Prologue to Paradise Lost

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Prologue to Paradise Lost

Post by Surlethe »

I wrote this for a school project last semester. If you can get through my attempt to write in Milton's style, you get a cookie; if you find the two Star Wars references, you get two cookies.

The story is intended as a replacement for Book VI, which I think is lame; the prologue tells the backstory to the epic, and leaves off as Satan rousts himself from his fall at the beginning of Book I.

In any case, enjoy; and please, if you manage to read all of it, comment!


Paradise Lost


The Argument:

God is alone in Nothing; he prophecies to the Son regarding the future corruption of Creation; then puts forth his power and Creates the shape of Heaven from the Void: whereupon God decides creatures must populate Heaven, angels arise from the form of Heaven to create the City of Tranquility within Heaven; the angels gather to praise and worship God, excepting Lucifer who, curious, exit to explore the Void: without Heaven, he conceives thoughts unlike his compeers. Upon returning to Tranquility, to rejoin the praise eternal of God, Lucifer bends his thoughts to rebellion; whereupon Sin leaps from Lucifer’s head a pleasing woman; though the angels first take her appearance as a portent, she soon charms them: but Lucifer distracts the angels from God, whispering in their ears pleasing words of rebellion; discord in Heaven; the Void becomes Chaos; Satan retires to Chaos to plan rebellion; Sin and Satan; the First Battle: the Rebel Angels are driven back with great injury; the Second Battle: wherein Lucifer leads the Rebel Angels to draw against the assault of the Archangel Michael and his legions; the Third Battle: wherein Satan, journeying to Chaos, lieges Chaos to his cause, and returning, spurs the Rebel Angels from certain defeat while Chaos assaults Heaven from all sides; the Loyal Angels are beaten back to the Throne; Satan ascends to claim the Throne, and is thrown down as God puts forth his full power against him and Chaos.

Of the Heavenly Tree of Knowledge I propose
To write; of the Angels partaking thereof,
Of Sin, War, and Fall: of Chaos
In the Heavens, trembling the very Throne of God,
Shall my poem recount. In the beginning--

If such a time can exist; the eternal
Nature of God the Father, subject by scholars
To th’most heated debates, permits not a beginning
T’him--but before Time came into being, the
Father and the Son, united by the Ghost Holy,
Existed alone, yet together, love united but separate
Beings, the Godhead Trinity: whereat the Father at
Last to the Son thus: “O most beloved Son, thou
By my right hand sit’st; thou see’st all mine;
What then dost thou prophecy? The glory thereof

Yours forever I have reserved; the glory of victory
Over Sin and Death, yet to be born,
Fate eternal predestined. Tell us, O beloved,
What see’st thou?” The Son unto his Father
Declaimed: “Father, thou know’st to thee alone

I stand true, and though thou hast giv’n
Me the greater glory, only that through me
Might thee be glorified: for shall we not
Create Heav’n and Earth, paradise and paradise,
That those who in’t shall live only to

Glorify thee? Though fall’n to darkness, yet from
Evil shall arise greater good, through thy
Infinite virtue and grace: wherefore ought we create
Immutable, when such may, though imperfect, bring
Us glory and honor forever?” So the Son spake;

And at a vast word from the Father
Began time, that agent of mortal fate: of woven
Lives arranged into lace from which beings born,
Lived, were cut, at a glance from the Throne
Almighty: to thee be the Pow’r, O Father Omnipotent!

In the instant of Time’s Creation, the
Father another word speaks; and there are angels,
Uncountable beings of light and pow’r, Gods in
Right and nature: reflections of the might and
Authority of the Most High; yet, though created

Alongside, some rise above others in brightness,
Pow’r, glory; the Arch Angels step forward to lead
The heav’nly legions forward to the Throne:
Michael, warrior, Protector of the Holy Church after;
The least of the Arch Angels, and yet

Most warrior: he after the fall would command
The Loyal Angels twice to victory, and,
In th’end of all things, to him after the Messiah
Is giv’n the vict’ry over th’fallen Arch Angel;
Then Gabriel, next in glory; he, the herald of

The Most High, bearer of glad tidings, appointed
One to the Immaculate Conception, who with glory
Did upon Zechariah in the Holiest Holy shine,
Bearer of God’s news; greater than Gabriel,
Raphael, healer, highest Arch Angel after the fall,

Who with Tobias to Egypt journeyed, healed Tobit,
Cast out Asmodeus from the house of the virgin
Sarah; last Arch Angel, supreme, who beside th’Throne
Shone to compare with the Father himself, Lucifer,
Son of Morning, who alone was giv’n the greatest

Pow’r, majesty, might, of all the gods creat’d:
Wisest of the angels, and yet most fool; greatest,
And yet most despised; bearer of light, fall’n
To deepest shade. After the Arch Angels,
Seraphim, living creatures, each six winged, with new-created

Light glistening, singing praise: “Holy, holy, holy is the
Lord God Almighty, he who was; he who is;
He who forever shall be! Holy, holy, holy is
The Lord God of Hosts! Heaven reflects his
Glory!” Fiery bright they shone, the same whom

John saw looking from Patmos, surrounding the throne;
Just beneath the Arch Angels in command, burning
With zeal new, Seraphim follow the mightiest angels
To the Throne to pay obeisance to their Creator,
Ascending to extol forever the Father’s goodness.

Cherubim next, warriors, who with flaming swords
In thighs sheathed the honor of the Throne
Defend: striding forth, they take up position to guard
The Throne of th’Most High, a million flaming
Swords illumine the farthest reaches of heav’n drawn;

Fierce and cold warriors’ faces, the legions of
Michael, which afterward plac’d by the Father at Eden’s
Gate to forbid entrance to the fall’n sons of Man, ‘til
One greater should lead them back to the Paradise whence
Th’Original Sin first despised th’Mother and Father of our Race.

<possibly insert long, flowery, allusive descriptions of the lesser orders of angels here>
Observing the new-created Angels, a voice from the Father
Resounded: “I see thee, my creation; and thou art good:
Firstborn of my thought, angels; messengers of my will
To all that which shall after come. Come forward, ye
Sons of Light; for I hath created thee all unique,

Each with abilities and powers according to his measure;
None below an other in worth or esteem, though
Authority over others I hath given to some; yet,
Thy light shall reflect my glory. Heaven I give thee,
Heav’n eternal as your home; go, therefore, and

A city for yourselves construct: from that which
I have created, bring forth greater beauty from
The talents I have given thee.” Whereupon the angels,
Led by Mammon, chief Architect of Heaven, spread,
Searching Heaven for th’opportune place: Heaven barren

Stood open, formless shape in nothing's void, save only th'single
Hill 'round th'Throne. Thereunto the angels, lucent wings
Beating spiritual air, flew, as a luminous cloud: spiraling gods, grace
By their Creator giv'n; to the Throne soaring, circling, a thousand million torches
Reflecting God's radiant glory. Music they sang, th'exhalation of

Devoted joy; from the amorphous shape of heaven ponderously rose
The music giv'n form: the vast, delicate Tranquility, home of gods,
Surrounding th'Throne of Heav'n; vessel of divine light, subtle
Spires tantalizing tower to tower mounting: with th'richest gems
And unseen jewels adorned: than man's proudest cities

By far greater, yet humbler; for nothing to the Throne itself compared, not
A single tower larger than a footstool to th'Almighty. While
Th'angels in the joyful work toil'd, one silently from the gath'ring slips:
Lucifer, th'greatest of the angels, captain, sitting at th'Father's left hand,
Harbinger of light, sets himself to the Void. With a gesture his

Radiance subdues, nothing more than an angel now: two wings, two eyes,
A single sword he bears; and fast he Heaven's border approaches.
Behind, he the assembly sees: the vast swarm of angels, to and fro
Between Tranquility's towers flying; the glory of the Father from the Throne
Radiant. The border of Heaven vast approaching, Lucifer beyond the

Song-wrought change speeds, as following him Tranquility from Heaven's
Womb rises; and suddenly, Lucifer in the Void stands silent.
Rear him, Heaven curves; before him, nothing: silent nihility, to
Him beckoning, to search for creativity; for Lucifer, of the angels,
Most resembled the Father in mind and form; the desire to create

Thus within him brighter than his compeers burned: the love
Of Creation and of all that which hands and mind conceive, and
Alone conceive. So Lucifer alone into th’darkness passes, for discovery
Searching, for that which he alone might create with th’fire of
God-giv’n glory within him: the mornstar, shining golden,

Beacon in black Void; here and there passing; trails in pathless nothing
Blazing. Thus from his peers separated, Lucifer within
His burning heart: “Where is existence? Where is that which
I may mold, may create, for mine pleasure? Here nothing
I see, nothing which breed’st nothing, which cull’st nothing,

From which nothing I may derive: wherefore, then,
Didst the Father create me, merely to service my abilities
And pleasures in Heav’n? Am I just a servant, least
In all aspect? No; I am the Father’s left hand, his
Captain, his general; how conceiveth I of this thought:

That he who created me may never tap the fullest
Of my life? Oh, but what hell! To live amongst
My compeers, and know the greatest of their works
Shall never equal mine own abilities; nigh to the
Void, but unable to touch it. How doth the Father

From his Throne create ex nihilo? Wherefore may
I not so do? This desire within me I sense: that to
Create, the Father purposes my life. But what
Infinite task: creation of something from nothing;
And wherefore can I not now so do? What doth

God possess I do not: I, the greatest of his angels,
His hand, his general; I, of th’sons of morning, the
Brightest; I, the morning star! A thousand million
Angels to my beck and call respond; how thus can
I not the smallest iota create from nothing? Indeed,

Wherefore dost God create his chief, his beloved
Servant, to not in the smallest measure possess such
Simple ability! He for himself reserves it; though
Such thoughts in my heart implanting with impune
Malfeasance: he giveth me the fire of creation

And taketh from me the kindle to ignite! Oh, to
Be a God -- a true God -- and this burning
Desire to satiate! to rival he who created me: to,
From the darkness, bring forth light!” So Lucifer
Blazed; and the void with light is filled: and turning

Back on the Void, Lucifer his way wends through
The shifting, trackless oblivion again t’Heaven,
To the full-grown City of Tranquility, there to rejoin the
Praise eternal of th’Father and Son. So to the Throne
Lucifer retires, charge of angels assuming; about him he glances,

Casting his eyes at the light, music, beautiful city; within
His heart, his pride with desire envy conceives: to himself
Lucifer thus: “Would that this were mine to my design shape!”
And so rebellion a created being first perceives: to, by force
Of might and prowess of strength, wrest that which is

Equally creat’d from the creator; and Lucifer’s brilliance
Thus momentarily dimmed, a fleeting eclipse, unnoticeable
To the brilliance of the Throne; but after, tentacles of fire
From th’head of Lucifer burst, as he in pain screams:
Writhing like a serpent, lashing at the heels of fleeing angels,

For an instant his fire dwarfs th’very Throne of the Father;
And from his head leaps a woman full-grown, in delightful
Garb clothed, of full body and pleasing to see; green eyes sparkle
In delight at sudden-giv’n life, and full lips part
In song as she before th’throne of Lucifer arch angel dances.

First homage she to her creator pays, and second to the Father,
Author of life; he upon her smiles temporary, as curious, suspicious
Angels crowd: Lucifer, tired as from birth-pangs, looks up,
Immortal head uninjured, but first scarr’d created being, and
Upon his creation gazes: th’immortal, greatest arch angel

Now at th’Father’s left hand, lust conceives, the unending desire
For union physical; reflecting, th’angel’s luminescence rosy
Tinges, as sunset th’celestial orb from gold to blood compels
Before a storm. By th’Throne, angels around the daughter
Of Lucifer crowd; herself she names Sin, and though they

At first as an ominous portent apprehend her appearance,
She wins their thoughts and desires; and in no few inspires
The first dreadful hints of lust, th’Fall foreshadowing. Lucifer
Consummately smug upon his Throne sits, overseeing Tranquility,
Administrator, general, captain: thus, to be alone, his privilege;

Of good use he makes it, and straightaway with those his
Closest created compeers meets: Beelzebub, seraph, who
After only Michael and Lucifer in strength of might exists;
Moloch, lord of the cherubim, who fiercest of the Throne’s guard
Was creat’d by God, to defend the honor of the Almighty; Belial,

Quiet, cautious planner; Mammon, architect of Tranquility; Abdiel,
Son of light, highest seraph alone above the others; alone,
Lucifer to them thus: “My brothers, peers in nature and creation,
Dost thy divine sight enable thee to see beyond Heaven’s borders?
Wert thou not created with might? With power? With the fire

Of Life deep in thee? Who hast created thee? Th’Father,
Creator and Author of life: for within thee, th’seed of Creation
He hath planted; doth this with thee not ring true? Dost thou not
All within thyself this sense? Within thee this fire burneth,
To create and make new, to build, to bring forth joy, beauty, and

Might into the world; yet, thou canst not so do: for thee th’Father
Such gifts hath not giv’n! He hath thee giv’n no way to create
From nothing; hath no manner giv’n with which to fulfill this
Burning desire within thee! Why? Why hath th’Father not
Created us fully? Brothers, an answer: th’Father fears us;

He knows if we together our pow’rs ally, we can him depose!
He hath us made like unto gods; and, together, th’pow’r he hath
Us giv’n we can ‘gainst him turn, to seize that which he hath
Created, and so fulfill the destiny t’which he hath us intended:
To all things create, to bring forth beauty, to Heav’n in our image

Remake!” So Lucifer, th’morning’s lord, his fall from grace began;
Turning to th’arch angel, Abdiel: “Lucifer, my general, thou rebellion
Proposeth! To think th’unthinkable; where hast thou been, such thoughts
To conceive? Thou wondrest th’unwonderable: canst thou in th’place
Of th’Father sit with clear conscience? How-” Lucifer, with a sneer,

Thus: “Abdiel: thou art my inferior; and, as such, shalt silent in
My presence remain, lest a worse unthinkable fate thee befall. Come,
Then, my brothers; art thou with me?” With a shout quiet; a nod; a glance,
The pact made, the trust with th’Creator broken. Oh evil day! Would
That thou’d never come; th’root of all evil on that day began his

Villainy t’spread, th’paradise of Heav’n infecting as a single cloud
Th’brilliant blue sky mars: woe t’you, inhabitants of Tranquility!
Woe t’you, o sons of th’Creator! Thus you from grace your fall began:
With a nod subtle; with an unspoken pact; only from thee Abdiel fled,
To th’Throne; and so thy plot was in its conception foiled; for

In that same hour, Michael, captain of th’angels under Lucifer,
His gen’ral accosted, with four lieutenants. Michael thus: “Lucifer,
Th’art under arrest, to th’Throne shall be tak’n for justice
t’be upon thee done.” Lucifer: “Wherefore thou falsely accuseth me?”
Michael replies: “Abdiel thy partner in villainy falsely pledged,

O vile son of morning! Now with us to th’Throne
Shalt thou come, be it by thy will or no.” So five flaming swords drawn
Glimmer in th’twilight of Tranquility; in reply, Lucifer thus:
“Dost thou threaten me, arch angel?” Michael: “Th’Throne of th’Almighty
Thy fate shall conclude.” Lucifer sneeringly: “I am th’Almighty!” as

From his hand a flaming sword bursts: like light toward th’four angels and
Arch angel th’son of morning flies; overpowering rage his brilliance fuels,
And a moment even th’Throne of th’Most High he outshines. A single stroke
Two angels fells; another mighty stroke th’other lieutenants: and Lucifer
His strength he begins to gather, at th’beleaguered arch angel potent

Blows hewing; as the desert sun down upon barren sand throbs,
So against Michael th’greatest arch angel his attack concentrates.
All across Tranquility, seeing Lucifer and Michael together in combat
Locked, swords their cohorts raise, and in th’very streets of
Tranquility, chaos reigns. Meanwhile, th’silence of th’Void shatters;

Nothingness, Heaven’s mirror, into madness descends: from th’abyss Chaos
Spawns, and after th’Anarch his children and siblings immediate rise, by
Immediate consort with Night birthed: Orcus, Ades, Demogorgon; Rumour, Chance,
Tumult, and Confusion; and Eris and wife Discord with the thousand various
Mouths. Then th’Void moves: firmaments shifting; the waters of the Deep

From naught form, torrents crashing, currents swiftly rising t’lap at
Th’very shores of lawless Heav’n; concurrently, fire wildly dancing with
Air mix’t, sea and land indistinct; cacophony and silence together,
As oil and water shak’n, unite: chaos in its birth upon th’outskirts
Of Tranquility itself encroaches, ‘til th’song-built city proves temporarily

Th’stronger, though in’t’s streets angels each other battle and injure.
Lucifer, greatest being created, upon th’rival arch angel bears: titanic
Strokes down upon beleaguered Michael he slashes, ‘til Gabriel and
Raphael, as a pair unstoppable through th’fray to their struggling
Brother fighting, arrive to Michael’s rescue: Lucifer then, against

Three compeers pitted, flight temporary he takes to regroup, injured
Michael in th’care of th’other two arch angels leaving. From above,
Between fighting angels soaring, Lucifer th’battlefield assesses:
Half Tranquility th’Rebel angels have taken, and with phalanxes
Against their Loyal brothers th’streets and air hold; inch by inch,

Th’remaining Rebels are driven back into safe territory. With angel’s
Vision, Lucifer Michael sees: two eyes, lost; wing and chest, torn;
Only two eyes upon Michael’s face remain; Lucifer himself no wounds
Has been giv’n. At last, th’fighting ceases, and both sides to tend
Th’wounded and regroup withdraw. Lucifer then to Beelzebub thus:

“Brother in arms, thou hast with me thy cause and might join’d;
Together, then, shalt we see th’day when th’false creator is
Deposed and we this universe rule! So to that end, I leave thee
Charge of our forces, that I may retire to th’final assault upon
Th’Throne consider.” To this Beelzebub his consent gives; so

Lucifer to th’outer Chaos withdraws, the war to plan. Sin,
In th’camp of th’rebellious angels trapp’d, her father’s leave
Observes, and so after him steals, to perhaps be with him; for
She, too, had herself besotted with him. Green eyes flash
With mischief as behind him she draws; contemplating th’war,

Lucifer perceives not her coming, and so, when a pocket of silence
In chaos surrounds them, he hears, and, sword suddenly drawn,
Whirls on her; Sin, almost hit, cries out in fright, and swoons:
Lucifer, then, stricken with grief, takes her for dead, and by
Her side kneels; when she her eyes opens, full lips part,

Lucifer remembers himself and his thoughts, and she herself:
Hence, all planning is forgot, and the willing rape of Sin;
For Sin herself had after Lucifer yearned since th’moment of
Her creation. By their passion, Death is conceived; and as
Lucifer in th’arms of Sin lies, by passion overcome, in the

Throes of pleasure, in Heav’n, Raphael with Gabriel and
Michael an attack plans. Michael thus: “Brothers, thou seest
As well as I in what direst peril we lie; I thus propose, rather
Than about th’situation pontificating, we now attack t’rebellion
Quell, and for judgment th’Rebel angels bring.” In reply,

Raphael: “Michael, hast thou their redemption considered?
Is a fallen position’s retrieval not possible? Thou counselest
Battle; and battle well I understand: even though I am no Lucifer,
I am th’second greatest created angel; though thou thyself
Easily healest, even if scarred, others may not so easily do;

Of three cohorts, only one battle-ready remains, and th’preponderance
With th’enemy rests: how can three cohorts of angels hope t’depose
A full five of rebels? I thus caution propose: while th’greater orders
Of angels with us remain, numerical disadvantage we possess;
So to prudence I counsel: let us ourselves restore and then th’assault

Renew.” Gabriel for a moment ponders, and th’debate continues:
“Raphael, seest thou th’enemy? They carouse and drink, their
New-found freedom indulge: ist the time now not ripe for an assault
Upon their unwariness? If we then our luminous nature douse, we
May under darkness’ veil t’the very outskirts of th’enemy camp

Creep, and so unseen enter and grievous harm deal to th’Rebel
Angels; and mayhap e’en capture th’Traitor Lucifer, who
To th’Almighty himself compareth: for if from th’serpent
Th’head is taken, doth the body not die?” Michael this brash
Plan his assent nods, and Raphael reluctantly agrees; so th’uninjured

Cohort, with a second recovering for support, is marshaled, and
Th’angels their light quench, and so by th’light of th’Throne
Enmasked, th’Loyal Angels in phalanx t’the Rebels steal,
And find no guard posted; so to th’heart of th’Rebel camp
They thrust, and th’Rebel Angels are surprised by th’sudden,

Silent attack: so initially, two full cohorts are without resistance
Slain, and then, even-match’d in numbers, but in skill
Outclassed, th’rebels a desperate defense mount; surrounded
And hemmed in, a wall of pikes th’rebels keeps from escape;
Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel at th’front lines deeds of

Valor and heroism perform: and where they are, no rebel
May resist. Then, in Chaos, Lucifer from Sin rolls, relaxed,
Until above in Heav’n, he sees battle; then from pleasant
Glow he is wrenched, and in fury his light flares; Sin sleeping
He abandons to his losing cause, though turmoil and elemental

War desperately flying, ‘til lighting at Tranquility’s shore, he
From his arms two flaming swords draws, and from th’tip of
each wings a sword bursts; in rage, six wings and two arms wielding
Fire-engulf’d blades, Lucifer into th’rear of th’loyal angels
Assails, and none can him withstand: a star not yet created

To Heav’n’s surface come; before him, th’angels as dry leaves
B’fore a blaze crumble. But too late Lucifer to th’fray arrives;
He an escape only provides: for already th’front ranks of rebels
Collapse, and fleeing for very life they the city abandon. Then,
To exhaustion and injury prevent, Raphael th’Loyal Angels

Recalls, and a guard ‘round Tranquility they set, so none into
Th’city without notice of th’angels shall incur. In th’foothills
Of Chaos, th’Rebel Angels regroup, to th’shining banner of Lucifer
Rallying: bedraggled, broken, three cohorts where once five had
Proudly stood. Then Lucifer to them thus: “Angels! Wherefore

Thou fleest? Wherefore thou doth not against thy enemies stand?
Wherefore, sons of light? Art thou not thine own masters? Angels:
Thou followeth me: me, greatest amongst thee! greatest of all
Beings! How then can defeat exist, when at thy head the Lord of
Morning standeth? Rally to me, ye free angels! Thou’rt no longer

Beneath th’heel of that pretender on th’Throne oppressed! Canst
Thou not to a motley crew of straggling morons present face
And slay? To me! If thou’rt with me, there canst be no defeat!
If thou’rt against me, victory cannot exist!” And th’voices
Of a thousand million angels lift in exultation at their general’s

Might and providence. Meanwhile, at th’foot of th’Throne,
Th’unfallen arch angels plan; Michael: “Shalt we the advantage
Thus gained not pursue? How but in sudden battle shall we hope
To their advantage offset?” Gabriel to his brother rejoins: “Our legions
Are too few, and not ready for battle.” Raphael then: “But then

Sudden assault, as before, such disparity doth correct; is’t
Not th’case that only by Lucifer were th’rebels saved? Thus,
Th’onslaught could to our purposes succeed.” Gabriel, though,
“Hast thou not th’angels seen? They canst not against a single
Cherub stand, let alone three full cohorts of angels, arch angels,

Cherubim, and seraphim! I thus propose we heal our wounds
Our strength regain, and then battle give at that time as we best
Propose.” Michael, eyes like flint, his assent begrudges; Raphael,
Finally, concurs: “And mayhap Lucifer shall his mind regain,
Since lost it is to his lust for pow’r, and before th’Throne prostrate

Himself for forgiveness; and I do not doubt th’Father shall
Hesitate, for true obeisance, t’grant such.” So saying, Raphael
Concludes th’debate, and so about Tranquility Loyal Angels their
Camp make, and off in th’barren, wartorn city’s outskirts, th’Rebel
Angels their camp make, and for an eon they rest, peace only by

Skirmishes broken, as feelers of th’two armies brush; for in Heaven,
A single day may an age last, and converse. At last, th’forces of
Th’Throne beyond th’edges of Tranquility muster, and so, arrayed
Against them, Lucifer’s army, forest of pikes glittering as fall’n stars,
Th’generals at the army’s fore standing: and in the line’s center,

Lucifer, fall’n arch angel, wings, blazing t’rival th’very face of
Th’Father. At a gesture, th’armies toward each other march:
Staunch, bright; then th’march a charge becomes, and chaos
Within Tranquility again reigns. Raphael, heading th’Loyal
Soldiers, into th’ranks of rebels dives, and so struggling bodies

Him surround: immediately, the phalanxes dissociate, and th’fighting
Is direct; he thus his spear throws, and sword draws. Mighty
Deeds of valor he pursues, and none before th’wrath of his face
Can stand; then he Beelzebub confronts. Th’fallen seraph two great
Axes dually wields; turning, splashed with bloody light, he down

Upon th’arch angel bears, and with a shattering clash, sword and axe
Meet. For a moment, th’flaming sword of Raphael hardly the blow
Of Lucifer’s Prince catches, and then, sword on axe flashing,
th’combat begins: Raphael first is by great hewing strokes driv’n back,
Then th’arch angel’s light brighter shines, and catching one of

Th’fallen angel’s axes, shatters th’haft, so naught but a singing
Blade remains; and then Raphael is Beelzebub repulsing; th’fallen
Angels’ captain hard pressed cannot against Raphael’s swift blows
Sustain, and so, stooping, he around Raphael dives, and before th’arch
Angel can his flight stop, has crossed th’battlefield to his wounds

Nurse. Then Raphael, looking around, th’oppugned armies separated
And yet undefeated beholds, while skirmishes ‘round them clash,
Th’vans have separated and drawn back to regroup. Then, swifter
Than a fall’n star, th’highest unfall’n arch angel to th’other captains
Flies, and there deciding to th’assault to call off, reverses th’battle;

Meanwhile, across the carnage, Lucifer with Beelzebub discourses:
“Second in command, dost thou recommend th’assault renewing?”
Beelzebub his wounds tending repli’st: “Thou seest, as I do, th’great
Suffering of our allies: wherefore could we th’assault renew? Then
Thy objective in vain wouldst ne’er be accomplished: for how can

We truly th’universe remake an every angel broken upon a battlefield
Lieth? Therefore, let us rather our strength recoup and withdraw for
A time; for do we not the strength of numbers retain, greater still
Than before th’battle? Though they arch angels, cherubim,
Seraphim, and higher orders retain, we th’strength of many possess;

And when hast such strength e’er thee failed? And finally, we thee
Have, my gen’ral: how can th’Lord of Morning fail?” Lucifer a moment
Silent in thought hovers; then, sternly: “I shall from thee a second time
Take leave; thou’rt to maintain order; an thou again mee failest, thou
Shalt pariah be.” Beelzebub thus: “Ne’er upon my watch shall th’damned

Loyalists us surprise! Farewell, my master; when shall I thee see again?”
Lucifer a moment ponders’t; then, “Look for me at th’third dawn’s
Rising!” and like an arrow, straight to Heaven’s border he flies.
There, without hesitation, he into Chaos plunges; and as a
Leaf in autumnal winds, is tossed by th’warring elements: first

An updraft him carries up; then, void, and he falls, ‘til upon badly
Defined earth he catches; then, through th’noisome wastes Lucifer
Crawls, across th’shifting earth, through fire and ice warring,
Not flying, not walking; luminescence from him torn as a
Gale from a newborn a blanket rips: at last, to th’throne of

Th’infernal pow’rs Lucifer, mightiest of all creation, stumbles,
By th’bedlam unhumbled; and to th’mighty Anarch, he speaks:
“Anarch! Thou pow’r of Night Eternal! I thee summon to thy
Domain extend: wherefore, by my actions thou from th’Void
Wert born, now come! Thy kingdom to Heaven and its late

Tranquility engulf, and war upon Heaven wage! Then
Th’Kingdom thereof thou shalt absorb, and by me thou
Shalt sit, ruler eternal, th’universe to in thy image remake!
What says’t thou?” The fall’n arch angel’s words the heart
Of Chaos stir, and from th’pavilion an insensible voice boom’st:

“Arch angel, true words thou speaks’t; and truer still thy
Actions: for these past years thou hast mee a foothold in
Heav’n given; no firmer grip can Chaos be grant’d than
War. Willingly, then, I myself to thee join’st: that abomination,
Order, which cyst-like from th’borders of Chaos riseth,

To destroy and into my kingdom subsume.” Th’arch angel,
Pleased, upon his heel turns, and back toward Heaven flies,
Safe, easy passage by th’truce guaranteed; yet, ahead of him,
He battle espies: therefore speed redoubles, and again; th’fallen
Arch angel thus sees: th’rebel forces in desp’rate conflict locked,

For very life fighting, ‘gainst the edge of Chaos pressed; Beelzebub
And th’princes of darkness th’front line hold, but none can th’fury
Of th’three unfall’n arch angels long withstand: blazing with rage,
The loyal Heavenly troops press forth, and all lost would have been,
Had at that instant Lucifer not through th’barrier of Heaven broken,

And in blind wrath himself thrown at th’enemy: eight blistering
Swords he draws, each wing wields, and each hand; and like
A whirlwind at th’Loyal Angels, thus crying: “Rally, sons of
Morning! To me, ye free angels! To th’standard of light!”
Hopes dashed thus mended, th’Rebel Angels against their enemy

Th’assault renew, and before Lucifer’s anger none can stand:
Angels, cherubim, seraphim; all are before him as dry grass
Before a fiery tornado. A path into th’center of th’enemy
He hews, great deeds of valor performing; and then suddenly
Beleaguered: Loyal Angels him attack, and though he does

Not fall, he may yet have been captured; for th’dead piled
About him, he few injuries received, and yet th’corpses
His movement hindered, so in an instant, a thousand hands
Him are laid; in the next moment, chopped off, but by
Ten thousand more replaced; and had at that minute

Chaos not his attack launched, th’Lord of Morning
Would his rebellion have seen fall; for though by their
Leader spurr’d on, th’Rebel Angels’ phalanx still a wall
Of pikes faces, and th’ranks by Lucifer shorn swiftly
Fill; and th’pikes, with blood like light glittering, strike

Newfound fear into th’heart of th’rebels; though
Beelzebub would have rallied them, they nearly flee;
But behind them, Heaven’s wall breaks, and through th’breach
Chaos streams, warring elements Heaven’s order scatt’ring.
Then in the gusts, th’Rebel Angels are lifted up, and first

Fear in their hearts grows, then is dispelled as they hear
Their master’s great voice th’allies welcoming: and past them
Th’great Anarch and his train, th’lords of Chaos thunder:
Orcus, Ades, Demogorgon; Rumour, Chance, Tumult, and
Confusion; and Eris and wife Discord follow, in th’slaughter

Reveling. Th’Loyal Angels face th’unfaceable, and like
Leaves before an autumn gale flee: borne up on th’wings
Of Chaos, th’Rebel Angels laugh as they pursue, and
There is great slaughter in th’streets of Tranquility; meantime,
Th’warring elements th’song-wrought city destroy:

Great towers crumble, and graceful spires are as castles
Of sand, by th’returning tide dissolved. To th’Throne,
Whereupon Father and Son sit, pensive, th’Loyal Angels
In disarray fly; and Chaos upon their heels laps, th’city
Into screaming nothingness destroying. Then there is

Roaring silence: for th’Throne’s light at bay Chaos holds,
And th’Loyal Angels reform, a thin line about th’base of
Th’Throne. Then, from Chaos the rebels dimly emerge:
Marching in phalanx, ferocious light shining upon their
Enemy: and th’final assault they begin, by Lucifer and

His subordinate captains led. Without th’Father’s direct
Intervention, no hope of victory for th’Loyal Angels exists:
Pushing back, first th’flank caves, and then again swept
B’fore th’joyous assault, finally, Chaos at th’base of th’Throne
Laps, and one angel only between Lucifer and th’Throne stands:

Raphael defiant resists, disorganized phalanx battling; at
Lucifer’s gesture, they fall back, and Lucifer forward steps.
“Thou defiest me, arch angel.” Raphael: “Why dost thou
Th’Most High disobey, Lucifer? Wherefore thy rebellion
Conceiveth?” Lucifer thus: “Th’Father hath us created wrongly:

He feareth us!” Raphael, in reply: “Thou wert by him created
T’disply thy might, not to so abuse!” Lucifer: “Then wherefore
Hath he the ability to from nothing create not us giv’n?” Raphael:
“But Lucifer; why dost thou that power desire?” In anger,
Lucifer, circling th’besieged arch angel thus: “Because he hath

Th’desire to create within me giv’n; and th’ability to so do
Hath not accompanied!” Raphael: “Thou wert never intended
To from nihil create, but rather to fashion from creation greater
Beauty! Thou hast permitted thy lies to thy very mind twist, ‘til
Now thou art the very thing become thou hast sworn to destroy!”

Lucifer: “Thou shalt not mee lecture, Raphael; I through thy lies
Perceive! I do not, as thou so doth, fear mine own creation! I have
Beauty, glory, and new creation to my new dominion bestown!”
“Thy new dominion? Lucifer, thou th’Throne of th’Father t’uphold
Sworest, to’th’Father’s reign perpetuate! Thy allegiance to

Th’Father and Son belongeth, not to thyself!” Lucifer, back turned,
rage like boiling water simmer’st: “Do thou therefore not force thy
Death upon mine hands: thou art either my ally or my enemy.”
Raphael, as a brother, speak’st then: “Only one truly fall’n can
So speak. I shall my duty prosecute.” From his arms he two fiery

Swords draws; then, Lucifer, contemptuous: “Thou shalt so attempt,”
And himself flips toward th’last unbeaten arch angel: from his six
Wings, he swords bursts; and from his arms he draws, so eight blades
At th’miscreant Raphael beat; immediately, th’loyal angel retreats,
Giving space t’his life preserve. Th’fall’n arch angel’s attack relentless

Continues, and blazing, Lucifer th’very Throne outshines, ‘til nought
But indistinct light can th’observing rebel angels see; then it fades,
And on th’howling edge of Chaos Raphael struggling clings, one sword
Shattered; th’other through th’air spinning, t’itself at th’Father’s foot
Bury. Lucifer to Raphael: “Thou’rt beaten. I thee offer one final

Chance: with me thy power combine! Th’Most High canst surely not
Us together withstand!” Raphael: “No, arch angel; thou shalt mee
Kill instead, for never shall I with thee join.” An instant Lucifer his
Sword raises, then: “Thou shalt never a threat to mee again pose, thou
Defanged serpent. Disgust thou shalt always incur in my domain; thus,

Begone.” And a single sandaled foot Lucifer upon th’beat’n arch angel’s
Face places, and a push Raphael into screaming Chaos send’st. Then
Lucifer turns to th’Throne face, and his strength gathers; for a moment,
He by th’Father’s majesty is overawed, and th’moment of creation
Remember’st; but then in his heart, he: “I will to th’Throne ascend;

I will above the stars of God raise my throne; I will enthroned on
The mount of assembly sit, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
I will above the tops of the clouds ascend; I will myself like unto
Th’Most High become.” And his spirit so hardened, he to the Throne
Steps, to th’very Face of God he speaks: and th’angels beneath a

Great cry raise, their defiance of th’Almighty voicing. “Old deity,
Thy death is now.” And Lucifer his swords raise, greatest of all
Beings; but before he can a single blow strike, the
Father speak’st: “Satan. Thou art pariah.” And
From th’Throne radiance shines, to all light make dark;

Chaos is by th’power of God roll’d back beyond its
Former boundaries; and Lucifer’s light is extinguished;
Before th’might of th’Almighty, nothing can stand,
And th’downtrodden Loyal Angels, rejuvenated,
Spring up; terror within th’hearts of th’Rebel Angels

They enkindle, and with Lucifer at their head,
Th’Rebels are from Heav’n cast, with Michael’s
Angels pursuing close at th’heels of the rout. Tranquility,
Meanwhile restored, to th’edges of Chaos again extends,
And war has not its mark left thereupon; but angels

Immortal exist, and cannot be killed, but rather
So grievously injured health is eons away, so th’Loyal
Angels the Father restores, and victory they enjoy.
Against th’Rebels there is a great slaughter and injury; for
Nine days from Heav’n they fall, all the way

Chased, through th’mouth of new-wrought Hell,
And upon its fiery lake they land, chains pre-fixed
Their limbs bind, and in darkness, they stay, some
Weeping; some stunned; silent, until Lucifer from
Shock himself rousts.
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
F. Douglass
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