Hi this is my first post on here. I'm working on a story called the Dark Crown War. It takes place on this mythical world that I created. Here is the glossary, and I will post the Pre-Imperial Timeline and other sections soon. Please feel to comment, I would love any suggestions and opinions.
Glossary for the Dark Crown Saga
The Tazon Empire: the greatest empire in the history of the continent of Harea. From the great western ocean to the burning sands of the Bronze Desert, from the great northern forests, to the Dead Ocean Flats, the empire stretched across Harea. For 800 years the empire was ruled by the Pompey Dynasty. It fell after the Dark Crown War and this led to catastrophic civil wars that destroyed the western half of the empire.
The Pompey Dynasty: the dynasty that was founded by Pompey the Great over 800 years ago. The throne was passed from parent to son or daughter in an unbroken line. Both emperor and empresses had an equal partnership in rule. The last scion of the dynasty was Valentinian X.
The Dark Crown War: the 27 year war that devastated the continent of Harea. It was fought between the Tazon Empire, and their allies the Darians against the forces of the Dark Lord. The war reached its climax at the Battle of Chaldor.
Valentinian X the Kin slayer: last emperor of the Empire. Valentinian took the throne after his brother, Geta the Mad was assassinated by the Emerald Guard. Valentinian realized that the Empire could not beat the forces of the Dark Lord by themselves, so he forged an alliance with the Darian Empire. After the war he went mad and killed the entire imperial family which triggered chaos in the Empire. His story is immortalized in the Tragic Song of Sabina.
The Tazon Legions: the armies of the Tazon Empire that expanded and protected first the Tazo city state and later the Empire for 800 years. The Legion System was started by Marcus Ironheart Tarquinii 125 years before the birth of Pompey. A legion was made up of 5,000 citizens divided into five cohorts of a 1000. These cohorts were divided into maniples of 250 citizens under the direction of a centurion. During the empire’s history a standing force of 80 legions, 400,000 citizens were maintained. Every man and woman citizen in the Empire was required to serve 5 years, when they reached their 18th birthday, in the Legions. Once they had served their five year enlistment they had the option of staying in the Legions, or they could leave, however all citizens were required to train two months out of the year in the Legions so their skills would not erode. Citizens who had served could be called up during times of crisis, giving the Empire huge reserves to call upon. During the Dark Crown War the legions reached 200 in number, 1,000,000 citizens under arms.
The legionnaires wore segmented armor, a helmet that had a thick slopped neck guard, thick cheek guards, and brass trim. They also wore iron gauntlets on their arms and iron greaves on their legs. The legionnaires went into battle armed with a short double edged thrusting sword called a Gladius. The gladius was 24 inches long and was considered the reason why the legions were so successful in battle. The legionnaires also were armed with two throwing javelins called pilum. The pilum were designed to penetrate enemy armor and shields. Once the javelins hit their targets the iron head tips would bend on impact rendering the enemies shield useless because they could not be removed. The legionnaires also carried a curved rectangular shaped shield with a brass boss in the center. The shield was designed to give the solider great protection in battle.
The Darians: the Darians were the first race of people created by the Gods during the times of legend. The Darians live on average 300 years. The Darians are known for their almond shaped eyes, long jet black hair, and pale skin. They reside on an island continent in the middle of the western ocean. For almost 3,000 years the Darians ruled over a vast oceanic empire, with colonies spread throughout the world. For the last 2,000 years the Darians had been in decline. During the Dark Crown War, King Nerika III forged an alliance with Valentinian against the Dark Lord’s army. After the war and for the next 300 years the Darians withdrew from world affairs and have become completely isolationist.
The Voth: a tribe of barbarians who migrated from the frozen lands of Scaida. The Voths left their homeland and split into two branches, or tribes. The Eastern Voths stayed on the Tybor Steppe. The Western Voths moved further west and came in contact with the Empire. A series of wars broke out. Finally during the reign of Emperor Stilicho the Voths were defeated in a bloody battle at Knosi in the central provinces by General Valeria daughter of Stilicho. Stilicho realized that the Voths would be valuable to the Empire as soldiers so he gave the Voth Clans land in the central provinces provided that all Voths would accept conscription service. The Voth Clan Leaders agreed and the land that they received became the province of Vothica.
The Nimorshah Crusades: the Nimorshah were a cruel people who ruled over an empire that bordered the rising Tazon Empire in the west. The Nimorshah were known for brutal human sacrifices of children and women. Subjects of their empire were forced to offer up their first born sons and daughters, to sustain the royal family every three years. The empire that they had created would rival the Tazon Empire and this would bring the two powers into conflict. The legions invaded the Nimorshah Empire and for the next 125 years the empires fought a war of attrition. During the war the Nimorshah advanced all the way to the gates of Tazo, but were beaten back at the cost of tens of thousands of lives. The Nimorshah were finally exterminated by Emperor Trajan, and their capital Nimrodus was burned to the ground. The wars that were fought were called the Nimorshah Crusades.
Emperor Trajan the Great: considered one of the greatest Tazon emperors. Trajan was the son of Claudius Vothicus, the Hammer of the Voths. Trajan fought over 30 campaigns during his reign, and was able to destroy the Nimorshah. He also was able to complete the conquest of the east started by his father against the Marathi Empire. Trajan also fought against the Voth Snow Wolf Clan’s invasion of the Northern provinces. Trajan was known for his wise and just rule. The Great Arch of Victories was built during his reign to celebrate his conquests over Marathi, and the Nimorshah.
The Blood Spears: the descendents of the legions that defected to Naron at the beginning of the Dark Crown War. After the war the Blood Spears trekked through the Great Northern Forests and settled in the lands of Anonaso. They conquered the natives and established a kingdom. The Blood Spears are pirates and raiders who are constantly expanding their territory.
Lord Naron: Naron was the leader and general of the Dark Lord’s Grand Army during the Dark Crown War. Before he became Naron, he was General Narious Flavius, Commander of the Northern Legions. He was raised by the Emperor Aurelius II, who was a close friend of his mother General Niobe. During the emperor’s war against the Da’monie Barbarians in the north, Narious showed his skill and generalship during the campaign. After the Da’monie were defeated the emperor was killed by his son Geta, and Narious was crucified for refusing to accept Geta as emperor. Narious hung on the cross for two days, but he was soon rescued by a mysterious scion of the Dark Lord. He was resurrected and became Lord Naron, commander of the Dark Lord’s armies. He was defeated at Chaldor by Valentinian.
The Grand Army of the Dark Lord: the army that was assembled by Lord Naron to wage war upon the Empire. At its height the army numbered over 2 million troops. It was made up of Da’monie barbarians, who made up the majority, and Naron was also able to get the Northern Legions, 23 legions, to defect to his side. For 27 years the army hammered away at the empire. The army was broken and defeated at Chaldor.
Imperial Heavy Horse: the shock troop cavalry of the Tazon military. The Heavy Horse wore a mixture of chainmail, and segmented armor. They also wore a helmet with a visor craved in the face of a snarling lion. They were armed with a round shield, a long nine foot spear, and long slashing sword. Their horses also wore segmented armor. A detachment of 500 Heavy Horse called a Fist was attached to every legion in the field.
The Imperia of Decius: the eastern half of the old Tazon Empire that did not fall apart. It was held together by the iron will of General Decius, and his wife General Fausta. The Imperia has been ruled by the family of Decius every since the fall of Tazo for over 300 years. The Regents of the Throne have been emperors in all but name, but since they have none of the bloodline they cannot be true emperors. The Imperia has been in decline for over 100 years for it has been besotted with internal divisions. The capital of the Imperia is called New Tazo.
The Island of Tara: an island located off the northwest coast of Harea. Before Tara was conquered by the Empire it was a land of 100 warring clans, mystics, and strange beasts. Tara was invaded by the Empire under Empress Antonia IV. What followed was a hard guerrilla war that lasted 6 years before the island was official declared a province. As the Empire fell into chaos the legions stationed in Tara were withdrawn to the continent and the citizens were left to fend for themselves. Tara experienced invasion by the mysterious Ram-men Sea People, plagues, and famines. Tara is now ruled by the Sisters of the Order of the Horse.
The Sixteen Nations: the duchies, kingdoms, and nations that were created out of the carcass of the western half of the Tazon Empire. The nations are constantly at war among themselves and each of their leaders styles themselves as an emperor or empress. The Kingdom of Illyria is the largest of the nations, followed by the Vothican Nation. There were seventeen nations, but the Duchy of Pradana was conquered by Illyria.
The People of the Steppe: a loose confederation of tribes who live on the Tybor steppe. The Lamasha, as they call themselves, are fierce warriors who defend their grazing lands. The Lamasha are divided into six clans, ruled by a clan elder. The Lamasha are also known for their beautiful spotted horses.
The Nana Horde: the militaristic tribe that dwells in the far central areas of the Tybor Steppe. The Nana Horde is divided into many hordes and there is constant friction among them. The Nana was once united into a powerful nation by Juba Khan. Juba seeing the chaos that was engulfing the Empire after the death of the imperial family swarmed into the eastern provinces. General Decius met the Nana in the Valley of Shemar. It was here that they were defeated in an epic four day battle. Juba was himself killed and the Nana fled back to the steppe. The Nana Horde was left leaderless and civil war broke out among the tribes. If the Nana tribes are ever united again they would sweep all before them.
Tazo: the jewel in the crown of the Tazon Empire. Tazo was founded by slave refugees 1000 years before the birth of Pompey. Tazo was a city-state ruled by egalitarian citizens that constantly expanding along the Umbria Peninsula conquering other city-states, or forming alliances with them. By the time Pompey was born Tazo, under the Tarquinii Family, had united most of the central and southern Umbria Peninsula, only the north remained unconquered. Tazo would become the capital of an Empire when Pompey was crowned emperor after the defeat of Sulla the Tyrant. The city was destroyed during the riots after the death of the imperial family. Today Tazo is an uninhabited ruin, which is considered cursed by the people of the West.
Pompey the Great: the founder of the Empire. Pompey was from the Daia Family. He saved the life of Sulla the Tyrant during the Battle of the Janus River against the nation of Sartammnai in northern Umbria. Sulla and Pompey became blood brothers, and he became one of Sulla’s favorite generals. Pompey soon grew disillusioned with Sulla’s dictatorial rule. Two years after Janus, Pompey led a revolution against Sulla. For over three years the Tazon Nation was torn apart as citizen fought citizen. Just when the situation became worse for Pompey, he and his army were cornered near Mount Sela; he was visited in a vision by Youoz the Sun God. The Sun God told him in the vision to climb to the summit of the mountain. The next morning he did and when he returned later that night he carried with him a magnificent sword, blessed by the Sun God. He called the sword “Solarius”, the Hammer of the Sun. The next day Pompey defeated Sulla, and he became the first Tazon Emperor.
The Emerald Guard: the Imperial Guard of the Tazon Empire. The Guard was founded by Empress Lucretia and was created to be the personal bodyguard of the royal family. Only the best legionnaires that distinguished themselves in battle were picked to serve in the Guard. The Guard was dressed just like a regular legionnaire with some major differences. They wore long emerald colored cloaks the royal family colors. Also on their helmets was an emerald dye colored short horse-hair crest. Another difference was the huge sun symbol that was engraved on their breastplates. The Guard numbered 10,000 and was barracked near the Imperial Palace in Tazo. In battle the Guards were legendary fighters, willing to sacrifice their lives for the Imperial Family and the Empire. It was said in battle that one member of the Guard was worth ten legionaries. One of the greatest legends was Prefect Claudia Gaius, who later went on to marry Emperor Trajan, and saved his life in the Eastern Campaign against Marathi. Most of the Guard was destroyed, or disappeared in the massive riots that followed the death of the Imperial Family at the end of the Dark Crown War.
Sejanus the Cursed One: the Prefect of the Emerald Guards during the Dark Crown War. Sejanus was a Voth and a personal friend of Valentinian. After the imperial family was slaughtered Sejanus tried to maintain order in the city by declaring himself emperor, but the people refused to accept a Voth on the throne. In the ensuing riots Sejanus disappeared and was never seen again.
Sulla the Tyrant: the tyrant that ruled Tazo during the time of Pompey. Sulla was from the Tarquinii Family. The Tarquinii had led the Supreme Council for 200 years and had ruthless expanded the city-state. Sulla styled himself as an emperor and ruled like one. He was a very cruel, arrogant, but loved his family above all things. His sister, General Aemilia, was the closest to him. He liked to impale all those who questioned him, and the Great Forum of Helen was said to be haunted for centuries by the ghosts of his victims. Sulla was slain by Pompey at the Battle of Mount Sela.
Vladar the Lord of Night: the Dark Lord and god of evil. Vladar is the twin brother of Youoz. In the beginning of time the twin gods were given dominion over the world by their father, the High Father. Vladar was upset with being ruler of the night so he made war on the heavens. He was defeated and imprisoned on an island in the Western Ocean that was sunk beneath the waves. Vladar, although imprisoned, still had worshippers. These worshippers are called The Scions of the Night, and they have tried to influence history for thousands of years. The Scions one mission is to free the Dark Lord from his prison and create a dark kingdom on Aieloria.
Youoz the Sun God: the twin brother of Vladar. Youoz is the lord of light and good; the unconquerable sun. He has waged a constant struggle against his brother for eons. Youoz was worshipped throughout the Empire and the Imperial Family was considered blessed by him. The Patriarch of the Sun was the supreme head of the temple, and below him were the Holy Monks of the Light. These warrior monks were renowned for being able to call down huge balls of fire upon the enemies of the Empire in battle. After the fall of the Empire his worship fell out of favor and he has disappeared from the affairs of men. The Holy Monks of the Light also vanished from history.
The Marathi Empire: a powerful empire that borders the Imperia of Decius. Marathi has been an enemy of the Tazons since Trajan conquered their western provinces. The Marathi Empire is over 4,000 years old and is ruled by a King of Kings. The King of Kings is considered a living god and is worshipped by his subjects. The Maraths are known for their heavily armored shock cavalry, their use of armored camels, and armored rhinos in battle. The Maraths have constantly tried to retake their western provinces after they were annexed by Trajan, but they have been held in check by the Tazon Empire, and later the Imperia of Decius.
The Supreme Council: a governing body that advised the emperor and empresses in affairs of state. Since Tazon society was a meritocracy any citizen could join the council. The Council created laws, set taxes, and organized the conquered lands into provinces. The Council Head, and later the emperors and empresses would have the final authority over whatever the Council proposed. During times of national crisis the Council Head was given dictatorial powers, and all citizens of the state were expected to sacrifice for the nation, including the Council members. Also a veto could be used by the Council Head, and later the emperor or empress if they disagreed with the legislation. When the Empire fell some of the Council became the heads of the various nations that sprang up in the west.
The Da’monie Tribes: the Da’monie was a mysterious tribe of barbarians who erupted out of the Great Northern Forests during the reign of Aurelius I. The entire northern frontier became a warzone as they burned and pillaged throughout the provinces of the north. Emperor Aurelius I was able to check their advance, but not before most of the population of the province of Moesia was slaughtered. According to legend when Aurelius saw the skinned (the Da’monie Shamans skinned their victims as a ritual to their evil gods) survivors he died of shock. The Da’monie attacked again, but Aurelius II marched north with 15 legions determined to push them back into the forests once and for all. Aurelius II was able to defeat them at the Battle of the River Thrace, the great river that formed the empire’s northern border. It was said that for over three weeks the great river ran red with the blood of the Da’monie dead.
During the Dark Crown War, the Da’monie was all but wiped out. The survivors fled deep into the forest again, and disappeared.
Geta the Mad: the mad son of Emperor Aurelius II. Geta was spoiled, feeble minded, and had a vicious cruel personality. He was known to have thrown dogs from the windows of the Imperial Palace for fun, and he loved to engage in other dark pursuits. His father brought him along on his campaign against the Da’monie, and let him command a cohort of the Emerald Guard during the campaign. He soon realized that he was unfit to rule as emperor after Geta tried to rape one of the women serving in the Guards. Aurelius did not know, but Geta found out that his father was going to disinherit him in favor of his younger brother Valentinian after some of the Guard betrayed this information too him. During a victory banquet for Aurelius II, celebrating his defeat of the Da’monie, Geta stabbed his father to death in front of the shocked guest. Geta then went back to Tazo and bullied the Supreme Council into accepting him as emperor. Valentinian was secretly recused from the Imperial Palace before Geta could kill him. Geta imprisoned his mother the Empress Salonina, and later had executed her after she refused to tell him were Valentinian was in hiding. No sooner than the crown was on his head the Dark Crown War broke out. For six years the Empire experienced one disaster after another under his rule. Generals in the field were executed for minor offenses, and replaced with Geta’s stooges. This severely weakened the Empire’s defenses, but through the Tazon peoples iron will the Empire held together in spite of the mad emperor. Geta was more obsessed with hunting for his brother, than leading the Empire during this crisis. Finally, with disasters looming, and his madness becoming more and more severe the Emerald Guard assassinated Geta as he was taking a bath. They did this after he ordered the deaths of every child in the river district of the city after a three year old child laughed at him for falling off his horse when he was out riding one day in the district. It was said that as he lay dying in his bath he called down a curse on the Empire. To this day the name of Geta is a cuss word that is used in the west.
Harea: the name for the continent that was mostly united under the Tazon Empire. Harea is one of nine continents located on the world of Aieloria that the Dark Crown Saga takes place on.
The Dark Crown War
Moderator: LadyTevar
Re: The Dark Crown War
Pre-Imperial Timeline Enjoy :
1. Tazo is founded in the year 1000 B.P. (Before the birth of Pompey the Great) by refugees fleeing from slavery. They set up a Supreme Council, were everyone, man and woman had an equal voice in government, and society. A council head will lead the body in ruling.
2. From 1000 B.P. to about 825 B.P. Tazo remains a small city-state on the Umbria Peninsula.
3. 823 B.P. Tazo forms an alliance with the city-states of Aros and Daro.
4. From 822 B.P. to 325 B.P. Tazo expands over Central and Southern Umbria.
5. 310 B.P. the northern city-state of Sarta has united most of northern Umbria under its rule.
6. 309 B.P. to 209 B.P. Tazo/Sarta War. War ends with the Treaty of Helios, which marks the River Janus as the boundary between the two states.
7. 208 B.P. the city-states of Southern Umbria under Tazo control rebel.
8. 206 B.P. the southern city-states of Umbria successfully gain independence from Tazo and form the League of the Southern Cities.
9. 200 B.P. Flavius Aetius Tarquinii becomes head of the Supreme Council.
10. 200 B.P. to 185 B.P. Tazo attacks the League and establishes colonies on the islands of Iillum and Carcars.
11. 178 B.P. Flavius dies and his son Titus Tarquinii becomes head of the Council.
12. From 178 B.P. to 144 B.P. The Southern Campaign is waged against the League.
13. Titus Tarquinii dies on campaign in Southern Umbria in 143 B.P. His daughter Helen Tarquinii becomes head of the Council.
14. 142 B.P. Tazon forces under Helen sack the southern city of Messia and burn it to the ground. From that day on she is known as Helen “the Destroyer of Cities”.
15. 140 B.P. the city of Sarta sends aid secretly to the Southern League.
16. 138 B.P. at the Battle of Tarius, Tazon forces are defeated by the League. Helen is forced to abandon the Southern Campaign because of the Hercuis Invasions from the Monos Sea.
17. 137 B.P. the Tazon colonies on the island of Iillum are overrun by the Hercuis.
18. 136 B.P. Helen’s husband, General Marius, is killed in a naval battle off the coast of Carcars by the Hercuis. The Hercuis naval commander sends his head back to Helen along with the Tazon survivors. All of the survivors have been blinded and castrated.
19. 135 B.P. the Great Naval Battle of the Straits of Iillum ends with the defeat of the Hercuis. Helen is wounded during the battle. She will lose the use of her right arm for the rest of her life.
20. 134 B.P. Iillum is invaded by Tazon forces under the leadership of Helen’s son Marcus Tarquinii.
21. From 134 B.P. to 133 B.P. the Tazon fight a war of attrition against the Hercuis on Iillum. Finally the Hercuis are driven off in 132 B.P.
22. 131 B.P. Helen decrees that the Hercuis should be exterminated. A large Tazon Fleet 6,000 ships, over 150,000 troops, is launched for the Hercuis homeland. This army is under the direction of Marcus.
23. 131 B.P. the Tazon invasion force lands in the Hercuis homeland.
24. From 131 B.P. to 126 B.P. the Hercuis/Tazon War wages. In 126 B.P. Marcus captures the Hercuis capital of Asshur, and raises it to the ground. The Hercuis population is decimated, but some refugees escape across the Monos Sea and establish the city of Nimordus on the River Erbo in Western Anadlaos.
25. 125 B.P. the Hercuis homeland is annexed to Tazo. Marcus becomes Lord of the Armies of Tazo. Marcus uses ideals that he picks up in the Hercuis War to reform the Tazon military. He lays the foundation for what would become the Tazon Legions.
26. From 125 B.P. to 122 B.P. Marcus’s reforms are implemented and the first of five new legions are formed.
27. 121 B.P. the Southern League city of Numidia rebels against the League and asks to ally with Tazo. Helen sends Marcus with two of the new legions to aid them.
28. 121 B.P. at the Battle of Numidia, the Tazon Legions defeat the Southern League’s forces. Later that year Numidia is joined to Tazo.
29. 120 B.P. the Southern League, stilling reeling from their defeat at Numidia, makes General Pyrrhus dictator of the League.
30. 120 B.P. Helen Tarquinii the Great dies. Her son Marcus becomes head of the Council, but does not give up his title as Lord of the Armies.
31. 119 B.P. Marcus’s legion system is becoming more and more established. By 118 B.P. the Tazo military is 50% made up of legionaries.
32. 118 B.P. General Pyrrhus attacks Numidia with a force of 50,000 troops. The one Tazon Legion stationed there is put to the sword, and the survivors flee into the city. A long siege begins, and the start of the Second League/Tazon War breaks out.
33. 117 B.P. Marcus bypasses Numidia and attacks the League City of Delos. Pyrrhus’s nephew Jason is military governor of the city. He foolishly attacks Marcus’s forces and his army is wiped out. Delos is occupied.
34. 117 B.P. Pyrrhus is forced to abandon his siege of Numidia and withdraws further south. Delos is annexed to Tazo and Numidia is liberated.
35. 116 B.P. Marcus gathers six legions, 30,000 men, and invades the heartland of the Southern League. Some cities sick of Pyrrhus’s dictatorship go over to Marcus others resist.
36. 115 B.P. The Tazon and League forces clash at the Battle of the River Tibor. The battle is a draw with no clear winner.
37. 114 B.P. After months of negotiation the Armistice of Tibor is signed. The Southern League loses the cities that defected to Marcus, and the city of Unora along the Tibor River is declared an open city between the League and Tazo. The war is over for now.
38. In 113 B.P. Marcus declares 56 days of celebrations to celebrate Tazo’s victory. He has also been given the nickname, Ironheart, because he shows no quarter to the enemies of Tazo.
39. From 113 B.P. to 109 B.P. Marcus beautifies Tazo. Great buildings and other public works are established. Five massive aqueducts are built to bring more water to the city. Miles of new roads are built link all the cities of the state, and the state is experiencing an economic boom as the wealth of the captured southern cities begins to flow in. Two huge 80 foot tall statues of his mother and father are built, and a massive floor mosaic is built around the base of the statues. The mosaic depicts the Hercuis Campaign, the courtship of his mother and father, and the Battle of Delos. This area would be called the Great Forum of Helen. By now most of the Tazon military is made up of legions, but all is not well. There are grumblings by some members of the council who feel that Marcus is becoming too dictatorial. One of the most basic laws of Tazo is respect and equal treatment of the Council in governing, and Marcus is not doing this. Something is afoot in Tazo.
40. 109 B.P. Marcus is assassinated by disgruntled members of the Council. His body is left on the council chamber floor and the assassins declare an end to Tarquinii rule. The people of Tazo reject this and riots break out. Three days later order is reestablished by the legions and Marcus is buried with honors next to his mother and father in the Tarquinii Family Mausoleum.
41. 109 B.P. Cornelius Tarquinii, Marcus’s son, becomes head of the Supreme Council. The assassins and their families are publicly executed in the Great Forum of Helen.
42. 109 B.P. General Pyrrhus, sensing weakness in the Tazon state, breaks the Armistice of Tibor and annexes the city of Unora.
43. From 109 B.P. to 99 B.P. the Third and final war begins between the League and Tazo.
44. 99 B.P. the League and Tazo clash at the Battle of Varado. The Tazon Legions maul the League forces and during the battle Pyrrhus daughter, General Octavia, is killed. Her death and the League’s defeat cause Pyrrhus to have a stroke. He dies within three days. Resistance in the League collapses, and six months later the Southern League is annexed by Tazo.
45. 78 B.P. Cornelius dies and his daughter Helen Tarquinii II becomes head of the Council. Also during this time Sarta is invaded from the north by a tribe of barbarians called the Alemmnai.
46. 76 B.P. Sarta is sacked by the Alemmnai. Thousands of Saratan refugees flee into Tazon territory.
47. 75 B.P. the Alemmnai cross the Janus River and pillage some Tazon cities and towns. Helen II marches north with four legions to stop them. Three weeks later the Alemmnai ambush the legions in the Janus River Valley. Helen II is killed in the ambush, and three legions are wiped out, but a fourth legion escapes the disaster. Thirty days later the Alemmnai are at the Gates of Tazo. They begin to lay siege to Tazo and all looks lost.
48. 75 B.P. Helen II’s twin sister General Livia Tarquinii lands near Tazo from Iillum with seven legions and attacks the Alemmnai two weeks later before the Gates of Tazo. During the battle Livia loses an eye, but the Alemmnai are defeated and driven off. Over the next two months all Alemmnai occupied lands are liberated by Livia. At the Second Battle of the Janus, Livia slays the Alemmnai King Eric. The Alemmnai flee back across the Janus.
49. 75 B.P. Livia, the Savior of Tazo as she is now called, is made head of the Council. The Alemmnai settle in Sarta and make the city capital of the new nation of Sartammnai.
50. From 75 B.P. to 65 B.P. a 100 foot tall 80 mile long stone wall with fortresses and watchtowers is built along the Tazon side of the Janus River to keep the Sartammnai out of Tazon territory. This wall will be called Livia’s Wall. Five legions will be permanently stationed along the wall to guard against invasion.
51. 68 B.P. one of the Sarta refugees, Julius Daia, joins the Tazon 5th Legion and is stationed on the wall. Julius through luck and skill in battle against Sartammnai incursions would rise through the ranks and become General of the 5th Legion.
52. 62 B.P. Julius joins the Supreme Council. Also in this year Livia gives birth to her daughter Severina.
53. 61 B.P. Sartammnai ships land troops on Carcars. Livia sends her nephew Lucius Artorius Tarquinii with three legions to driven them off. Lucius is successful in driving the Sartammnai away. Livia decides to keep the legions there in case of another attack. The 5th Legion under General Julius Daia is part of this force.
54. 56 B.P. Julius Daia’s wife Verena gives birth to a son named Artorius. Also during this time more of the islands off the coast of Umbria are settled by Tazon colonists.
55. 55 B.P. Revolt breaks out among the Non-Tazon citizens over land taxes. The Non-Citizens Revolt, as it would be called soon spreads across central and southern Umbria. Two of the three Legions stationed on Carcars see 50% of their men rebel. These troops are made up of Non-Tazon citizens. Lucius is hanged by these rebels and the 5th Legion under Julius is forced to deal with the unrest.
56. 54 B.P. the revolt is in danger of splitting the Tazon State apart. Some of the legions are smashing each other and the Sartammnai are eyeing the situation with great interest. On Carcars Julius is finally able to put down the insurgency and the rebel leaders are captured, and executed for the murder of Lucius. Later in the year Livia calls the leaders of the revolt to Tazo for a meeting.
57. 53 B.P. the Great Proclamation is read in every town and city in central and southern Umbria. All people living within the Tazon State are hence forth granted citizenship and equal tax rights. The rebel forces must lay down their arms and take an oath of loyalty to Tazo. This is met with great joy as the distinction between citizen and non-citizen is done away with.
58. 38 B.P. Julius Daia retires from military service. His son Artorius is 18 years old. He is conscripted into the 5th Legion, and begins to serve his mandatory five year service. Livia’s daughter gives birth to son named Sulla.
59. 38 B.P. the Tazo state celebrates 162 years of the Tarquinii Family rule. Artorius marries a Sartammnai named Evva.
60. 37 B.P. Livia the Savior dies and her daughter Severina Tarquinii is named head of the Council. Evva gives birth to a daughter named Annamar.
61. From 37 B.P. to 15 B.P. Severina the Just rules in peace over Tazo. During this time her son Sulla Tarquinii is conscripted into the 3rd Legion and becomes its general in time. Also during this time Evva and Artorius go on to have six more children. Four boys named Claudius, Valens, Tiberius, and Artorius II. Two girls named Cassandra and Ileana. Artorius becomes general of the 5th Legion like his father Julius, who dies in 17 B.P. His mother Verena dies one year after his father.
62. 14 B.P. The Second Sartammnai War breaks out with a massive attack on the Livia Wall by 50,000 Sartammnai troops. The 5th Legion is sent to the Wall from Carcars.
63. From 14 B.P. to 1 B.P. the war wages with invasion and counter-invasion by both sides. Later that year Severina dies and her son Sulla Tarquinii I becomes head of the council.
64. Evva dies in labor giving birth to her son Pompey. Artorius dies of grief six months later and their oldest daughter Annamar takes Pompey into her home. Sulla I’s wife Honoria gives birth to a son named Sulla Tarquinii II.
1. Tazo is founded in the year 1000 B.P. (Before the birth of Pompey the Great) by refugees fleeing from slavery. They set up a Supreme Council, were everyone, man and woman had an equal voice in government, and society. A council head will lead the body in ruling.
2. From 1000 B.P. to about 825 B.P. Tazo remains a small city-state on the Umbria Peninsula.
3. 823 B.P. Tazo forms an alliance with the city-states of Aros and Daro.
4. From 822 B.P. to 325 B.P. Tazo expands over Central and Southern Umbria.
5. 310 B.P. the northern city-state of Sarta has united most of northern Umbria under its rule.
6. 309 B.P. to 209 B.P. Tazo/Sarta War. War ends with the Treaty of Helios, which marks the River Janus as the boundary between the two states.
7. 208 B.P. the city-states of Southern Umbria under Tazo control rebel.
8. 206 B.P. the southern city-states of Umbria successfully gain independence from Tazo and form the League of the Southern Cities.
9. 200 B.P. Flavius Aetius Tarquinii becomes head of the Supreme Council.
10. 200 B.P. to 185 B.P. Tazo attacks the League and establishes colonies on the islands of Iillum and Carcars.
11. 178 B.P. Flavius dies and his son Titus Tarquinii becomes head of the Council.
12. From 178 B.P. to 144 B.P. The Southern Campaign is waged against the League.
13. Titus Tarquinii dies on campaign in Southern Umbria in 143 B.P. His daughter Helen Tarquinii becomes head of the Council.
14. 142 B.P. Tazon forces under Helen sack the southern city of Messia and burn it to the ground. From that day on she is known as Helen “the Destroyer of Cities”.
15. 140 B.P. the city of Sarta sends aid secretly to the Southern League.
16. 138 B.P. at the Battle of Tarius, Tazon forces are defeated by the League. Helen is forced to abandon the Southern Campaign because of the Hercuis Invasions from the Monos Sea.
17. 137 B.P. the Tazon colonies on the island of Iillum are overrun by the Hercuis.
18. 136 B.P. Helen’s husband, General Marius, is killed in a naval battle off the coast of Carcars by the Hercuis. The Hercuis naval commander sends his head back to Helen along with the Tazon survivors. All of the survivors have been blinded and castrated.
19. 135 B.P. the Great Naval Battle of the Straits of Iillum ends with the defeat of the Hercuis. Helen is wounded during the battle. She will lose the use of her right arm for the rest of her life.
20. 134 B.P. Iillum is invaded by Tazon forces under the leadership of Helen’s son Marcus Tarquinii.
21. From 134 B.P. to 133 B.P. the Tazon fight a war of attrition against the Hercuis on Iillum. Finally the Hercuis are driven off in 132 B.P.
22. 131 B.P. Helen decrees that the Hercuis should be exterminated. A large Tazon Fleet 6,000 ships, over 150,000 troops, is launched for the Hercuis homeland. This army is under the direction of Marcus.
23. 131 B.P. the Tazon invasion force lands in the Hercuis homeland.
24. From 131 B.P. to 126 B.P. the Hercuis/Tazon War wages. In 126 B.P. Marcus captures the Hercuis capital of Asshur, and raises it to the ground. The Hercuis population is decimated, but some refugees escape across the Monos Sea and establish the city of Nimordus on the River Erbo in Western Anadlaos.
25. 125 B.P. the Hercuis homeland is annexed to Tazo. Marcus becomes Lord of the Armies of Tazo. Marcus uses ideals that he picks up in the Hercuis War to reform the Tazon military. He lays the foundation for what would become the Tazon Legions.
26. From 125 B.P. to 122 B.P. Marcus’s reforms are implemented and the first of five new legions are formed.
27. 121 B.P. the Southern League city of Numidia rebels against the League and asks to ally with Tazo. Helen sends Marcus with two of the new legions to aid them.
28. 121 B.P. at the Battle of Numidia, the Tazon Legions defeat the Southern League’s forces. Later that year Numidia is joined to Tazo.
29. 120 B.P. the Southern League, stilling reeling from their defeat at Numidia, makes General Pyrrhus dictator of the League.
30. 120 B.P. Helen Tarquinii the Great dies. Her son Marcus becomes head of the Council, but does not give up his title as Lord of the Armies.
31. 119 B.P. Marcus’s legion system is becoming more and more established. By 118 B.P. the Tazo military is 50% made up of legionaries.
32. 118 B.P. General Pyrrhus attacks Numidia with a force of 50,000 troops. The one Tazon Legion stationed there is put to the sword, and the survivors flee into the city. A long siege begins, and the start of the Second League/Tazon War breaks out.
33. 117 B.P. Marcus bypasses Numidia and attacks the League City of Delos. Pyrrhus’s nephew Jason is military governor of the city. He foolishly attacks Marcus’s forces and his army is wiped out. Delos is occupied.
34. 117 B.P. Pyrrhus is forced to abandon his siege of Numidia and withdraws further south. Delos is annexed to Tazo and Numidia is liberated.
35. 116 B.P. Marcus gathers six legions, 30,000 men, and invades the heartland of the Southern League. Some cities sick of Pyrrhus’s dictatorship go over to Marcus others resist.
36. 115 B.P. The Tazon and League forces clash at the Battle of the River Tibor. The battle is a draw with no clear winner.
37. 114 B.P. After months of negotiation the Armistice of Tibor is signed. The Southern League loses the cities that defected to Marcus, and the city of Unora along the Tibor River is declared an open city between the League and Tazo. The war is over for now.
38. In 113 B.P. Marcus declares 56 days of celebrations to celebrate Tazo’s victory. He has also been given the nickname, Ironheart, because he shows no quarter to the enemies of Tazo.
39. From 113 B.P. to 109 B.P. Marcus beautifies Tazo. Great buildings and other public works are established. Five massive aqueducts are built to bring more water to the city. Miles of new roads are built link all the cities of the state, and the state is experiencing an economic boom as the wealth of the captured southern cities begins to flow in. Two huge 80 foot tall statues of his mother and father are built, and a massive floor mosaic is built around the base of the statues. The mosaic depicts the Hercuis Campaign, the courtship of his mother and father, and the Battle of Delos. This area would be called the Great Forum of Helen. By now most of the Tazon military is made up of legions, but all is not well. There are grumblings by some members of the council who feel that Marcus is becoming too dictatorial. One of the most basic laws of Tazo is respect and equal treatment of the Council in governing, and Marcus is not doing this. Something is afoot in Tazo.
40. 109 B.P. Marcus is assassinated by disgruntled members of the Council. His body is left on the council chamber floor and the assassins declare an end to Tarquinii rule. The people of Tazo reject this and riots break out. Three days later order is reestablished by the legions and Marcus is buried with honors next to his mother and father in the Tarquinii Family Mausoleum.
41. 109 B.P. Cornelius Tarquinii, Marcus’s son, becomes head of the Supreme Council. The assassins and their families are publicly executed in the Great Forum of Helen.
42. 109 B.P. General Pyrrhus, sensing weakness in the Tazon state, breaks the Armistice of Tibor and annexes the city of Unora.
43. From 109 B.P. to 99 B.P. the Third and final war begins between the League and Tazo.
44. 99 B.P. the League and Tazo clash at the Battle of Varado. The Tazon Legions maul the League forces and during the battle Pyrrhus daughter, General Octavia, is killed. Her death and the League’s defeat cause Pyrrhus to have a stroke. He dies within three days. Resistance in the League collapses, and six months later the Southern League is annexed by Tazo.
45. 78 B.P. Cornelius dies and his daughter Helen Tarquinii II becomes head of the Council. Also during this time Sarta is invaded from the north by a tribe of barbarians called the Alemmnai.
46. 76 B.P. Sarta is sacked by the Alemmnai. Thousands of Saratan refugees flee into Tazon territory.
47. 75 B.P. the Alemmnai cross the Janus River and pillage some Tazon cities and towns. Helen II marches north with four legions to stop them. Three weeks later the Alemmnai ambush the legions in the Janus River Valley. Helen II is killed in the ambush, and three legions are wiped out, but a fourth legion escapes the disaster. Thirty days later the Alemmnai are at the Gates of Tazo. They begin to lay siege to Tazo and all looks lost.
48. 75 B.P. Helen II’s twin sister General Livia Tarquinii lands near Tazo from Iillum with seven legions and attacks the Alemmnai two weeks later before the Gates of Tazo. During the battle Livia loses an eye, but the Alemmnai are defeated and driven off. Over the next two months all Alemmnai occupied lands are liberated by Livia. At the Second Battle of the Janus, Livia slays the Alemmnai King Eric. The Alemmnai flee back across the Janus.
49. 75 B.P. Livia, the Savior of Tazo as she is now called, is made head of the Council. The Alemmnai settle in Sarta and make the city capital of the new nation of Sartammnai.
50. From 75 B.P. to 65 B.P. a 100 foot tall 80 mile long stone wall with fortresses and watchtowers is built along the Tazon side of the Janus River to keep the Sartammnai out of Tazon territory. This wall will be called Livia’s Wall. Five legions will be permanently stationed along the wall to guard against invasion.
51. 68 B.P. one of the Sarta refugees, Julius Daia, joins the Tazon 5th Legion and is stationed on the wall. Julius through luck and skill in battle against Sartammnai incursions would rise through the ranks and become General of the 5th Legion.
52. 62 B.P. Julius joins the Supreme Council. Also in this year Livia gives birth to her daughter Severina.
53. 61 B.P. Sartammnai ships land troops on Carcars. Livia sends her nephew Lucius Artorius Tarquinii with three legions to driven them off. Lucius is successful in driving the Sartammnai away. Livia decides to keep the legions there in case of another attack. The 5th Legion under General Julius Daia is part of this force.
54. 56 B.P. Julius Daia’s wife Verena gives birth to a son named Artorius. Also during this time more of the islands off the coast of Umbria are settled by Tazon colonists.
55. 55 B.P. Revolt breaks out among the Non-Tazon citizens over land taxes. The Non-Citizens Revolt, as it would be called soon spreads across central and southern Umbria. Two of the three Legions stationed on Carcars see 50% of their men rebel. These troops are made up of Non-Tazon citizens. Lucius is hanged by these rebels and the 5th Legion under Julius is forced to deal with the unrest.
56. 54 B.P. the revolt is in danger of splitting the Tazon State apart. Some of the legions are smashing each other and the Sartammnai are eyeing the situation with great interest. On Carcars Julius is finally able to put down the insurgency and the rebel leaders are captured, and executed for the murder of Lucius. Later in the year Livia calls the leaders of the revolt to Tazo for a meeting.
57. 53 B.P. the Great Proclamation is read in every town and city in central and southern Umbria. All people living within the Tazon State are hence forth granted citizenship and equal tax rights. The rebel forces must lay down their arms and take an oath of loyalty to Tazo. This is met with great joy as the distinction between citizen and non-citizen is done away with.
58. 38 B.P. Julius Daia retires from military service. His son Artorius is 18 years old. He is conscripted into the 5th Legion, and begins to serve his mandatory five year service. Livia’s daughter gives birth to son named Sulla.
59. 38 B.P. the Tazo state celebrates 162 years of the Tarquinii Family rule. Artorius marries a Sartammnai named Evva.
60. 37 B.P. Livia the Savior dies and her daughter Severina Tarquinii is named head of the Council. Evva gives birth to a daughter named Annamar.
61. From 37 B.P. to 15 B.P. Severina the Just rules in peace over Tazo. During this time her son Sulla Tarquinii is conscripted into the 3rd Legion and becomes its general in time. Also during this time Evva and Artorius go on to have six more children. Four boys named Claudius, Valens, Tiberius, and Artorius II. Two girls named Cassandra and Ileana. Artorius becomes general of the 5th Legion like his father Julius, who dies in 17 B.P. His mother Verena dies one year after his father.
62. 14 B.P. The Second Sartammnai War breaks out with a massive attack on the Livia Wall by 50,000 Sartammnai troops. The 5th Legion is sent to the Wall from Carcars.
63. From 14 B.P. to 1 B.P. the war wages with invasion and counter-invasion by both sides. Later that year Severina dies and her son Sulla Tarquinii I becomes head of the council.
64. Evva dies in labor giving birth to her son Pompey. Artorius dies of grief six months later and their oldest daughter Annamar takes Pompey into her home. Sulla I’s wife Honoria gives birth to a son named Sulla Tarquinii II.