Good Thrawn fiction?

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Good Thrawn fiction?

Post by Feil »

The recent PSW thread regarding the annoyingness of the Thrawn Trilogy's numerous deus ex machina has given me a desire to read more fiction involving the EU's best character. Are there any good, well-written, and either finished or in progress and not-abandoned pieces of fiction out there that employ Thrawn as a major character, capture him well, and aren't dripping with Thrawn-masturbatory ejaculate?

Links would be appreciated.

PS: I don't mind crossovers.
Sean Mulligan
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Post by Sean Mulligan »

Hitchhiker, The story of a young Thrawn in the Imperial Navy. Recent books have made this fic au. ... 5/p1/?1022

Clash of Fates part one and two. Thrawn encounters the Yuuzhan Vong in the Unknown Regions a few weeks before the Battle of Endor. ... wn_duology
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