Moderator: LadyTevar
- Singular Quartet
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 3896
- Joined: 2002-07-04 05:33pm
- Location: This is sky. It is made of FUCKING and LIMIT.
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Exactly, and it's what I love about it.Kuja wrote:Dude, it's a rule as old as gaming itself: the final boss never dies just once.Ghost Rider wrote:Sweet...and hey it's like an RPG battle...the evil guy has an extra form
Heck you even got the correct feeling in all of them of "Oh WTF is that?!"

You did real good by this old geezer's RPG heart.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Chapter 27: Full Circle
"You've got to be kidding!" Daren sputtered.
"What is he?" Serena’s voice said.
"His true self," Frey replied, not taking his eyes off the still-quaking Allen. "What you see is his body transforming to match what's happened to his mind." Allen groaned and a pair of bulges began to form on the outside of his wrists. "Dragon Knight no more," Frey said in an odd tone of voice. "He's nothing but a demon now." Allen howled and with a horrific tearing sound, a pair of black bone blades shaped like elongated crescent moons burst from his wrists. Frey heard Daren curse in Burmecian as Allen slowly lowered to the ground.
Allen looked at his hands, touching the newly-formed talons between his fingers. "Such power," his new voice whispered. "The likes of which I never imagined."
Frey took a step forward, eyes blazing. "Power? Madness is what you possess."
Allen smiled darkly. "Perhaps so. And I suppose you think you're going to stop me?"
"Demon, not only am I going to stop you, I am going to destroy you!"
Daren tapped Serena on the shoulder. "Does something about him seem different to you?"
Her eyes narrowed. "To say the least. That doesn't even sound like his voice anymore."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Allen replied, ignoring the whispered exchange completely. "That puppet of yours is far too weak to face me."
"As opposed to that warped and half-broken tool of yours?" Frey replied. His eyes seemed to be almost glowing now.
"Tell me, Dromenephus," Allen said. "How long have you kept your eye on this...successor of mine?"
"Did you hear that?" Daren said, astonished.
"Long enough to know that I had to stop both him and you from destroying this world of ours!"
Allen smiled oily. "You laid plans...influenced minds...affected decisions...you even appeared outright. You and I aren't so different after all."
"Silence!" Frey roared, his eyes now searing with blue-white light. "You and I have nothing in common any longer! You'd see this world bushed to ash and given to the denizens of the nether regions if you had the opportunity!" The voice slowly echoed away. "We were the greatest of friends once, Ceyphus," he said quietly. "I would have stood with you 'til the world's end."
Allen stretched out a hand, palm upwards. "You still can, old companion. Come. Join me."
Frey slowly shook his head, leaving a slight afterimage as he did so. "You truly have gone beyond my aid, Ceyphus. If you had even the slightest bit of humanity left within you, you'd never ask such a question."
Allen snorted. "Still insistent on playing the fool, aren't you? Don't you realize that the fate of this world no longer affects us? We can do anything we choose! Watch! Watch it happen!" And then Serena witnessed something even more terrifying than Allen's transformation. A pale red light slowly formed around Allen's body. Slowly, it took on shape, becoming a new set of arms, legs, even a torso. Allen shuddered, and his whole body wrenched. Then, a luminous form seemed to pull itself from his body. There was an immense roaring sound, like water rushing in to fill a chasm. Finally, the specter pulled itself free and stood in front of Allen, who promptly dropped to one knee and began gasping.
The strange being was a blond-haired man with a proud set to his jaw and finely chiseled features. Serena would have gone so far as to call him handsome if not for the look of immense hunger in his eyes. "Well, Dromenephus?" the man said.
Serena's eyes immediately darted to where Frey stood, and she was not surprised in the least when another spectral form slowly condensed around him. Unlike Ceyphus' appearance, Dromenephus exited Frey's body without violence, accompanied by a sound not unlike the exhaling of a held breath. Frey's eyes ceased to glow, and he took a step back, blinking. The two dead knights faced each other down, their protégés each a step or two behind. "And here we stand again," Dromenephus said.
"You can't possibly imagine what waiting for you and your little puppet, Dromenephus."
"Does it truly matter?" the other man asked rhetorically. "I killed you once, Ceyphus. And I'll oppose you any way I can so long as you make it necessary."
"Ah, but you forget that I killed you as well, old friend," Ceyphus countered.
Dromenephus stroked his goatee thoughtfully. "It matters little. This battle will not be fought by you and I, but no matter the outcome, I will know that I did all I could to stop you."
"Console yourself however you want, fool," Ceyphus sneered. "When the world is under my control and the control of my puppet," -if Allen bristled at the word 'puppet' he didn't show it- "you'll see firsthand just how badly you failed!"
As the two specters continued to argue, Serena gently elbowed Daren in the ribs and began to quietly slink over towards Frey. She kept an eye on Allen, but his attention seemed rooted to the exchange taking place before him. Good, she thought, keep it that way for just a little longer. She slowly crept up behind Frey and nudged him. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked.
He turned towards her like a man just waking up from a dream. "Yeah, of course I'm okay. What is it?"
"Look," she said, pointing at Allen. "He's completely zoned out. We can take him now, end this whole thing right here."
Frey shook his head. "No. In a couple minutes, those two are going to wrap up their old grudge and let us go at it. I don't want you anywhere nearby when that happens."
"Oh, don't you dare try to shove me out of the picture, Frey Amethyst," she said crossly. "Listen, you can stay here and keep an eye on him. Daren and I can circle around and take him from behind-"
"He'd gut you and leave you on the ground before you even had the chance," Frey interrupted. "Serena, I know I'm asking a lot of you, but Allen's out of your league now. Besides that, this isn't your battle any more. It's mine now." He reached out and took her hands between his. "And besides everything else, I don't want you in danger for one minute longer than you have to be. Call it your right, call it your duty, call it overprotection on my part, call it anything you want, but that's the way I feel."
"Frey, I feel the same way about you," she said. "I can't let you run off into this all alone. I want to keep you safe. Do you think that your desires take precedence over what I want?"
He sighed. "Only in my heart." He squeezed her hands. "Is it wrong that I want you to be safe?"
"No, but it's wrong to keep me from making my own choices."
Frey looked into her eyes for what seemed like an endless moment. "You're right," he finally said, relenting. "I just want the best for you, Serena."
She leaned forward and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. "I know you do," she whispered. "That's one of the reasons I love you so damn much."
He laughed shortly. "Alright, let's get this over with." He turned. "Now, what did you want to do?"
She stepped forward and pointed. "Daren and I can sneak over that way."
"Then we'll circle around and I'll signal you."
"Then what?"
"Run at him. Scream. Wave your sword around. Just keep him distracted long enough for Daren and I to hit him from behind."
"Got it. That makes sense," he said. Those were the last words she heard before the world abruptly tilted and went black.
Daren's jaw dropped. "Frey, what-"
"Quiet," he said as he lowered his hand. Serena was sprawled on the ground, and Frey mentally kicked himself, angry despite knowing that it had had to be done. While he'd kept Serena busy explaining, his had quietly raised his gauntleted hand and dealt her a vicious blow to the back of the head, solidly knocking her out. He knelt and gently gathered her up in his arms. "I'm sorry," he whispered softly. "Daren."
Frey turned to him and held Serena out. "Take her."
Daren's eye's widened. "I don't-"
"Take her out of here!" Frey snapped. "Get as far away as you can, back to the grotto if you have to." Daren's arms came up and as cautiously as he could, Frey set Serena in them.
"But, Frey, I want to help," Daren said.
"I know you do, and that's the problem," he replied. He met Daren's eyes. "I'm not sure if I'm going to be walking away from this one, Daren," he said evenly. "And if you're here, I don't know if I can protect you."
Daren's eyebrows rose. "Protect me?" he said.
"Alright, here it is flat out; I don't want either of you anywhere near this. I think I can take Allen, I really do, but if you're here, that just gives him a target to go after, and it gives me something to distract me from fighting him. Understand?"
Daren looked into Frey's eyes for a while. "Yeah," he finally said. "Good luck, Frey."
"Thanks." Frey leaned over and brushed Serena's hair back. "Take care," he said softly. He straightened again. "If I don't see you again, Daren, it's been damn fine knowing you."
Daren nodded. "Thanks for everything, Frey." He turned to leave.
"And Daren," Frey added.
He turned back. "Yeah?"
Frey's jaw trembled, but he held firm. "Take care of her."
For a long moment, Daren fought for words. "I will," he finally said. Then, he turned and darted away. Frey watched him for a few seconds, then turned back to where Ceyphus and Dromenephus were still arguing.
"Don't you realize that your actions will have drastic affects on the people around you?"
"Of course I do, I simply don't care."
"Dromenephus," Frey interrupted loudly. "Just back off. He's completely gone."
Ceyphus raised an eyebrow. "You're rather insolent for a mortal. I'm going to enjoy watching you die."
"Big words for someone who's already dead."
Ceyphus grimaced and Dromenephus laughed outright. "Can you see why I chose him?" he asked. "He has a true heart and plenty of courage."
"It won't be enough to save him," Ceyphus replied.
"You think so?" Frey taunted. "Let's cut the chatter and test that theory." He curled his hands into fists and held them up. "Come on, Allen. I'm waiting."
For the first time since Ceyphus had revealed himself, Allen spoke. "I'm going to tear you limb from limb, fool."
"Yeah? Well, not if I take you down first."
Allen snarled and leapt at Frey, passing right through the image of Ceyphus. As he did so, Ceyphus' appearance fluttered like a reflection on the surface of a pool and vanished.
"Good luck Frey," he heard Dromenephus' voice whisper and then he, too, was gone.
The two met at the point that had been precisely between the arguing specters. Frey lashed out with Salvation, but Allen leapt over the slash. His living blades flicked out at Frey, but a forward roll prevented them from cutting anything but fabric. As Frey came to his feet and turned, a blue fire suddenly caught in his palm. Allen landed and crimson bolts of lightning suddenly arced around his own. The two men spun and used their magic at the same time, the column of fire meeting the bolts in midair. For a moment, the two spells curled around each other as though they were just as determined to triumph as those who had cast them, then they devoured each other and vanished.
Frey held Salvation out in front of him and began to cautiously move left. Allen matched him by circling in the other direction. From his flanking stance, Frey could tell he was planning on making good use of those wristblades. He decided not to give him the chance. He leapt forward and tried a left-to-right diagonal cut. Allen quickly leapt aside and spun, turning himself into a whirling set of blades. Frey quickly backed off before Allen turned him into a shish kabob. Allen slowed and grinned savagely. "Weakling," he taunted. "If you were half as courageous as you wished, you might present an interesting fight. As it is," his eyes narrowed. "The best you can do is play for time."
"I'll show you the best," Frey said. He suddenly tensed and his eyes flashed a bright shade of gold. Without warning, he charged forward, his form blurring with the burst of speed. He ducked the panicked slash Allen made with his wrist blade and jammed his elbow into the other man's solar plexus. The force of the blow was such that Allen flew back, the front of his armor suddenly spiderwebbed with cracks. Frey continued moving, dashing past Allen's form, turning, and delivering a devastating blow from behind. Allen sprawled on the ground and groaned. "I warned you," Frey said. He spun Salvation in his hands so that her tip was to the ground, then raised her and prepared to deliver the final blow.
Before he could do it, Allen leapt forward and out of the path of danger. He pushed off the ground and suddenly began to levitate, the blood-red glow once again emanating from his body. Frey lowered Salvation, then spread his arms. Slowly, he too rose into the air until he matched Allen. "Not bad," the Burmecian said. "But can you do this?" He spun in midair and dove at Frey. Before he could react, Frey suddenly found two holes punched in his chest from Allen's wristblades. Allen then punched him in the jaw, and the talons mounted on his hand cut right to the bone.
The pain caused Frey to lose his concentration and he dropped to the ground with a moan. He squeezed his eyes shut to regain his concentration. He quickly placed a hand on his chest and somehow summoned up the strength to close the gaping wounds there. With that done, he managed to scrabble to a crouching position and pressed his hand down on his bleeding jaw. Despite the pain that erupted, he persevered, and when he finally brought his hand away, the blood had stopped flowing.
Allen remained in the air, a smug expression on his transformed face. "Not bad," he said. "But aren't you forgetting something?" Frey's heart shot into his throat when he saw Salvation clenched in Allen's hand. He must have taken her when I fell, he realized. Allen held the sword by the blade, and Frey saw smoke emanating from where her runes were burning into Allen's flesh. "I don't think it likes me," he said.
"Then let her go," Frey said, taking a desperate gamble.
"Let he go?" Allen repeated. "I think that's a wonderful idea." With almost exaggerated casualness, he threw Salvation over his shoulder. Frey started as she sang with helpless fury, ringing twice on the rocks. By fate, coincidence, or maybe it was some will of her own, her hilt fell and became wedged in between a pair of rocks. Her blade jutted out at a fifty-degree angle from the ground, shining energetically. Frey looked at her, then up at where Allen was hovering, watching to see what he did. He judged the odds of running, ducking under Allen's reach, and grabbing Salvation, then decided that there wasn't a chance of Allen letting him get through.
He had just decided that he would have to try fighting it out with his fists when a new voice entered his mind. Unlike Salvation's comforting singing, this voice was a sinuously soft whisper. I can help, it said. I can help you. Frey slowly looked away from Allen to his left, which was where the voice seemed to be coming from. His eyes slowly came to rest on a sword, the same black and gold sword that Allen had been carrying. He quickly looked away, but the voice didn't entirely leave his mind.
"So," Allen said with an air of superiority. "Black Wind is calling you."
"Who?" Frey bluffed.
Allen laughed. "Don't play coy with me. I know you sense it." His eyes narrowed, but his grin didn't. Frey wanted to smack that expression right off his face. "Go on," he taunted. "Pick it up. I don't need it any longer." He saw the indecision in Frey's eyes and pressed forward. "It works as well as any other sword. Surely you're strong enough to resist being corrupted, aren't you?" His eyebrow rose. "You are the champion of light, after all."
Frey felt torn. Without Salvation, he knew he didn't stand a chance against Allen. On the other hand, if he used that sword, he could likely become Allen, corrupted in the same fashion. He stood his ground before the mocking demon and again his gaze flicked over to the Black Wind. It was well within reach; a quick dive would put it in his hand and he could bring it up to defend himself before Allen eviscerated him. His hands clenched, then unclenched again. For a moment, it felt to him that he would stand there for the rest of the night between this rock and a hard place, unable to make up his mind.
Then Allen did it for him.
"You've got to be kidding!" Daren sputtered.
"What is he?" Serena’s voice said.
"His true self," Frey replied, not taking his eyes off the still-quaking Allen. "What you see is his body transforming to match what's happened to his mind." Allen groaned and a pair of bulges began to form on the outside of his wrists. "Dragon Knight no more," Frey said in an odd tone of voice. "He's nothing but a demon now." Allen howled and with a horrific tearing sound, a pair of black bone blades shaped like elongated crescent moons burst from his wrists. Frey heard Daren curse in Burmecian as Allen slowly lowered to the ground.
Allen looked at his hands, touching the newly-formed talons between his fingers. "Such power," his new voice whispered. "The likes of which I never imagined."
Frey took a step forward, eyes blazing. "Power? Madness is what you possess."
Allen smiled darkly. "Perhaps so. And I suppose you think you're going to stop me?"
"Demon, not only am I going to stop you, I am going to destroy you!"
Daren tapped Serena on the shoulder. "Does something about him seem different to you?"
Her eyes narrowed. "To say the least. That doesn't even sound like his voice anymore."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Allen replied, ignoring the whispered exchange completely. "That puppet of yours is far too weak to face me."
"As opposed to that warped and half-broken tool of yours?" Frey replied. His eyes seemed to be almost glowing now.
"Tell me, Dromenephus," Allen said. "How long have you kept your eye on this...successor of mine?"
"Did you hear that?" Daren said, astonished.
"Long enough to know that I had to stop both him and you from destroying this world of ours!"
Allen smiled oily. "You laid plans...influenced minds...affected decisions...you even appeared outright. You and I aren't so different after all."
"Silence!" Frey roared, his eyes now searing with blue-white light. "You and I have nothing in common any longer! You'd see this world bushed to ash and given to the denizens of the nether regions if you had the opportunity!" The voice slowly echoed away. "We were the greatest of friends once, Ceyphus," he said quietly. "I would have stood with you 'til the world's end."
Allen stretched out a hand, palm upwards. "You still can, old companion. Come. Join me."
Frey slowly shook his head, leaving a slight afterimage as he did so. "You truly have gone beyond my aid, Ceyphus. If you had even the slightest bit of humanity left within you, you'd never ask such a question."
Allen snorted. "Still insistent on playing the fool, aren't you? Don't you realize that the fate of this world no longer affects us? We can do anything we choose! Watch! Watch it happen!" And then Serena witnessed something even more terrifying than Allen's transformation. A pale red light slowly formed around Allen's body. Slowly, it took on shape, becoming a new set of arms, legs, even a torso. Allen shuddered, and his whole body wrenched. Then, a luminous form seemed to pull itself from his body. There was an immense roaring sound, like water rushing in to fill a chasm. Finally, the specter pulled itself free and stood in front of Allen, who promptly dropped to one knee and began gasping.
The strange being was a blond-haired man with a proud set to his jaw and finely chiseled features. Serena would have gone so far as to call him handsome if not for the look of immense hunger in his eyes. "Well, Dromenephus?" the man said.
Serena's eyes immediately darted to where Frey stood, and she was not surprised in the least when another spectral form slowly condensed around him. Unlike Ceyphus' appearance, Dromenephus exited Frey's body without violence, accompanied by a sound not unlike the exhaling of a held breath. Frey's eyes ceased to glow, and he took a step back, blinking. The two dead knights faced each other down, their protégés each a step or two behind. "And here we stand again," Dromenephus said.
"You can't possibly imagine what waiting for you and your little puppet, Dromenephus."
"Does it truly matter?" the other man asked rhetorically. "I killed you once, Ceyphus. And I'll oppose you any way I can so long as you make it necessary."
"Ah, but you forget that I killed you as well, old friend," Ceyphus countered.
Dromenephus stroked his goatee thoughtfully. "It matters little. This battle will not be fought by you and I, but no matter the outcome, I will know that I did all I could to stop you."
"Console yourself however you want, fool," Ceyphus sneered. "When the world is under my control and the control of my puppet," -if Allen bristled at the word 'puppet' he didn't show it- "you'll see firsthand just how badly you failed!"
As the two specters continued to argue, Serena gently elbowed Daren in the ribs and began to quietly slink over towards Frey. She kept an eye on Allen, but his attention seemed rooted to the exchange taking place before him. Good, she thought, keep it that way for just a little longer. She slowly crept up behind Frey and nudged him. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked.
He turned towards her like a man just waking up from a dream. "Yeah, of course I'm okay. What is it?"
"Look," she said, pointing at Allen. "He's completely zoned out. We can take him now, end this whole thing right here."
Frey shook his head. "No. In a couple minutes, those two are going to wrap up their old grudge and let us go at it. I don't want you anywhere nearby when that happens."
"Oh, don't you dare try to shove me out of the picture, Frey Amethyst," she said crossly. "Listen, you can stay here and keep an eye on him. Daren and I can circle around and take him from behind-"
"He'd gut you and leave you on the ground before you even had the chance," Frey interrupted. "Serena, I know I'm asking a lot of you, but Allen's out of your league now. Besides that, this isn't your battle any more. It's mine now." He reached out and took her hands between his. "And besides everything else, I don't want you in danger for one minute longer than you have to be. Call it your right, call it your duty, call it overprotection on my part, call it anything you want, but that's the way I feel."
"Frey, I feel the same way about you," she said. "I can't let you run off into this all alone. I want to keep you safe. Do you think that your desires take precedence over what I want?"
He sighed. "Only in my heart." He squeezed her hands. "Is it wrong that I want you to be safe?"
"No, but it's wrong to keep me from making my own choices."
Frey looked into her eyes for what seemed like an endless moment. "You're right," he finally said, relenting. "I just want the best for you, Serena."
She leaned forward and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. "I know you do," she whispered. "That's one of the reasons I love you so damn much."
He laughed shortly. "Alright, let's get this over with." He turned. "Now, what did you want to do?"
She stepped forward and pointed. "Daren and I can sneak over that way."
"Then we'll circle around and I'll signal you."
"Then what?"
"Run at him. Scream. Wave your sword around. Just keep him distracted long enough for Daren and I to hit him from behind."
"Got it. That makes sense," he said. Those were the last words she heard before the world abruptly tilted and went black.
Daren's jaw dropped. "Frey, what-"
"Quiet," he said as he lowered his hand. Serena was sprawled on the ground, and Frey mentally kicked himself, angry despite knowing that it had had to be done. While he'd kept Serena busy explaining, his had quietly raised his gauntleted hand and dealt her a vicious blow to the back of the head, solidly knocking her out. He knelt and gently gathered her up in his arms. "I'm sorry," he whispered softly. "Daren."
Frey turned to him and held Serena out. "Take her."
Daren's eye's widened. "I don't-"
"Take her out of here!" Frey snapped. "Get as far away as you can, back to the grotto if you have to." Daren's arms came up and as cautiously as he could, Frey set Serena in them.
"But, Frey, I want to help," Daren said.
"I know you do, and that's the problem," he replied. He met Daren's eyes. "I'm not sure if I'm going to be walking away from this one, Daren," he said evenly. "And if you're here, I don't know if I can protect you."
Daren's eyebrows rose. "Protect me?" he said.
"Alright, here it is flat out; I don't want either of you anywhere near this. I think I can take Allen, I really do, but if you're here, that just gives him a target to go after, and it gives me something to distract me from fighting him. Understand?"
Daren looked into Frey's eyes for a while. "Yeah," he finally said. "Good luck, Frey."
"Thanks." Frey leaned over and brushed Serena's hair back. "Take care," he said softly. He straightened again. "If I don't see you again, Daren, it's been damn fine knowing you."
Daren nodded. "Thanks for everything, Frey." He turned to leave.
"And Daren," Frey added.
He turned back. "Yeah?"
Frey's jaw trembled, but he held firm. "Take care of her."
For a long moment, Daren fought for words. "I will," he finally said. Then, he turned and darted away. Frey watched him for a few seconds, then turned back to where Ceyphus and Dromenephus were still arguing.
"Don't you realize that your actions will have drastic affects on the people around you?"
"Of course I do, I simply don't care."
"Dromenephus," Frey interrupted loudly. "Just back off. He's completely gone."
Ceyphus raised an eyebrow. "You're rather insolent for a mortal. I'm going to enjoy watching you die."
"Big words for someone who's already dead."
Ceyphus grimaced and Dromenephus laughed outright. "Can you see why I chose him?" he asked. "He has a true heart and plenty of courage."
"It won't be enough to save him," Ceyphus replied.
"You think so?" Frey taunted. "Let's cut the chatter and test that theory." He curled his hands into fists and held them up. "Come on, Allen. I'm waiting."
For the first time since Ceyphus had revealed himself, Allen spoke. "I'm going to tear you limb from limb, fool."
"Yeah? Well, not if I take you down first."
Allen snarled and leapt at Frey, passing right through the image of Ceyphus. As he did so, Ceyphus' appearance fluttered like a reflection on the surface of a pool and vanished.
"Good luck Frey," he heard Dromenephus' voice whisper and then he, too, was gone.
The two met at the point that had been precisely between the arguing specters. Frey lashed out with Salvation, but Allen leapt over the slash. His living blades flicked out at Frey, but a forward roll prevented them from cutting anything but fabric. As Frey came to his feet and turned, a blue fire suddenly caught in his palm. Allen landed and crimson bolts of lightning suddenly arced around his own. The two men spun and used their magic at the same time, the column of fire meeting the bolts in midair. For a moment, the two spells curled around each other as though they were just as determined to triumph as those who had cast them, then they devoured each other and vanished.
Frey held Salvation out in front of him and began to cautiously move left. Allen matched him by circling in the other direction. From his flanking stance, Frey could tell he was planning on making good use of those wristblades. He decided not to give him the chance. He leapt forward and tried a left-to-right diagonal cut. Allen quickly leapt aside and spun, turning himself into a whirling set of blades. Frey quickly backed off before Allen turned him into a shish kabob. Allen slowed and grinned savagely. "Weakling," he taunted. "If you were half as courageous as you wished, you might present an interesting fight. As it is," his eyes narrowed. "The best you can do is play for time."
"I'll show you the best," Frey said. He suddenly tensed and his eyes flashed a bright shade of gold. Without warning, he charged forward, his form blurring with the burst of speed. He ducked the panicked slash Allen made with his wrist blade and jammed his elbow into the other man's solar plexus. The force of the blow was such that Allen flew back, the front of his armor suddenly spiderwebbed with cracks. Frey continued moving, dashing past Allen's form, turning, and delivering a devastating blow from behind. Allen sprawled on the ground and groaned. "I warned you," Frey said. He spun Salvation in his hands so that her tip was to the ground, then raised her and prepared to deliver the final blow.
Before he could do it, Allen leapt forward and out of the path of danger. He pushed off the ground and suddenly began to levitate, the blood-red glow once again emanating from his body. Frey lowered Salvation, then spread his arms. Slowly, he too rose into the air until he matched Allen. "Not bad," the Burmecian said. "But can you do this?" He spun in midair and dove at Frey. Before he could react, Frey suddenly found two holes punched in his chest from Allen's wristblades. Allen then punched him in the jaw, and the talons mounted on his hand cut right to the bone.
The pain caused Frey to lose his concentration and he dropped to the ground with a moan. He squeezed his eyes shut to regain his concentration. He quickly placed a hand on his chest and somehow summoned up the strength to close the gaping wounds there. With that done, he managed to scrabble to a crouching position and pressed his hand down on his bleeding jaw. Despite the pain that erupted, he persevered, and when he finally brought his hand away, the blood had stopped flowing.
Allen remained in the air, a smug expression on his transformed face. "Not bad," he said. "But aren't you forgetting something?" Frey's heart shot into his throat when he saw Salvation clenched in Allen's hand. He must have taken her when I fell, he realized. Allen held the sword by the blade, and Frey saw smoke emanating from where her runes were burning into Allen's flesh. "I don't think it likes me," he said.
"Then let her go," Frey said, taking a desperate gamble.
"Let he go?" Allen repeated. "I think that's a wonderful idea." With almost exaggerated casualness, he threw Salvation over his shoulder. Frey started as she sang with helpless fury, ringing twice on the rocks. By fate, coincidence, or maybe it was some will of her own, her hilt fell and became wedged in between a pair of rocks. Her blade jutted out at a fifty-degree angle from the ground, shining energetically. Frey looked at her, then up at where Allen was hovering, watching to see what he did. He judged the odds of running, ducking under Allen's reach, and grabbing Salvation, then decided that there wasn't a chance of Allen letting him get through.
He had just decided that he would have to try fighting it out with his fists when a new voice entered his mind. Unlike Salvation's comforting singing, this voice was a sinuously soft whisper. I can help, it said. I can help you. Frey slowly looked away from Allen to his left, which was where the voice seemed to be coming from. His eyes slowly came to rest on a sword, the same black and gold sword that Allen had been carrying. He quickly looked away, but the voice didn't entirely leave his mind.
"So," Allen said with an air of superiority. "Black Wind is calling you."
"Who?" Frey bluffed.
Allen laughed. "Don't play coy with me. I know you sense it." His eyes narrowed, but his grin didn't. Frey wanted to smack that expression right off his face. "Go on," he taunted. "Pick it up. I don't need it any longer." He saw the indecision in Frey's eyes and pressed forward. "It works as well as any other sword. Surely you're strong enough to resist being corrupted, aren't you?" His eyebrow rose. "You are the champion of light, after all."
Frey felt torn. Without Salvation, he knew he didn't stand a chance against Allen. On the other hand, if he used that sword, he could likely become Allen, corrupted in the same fashion. He stood his ground before the mocking demon and again his gaze flicked over to the Black Wind. It was well within reach; a quick dive would put it in his hand and he could bring it up to defend himself before Allen eviscerated him. His hands clenched, then unclenched again. For a moment, it felt to him that he would stand there for the rest of the night between this rock and a hard place, unable to make up his mind.
Then Allen did it for him.

- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Very nice Kuja...very good cliffhanger and nice intro of something darker.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Damn!! You just can't stop leaving us with more and different twists on the cliffhangers, can you?
I love it!
I love it!

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
Chapter 28: To the Wire
A crimson glow burst into being and Frey lunged aside before the ball of fire turned him into a memory. Rational thought was shoved aside and instinct took over as he rolled towards the black sword and grabbed its hilt. Without even slowing, he ran and leaped at Allen, who brought his wristblades up just in time to stop the swing. Frey stuck his leg out and caught him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. They both dropped to the ground and fell apart.
Frey unconsciously squeezed Black Wind's handle. The sword felt well balanced and easy to grip, but it was nothing special. He spun it once and lunged, forcing Allen to leap away. He gestured and the air itself seemed to explode into white flames. Allen batted them away, but by the time they dissipated, Frey was ready for the next attack. Black Wind glowed red-hot in his hands and when he stabbed it forward, a jet of flame erupted from the tip. Allen dropped to one knee and threw his arms up to ward it off as it washed over him. At it dissolved, Frey ran and struck at Allen as he stood, but missed by inches. Allen took advantage of the close call by spinning rapidly and delivering an open-palmed strike to Frey's back. The blade on his wrist punched through Frey's shirt as though it wasn't even there and would have punctured a lung if Frey hadn't twisted and dove.
He rolled to his feet, careful to keep the Black Wind between himself and Allen. The demon knight stalked forward and he backed away, determined not to let him get close. He couldn't depend on Black Wind the way he could with Salvation. The sword wouldn't speak to him; it was just a piece of metal like any other sword. Nothing strange about it at all. He held the sword parallel to the ground and placed his palm against the end of the handle. He quickly moved at Allen, using the sword almost as if it were a spear. Fortunately, the long handle let him get away with it. Allen gave ground, using his wristblades to deflect the sword away when the blade came too close. Finally, Frey set himself and launched into a full-body swing. The black blade cleaved the night sky and arced in right towards Allen's neck, but he turned and brought both his arms up, stopping the sword with both his wristblades. Those damn things must be as strong as steel, Frey thought grimly.
He pulled the sword back and stabbed, but Allen deflected it and leaped back. Frey frowned in annoyance. If only the sword had at least had some power, he thought. It's no more useful than any normal blade. I was wrong; Allen's mind must have just seized it as a reason to go mad.
The only problem with that thought was that it was not his own.
Serena coughed and Daren stopped short, wondering if she was waking up. She groaned softly and turned in his arms, but showed no signs of opening her eyes. Get moving, dummy, his mind told him. Frey told you to get her out of here. He stood stock-still, ignoring that sentiment. Serena moaned a second time, and now her hand caught the front of Daren's shirt. "Frey," she whispered.
"Damn it all," he muttered, and looked back. He could barely see his bother thanks to the reddish light that seemed to be pouring out of him, and he couldn't see Frey at all.
Serena suddenly shook her head and blinked her eyes open. "Wh-what?" she said groggily. Great, Daren thought. This had just gotten a lot more complicated.
Frey's wake-up call came when he bit the inside of his lip and the taste of blood registered. He stopped chasing after Allen as his mind began screaming that something was wrong. His free hand - his left - came up to his mouth and wiped away the blood there. As he did so, he suddenly stopped and felt himself go numb. His canines were growing! They were getting sharper as well; he could feel it. "What the hell is going on?" he said softly. That was when he looked up and saw Allen crouched like some feral creature and grinning at him like a goblin.
Frey's gaze shot down to the sword he was holding and the veil that had been draped around his mind shattered instantly. The sword was trying to adhere itself to him! Slim, nearly invisible threads of blackness had extended from the base of the blade, pierced the metal of his gauntlet, and stuck themselves into his hand! How could I not have noticed that? Frey's mind screamed. He yelped and pulled at them, but they seemed anchored to his flesh. Desperate, he seized the upper part of the hilt and yanked, only to have his right arm follow the pull.
I don't want to let go, a part of him said.
He froze. "I know you," he whispered.
You're damn right you do. Remember when I tried to free myself from the cage you built for me? Well, guess what?
A cold smile blossomed on his face without his consent. "It's payback time," his own voice said. A moment later, he twisted as if in agony and the grin vanished. He bent nearly double, and with a groan of pain finally managed to rip the Black Wind out of his hand, taking his old gauntlet with it. He cradled his right hand in his left and stared in horror as black blood trickled from a dozen dozen places where his skin had been pierced. Allen began to laugh aloud, but Frey ignored him.
That won't help you, the voice in his mind said. I'm free now, and I think I'm going to be making a few changes.
"On a cold day in Hell," Frey growled.
That's the spirit.
The group of twelve or so sat around a campfire well away from the carousing vices. "Ntha mege jukiy gdal alirkas oreth mata nurtesh, Hu conna pollor," one of them said in a voice that was like a boulder being dragged over sandstone. "How they manage to stay awake during the day, I can't imagine."
One of the others snorted. "Just wait until tomorrow. The fools are using up all their food. And you know who they'll be asking for a handout."
"They won't get it," the leader of the band said firmly. His slitted pupils widened as he looked away from the fire. "They'll be forced to slaughter their own serpions."
"Mege ou ghazk hiw rsol. Mege loup carshe tenna," a fourth said. "They are raiders like us. They should know better."
"They are vices," the leader of the group replied. "They are not Kaszray, like us. We do not quarrel with one another and we do not heedlessly waste what Grace brings to us." The other Kaszray, what the more enlightened races called lizardmen, nodded in agreement. For a short time, they fell into silent contemplation and listened to the music of the twelfth member of their band. The people of the cities would have been surprised to find that the Kaszray, the brutish hunters, knew of music. They would have been even more shocked to find that their preferred instrument was a flute-like device. Their lips, solid as rock when they tensed them, were perfect for forming an embouchure above the opening in the wooden tube, and though they were not dexterous, they solved that problem by making the instrument longer and its holes wider. Right now, their musician had his eyes closed so that he could concentrate on his song. It was a slow dirge best suited to the darkness of night. It was strong and firm, just like the Kaszray themselves.
"Old Hunter?" asked the first of the group.
"Hov kon yro," the leader replied. "Speak your mind."
"When is the battle going to come?"
"Not soon enough. The elder races grow more arrogant by the day. Their cities blanket the good land with their bad air and harsh roads. They dominate the land above the Grace like vultures in their roosts." The Old Hunter, the leader reached up and plucked at the Mist to emphasize his point. "Her Grace protects us and the good land for now, but for how much longer? I fear the day she leaves us. The humans will pour into the basins like brackish water from a bowl, and I do not believe for an instant that the city of vermin will be far behind." He looked his subordinate in the eye. "We must teach them a stern lesson. If they will continue to defile the land, then we will shut if off from them. They claim the high ground, and I say let them stay there."
Most of the others nodded in agreement, but one leaned forward. "Old Hunter," he said respectfully. "We have the highest of hopes, but do you believe it wise to consort with the Shadow Walker and his followers? I cannot shake the feeling that they will betray us."
"My thoughts match yours," the leader said. "I do not call him Shadow Walker simply for his sword and false scales. He is dark of mind. For now I follow him because his goals match ours. However," the leader brandished one of his mighty cleavers, "the moment he turns on us, I will be ready for him. Are you all with me?"
"We are," they replied in unison. Again they all fell silent and listened to the slow melody of their musician. When he suddenly ceased playing in mid-melody and opened his eyes in fear, they all looked at him in confusion.
"Something terrible is happening," he whispered thickly.
The Old Hunter clacked his jaws, the equivalent of an irritated frown. "Can you get no closer than that?"
The musician shook his head, not in denial, but fear. "Our Grace is speaking," he said in the same frightened whisper. "I can see her apprehension in the flames and twisting curtains of her flow."
The Old Hunter's frown only deepened. He knew that the younger Kaszray had the rare gift to speak with the Mist and the spirits, and when he said something terrible was happening, he was probably right. It wasn't specific enough, though. "Where?"
"Above her," came the reply. "In the high land near the sky."
The leader of the group grunted dismissively. "If it is in the high lands, then it is not our problem," he replied. "Let the oh-so-high-and-mighty humans handle it."
"No! No! This will hurt everyone!" the younger one insisted. "Look, look, you can see it!" The others twisted and followed his pointing finger. In the distance, nearly obscured by the Mist's thickness, they could see crimson lightning bolts streaking down from the high clouds to strike the ground.
"That is not right," one of them said.
The musician-seer suddenly dropped his flute and clutched at his head, growling in pain. "It is worse!" he shrieked to nobody in particular. "The darkness grows!" He fell to one knee and those next to him were instantly on their feet and beside him to offer their support. His eyes snapped open again and he looked at the Old Hunter with panic in his golden orbs. "The Shadow Walker!" he said. "Where-where once there was one...now there are two!"
Allen's laughter rang in his ears as Frey fell to one knee, doubled up in pain. Lumps formed on his back like malignant tumors. "Nnnnn-nnn-nnn," he groaned in pain. "No! No, no, no! You can't...take me!"
Why not? I'm a part of you.
"I won't let you!"
Face it, you already have. Black Wind gave me the perfect opportunity to make my move.
"No, dammit!"
Rail all you want, it's inevitable. Soon, you'll know what it's like to be pushed to the back of your own mind, unable to do anything but watch helplessly.
He shook his head violently. "Never!" he yelled. "I'll kill myself before that happens!"
No you won't, I'll see to that.
"Damn...you," Frey spat out as he felt a sudden pressure take hold of his mind and squeeze furiously.
How does it feel to be helpless in the grip of your own mind? Now you know how all the years have been for me. And now, this little clash is over!
Frey screamed as leathery black wings erupted from his back. He felt blood running from his gums as his teeth changed shape, becoming sharper and more pointed. His groans deepened in volume until he sounded like an animal. To his shock, he saw a red glow on his hands and realized it had to be coming from his eyes.
He was becoming a demon!
"Let go of me!"
"Serena, it's too dangerous!"
"Don't tell me what's too dangerous you damn-" Serena cut herself off with a noise of frustration as Daren grabbed her arm and forced her into a headlock.
"Can't you see what's happening? Look up ahead!" True to his words, a red glow had suddenly started and grew in strength with frightening rapidity.
"That's why I need to help him, damn you! You can stay here and hide, but I'm going!" Serena somehow managed to garner a little freedom of movement and bit him on the arm, hard. He yelped and let go of her. She started to sprint away, but he leapt and knocked her over.
"I won't let you throw your life away!"
"Bastard! Let me go!"
Frey howled like a maddened dog. Blood-red bolts of lightning descended from the sky, and his body jerked as they struck him over and over. With each bolt, it seemed like more of him was changing.
Flash, and serrated claws erupted from his fingertips.
Flash, and he felt a wickedly barbed tail grow at the small of his back.
Flash, and he clenched jaws that now resembled a carnivore's.
His worst fear was being realized before his eyes. He was becoming just like Allen. He gripped his head, unaware that his new talons were cutting gouges into his scalp. His wings flapped as though they wanted to take off on their own accord. And through it all, he heard Allen's laughter. That sound enraged him. It infuriated him! But what incensed him even further than that was his own dark self quietly mocking his failure.
You stood here, thinking you were the champion of the world, and look what happened, he whispered. Dromenephus made a big mistake when he picked you, don't you think? Would a real champion have been beaten and corrupted as thoroughly as you are now?
"...your fault..." he managed to growl.
Ha! I guess you're right. After all, I was the little voice that told you to pick up Black Wind. But then, you were quite eager to follow my lead, weren't you?
"Shut up, just shut up!" Frey bellowed.
"Time is running out, Frey Amethyst," Allen's voice intruded. "Look at how transformed you are. In another minute or so, you'll be a fully-fledged demon." A sickening smile lit his features. "How deliciously ironic, wouldn't you say? Dromenephus must be so ashamed."
Somehow, Frey managed to struggle to his feet. "You're not going to live long enough to see that," he threatened.
Allen threw his head back and laughed. "Listen to yourself!" he exclaimed. "You're beaten, finished, defeated! In just a little while longer, you're going to be a demon, just like me!" Allen stepped closer and lowered his voice. "Why continue to fight the inexorable? Just give in to it! Let it happen!" Allen reached out a hand. "Join me," he offered. "You and I could bring the world to its knees and rule forever!"
Frey's eyes fixed on that outstretched hand. Slowly, he began to reach for it. That's right, his demonic side encouraged. Take his hand. Admit you were a failure and a whole new life will begin! One where I dictate the course, at last! Frey squeezed his eyes shut, shook his head, and froze. When his eyes snapped open, they were blue again.
"NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he howled, and threw himself forward, unconsciously spreading his wings as he did so. Taken completely by surprise, Allen failed to dodge out of the way and Frey tackled him as he soared just off the ground. Allen wrapped his hands around Frey's neck, ready to tear his throat out, but he didn't have that much time. In fact, he didn't have any time at all.
Allen's back slammed into Salvation's upraised tip, his body's momentum severing his spine as he was impaled. Her blade punched right through his armor and he screamed as her blessed runes burned at his insides. Such force had been behind Frey's tackle that Salvation went clean through Allen's body.
But Frey couldn't check his momentum either. Salvation thrust herself into his own midsection, narrowly missing his intestines and erupting out his back. Frey's scream of pain matched Allen's.
Then, all of a sudden, the pain vanished and the world went clear. Frey realized with a start that the wings, the talons, the wicked tail, all of it was gone. Salvation had dealt his other side such a grievous blow that it had shocked him back into submission. Frey had to act before he gathered his wits again! Frey reached around Allen's sides, his hands finding Salvation's handle and wrapping around it. He pulled, impaling both of them even further onto the blade. Allen howled and tried to push Frey off, but his grip on the sword was too strong. His hands squeezed her handle even tighter. "Time for one last trick, I guess," he said to Salvation.
You'll die!
He smiled bitterly. "It'll be alright, I promise," he said, tasting every word of the lie. He heaved out another breath and shuddered, then spoke a single word. "Clim...Climhazzard."
Allen stopped struggling and his eyes widened as he recognized that ancient warrior's curse. "No!" he shouted. "You can't-"
"Yes I can," Frey snarled.
Serena ripped herself away from Daren's grasp and began to run back towards the battlefield, Daren hot on her heels. "You're going to get yourself killed!" he said.
"I don't care! If Frey needs help-"
That was when a beam of bright orange light shot skyward from Frey and Allen's position accompanied by a roaring sound. A moment later, a massive explosion seemed to shake the entire world beneath their feet. Daren had to shield his eyes as what looked like a miniature sun was born and died within seconds before him. In her shock, Serena's legs seemed to stop working and she fell, barely managing to catch herself on her hands. Her face registered only shock as she looked ahead, where thick black smoke was now rising towards the sky.
"F-Frey..." she whispered.
Feeling numb, Daren strode forward like a man in a trance until he stood next to her. Without even looking down, he bent and helped her up, keeping an arm around her shoulders when it seemed like she still lacked the capacity to stay up. Almost simultaneously, they turned to look at each other. "Daren," said, her voice wavering. "Do...do you think...do you think Frey's..."
Daren was about to say that Frey was most likely dead, but then his features hardened. "If I know him," he said firmly, "not by a long shot. Come on!" He grabbed her hand and dashed towards the column of smoke. She let herself be led, furiously clamping down on her paralyzing fear as she struggled to keep herself from falling apart on the spot.
"Frey, please be alright. Please."
A crimson glow burst into being and Frey lunged aside before the ball of fire turned him into a memory. Rational thought was shoved aside and instinct took over as he rolled towards the black sword and grabbed its hilt. Without even slowing, he ran and leaped at Allen, who brought his wristblades up just in time to stop the swing. Frey stuck his leg out and caught him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. They both dropped to the ground and fell apart.
Frey unconsciously squeezed Black Wind's handle. The sword felt well balanced and easy to grip, but it was nothing special. He spun it once and lunged, forcing Allen to leap away. He gestured and the air itself seemed to explode into white flames. Allen batted them away, but by the time they dissipated, Frey was ready for the next attack. Black Wind glowed red-hot in his hands and when he stabbed it forward, a jet of flame erupted from the tip. Allen dropped to one knee and threw his arms up to ward it off as it washed over him. At it dissolved, Frey ran and struck at Allen as he stood, but missed by inches. Allen took advantage of the close call by spinning rapidly and delivering an open-palmed strike to Frey's back. The blade on his wrist punched through Frey's shirt as though it wasn't even there and would have punctured a lung if Frey hadn't twisted and dove.
He rolled to his feet, careful to keep the Black Wind between himself and Allen. The demon knight stalked forward and he backed away, determined not to let him get close. He couldn't depend on Black Wind the way he could with Salvation. The sword wouldn't speak to him; it was just a piece of metal like any other sword. Nothing strange about it at all. He held the sword parallel to the ground and placed his palm against the end of the handle. He quickly moved at Allen, using the sword almost as if it were a spear. Fortunately, the long handle let him get away with it. Allen gave ground, using his wristblades to deflect the sword away when the blade came too close. Finally, Frey set himself and launched into a full-body swing. The black blade cleaved the night sky and arced in right towards Allen's neck, but he turned and brought both his arms up, stopping the sword with both his wristblades. Those damn things must be as strong as steel, Frey thought grimly.
He pulled the sword back and stabbed, but Allen deflected it and leaped back. Frey frowned in annoyance. If only the sword had at least had some power, he thought. It's no more useful than any normal blade. I was wrong; Allen's mind must have just seized it as a reason to go mad.
The only problem with that thought was that it was not his own.
Serena coughed and Daren stopped short, wondering if she was waking up. She groaned softly and turned in his arms, but showed no signs of opening her eyes. Get moving, dummy, his mind told him. Frey told you to get her out of here. He stood stock-still, ignoring that sentiment. Serena moaned a second time, and now her hand caught the front of Daren's shirt. "Frey," she whispered.
"Damn it all," he muttered, and looked back. He could barely see his bother thanks to the reddish light that seemed to be pouring out of him, and he couldn't see Frey at all.
Serena suddenly shook her head and blinked her eyes open. "Wh-what?" she said groggily. Great, Daren thought. This had just gotten a lot more complicated.
Frey's wake-up call came when he bit the inside of his lip and the taste of blood registered. He stopped chasing after Allen as his mind began screaming that something was wrong. His free hand - his left - came up to his mouth and wiped away the blood there. As he did so, he suddenly stopped and felt himself go numb. His canines were growing! They were getting sharper as well; he could feel it. "What the hell is going on?" he said softly. That was when he looked up and saw Allen crouched like some feral creature and grinning at him like a goblin.
Frey's gaze shot down to the sword he was holding and the veil that had been draped around his mind shattered instantly. The sword was trying to adhere itself to him! Slim, nearly invisible threads of blackness had extended from the base of the blade, pierced the metal of his gauntlet, and stuck themselves into his hand! How could I not have noticed that? Frey's mind screamed. He yelped and pulled at them, but they seemed anchored to his flesh. Desperate, he seized the upper part of the hilt and yanked, only to have his right arm follow the pull.
I don't want to let go, a part of him said.
He froze. "I know you," he whispered.
You're damn right you do. Remember when I tried to free myself from the cage you built for me? Well, guess what?
A cold smile blossomed on his face without his consent. "It's payback time," his own voice said. A moment later, he twisted as if in agony and the grin vanished. He bent nearly double, and with a groan of pain finally managed to rip the Black Wind out of his hand, taking his old gauntlet with it. He cradled his right hand in his left and stared in horror as black blood trickled from a dozen dozen places where his skin had been pierced. Allen began to laugh aloud, but Frey ignored him.
That won't help you, the voice in his mind said. I'm free now, and I think I'm going to be making a few changes.
"On a cold day in Hell," Frey growled.
That's the spirit.
The group of twelve or so sat around a campfire well away from the carousing vices. "Ntha mege jukiy gdal alirkas oreth mata nurtesh, Hu conna pollor," one of them said in a voice that was like a boulder being dragged over sandstone. "How they manage to stay awake during the day, I can't imagine."
One of the others snorted. "Just wait until tomorrow. The fools are using up all their food. And you know who they'll be asking for a handout."
"They won't get it," the leader of the band said firmly. His slitted pupils widened as he looked away from the fire. "They'll be forced to slaughter their own serpions."
"Mege ou ghazk hiw rsol. Mege loup carshe tenna," a fourth said. "They are raiders like us. They should know better."
"They are vices," the leader of the group replied. "They are not Kaszray, like us. We do not quarrel with one another and we do not heedlessly waste what Grace brings to us." The other Kaszray, what the more enlightened races called lizardmen, nodded in agreement. For a short time, they fell into silent contemplation and listened to the music of the twelfth member of their band. The people of the cities would have been surprised to find that the Kaszray, the brutish hunters, knew of music. They would have been even more shocked to find that their preferred instrument was a flute-like device. Their lips, solid as rock when they tensed them, were perfect for forming an embouchure above the opening in the wooden tube, and though they were not dexterous, they solved that problem by making the instrument longer and its holes wider. Right now, their musician had his eyes closed so that he could concentrate on his song. It was a slow dirge best suited to the darkness of night. It was strong and firm, just like the Kaszray themselves.
"Old Hunter?" asked the first of the group.
"Hov kon yro," the leader replied. "Speak your mind."
"When is the battle going to come?"
"Not soon enough. The elder races grow more arrogant by the day. Their cities blanket the good land with their bad air and harsh roads. They dominate the land above the Grace like vultures in their roosts." The Old Hunter, the leader reached up and plucked at the Mist to emphasize his point. "Her Grace protects us and the good land for now, but for how much longer? I fear the day she leaves us. The humans will pour into the basins like brackish water from a bowl, and I do not believe for an instant that the city of vermin will be far behind." He looked his subordinate in the eye. "We must teach them a stern lesson. If they will continue to defile the land, then we will shut if off from them. They claim the high ground, and I say let them stay there."
Most of the others nodded in agreement, but one leaned forward. "Old Hunter," he said respectfully. "We have the highest of hopes, but do you believe it wise to consort with the Shadow Walker and his followers? I cannot shake the feeling that they will betray us."
"My thoughts match yours," the leader said. "I do not call him Shadow Walker simply for his sword and false scales. He is dark of mind. For now I follow him because his goals match ours. However," the leader brandished one of his mighty cleavers, "the moment he turns on us, I will be ready for him. Are you all with me?"
"We are," they replied in unison. Again they all fell silent and listened to the slow melody of their musician. When he suddenly ceased playing in mid-melody and opened his eyes in fear, they all looked at him in confusion.
"Something terrible is happening," he whispered thickly.
The Old Hunter clacked his jaws, the equivalent of an irritated frown. "Can you get no closer than that?"
The musician shook his head, not in denial, but fear. "Our Grace is speaking," he said in the same frightened whisper. "I can see her apprehension in the flames and twisting curtains of her flow."
The Old Hunter's frown only deepened. He knew that the younger Kaszray had the rare gift to speak with the Mist and the spirits, and when he said something terrible was happening, he was probably right. It wasn't specific enough, though. "Where?"
"Above her," came the reply. "In the high land near the sky."
The leader of the group grunted dismissively. "If it is in the high lands, then it is not our problem," he replied. "Let the oh-so-high-and-mighty humans handle it."
"No! No! This will hurt everyone!" the younger one insisted. "Look, look, you can see it!" The others twisted and followed his pointing finger. In the distance, nearly obscured by the Mist's thickness, they could see crimson lightning bolts streaking down from the high clouds to strike the ground.
"That is not right," one of them said.
The musician-seer suddenly dropped his flute and clutched at his head, growling in pain. "It is worse!" he shrieked to nobody in particular. "The darkness grows!" He fell to one knee and those next to him were instantly on their feet and beside him to offer their support. His eyes snapped open again and he looked at the Old Hunter with panic in his golden orbs. "The Shadow Walker!" he said. "Where-where once there was one...now there are two!"
Allen's laughter rang in his ears as Frey fell to one knee, doubled up in pain. Lumps formed on his back like malignant tumors. "Nnnnn-nnn-nnn," he groaned in pain. "No! No, no, no! You can't...take me!"
Why not? I'm a part of you.
"I won't let you!"
Face it, you already have. Black Wind gave me the perfect opportunity to make my move.
"No, dammit!"
Rail all you want, it's inevitable. Soon, you'll know what it's like to be pushed to the back of your own mind, unable to do anything but watch helplessly.
He shook his head violently. "Never!" he yelled. "I'll kill myself before that happens!"
No you won't, I'll see to that.
"Damn...you," Frey spat out as he felt a sudden pressure take hold of his mind and squeeze furiously.
How does it feel to be helpless in the grip of your own mind? Now you know how all the years have been for me. And now, this little clash is over!
Frey screamed as leathery black wings erupted from his back. He felt blood running from his gums as his teeth changed shape, becoming sharper and more pointed. His groans deepened in volume until he sounded like an animal. To his shock, he saw a red glow on his hands and realized it had to be coming from his eyes.
He was becoming a demon!
"Let go of me!"
"Serena, it's too dangerous!"
"Don't tell me what's too dangerous you damn-" Serena cut herself off with a noise of frustration as Daren grabbed her arm and forced her into a headlock.
"Can't you see what's happening? Look up ahead!" True to his words, a red glow had suddenly started and grew in strength with frightening rapidity.
"That's why I need to help him, damn you! You can stay here and hide, but I'm going!" Serena somehow managed to garner a little freedom of movement and bit him on the arm, hard. He yelped and let go of her. She started to sprint away, but he leapt and knocked her over.
"I won't let you throw your life away!"
"Bastard! Let me go!"
Frey howled like a maddened dog. Blood-red bolts of lightning descended from the sky, and his body jerked as they struck him over and over. With each bolt, it seemed like more of him was changing.
Flash, and serrated claws erupted from his fingertips.
Flash, and he felt a wickedly barbed tail grow at the small of his back.
Flash, and he clenched jaws that now resembled a carnivore's.
His worst fear was being realized before his eyes. He was becoming just like Allen. He gripped his head, unaware that his new talons were cutting gouges into his scalp. His wings flapped as though they wanted to take off on their own accord. And through it all, he heard Allen's laughter. That sound enraged him. It infuriated him! But what incensed him even further than that was his own dark self quietly mocking his failure.
You stood here, thinking you were the champion of the world, and look what happened, he whispered. Dromenephus made a big mistake when he picked you, don't you think? Would a real champion have been beaten and corrupted as thoroughly as you are now?
"...your fault..." he managed to growl.
Ha! I guess you're right. After all, I was the little voice that told you to pick up Black Wind. But then, you were quite eager to follow my lead, weren't you?
"Shut up, just shut up!" Frey bellowed.
"Time is running out, Frey Amethyst," Allen's voice intruded. "Look at how transformed you are. In another minute or so, you'll be a fully-fledged demon." A sickening smile lit his features. "How deliciously ironic, wouldn't you say? Dromenephus must be so ashamed."
Somehow, Frey managed to struggle to his feet. "You're not going to live long enough to see that," he threatened.
Allen threw his head back and laughed. "Listen to yourself!" he exclaimed. "You're beaten, finished, defeated! In just a little while longer, you're going to be a demon, just like me!" Allen stepped closer and lowered his voice. "Why continue to fight the inexorable? Just give in to it! Let it happen!" Allen reached out a hand. "Join me," he offered. "You and I could bring the world to its knees and rule forever!"
Frey's eyes fixed on that outstretched hand. Slowly, he began to reach for it. That's right, his demonic side encouraged. Take his hand. Admit you were a failure and a whole new life will begin! One where I dictate the course, at last! Frey squeezed his eyes shut, shook his head, and froze. When his eyes snapped open, they were blue again.
"NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he howled, and threw himself forward, unconsciously spreading his wings as he did so. Taken completely by surprise, Allen failed to dodge out of the way and Frey tackled him as he soared just off the ground. Allen wrapped his hands around Frey's neck, ready to tear his throat out, but he didn't have that much time. In fact, he didn't have any time at all.
Allen's back slammed into Salvation's upraised tip, his body's momentum severing his spine as he was impaled. Her blade punched right through his armor and he screamed as her blessed runes burned at his insides. Such force had been behind Frey's tackle that Salvation went clean through Allen's body.
But Frey couldn't check his momentum either. Salvation thrust herself into his own midsection, narrowly missing his intestines and erupting out his back. Frey's scream of pain matched Allen's.
Then, all of a sudden, the pain vanished and the world went clear. Frey realized with a start that the wings, the talons, the wicked tail, all of it was gone. Salvation had dealt his other side such a grievous blow that it had shocked him back into submission. Frey had to act before he gathered his wits again! Frey reached around Allen's sides, his hands finding Salvation's handle and wrapping around it. He pulled, impaling both of them even further onto the blade. Allen howled and tried to push Frey off, but his grip on the sword was too strong. His hands squeezed her handle even tighter. "Time for one last trick, I guess," he said to Salvation.
You'll die!
He smiled bitterly. "It'll be alright, I promise," he said, tasting every word of the lie. He heaved out another breath and shuddered, then spoke a single word. "Clim...Climhazzard."
Allen stopped struggling and his eyes widened as he recognized that ancient warrior's curse. "No!" he shouted. "You can't-"
"Yes I can," Frey snarled.
Serena ripped herself away from Daren's grasp and began to run back towards the battlefield, Daren hot on her heels. "You're going to get yourself killed!" he said.
"I don't care! If Frey needs help-"
That was when a beam of bright orange light shot skyward from Frey and Allen's position accompanied by a roaring sound. A moment later, a massive explosion seemed to shake the entire world beneath their feet. Daren had to shield his eyes as what looked like a miniature sun was born and died within seconds before him. In her shock, Serena's legs seemed to stop working and she fell, barely managing to catch herself on her hands. Her face registered only shock as she looked ahead, where thick black smoke was now rising towards the sky.
"F-Frey..." she whispered.
Feeling numb, Daren strode forward like a man in a trance until he stood next to her. Without even looking down, he bent and helped her up, keeping an arm around her shoulders when it seemed like she still lacked the capacity to stay up. Almost simultaneously, they turned to look at each other. "Daren," said, her voice wavering. "Do...do you think...do you think Frey's..."
Daren was about to say that Frey was most likely dead, but then his features hardened. "If I know him," he said firmly, "not by a long shot. Come on!" He grabbed her hand and dashed towards the column of smoke. She let herself be led, furiously clamping down on her paralyzing fear as she struggled to keep herself from falling apart on the spot.
"Frey, please be alright. Please."

- Singular Quartet
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 3896
- Joined: 2002-07-04 05:33pm
- Location: This is sky. It is made of FUCKING and LIMIT.
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Nice interlude and possible end...I did like the other chapters that lead up a bit better, but this one does set up for an ending pretty good.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
CLimhazard leaves you with 1HP.
Great job Kuja!!
Great job Kuja!!

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
Very, very good as usual, my dear, only I think that was an evil place to put the campfire cut-away thingy. You don't want to drag out the suspense so much that your audience feels like hurting you when you lead them a little too far away. ...Ok, so it was only mildly annoying, and I didn't want to hurt you for doing so, but THERE'S ONLY SO MUCH WE CAN TAKE!!! WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH FREY!! 

"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
- Mopeyennuui
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 222
- Joined: 2004-09-24 04:35am
- Contact:
- Singular Quartet
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 3896
- Joined: 2002-07-04 05:33pm
- Location: This is sky. It is made of FUCKING and LIMIT.
Singular I disagree! I'd rather that they fight and things stay interesting than for things to slow down. Fight=good.

the longer i wait,the more i forget.the more i forget, the longer the list of desires grows. for that which is wanted is forbidden. and we all know that forbidden fruit is often the sweetest.Don'tcha wish your g/f was a witch like me?~*~AYVBABTU
- Singular Quartet
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 3896
- Joined: 2002-07-04 05:33pm
- Location: This is sky. It is made of FUCKING and LIMIT.
But fighting is always the fun part! There's always so much to see, and most of the time there isn't really enough of it....

the longer i wait,the more i forget.the more i forget, the longer the list of desires grows. for that which is wanted is forbidden. and we all know that forbidden fruit is often the sweetest.Don'tcha wish your g/f was a witch like me?~*~AYVBABTU
- Singular Quartet
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 3896
- Joined: 2002-07-04 05:33pm
- Location: This is sky. It is made of FUCKING and LIMIT.
Well, yeah, but it takes so loooooooong.Lindar wrote:But fighting is always the fun part! There's always so much to see, and most of the time there isn't really enough of it....
Kuja, keep writing however you feel like. Trust me, I don't care how long the battle is. The writing quality hasn't suffered a damn bit.
But he needs to hurry up! I wanna know if Frey survives!!

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
Chapter 29: Aftermath
By the time Daren had reached the site of the battle, the smoke from the explosion had almost completely dissipated. The rock was warm under his feet, and here and there, he could see places where solid stone had been reduced to glass. He shivered, wondering what kind of power could do such a thing. Behind him, Serena wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and crashed into him. He spun and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Hey!" he snapped. She didn't respond. He shook her once and took her by the muzzle. "Look at me," he said sternly. She looked up at him, but her eyes were glassy, unfocused. "Look at me!" he said, louder this time. He held her still as she slowly came back to reality, blinking until her eyes were clear again.
"Daren, I'm scared," she said suddenly.
Although he managed to keep it off his face, Daren was shocked. Serena, frightened? He just couldn't imagine it. He gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "We'll find him," he promised. "Come on." He turned and marched into the center of the field of debris, her following close behind. Despite his promise, Daren didn't feel very certain anymore. The explosion had torn up the ground like an airship's bombing run, ripping boulder-sized chunks from the rock and hurling them as though they were toys. If Frey was in fact alive somewhere in this ruin, finding him was going to be difficult. He sighed. Yeah, as if anything's been easy so far, he thought.
Blackened rock crumbled beneath his feet as they walked deeper into what Daren was starting to call the dead zone. He stopped and took a breath. "Frey?" he called. Behind him, Serena froze. Daren heard his voice echo once or twice, but there was no reply. "Frey?" he tried again, louder this time. This time, he heard a distant coughing sound. He started moving again, creeping around a boulder-sized chunk of rock that had been ripped from the ground and deposited here with enough force to crush the spot it had landed on. When he'd finally rounded the edge, he stopped in his tracks as he felt his heart stop.
For a split second, he thought the corpse was Frey's. Then he managed to take hold of himself. The body lying on the ground propped up against yet another loose chunk of rock wasn't even human. It was Burmecian. It was Allen. Daren felt his jaw tighten. Allen lay in a pool of his own blood, his eyes hidden by shadow. Daren saw that blood was flowing from seemingly everywhere on his body. Wounds had opened between his knuckles, up the tops of his arms, at his elbows and knees...Daren suddenly realized that the black blades that had sprung from Allen's body had vanished, leaving only weeping holes in his body. But that wasn't what had killed him, Daren saw. Through the middle of his body was a cauterized hole. Daren had no doubt as to what had caused that.
He was about to turn away and continue searching for Frey when Allen coughed thickly. Daren froze again. He was alive! It seemed impossible. Despite his betrayal, despite his callousness, despite everything he had done to him, Daren caught himself starting to call out his brother's name. "Al-" he furiously cut himself off. Allen didn't deserve his sympathy, nor anybody else's. He began to turn away.
"Who's there?" The plaintive voice stopped him in his tracks. That voice sounded so weak...so thin that it might fade away at any moment. Despite his vow, Daren found himself slowly turning back to look at his brother. "Who's there?" Allen asked again. "Is there someone...watching me?" His words came between ragged breaths. His head came up and Daren felt his stomach clench. Allen's eyes weren’t shadowed. They were gone! The sockets looked like bottomless dark pits surrounded by cauterized scar tissue. Allen's head lolled to the right, then the left, as through he was trying to find whoever had started to call his name. "Where are you?" he asked the air. "I can't...I can't see you." He finally gave up and almost seemed to deflate, his head bowing as though pressed down upon by some great weight. "Please," he entreated, almost pitifully, "please tell me if you are near. Can you..." he coughed, "can you hear me? If you can, please take...my hand."
Daren had resolved not to go to his brother, but when Allen reached out and began to grasp blindly at the air, clearly not realizing that Daren was over ten feet away, something inside of him broke down. With a sigh of resignation, he left his position and strode over to Allen's side. Reaching down, he gently touched Allen's outstretched hand. "I'm here, Allen," he said softly.
Allen started in surprise, then clutched at Daren's hand with both of his. Despite his fierce, almost desperate grasp, Daren could feel that the strength was leaving him. "Daren?" he asked, his voice betraying his surprise. "I didn't think...I didn't think you would be coming back."
"I came to find Frey," he said flatly.
"I...see. That makes...a bit more sense, then." Allen smiled ruefully. "There's few who would deign...to come back...to find me now." His laugh quickly turned into a series of coughs that wracked his frame.
"Do you know what happened to him?"
"No...the last I knew...he had me pinned on his sword. Then he summoned up that power...and next, I was where I am now." When he was finished speaking, Allen's hand slid up from Daren's own to his arm, his shoulder, and finally touched his face. "Daren," Allen said. "Tell me...what's happened to my eyes?" he asked. "I can't...I can't feel them anymore."
"Allen," he said gently, "they're gone."
"I see," Allen said, then barked a laugh at the irony of the comment. "They say that...the eyes...are the portals to the soul," Allen said, dropping his hand back down to Daren's. "My soul...is gone."
Daren caught motion in the corner of his vision and carefully turned. Serena stood there with what could generously be called a disapproving expression on her face. Her arms were tightly crossed in anger, but when she caught Daren's gaze, she began to reach up to the lance strapped to her back. Daren slowly shook his head and was about to speak when he felt Allen tug on his hand.
"Daren," he said. "I want you...to promise me something."
"Promise me...that you'll remember me."
"I think you've more than guaranteed that, Allen," Daren said coldly.
Another ironic laugh. "Yes...yes, I suppose I have." He squeezed Daren's hands. "But that's not...what I meant. Daren...I know that no matter...what I say now...I could never erase...the terrible things I've done...and I don't want to try. I can't...make excuses for myself. But, Daren...I want you to remember the good alongside the bad. Do you remember when you were five, and you got lost in the market...and I came and found you? Remember that, please...and everything else. Daren...I know that you hate me now...but please, please, remember what I was...before this."
I know that you hate me now...how casually his brother had said that. How fully he must have accepted it. Daren felt a part of him wince. On some deep level, he hadn't completely eradicated his love and admiration for his brother, and now that was coming to the surface. He looked to Serena again, but she refused to meet his gaze now, looking at the moons above instead. "I...I promise I'll remember, Allen," he finally said.
"Thank you," he sighed. "And tell Serena...tell her that...I'll always love her."
Serena's gaze snapped away from the sky and she stared at Allen in open shock. Daren looked from his brother to her and back again. Should I tell him? Should I tell him that Serena's right here, listening to everything he says? He opened his mouth. "Allen-"
"No, wait...wait," Allen said, cutting him off. "Don't tell her...don't tell her that."
"What should I tell her?" he asked, well aware of Serena's gaze.
Allen coughed. "Tell her...tell her..." he broke off and seemed to contemplate for a few moments. Finally, he heaved a sigh. "Don't tell her anything," he finally said.
"Nothing?" Daren pressed. "Nothing at all?"
"No...better for her...that she think I died a demon...I've caused her so much pain...she doesn't need any more anguish. Let her get on...with her life...the sooner...she puts me behind her...the sooner she'll...find someone better."
Serena's arms had uncrossed themselves and were now rigidly held at her sides. Her eyes were squeezed shut, but not tightly enough to prevent a tear from dropping down her face. For a moment, Daren thought she would lose what little composure she had left and speak, but she clenched her jaw and remained silent. Daren turned back to his brother before Allen could begin to suspect anything. "I promise," he said.
"Thank you," Allen sighed. Daren could feel his strength leaking away with each breath. A part of him knew Allen was very near to dying. As though reading his mind, Allen said, "I guess...it's almost time." His head tilted back so that, if had still possessed eyes, he could have looked Daren in the face. He smiled ruefully. "Think I'll...find my way...without my eyes?" he asked.
"I think you will," Daren said.
Allen laughed shortly. "To hell, maybe. Can't imagine...I've got anything else waiting for me."
"You don't know that," Daren said, but without conviction.
"Yes...I do...and I think...you do as well."
Allen hushed him. "I'm not going...to rail against...the fate I've set for myself," he said. "...far too late...to make amends..." Allen's voice was continuing to soften. His grip had faded to almost nothing. "...just one...last thing...to do..."
"What?" Daren asked. His brother's vanishing strength prompted a note of urgency in his voice.
"...something to...tell...you..."
Daren leaned over until Allen's lips nearly brushed his ear. "What?" he asked again.
"...ve you...li...bro...er..."
Allen took in a ragged breath, let it out, took in an even shallower one, held it, then slowly let it go. His head slowly dropped until it rested on his still chest. The last bit of strength fled from his hands and only Daren's vice-like grip on them kept them from dropping to the ground. With disbelieving slowness, Daren gently placed Allen's hands on his chest and released them, then stood and looked down at his brother's body. He felt himself tremble slightly and almost before he knew it, his head was tilted back and a roar of anger was tearing at his throat. He cut himself off and closed his eyes, feeling the hot sting of tears running down his face. "Damn it all!" he suddenly erupted again. "Gods damn it all to hell and back again! Damn everything and everyone!" His throat began to sting and Daren sank to his haunches, still mindlessly muttering curses as he did so. He didn't stop until he felt a pair of hands gently take hold of his shoulders.
"I'm sorry, Daren," Serena said gently.
Daren let go of a few more curses. "Why couldn't he have died earlier?" he asked bitterly. "Why did he have to hang on until I knew he was all right at the end?"
"Don't say that," Serena said. "I'm glad he did. Maybe now I won't remember him as just a monster."
"You're right," he relented with a sigh. "I just...hate everything about this."
Serena squeezed his shoulders. "So do I, Daren," she said. "But it's almost over. Let's find Frey and go home."
Some part of Daren still wanted to be ugly. "He's probably dead by now," he said flatly.
If Serena took umbrage at the comment, she brushed it aside. "Maybe he is," she said resolutely. "But I won't be satisfied until we look for him, at least."
Daren was silent for a long time. When he finally stood, his tremblings and rolling anger had vanished beneath a veil of strength. "Let's go," he said.
She looked him in the eye. "Are you alright?"
He nearly snapped "what the hell do you think?" but stopped himself at the last moment. "No," he admitted. "But standing here and brooding won't help."
She started to turn away, but gave him a sidelong glance. "I'm going to keep an eye on you," she said.
He nodded resignedly. "It's probably best that you do." She nodded and finally looked away. He turned back towards Allen one last time. "Goodbye," he said softly.
"Frey?" Serena called aloud. There was no response. "Frey!" she yelled. And this time, she did get an answer. But not one she was hoping for.
Somewhere to the west of them, a dragon roared.
"You've got to be kidding me," Serena said breathlessly. Why now, after everything we've been through? There was another roar, this one longer and deeper. Two dragons.
Beside her, Daren began to laugh ironically. For some reason, that sound unnerved her even more than the distant roars. "Stop that!" she snapped.
Fro a moment, Daren fell silent, then he began to laugh again. "Welcome to the wonderful life of a Dragon Knight!" he said with a fierce mock cheer. "Watch former comrades become demons! Comfort your brother while he bleeds to death! Then, just when you think it's all in hand, here come a couple of dragons looking to fry you!" He let loose with another peal of laughter. Just as Serena was about to strike him, the laugh suddenly morphed into a bellow of rage and he slammed the blunt end of his lance into the rock, his eyes blazing. "I am so fucking sick of this!" he snarled.
Serena stared at him, then slowly shook her head. "Come on, let's go-"
"Where?" he snapped angrily. "We can't outrun dragons and you damn well know it!" He ground his teeth. "Everything we've fought for, everything we've sacrificed, everything we've saved, and we're still going to end up as a midnight snack! Well, fine! I can deal with that! But I'm not going down easily!" He set himself and glared at the now-visible forms of not two, but three great flying reptiles. "Come on, come on, little dragons," he taunted under his breath. "Come on and get a mouthful of this."
I guess this is it, Serena thought. She stepped up beside Daren and mindlessly unsheathed her own lance. "You know," she said softly. "I'm glad I got to see you again, Daren."
"Likewise, Serena," he replied. "It's been...really great knowing you."
"Thank you," she said softly. The dragons grew ever-larger in front of them.
"I'm sorry we couldn't find Frey," Daren said.
She sighed. "If he found a way to survive, then I'm sure he'll be alright," she said. "If not...we'll be seeing him soon enough."
The first of the dragons suddenly pulled in its wings and dove at them. Daren leapt at Serena and knocked her out of the way as savage claws swung through the spot where she'd been standing just a moment ago. They both rolled over the ground, landing with their face to the sky just in time to see the second dragon start its dive. "Guess this is it," Daren had enough time to say.
Fear not, my friends! A very familiar voice rang inside their heads. I have you, I have you! A form suddenly swept beneath the falling dragon and lit up with such intensity that Serena had to force her eyes closed. The sound of anguished roars reached her ears as the three dragons scattered in panic. As she opened her eyes, the glowing form descended like a guardian angel from the heavens. Gizamaluke had come to save them.
He let them crawl onto the back of his neck, urging them to move quickly. "Grand Dragons don't stay frightened for long," he said urgently. "And they know they have the numbers! Hurry!" Once they had a grip on his scales, Gizamaluke beat his wings furiously and rose into the air. Even as he did so, he could hear the roars of the infuriated dragon flight as they came back towards him. He was ready to make for the southern grotto entrance when Daren suddenly twisted on his back.
"Can you make one more pass?" he asked furiously.
"Only a quick one! We don't have much time!" As if on cue, one of the dragons roared again. Gizamaluke twisted and quickly darted over the patch of land that had been blasted by Frey's last actions.
"What are you doing?" Serena asked.
Daren's face was grim. "Redeemed or not, my brother is not going to be food for a dragon flight," he said firmly. As he spoke he made a fist with one hand. With a word of power, he reached up and punched the sky. A lightning bolt split the air and Allen's body was suddenly aflame. "It's done!" he shouted. "Let's go!"
Gizamaluke wheeled and dove just as one of the dragons reached out to tear him open. The edge of the plateau seemed to rush towards them, but he beat his wings one final time and they were past it, dropping from the sky like a rock, following the steep vertical face of the cliff. Gizamaluke was afraid that the dragons would try to hunt them down for daring to enter their territory, but they held themselves back to his relief. He knew that their anger at the intrusion would serve to make life hell for passing travelers for some time, but it was a price he simply had had no choice but to pay.
On his back, Serena rested her head against his cool scales and closed her eyes. A final realization had settled into her mind. Even if Frey had survived the fight with Allen, which she knew was against all odds, he was now more likely food for the angry dragons. She caught herself hoping he was dead. If the dragons found him alive...she quashed the thought. The only visible sign of her sorrow were two words whispered to the wind, two words whispered so softly that neither the creature carrying her nor the man next to her heard them.
"Goodbye, Frey..."
The closest edge of the continent was far to the west of where the battle had taken place. It would have taken superhuman effort for anyone to reach it in the time that had elapsed since the fight had begun. And yet, someone had done so.
Even more astonishing was the fact that not one, but two figures stood near the edge of the continent, their forms outlined by the moonlight winking off the western ocean.
One of them was a strong, handsome man.
The other was a foul demon conjured from the worst impulses a person could carry.
The first of them had strong blue eyes.
The second had hellishly red orbs.
The first held a sword inscribed with mysterious runes that glowed a soft white.
The second clutched a sword of black metal with traces of gold livery.
The first was silent save for the deep breaths he took.
The second emitted a continuous growl of hatred.
The first wore the clothes of a traveling warrior, and had no distinguishing livery or trinkets that might separate him from a hundred others of his type.
The second wore armor that appeared to have been fashioned in the blackest pits of hell. Incongruously, a beautiful emerald pendant hung around his neck.
The first man pointed at the pendant as he spoke. "I'm going to be taking that back, you know," he said, no trace of doubt in his voice.
The second grinned, revealing a mouth of jagged teeth and when he spoke, it seemed like he spat out every word. "Just. Try. It."
They rushed each other simultaneously and their swords rang as their battle continued.
By the time Daren had reached the site of the battle, the smoke from the explosion had almost completely dissipated. The rock was warm under his feet, and here and there, he could see places where solid stone had been reduced to glass. He shivered, wondering what kind of power could do such a thing. Behind him, Serena wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and crashed into him. He spun and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Hey!" he snapped. She didn't respond. He shook her once and took her by the muzzle. "Look at me," he said sternly. She looked up at him, but her eyes were glassy, unfocused. "Look at me!" he said, louder this time. He held her still as she slowly came back to reality, blinking until her eyes were clear again.
"Daren, I'm scared," she said suddenly.
Although he managed to keep it off his face, Daren was shocked. Serena, frightened? He just couldn't imagine it. He gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "We'll find him," he promised. "Come on." He turned and marched into the center of the field of debris, her following close behind. Despite his promise, Daren didn't feel very certain anymore. The explosion had torn up the ground like an airship's bombing run, ripping boulder-sized chunks from the rock and hurling them as though they were toys. If Frey was in fact alive somewhere in this ruin, finding him was going to be difficult. He sighed. Yeah, as if anything's been easy so far, he thought.
Blackened rock crumbled beneath his feet as they walked deeper into what Daren was starting to call the dead zone. He stopped and took a breath. "Frey?" he called. Behind him, Serena froze. Daren heard his voice echo once or twice, but there was no reply. "Frey?" he tried again, louder this time. This time, he heard a distant coughing sound. He started moving again, creeping around a boulder-sized chunk of rock that had been ripped from the ground and deposited here with enough force to crush the spot it had landed on. When he'd finally rounded the edge, he stopped in his tracks as he felt his heart stop.
For a split second, he thought the corpse was Frey's. Then he managed to take hold of himself. The body lying on the ground propped up against yet another loose chunk of rock wasn't even human. It was Burmecian. It was Allen. Daren felt his jaw tighten. Allen lay in a pool of his own blood, his eyes hidden by shadow. Daren saw that blood was flowing from seemingly everywhere on his body. Wounds had opened between his knuckles, up the tops of his arms, at his elbows and knees...Daren suddenly realized that the black blades that had sprung from Allen's body had vanished, leaving only weeping holes in his body. But that wasn't what had killed him, Daren saw. Through the middle of his body was a cauterized hole. Daren had no doubt as to what had caused that.
He was about to turn away and continue searching for Frey when Allen coughed thickly. Daren froze again. He was alive! It seemed impossible. Despite his betrayal, despite his callousness, despite everything he had done to him, Daren caught himself starting to call out his brother's name. "Al-" he furiously cut himself off. Allen didn't deserve his sympathy, nor anybody else's. He began to turn away.
"Who's there?" The plaintive voice stopped him in his tracks. That voice sounded so weak...so thin that it might fade away at any moment. Despite his vow, Daren found himself slowly turning back to look at his brother. "Who's there?" Allen asked again. "Is there someone...watching me?" His words came between ragged breaths. His head came up and Daren felt his stomach clench. Allen's eyes weren’t shadowed. They were gone! The sockets looked like bottomless dark pits surrounded by cauterized scar tissue. Allen's head lolled to the right, then the left, as through he was trying to find whoever had started to call his name. "Where are you?" he asked the air. "I can't...I can't see you." He finally gave up and almost seemed to deflate, his head bowing as though pressed down upon by some great weight. "Please," he entreated, almost pitifully, "please tell me if you are near. Can you..." he coughed, "can you hear me? If you can, please take...my hand."
Daren had resolved not to go to his brother, but when Allen reached out and began to grasp blindly at the air, clearly not realizing that Daren was over ten feet away, something inside of him broke down. With a sigh of resignation, he left his position and strode over to Allen's side. Reaching down, he gently touched Allen's outstretched hand. "I'm here, Allen," he said softly.
Allen started in surprise, then clutched at Daren's hand with both of his. Despite his fierce, almost desperate grasp, Daren could feel that the strength was leaving him. "Daren?" he asked, his voice betraying his surprise. "I didn't think...I didn't think you would be coming back."
"I came to find Frey," he said flatly.
"I...see. That makes...a bit more sense, then." Allen smiled ruefully. "There's few who would deign...to come back...to find me now." His laugh quickly turned into a series of coughs that wracked his frame.
"Do you know what happened to him?"
"No...the last I knew...he had me pinned on his sword. Then he summoned up that power...and next, I was where I am now." When he was finished speaking, Allen's hand slid up from Daren's own to his arm, his shoulder, and finally touched his face. "Daren," Allen said. "Tell me...what's happened to my eyes?" he asked. "I can't...I can't feel them anymore."
"Allen," he said gently, "they're gone."
"I see," Allen said, then barked a laugh at the irony of the comment. "They say that...the eyes...are the portals to the soul," Allen said, dropping his hand back down to Daren's. "My soul...is gone."
Daren caught motion in the corner of his vision and carefully turned. Serena stood there with what could generously be called a disapproving expression on her face. Her arms were tightly crossed in anger, but when she caught Daren's gaze, she began to reach up to the lance strapped to her back. Daren slowly shook his head and was about to speak when he felt Allen tug on his hand.
"Daren," he said. "I want you...to promise me something."
"Promise me...that you'll remember me."
"I think you've more than guaranteed that, Allen," Daren said coldly.
Another ironic laugh. "Yes...yes, I suppose I have." He squeezed Daren's hands. "But that's not...what I meant. Daren...I know that no matter...what I say now...I could never erase...the terrible things I've done...and I don't want to try. I can't...make excuses for myself. But, Daren...I want you to remember the good alongside the bad. Do you remember when you were five, and you got lost in the market...and I came and found you? Remember that, please...and everything else. Daren...I know that you hate me now...but please, please, remember what I was...before this."
I know that you hate me now...how casually his brother had said that. How fully he must have accepted it. Daren felt a part of him wince. On some deep level, he hadn't completely eradicated his love and admiration for his brother, and now that was coming to the surface. He looked to Serena again, but she refused to meet his gaze now, looking at the moons above instead. "I...I promise I'll remember, Allen," he finally said.
"Thank you," he sighed. "And tell Serena...tell her that...I'll always love her."
Serena's gaze snapped away from the sky and she stared at Allen in open shock. Daren looked from his brother to her and back again. Should I tell him? Should I tell him that Serena's right here, listening to everything he says? He opened his mouth. "Allen-"
"No, wait...wait," Allen said, cutting him off. "Don't tell her...don't tell her that."
"What should I tell her?" he asked, well aware of Serena's gaze.
Allen coughed. "Tell her...tell her..." he broke off and seemed to contemplate for a few moments. Finally, he heaved a sigh. "Don't tell her anything," he finally said.
"Nothing?" Daren pressed. "Nothing at all?"
"No...better for her...that she think I died a demon...I've caused her so much pain...she doesn't need any more anguish. Let her get on...with her life...the sooner...she puts me behind her...the sooner she'll...find someone better."
Serena's arms had uncrossed themselves and were now rigidly held at her sides. Her eyes were squeezed shut, but not tightly enough to prevent a tear from dropping down her face. For a moment, Daren thought she would lose what little composure she had left and speak, but she clenched her jaw and remained silent. Daren turned back to his brother before Allen could begin to suspect anything. "I promise," he said.
"Thank you," Allen sighed. Daren could feel his strength leaking away with each breath. A part of him knew Allen was very near to dying. As though reading his mind, Allen said, "I guess...it's almost time." His head tilted back so that, if had still possessed eyes, he could have looked Daren in the face. He smiled ruefully. "Think I'll...find my way...without my eyes?" he asked.
"I think you will," Daren said.
Allen laughed shortly. "To hell, maybe. Can't imagine...I've got anything else waiting for me."
"You don't know that," Daren said, but without conviction.
"Yes...I do...and I think...you do as well."
Allen hushed him. "I'm not going...to rail against...the fate I've set for myself," he said. "...far too late...to make amends..." Allen's voice was continuing to soften. His grip had faded to almost nothing. "...just one...last thing...to do..."
"What?" Daren asked. His brother's vanishing strength prompted a note of urgency in his voice.
"...something to...tell...you..."
Daren leaned over until Allen's lips nearly brushed his ear. "What?" he asked again.
"...ve you...li...bro...er..."
Allen took in a ragged breath, let it out, took in an even shallower one, held it, then slowly let it go. His head slowly dropped until it rested on his still chest. The last bit of strength fled from his hands and only Daren's vice-like grip on them kept them from dropping to the ground. With disbelieving slowness, Daren gently placed Allen's hands on his chest and released them, then stood and looked down at his brother's body. He felt himself tremble slightly and almost before he knew it, his head was tilted back and a roar of anger was tearing at his throat. He cut himself off and closed his eyes, feeling the hot sting of tears running down his face. "Damn it all!" he suddenly erupted again. "Gods damn it all to hell and back again! Damn everything and everyone!" His throat began to sting and Daren sank to his haunches, still mindlessly muttering curses as he did so. He didn't stop until he felt a pair of hands gently take hold of his shoulders.
"I'm sorry, Daren," Serena said gently.
Daren let go of a few more curses. "Why couldn't he have died earlier?" he asked bitterly. "Why did he have to hang on until I knew he was all right at the end?"
"Don't say that," Serena said. "I'm glad he did. Maybe now I won't remember him as just a monster."
"You're right," he relented with a sigh. "I just...hate everything about this."
Serena squeezed his shoulders. "So do I, Daren," she said. "But it's almost over. Let's find Frey and go home."
Some part of Daren still wanted to be ugly. "He's probably dead by now," he said flatly.
If Serena took umbrage at the comment, she brushed it aside. "Maybe he is," she said resolutely. "But I won't be satisfied until we look for him, at least."
Daren was silent for a long time. When he finally stood, his tremblings and rolling anger had vanished beneath a veil of strength. "Let's go," he said.
She looked him in the eye. "Are you alright?"
He nearly snapped "what the hell do you think?" but stopped himself at the last moment. "No," he admitted. "But standing here and brooding won't help."
She started to turn away, but gave him a sidelong glance. "I'm going to keep an eye on you," she said.
He nodded resignedly. "It's probably best that you do." She nodded and finally looked away. He turned back towards Allen one last time. "Goodbye," he said softly.
"Frey?" Serena called aloud. There was no response. "Frey!" she yelled. And this time, she did get an answer. But not one she was hoping for.
Somewhere to the west of them, a dragon roared.
"You've got to be kidding me," Serena said breathlessly. Why now, after everything we've been through? There was another roar, this one longer and deeper. Two dragons.
Beside her, Daren began to laugh ironically. For some reason, that sound unnerved her even more than the distant roars. "Stop that!" she snapped.
Fro a moment, Daren fell silent, then he began to laugh again. "Welcome to the wonderful life of a Dragon Knight!" he said with a fierce mock cheer. "Watch former comrades become demons! Comfort your brother while he bleeds to death! Then, just when you think it's all in hand, here come a couple of dragons looking to fry you!" He let loose with another peal of laughter. Just as Serena was about to strike him, the laugh suddenly morphed into a bellow of rage and he slammed the blunt end of his lance into the rock, his eyes blazing. "I am so fucking sick of this!" he snarled.
Serena stared at him, then slowly shook her head. "Come on, let's go-"
"Where?" he snapped angrily. "We can't outrun dragons and you damn well know it!" He ground his teeth. "Everything we've fought for, everything we've sacrificed, everything we've saved, and we're still going to end up as a midnight snack! Well, fine! I can deal with that! But I'm not going down easily!" He set himself and glared at the now-visible forms of not two, but three great flying reptiles. "Come on, come on, little dragons," he taunted under his breath. "Come on and get a mouthful of this."
I guess this is it, Serena thought. She stepped up beside Daren and mindlessly unsheathed her own lance. "You know," she said softly. "I'm glad I got to see you again, Daren."
"Likewise, Serena," he replied. "It's been...really great knowing you."
"Thank you," she said softly. The dragons grew ever-larger in front of them.
"I'm sorry we couldn't find Frey," Daren said.
She sighed. "If he found a way to survive, then I'm sure he'll be alright," she said. "If not...we'll be seeing him soon enough."
The first of the dragons suddenly pulled in its wings and dove at them. Daren leapt at Serena and knocked her out of the way as savage claws swung through the spot where she'd been standing just a moment ago. They both rolled over the ground, landing with their face to the sky just in time to see the second dragon start its dive. "Guess this is it," Daren had enough time to say.
Fear not, my friends! A very familiar voice rang inside their heads. I have you, I have you! A form suddenly swept beneath the falling dragon and lit up with such intensity that Serena had to force her eyes closed. The sound of anguished roars reached her ears as the three dragons scattered in panic. As she opened her eyes, the glowing form descended like a guardian angel from the heavens. Gizamaluke had come to save them.
He let them crawl onto the back of his neck, urging them to move quickly. "Grand Dragons don't stay frightened for long," he said urgently. "And they know they have the numbers! Hurry!" Once they had a grip on his scales, Gizamaluke beat his wings furiously and rose into the air. Even as he did so, he could hear the roars of the infuriated dragon flight as they came back towards him. He was ready to make for the southern grotto entrance when Daren suddenly twisted on his back.
"Can you make one more pass?" he asked furiously.
"Only a quick one! We don't have much time!" As if on cue, one of the dragons roared again. Gizamaluke twisted and quickly darted over the patch of land that had been blasted by Frey's last actions.
"What are you doing?" Serena asked.
Daren's face was grim. "Redeemed or not, my brother is not going to be food for a dragon flight," he said firmly. As he spoke he made a fist with one hand. With a word of power, he reached up and punched the sky. A lightning bolt split the air and Allen's body was suddenly aflame. "It's done!" he shouted. "Let's go!"
Gizamaluke wheeled and dove just as one of the dragons reached out to tear him open. The edge of the plateau seemed to rush towards them, but he beat his wings one final time and they were past it, dropping from the sky like a rock, following the steep vertical face of the cliff. Gizamaluke was afraid that the dragons would try to hunt them down for daring to enter their territory, but they held themselves back to his relief. He knew that their anger at the intrusion would serve to make life hell for passing travelers for some time, but it was a price he simply had had no choice but to pay.
On his back, Serena rested her head against his cool scales and closed her eyes. A final realization had settled into her mind. Even if Frey had survived the fight with Allen, which she knew was against all odds, he was now more likely food for the angry dragons. She caught herself hoping he was dead. If the dragons found him alive...she quashed the thought. The only visible sign of her sorrow were two words whispered to the wind, two words whispered so softly that neither the creature carrying her nor the man next to her heard them.
"Goodbye, Frey..."
The closest edge of the continent was far to the west of where the battle had taken place. It would have taken superhuman effort for anyone to reach it in the time that had elapsed since the fight had begun. And yet, someone had done so.
Even more astonishing was the fact that not one, but two figures stood near the edge of the continent, their forms outlined by the moonlight winking off the western ocean.
One of them was a strong, handsome man.
The other was a foul demon conjured from the worst impulses a person could carry.
The first of them had strong blue eyes.
The second had hellishly red orbs.
The first held a sword inscribed with mysterious runes that glowed a soft white.
The second clutched a sword of black metal with traces of gold livery.
The first was silent save for the deep breaths he took.
The second emitted a continuous growl of hatred.
The first wore the clothes of a traveling warrior, and had no distinguishing livery or trinkets that might separate him from a hundred others of his type.
The second wore armor that appeared to have been fashioned in the blackest pits of hell. Incongruously, a beautiful emerald pendant hung around his neck.
The first man pointed at the pendant as he spoke. "I'm going to be taking that back, you know," he said, no trace of doubt in his voice.
The second grinned, revealing a mouth of jagged teeth and when he spoke, it seemed like he spat out every word. "Just. Try. It."
They rushed each other simultaneously and their swords rang as their battle continued.

- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars