Degenerative matter one (a Short Story)

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Degenerative matter one (a Short Story)

Post by omegaLancer »

Degenerative matter one (a Short Story)

She looked at him longingly, her eye’s shinning with admiration. Suddenly her attention was drawn to the video screen, and she watched in awe the silent dance of destruction of the Klag's war fleet.

“It amazing my love”, she cooed drawing herself closer to him. “The entire Klag’s Fleet destroyed by that spherical object you and Doctor Hartan loaded in the main flinger battery”.

She paused attempting to gauge his reaction to her closeness. His breath came with effort, and she knew her charm was dragging him close to the point of no return, but before he would surrender he spoke.

“That sphere we fired at the Klag originated from the black dwarf on the edge of your solar system”, he stopped to catch his breath and continued, “ it was pure degenerative matter”.

Helen loosen her grip on him, curious as to what her love had to say about the destruction of her people ancient enemy.

“The gravity field of the sphere was as powerful as any gas giant. The Klag nav-computers were taken complete unaware”. He found that his breath came easier, and he turn to stare at the video screen.

The sphere was invisible, but its effects were spectacular, as the ships of the Klag War fleet collided into each other and exploded into a bright technicolor cloud.

“ That Brilliant Adam”! She squealed, clapping her hand. “You used a dead star to destroy the bringers of death”.

“No, I would not exactly call it a dead star”, he corrected her. Helen stared at him quite perplex. When he noticed the effect on her of his statement, Adam continue. “ It’s more like a star waiting to be born. Its mass forming a core that will attract interstellar gas and dust clouds, forming the nucleus of a new solar system. A reversal of Entropy and Chaos,most of all it a sign of a new beginning and hope for the future.”

Adam looked at Helen and finally caved into his desire. He grab her, she stared caught in the thrall of her own passion. Helen closed her eyes preparing for the inevitable kiss.

Adam leaned over, bringing his lips toward her, but before the two lovers could Consummate the act, the Transuraniumic element in Adam’s blood stream reacted with the flood of insulin brought on by his unbridle passion.

Adam Imploded, returning to Earth until the next time destiny would return him to his true love’s side.

Helen felt his displacement, stared at the spot he was standing a few seconds before and uttered dejectedly, “hope?”
Father, father when will these 8 hours ever end?

Omega lancer last of high guard. Keeper of the Common wealth ship yards
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