. A cloud of dust follows behind them, marking their trail.
Fade to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. The halls of the temple are quiet. Young children sleep in their beds, small groups of Jedi sit together conversing, Older masters sit in their rooms meditating.
Fade to: Ext, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. The four speeder trucks come to a stop at the main entrance of the temple.
Fade to: Int, night, Coruscant, speeder truck. The Mandalorian Commander steps up to the still meditating Darth Maul, helmet still under arm.
Commander: We have arrived, My Lord.
Fade to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, desert ridge. A line of farmers lays on their stomachs on the lip of a ridge looking through electrobinoculars at a Tusken camp miles away. Little can be made out at this distance besides the crude tents and the large, milling banthas. Anakin motions for one group to head right and another left while the rest head straight down the middle. Owen frowns at how excited his old friend is at the prospect of action and how easily he directs the coming violence.
Fade to: Int, night, Coruscant, speeder truck. Close-up of Maul as he concentrates. Outside, security camera’s and floating droids that watch the main entrance of the Jedi Temple are crushed by unseen hands. They spark and those in the air, fall.
Fade to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, desert. A Tusken watchman falls from his perch as a farm boy lowers his rifle from his eye.
Fade to: Ext, night, Jedi Temple, main entrance. The trucks empty their cargo of commandos and one immediately runs to the huge double doors and begins to slice into the computer lock. Maul steps out of the truck.
Cut to: Int, night, Jedi Temple, Bedroom. Ki-Adi Mundi sits in meditation. Suddenly his eyes open wide, as if a darkness has suddenly lifted only to show him his doom.
Ki-Adi: *Whispers* How did we not see this?! *Hollers* Protect the children! We’re under attack!
Cut to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, Tusken camp. A Tusken warrior shakes his rifle in the air and yowls angrily. The camera turns from him to what he faces. On a sand dune overlooking the camp, a long row of farmers stand, guns ready.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. The main doors open and the Mandalorian commandos rush through.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Entrance Hall. The commandos have fanned out, weapons ready. Darth Maul stalks in, lightsabre hilt in his hand. A commando runs to a computer terminal and suddenly blast shields fall into place at every door and window.
Cut to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, sand dune. Anakin stands on the sand dune over looking the Tusken camp, light sabre in his hand. Below him, the warriors of the camp have grouped and roar a challenge. Close-up on Anakin’s hand flicking the switch to ignite his weapon. We hear a snap-hiss.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Entrance Hall. Darth Maul stands amid his Mandalorian commandos. His red blade extends slowly from the hilt of his sabre to the floor.
Cut to: Ext, morning, Tatooine, sand dune. Anakin raises his blue blade up into the air for all to see.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Entrance Hall. Darth Maul holds his lightsabre in the air for a moment.
Maul: Kill them all.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. Anakin swipes down with his blade and the dune ridges to the right and left of the Tusken camp erupt with blaster fire. The howling warriors of the camp are caught in a crossfire and those that survive the initial strike dive back for any cover they can get. While the Tuskens are in chaos, the middle group of farmers rush forward, covered by the flankers.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. A group of Three Mandalorians rush through the halls of the temple gunning down servant droids as they see them. They enter a room to find four Jedi padawans waiting with lightsabres ignited. The commandos immediately launch a grenade into the room and fall back down the hall. As soon as the explosion has subsided, they rush forward again and gun down anything still moving in the room.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple, sitting room. Four commandos spray the room with rapid fire energy blasts as another four spread out down the walls. Five Jedi are trapped behind some furniture. One Jedi rises and blocks a number of bolts but is ultimately cut down by the many others that come at him. Another Jedi stands only to be wrapped up in one of the commandos’ grapnels and gunned down. Soon the others have to rise and defend themselves as they are being attack from three sides.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. A group of farmers gun down four fleeing Tuskens before having to defend themselves hand to hand against more Sandpeople rushing from around a tent.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. Owen draws a bead on a Tusken about to shoot at another farmer. He shoots and grimly moves on to the next target.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. A Raider jumps out from around a corner and attacks a pair of farmers with its gaffi stick. It roars in victory over the two downed men and rushes off to more battle.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. A young Jedi deflects a bolt back at a Mandalorian and then leaps into the air, spinning as he goes, before landing between two other commandos and cutting them down with his blade.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. Ki-Adi Mundi and a pair of other Jedi push their hands forward, throwing a group of Mandalorians to the far wall of the hallway. The three then rush ahead, lightsabres ready.
Fade in and out between the two battles as Jedi, Tuskens, farmers and Mandalorians fight and die. It is clear that the Jedi and the Tuskens are losing. Darth Maul wades through a group of novice Jedi and begins a duel with a master. Anakin wades through a group of Tuskens, his sabre glowing starkly against the brown leather of the tents. Explosions rock the Jedi Temple as commandos use thermal detonators liberally on their skilled foes.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Tusken camp. The camp smokes from blaster holes in every tent. Dead bodies lay everywhere. Owen runs up to Anakin.
Owen: We’ve found the captives. They’re alive but barely and they need medical attention.
Anakin: Assign the youngest to gather them and the rest of the wounded on the speeders and take them back. The rest of us will continue the attack.
Owen: Anakin, most of their warriors are dead. The rest of the tribe is fleeing into the dune sea.
Anakin: Good. They’re on the run. We almost have victory. We just need to finish it.
Owen: We already have victory! We don’t need to risk any more lives!
Anakin: You asked me to lead this and that’s what I’m doing. We are going to pursue those Tuskens until they are no long a threat!
Anakin turns and starts issuing orders to another farmer. Owen grabs him by the arm and spins him around. Anakin doesn’t give his old friend a second thought as he gestures his hand and throws Owen across the camp into the sand.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. Darth Maul stalks down a corridor flanked by two Mandalorians. The Commander approaches and falls into step.
Commander: My Lord, we have scoured the temple and can find no more Jedi. A few of the blast doors have been forced however and some may have escaped...
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, desert. Anakin walks across the sand to a circle of banthas, listening to the report of a farmer.
Farmer: ...All that are left now are some women and children...
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. Maul and his men walk through door of a darkened room, silhouetted in the light of the hallway.
Inside the room, Jocasta Nu puts herself in front of a large group of frightened children.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, desert. Anakin walks through the circle of banthas straight to the group of Tusken children, protected by a few women.
Farmer: ...They shouldn’t be a threat to us anymore.
Anakin ignores the farmer and activates his lightsabre with a menacing hiss and hum.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Jedi Temple. Darth Maul raises his red energy blade.
Fade out to the sound of blasters firing.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11948
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
It was said that Darth Vader helped hunt down and kill the Jedi. There are still Jedi left to be hunted and killed.Crazedwraith wrote:Evil Annie.
WHta happened to Anakin being to one who kills the jedi order though?
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
Cut to: Ext, space. A chaotic battle plays out over an unknown planet. Monstrous cannons punch out heavy turbolaser bolts at their enemies. The camera turns to follow the green bolts and sees a corvette fly past, chased by another ship. A pair of blasts from off camera strike the pursuer’s engine section and it spirals out of control with an explosion.
Tiny fightercraft wiz everywhere. One lets loose a missile at a much larger ship and pulls away before being caught in the explosion. It soon finds itself in the sights of three missiles of the enemy’s. It bobs and weaves through the battle but try as it might, the fighter can’t shake the missiles. They finally catch up and the ship is destroyed.
Cut to: Int, space, Republic Battleship. Yoda floats in his hover chair beside Prince Organa on the bridge of the battleship. They are watching the chaos through the main window. Suddenly the Jedi master closes his eyes as if in great pain. Organa notices.
Organa: Master Yoda?
Yoda: Terrible. Terrible disturbance, I feel in the Force. Tragedy has befallen the Order.
Yoda holds his forehead in one hand and closes his eyes.
Cut to: Int, night, Kamino, Jedi chambers. Obi Wan bolts up from his sleep as if awakened from a nightmare.
Obi Wan: The Temple!
Mace Windu and Veris Tanis are already awake.
Mace: We have felt it too. We must make contact with the Council at once.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Lars Farm. The twin suns are high over the farm. The desert stretches out in all directions.
Cut to: Int, day, Tatooine, Lars Farm. Padme and Beru sit at the table with worried looks while R2 stands quietly in the background. They are holding each other’s hands for support. They both look up at the sound R2 twittering a warning that someone is entering. Anakin walks in with a scowl on his face, Owen follows with an even deeper one. The two have obviously been fighting the whole way back.
Beru: Thank goodness you both made it back!
The two women rise and hug their significant others.
Padme: I was so worried about you. I just had this feeling that something terrible had happened to you.
Beru notices the mood of her husband.
Beru: *Concerned.* Owen, what happened?
Owen: *Grimly.* I don’t want to talk about it.
Beru looks from her husband to the others. Owen is already starting to go the other room.
Beru: Owen?
Owen: *Firmly.* I said I don’t want to talk about it.
Everyone watches Owen leave. When he is gone, there is a moment of silence before Anakin speaks.
Anakin: *Grimly.* Not everyone is prepared for what has to be done in these situations to ensure that order is restored for good.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant. A tall building stands out darkly in an industrial part of the city.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Unknown balcony. Darth Maul stands beside Darth Sidious, looking out over the billowing smoke rising around them. A hologram of Admiral Tarkin stands with them.
Maul: The Jedi Temple is empty, My Master. All we came across are dead. The Mandalorian warriors proved quite effective.
Tarkin: Couple that with those of his earlier hunts and the ones killed in the war and the Jedi threat has been all but nullified.
Sidious: Excellent. Return to Admiral Tarkin’s side, my apprentice, and await my command. Soon enough we will finish them off entirely.
Maul: Yes, My Master.
Cut to: Int, space, Jedi Transport. Obi Wan, Mace and Veris stand in front of a hologram of Yoda who is still on the Republic Battleship. The scene shifts between the two locations.
Mace: ...and now we have been unable to make any sort of contact with the remaining Council or anyone else at the Temple.
Yoda: No one there to receive the signal, I fear.
Obi Wan: You feel they are all dead, Master?
Yoda: Such news has already reached me from the capital. Believe the worst, I must.
Yoda exhales deeply.
Yoda: Blind are we, if this we could not see. The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen.
Mace: Than it is time that we also informed the Senate of our increased difficulty in foreseeing future events.
Yoda: No. Only the Dark Lord of the Sith knows of our weakness. If revealed it is, multiply our enemies will. *pause* Gather what Jedi you can and continue on to this planet Geonosis. It is there, I feel, that we will finally confront our enemy. See for myself, the production on Kamino I will, and inform the Senate of its existence.
Obi Wan: How can you be sure of things now, Master.
Yoda closes his eyes and thinks.
Yoda: Of nothing can we be sure of now, Obi Wan. On our faith in the Force, we must rely.
Yoda closes his eyes again.
Cut to: Ext, day, Coruscant, Republic Executive Building. Low Angel. A line of reflecting pools with splashing fountains flanked by statues on each side leads to the main entrance to the awesome building.
Cut to: Int, day, Coruscant, Chancellor’s Office. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine stands with Mas Amedda, Jar Jar, and a number of other supporting Senators.
Palpatine: This is a travesty indeed, my friends. A terrible blow to the Republic.
Senator: How could this have happened? How could they not see this coming?
Jar Jar: The Jedi have been one of our greatest assets. How will the Republic retain general order without their protection, much less fare in the war without their guidance?
Palpatine: Without an accurate number of how many Jedi remain, I’m afraid we will have to rely on ourselves.
Jar Jar: The debate is over than! Now we need that clone army...
Senator: Unfortunately, the debate is not over. The Senate will never approve the creation of a clone army before the Mandalorians seize this opportunity.
Amedda: This is a crisis! The Senate must vote the Chancellor emergency powers! He could then approve the use of clones.
Palpatine: But what Senator would have the courage to propose such a radical amendment?
Amedda: If only Senator Amidala were here.
Jar Jar steps forward.
Jar Jar: I would be proud to propose the motion, Your Honour.
Cut to: Int, day, Tatooine, Lars Farm. Padme and Beru sit together cleaning small pieces of equipment and talking, Anakin sits with fixing another device and Owen sits to the side listening and working on something of his own.
Beru: ... So who was your first love than?
Padme: I don't know...
Anakin: Sure you do... you just don't want to say.
Beru: *Playfully.* You should just use one of your Jedi mind tricks on her.
Owen looks up and scowls.
Anakin: They only work on the weak-minded.
Padme: All right... I was twelve. His name was Palo. We were both in the Legislative Youth Program. He was a few years older then I... very cute... dark curly hair... dreamy eyes.
Beru smiles and the description.
Anakin: All right, we get the picture.
Beru: Whatever happened to him?
Anakin: Hey! Who’s side are you on?
Padme: I went into public service. He went on to become an artist.
Anakin: Maybe he was the smart one.
Owen grunts his approval.
Padme: You really don't like politicians, do you?
Anakin: I like two or three, but I'm not really sure about one of them. *Smiling* I don't think the system works.
Padme: How would you have it work?
Anakin: We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem, agree what's in the best interests of all the people, and then do it.
Padme: That is exactly what we do. The trouble is that people don't always agree. In fact, they hardly ever do.
Anakin: Then they should be made to.
Owen: By who? Who's going to make them?
Anakin: I don't know. Someone.
Owen: You?
Anakin: Of course not me.
Owen: But someone like you.
Anakin: Someone wise.
Padme: That sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.
Anakin: Well, if it works...
Owen: So, what? You just think you can push people around now and they’ll fall into line? What’s with you?
Anakin: What’s with you?!
Owen: What’s with me? I’ll tell you. It’s this attitude you’ve come back with. That aggression I saw the other day. The casual attitude you have with violence. Just because you have these powers now doesn’t make you above everyone else. It doesn’t make everyone else’s lives any less valuable! You can’t just brush people away with that fancy sword of yours! Not even those Tuskens out there!
Anakin: Oh, I get it. I’m not the pitiful boy getting pounded that you had to look out for anymore and you can’t take it. I finally have the power to defend myself and the people who need it and I don’t need your help. You’re not the great protector anymore and it’s just eating you up inside.
Owen: You call what you did to those Tuskens ‘defending’?!
Anakin: YOU asked for MY help! I did what had to be done! You know that if any were left behind they’d just come back even stronger to take revenge!
Owen: I asked you for help so that we could drive them off and get our people back, not what happened back there!
Anakin: Wake up Owen. What happened was an inevitability. You just can’t see that because you can’t get past the fact that ‘Little Annie’ might know more about it than you.
Owen: I guess there are a lot of things you know now that I don’t want anything to do with.
Anakin: Yeah. You keep living in your tiny little world with your head in the sand, Owen. You’re just lucky there are people to protect you from the things you refuse to face.
Anakin storms out, headed for the garage. Owen storms the other way.
Beru: Owen?!
Owen: I don’t want to talk about it!
Cut to: Int, day, Tatooine, Lars Farm, Garage. Anakin enters fuming and begins fiddling with the piece of equipment still in his hand. Padme rushes in after him.
Padme: Anakin, you can’t just walk away like that. What’s going on between you two.
Anakin: He’s making me so angry!
Anakin starts to pace.
Anakin: He hates that I don’t need him to defend me anymore.
Padme: I really don’t think...
Anakin: It’s true! He thinks I’ve changed. He’s afraid of me now. I can sense it. But its just because I don’t need him. I have changed. I have the power now to ensure that I am never that boy getting pushed around ever again.
Padme: Anakin, he’s your friend. The war has you stressed and he’s worried about you.
The rage boils over in Anakin for a moment and he throws the small device in his hand with incredible strength. Close-up on the wall as it hits and shatters into pieces. A divot is left in the hard wall to mark the impact.
Anakin: I don’t need people worrying about me!
Padme: *Softly* I can’t help worrying about you. I love you.
Padme moves toward Anakin as he pants out his anger. She takes him in her arms and he begins to calm.
Padme: Whatever problems you have, know that I will always love you. We will work them out together.
The two pull each other closer and kiss deeply until jolted back into reality by a harsh voice from off screen.
Obi Wan: *O.S.* Anakin!
Anakin and Padme separate and the camera turns to see an angry Obi Wan standing in the door way.
Anakin: Master...
Obi Wan: You have been warned about this Anakin! I will not be able protect you from the Council’s judgement any longer. This is just not possible for a Jedi.
Anakin: I love Padme and I don’t care what the Order thinks or what it does! I don’t care if there is even an Order at all! Eject me if you have to but I will not hide my feelings anymore!
Obi Wan: *Somberly.* Be careful what you wish for, Anakin. You have much to hear before making a decision like that. Whatever comes of this, we need you now. There are far too few left to spare.
Padme: What do you mean?
Obi Wan: Something horrible has happened.
Owen: *O.S.* You!
They turn to see Owen marching across the compound, finger pointing.
Owen: You changed him Kenobi! You took him and you changed him!
Obi Wan: *Confused.* Owen, my friend. I’m sorry for barging in like...
Owen: Don’t call me friend, Kenobi! You took Anakin away and you poisoned him and changed him!
Owen marches up to Obi Wan as he speaks and when he reaches the Jedi he takes a swing. Obi Wan blocks the punch easily and locks Owen’s arm behind his back.
Obi Wan: What is the meaning of this? What is going on here?
Anakin: He can’t take the fact that I’ve grown up and I don’t need him.
Owen: I don’t know what happened to the Anakin I knew but if that’s how you feel, than you and your powers can go on and get off my property.
Owen finally stops struggling and Obi Wan lets him go.
Obi Wan: Owen, you don’t mean that...
Owen: And don’t come back until you’ve found some sense!
Anakin: Don’t worry. I’m never setting foot on this rock again, I promise you that.
Anakin and Owen stare each other down for a moment before Anakin leaves to gather his things. Obi Wan still isn’t sure what is going on.
Obi Wan: Anakin?!
Obi Wan looks to a scowling Owen and then to Padme.
Cut to: Ext, day, Lars Farm. The Jedi transport rests out side the farm, ready to take off. Obi Wan, Anakin, Padme and R2 walk in a fierce wind from the farm to the ship. Beru stands alone at the farm’s entrance, seeing them off. Anakin does not look back as he enters the ship. Padme turns and Beru raises a hand in farewell. When all are on board, the ramp closes and the ship lifts off.
Cut to: Int, day, Lars Farm, Courtyard. Owen looks up into the sky and watches the Jedi transport shrink away.
Cut to: Int, space, Jedi Transport, Main Area. Obi Wan, Anakin, Padme, and R2 enter to find Mace Windu and Veris Tanis.
Anakin: What’s going on.
Mace: There has been a great tragedy, Anakin. I’m surprised you have not felt it.
Anakin looks from one person to the next, concern in his eyes.
Mace: The Jedi Temple has been attacked, Anakin. Many are dead. It is unknown who, or where, the survivors are.
Anakin and Padme’s jaws drop in shock.
Mace: It is a terrible blow to us.
Padme: Wha... Who could have done this?
Anakin: Maul!
Veris: Yes. We believe it to be true.
Anakin: *Angry* Then we have to do something! This hunt for Darth Maul has gone on long enough! Why will the Force not show us where he is?! We must make it serve our will!
Obi Wan: Anakin! Calm yourself.
Mace: We believe we have discovered the location of his hidden base on the planet Geonosis. What Jedi that are available have been told to rendevous outside of sensor range of the system. We will strike in force and finally see an end to this Sith.
Cut to: Int, evening, Coruscant, Main Senate Chamber. Yoda sits on a ledge overlooking the Senate chamber. Inside the great rotunda, the uproar is loud. Opposing senators yell furiously at one another.
Amedda: Order! Order!!
Finally, the uproar dies.
Palpatine: In the regrettable absence of Senator Amidala, the chair recognizes senior representative of Naboo, Jar Jar Binks.
Amid the conflicting storm of cheers and boos, Jar Jar, with two Gungan aides, floats on his pod to the middle of the vast space. He looks at Paplatine and clears his throat.
Jar Jar: Senators. Fellow Delegates...
More cheering and booing.
Amedda: Order!
Comparative quiet. Jar Jar grips the edge of the podium.
Jar Jar: My friends, you are not a war-like people. The Republic has known peace for countless generations. You fight your battles here, on the senate floor, with words, not out in the galaxy with blasters and missiles, and you are content to let the Jedi see that justice is done to the wicked. And that is a good thing. But NOW YOU ARE AT WAR. *each word is punctuated* This is not a time for words, it is a time for action! My people are warriors! I have been to war! We can not stand here bickering amongst ourselves while our soldiers fight and die for us. We must be decisive! We must have action! The longer you talk, the more people you love will be swept away and die! Your people, all your peoples, are dying and you sit and argue about helping them! It is time for action!
The chamber is now quiet. Everyone listens to the Gungan. He pauses to look around the massive room.
Jar Jar: Now more than ever. We all know of the tragic surprise attack on the Jedi. All can see that they can no longer protect us as they once did. If justice is to be protected in the Republic we are going to have to see to it ourselves. To do that, again we need actions not words, and we need them quickly. It is my experience that quickly is something this senate is not familiar with.
Nervous laughter circles the chamber.
Jar Jar: In these dark times we need decisions to be made and not argued over. We need to all know we are following the just rule of a worthy individual and see that our part is done. I say Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is such an individual. He has led us wisely through good times and ill, with great care and self-sacrifice. He has always had the good of the people foremost on his mind.
Another pause.
Jar Jar: It is with this in my heart that I propose the Senate give immediate emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor for the remainder of our crisis.
Uproar. Jar Jar holds his ground and meets everything head on.
Brief silence, then a rolling wave of applause. Jar Jar bows with honour.
Palpatine rises.
Palpatine: It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy... I love the Republic. The power you give me I will lay down when this crisis has abated, I promise you. And as my first act with this new authority, I will create a clone army for the Republic to counter that of our enemies and spare the lives of our valiant soldiers.
Cut to: Ext, Space. A group of space ships of varying size hangs in vast blackness
Cut to: Int, Military transport ship, Meeting Room. The room is filled with Jedi, all that could be gathered at short notice, standing together listening to Mace Windu speak. Obi Wan, Anakin, and Padme stand together.
Mace: The ship we are aboard is fitted with a cloaking device. We will use it to sneak past any defences in the system and attempt to locate a command center on the surface of the planet. We will land as close as possible without being detected and from there, enter the base. Once inside, everyone is to search for the Sith and bring him, and those aiding him, to justice.
The gathered people nod and then begin to break up. Mace turns to Padme.
Mace: I’ll have to ask that you transfer back to our transport, Senator. This will be no place for you to be.
Padme: But I disagree, Master Jedi! You know full well that I am no stranger to war. I am very much capable of taking care of myself and have just as much interest in seeing this monster brought to justice as anyone else. Good or ill, I am here now and want to be of use.
Mace: The best use you can be to us, My Lady, is to be safe in our transport. I have no doubt that you are skilled but you will not be able to keep up with us.
Padme fumes, looking at Anakin for support.
Anakin: I have to agree with Master Windu. You need to stay safe on the ship.
Padme turns sharply and walks away without saying a word.
Cut to: Ext, Space, Rendevous. A military transport breaks formation and starts away from the others. As it goes it shimmers and fades from view. The rest of the ships remain, hanging silently as the camera zooms slowly in on one of them. In a window Padme watches the Jedi leave.
Cut to: Int, Transport. Padme turns to R2.
Padme: I don’t care what they say R2. I’m not letting other people fight for me while I sit and do nothing. I didn’t on Naboo and I’m not going to here. Anakin needs me. Somehow I can just feel it.
R2 gives a long resigned whistle.
Cut to: Ext, Space, Planet Geonosis. The red planet looms large on the screen.
Cut to: Int, Transport, Cockpit. Anakin stands with Mace and Obi Wan behind the pilot watching enemy defence ships drift past, unaware of them.
Anakin: Wow. Look at all this. At least we know they’ve got something going on.
Mace: The enemy is here.
Obi Wan: I hope Master Yoda can foresee this and brings enough firepower with him. Otherwise it’s going to be hard getting back out of here.
Cut to: Ext, day, Geonosis, Fly Over. The barren landscape of the planet flies past as the invisible ship rushes over. Rocky pillars stand off to one side in the distance. Up ahead, a plume of smoke rises from a deep canyon. As the ship closes in, we see that the walls of the canyon have buildings tunnelling into them. The smoke is from stacks jutting out of the cliff face.
Cut to:Ext, day, Geonosis, cliff edge. The transport decloaks and lands at the edge of the canyon. All of the Jedi rush out and begin climbing down bare-handed enmass. When they reach the first walls of the complex they begin cutting their way in with their lightsabres.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Tarkin stands around a holograph table with other Commanders. An alarm sounds.
Clone: Sir! We have intruder alerts in the complex!
Tarkin: So they have found us. Seal all security doors, activate all systems and send all men to confront them and wipe them out.
Clone: Shall I have your transport ready, Sir?
Tarkin: You give them too much credit. *Pause* Have it ready in any case.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Jedi rush through the halls defecting blaster bolts back at automated cannons and pulling them out of the walls with the Force. Suddenly, blast doors fall shut, stopping their progress, and a squad of soldiers appears behind them. They open fire.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Corridor. Obi Wan and Anakin finish off a group of clones that they have been trapped with in a sealed section of hall. A Jedi lays with the other fallen. Without a pause they head for the doors and stab their lightsabres through, starting the heavy material to glow red and melt.
Obi Wan: This is going to be slow going.
Anakin nods, a grim look on his face.
Cut to: Int, space, Shuttle. Padme and R2 are in the cockpit of a tiny shuttle pulling away from the other ships.
Padme: I don’t know how much of a defence they’re going to have in system R2, but I’m hoping that if I can jump out of hyperspace close enough to the planet, we can bypass it and land before getting shot down.
R2 whistles what sounds like a long lecture. Padme watches the translation flow down a small screen.
Padme: Yes. I know the risks of that sort of jump R2. You’re going to have to do your best and hope it’s enough. We don’t have any other choice.
R2 beeps and honks again.
Padme: I don’t have time to argue! Just do it!
R2 sighs mournfully and turns back to his input.
Cut to: Ext, Space, Shuttle. The tiny shuttle streaks off and disappears into hyperspace.
Cut to: Int, day, Comnand Centre, Corridor. Obi Wan and Anakin continue to melt the blast door. The material at its centre is now falling away and the other side can finally be seen. The Jedi stop to inspect their work only to see a dozen clones led by a man in Mandalorian armour waiting for them on the other side. They pull away from the hole in the door just in time for blaster bolts to shoot through. After a moment’s pause, a thermal detonator flies through the opening. It is caught in mid air by the Force and flung back to the other side. After the explosion the two Jedi resume their work on the door.
Cut to: Ext, Space, Geonosis. Above the planet a single shuttle pops out of hyperspace. It is immediately attacked by ground defences and spins out of control.
Cut to: Int, day, shuttle. Padme tries desperately to regain control of her ship as R2 puts out fires. The little droid is screaming at the woman.
Padme: I know! I know! You were right. I didn’t say the engines were going to come away perfect from that, only that we’d make it out alive!
R2 beeps something unflattering.
Padme: Just get it locked down. I have to get us landed. I think I have a lock on the transport’s position.
Cut to: Ext, day, Geonosis. The shuttle flies down through the atmosphere at breakneck speed, weaving this way and that, trying to avoid the turbolaser fire coming up at them. It is eventually hit and goes smoking, in a tail spin, into the Command Centre canyon.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Tarkin and his men watch the Jedi on their security system.
Clone: Sir. A lone shuttle appeared out of hyperspace right above the planet and was shot down.
Tarkin: Curious. Is this all they have for us? Alert the fleet in orbit and have planetary defences ready for a full scale attack. Send a squad to the crash site as well, to see what they’re up to.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Mace Windu and a group of Jedi fight their way through a room full of troops. Many Jedi fall to the sheer number of blaster bolts flying through the air.
Mace begins to use the Force, creating a whirlwind of debris between the Jedi and the clones. Another of the remaining Jedi joins in, pushing clones back against the far wall with the Force.
Cut to: Ext, day, shuttle crash. A squad of clones exchanges fire with Padme from the site of the shuttle crash. The ship is smoking from the side but isn’t in too bad shape considering what has happened. Padme is cut and bruised but is still fighting. Another clone goes down before she is pinned behind a piece of rubble and turns to R2
Padme: Is there anything you can do?
R2 rolls forward slightly to take a look and rolls back in front of a hail of fire. He whistles sharply.
Padme fires again, trying to keep the enemy’s heads down.
R2 rolls to the shuttle and begins tearing open a panel. After a few tries, a light on the ship flashes with power and its single blaster cannon fires, vapourizing the position of the squad attacking.
Padme looks back to see R2 roll slowly away from the shuttle, his head swivels back and forth drunkenly and his lights are dim. He has used his own power for the shot.
Padme: Good work R2! Come on! Now you’re going to have to get me inside.
Padme bolts for the entrance to the complex leaving R2 to slowly follow, muttering to himself.
Cut to: Ext, day, Command Centre, utility entrance. Padme has shot the guards at the entrance at is waving R2 to the door. He slowly rolls up and extends his input device but does not have the power to make the connection.
Padme: Come on R2. Don’t fail on me now.
R2 hoots softly and his lights go out.
Padme quickly find R2's power input and connects it to an outlet at the door. She punches a few buttons and finally, with a jolt of electricity, R2 to is up and running again. His head swivels madly and he is beeping a mile a minute. Soon the door is open and the little droid is bolting through, straight to a security terminal. He slices in a starts shutting down the security, still whistling to himself at super speed.
Padme: R2, wait up!
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Corridor. Obi Wan and Anakin come around a corner to find another closed blast door. They silently go about slicing into it with their lightsabres when suddenly the door shudders and begins to move. As the door opens we see that the other side is filled with soldiers.
Obi Wan and Anakin look at each other. Suddenly the area is filled with blaster fire.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Control Room. Tarkin and his Commanders stand watching the progress of the Jedi.
Commander: They’ve sliced into our security system and opened the blast doors!
Clone: Admiral! We have Republic ships coming out of hyperspace and heading inbound in attack formation. They are engaging.
Cut to: Ext, space, Republic Fleet. Republic ships come out of hyperspace and immediately set upon the Mandalorian defenders. Each side trades salvos as they draw closer together. Fighters are launched and soon mingled between the larger ships. Both sides take loses right away.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Hanger Bay. Obi Wan and Anakin reach a small hanger bay to find Darth Maul waiting. They stop and begin to spread out, flanking the Sith.
Obi Wan: Be mindful Anakin. Do not underestimate him.
Anakin: *Angry* You’ll pay for what you did to the others!
Anakin rushes in at the Dark Lord. Maul smiles evilly and ignites both ends of his sabre, blocking a fast series of swings from the young Jedi. Obi Wan has no choice but to follow. He comes in from the other side and soon Maul is fighting both men.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Padme sneaks down a hallway followed by R2. She peeks around a corner, gun ready, only to see a team of clones. They spot her and fire. She returns fire and runs back the way she came only to find she is trapped by another team. Padme raises her hands in surrender. R2 tries to whistle casually and roll away but is herded back.
Cut to: Ext, space, above Geonosis. The Republic fleet has managed to push their way through to the planet and is fending off assault from the ground defences and the remaining enemy ships. Explosions still burst all around them.
A few ships try to fire down on the planet, testing the planetary deflector shield, but the beams bounce harmlessly away.
Cut to: Int, space, Republic Command Ship. Yoda stands on the bridge watching the progress of the fleet with Prince Organa, Commander of the mission. The bridge is manned by the same clones that are manning the Mandalorian ships.
Organa: We’re not going to be able to get through that shield with these battleships still attacking us.
Yoda: Land our troops we must. The enemy command must be taken.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Control Room. Tarkin and his Commanders watch their hologram.
Clone: They’re landing forces outside the shield perimeter.
Tarkin: Send our troops to meet them. Nothing they can throw at us will get far against our men.
One Commander points to the display.
Commander: Look how many they’re landing! Where did they get those numbers!
Tarkin: It makes little difference. They will not make it here.
All eyes turn as the door opens and Padme and R2 are escorted in. Tarkin smiles.
Tarkin: Ah, Senator Amidala! So you’re the one behind all of this. A futile gesture to be sure. You’ve done nothing but send your Jedi to their deaths and it looks like your troops as well.
Padme looks at the projection hovering above them and scowls.
Cut to: Ext, day, wastelands. Drop ships release transports, tanks and walkers of all kinds. A huge force is amassing and moving out toward the Command Centre.
A small scout speeder rushes off and is followed by the camera. It flies over the barren landscape and reaches the advancing enemy line.
An equally impressive force as the Republic’s is arrayed and heading forward. The scout speeder is quickly shot down.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Hanger. Obi Wan, Anakin and Darth Maul are locked in combat. Neither has the advantage and neither side is giving up ground.
The trio breaks for a moment and everyone backs up to assess their enemy.
Maul: You’re weak. You couldn’t kill me before and even two of you can’t do it now.
Anakin screams in rage and charges. Maul laughs at the outburst and with an out-stretched hand throws Force Lightning at the Jedi. Anakin falls in his tracks. His screams are now those of pain.
Obi Wan charges to his padawan’s defence. Maul is forced to break off his attack and concentrate on defending himself.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Control Room. Tarkin stands with Padme.
Padme: Republic troops will be swarming this place in moments. You should surrender while you still can.
Tarkin: Oh, I don’t think we’ll be doing that. You’re very confident but it borders on foolish. They’ve mustered quite a force out there but it is no match for the sheer number of clone I have at my disposal.
Padme: I think you’re going to be surprised.
Tarkin ignores her.
Tarkin: You see, Senator. They’re all going to die. You are going to watch it and then you will die as well. Your Republic is falling and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
Mace: *O.S.* I think there is.
The camera swings around to see Mace standing in the doorway, lightsabre ignited. A pair of other Jedi stand behind him.
Mace: This party’s over.
The room explodes with activity. Mandalorian guards waste no time opening fire on the Jedi who rush in. The Commanders attack instantly as well. Tarkin runs to another exit to escape. R2 shocks Padme’s guard and cuts through her bindings. She grabs the gun from the fallen guard, clears a path and runs after Tarkin.
Cut to: Ext, day, battlefield. The two sides are locked in battle. Missiles fly and heavy energy bolts fill the air.
Gunships and Mandalorian fighters fill the atmospher, trading fire, bursting into flames and falling from the sky onto the troops below.
Clones from both sides battle each other in a cloud of smoke and dust.
Republic troops rush to a damaged Mandalorian tank and shoot at the survivors that emerge from it.
Cut to: Ext, day, Republic Command. Yoda stands with a General.
Yoda: Continue toward the enemy command centre. We must take it as quickly as possible. Target the shield generator and the heavy cannons.
Cut to: Ext, day, battlefield. Gunships fly overhead toward the canyon, firing at anything in front of them that moves. Many are shot down as they go.
Republic walkers advance through the field. A Mandalorian tank is crushed under foot but one of its comrades fires up at the walker, blowing a hole in it and causing it to fall.
A row of missiles is fired from a launching rack. The rack is destroyed by gunship fire. The gunship is shot down by a soldier’s rocket launcher.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Hanger. Darth Maul fights hard with Obi Wan and Anakin. Both Jedi are now determined to not give the Sith ground to use his other powers. Blows are traded back and forth with lightning speed until Maul finally catches Obi Wan in the shoulder and then the leg. Obi Wan drops to the ground holding his wounds.
The two remaining combatants do not stop for a second but continue the fight with full concentration. When Anakin finally manages to get a kick in to Maul’s mid-section, he extends a hand and pulls Obi Wan’s lightsabre to him.
Anakin now swings both sabres down at the same time, forcing Maul to block with both ends of his weapon and leave himself open. When the double blow is countered, the Sith quickly twists the handle of his sabre and the two ends split. Both opponents now fight with twin swords.
The four sabres swing up and down, back and forth and the combatants circle the room. Soon a cable is slashed and they are fighting in darkness. Only the light from their blades glows off of their faces and surroundings.
Maul: The anger is making you strong, isn’t it.
This only makes Anakin madder and he attacks with greater strength and speed. He is no match for Maul alone however and the Sith keeps him on his toes.
From the side Tarkin enters, pausing only momentarily at the sight of the battle. He then runs for the small transport with Republic markings waiting to take off. In his pain, Obi Wan concentrates enough to trip Tarkin with the Force and stop him. A second later, Padme enters.
Seeing Anakin in mortal combat, Padme yells and opens fire with her blaster. The shots are blocked effortlessly back at her by Maul but serve to distract Anakin.
Padme has to duck for cover from her own shots.
Tarkin gets back up and enters his ship.
Anakin, taken off guard by Padme, looks to her safety and can not defend as Maul slices off his arm and Force pushes him hard into the wall.
Maul advances on Padme, now catching her bolts in his open hand. She fires a few times and, seeing the futility, changes her target to Tarkin’ ship which is now taking off.
Padme: That’s a Republic ship!
The ship flies away into the sky.
Cut to: Ext, space, Tarkin’s ship. The transport flies through the atmosphere in a hail of fire from the ground, dodging left and right. It quickly veers off to head for the opposite side of the deflector shield. Once past, it heads into space away from the battle and jumps to hyperspace.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Hanger. Maul sneers down at Padme and pulls her gun away from her. The two Jedi try to use the Force to pull him down and defend her. The Sith turns and uses his lightning on both of them until they fall unconscious. He then turns to the entrance as if sensing something.
Around the corner walks Yoda slowly. He leans on his cane and sighs at the scene before him.
Yoda: Much potential I feel in you. Such a pity you were taken by the Dark Side.
Maul says nothing but merely raises his hands and fires his lightning. Yoda raises a hand calmly, catches it and sends it away into the air.
Maul growls and gestures sharply toward Yoda. All loose debris in the room fly at incredible speed at the tiny master. Yoda holds his hands up and the rubble stops in its flight. Maul strains in concentration but the missiles still will not move. Soon they fall to the ground around Yoda.
Yoda: *To himself* Such a pity. Such a pity. If only we had found you and the other had not.
Maul gestures to the roof and brings a huge chuck down on Yoda. When the Jedi Master holds the falling pieces up, Maul rushes, twirling both red lightsabres around him. One eyebrow raising on Yoda’s face is all the reaction that is given. When Maul reaches the little green man, his weapons are deflected away without getting close to their target.
Yoda: A true master of the Force does not need such things.
Yoda scowls and Maul begins to be pushed backwards. Soon he yells and drops his weapons, his hands in pain and the sabre handles crushed.
Maul strikes with the lightning again. Yoda catches it with one hand while still holding the rubble with his other.
As this happens Padme regains her gun. Using the distraction, she fires on Maul, a grim look in her eye, and he drops, smoking.
Yoda lowers the rubble and pulls his cane back into his hand with the Force.
Yoda: Such a pity.
Fade Out.
Cut to: Ext, space, Coruscant. Tarkin’s ship comes out of hyperspace into the traffic above Coruscant. It enters a lane and flies down toward the planet.
Cut to: Ext, evening, Coruscant. A dark building stands against the skyline. Tarkin’s ship approaches and is greeted by an opening hanger door.
Cut to: Int, evening, Building, Hanger. The Hanger is as dark and foreboding as the outside of the building. The small Republic Transport lands and Tarkin disembarks. He is approached by a Darth Sidious in a black hooded robe.
Tarkin: They have taken Geonosis and I fear Lord Maul has been destroyed. The Republic will think of it as a victory but my forces are far from weakened.
Sidious: Fear not, Admiral. Maul has served his purpose and so have your forces. The war has just begun and so has our power.
Cut to: Ext, day, Geonosis, battlefield. Yoda stands with Mace Windu on a raised platform overlooking the destruction of the battle. Below, clones in Republic armour are rounding up clones in Mandalorian armour. Troop carriers fill the sky and are landing in long rows, filling with soldiers and prisoners and taking off again.
Yoda looks sadly up at Mace and the camera pans over to see a row of shrouded Jedi bodies.
Yoda: Still more Jedi fall.
Mace: The prophecy is coming true.
Yoda: And now, no longer under our control is young Skywalker.
Cut to: Ext, day, Coruscant. Palpatine, Mas Amidda, and a few other Senators stand on a balcony overlooking a large square. Carrier ships are landing and squads of troopers are debarking and lining up in formation. Palpatine looks down on the scene with sadness.
Cut to: Int, space, Republic Command Ship. Anakin stands in a small room with Obi Wan. They are both wearing formal clothes. Each straightens the other’s collar. Anakin holds up his lightsabre to Obi Wan. We can see that he now has a mechanical hand.
Anakin: Here. Take this.
Obi Wan: You don’t have to give me your lightsabre. It’s yours.
Anakin: Take it. Keep it safe. Some day one of my kids will become a Jedi. I can feel it. Give it too them when they’re old enough.
Obi Wan: I promise.
The two men turn and the door opens to reveal a row of people. At the end is Padme in a white gown. On one side of her is R2, on the other is Prince Organa to serve as priest.
Anakin and Obi Wan walk down the isle. Anakin takes Padme’s hands in his as Obi Wan steps to the side.
Iris Out.
End Titles.
Tiny fightercraft wiz everywhere. One lets loose a missile at a much larger ship and pulls away before being caught in the explosion. It soon finds itself in the sights of three missiles of the enemy’s. It bobs and weaves through the battle but try as it might, the fighter can’t shake the missiles. They finally catch up and the ship is destroyed.
Cut to: Int, space, Republic Battleship. Yoda floats in his hover chair beside Prince Organa on the bridge of the battleship. They are watching the chaos through the main window. Suddenly the Jedi master closes his eyes as if in great pain. Organa notices.
Organa: Master Yoda?
Yoda: Terrible. Terrible disturbance, I feel in the Force. Tragedy has befallen the Order.
Yoda holds his forehead in one hand and closes his eyes.
Cut to: Int, night, Kamino, Jedi chambers. Obi Wan bolts up from his sleep as if awakened from a nightmare.
Obi Wan: The Temple!
Mace Windu and Veris Tanis are already awake.
Mace: We have felt it too. We must make contact with the Council at once.
Cut to: Ext, day, Tatooine, Lars Farm. The twin suns are high over the farm. The desert stretches out in all directions.
Cut to: Int, day, Tatooine, Lars Farm. Padme and Beru sit at the table with worried looks while R2 stands quietly in the background. They are holding each other’s hands for support. They both look up at the sound R2 twittering a warning that someone is entering. Anakin walks in with a scowl on his face, Owen follows with an even deeper one. The two have obviously been fighting the whole way back.
Beru: Thank goodness you both made it back!
The two women rise and hug their significant others.
Padme: I was so worried about you. I just had this feeling that something terrible had happened to you.
Beru notices the mood of her husband.
Beru: *Concerned.* Owen, what happened?
Owen: *Grimly.* I don’t want to talk about it.
Beru looks from her husband to the others. Owen is already starting to go the other room.
Beru: Owen?
Owen: *Firmly.* I said I don’t want to talk about it.
Everyone watches Owen leave. When he is gone, there is a moment of silence before Anakin speaks.
Anakin: *Grimly.* Not everyone is prepared for what has to be done in these situations to ensure that order is restored for good.
Cut to: Ext, night, Coruscant. A tall building stands out darkly in an industrial part of the city.
Cut to: Int, night, Coruscant, Unknown balcony. Darth Maul stands beside Darth Sidious, looking out over the billowing smoke rising around them. A hologram of Admiral Tarkin stands with them.
Maul: The Jedi Temple is empty, My Master. All we came across are dead. The Mandalorian warriors proved quite effective.
Tarkin: Couple that with those of his earlier hunts and the ones killed in the war and the Jedi threat has been all but nullified.
Sidious: Excellent. Return to Admiral Tarkin’s side, my apprentice, and await my command. Soon enough we will finish them off entirely.
Maul: Yes, My Master.
Cut to: Int, space, Jedi Transport. Obi Wan, Mace and Veris stand in front of a hologram of Yoda who is still on the Republic Battleship. The scene shifts between the two locations.
Mace: ...and now we have been unable to make any sort of contact with the remaining Council or anyone else at the Temple.
Yoda: No one there to receive the signal, I fear.
Obi Wan: You feel they are all dead, Master?
Yoda: Such news has already reached me from the capital. Believe the worst, I must.
Yoda exhales deeply.
Yoda: Blind are we, if this we could not see. The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen.
Mace: Than it is time that we also informed the Senate of our increased difficulty in foreseeing future events.
Yoda: No. Only the Dark Lord of the Sith knows of our weakness. If revealed it is, multiply our enemies will. *pause* Gather what Jedi you can and continue on to this planet Geonosis. It is there, I feel, that we will finally confront our enemy. See for myself, the production on Kamino I will, and inform the Senate of its existence.
Obi Wan: How can you be sure of things now, Master.
Yoda closes his eyes and thinks.
Yoda: Of nothing can we be sure of now, Obi Wan. On our faith in the Force, we must rely.
Yoda closes his eyes again.
Cut to: Ext, day, Coruscant, Republic Executive Building. Low Angel. A line of reflecting pools with splashing fountains flanked by statues on each side leads to the main entrance to the awesome building.
Cut to: Int, day, Coruscant, Chancellor’s Office. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine stands with Mas Amedda, Jar Jar, and a number of other supporting Senators.
Palpatine: This is a travesty indeed, my friends. A terrible blow to the Republic.
Senator: How could this have happened? How could they not see this coming?
Jar Jar: The Jedi have been one of our greatest assets. How will the Republic retain general order without their protection, much less fare in the war without their guidance?
Palpatine: Without an accurate number of how many Jedi remain, I’m afraid we will have to rely on ourselves.
Jar Jar: The debate is over than! Now we need that clone army...
Senator: Unfortunately, the debate is not over. The Senate will never approve the creation of a clone army before the Mandalorians seize this opportunity.
Amedda: This is a crisis! The Senate must vote the Chancellor emergency powers! He could then approve the use of clones.
Palpatine: But what Senator would have the courage to propose such a radical amendment?
Amedda: If only Senator Amidala were here.
Jar Jar steps forward.
Jar Jar: I would be proud to propose the motion, Your Honour.
Cut to: Int, day, Tatooine, Lars Farm. Padme and Beru sit together cleaning small pieces of equipment and talking, Anakin sits with fixing another device and Owen sits to the side listening and working on something of his own.
Beru: ... So who was your first love than?
Padme: I don't know...
Anakin: Sure you do... you just don't want to say.
Beru: *Playfully.* You should just use one of your Jedi mind tricks on her.
Owen looks up and scowls.
Anakin: They only work on the weak-minded.
Padme: All right... I was twelve. His name was Palo. We were both in the Legislative Youth Program. He was a few years older then I... very cute... dark curly hair... dreamy eyes.
Beru smiles and the description.
Anakin: All right, we get the picture.
Beru: Whatever happened to him?
Anakin: Hey! Who’s side are you on?
Padme: I went into public service. He went on to become an artist.
Anakin: Maybe he was the smart one.
Owen grunts his approval.
Padme: You really don't like politicians, do you?
Anakin: I like two or three, but I'm not really sure about one of them. *Smiling* I don't think the system works.
Padme: How would you have it work?
Anakin: We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem, agree what's in the best interests of all the people, and then do it.
Padme: That is exactly what we do. The trouble is that people don't always agree. In fact, they hardly ever do.
Anakin: Then they should be made to.
Owen: By who? Who's going to make them?
Anakin: I don't know. Someone.
Owen: You?
Anakin: Of course not me.
Owen: But someone like you.
Anakin: Someone wise.
Padme: That sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.
Anakin: Well, if it works...
Owen: So, what? You just think you can push people around now and they’ll fall into line? What’s with you?
Anakin: What’s with you?!
Owen: What’s with me? I’ll tell you. It’s this attitude you’ve come back with. That aggression I saw the other day. The casual attitude you have with violence. Just because you have these powers now doesn’t make you above everyone else. It doesn’t make everyone else’s lives any less valuable! You can’t just brush people away with that fancy sword of yours! Not even those Tuskens out there!
Anakin: Oh, I get it. I’m not the pitiful boy getting pounded that you had to look out for anymore and you can’t take it. I finally have the power to defend myself and the people who need it and I don’t need your help. You’re not the great protector anymore and it’s just eating you up inside.
Owen: You call what you did to those Tuskens ‘defending’?!
Anakin: YOU asked for MY help! I did what had to be done! You know that if any were left behind they’d just come back even stronger to take revenge!
Owen: I asked you for help so that we could drive them off and get our people back, not what happened back there!
Anakin: Wake up Owen. What happened was an inevitability. You just can’t see that because you can’t get past the fact that ‘Little Annie’ might know more about it than you.
Owen: I guess there are a lot of things you know now that I don’t want anything to do with.
Anakin: Yeah. You keep living in your tiny little world with your head in the sand, Owen. You’re just lucky there are people to protect you from the things you refuse to face.
Anakin storms out, headed for the garage. Owen storms the other way.
Beru: Owen?!
Owen: I don’t want to talk about it!
Cut to: Int, day, Tatooine, Lars Farm, Garage. Anakin enters fuming and begins fiddling with the piece of equipment still in his hand. Padme rushes in after him.
Padme: Anakin, you can’t just walk away like that. What’s going on between you two.
Anakin: He’s making me so angry!
Anakin starts to pace.
Anakin: He hates that I don’t need him to defend me anymore.
Padme: I really don’t think...
Anakin: It’s true! He thinks I’ve changed. He’s afraid of me now. I can sense it. But its just because I don’t need him. I have changed. I have the power now to ensure that I am never that boy getting pushed around ever again.
Padme: Anakin, he’s your friend. The war has you stressed and he’s worried about you.
The rage boils over in Anakin for a moment and he throws the small device in his hand with incredible strength. Close-up on the wall as it hits and shatters into pieces. A divot is left in the hard wall to mark the impact.
Anakin: I don’t need people worrying about me!
Padme: *Softly* I can’t help worrying about you. I love you.
Padme moves toward Anakin as he pants out his anger. She takes him in her arms and he begins to calm.
Padme: Whatever problems you have, know that I will always love you. We will work them out together.
The two pull each other closer and kiss deeply until jolted back into reality by a harsh voice from off screen.
Obi Wan: *O.S.* Anakin!
Anakin and Padme separate and the camera turns to see an angry Obi Wan standing in the door way.
Anakin: Master...
Obi Wan: You have been warned about this Anakin! I will not be able protect you from the Council’s judgement any longer. This is just not possible for a Jedi.
Anakin: I love Padme and I don’t care what the Order thinks or what it does! I don’t care if there is even an Order at all! Eject me if you have to but I will not hide my feelings anymore!
Obi Wan: *Somberly.* Be careful what you wish for, Anakin. You have much to hear before making a decision like that. Whatever comes of this, we need you now. There are far too few left to spare.
Padme: What do you mean?
Obi Wan: Something horrible has happened.
Owen: *O.S.* You!
They turn to see Owen marching across the compound, finger pointing.
Owen: You changed him Kenobi! You took him and you changed him!
Obi Wan: *Confused.* Owen, my friend. I’m sorry for barging in like...
Owen: Don’t call me friend, Kenobi! You took Anakin away and you poisoned him and changed him!
Owen marches up to Obi Wan as he speaks and when he reaches the Jedi he takes a swing. Obi Wan blocks the punch easily and locks Owen’s arm behind his back.
Obi Wan: What is the meaning of this? What is going on here?
Anakin: He can’t take the fact that I’ve grown up and I don’t need him.
Owen: I don’t know what happened to the Anakin I knew but if that’s how you feel, than you and your powers can go on and get off my property.
Owen finally stops struggling and Obi Wan lets him go.
Obi Wan: Owen, you don’t mean that...
Owen: And don’t come back until you’ve found some sense!
Anakin: Don’t worry. I’m never setting foot on this rock again, I promise you that.
Anakin and Owen stare each other down for a moment before Anakin leaves to gather his things. Obi Wan still isn’t sure what is going on.
Obi Wan: Anakin?!
Obi Wan looks to a scowling Owen and then to Padme.
Cut to: Ext, day, Lars Farm. The Jedi transport rests out side the farm, ready to take off. Obi Wan, Anakin, Padme and R2 walk in a fierce wind from the farm to the ship. Beru stands alone at the farm’s entrance, seeing them off. Anakin does not look back as he enters the ship. Padme turns and Beru raises a hand in farewell. When all are on board, the ramp closes and the ship lifts off.
Cut to: Int, day, Lars Farm, Courtyard. Owen looks up into the sky and watches the Jedi transport shrink away.
Cut to: Int, space, Jedi Transport, Main Area. Obi Wan, Anakin, Padme, and R2 enter to find Mace Windu and Veris Tanis.
Anakin: What’s going on.
Mace: There has been a great tragedy, Anakin. I’m surprised you have not felt it.
Anakin looks from one person to the next, concern in his eyes.
Mace: The Jedi Temple has been attacked, Anakin. Many are dead. It is unknown who, or where, the survivors are.
Anakin and Padme’s jaws drop in shock.
Mace: It is a terrible blow to us.
Padme: Wha... Who could have done this?
Anakin: Maul!
Veris: Yes. We believe it to be true.
Anakin: *Angry* Then we have to do something! This hunt for Darth Maul has gone on long enough! Why will the Force not show us where he is?! We must make it serve our will!
Obi Wan: Anakin! Calm yourself.
Mace: We believe we have discovered the location of his hidden base on the planet Geonosis. What Jedi that are available have been told to rendevous outside of sensor range of the system. We will strike in force and finally see an end to this Sith.
Cut to: Int, evening, Coruscant, Main Senate Chamber. Yoda sits on a ledge overlooking the Senate chamber. Inside the great rotunda, the uproar is loud. Opposing senators yell furiously at one another.
Amedda: Order! Order!!
Finally, the uproar dies.
Palpatine: In the regrettable absence of Senator Amidala, the chair recognizes senior representative of Naboo, Jar Jar Binks.
Amid the conflicting storm of cheers and boos, Jar Jar, with two Gungan aides, floats on his pod to the middle of the vast space. He looks at Paplatine and clears his throat.
Jar Jar: Senators. Fellow Delegates...
More cheering and booing.
Amedda: Order!
Comparative quiet. Jar Jar grips the edge of the podium.
Jar Jar: My friends, you are not a war-like people. The Republic has known peace for countless generations. You fight your battles here, on the senate floor, with words, not out in the galaxy with blasters and missiles, and you are content to let the Jedi see that justice is done to the wicked. And that is a good thing. But NOW YOU ARE AT WAR. *each word is punctuated* This is not a time for words, it is a time for action! My people are warriors! I have been to war! We can not stand here bickering amongst ourselves while our soldiers fight and die for us. We must be decisive! We must have action! The longer you talk, the more people you love will be swept away and die! Your people, all your peoples, are dying and you sit and argue about helping them! It is time for action!
The chamber is now quiet. Everyone listens to the Gungan. He pauses to look around the massive room.
Jar Jar: Now more than ever. We all know of the tragic surprise attack on the Jedi. All can see that they can no longer protect us as they once did. If justice is to be protected in the Republic we are going to have to see to it ourselves. To do that, again we need actions not words, and we need them quickly. It is my experience that quickly is something this senate is not familiar with.
Nervous laughter circles the chamber.
Jar Jar: In these dark times we need decisions to be made and not argued over. We need to all know we are following the just rule of a worthy individual and see that our part is done. I say Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is such an individual. He has led us wisely through good times and ill, with great care and self-sacrifice. He has always had the good of the people foremost on his mind.
Another pause.
Jar Jar: It is with this in my heart that I propose the Senate give immediate emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor for the remainder of our crisis.
Uproar. Jar Jar holds his ground and meets everything head on.
Brief silence, then a rolling wave of applause. Jar Jar bows with honour.
Palpatine rises.
Palpatine: It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy... I love the Republic. The power you give me I will lay down when this crisis has abated, I promise you. And as my first act with this new authority, I will create a clone army for the Republic to counter that of our enemies and spare the lives of our valiant soldiers.
Cut to: Ext, Space. A group of space ships of varying size hangs in vast blackness
Cut to: Int, Military transport ship, Meeting Room. The room is filled with Jedi, all that could be gathered at short notice, standing together listening to Mace Windu speak. Obi Wan, Anakin, and Padme stand together.
Mace: The ship we are aboard is fitted with a cloaking device. We will use it to sneak past any defences in the system and attempt to locate a command center on the surface of the planet. We will land as close as possible without being detected and from there, enter the base. Once inside, everyone is to search for the Sith and bring him, and those aiding him, to justice.
The gathered people nod and then begin to break up. Mace turns to Padme.
Mace: I’ll have to ask that you transfer back to our transport, Senator. This will be no place for you to be.
Padme: But I disagree, Master Jedi! You know full well that I am no stranger to war. I am very much capable of taking care of myself and have just as much interest in seeing this monster brought to justice as anyone else. Good or ill, I am here now and want to be of use.
Mace: The best use you can be to us, My Lady, is to be safe in our transport. I have no doubt that you are skilled but you will not be able to keep up with us.
Padme fumes, looking at Anakin for support.
Anakin: I have to agree with Master Windu. You need to stay safe on the ship.
Padme turns sharply and walks away without saying a word.
Cut to: Ext, Space, Rendevous. A military transport breaks formation and starts away from the others. As it goes it shimmers and fades from view. The rest of the ships remain, hanging silently as the camera zooms slowly in on one of them. In a window Padme watches the Jedi leave.
Cut to: Int, Transport. Padme turns to R2.
Padme: I don’t care what they say R2. I’m not letting other people fight for me while I sit and do nothing. I didn’t on Naboo and I’m not going to here. Anakin needs me. Somehow I can just feel it.
R2 gives a long resigned whistle.
Cut to: Ext, Space, Planet Geonosis. The red planet looms large on the screen.
Cut to: Int, Transport, Cockpit. Anakin stands with Mace and Obi Wan behind the pilot watching enemy defence ships drift past, unaware of them.
Anakin: Wow. Look at all this. At least we know they’ve got something going on.
Mace: The enemy is here.
Obi Wan: I hope Master Yoda can foresee this and brings enough firepower with him. Otherwise it’s going to be hard getting back out of here.
Cut to: Ext, day, Geonosis, Fly Over. The barren landscape of the planet flies past as the invisible ship rushes over. Rocky pillars stand off to one side in the distance. Up ahead, a plume of smoke rises from a deep canyon. As the ship closes in, we see that the walls of the canyon have buildings tunnelling into them. The smoke is from stacks jutting out of the cliff face.
Cut to:Ext, day, Geonosis, cliff edge. The transport decloaks and lands at the edge of the canyon. All of the Jedi rush out and begin climbing down bare-handed enmass. When they reach the first walls of the complex they begin cutting their way in with their lightsabres.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Tarkin stands around a holograph table with other Commanders. An alarm sounds.
Clone: Sir! We have intruder alerts in the complex!
Tarkin: So they have found us. Seal all security doors, activate all systems and send all men to confront them and wipe them out.
Clone: Shall I have your transport ready, Sir?
Tarkin: You give them too much credit. *Pause* Have it ready in any case.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Jedi rush through the halls defecting blaster bolts back at automated cannons and pulling them out of the walls with the Force. Suddenly, blast doors fall shut, stopping their progress, and a squad of soldiers appears behind them. They open fire.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Corridor. Obi Wan and Anakin finish off a group of clones that they have been trapped with in a sealed section of hall. A Jedi lays with the other fallen. Without a pause they head for the doors and stab their lightsabres through, starting the heavy material to glow red and melt.
Obi Wan: This is going to be slow going.
Anakin nods, a grim look on his face.
Cut to: Int, space, Shuttle. Padme and R2 are in the cockpit of a tiny shuttle pulling away from the other ships.
Padme: I don’t know how much of a defence they’re going to have in system R2, but I’m hoping that if I can jump out of hyperspace close enough to the planet, we can bypass it and land before getting shot down.
R2 whistles what sounds like a long lecture. Padme watches the translation flow down a small screen.
Padme: Yes. I know the risks of that sort of jump R2. You’re going to have to do your best and hope it’s enough. We don’t have any other choice.
R2 beeps and honks again.
Padme: I don’t have time to argue! Just do it!
R2 sighs mournfully and turns back to his input.
Cut to: Ext, Space, Shuttle. The tiny shuttle streaks off and disappears into hyperspace.
Cut to: Int, day, Comnand Centre, Corridor. Obi Wan and Anakin continue to melt the blast door. The material at its centre is now falling away and the other side can finally be seen. The Jedi stop to inspect their work only to see a dozen clones led by a man in Mandalorian armour waiting for them on the other side. They pull away from the hole in the door just in time for blaster bolts to shoot through. After a moment’s pause, a thermal detonator flies through the opening. It is caught in mid air by the Force and flung back to the other side. After the explosion the two Jedi resume their work on the door.
Cut to: Ext, Space, Geonosis. Above the planet a single shuttle pops out of hyperspace. It is immediately attacked by ground defences and spins out of control.
Cut to: Int, day, shuttle. Padme tries desperately to regain control of her ship as R2 puts out fires. The little droid is screaming at the woman.
Padme: I know! I know! You were right. I didn’t say the engines were going to come away perfect from that, only that we’d make it out alive!
R2 beeps something unflattering.
Padme: Just get it locked down. I have to get us landed. I think I have a lock on the transport’s position.
Cut to: Ext, day, Geonosis. The shuttle flies down through the atmosphere at breakneck speed, weaving this way and that, trying to avoid the turbolaser fire coming up at them. It is eventually hit and goes smoking, in a tail spin, into the Command Centre canyon.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Tarkin and his men watch the Jedi on their security system.
Clone: Sir. A lone shuttle appeared out of hyperspace right above the planet and was shot down.
Tarkin: Curious. Is this all they have for us? Alert the fleet in orbit and have planetary defences ready for a full scale attack. Send a squad to the crash site as well, to see what they’re up to.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Mace Windu and a group of Jedi fight their way through a room full of troops. Many Jedi fall to the sheer number of blaster bolts flying through the air.
Mace begins to use the Force, creating a whirlwind of debris between the Jedi and the clones. Another of the remaining Jedi joins in, pushing clones back against the far wall with the Force.
Cut to: Ext, day, shuttle crash. A squad of clones exchanges fire with Padme from the site of the shuttle crash. The ship is smoking from the side but isn’t in too bad shape considering what has happened. Padme is cut and bruised but is still fighting. Another clone goes down before she is pinned behind a piece of rubble and turns to R2
Padme: Is there anything you can do?
R2 rolls forward slightly to take a look and rolls back in front of a hail of fire. He whistles sharply.
Padme fires again, trying to keep the enemy’s heads down.
R2 rolls to the shuttle and begins tearing open a panel. After a few tries, a light on the ship flashes with power and its single blaster cannon fires, vapourizing the position of the squad attacking.
Padme looks back to see R2 roll slowly away from the shuttle, his head swivels back and forth drunkenly and his lights are dim. He has used his own power for the shot.
Padme: Good work R2! Come on! Now you’re going to have to get me inside.
Padme bolts for the entrance to the complex leaving R2 to slowly follow, muttering to himself.
Cut to: Ext, day, Command Centre, utility entrance. Padme has shot the guards at the entrance at is waving R2 to the door. He slowly rolls up and extends his input device but does not have the power to make the connection.
Padme: Come on R2. Don’t fail on me now.
R2 hoots softly and his lights go out.
Padme quickly find R2's power input and connects it to an outlet at the door. She punches a few buttons and finally, with a jolt of electricity, R2 to is up and running again. His head swivels madly and he is beeping a mile a minute. Soon the door is open and the little droid is bolting through, straight to a security terminal. He slices in a starts shutting down the security, still whistling to himself at super speed.
Padme: R2, wait up!
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Corridor. Obi Wan and Anakin come around a corner to find another closed blast door. They silently go about slicing into it with their lightsabres when suddenly the door shudders and begins to move. As the door opens we see that the other side is filled with soldiers.
Obi Wan and Anakin look at each other. Suddenly the area is filled with blaster fire.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Control Room. Tarkin and his Commanders stand watching the progress of the Jedi.
Commander: They’ve sliced into our security system and opened the blast doors!
Clone: Admiral! We have Republic ships coming out of hyperspace and heading inbound in attack formation. They are engaging.
Cut to: Ext, space, Republic Fleet. Republic ships come out of hyperspace and immediately set upon the Mandalorian defenders. Each side trades salvos as they draw closer together. Fighters are launched and soon mingled between the larger ships. Both sides take loses right away.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Hanger Bay. Obi Wan and Anakin reach a small hanger bay to find Darth Maul waiting. They stop and begin to spread out, flanking the Sith.
Obi Wan: Be mindful Anakin. Do not underestimate him.
Anakin: *Angry* You’ll pay for what you did to the others!
Anakin rushes in at the Dark Lord. Maul smiles evilly and ignites both ends of his sabre, blocking a fast series of swings from the young Jedi. Obi Wan has no choice but to follow. He comes in from the other side and soon Maul is fighting both men.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre. Padme sneaks down a hallway followed by R2. She peeks around a corner, gun ready, only to see a team of clones. They spot her and fire. She returns fire and runs back the way she came only to find she is trapped by another team. Padme raises her hands in surrender. R2 tries to whistle casually and roll away but is herded back.
Cut to: Ext, space, above Geonosis. The Republic fleet has managed to push their way through to the planet and is fending off assault from the ground defences and the remaining enemy ships. Explosions still burst all around them.
A few ships try to fire down on the planet, testing the planetary deflector shield, but the beams bounce harmlessly away.
Cut to: Int, space, Republic Command Ship. Yoda stands on the bridge watching the progress of the fleet with Prince Organa, Commander of the mission. The bridge is manned by the same clones that are manning the Mandalorian ships.
Organa: We’re not going to be able to get through that shield with these battleships still attacking us.
Yoda: Land our troops we must. The enemy command must be taken.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Control Room. Tarkin and his Commanders watch their hologram.
Clone: They’re landing forces outside the shield perimeter.
Tarkin: Send our troops to meet them. Nothing they can throw at us will get far against our men.
One Commander points to the display.
Commander: Look how many they’re landing! Where did they get those numbers!
Tarkin: It makes little difference. They will not make it here.
All eyes turn as the door opens and Padme and R2 are escorted in. Tarkin smiles.
Tarkin: Ah, Senator Amidala! So you’re the one behind all of this. A futile gesture to be sure. You’ve done nothing but send your Jedi to their deaths and it looks like your troops as well.
Padme looks at the projection hovering above them and scowls.
Cut to: Ext, day, wastelands. Drop ships release transports, tanks and walkers of all kinds. A huge force is amassing and moving out toward the Command Centre.
A small scout speeder rushes off and is followed by the camera. It flies over the barren landscape and reaches the advancing enemy line.
An equally impressive force as the Republic’s is arrayed and heading forward. The scout speeder is quickly shot down.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Hanger. Obi Wan, Anakin and Darth Maul are locked in combat. Neither has the advantage and neither side is giving up ground.
The trio breaks for a moment and everyone backs up to assess their enemy.
Maul: You’re weak. You couldn’t kill me before and even two of you can’t do it now.
Anakin screams in rage and charges. Maul laughs at the outburst and with an out-stretched hand throws Force Lightning at the Jedi. Anakin falls in his tracks. His screams are now those of pain.
Obi Wan charges to his padawan’s defence. Maul is forced to break off his attack and concentrate on defending himself.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Control Room. Tarkin stands with Padme.
Padme: Republic troops will be swarming this place in moments. You should surrender while you still can.
Tarkin: Oh, I don’t think we’ll be doing that. You’re very confident but it borders on foolish. They’ve mustered quite a force out there but it is no match for the sheer number of clone I have at my disposal.
Padme: I think you’re going to be surprised.
Tarkin ignores her.
Tarkin: You see, Senator. They’re all going to die. You are going to watch it and then you will die as well. Your Republic is falling and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
Mace: *O.S.* I think there is.
The camera swings around to see Mace standing in the doorway, lightsabre ignited. A pair of other Jedi stand behind him.
Mace: This party’s over.
The room explodes with activity. Mandalorian guards waste no time opening fire on the Jedi who rush in. The Commanders attack instantly as well. Tarkin runs to another exit to escape. R2 shocks Padme’s guard and cuts through her bindings. She grabs the gun from the fallen guard, clears a path and runs after Tarkin.
Cut to: Ext, day, battlefield. The two sides are locked in battle. Missiles fly and heavy energy bolts fill the air.
Gunships and Mandalorian fighters fill the atmospher, trading fire, bursting into flames and falling from the sky onto the troops below.
Clones from both sides battle each other in a cloud of smoke and dust.
Republic troops rush to a damaged Mandalorian tank and shoot at the survivors that emerge from it.
Cut to: Ext, day, Republic Command. Yoda stands with a General.
Yoda: Continue toward the enemy command centre. We must take it as quickly as possible. Target the shield generator and the heavy cannons.
Cut to: Ext, day, battlefield. Gunships fly overhead toward the canyon, firing at anything in front of them that moves. Many are shot down as they go.
Republic walkers advance through the field. A Mandalorian tank is crushed under foot but one of its comrades fires up at the walker, blowing a hole in it and causing it to fall.
A row of missiles is fired from a launching rack. The rack is destroyed by gunship fire. The gunship is shot down by a soldier’s rocket launcher.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Hanger. Darth Maul fights hard with Obi Wan and Anakin. Both Jedi are now determined to not give the Sith ground to use his other powers. Blows are traded back and forth with lightning speed until Maul finally catches Obi Wan in the shoulder and then the leg. Obi Wan drops to the ground holding his wounds.
The two remaining combatants do not stop for a second but continue the fight with full concentration. When Anakin finally manages to get a kick in to Maul’s mid-section, he extends a hand and pulls Obi Wan’s lightsabre to him.
Anakin now swings both sabres down at the same time, forcing Maul to block with both ends of his weapon and leave himself open. When the double blow is countered, the Sith quickly twists the handle of his sabre and the two ends split. Both opponents now fight with twin swords.
The four sabres swing up and down, back and forth and the combatants circle the room. Soon a cable is slashed and they are fighting in darkness. Only the light from their blades glows off of their faces and surroundings.
Maul: The anger is making you strong, isn’t it.
This only makes Anakin madder and he attacks with greater strength and speed. He is no match for Maul alone however and the Sith keeps him on his toes.
From the side Tarkin enters, pausing only momentarily at the sight of the battle. He then runs for the small transport with Republic markings waiting to take off. In his pain, Obi Wan concentrates enough to trip Tarkin with the Force and stop him. A second later, Padme enters.
Seeing Anakin in mortal combat, Padme yells and opens fire with her blaster. The shots are blocked effortlessly back at her by Maul but serve to distract Anakin.
Padme has to duck for cover from her own shots.
Tarkin gets back up and enters his ship.
Anakin, taken off guard by Padme, looks to her safety and can not defend as Maul slices off his arm and Force pushes him hard into the wall.
Maul advances on Padme, now catching her bolts in his open hand. She fires a few times and, seeing the futility, changes her target to Tarkin’ ship which is now taking off.
Padme: That’s a Republic ship!
The ship flies away into the sky.
Cut to: Ext, space, Tarkin’s ship. The transport flies through the atmosphere in a hail of fire from the ground, dodging left and right. It quickly veers off to head for the opposite side of the deflector shield. Once past, it heads into space away from the battle and jumps to hyperspace.
Cut to: Int, day, Command Centre, Hanger. Maul sneers down at Padme and pulls her gun away from her. The two Jedi try to use the Force to pull him down and defend her. The Sith turns and uses his lightning on both of them until they fall unconscious. He then turns to the entrance as if sensing something.
Around the corner walks Yoda slowly. He leans on his cane and sighs at the scene before him.
Yoda: Much potential I feel in you. Such a pity you were taken by the Dark Side.
Maul says nothing but merely raises his hands and fires his lightning. Yoda raises a hand calmly, catches it and sends it away into the air.
Maul growls and gestures sharply toward Yoda. All loose debris in the room fly at incredible speed at the tiny master. Yoda holds his hands up and the rubble stops in its flight. Maul strains in concentration but the missiles still will not move. Soon they fall to the ground around Yoda.
Yoda: *To himself* Such a pity. Such a pity. If only we had found you and the other had not.
Maul gestures to the roof and brings a huge chuck down on Yoda. When the Jedi Master holds the falling pieces up, Maul rushes, twirling both red lightsabres around him. One eyebrow raising on Yoda’s face is all the reaction that is given. When Maul reaches the little green man, his weapons are deflected away without getting close to their target.
Yoda: A true master of the Force does not need such things.
Yoda scowls and Maul begins to be pushed backwards. Soon he yells and drops his weapons, his hands in pain and the sabre handles crushed.
Maul strikes with the lightning again. Yoda catches it with one hand while still holding the rubble with his other.
As this happens Padme regains her gun. Using the distraction, she fires on Maul, a grim look in her eye, and he drops, smoking.
Yoda lowers the rubble and pulls his cane back into his hand with the Force.
Yoda: Such a pity.
Fade Out.
Cut to: Ext, space, Coruscant. Tarkin’s ship comes out of hyperspace into the traffic above Coruscant. It enters a lane and flies down toward the planet.
Cut to: Ext, evening, Coruscant. A dark building stands against the skyline. Tarkin’s ship approaches and is greeted by an opening hanger door.
Cut to: Int, evening, Building, Hanger. The Hanger is as dark and foreboding as the outside of the building. The small Republic Transport lands and Tarkin disembarks. He is approached by a Darth Sidious in a black hooded robe.
Tarkin: They have taken Geonosis and I fear Lord Maul has been destroyed. The Republic will think of it as a victory but my forces are far from weakened.
Sidious: Fear not, Admiral. Maul has served his purpose and so have your forces. The war has just begun and so has our power.
Cut to: Ext, day, Geonosis, battlefield. Yoda stands with Mace Windu on a raised platform overlooking the destruction of the battle. Below, clones in Republic armour are rounding up clones in Mandalorian armour. Troop carriers fill the sky and are landing in long rows, filling with soldiers and prisoners and taking off again.
Yoda looks sadly up at Mace and the camera pans over to see a row of shrouded Jedi bodies.
Yoda: Still more Jedi fall.
Mace: The prophecy is coming true.
Yoda: And now, no longer under our control is young Skywalker.
Cut to: Ext, day, Coruscant. Palpatine, Mas Amidda, and a few other Senators stand on a balcony overlooking a large square. Carrier ships are landing and squads of troopers are debarking and lining up in formation. Palpatine looks down on the scene with sadness.
Cut to: Int, space, Republic Command Ship. Anakin stands in a small room with Obi Wan. They are both wearing formal clothes. Each straightens the other’s collar. Anakin holds up his lightsabre to Obi Wan. We can see that he now has a mechanical hand.
Anakin: Here. Take this.
Obi Wan: You don’t have to give me your lightsabre. It’s yours.
Anakin: Take it. Keep it safe. Some day one of my kids will become a Jedi. I can feel it. Give it too them when they’re old enough.
Obi Wan: I promise.
The two men turn and the door opens to reveal a row of people. At the end is Padme in a white gown. On one side of her is R2, on the other is Prince Organa to serve as priest.
Anakin and Obi Wan walk down the isle. Anakin takes Padme’s hands in his as Obi Wan steps to the side.
Iris Out.
End Titles.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11948
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
- Jedi Council Member
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- Joined: 2004-03-27 04:51am
Both your AOTC and TPM rewrites were good, but I did have a few issues with both.
In the TPM story
Shmi should have stayed in the story, I didn't like Owen's change in Episode 2
Darth Maul should have died, the PT Sith are all suposed to be expendable
The Trade Federation should have stayed as the vilians, they aren't suposed to be true evil they are cowardly evil
Tarkin shouldn't have been in the story, his job is to be a Admirial in Episode 3
In the AOTC story
Douku should have been in the story
Jango should have been in the story more, he was barly mentioned
Anakin and Padme should have went to Naboo first, then to Tatoine
The Jedi slaughter waits until Episode 3
In the TPM story
Shmi should have stayed in the story, I didn't like Owen's change in Episode 2
Darth Maul should have died, the PT Sith are all suposed to be expendable
The Trade Federation should have stayed as the vilians, they aren't suposed to be true evil they are cowardly evil
Tarkin shouldn't have been in the story, his job is to be a Admirial in Episode 3
In the AOTC story
Douku should have been in the story
Jango should have been in the story more, he was barly mentioned
Anakin and Padme should have went to Naboo first, then to Tatoine
The Jedi slaughter waits until Episode 3
But then that just would have basically been the movies as released, this was a rewrite.Adamskywalker007 wrote:Both your AOTC and TPM rewrites were good, but I did have a few issues with both.
In the TPM story
Shmi should have stayed in the story, I didn't like Owen's change in Episode 2
Darth Maul should have died, the PT Sith are all suposed to be expendable
The Trade Federation should have stayed as the vilians, they aren't suposed to be true evil they are cowardly evil
Tarkin shouldn't have been in the story, his job is to be a Admirial in Episode 3
In the AOTC story
Douku should have been in the story
Jango should have been in the story more, he was barly mentioned
Anakin and Padme should have went to Naboo first, then to Tatoine
The Jedi slaughter waits until Episode 3
I wanted there to be more of a connection between Owen and Anakin to show the reason for Owen's feelings in ANH so I increased his roll. I also didn't like the way Anakin turned to the Dark Side because of his mother. The spin I put on Owen and Anakin's relationship and the change to Anakin's fall made Shmi a useless character.
In my opinion, killing Maul took away from his character greatly. He is built up in the movie and then just killed. It's such a castration. He could have been a more memorable villian by keeping him alive so I did.
In my opinion, having Palpatine's plot revolve around a trade and taxation dispute was incredibly boring, so I got rid of the Trade Federation in favor of something exciting. Pirates may be a little cliche, yes, but I thought it worked well and gave a chance to introduce Tarkin and Mandalorians.
I brought Tarkin in to show the reason why Vader gives Tarkin so much respect in ANH. In this version, Tarkin was in on it from the beginning, which makes it even more poiniant, and drives Palpatine's betrayel of the Republic home even more, when Padme, knowing who Tarkin is and what he has done, has to watch as he gets appointed Moff.
With Maul still alive as the Sith muscle and Tarkin around as the clever one, Dooku was not needed.
With Maul still around Jango was not needed except for clonage. The tie in for Boba Fett fans is more than made up for with the whole Mandalorian angle.
Going straight to Tatooine was necessary to explore Anakin's continuing fall, partially illustrated by the rift formed between him and Owen who was once his best friend. Everything on Naboo in the film was Anakin and Padme love story which didn't fit since in my version they already had a relationship. What was left in was easily transfered to Tatooine as banter between the two couples.
In this version I went with what Lucas himself once said. In the second act the characters find themselves at their lowest point. At the end of this version of Ep2: Palpatine has full control of the Senate, The Jedi Temple has been devastated, Clones are going to start policing instead of Jedi, Anakin has broken from his oldest friend, has left the order, and has started down the path to the Dark Side.
I'm glad you say you liked what I did but I'm not sure what you liked about it since you had issue with almost all but the most superficial changes except the elimination of Qui Gon and the change to Jar Jar.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 2354
- Joined: 2004-03-27 04:51am