DrakaFic: The Early Propaganda War 1938-1941

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DrakaFic: The Early Propaganda War 1938-1941

Post by Norseman »

The Draka-American Friendship Trust

History: The Draka-American Friendship Trust had a long and
chequered history, it was originally founded in 1916 in order to put a
bright face on the Domination, and of course to demonize the Central
Powers, with special emphasis on the Ottoman Empire. In this regard it was
remarkably successful, managing to portray the Dominion of Draka as a
quaint anachronism but one which America could stand shoulder to shoulder
with in the struggle ahead. Indeed memory of the Friendship Trusts
propaganda campaign was one reason that the word gained a bad name in the
United States.

In the years between the wars, post 1919, the Friendship Trust continued to
exist as an almost forgotten, and much derided, part of the Foreign
Directorate. It was unfunded, staffed by hacks and old timers, and
generally made use of only the most naïve Americans, often referred to as
useful idiots.

Post 1936 however the Domination of the Draka began to consider further
funding of the Draka-American Friendship Trust, though of course they were
not interested in being popular or even liked they considered it an useful
tool in keeping the rest of the world of their backs for a while. By 1938
when wartime preparations were well underway in both the USSR and the
Domination of the Draka, and the propaganda effort of the USSR was
beginning, the Draka-American Friendship Trust began its own large scale
propaganda trust.

Organisation: Though it was co-ordinated and funded by the Foreign
Directorate, from its embassy in Washington, the need for maintaining the
illusion of an independent agency meant that the various branch offices
were invariably managed and staffed by American recruits. Far from being a
liability this allowed the Draka one of their most efficient propaganda
operations in any country. In some special cases Friendship Trust recruits
have received citizenship, a fact that is generally used only as a special
incentive to recruit certain highly desirable agents.

From the head-quarters in Washington DC funds and materials were
distributed to branch offices in New York, Quebec, Chicago, Mexico City &
Los Angeles. The reason for a lack of a major hub in the Philippines is
unknown though small scale operations have been organised there.

Each branch office has a Board of Directors, and a series of volunteer and
hired workers helping out with the effort. In general the amount of
volunteer labour is so small that the entire effort is done by hired
agents. Each branch office has a great deal of latitude in attempting to
persuade their specific region, but they do receive general instructions,
propaganda materials, and funding from the head office.

Methods: Given the lack of grass root support many normal methods of
disseminating information would normally be denied to the trust, but clever
methods have been adopted to work around this.

Advertisement agencies are often hired to work out Public Relations
blitzes, ensuring that the propaganda is very slick and easily absorbed,
unlike the often crude agitprop of their adversaries.

The Draka-American Friendship Trust also takes advantage of their heavy
funding to buy whole page adds in newspapers, often using the infamous "red
clauses" wherein long term highly lucrative advertisement contracts become
null and void if "hostile legislation" should be passed. This of course is
often also used to threaten certain newspapers from printing overly hostile
or "unbalanced" articles. Disgracefully enough many newspapers are only too
keen to give in to this pressure.

Another favourite is the large scale use of billboard advertisements, and
of course posters which can be put up quickly and require minimal
maintenance afterwards. However in larger cities it is also often possible
to organise friendship rallies, often in combination with trade fairs,
showing off the best of the Domination while handing out pamphlets and
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Post by MKSheppard »

Hmm interesting; what does the Soviet Union do to counter this; I assume
that inviting foreign journalists such as Myers to the USSR is part of their
propaganda counter offensive?
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The propaganda war.

Post by Norseman »

MKSheppard wrote:Hmm interesting; what does the Soviet Union do to counter this; I assume
that inviting foreign journalists such as Myers to the USSR is part of their
propaganda counter offensive?
More or less yes, the Soviets aren't stupid after all, and of course it is also
possible to say the Domination are reacting to communist propaganda.
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Chapter 1 - The Truth About the Domination of the Draka

Post by Norseman »

Chapter 1 - The Truth About the Domination of the Draka (Peacetime Edition)

This is a pamphlet published first in November 1938, and kept in print with
only minor changes up to June 1940, it gives an interesting view into pre-
war pro-Drakan propaganda.

Page 1

Picture: The page is divided into two halves by a line slashing from
top right to bottom left; on the left side of the page there is an image
half of the Drakan coat of arms; on the right hand side there is an image
of the Statue of Liberty.

Text: Large bold type stating "The Truth About the Domination of the

Page 2 & 3

No Picture.


Why is it so hard to find the Truth about the Domination of the Draka?

Many people ask themselves this as they are unable to believe all the
horror stories and atrocities that they hear about in newspapers, on the
radio, or from communist agitators holding meetings in the streets.

IS it true? Can all of this be true? It sounds too horrible to be true!

Yes doesn't it? Doesn't it sound too horrible to be true? There's an old
saying "If something sounds too good to be true it usually is", and the
reverse is also true if something sounds too awful to be true it usually
isn't true at all.

Why then would all these seemingly well intentioned people lie? Well many
of them are not intentionally deceiving you, they have merely been given
false information. An example of this is the Quakers who are often the
fiercest adversaries of the Draka, but they have been deceived by false

Who spreads this information? Well there are many people who do so, there
are the Communists, there are the radical Quaker groups, there are
newspapers who earn great copy by publishing lurid accusations, and there
are greedy politicians that seek to protect their special interests by
excluding Drakan imports. Finally lurking in the shadows are the armaments

manufacturers and rich bankers that home to grow rich from an eventual new
war, and hope that perhaps they can Drag America into yet another
devastating war!

Isn't it strange how the Draka turned from "Noble Knights" allied to our
cause during the Great War, and into these horrible monsters, and all of it
almost overnight! Could it be that the Draka are not these horrible
monsters, nor knights in shining armour, but instead something in between?
A country that deserves to be judged by its own merits, rather than by the
pernicious lies spread by special interests? I think so, so in this book we
will look at the truth about the Domination.

Page 4

Picture: A horrible Dragon stretching forth claws across the world,
it looks unspeakably evil with a chain in one hand and skulls for pupils.
It is covered with the legend "Drakan Expansion!" as the Dragon reaches
towards Europe. The word "NONSENSE" is written over the image in bold red

Text: Do you honestly think that the Draka wish to expand their
political system into the heartland of Europe itself? The idea that they
would bring serfdom, the stake and the whip to the heartland of Europe is
rightly ridiculed! When I saw this picture I wrote nonsense over it in red,
and I keep it framed in my office, so now you can see it like I do!

The Domination of the Draka is not a threat or an enemy to America OR
Europe, it is a continental power without any interest in expansion.
Remember it is twenty years since its borders shifted, and even then it was
in response to a Greek invasion! Ah yes, another fact that people like to
forget, the Greeks struck first, not the other way around!

Page 5

Picture: A beautiful Orthodox Cathedral with group of Orthodox
priests and some men in suits standing in front of it. High above in the
background a modern looking airship can be spotted.

Text: Some of their lies are truly outrageous, like the rumour that
the Draka burn down Churches and Cathedrals wherever they go! On the
contrary churches like this, and any ancient building, is carefully
maintained and protected by the Draka who are great lovers of art and

This is the Church of St John the Apostle, supposedly looted and burned to
the ground by the Draka, yet here it is as you can see, still in one piece.
This is the Church where St John the Apostle was buried, yet as you can see
from this recent picture it is in one piece, and yet the Greeks
still claim it is ruined, they must think we are all fools!

Page 6

Picture: Interior scene of the Cathedral, series of magnificent
icons and vestments are seen, all looking very expensive and gilded. The
Church is filled with people standing and attending prayer services, the
priest looks very serene and so does the congregation.

Text: Here it is, the wrecked and looted Church, from which the
priests were dragged into slavery, and which was since left desolate and
untouched! Oh what a story of utter tragedy and evil! Indeed if this story
had anything to do with reality it would have been evil!

Take a good look at this congregation, and this Church, it doesn't seem
ruined or desolate to me. Indeed the Draka never force people to abandon
their faith, allowing all to worship as they see fit, unlike certain other

Page 7

Picture: Interior of a Orthodox Church, there is a group of
Communist soldiers beating up a priest and smashing icons.

Text: The adversaries of the Draka go on about violated sanctuaries,
persecuted priests, murdered children and tortured women in order to
prejudice the world against the Domination and to arouse the impression
that the world must be defended against "the barbarians who are threatening
human culture."

Who is it that is most guilty of all of these crimes? Me thinks these
Communists protest far too much! They accuse the Draka of all the crimes
that they themselves are most guilty of! This is a common technique,
shamefully they realise what they have done, and attempt to distract the
world by accusing someone else of their crimes!

Page 8

Picture: Pictures of a field covered in bodies, many of them young
or women, wearing Armenian style dress.

Text: A field filled with slaughtered civilians, surely you say this
was done by the "wicked" Draka! Oh no, this image was distributed by
Tsarist Russia, and the accuracy of what it depicts was testified to by a
deputation of American and other neutral witnesses. We are here looking at
a place where the Ottoman Turk massacred several thousand Armenian
civilians, the slaughter that was ended by the Draka!

Say what you will about the Draka, but unlike the Turk, whom so many people
now cry for, they never slaughter subjects!

Page 9

Picture: An ornate and very official looking document with many
signatures, it is not really readable in the pamphlet but a few words can
be made out.

Text: This is the signed declaration of the people that investigated
the sites of the massacres, stating that the massacres were perpetrated by
the Turks against the Armenian population. If you want a copy of this
document it can be found in the Library of Congress, and despite this some
people would blame the Draka for this! Remember the Draka never execute
people for their ethnicity or faith!

Page 10

Picture: Photograph of glum and hungry looking men and women in
patched dirty clothes working the poor arid soil. They look middle-eastern,
and their clothes are in the same style, their tools are very old fashioned
and they have but a single donkey to help them.

Text: What is this? Poor struggling Arab serfs working under the
whip of a harsh taskmaster? Alas no, for those who would criticize the
Domination, this is how it looked before the Draka came to the Middle-East.
This is not an exaggeration, and you can have it confirmed by any reputable
source of the era, the people were poor and miserable, subject to countless
diseases brought about by bad hygiene and malnourisment.

Page 11

Picture: Photograph of men and women hard at work in the field, they
appear well fed and reasonably happy. Their tools are much more modern,
still animal powered but definitely belonging to the early 20th Century,
and everyone has proper clothing even if it is nearly identical. The crops
also look much better than in the previous picture, the crops here seem
bountiful and large.

Text: Here is the area after twenty years of Drakan rule! Look at
how much healthier the people look, how much better their tools are, and
how much better the crops appear!

Now you are probably thinking that this is a glossy image, but even their
enemies must admit that the Draka have improved the standard of living for
the people in the region. No more are they worried about famine, no more do
they get pellagra or rickets, if they are sick there are doctors. Drakan
agricultural techniques and infra-structure investments means that the
output of the land has improved five fold, allowing everyone to eat, and
paying for yet further improvements!

Page 12

Picture: A map over the border between the USSR and the Domination,
with several areas marked with stars.

Text: No doubt you've heard of the border skirmishes between the
Draka and the Soviet Union in the mid thirties, yet who was truly
responsible for these skirmishes?

Page 13

Picture: A heavy set man with a white beard and white hair, he is
standing at a podium marked with the insignia of the Soviet Union, and
pointing his index finger as if making a point. Clearly he is quite excited
about something, and it looks like he is barking out orders.

Text: This is Ivan Krasnov, lets see what he has to say.

"In truth they must be utterly destroyed, we must strike first, and strike
without mercy!"

"How can we sustain ourselves in the struggle against the Draka unless we
can match them, and even surpass them in cruelty!"

"If there must be destruction then I say let us have destruction! Let the
flames of destruction lick higher and higher, and let them consume the
whole of the Earth! But first let them consume the Draka!"

"I know this, they are evil, and we must strike them dead before they can
strike us."

There, such a conciliatory tone don't you think? How can any nation
possibly have peace with a man such as this? Ever hear anyone echo his
sentiments? Even people that should know better? Well next time tell them
that this is commie talk, literally!

Page 14

Picture: Elaborate map of the world, in Europe the countires Poland,
Romania and the Baltic states are lit up especially, and the legend
"Cordone Sanitaire" across them. In addition the border between the USSR
and the Domination of the Draka, and the USSR and Japanese controlled
areas, are marked in bold.

Text: There it is, the "Cordone Sanitaire", the European bulwark
against Socialism, and to the South there is the Draka, and to the East
there is the Japanese. Three Greats holding the Communist Beast back. Isn't
it strange that it is always the Communists that are most belligerent about
the Draka?

The answer is of course that they hope to trick the rest of the world into
joining with a confrontation against the Draka!

Page 15

Picture: The picture is split into four parts, but all of them
depict burned out devastated areas and/or corpses scattered on the ground.

Text: Here are scenes from Hungary, and Spain, and Germany, and
Poland, but what do they all have in common? They have this in common,
these are all places where the communists launched campaigns of aggression,
and in all cases they brought suffering and death! The communists have
never stopped their unrelenting program of aggression, yet they have the
audacity to accuse the Domination of the Draka of being expansionist! It is
fifteen years since the last time the Domination of the Draka expanded, it
is not yet fifteen months since the last time the Soviet Union tried to

Page 16

Picture: The enormous tunnel and dam project linking the Dead Sea
with the Mediterranean Sea, both a picture of the terminus to the Dead Sea,
and a smaller overall. The picture shows a pleased engineer point out
excitedly as the water is smashing down.

Text: The Draka are builders, builders of grand epic projects on a
scale that few nations can even comprehend, here we see the constructive
forces of man used to harness the potential of nature.

Page 17

Picture: The Hoover damn being constructed, and the engineers
excitedly pointing out various aspects of the dam.

Text: We Americans are also builders, we dream great dreams and
achieve great things. Who cannot admire the grandeur of the Hoover Dam, or
of the Great Dead Sea dam? There is a majesty in such construction that
must be admired.

Page 18

Picture: Replica of a magnificent painting of wagon trains crossing
the African savannah, very reminiscent of pictures of settlers in America.
Riding along side them are men on horseback, carrying the Ferguson rifle,
the Gun That Broke the Tribes.

No Text

Page 19

No Picture

Text: The commandment "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness" is never
as eagerly violated, even by those who profess to be Christian, as when the
subject is the Domination of the Draka. I hope that this little Pamphlet
has resolved some misunderstandings, and shown you the problems involved
with many statements made about the Draka.

Certainly one may disagree with the Draka on many subjects, but they are a
fact of life that we must deal with, and the way to deal with it is by
being forthright and honest! Not by telling tales! Surely we can live
together with them, and with time come to a mutually beneficial
understanding, if only we apply our good will. There is too much at stake
to allow communists or greedy businessmen to decide the outcome of these

Page 20

This page contains contact information for the Drakan-American Friendship
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Chapter 2 - The Truth About the Domination of the Draka

Post by Norseman »

Chapter 2 - The Truth About the Domination of the Draka (Wartime Edition)

This is a pamphlet published first in late July 1940, and kept in print
with only minor changes up to September 1941.

Page 1

Picture: The page is divided into two halves by a line slashing from
top right to bottom left; on the left side of the page there is an image
half of the Drakan coat of arms; on the right hand side there is an image
of the Statue of Liberty.

Text: Large bold type stating "The Truth About the Domination of the

Page 2 & 3

No Picture.


Why is it so hard to find the Truth about the Domination of the Draka?

Many people ask themselves this as they are unable to believe all the
horror stories and atrocities that they hear about in newspapers, on the
radio, or from communist agitators holding meetings in the streets.

IS it true? Can all of this be true? It sounds too horrible to be true!

Yes doesn't it? Doesn't it sound too horrible to be true? There's an old
saying "If something sounds too good to be true it usually is", and the
reverse is also true if something sounds too awful to be true it usually
isn't true at all.

Why then would all these seemingly well intentioned people lie? Well many
of them are not intentionally deceiving you, they have merely been given
false information. An example of this is the Quakers who are often the
fiercest adversaries of the Draka, but they have been deceived by false

Who spreads this information? Well there are many people who do so, there
are the Communists, there are the radical Quaker groups, there are
newspapers who earn great copy by publishing lurid accusations, and there
are greedy politicians that seek to protect their special interests by
excluding Drakan imports. Finally lurking in the shadows are the armaments
manufacturers and rich bankers that home to grow rich from an eventual new
war, and hope that perhaps they can Drag America into yet another
devastating war!

Isn't it strange how the Draka turned from "Noble Knights" allied to our
cause during the Great War, and into these horrible monsters, and all of it
almost overnight! Could it be that the Draka are not these horrible
monsters, nor knights in shining armour, but instead something in between?
A country that deserves to be judged by its own merits, rather than by the
pernicious lies spread by special interests? I think so, so in this book we
will look at the truth about the Domination.

[Ed note: Pages four and five would be side by side to give a

Page 4

Picture: A drawing of the Stereotypical Horrible Hun with a burning
village in the background, he has impaled a baby on his bayonet, and is
laughing uproariously of a crying mother.

Text: Remember this drawing? Remember the Black Propaganda of the
Great War? How the Germans were portrayed as the utmost evil in order to
persuade America that war was required. Yet when the areas conquered were
liberated all of this propaganda was found to be false, we all remember
that, we all remember the disillusionment that this knowledge brought.

Page 5

Picture: A ridiculously exaggerated Draka, looking evilly at the
serfs labouring around him, while he sits down and relaxes on a pile of
skulls. The drawing is so exaggerated that it is almost comical.

Text: The propaganda of the past era is used today but against a
different group this time, but it is by the same armaments merchants,
bankers, and misguided idealists that brought us into the Great War. Once
more they need to build up an enemy, an enemy that must be portrayed as the
utmost evil, but this time we shall not be duped!

Do not be tricked by bankers or armaments merchants, who only think of
their own profit! OR by the godless Communists that wish to destroy all
that you love. Remember they honestly think that ludicrous stuff like this
will deceive you!

Page 6

Picture: A horrible Dragon stretching forth claws across the world,
it looks unspeakably evil with a chain in one hand and skulls for pupils.
It is covered with the legend "Drakan Expansion!" as the Dragon reaches
towards Europe. The word "NONSENSE" is written over the image in bold red

Text: Do you honestly think that the Draka wish to expand their
political system into the heartland of Europe itself? The idea that they
would bring serfdom, the stake and the whip to the heartland of Europe is
rightly ridiculed! When I saw this picture I wrote nonsense over it in red,
and I keep it framed in my office, so now you can see it like I do!

The Domination of the Draka is not a threat or an enemy to America OR
Europe, it is a continental power without any interest in expansion.
Remember it is twenty years since its borders shifted, and even then it was
in response to a Greek invasion! Ah yes, another fact that people like to
forget, the Greeks struck first, not the other way around!

Page 7

Picture: A beautiful Orthodox Cathedral with group of Orthodox
priests and some men in suits standing in front of it. High above in the
background a modern looking airship can be spotted.

Text: Some of their lies are truly outrageous, like the rumour that
the Draka burn down Churches and Cathedrals wherever they go! On the
contrary churches like this, and any ancient building, is carefully
maintained and protected by the Draka who are great lovers of art and

This is the Church of St John the Apostle, supposedly looted and burned to
the ground by the Draka, yet here it is as you can see, still in one piece.
This is the Church where St John the Apostle was buried, yet as you can see
from this recent picture it is in one piece, and yet the Greeks
still claim it is ruined, they must think we are all fools!

Page 8

Picture: Interior scene of the Cathedral, series of magnificent
icons and vestments are seen, all looking very expensive and gilded. The
Church is filled with people standing and attending prayer services, the
priest looks very serene and so does the congregation.

Text: Here it is, the wrecked and looted Church, from which the
priests were dragged into slavery, and which was since left desolate and
untouched! Oh what a story of utter tragedy and evil! Indeed if this story
had anything to do with reality it would have been evil!

Take a good look at this congregation, and this Church, it doesn't seem
ruined or desolate to me. Indeed the Draka never force people to abandon
their faith, allowing all to worship as they see fit, unlike certain other

Page 9

Picture: Interior of a Orthodox Church, there is a group of
Communist soldiers beating up a priest and smashing icons.

Text: The adversaries of the Draka go on about violated sanctuaries,
persecuted priests, murdered children and tortured women in order to
prejudice the world against the Domination and to arouse the impression
that the world must be defended against "the barbarians who are threatening
human culture."

Who is it that is most guilty of all of these crimes? Me thinks these
Communists protest far too much! They accuse the Draka of all the crimes
that they themselves are most guilty of! This is a common technique,
shamefully they realise what they have done, and attempt to distract the
world by accusing someone else of their crimes!

Page 10

Picture: Pictures of a field covered in bodies, many of them young
or women, wearing Armenian style dress.

Text: A field filled with slaughtered civilians, surely you say this
was done by the "wicked" Draka! Oh no, this image was distributed by
Tsarist Russia, and the accuracy of what it depicts was testified to by a
deputation of American and other neutral witnesses. We are here looking at
a place where the Ottoman Turk massacred several thousand Armenian
civilians, the slaughter that was ended by the Draka!

Say what you will about the Draka, but unlike the Turk, whom so many people
now cry for, they never slaughter subjects!

Page 11

Picture: An ornate and very official looking document with many
signatures, it is not really readable in the pamphlet but a few words can
be made out.

Text: This is the signed declaration of the people that investigated
the sites of the massacres, stating that the massacres were perpetrated by
the Turks against the Armenian population. If you want a copy of this
document it can be found in the Library of Congress, and despite this some
people would blame the Draka for this! Remember the Draka never execute
people for their ethnicity or faith!

Page 12

Picture: Photograph of glum and hungry looking men and women in
patched dirty clothes working the poor arid soil. They look middle-eastern,
and their clothes are in the same style, their tools are very old fashioned
and they have but a single donkey to help them.

Text: What is this? Poor struggling Arab serfs working under the
whip of a harsh taskmaster? Alas no, for those who would criticize the
Domination, this is how it looked before the Draka came to the Middle-East.
This is not an exaggeration, and you can have it confirmed by any reputable
source of the era, the people were poor and miserable, subject to countless
diseases brought about by bad hygiene and malnourisment.

Page 13

Picture: Photograph of men and women hard at work in the field, they
appear well fed and reasonably happy. Their tools are much more modern,
still animal powered but definitely belonging to the early 20th Century,
and everyone has proper clothing even if it is nearly identical. The crops
also look much better than in the previous picture, the crops here seem
bountiful and large.

Text: Here is the area after twenty years of Drakan rule! Look at
how much healthier the people look, how much better their tools are, and
how much better the crops appear!

Now you are probably thinking that this is a glossy image, but even their
enemies must admit that the Draka have improved the standard of living for
the people in the region. No more are they worried about famine, no more do
they get pellagra or rickets, if they are sick there are doctors. Drakan
agricultural techniques and infra-structure investments means that the
output of the land has improved five fold, allowing everyone to eat, and
paying for yet further improvements!

Page 14

Picture: A map over the border between the USSR and the Domination,
with several areas marked with stars.

Text: No doubt you've heard of the border skirmishes between the
Draka and the Soviet Union in the mid thirties, yet who was truly
responsible for these skirmishes?

Page 15

Picture: A heavy set man with a white beard and white hair, he is
standing at a podium marked with the insignia of the Soviet Union, and
pointing his index finger as if making a point. Clearly he is quite excited
about something, and it looks like he is barking out orders.

Text: This is Ivan Krasnov, lets see what he has to say.

"In truth they must be utterly destroyed, we must strike first, and strike
without mercy!"

"How can we sustain ourselves in the struggle against the Draka unless we
can match them, and even surpass them in cruelty!"

"If there must be destruction then I say let us have destruction! Let the
flames of destruction lick higher and higher, and let them consume the
whole of the Earth! But first let them consume the Draka!"

"I know this, they are evil, and we must strike them dead before they can
strike us."

There, such a conciliatory tone don't you think? How can any nation
possibly have peace with a man such as this? Ever hear anyone echo his
sentiments? Even people that should know better? Well next time tell them
that this is commie talk, literally!

At least he put his money where his mouth is, he really DID strike first!
Then and now!

Page 16

Picture: Large pile of bodies, many of them skeletons, some of them
fresher, all spread out and being investigated by men in white coats.

Text: The splendours of communism, this is one of the sights that
greeted the Draka as they lanced the boil that is the USSR. As the Drakan
armies were advancing into the Caucasus they came upon a peculiar railway
track that seemed to go nowhere, being rather puzzled by such a waste they
investigated. There in an isolated gully they found this...

At least twelve thousand bodies were dropped into this gully, they were
lined up against the edge and machine-gunned, and made to drop into the
gully. Twelve thousand people in one site, and this is but one of the many
such places the Draka have found.

Page 17

Picture: Picture of surrendered Russians sitting in a village
opening eating and drinking. The area looks quite rustic and primitive.

Text: For these former Soviet subjects the terrors of communism is
over, and their lives will soon be much improved, much like the lives of
the Arabs and Turks has been! The benefits of modern life, and a firm
guiding hand leading them into the future.

Page 18

Picture: It is a big assembly and a stereotypical big fat
capitalist, complete with a suit and a top hat, is swinging a stick at a
piñata in the form of a Drakan dragon. Surrounding him are various other
people in decent clothing.

Text: This really goes without explaining, but this works on so many
levels. First we have the rich arms merchants and bankers having a happy
get together while talking of how to start another war, and then, why
figuring out the next enemy. There they are, swinging around a stick hoping
if they can hit something they might get the goodies they crave.

Page 19

Picture: A picture of an America First Rally, where Lindbergh is
giving an impassioned speech to the cheering audience.

Text:They hate America First, because America First exposes their
lies and crimes

They hate America First because it protects the honest hard working
American from exploitation!

Oh wouldn't they just love to see the American people and the American
worker sacrificed on the altar of profit! Yet it shows the weakness of the
plutocrats that all they can do is hit at a piñata.

America First is a true voice for the American people! Don't let these
bankers and armaments merchants trick you again!

Page 20

This page contains contact information for the Drakan-American Friendship
Trust & America First.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Maybe I'm a bit dense, but I don't see differences between the two.

Sorry. It seems pretty good.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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Imperial Overlord
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

I like it. Good work. Ahh, the Draka. Without the writer giving them character shields to create the "worst of all possible worlds" I wouldn't have enjoyed The Chosen so much.
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Post by Symmetry »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Maybe I'm a bit dense, but I don't see differences between the two.

Sorry. It seems pretty good.
There's some added material, mostly near the end.
SDN Rangers: Gunnery Officer

They may have claymores and Dragons, but we have Bolos and Ogres.
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