1. 5/10Michael Garrity wrote:After having re-read TSW and TSW:P several times, there does seem to be some comedic potential contained therein, to wit:
"A demon walked up to me and said that it hadn't had a bite in two weeks, so I bit him"
"A demon walked up to me and asked if it could borrow twenty dollars until payday. I asked ' when's payday?' The demon said 'you should know, you're the one who's working'
"I just flew in from hell and boy, are my arms tired!!"
Q: What was the last thing that went through Satan's mind before he died?
A: Fragments of missile casing
Chuck Norris is what demons want to be when they grow up
Demons pray to Chuck Norris that he doesn't crush them like bugs
When Chuck Norris was asked his opinion about Abigor, he called Abigor 'A promising Rookie'
There are no clocks in Hell because Chuck Norris decides what time it is.
When Yah-Yah said "let there be light", Chuck Norris said 'Say Please'
The energy required to create and maintain the bubble universe in which Hell resides is roughly equalt to 1CHNRhK (one Chuck Norris Round House Kick)
The booing may now begin......
Mike Garrity
2. 4/10
3. 5/10
4. 7/10
5. 6/10
6. 5/10
7. 10/10
8. 4/10
9. 10/10
10. 5/10