A Different Directive (Star Trek)

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Re: A Different Directive (Star Trek)

Post by Imperial Overlord »

A thousand lights glittered in their crystalline nests in the chandeliers above the dining table in the Private Room. The table seated thirty easily, the long dead dynasts having possessed a monarch's broad definition of private, but only two people were eating. They were seated opposite each other near the head of the table.

Executor Kewel Naden looked across the table at his wife. Fork and knife went to work, holding and cutting up a zutta root. "Finally," he said, "some peace. "I don't begrudge the Klingons their visit, but-"

"But we haven't had a moment to ourselves since they arrived," Reya Kewel finished. "It's a cheap price to pay for saving the planet, but is nice to have my husband back. Even if they are a fascinating people."

Kewel wagged his finger in mock chastisement. "So speaks the anthropologist."

"For you first contact is a political problem, for me its the discovery of a lifetime. The whole anthropological community is going berserk. Multiple humanoid species who evolved under different conditions with different cultures? The couldn't possibly leave enough data behind to satisfy us."

"Not that it prevented you from sucking up every drop available," he said with a smile.

"Of course it didn't. We've never had a yardstick to compare against us as a tool using species and suddenly several fall into our laps. Not near relatives that can manage a spear or a club but star faring species and an interstellar empire. It's unprecedented."

"I'm sure you and your colleagues will be busy analyzing every scrap of data they've left. Their language primers, the teachings of Kahless, and so on. I can see a lot of papers being generated."

"Not just that," she said. "They've marked us and it has only just begun."


"Did you hear about the riot in Zyrscop today?"

"A clash between The Repentant and The Stars Our Heritage. No serious injuries. A good sign that no one is scared of these cults anymore. A little violent for The Stars Our Heritage, one doesn't expect a space exploration advocacy society to fight in the streets, but I guess enough was enough."

"Is that all you think happened?" she asked.

"What? What did I miss?"

"The Stars Our Heritage has experienced a very recent upsurge in membership," she said. "Many of them showed up for the riot wearing printable Klingon masks."


"When a much more advanced and powerful culture encounters a weaker, less developed society it can cause change and inflict damage without intending to do so. It's not going to be soft drinks and shuffa music that the Klingons are going to mark us with, but with their ideals."

"You think we'll change just by knowing them?"

"Their a society that has as its core, a violent uprising against the ruling political authority as part of a blood feud. Feuding and dueling are considered morally and legally legitimate activities."

"We overthrew the dynasts in a sea of blood," he replied. "Are we that different?"

"And then we stopped. For the Klingons, killing to resolve problems or change the government is still legitimate and accepted. Within the society, not just against outsiders. And for us, now, that question will be raised. One way or another."

"You seem sure."

"I'm sure it will have an impact. How much, I don't know. We are, after all, a society that has taken it's first steps into space. Much of the Klingon technology is behind our technical understanding, but we can understand what it does. We are building our own "warp drive" as they call it. Our universe has changed, but the underpinnings haven't been kicked away. Perhaps all it will really do is give us a broader point of view on how things can be done and should be done."

"Perhaps," said Kewel. "I'm reminded of something their doctor said when it was mentioned how at ease they were with other species. Something their allies, the Vulcans of the Federation, had come up with."


"Infinite diversity with infinite combinations, they said."

"Sounds good."

"I thought so too."

"I noticed. You did bother to remember it." Reya raised her glass. "To good ways at looking at the universe. Its friendlier and stranger than we thought."

He raised his own glass. "I'll drink to that."
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Re: A Different Directive (Star Trek)

Post by astrospace2020 »

very good new chapter, so are they going to join the Federation , or the klingon Empire . Cant hardly wait for the next part .
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Re: A Different Directive (Star Trek)

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Well, that's the end. At least for now.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Re: A Different Directive (Star Trek)

Post by SCRawl »

Imperial Overlord wrote:Well, that's the end. At least for now.
A worthy finale. Now you just have to finish off that Nalifan story. :)
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I'm waiting as fast as I can.
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Re: A Different Directive (Star Trek)

Post by Crazedwraith »

Oh that was a cool ending. I like the implication that the Klingon's visit was going to have a impact on the direction of their culture. It fits with the title well 'Different Directive' not better or worse but different. It's easy for this kind of fic just to be 'huur huur, stupid Star Trek' but you've shiwn different techniques will have drawbacks as well.

Well Done.
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