The Twilight War

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Post by Crown »

Ghost Rider wrote:That was some great interplay with Kirk and Mon Mothma. I do enjoy also that you gave Kirk a lot of teeth in the matter.

All in all I enjoyed the chapter, but it was a tad Kirk heavy and the part of Padme and Dehner was a short even as a counter balance.

Still all in all it does demonstrate where each of the players stand and what they are facing.
I generally can't read anything that has too many ST heavy characters, and I wonder what merti Kirk's threat had, I daresay none ...
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Crown wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:That was some great interplay with Kirk and Mon Mothma. I do enjoy also that you gave Kirk a lot of teeth in the matter.

All in all I enjoyed the chapter, but it was a tad Kirk heavy and the part of Padme and Dehner was a short even as a counter balance.

Still all in all it does demonstrate where each of the players stand and what they are facing.
I generally can't read anything that has too many ST heavy characters, and I wonder what merti Kirk's threat had, I daresay none ...
If we give the true tech differences, absolutely none...might as well say a spear going against a modern military base.

I have to see how far the gauge Stravo wants to give the Federation. He could mean it as a large stab into the Republic's heart all the way to knocking over a few windows.

For some dramtics, I liked it that it at least gave a resounding difference between that era and Picard's era.

I just wished he had more interplay between Dehner and Padme. For me I liked how he gave between Kirk and Mothma.

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Post by Comosicus »

So that's the reason Starcrossed is still on the waiting list. Well, this will go just fine ... after all it's better than nothing :wink:

Now to read the chapter...
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Very nice. Deeply ironic Mon Mothma is a palpy supporter. Was that an EU concpet or did you make it up?
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Post by Stravo »

Crazedwraith wrote:Very nice. Deeply ironic Mon Mothma is a palpy supporter. Was that an EU concpet or did you make it up?
That's me. I thought it would give her character alot more depth and weight particularly later on when you look at her in ROTJ that deep expression could be remorse for her part in making all of this happen. Besides no one fights harder than the person who has been duped and sees the true face of evil.

The Dehner scene being cut short is an unfortunate part for me. I was running into the chapter getting kind of long and I also intedned to have her scene cut short to emphasize just how marginalized the peace faction was becoming as the war drums beat more furiously.

Kirk's threat is basically an empty one. At most he might be able to take out the Jedi temple and that's a best case scenario. Realistically the Coruscant air defense network would probably vape the Enterprise during her descent. The Omega protocols show just how realistic the Federation took things during the TOS era. They knew they might run into an alien species they couldn't handle and so the starship, crew and captain became expendable in order to make a point and try to dissuade further aggresison.

What the Federation hopes would happen is that losing a vital facility on Coruscant might give them pause long enough for the Federation to figure out a way to collapse the worm hole. But like it or not for Kirk's side they pretty much would be the Republic's bitch should they turn on them.
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Post by Comosicus »

I must admit you have met your objective, Stravo. This chapter had built up the tension and I await the next one to see how the plot goes on.

As a personal question ... do you intend to keep this story at a lower rithm untill the release of Episode 3? I mean, as you said at the beginning of this story, it is about the fall of Anakin. And as far as I can say after reading your fanfics, you do like to pay the tribute to the official and canon inspiration sources.
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Post by Stravo »

Comosicus wrote: As a personal question ... do you intend to keep this story at a lower rithm untill the release of Episode 3? I mean, as you said at the beginning of this story, it is about the fall of Anakin. And as far as I can say after reading your fanfics, you do like to pay the tribute to the official and canon inspiration sources.
The fall of Anakin won't happen until much further down the road, basically one of teh climaxes of this story so considering how long this has been kicking aorund and how much I have yet to get to - most importantly the war itself - it's a safe bet that we will be seeing lots of Ep III homages in this story.
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Post by Xon »

Stravo wrote:
Kirk's threat is basically an empty one. At most he might be able to take out the Jedi temple and that's a best case scenario. Realistically the Coruscant air defense network would probably vape the Enterprise during her descent. The Omega protocols show just how realistic the Federation took things during the TOS era. They knew they might run into an alien species they couldn't handle and so the starship, crew and captain became expendable in order to make a point and try to dissuade further aggresison.
About all they could do is todo a suicidal use of their warp drive into the targetted building. The ship probably wouldnt last long going though atmosphere at warp, but covering a few thousand km at above c makes up for that. Even Starwars weapons couldnt track and engage in the ~0.11 second flighttime(assuming the Enterprise is in geosynchronous orbit & traveling at 'c') it would take the Enterprise to hit the target.

The biggest delay would be actually starting the warp drives.

But it would be an empty threat, at most it might kill a single biulding which Palpatine wanted to kill the people inside. Best thing todo would take out Palpatine. Then the whole civil war would fall apart. Either way the Federation would ve screwed afterwards.
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Post by Stravo »

ggs wrote: But it would be an empty threat, at most it might kill a single biulding which Palpatine wanted to kill the people inside. Best thing todo would take out Palpatine. Then the whole civil war would fall apart. Either way the Federation would ve screwed afterwards.
Taking out Palpatine would be a bad move on their part. They would be eliminating the very leadership they could try and negotiate with afterwards. The goal of the protocols is not to stop the civil war but to save the Federation from getting conquered by the Republic. Maybe by taking out the Jedi temple they can get Palpatine to think twice about invading, delay him long enough to try and collapse the only route to the Federation. As far as they know he's just another politician and not the Sith lord he is.
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Post by Prozac the Robert »

I doubt you'll change your plans because of this, but I'd just like to point out that I'd prefer more of this than more of your other fics. Although I would also like more starcrossed. :D

I guess you just have to ignore us when we try to demand things.
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Post by paladin3030 »

Well better late then never. :lol:

So when do we find out who hit Fed council? :wink:
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

Where's the next chapter? I've got to have a reason to keep coming to dammit!
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Post by Stravo »

After a lengthy break please enjoy the new chapter.

Chapter 21: Tragedy of Consequences

“The worst is not so long as we can say “this is the worst.”
King Lear Act 4, scene i

The blasts tore through the monorail overhead finally wrenching the last metal pins holding the frame up on the ceiling. It began to collapse with an awful shriek of tearing metal drowning out the far more disturbing screams of people on board the speeding monorail.

Starfleet security personnel were scattered throughout the mall in a running firefight with several assailants. They were firing exotic weapons that tore gaping holes into the pristine marble floors and walls. Many times the near hits sent several security personnel tumbling to the ground as the shockwave passed over them.

“We need back up. Repeat backup!” Lieutenant Commander Dash Rand shouted into his helmet mike. A smoking ruin that was once a marble column was all that remained of his cover for the moment. Thankfully the attackers were more intent on running away than making a stand up fight.

“State the nature of your security emergency.” The calm female responded.

“Damnit we are under heavy attack and need reinforcements. Request a heavy weapons platoon immediately.”

“Scans indicate heavy damage to your sector. Rerouting security personnel to your position. Please be advised that all special weapons divisions are currently engaged in priority mission.”

“Priority mission?!” Dash spat and managed to snake his torso around the smoking column and fire a steady burst from his phaser up at the retreating intruders. They moved with precision and speed. These were not Maquis or Dominion sympathizers, These were obviously military personnel. Perhaps Jem’Hedar or Cardassian agents. The weapons were more troubling to him.

They were powerful and deadly. One third of his men were down or dead in five minutes of fighting and they had only been able to take one down of the attackers so far.

The worst part of this whole mess was that these bastards were cutting a bloody swath through civilians without any hesitation. They had popped in and started this massacre, destroying the tram line going through the mall at the height of rush hour and now engaging targets at will.

He had not seen anything like this in his life. The sheer destructiveness and cold blooded intent of the attacks was stunning. But it also inspired him to drive harder to stop them as soon as possible.

“Watch the left flank. Ramirez, take the right, secure that turbolift!”

“On it boss!”

“Say again control, say again.” Dash shouted into his mike. He knew he didn’t have to, the security line was able to discern combat noise from his speaking voice allowing it to come through crystal clear on the other side but in the heat of battle the niceties of their communications gear was quickly forgotten.

“There are assaults currently underway in nineteen facilities across the planet. Heavy weapons platoons have been dispatched to defend the presidential suites and Starfleet command.”

“My god.” He gasped.

“What’s going on?” Brenda McGee asked as she slid in beside him. Her crimson hair was matted down with sweat as she glanced over the smoldering marble and watched one of the assailants go to one knee and begin firing volley after devastating volley back down into the mall.

“This isn’t some isolated attack. The computer’s tracking nineteen other attacks across the planet including the president’s residence and Starfleet command.”

Brenda’s eyes narrowed and her jaw dropped.

“This is not good.” She gasped.

“You humans always have a gift for understatement.” Dash replied with a grin.

She was about to retort when her eyes widened and she grabbed Dash shoving him down to the floor. “Keep your antennae down blue boy we’ve got incoming!” Brenda exclaimed.

Blaster bolts exploded down on their position.

Dash and Brenda scrambled away from the attack, Dash pausing long enough to fire two quick bursts over his shoulder before they managed to scramble behind a fallen chunk of railing.

“What the hell is that?!” Brenda asked as the assailant got back up, slipped a small round metal disk from his belt and slid it along the floor towards the security detail.

“Bomb!” One of the security guards exclaimed.

“Warning incoming transport beam is being scrambled, initiating emergency recall.” The computer buzzed in Dash’s ear.

“That’s no bomb that’s a transport scrambler. Quick take it out!”

The small silver disk continued sliding along the marble floor, a steady beeping green light flashed in the center of the disk. Several of his men began firing on it as the disc slid by and he heard the humming of transport beams materializing behind them.

“Damn.” Dash hissed.

The transports beams suddenly warbled and distorted wildly. Dash desperately hoped that the beams would vanish, that the computer could complete the emergency recall before the damage was irrevocable.

The beams vanished in several seconds. He could see the afterimage of several figures writhing in pain and anguish still pulsing softly in the air after the beams disappeared.

“There’s no time to wonder boss. We’ve got to get them.” Brenda urged grabbing Dash by the shoulders.

Dash nodded after a moment of hesitation.

“Let’s go!”

The security squad surged forward in pursuit of their mysterious quarry. Terrified citizens had cleared out of the way in desperate flight.

“Computer I need tracking.” Dash huffed into his mike.

“Three threats are heading directly east south east. One threat has turned back 78 degrees and is assuming hostile position.”

“Roger that.” Dash stopped suddenly and held up a fist. “We’ve got a rearguard. Let’s flank him quickly and not let the rest of those bastards get away.” Dash shouted to the others. They grunted their acknowledgement. The lone figure remaining behind crouched down and began laying down a murderous fusillade of fire at the rapidly closing security team.

“Central, transport inhibitors are in place. Request immediate backup by airlift.” Dash requested as he ducked behind a statue and reached up on his body armor and pulled a small cylinder dangling from a clip.

He twisted the top of the cylinder and was rewarded by a sharply increasing whine.

“Air units are en route with an ETA of 3 minutes.”

“Acknowledged Central. Please advise on status of retreating hostiles.” Dash paused as he peeked out around the statue and caught sight of his target. He grunted with effort as he let the grenade fly.

It skittered to a halt by the attacker and the sharp whine suddenly exploded into a high pitched squeal. The attacker screamed and cupped his ears desperately trying to shield himself from the sonic attack.

The security team burst out from behind their cover and rushed the stricken attacker. Brenda stunned him with a precise burst from her phaser. Another security team member instantly knelt by the attacker and checked him. He looked up at the Dash and nodded.

“He’s human.” Brenda noted. The fallen foe had stern dark features and short hair in a military style cut.

“Would it make you feel better if he were Vulcan?” Horsk, a Tellarite, snorted grimly.

“It would be illogical for a Vulcan to engage in terrorist activities such as this.” S’ton replied stonily.

“We humans have the corner on illogic then?” Brenda snapped.

Dash held up a hand.

“We have one hostile down. Let’s cut off the retreat of the others.” He said sternly. He paused and his antennae curled towards his helmet, the Andorian equivalent to placing a hand to his ear to listen better. “Central please seal all exit and entry points to this facility, security clearance Gemini Tau 3467.”

“Acknowledged. All entrances and exits sealed with security fields. Reinforcements arrival estimated in two minutes.”

“Alright, Jones you stay with our prisoner. Don’t hesitate to stun him again if he so much as twitches. Horsk, I want you up in the rafters, we’ll need some over watch support.”

The Tellarite nodded curtly and rushed up to one of the turbolifts.

“The rest of you follow me, loose two man formation and let’s finish this before anyone else gets hurt.”

“Yes sir.”

The security squad rushed forward to catch up with the rest of the attackers. Dash’s mind raced as he did so. Who were these terrorists and what did they have to gain here? The attacks going on across the planet was even more troubling. If this was indeed a coordinated assault how many more could they expect and to what purpose. If these were Klingons, Romulans, Jem’Hedar or even Breen he would have some idea as to the grievance or goal but now he was disturbed by the senseless violence being committed by humans against Earth.

“It’s crap you know. I wasn’t trying to imply—”

“Keep your mind on the job.” Dash snapped.

Brenda frowned.

“Yes sir.” She replied coolly as they approached a large open area that was wreathed un shadows from a massive hanging garden that was supported by a series of intricate fingerlike bars of metal interlacing a glass frame. The gardens were lush and green, large open palms and hanging thick emerald vines grew down the sides of the garden and the earthy scent of living plants permeated the air.

Dash, ignoring the green splendor that seemed to mesmerize the humans who were so delighted by such simple things as plant life and vegetation, knew a natural ambush site when he saw one.

“Slow down.” Dash ordered. Almost simultaneously bright red blaster bolts snapped around them, taking one of his men down hard.

Dash went down to one knee and unleashed a quick burst from his phaser.

“Give me some suppressing fire sir!” Brenda shouted over the din of battle.

“What are you doing?!”

“Just do it boss or you’ll be sending me home to my mom in a box.” Brenda shouted over her shoulder as she took her spare phaser from her shoulder holster, adjusted the power settings and launched herself forward into the center of the enemy fire.

“Krak!” Dash cursed and shouted “Suppressing fire!” And fired blindly into the mass of enemy fire with his phaser, the others following suit with their own wild volleys.

Brenda slid like a base runner along the smooth marble floor, rolled onto her back and ran her phaser beams along the support bars that ran perpendicular to the ceiling and gardens above.

She smiled wildly as the phaser blasts were quickly followed by a groan and a roar of falling wood and soil. The garden’s weight forced the delicate glass and wooden frame to give way and collapse right down on their attackers in a cloud of earth and foliage.

She rolled out of the brunt of it and Dash grabbed her, pulling her completely out of the crashing garden back up into his chest.

Brenda looked up at the Andorian and laughed.

“I’d like to do that again, boss.”

Dash smirked.

“I’m almost certain your psych evaluation must have caught that death wish of yours.” Dash replied as he helped her to her feet and nodded to his squad to begin the search for the attackers in the shifting piles of debris.

“Be careful.” He cautioned. He turned his attention to his fallen man who was being attended to by the squad medic. The medic looked concerned as he ran a medical tricorder over the fallen security guard.

“How is he doctor?” Dash asked.

“Not good sir. I don’t think he’s going to make it. Those weapons must have reduced a lot of his internal organs to mush through hydrostatic shock not to mention the massive burn trauma.”

“Fascinating. The weapons effects were devastating even with standard issue body armor.” S’ton noted with an arched eyebrow.

“This stuff is rated to turn even disruptor bolts.” Brenda protested rapping her closed fist against her chest plate.

“Sir! You need to take a look at this.”

Dash nodded to the Doctor.

“Do your best. Brenda call for immediate Medical Evac.”

“On it boss.”

Dash quickly walked over to where two of his men who were fishing a body out from under the rubble of dirt and debris.

“This is really weird sir.” One of his men pulled the body up into a seated position revealing his face. Dash stopped short. He looked exactly like the fallen enemy they left behind.

“What in the name of Histra is going on here?” Dash hissed.

“Twins maybe sir?”

Dash frowned, his antennae twitching in agitation. His briefings of late concerning the upcoming alliance had mentioned a fact that was now quickly becoming blindingly obvious.

“A clone.” He snapped.


“Unless you wanna bank on triplets I’d say the Commander’s right.” Brenda interjected and indicated another enemy pulled from the debris who looked exactly like the other two.

Dash’s jaw clenched in anger. This is what he had been afraid of.

“The war hasn’t even started and they drew first blood.”

“I don’t get what you mean sir.”

“You were going to be told in a briefing in a few days but there is a Galactic power out there known as the Galactic Republic and they use clones as their shock troops much like the Dominion uses Jem’Hedar.”

“I’ve been hearing rumors for months now.”

Dash sighed heavily.

“I never thought it would come to this, running battles on Earth.”

Shadows passed over them and Dash could see the vague shapes of shuttles passing overhead through the frosted glass ceiling and moving towards the landing zone ahead of them.

“The cavalry has arrived.” Brenda commented dryly.

Dash shook his head slowly. For the first time he could hear the groans of the wounded and dying civilians. Things were never going to be the same.

The burning furniture gave off a foul odor as the chemical treatments that gave the wood their ageless quality burned away into a pungent cloud. He could feel the heat on his face but he was intent on his fallen friend.

The president grunted with effort as he lifted the chunk of fallen masonry off the human sprawled beneath it. The masonry rolled off and landed on the carpeted floor with a soft thud.

“Avery?” The president asked but his voice was choked with smoke and pain. He was certain his left leg was shattered in several places but he could not think of the pain right now. There was only the Terran ambassador who had bravely leapt in front of the initial fusillade from his would be assassins and had taken the brunt of the damage from the falling ceiling.

The human was too still.

“Avery, in the same of Histra please.” The president pleaded gently shaking the human’s shoulders.

“Mr. President, we need to leave this facility immediately.” The Vulcan representative, T’Jas urged gripping his shoulder.

“What about the others?” he asked numbly watching the human’s face for any sign of life. T’Jas glanced around. The Tellarite was toppled over in his chair, a smoking hole in his chest and stomach. The others were either rushing out of the room or groaning in pain. The Betazed representative had vanished under a beam of wood, a single bloody arm lay splayed out on the burning table.

“I’m afraid Lomak is dead and the Betazoid Jamilla is also dead.”

The president shook his head.

The unspoken words were on his lips. Standing several meters away near the entrance were three shapes. One was a pair of metallic legs, smoke and fire emanating from a ruined torso of twisted metal. The other was a torso imbedded in the far wall, three large smoking holes burned into its chest from a near point blank phaser blast. The legs of the combat droid were lost in the debris. The third figure was a complete battle droid slumped over in a standing position save that its head was completely missing.

Separatists battle droids.

The doors to the conference room were flung open and Grand Admiral Turner rushed in holding his personal phaser leading a small squad of security personnel. The president heard the distinctive sound of blaster fire somewhere below them.

“The entire residence has been thoroughly infiltrated Mr. President. This place is crawling with battledroids.”

“Your suggestion?” He asked in his Andorian whisper as he touched Avery’s forehead.

“We need to leave immediately. I can’t guarantee that our security will hold them off.” Turner replied grimly.

“Why don’t we simply beam out.”

“We can’t do that.” Grand Admiral Turner shook his head. “They may have transport scramblers in place. They certainly beamed in and if I were them I would be scrambling any and all signals coming out of here.”

“Frankly sir, we’re lucky they didn’t get us all in that initial beam in. They obviously didn’t know where we were in this facility or they would have beamed the whole squad into the conference room.” An explosion shook the very foundations of the building. The president randomly remembered that the building predated the Third World War of Earth.

“Our boys are holding them for now but they have superior weapons and surprise on their side. Our combat scanners were knocked out in the first strike so we’re blind in here.”

“How do we leave?” T’Jas pressed.

“Form up on me, Mr. President. I have a squad waiting outside and we’ll fight our way out.”

“You cannot be serious!” one of the other representatives exclaimed.

“It’s either fight our way out or make stand in this enclosed space.” Turner snapped.

“These are the decisions that will be facing us all, I’m afraid very shortly.” The President replied.

“Very good sir. Now stick close to me and we’ll get you and the council out of this mess shortly. We have to get out of here and to the shuttles outside.” Turner explained.

The president started to lift Avery over his shoulders in a fireman’s carry.

“What are you doing, Mr. president?”

He grunted as he finished hefting Avery up to his shoulders.

“I’m not leaving him behind. Now lead the way Grand Admiral.”

“Yes sir. Alright, let’s go!” Turner swept his arm forward and led the council out of the room. A squad of nervous looking security guards waited for them in the hallway.

“Form a combat wedge, I want my heavy gunners at my flanks.” Turner explained.

The security squad immediately formed up and checked their weapons.

“Ironic isn’t it Admiral?” The president noted.

“What is sir?”

“That outside of this residence you command the entire might of Starfleet but here all you have are ten men.”

Turner frowned.

“I don’t see it that way sir. These ten men are my Starfleet and we are going to get out of here and then I will lead my fleet to payback this little incursion in spades.” Turner paused. “Sir.”

The president nodded sadly.

“That would be the logical conclusion to this scenario would it not?” the president replied neutrally. Turner glanced back at the president for a moment before ordering his men forward.

The squad quickly led the terrified council through a gauntlet of battledroids who harried the group with heavy and unrelenting blaster fire. Turner barked out commands as they navigated the stairs and hallways towards the rear entrance to the landing pads.

Battle droids seemed to be everywhere moving in their awkward gait as they chased down their quarry and silently sent location signals to other isolated squads throughout the sprawling residence.

“Kind of makes you wish you didn’t live so ostentatiously doesn’t it sir?” Turner asked with a grin as a blaster bolt tore off the corner of the wall a meter above the Admiral’s head.

Humans seemed to revel in combat. He had seen it too many times. As much as they liked to think they had grown beyond their bloody past combat brought it out in them in full force. It was times like these that the president was glad for this racial flaw.

“Suppress that enemy fire now! We are pinned down here and they will flank us if we stay here.” Turner shouted.

“Aye sir!”

“Where are my heavy weapons boys?”

“Here sir!”

Turner grimaced.

“Well what the hell good are you doing back there?! Unload on these ratcheted morons right now. Clear that hallway.”

The heavy weapons troopers nodded and quickly took up position and began firing their heavy phaser rifles in quick powerful sweeping bursts. The rate of blaster fire dropped dramatically.

“Let’s go people!” Turner urged.

The council members did not need to be urged on to move as they dashed forward under the watchful eye of the security squad. They entered the spacious pantry and the back door that led to the landing pad behind

As they exited the residence two men went down to precise blaster fire from a squad of battle droids crouched down in the walkway leading to the landing pad. Turner grabbed the president and hauled him back as another of his men and a councilmember went down to the fire.

“Damnit! Regroup in the doorway and suppress that fire.”

“We’ve got company in the rear.” One of his men warned as he began firing his own phaser at the approaching battledroids, their long shadows sweeping down the walls of the hallway into the pantry.

Turner adjusted his gold command shirt and turned to the president.

“Sir. We are about to be swarmed. Classic pincer maneuver and they’ve outflanked us. The only way out is to breakout to the landing pad below. If we stay here, we die, if we turn back we’re walking deeper into their hands and the rearguard they have out there will squeeze in on us here.”

The President nodded.

“I understand.” He turned to look at the others. “Admiral Turner is asking that we give him our full cooperation. We must run as quickly as we can to the landing bays, if any of you have military training please pickup the weapons from the fallen and help in the fight. I promise you we will survive this.”

“Perhaps it is best that I carry Mr. Duncan.” T’Jas quietly suggested as she noted the strain on the Andorian’s face. Andorians were not much stronger than humans and definitely more fragile.

“No.” He replied. “I owe him this much at least.” She nodded but did not understand the logic. Her experience taught her it was best to simply accept the irrational actions of her fellow Federation council members than try and analyze it.

“Alright. On my mark.” Turner waited for a moment, watching the councilmember’s’ faces intently, some were on the verge of panic but many were as resolved as the president to get through this. One human managed to fish a phaser from one of his fallen men and nodded to Turner.

“Go!! Go!! Go!!”

The security team stormed out and the heavy weapons fired long sweeping bursts, using the intense crimson phaser bolts like scythes to cut through the assembled battledroids as the president huffed through the thick of the crowd carrying his fallen friend. The landing pad was tantalizingly close.

As the team fought their way to the pad, another security officer screamed and fell to the blaster bolts, a Tellarite scrambled for his weapon and was cut down in short order. Battle droids were assembled on the landing pad in neat skirmish lines of 20.

Turner stopped short and cursed.

“I’m sorry my friend.” The President whispered to the unconscious human on his shoulder.

Bright phaser blasts lanced down from the sky like divine lightning and swept through the battle droid ranks sending errant limbs and heads tumbling through the air. Turner looked up sharply and a pair of shuttles rapidly descended out of the clouds while the phasers continued cutting a flaming swath through the battle droid ranks.

“Mr. President!” Turner motioned for him as one of the shuttles landed with an audible thud into the landing pad denting it. The pilot was obviously in a hurry. The side panel to the shuttle snapped open and a team jumped out carrying heavy phaser rifles and armor.

“Get the President to Starfleet headquarters.”

“That’s a negative grand Admiral. Starfleet headquarters is not secure.”

“What the hell do you mean not secure?!”

“We have over 22 attacks across the planet right now. The largest group tried to storm the headquarters and after we drove them back they attempted to detonate an antimatter device. We stopped them sir but the facility is not secure.”

“Next best facility?”

“None on world sir. We’re taking the president up to the Saratoga. She’s in orbit providing fire support for operations here in Europe. The Normandy is providing fire support in the North American sector. We’re coordinating with any other starships to provide fire support in Asia and Australia.”

The president noticed that the shuttle had the Normandy’s registry number emblazoned on the side. That it would have to come to this, fleeing Earth itself to hide on a starship for safety angered him.

The next shuttle landed hard as well and opened its hatches to admit the rest of the council. The phaser strikes from the Saratoga now walked down to the far end of the landing pad incinerating any and all battle droids that escaped the initial volley.

“Take the president up and I’ll help your men secure this facility.”

The president shook his head.

“You are coming with us, Grand Admiral.”

“With all due respect sir, I’ve got more than 20 of my men on the deck. I’m not leaving here without taking this back.”

“No. Think clearly. You are the Grand Admiral of the Starfleet. You are needed now more than ever. Leave this place to the droids for now. I never had much use for it, but you, you are invaluable to me now more than ever.”

The president placed a hand on turner’s shoulder.


Turner shook his head as he looked back at the estate, flames beginning to rise up out of the upper floors, the sound of blaster fire growing more distant as more shuttles began landing on the front lawn.

“You’re right of course, Mr. President.” Turner conceded and joined him on the shuttle. Turner paused and stuck his head out again. “You keep me informed on how this battle is going. And try to keep a few of them in one piece. I want to know what the hell is going on here.”

“Aye sir!”

The hatches sealed shut and the shuttle soared away from the estate, the pilot jinking the shuttle in a series of hard dives and rolls.

“Is that really necessary?” A councilmember complained.

“We lost six shuttles over Starfleet headquarters to anti-air fire. We’re not taking chances.” The pilot replied coolly.

The president breathed a sigh of relief as he eased the unconscious Terran onto the deck plates next to him.

“He’s probably dead sir.” Turner noted.

“Be that as it may, he was my friend.” The President replied.

“This is Saratoga to Pythagoras do you copy?”

“Roger Saratoga, go ahead.”

“Do you have President Dash Rand on board?”

“Acknowledged as well as Grand Admiral Turner.”

“Copy that. Be advised that we are receiving reports that Starfleet headquarters has recalled all Starships within a parsec of Earth for added security.”

“Acknowledge that and please tell Captain Young that I am transferring my flag to the Saratoga until the cessation of these hostilities.” Turner interjected.

The pilot nodded.

Turner slumped his head back against the bulkhead and closed his eyes for a moment.

“You realize I have no choice now.” President Rand whispered. Turner opened his eyes and regarded the Andorian with an even gaze.

“Sir, I realize now that even though we have no choice this is going to be a lot bloodier than our worst case projections.”

“In that case admiral we must prepare for disaster.” Rand stated.

“And hope for only a tragedy.” Turner replied darkly.

The throbbing of the warp drive made the deck plates rattle into a nice soothing hum. The merchant vessel The Whore of Babylon churned its way through Terran space as it was rerouted out to an orbit that would place the majority of civilian traffic out near Pluto. Whatever crisis was gripping the beautiful blue green orb was making the authorities nervous and they trusted no one.

The dark skinned human frowned as he checked off the last report on his datapad. Unlike the dingy grim surroundings of the ship that was ancient before he was even born he wore a brightly pressed command uniform.

“You know, standard protocol calls for civilian dress when posing as civies.” The Asian human noted with an arched eyebrow.

“And when we get boarded I’ll change until then I am a Starfleet officer and I’ll dress the part.”

“Technically that’s not quite true.” The Asian man interjected.

“Look, you boys in 31 may LIKE being separate from Starfleet but we in the Shadowfleet like to remember the good old days before you dragged us into the dark.”

“You miss it then? The cloying rules? The protocol?”

“At least we knew where we stood.”

The Asian man shrugged.

“Well, operations are winding down. The consignment of droids is just about used up—“ He looked up at the Asian man who started to speak “And YES we withheld a few for our own research purposes.” He added.

“Good. They may not be as good as our current android models but they could prove useful. Disposable troops with no connection to the Federation whatsoever would be a boon.”

“It didn’t bother you did it?”

The Asian man looked expectantly at the other.

“Tell me then, what was I supposed to be bothered with Commander Mandell?”

“You just planned an assault on the very people we were supposed to protect. A lot of brave men and women died down there today not to mention civilians.”

“The key is civilian casualties. Kill a few soldiers in uniform and the public makes big displays of affection. But kill a family of four and you have yourself a call for crusade against those responsible.” The Asian man explained calmly.

Mandell shook his head.

“Commander, you have to ask yourself a question at times like these. Is it worth it? Do you cauterize the wound and saw off a diseased limb or do you let it fester and kill the whole? Remember 31 and the Shadowfleet is not about protecting individual Federation citizen lives but protecting the Federation as a whole. Citizens come and go, Starfleet officers are a credit a dozen but he Federation is going to last forever.”

“Those people were not diseased.”

“Ah, but their reticence to embrace the treaty would have led to the destruction of the Federation.”

“Really?” Mandell replied unconvinced.

“Yes really and you know perfectly well what I’m talking about.” The Asian man leaned forward angrily. “Our opposite numbers from the future are doing their damndest to make sure we’re swept aside so that they can help our future conquer our present. We’re behind the eight ball on this one, Commander. Normally we’re one step ahead of the game but they have history on their side. They know what we’ve done and what we can do, the location of our assets, the officers under our control, who on the council helps us, the appropriations we receive, the hulls we steal, damn well anything that we keep in our records. Right now we’re like nomads, scrambling to reposition everything. Well, we also need to be the gadfly that stirs our side up because in the end we’re going to win this war.”

“You sound confident of that?” Mandell pressed.

“Here.” He slid the datapad to Mandell. “Read it. This future Federation is in no condition to fight a bloody war. They’ve embraced pacifistic ideals and their ratio of combat experienced officers to ours is laughable. We’re going to win because we’re still killers. They view us with a mix of horror and reverence. Well, when this war starts I have a feeling that will all change to shock and awe.”

The Whore of Babylon flew right by an incoming starship completely unaware of her crew and cargo as they escaped all notice and attention.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

Hot damn, Stravo. The War's really starting to kick up, and I like that.
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Post by The Cleric »

About damn time! Although I'd prefer you finished SC first.
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Post by Mr Bean »

New chapter wootyness

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Post by paladin3030 »

How does a man go from being President of the Federation to a Lt. Commander in Starfleet?

& how come this LtCdr. Dash Rand don't remember nearlly getting killed by the seperatist.?

Weird scene a Starfleet officer from Kirks time who served on the presidental security detail is captured by the future fleet he is interogated by this LtCdr. Rand.

The Officer gets a good look & says "Mister President don't you remember me I was on your security detail sir er why are you in that uniform sir?"
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Post by Stravo »

Actually I didn't pull it off well. Rand in the first part is on TNG Earth. President Rand is in the TOS Earth. So they have the same name. The audience is supposed to ask: What's the connection?

I don't think I pulled off the time differences as well as I could have. I wanted to show a general Tet Offensive like attack going on at both time periods. We know by the end of the chapter that Section 31 is behind the attacks on TOS Earth.
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Post by paladin3030 »

Stravo wrote:Actually I didn't pull it off well. Rand in the first part is on TNG Earth. President Rand is in the TOS Earth. So they have the same name. The audience is supposed to ask: What's the connection?

I don't think I pulled off the time differences as well as I could have. I wanted to show a general Tet Offensive like attack going on at both time periods. We know by the end of the chapter that Section 31 is behind the attacks on TOS Earth.
I think you should have done the TOS side first.

But Dash Rand

Same name, same race?

I know Andorians are as near long lived as the vulcans but damn what are the odds. :lol:

Is this LtCdr. Rand a son or grandson to this president Rand?

If so how come he don't remember something like this happening to his pop/grandpop?
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Post by Prozac the Robert »

My only problem was that you couldn't quickly tell that the feds at the start were the future feds, especially after the end of the previous chapter with the attack on the past feds being mentioned.

It's still good though. The past 31 are right bastards, but it kind of fits with the sort of star trek idea that the good people are the ones who really protect the federation in the end. This is exactly the sort of manipulation that S31 are supposed to be protecting against, and instead they are driving everyone deeper into plapatines war. It'll be interesting to see how much is their own initiative and how much of it is sith influence.
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Post by Stravo »

Prozac the Robert wrote: It's still good though. The past 31 are right bastards, but it kind of fits with the sort of star trek idea that the good people are the ones who really protect the federation in the end. This is exactly the sort of manipulation that S31 are supposed to be protecting against, and instead they are driving everyone deeper into plapatines war. It'll be interesting to see how much is their own initiative and how much of it is sith influence.
Frankly as cool as many people find S31 in Trek fandom I find them reprehensible but much like any intelligence apparatus absoluetly neccessary.

The theme with S31 is that you never know whose pulling the strings. Is Palaptine manipulating them to do these things? Is it all S31 and they tragically are playing into Palpy's hands?

And the civil war with S31 is about to get much more brutal and nasty as guys who don't play by any rules make war on each other. They will manipulate and poke and prod their respective governments and in the process destroy what they want to protect most - The Federation. A mirror theme that will play out with the Jedi in the Wars universe as they try their best to play from the shadows and act indirectly and in the process they will lose what they are trying to save - the Republic.

This is a tragic story to say the least because everyone (except Palpy) thinks they're doing what's best for their government and its actually the worst thing they can do (This will include Kirk, Picard and the other 'heroes')
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Post by brianeyci »

First post after DW moved his furniture!

Good shit, good shit.

Any canon evidence of Federation heavy weapons? I'm sure TOS has them, but only one I can remember is phaser rifle Kirk used against Mitchell, or maybe the starship powered phaser artillery. Is that what the heavy weapons units are carrying?

Kirk phaser rifle should be far more powerful than any TNG or TOS phaser, given that even TOS Type-I phasers are more powerful that TNG's most powerful rifle. Good shit, good shit.

I want Kirk to come out alive. Kill them all if you have to, but in the end Kirk should be standing on a balcony (or equivalent) looking at the fires and ruin and realizing he was wrong... then perhaps leading a resistance (open-ended ending). Kill Picard for his incompetence, but Kirk deserves either to live to fight another day or have a better death than falling off a fucking ladder :twisted:.

Especially kill Riker for not ordering "fire at will weapons on full auto"... in fact, if Riker was to die because of such incompetence, it would make my day!

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Post by Prozac the Robert »

S31 are a funny lot. You say they are absolutely essential, but I'm not so sure of that either. An intelegence agency with no oversight doesn't seem like a good idea to me. A more sensible intelegence agency would probably serve the federation better. As to people likeing them, I think some people here would probably be supporting the mongol hordes as civilization was collapsing, just because they were winning.

How tragic are we talking here? Terrible things happening sure, but ae you planning to turn it around at some point, or are we talking romeo and juliet?
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Post by Stravo »

Prozac the Robert wrote: How tragic are we talking here? Terrible things happening sure, but ae you planning to turn it around at some point, or are we talking romeo and juliet?
Think Kosh's answer to The Centauri Emperor in Coming of Shadows when he asks him "How will this all end?" (If you're a B5 fan, if not someone will come in here and fill you in on the relevant quote)
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Heh, heh :twisted:

Really cool with the S31 and having it done that way. When you can pry yourself away from R:TW, it's always good to see one of your works up.

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