I'm really, REALLY sorry it's taken me this long to get around to writing again. But real life got in the way a bit more than I expected/intended it to since I got out and about on my own. Add to that how I've had to change up my writing style (from plopping down at least 1 whole ~2000 word chapter in one sitting to literally forceing myself to try doing less in one sitting so I can work on it more frequently, much harder for me to do and I'm not sure why yet, but I WILL be writing more frequently from now on) and well, you wind up with the whole leaving my poor fans out to dry like I did. For that I sincerely apologise.
So, from here out there will be far more regular updates to the story, and Unity is still nearing completion with only a little bit left really. Though you're all gonna think I'm a right bastard at the end.
Anyhow, thankyou for all the continual encouragement you have given me. The fact that you enjoy reading my hobby as much as I enjoy writeing it, so much so that you post asking for more, is really far more than I ever expected.
Terran Empire Uber Alles!