You’re right, in retrospect that is just plain silly! I've decreased the planets population to one million, as I never really intended for it to have any military impact on the Convictions operations. Oh and I didn't really intend for it to be seen as a major economic centre, just a supply factory for Kuat that happens to be on its own planet, and it only produces civilian engine parts, so I assume its not of any real value. (otherwise they wouldn'y have sent the Conviction)One question about the Twilek colony. One billion people, and they only have ~300,000 personnel for defense, along with 2 wings of local fighters, and 2 squadrons of FTL capable fighters?
Also I was intending to have slavery play a part in the plot but I never thought about having it actually on the planet with the Stormtroopers deployed to its surface, I might steal your idea but it would raise problems with why the Conviction is taking part in planetary law enforcement.
I hate the common idea that the Empire would use slavery; even some people suggesting slaves were used to build the Death Star! Why on earth would a modern technological government need slavery or even condone it, it makes neither economic nor strategic sense. And am glad you seem not to share this idea.
Why? I don't have any military experience but from what I have seen on TV (cus its real!) things like carriers are mazes to people who haven’t served on them for some time like in NCIS where the woman (is it Abbey?) gets lost and end up in the toilet. I know the Romans built their forts so that you would always know the layout because it was the same empire wide but I would image that the Empire, which inherited a lot if its military infrastructure from the chaotic republic and independent system governments could not effectively do this, with the exception of those prefab garrisons they seem to drop everywhere.BTW I was previously disproportionately annoyed that you had relatively elite soldiers requiring mouse droids to show them around. I get the point and sure it would prevent Spinal Tap style stupidity, but it just didn't seem to fit in right. Nice to see now they can navigate without them when needed.
Thanks for all the feedback. Keep it coming