Regarding the potential audience...

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Regarding the potential audience...

Post by Artanis »

I'm a member of the fanfic group Operation CWAL, and there was a discussion a while back on our forum about alternate places to to post the next story arc. It being a (more or less) crossover fanfic, I would like to try to do so here, but because I'm new here, I don't know how well it would be taken, and wouldn't want to bother if it'll just get flamed straight to hell (it's happened before at other forums).

I ask because it really isn't a "vs", or even a remotely serious fanfic. For anybody that isn't familiar with it (HEATHENS! HEA...ok, I'm calm now), it takes place in a universe that mixes elements from Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo, Command and Conquer, SMAC, Starfox, Star Control, Half Life, D&D, Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Total Annihilation, Ranma, Gundam, generic anime, Hitchhiker's Guide, Robo-Cop, Buffy, Final Fantasy, Monty Python, Warhammer, plenty of others that I'm probably forgetting, and Starbucks. It also has concepts such as "Cannon Fodder" (who die...a lot...often several times in the same story...), "Canuckalisks", and a schizophrenic, waffle-throwing former Sith Lord (named "Darth Ninny"). certainly seems to be more civilized than most forums, but it can't hurt to ask.

(for more info, oughtta help)
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"And your beliefs colour your perception with a bias towards being completely batshit insane"
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