The War On Godzilla

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The War On Godzilla

Post by AveKender »

I've been brainstorming an outline for a sequel to the 2014 film Godzilla. It's a very quick and dirty treatment. The human elements are purposefully left vague because they can easily be worked out in later drafts; for now I just wanted to get down some sequence of events linking the various kaiju encounters throughout the film. Would this be a worthy sequel?

The movie begins a few months after the Battle of San Francisco. The US Navy sends a submarine to bury Godzilla inside his natural habitat deep in the confines of the Tonga Trench (by detonating high-explosive charges at the cave entrance). A scientist who published a discredited paper about tunnels linking ocean trenches gets involved in the search to find out where Godzilla will resurface. Publicly the military is skeptical of the scientist's prediction, but in secret he is brought into the fold of the military-academic project known as MONARCH.

Digging his way north, Godzilla unleashes Anguirus from a volcano in Papua New Guinea. Anguirus’ rampage around the tropical island prompts the unveiling of a private military corporation’s secret project: the Mechanized Godzilla Counter-Measure, or Mecha-Godzilla. The mechanical monster is a construct built on the bones of the elder Godzilla in the MUTO burrow found by Graham and Serizawa in the previous film. Mecha-Godzilla is deployed and successfully kills Anguirus with the use of his shoulder-mounted railgun.

Some plot developments occur which reveal that the PMC has access to the MONARCH data files detailing the locations of all kaiju across the Earth, and that Mecha-Godzilla is their way of making gobs of money off of that, effectively holding the entire world hostage. Serizawa and Graham, the two ex-MONARCH scientists, try to expose the plans of the CEO of the PMC in his headquarters in Tokyo, but his security forces track them down and imprison them in his corporate HQ. It is revealed that Mecha-Godzilla is remotely operated via a control room in the heart of the complex.

Arising from the Kuril Trench, Godzilla surfaces off the coast of Japan and makes his way to Tokyo to take revenge on the species that thought they could control him. Along the way to Tokyo, Godzilla encounters Mecha-Godzilla and the two engage in mortal combat. A pagoda gets demolished amidst the melee. Godzilla swipes his tail at Mecha-Godzilla and delivers a shock that cracks open the mechanical monster’s chest-mounted nuclear reactor. Then Godzilla lumbers forth towards Tokyo. Mecha-Godzilla activates its auxiliary power source and gets back up again just after the big lizard has departed.

Godzilla arrives in Tokyo and shrugs off a last-ditch attempt by the JSDF to stop his wrath. He ploughs through the city.

Before Godzilla reaches the PMC bunker complex deep in the heart of metropolitan Tokyo, Mecha-Godzilla arrives. While gloating over the arrival of his finest creation, the CEO perishes in a gas line explosion (Godzilla’s rampage ruptured a gas line).

Godzilla ceases his rampage to confront the robot. The reptile lets loose a torrent of atomic breath while Mecha-Godzilla counters with a railgun round through Godzilla’s chest.

Godzilla staggers and collapses on top of the control center, utterly disabling Mecha-Godzilla.

The locations of all the other kaiju are publicly released by the dissident geologist who assisted in the submarine mission.

Residual radiation from Mecha-Godzilla's exposed nuclear reactor leaks out. The comatose Godzilla reawakens. This time no-one knows where he will go next, as kaiju all around the world begin to resurface.
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Re: The War On Godzilla

Post by Tsyroc »

An interesting way to jump ahead and introduce "Kiryu" into the American movie series. If there's one thing a Mecha-Godzilla will do it will put more action and explosions into the movie. :-)
I wonder how dangerous it would be working with "Godzilla" bones because of the radiation?

I think the current plan is for Ghidorah, Rodan and maybe Mothra to be in the next movie.
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Re: The War On Godzilla

Post by AveKender »

I've brainstormed ideas for some other Toho monsters. It takes some work to make their origin stories fit the realistic tone of the Legendary verse, but it's possible for most of them. King Ghidorah is a real stretch, though.

1) On Saturn's moon Titan, there are micro-organisms that feed off the abundant methane deposits; sometimes they agglomerate into a gigantic amorphous mass. Millions of years ago a meteorite threw off a section of Titan's surface into interplanetary space, carrying a colony of these micro-organisms. The dormant microbes rode an asteroid into the inner Solar System, where they eventually fell into Earth's gravity well.

Between the events of Joe Brody's terrible day at Janjira and the MUTO incident in San Francisco, an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico got a new pump jack with which to dig into a seafloor oil deposit. The drill disturbed the resting site of this mysterious hydrocarbon-consuming organism. It surfaced and caused catastrophic damage to the oil rig. When the creature was tracked by Navy vessels and placed under surveillance, MONARCH gave it the codename "HEDORAH".

2) When Joseph Stalin ordered the expansion of the gulag system into northeastern Siberia, his prospectors encountered an enormous rhinoceros-like creature sleeping on the Central Siberian Plateau. Though docile at first, the repeated encroachments by gulag construction teams agitated the beast until it went on a rampage, killing many hundreds of laborers and a few Communist party officers. The creature displayed no interest in eating the humans it killed, but it was observed using its nose horn to break chunks of rock off of mountain sides and eating the hard bits that fell out. The gulag camps were repurposed into providing ores to feed the creature and keep it from going on another rampage.

When Khruschev became the leader of the USSR, he ordered the creation of D.R.E.K.A., a clandestine scientific-military unit whose purpose was to study the creature and if possible weaponize it.

Reports of an anomalous creature in Siberia reached Washington after the CIA ordered an overflight of the region. M.O.N.A.R.C.H. determined that the creature was a "lithitroph", feeding on mineral matter, as opposed to the radiotrophs that were the MUTOs and Godzilla.

They named the beast "BARAGON".
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