Transformers: Beginning and End

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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Blaster volts hung suspended, frozen in midair. Nothing moved, nothing but Elita-1. She spared a tenth of an astrosecond to observe the hail of incoming Decepticon firepower and then got to work. The strain of maintaining the temporal suspension was enormous. She systematically moved Autobot after Autobot around the corner and out of the Deception line of fire. Each step was harder than the last. Each moment the strain on her power core and transmission systems got worse.

She hauled Chromia around the bend and tossed a cylinder. It froze in mid air the moment it left her hand. She turned around the corner and collapsed, the chronological suspension fading. Particle beams struck the wall. Metal superheated and exploded in clouds of hot gases and shrapnel. Shock waves ripped through the air at supersonic speeds. The cylinder hit the ground, bounced, and rolled down the corridor.

"Elita!" cried Firestar. The cylinder rolled under Gunstar. Another explosion resounded through the corridor. The explosive blew through the Decepticon's weak belly armour and gutted him. Gunstar's bulk shielded the other Decepticon's from most of the blast, but it left his burning hulk blocking most of the corridor.

Elita-1 tried to rise up. Firestar extended a hand and pulled the Autobot to her feet. "We've bought a little time," said Elita-1. "I'll be fine in a bit. We need to rig a few traps to slow the 'Cons down and get away."

"We should leave that to Blaster," said Chromia as she and Firestar helped Elita down the corridor. "His 'bots are good at that."

"He's busy protecting Omnius," said Elita.

"Omnius will have Perceptor and Ultra Magnus with him," said Chromia. "He's not going to need more protection."

"Elita-1 to Blaster."

"Right here, boss 'bot," came the reply.

"I need you and your team to lay bobby traps to cover the retreat."

"Will do," said Blaster. "We're on the job."

The corridor shook. "Straxus," said Elita-1. "He's blowing more entry holes. Let's get moving."

A pair of cybertigers leapt up on Gunstar's smoking hulk. Sophisticated sensor arrays built into their muzzles scanned for energy sources and lubricants. The scent trail of Ultra Magnus's wound was detected. They bounded off the crippled Decepticon and padded forward through the darkened corridors, tracing lingering chemical trails in the air. Two other cybertigers followed in their wake.

One growled in machine code, warning the others of the ultrasonic tripwire beam mine in the corridor ahead. Receptors in their heads flared. The hunter-killers stepped over the mine and burst coded a warning back to their less aware Decepticon comrades. They picked up the distant sound of retreating footsteps, metal on metal. They stalked forward.

Behind them a small army of Decepticons spread out, looking for the Autobots and whatever they had left behind. They blasted and cut there way through doors to reveal hastily abandoned rooms as just ahead of them Blaster, Rewind, and Eject placed booby traps and tripwires while Ramhorm, Steeljaw, Grandslam, and Raindance formed a rearguard.

A locked door blocked the cybertiger's path. They growled in machine code and then the one on the right launched a missile. It streaked through the corridor and blew the door apart. The Decepticons stalked forward cautiously. They could hear Autobots ahead, but the scent trail lead off to the right. The tigers turned to a side corridor to the right and down a short corridor that ended in rubble. The scent of mech fluid was strong.

They briefly considered the possibility that they had been tricked and the scent was just coming from old mech fluid in the garbage and then began pulling through the pile with their paws. As the junk was pulled away a small escape tunnel became visible. They growled back to their handler over the main Decepticon frequency and stepped into the darkness.
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Warhulk raised his head and stared at the mass of Decepticons swarming over the canyon and streaking through the skies above it. The big military 'bot rumbled, "I see Straxus brought a lot of slaves to this party."

Another Decepticon poked her head up. She was coloured in a mix of black and dark purple and her helmet was long and tapered to a point in the back. "He's got enough firepower to slag Prime, Magnus, and Omega Supreme all at once. Think he's found a target worth it?"

Warhulk chuckled. "I think he wants to kill something real bad. We've been giving him a rough time lately and the Autobots haven't been that gentle themselves."

"And Megatron's return," said the female Decepticon. "Never forget that. His wrath will consume all who have betrayed him."

"Fracture, sometimes you're almost as bad as Sunstorm."

"Sunstorm's insane, but he's still smarter than Straxus."

"He's still got an army. Maybe those Autobots will dispose of a few of them before they die."

"They're at least costing him energon," said Fracture. "That's one expensive combat operation going on down there." Brilliant flashes illuminated the semi-darkness.

"Straxus is firing again," said Warhulk.

"Why are we here?" asked Fracture. "Pick off a few stragglers?"

"If we can," said Warhulk. "For now, until Megatron says otherwise, we still have our alliance. If we can help a few Autobots escape, we will."

"Because Straxus still has his army."



Ultra Magnus crawled down the escape tube. It was a tight fit for a robot of his size, but it had the advantage of being impassable for winged Decepticon flyers, Sentinels, and Guardian Robots. Alpha Trion gestured for him to come forward. "Please hurry Ultra Magnus."

"I'm moving as fast as I can," said the veteran Autobot. "It's not easy to crawl through a narrow tunnel after a Decepticon hits you in the leg with an axe."

"I'm sorry," said Alpha Trion. "I didn't mean to be inconsiderate."

"No harm done," said Magnus.

"I'm just worried about Blaster."

"He'll be fine. We have more than one escape passage. He'll transform and one of his team will carry the rest of them through a tunnel that makes this one look positively roomy. The 'Cons won't catch him. We're in a lot more danger."

Elita's voice drifted back from further down the tunnel. "Trion, Magnus, hurry up. We're almost there."

"There?" asked Alpha Trion as he resumed crawling back down the small tunnel. "Where is there?"

"Ancient waste processing station, back before the Decepticons wrecked everything. We'll be able to move much faster, but if they spread the net wide enough they might have someone in the area."

"So we might have to fight."

"And if we do, it's best to have every 'bot we can together and ready for it."

"I see light ahead," said Alpha Trion. He was being generous. It was slightly less dark ahead. However, Cybertronian optics could pierce the gloom easily.

"Keep going," said Ultra Magnus. "We're almost there."

Elita-1 gestured for the two 'bots to keep coming. Alpha Trion reached the end of the passage, which turned out to be a pipe and the slender fembot pulled him out and then helped Ultra Magnus.

The Autobots were standing near a massive tangle of machinery that was fed by huge pipes and power leads. It was long since dead, having fallen into disuse and then stripped down by successive packs of scavengers. Four huge vats set in the floor were stained with ages of waste process. A huge vaulted ceiling rose above the mass of reprocessing machinery.

Alpha Trion turned his head towards the escape tunnel. "Do you hear that?" he asked.

"What is it?" said Magnus.

"Footsteps. Quiet ones."

"A tracker," said Elita-1.

"Stealthy," said Ultra Magnus as he yanked Alpha Trion away from the tunnel's mouth. "Probably a cybertiger." There was a flare and a roar as a missile shot down the length of the tunnel and out of the mouth. It smashed against a mass of machinery in a huge explosion. Ultra Magnus stuck his gun down the tunnel mouth and fired off half a dozen shots blindly.

"Those cat-'Cons are too good at their jobs," said Elita-1.

"That is a most troubling development," said Omnius. "We should depart before Decepticon reinforcement arrive."

A massive blast struck the roof above their heads. The shockwave caused the floor to vibrate beneath their feet and sent tons of rubble falling around them. Above them, framed by the huge gap he had blown in the roof, was a dark blue cannon mounted on a flying platform.

"Too late for that," said Magnus. "Straxus has found us."
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Straxus's cannon roared. A violet energy bolt smote the floor like a combiner's fist. The shock wave knocked the Autobots' off their feet and sent them sprawling. Straxus shifted his point of aim and fired.

The violet bolt blew through Elita-1's armour. The Autobot's chest exploded outward in a hail of flame and scrap. Black smoke rose from the crater. "Nooo!" shouted Alpha Trion.

"You're next, you empty piece of scrap," said Straxus as he shifted his point of aim. Alpha Trion lunged upward, a small metal disc flying from his hand. It latched on to the left side of the Straxus's gun platform body. Gold lightning crawled over the body of the Decepticon tyrant and he fell from the air.

"Aaaaaaaah!" Straxus screamed. He hit the ground with a loud crash and the shriek of deforming metal. Thrust and Dirge looked down the whole. "Kill them all!" Straxus yelled, as he struggled to transform.

Two concussion missiles flew from Dirge's arm towards Ultra Magnus as the Autobot Commander regained his feet. He sidestepped on. The other hit him low the chest and exploded, blasting through his armour and slamming him back down. "I am your death Magnus!" shouted Dirge. "I am the last thing you will see before you die!"

Thrust opened fire on Omnius Sophorum, striking the scientist-philosopher in the lower torso and twice just beneath his head. The scholar 'bot crashed to the ground, smoke rising from the holes in his body. Thrust pivoted to take out Alpha Trion when laser blasts struck Dirge in the chest and the hip. The Seeker fell back, away from the gap in the ceiling, with a despairing wail. Ultra Magnus had fired from flat on his back and taken out the Decepticon.

"Scrap," shouted Thrust. His gun would be in alignment with Magnus's torso in two tenths of an astrosecond. Magnus shot him in the shoulder. He staggered, smoke pouring from the damaged joint. Another two blasts struck him in the upper torso and the Decepticon toppled.

Straxus transformed, resuming his hulking robot form. He carried no gun, but a wielded a terrible double bladed axe with a crackling energon corona. He advanced on Ultra Magnus. One blow and this would all be over.

Alpha Trion's fist connected with the side of Straxus's head. "You'll die here and now, monster," said the ancient Autobot. Straxus staggered under the force of the blows and stepped back as Ultra Magnus regained his footing. Straxus was almost as tall as Alpha Trion, but far broader and stockier, with immensely thick armour plates. The blows from the Autobot leader hurt, but he could take them.

Straxus slammed the head of his axe into Alpha Trion's abdomen, almost taking the ancient 'bot off of his feet. He raised his weapon and brought it down on Alpha Trion's shoulder in a blaze of purple sparks. The energon enhanced weapon severed the Autobot's arm and took a sizable chunk of his shoulder and torso with it. Alpha Trion fell at the Decepticon tyrant's feet. "Be thankful that you are still valuable to me alive, old 'bot," said Straxus cruelly. He heard the sound of metal on metal and spun around, just in time to take Ultra Magnus's charge head on.

The collision lifted the Decepticon tyrant off of his feet and into the air. Straxus flew into the ancient waste tank below him and fell into the thick layer of congealed sludge at the bottom, vanishing from sight. Ultra Magnus fired into the slime and it ignited, burning sluggishly.

Alpha Trion groaned and crawled over to Elita-1's body. "Elita, speak to me," he said. She lay there inertly, guttering fires burning in her chest. Trion reached in and pulled out a blackened and twisted piece of metal. "No," he said softly and dropped what used to be her laser core, the housing of her spark, to the floor. "No."

"Alpha Trion," said Ultra Magnus, "we have to flee. Before any more Decepticons reach here." How will I explain this to Prime, he asked himself and then brutally pushed the question aside. That's for later. The only thing I can do now is save who I can.

The ceiling on the far side gave way, sending an immense shape crashing into the floor. The huge robot righted itself. A Guardian. It's turret like head swiveled toward them and idiot eyes locked on Ultra Magnus as the huge robot got to it's feet. "Autobots located. Termination initiated."
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Vehrec »

Alas, Elita-1. Your spark has burned out too soon. You shall be remembered by the Autobots, until All are One.
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

"They're on the move," said Warhulk.

"Yes," said Fracture. "A whole bunch of them. Autobot escape tunnel?"

"Probably," said Warhulk. He was silent for a moment.

"You aren't going to help them?"

"Maybe just a little. Could you blend in with that crowd?"

"Those idiots? Easily."

"Why don't you lead them to the Marplexes Span."

Fracture smiled. "I like the way you think."

"Go," said Warhulk, transforming into battle tank mode. The turret of the super heavy tank spouted dual heavy cannons. He rumbled forward as the sleek black car shot passed him and down over the side of the ravine, sliding sideways on the steep slope towards the pack of Vehicons while accelerating to take the lead.

"Decepticons!" shouted Fracture as she raced to the lead. "Follow me! Lord Straxus's order!" She took the lead and headed towards an on ramp. Silver-grey and black Vehicons in vehicle form followed her. "Idiots," she said softly. She roared up the ramp at full speed. The Vehicons followed.

Warhulk rumbled along, crushing rubble beneath his massive treads. His destination was obvious. A small swarm of Straxus's flyers were orbiting what used to be a waste reclamation plant at the edge of the ravine. Flashes of light suggested gunfire near the top of the dome. "I'm going to regret this," he rumbled.

As Warhulk ground forward Fracture slowed slightly to let the Vehicon scrap piles stay with her. She had driven out of the ravine and then pulled a hard right, heading towards an ancient and somewhat decrepit bridge that crossed the nearly kilometer wide structure. A dozen Vehicons followed closely. "This is almost too easy," she said softly. "Come one 'bots," she said loudly, "we're almost there."

She whipped down the span at full speed. The Vehicons behind her gunned their engines and followed, but she pulled quickly ahead. Fracture dodged around several piles of rubble, a crater in the bridge, and an ancient and heavily scavenged body that had once been a Cybertronian. The Vehicons that followed weren't quite as agile.

Fracture turned into a drifting sideways stop at the far end, transforming near the end of it into an imposing black and purple robot. "End of the line boys," she said and raised her right leg. An observant 'bot would notice that the lower part of her legs were much larger than should have been necessary for locomotion. There was a soft whine as the seismic energy discharger built into the leg powered up. Fracture stomped down on the bridge hard.

There was a flash of light at the impact of her elephantine foot and a boom of thunder. The bridge shook and then began to fall. Vehicons, still in car form and moving forward, crashed into each other as the span came apart and they began to fall. Accompanied by thousands of tons of debris, they tumbled into the void. Most of them began to transform before they hit bottom. There was an even louder crash as the Vehicons and what was left of the bridge hit bottom.

Fracture looked down at the pile of debris. Some might have survived, buried under countless tons of bridge. "Suckers," she said, transforming and racing away.

Warhulk raised his cannons and fired. Both bolts struck a Dreadwing and it exploded in mid air. The missile racks attached to the side of Warhulk's turret salvoed a half dozen ground to air missiles, causing Dreadwings to evade frantically as the super heavy tank rolled forward. He lowered his guns and fired again. The side of the waster reclamation facility's dome blew open as a wounded Dreadwing lost altitude above him. Warhulk rumbled forward through the gap.

A giant Guardian Robot stood above wounded Autobots. Warhulk fired at his ancient enemy. Double bolts smashed into the Guardian's chest, sending chunks of armour flying. The next blast blew out it's right knee and sent the giant toppling into a waste pit. It's return fire cratered the floor beside the super heavy tank. "What are you waiting for?" Warhulk yelled. "Run!"
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by LadyTevar »

Oooooooooo... I like Fracture. :angelic:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Cybertron, Eight point One Million Years Ago

"Get out of the way you slagging empty!" shouted a yellow Autobot as sped down the road in car form. The object of his ire had just managed to cross the road. He considered replying, but he knew better. It would only lead to trouble he couldn't afford. He headed towards the partially demolished building. He quickly spotted the forebot and walked over to him.

The slender silver and purple Autobot looked up. "Are you looking for a job?"

"Yes sir," said the huge gun metal grey robot. He was easily twice the size of the smaller Autobot and more than ten times the mass. "You're doing deconstruction and recycling work. I can do that."


The big 'bot caused a stream of florescent alpha numerics to float in mid air. The smaller Autobot cross referenced them with data grid entries. "Good enough. Pay is a chip a cycle, hercular size scale, standard bonus conditions."

The big 'bot said, "I'll take it." The rate was horrible and the scaling wasn't favorable, but he needed the energon.

The Autobot pointed. "Those two guys will show you the ropes," he said pointing. There was a groan of metal and a whole wall section on the top floor collapsed collapsed. The big 'bot entered the ruin and began climbing.

A small black and red 'bot turned pile drivers back into his arms. An almost identical purple 'bot was next to him. "Hey," said the red 'bot. "Who are you?"

"Hulk," replied the huge 'bot. "The boss said I was to report to you."

"He's a big guy," said the purple 'bot.

"Yeah, really big," replied the other. "Bigger than Megatron. I bet you're pretty strong."


"Military model?"

"Heavy assault cavalry. And you're both infiltrator/saboteur models"

"Yeah," said the red 'bot. "Rumble and Frenzy. Who isn't from a military line on these jobs? The pay's lousy, the conditions suck, and we're strong and tough enough to do the work."

"And desperate enough," said Frenzy. "It's take these lousy jobs or become an empty begging on the streets."

"Yeah," said Hulk.

"Most be worse for you," said Rumble. "They don't pay us squat, but they never compensate you big guys for how much energon you burn."

"I survive," said Hulk.

"Take down those pillars over there," said Frenzy. "Sonic mapping says they should go next."

"Alright," said Hulk. Steel bent and tore under his grip.

"Nice," said Rumble.

"Beautiful," said Frenzy.

"What next?"

"We drop the floor," said Rumble. "Need to evac the lower levels next. You watch the games?"

"No," said Hulk.

"Ever heard of Megatron?"


"Never? What do you live on?"

"What ever energon I can scavenge."

"A 'bot has to do more than live to live," said Frenzy. "A 'bot has to have something to live for."

"I haven't had that since we lost the war."

"You were in the war?" asked Rumble.


"Then your next lube change is on me. We know a place, when we're done with work. You'll like it."

"Haven't liked much since the war ended except for the idea of taking a blast rifle and shooting everyone of those self satisfied petty tyrants in the face."

Rumble and Frenzy looked at each. "He's got to watch Megatron," they said simultaneously.
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2011-10-08 04:25am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by LadyTevar »

The Military Bots remind me of the treatment US soldiers got in 1920 and in 1960-70. Go fight and bleed for your country, but the country wants nothing to do with you.

I'm not saying they're right ... but the first 'Cons had a good reason for rebellion.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Cybertron, Now

Warhulk unleashed another double blast into the Guardian's face which turned the top half of the Guardian's face into a smoking, sparking ruin. With its primary sensors offline, the robot's accuracy would drop like a lead ball in a gas giant's gravity field. Warhulk through his gears into reverse as the Autobots staggered passed him.

A bolt from the Guardian's plasma cannon missed him by half a meter and blew a huge hall in the garbage facility's outer wall. Another blast cratered the floor. Behind him Ultra Magnus transformed into truck mode and lowered his trailer's ramp. Alpha Trion climbed in and the Autobot commander sealed his trailer and then accelerated away.

Warhulk backed out of the building and slammed one of his tracks into reverse, making a hard turn. The Decepticon warlord rushed away from the ruined building at full speed, which wasn't that impressive. The wounded Ultra Magnus was easily outdistancing him.

"Warhulk to Fracture. The package is free and leaving." Warhulk turned left and entered a boulevard lined by shattered towers. "Situation?"

"I've got a dozen losers trying to run me down. Straxus sure doesn't build his Vehicons for pursuit speed and they aren't that bright either. If the Dreadwings weren't pacing me, I would have lost them already."

"You need to lose the Dreadwings before they can bring Overseers down on you or they can slow you down enough for the Vehicons to catch you. Or one lines up a good enough shot and takes it."

"You worry a lot ancient 'bot. I've got just the thing to lose the Dreadwings. Fifty astroseconds to the Subhex Transportation Grid. Once I go subsurface those flyers are out of the game. Worry about yourself."

"Good," said Warhulk. "I'm moving off at an angle, between their pursuit wave and the reinforcements. I slip right on out of their search pattern without them even knowing I was here."

In the sky above two Dreadwings rapidly approached the scene. "Hey, Skybolt," said Voidripper. "Superheavy moving out of the search path. Maybe he's got bad data or maybe he knows a shortcut. Should we back him up?"

"Voidripper, you're a moron," said Skybolt as he swung around to follow the retreating super tank. Voidripper followed his partner's lead. "A 'bot with its coms fried and torn out optics could hear which way the pursuit was going and there's no shortcut that's going to let a superheavy catch a speedster. He isn't one of ours."

"So who is then?" asked Voidripper.

"Who could it be you junk brained fool?"

"Warhulk? That's Warhulk?"

"Yep," said Skybolt. "And we're going to be getting all the sweet upgrades when we bring his scraps in to lay at Straxus's feet. Seekers, here we come."

Skybolt swooped down and loosed a pair of missiles. Voidripper followed suit.

"Scrap," said Warhulk as he turned hard and swiveled his turret. Three missiles struck the ground or blew holes in wrecked buildings. The fourth hit him in the left track and blew apart two wheels. The Dreadwings flew by over head. They were two quick for his cannons to track, but he still had his launcher. A pair of missiles shot into the sky.

Voidripper and Skybolt turned hard in opposite directions. Skybolt put his nose down and looped around a wrecked tower, losing the missile in the process. Voidripper merely tried to out turn the rocket. It blew off half of his left wing and knocked the Decepticon out of the sky.

Skybolt came out from behind the tower. His missile strike had immobilized Warhulk and the big Decepticon was transforming so he could keep moving. He was however, at this moment, a big, stationary target. Both of Skybolt's wing root guns pulsed twice.

Violet bolts smashed into Warhulk's torso. The big Decepticon was well armoured and extremely tough. The volley cratered his armour and fried circuitry and actuators, but didn't drop the big 'bot. He swayed on his feet as Skybolt swooped overhead and turned around for another pass.

Voidripper transformed before he smashed into the ground, managing a controlled landing on his repulsors. He was two-thirds Warhulk's height and less than a quarter of the big warmachine's mass. His armour and firepower were radically inferior. A straight up fight would be suicide, but this wasn't a straight up fight.

The Dreadwing's lower arms transformed into blaster cannons for combat. The yield and range of the cannons was mediocre and the rate of fire was slow, but they had two of them and a modest missile payload. It was more than enough to get the job done on most Autobots.

Skybolt began another attack run, launching a pair of missiles at the wounded Megatron loyalist. Warhulk fired one back and then ducked behind a ruined tower to dodge the incoming ordinance. Debris flowered from the impacts, momentarily obscuring optics and targeting sensors. Warhulk swung his rifle around to try and track the Dreadwing with his massive rifle. He didn't pick up Voidripper entering the alley.

Double blaster cannons fired. One bolt missed the Decepticon leader, the other blasted him in the lower torso. He grunted and turned, just in time to take two shots to his already slagged chest armour. Warhulk fell.

Skybolt had dodged out of the path of Warhulk's hastily launched missile and then swooped down. He transformed and landed beside Warhulk as his partner advanced. Warhulk twisted around and swung his rifle around. Two bolts from Skybolt's blasters blew off his arm at the elbow. "Not so tough now," said Skybolt. Shoulder armour deformed from his kick's impact. "Traitor."

"Yeah," said Voidripper. "Aubot loving traitor." A blast from his left arm cannon fused Warhulk's right knee joint.

Skybolt transformed his gun limbs back into arms. "Straxus will want him alive, but that doesn't mean we can't work him over first." The Decepticons descended on their helpless victim.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by LadyTevar »

Poor WarHulk. :cry:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Earth, Now

Optimus Prime watched as a dozen Autobots laboured away in front of the Ark, installing powerful automated defences and adding new sensor systems. His optics registered Ironhide exiting one of the star ships grounded on the plain. The Autobot transformed and drove towards him. Ironhide could have just com'd him, but the old 'bot liked to talk face to face. Optimus approved of the habit. Face to face conversations had more impact. Radio communications often felt just like another data stream.

Ironhide transformed. "The ship's are ready to go Prime," he said in his distinctive drawl. "Just need ta be fueled."

"Good work Ironhide. You and the repair crews have done a magnificent job."

"Aw shucks Prime. It wasn't that hard."

"We've had a lot of work to do in a short amount of time," replied the Autobot leader. "I know just how hard it's been."

"The defences are looking pretty good," said Ironhide. "I guess we're almost ready to leave."

"Yes, old friend."

"Ya know Prime, this planet has too much water and not enough metal, but I'll miss it."

Optimus Prime put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "I know. So will I, but we cannot ignore this opportunity to save so many from tyranny."

"Shoot Prime, you know I'm not afraid of a fight."

"Ironhide," said Optimus Prime sincerely, "I can't conceive of you ever backing down from a fight. I know how you feel. This planet is alien to us, but underneath the people are just like us. Earth is like a second home, one that the Decepticons haven't ravaged. A second chance for us. I too wish we weren't leaving, but we must." He patted Ironhide on the shoulder. "But we are leaving it with caretakers and one day, we will return."


Deep Space, Now

The door slid open and jammed. Soundwave's massive hand seized the door and pushed. "Extreme temperatures have resulted in equipment malfunctions," he intoned as he forced the door open. The big Decepticon stepped onto Nemesis's bridge.

Others followed him. Megatron strode forward and claimed the command throne. "Stations," he ordered. "Soundwave, bring the reactors online."

"As you command Megatron," said the intelligence officer.

"Megatron to Scrapper. Status?"

"Megatron," came the Constructicon's chief reply, "we've finished offloading Astrotrain and beginning to unload the Predacons' ship. Hook, Deathstrike, and Shockwave have begun a maintenance inspection."

"Excellent Scrapper. I am pleased. Tell Astrotrain to report to the bridge."

"So what now, oh mighty Megatron?" asked Starscream. "Are we to rely on intelligence gathered from that traitor to plan our attacks? Do you think that wise?"

"Ah Starscream," said Megatron indulgently. "If only you would try to build yourself up instead of dragging others down to your level. Then you would be the leader you imagine yourself to be. What a waste."

Starscream opened his mouth and then shut it. Astrotrain walked onto the bridge. The big purple triple changer spoke. "You wanted me Megatron?"

"Yes Astrotrain. I have a special assignment for you." He beamed data to the holodisplay on his command throne. The image of an ice moon with a massive industrial settlement and an orbiting space station connected to the ground by a space elevator appeared.

"That's Frexis," said Astrotrain. "Straxus's most important facility. It's a staging ground for scouting missions and a raw material refining facility. It's heavily guarded."

"Yes," said Megatron. "And you will be critical in helping us take it."
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Cybertron, Now

Straxus stood on the raised dais, looking down his court. Of to the sides were Thrust and Shrapnel, along with two Vehicons and a pair of Overseers. Standing in front of him were the recipients of his displeasure. "So," said Cybertron's lord, "you've returned. As failures." He hefted his axe. Energon crackled around its blade.

"My lord," said Motormaster, "we almost had him." The rest of the Stunticons were cowering behind him. They followed Motormaster only out of fear, but they feared and hated Straxus more than they did their leader. "If it wasn't for the Dinobots, we would have beaten Prime. We tried."

"You failed," said Straxus. "What is the price of failure?" At his words the window behind the Stunticons slid open and a gust of hot air wafted in. The smell of lubricants and a heavy metallic tang came with it.

Breakdown looked back. Below them was the huge slag pool that was Straxus's preferred method of execution. Keeping it heated was an energy expenditure the Decepticon tyrant was more than willing to make. All that fell in would slowly cook in the lake of molten metal as their circuits fried and their bodies slowly melted.

"We stayed when the others had been defeated!" cried Motormaster, holding out his hands. "We almost had him! We tried! Please!"

Straxus walked down the dais, his axe slung over his shoulder. "You're out of chances. Do not fail me again."

"Thank you, thank you," cried Motormaster. The other Stunticons abased themselves.

"Now get out of my sight," said Straxus. They hurried to do so. Voidripper and Skybolt entered, dragging Warhulk with them. Straxus's eyes flashed.

The two Dreadwings bowed and tossed Warhulk down at their liege-lords's feet. "We defeated this traitor," said Skybolt. "We were told to bring him to you personally." He left out the lengthy ordeal of actually moving Warhulk's body and the struggles they had with officers who wanted to either steal the credit or passed the buck to another department.

"Warhulk," rumbled Straxus. The battered Decepticon looked up. His armour had been torn open and breached and his main power train decoupled. Actuators and motivators had been smashed. "Now you will pay the price for your treason."

"You were a coward and a thug when you were an Autobot, you were a coward and a thug when you joined the Decepticons, and you're a coward and a thug now," said Warhulk. "I would spit on you, but you're not even worth used lubricants."

Straxus reached down and picked up the crippled Decepticon by gripping the side of one of the breaches in his armour. "Is that so, you pathetic empty? I hold your life in my hand."

"As if you had ever shown mercy or justice. I won't give you the satisfaction of begging, you sadistic scrap pile."

"Then die in pain." Straxus walked to the window.

"All hail Megatron!" Warhulk shouted. Straxus threw him out the window. The big Decepticon slowly tumbled through the air as he fell. Straxus leaned out to watch.

Warhulk passed the lip of the pit and fell towards the layer of slag. There was a tremendous splash as he hit the blazing yellow liquid. The molten metal rained back down as Warhulk sank. The holes torn and blasted in his armour allowed slag to flood into his body. He died in seconds and sank slowly towards the bottom.

Straxus looked away. "Thrust. See that these two are fully upgraded. Whatever can be done."

"Yes, Lord Straxus."

"Gather an expeditionary force. I want every uncommitted ship and as many warriors as can be mustered. I want a report in ten cycles."

"As you command."

"Now leave me."
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Satori »

I feel like i need a flow char just to keep track of all the factions...

Love the politics of this.
Given the respective degrees of vulnerability to mental and physical force, annoying the powers of chaos to the point where they try openly to kill them all rather than subvert them is probably a sound survival strategy under the circumstances. -Eleventh Century Remnant
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Earth, Now

Crimson watched as the leads were attached to her ship by Brawn and Huffer. The panel pinged, indicating the seals were good. "Start pumping," said the little red Autobot. Fuel flowed from the Ark's storage tanks to her heavily customized prospecting ship.

"How's it going?" Overload asked. The big Autobot could just barely enter Vester's bridge without stooping.

"We're fueling now. All the repairs and modifications passed inspection and testing. Green lights."

"Since when does that happen?" asked Overload.

"Yeah," said Shellshock. "Something always goes wrong."

"Well, one thing did, but it's fixed now," said Crimson. "Anyway, fuel is the last of the supplies to be loaded. After that, we'll be ready for take off. You should get your personal gear on board."

"We step heavy, but travel light," said Shellshock.

"Breakout has something to transfer over," said Crimson.

"Breakout? The mil 'bot with Hot Rod's crew?" asked Overload.

"Remember when he was just a fresh faced 'bot with shiny new paint job?" said Shellshock. "'Yes sir!' 'No sir!', standing straight up like a power pylon?"

Overload chuckled. "He was so serious. Not at all like Bumblebee, for example."

"He should have loosened up a bit," said Shellshock. "I wonder how he is now?"

"You boys will have your chance to find out soon enough," said Crimson. "Here he comes."

"Hey," said Overload, "he's got baggage."

"I bet it's more guns," said Stryke.

"Do see the arsenal they brought aboard Vester?" asked Crimson. "We don't need more guns."

"Maybe he decided he liked the Boy Scouts as well as the Marine Corps," said Shellshock. "Always be prepared. Hey, why's Kup coming this way?" His optics settled on Crimson.

"Well the ship can take one more . . ." she began.

"Oh no," groaned Overload.

"Primus spare us," prayed Shellshock.

Crimson's optics flared. "What's a matter boy 'bots? Can't take the heat?" Stryke giggled.

"Where's Megatron?" asked Overload. "I need someone to kill me now."

Breakout walked up the boarding ramp and into the interior of the small ship. He was dragging a large wheeled storage box behind him. He walked over to a corner and secured it firmly in place with cargo straps. "Hey," said Stryke, walking towards the older Autobot, "welcome aboard."

"Thanks," said Breakout. "Prime will be giving a speech in forty three minutes, local time. After that we can expect to depart immediately."

"I know," said Stryke. "What do you have there? More weapons?"

"A musical instrument."

"Music? Really?"

"What's a matter with your audio receptors," said Kup as he walked up the boarding ramp. "I heard the young 'bot just fine and if these old things can pick it up, yours should be able to. You should get yourself checked up. Might be early stage cosmic rust. Or cascade part failure or Decepticon viral weaponry. Seen that in my day. There was this 'bot see, little older than you-"

"I'm fine," Stryke said firmly. "I was just surprised, that's all. What are you doing here?"

"Prime thought you needed another passenger who knew where the Wrecker bases are besides that young jalopy," he said, gesturing with his thumb towards Breakout. "So I'm assigned to this ship. Are those trouble making punks Shellshock and Overload around. I swear, the number of times I've had to wipe the mech oil off those bots faces and cabooses when they've gotten themselves in over their heads. . ." he shook his head. "Youngsters. They ain't got no sense at all."


Fringe of the Orion Arm, Now

Light burst out of nothingness as empty space stretched and distorted. Out of nothingness came Unicron. He was a world and starship, a creator and a destroyer. Nothing could stand against him. The only beings to survive him were those that fled before him. He was, in short, a god.

The huge metal world scanned his surroundings. He had traveled far and still had far to go. His energon reserves had been depleted from repeatedly making faster than light journeys through the void of interstellar space. He needed to recharge.

Cold and dead worlds along with belts of debris orbited a small orange star. This would do, but he was at the fringes of this system. Enormous thrusters roared to life and the monsterous titan coasted towards the inner system.
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by White Haven »

I sense a great disturbance in the Force, as if Orson Welles' skull was about to eat a planet...

Awesome. I love Unicron. :)
Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'

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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by LadyTevar »

White Haven wrote:I sense a great disturbance in the Force, as if Orson Welles' skull was about to eat a planet...

Awesome. I love Unicron. :)
I sense a great disturbance in the Force, as if 3 ancient Bots are about to be stuck on a small ship for a long time. :mrgreen:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

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Cybertron, Eight Point One Million Years Ago

"Hold the line!" roared Ultra Magnus. "Shields and shock batons only if they break passed the barricade!" The crowd roared and surged against the steel bar fence pieces. "No one shoots without my say so!"

"Yes sir!" the soldiers of the Autobot Elite Guard roared back. That was part of the problem. He was policing with soldiers and that was bad policy. The war was over a long time ago. Cybertron's chief law enforcers shouldn't be paramilitaries. These people weren't the enemy.

Thousands of 'bots roared back, a howl of incoherent outrage and displeasure. Ultra Magnus stepped back, into the shadow of one of the two massive Guardian Robots stationed by the doors of the Senate tower. They hadn't moved. Yet. If they did there would be terrible carnage. They weren't programmed to restrain, only to destroy.

His soldiers held the line. They smashed energized batons across charged shields, sending out blasts of golden sparks and discouraging the advance of the demonstrators. The barricade was still being respected. There was no need for violence. Yet.

A slim blue Autobot exited the double doors and walked over to Ultra Magnus. "Commander," he began, "the Senate is dismayed that this demonstration hasn't been dispersed."

"What do they want me to do?" Ultra Magnus replied. "Murder them all? I don't have enough 'bots for nonlethals to work against a crowd this size. I'm not going to murder nonviolent 'bots."

"They are hardly nonviolent. The property damage they've done today-"

"Cost of doing business," Ultra Magnus growled. "If you aren't here to do anything useful, go."

"If you will not act, the Senate demands an explanation. In person."

"They want an explanation?" said Ultra Magnus. "Well then I'll give them one. Let's go." The two Autobots turned around and headed inside. They passed a big, boxy, blue and white Autobot with a red optical visor and mouth guard on their way to the elevator. They headed up.

The doors opened and they walked down a short corridor guarded by a pair of Autobot Elite Guards. Inside there was a circular chamber. Two score Senators sat in a circle of elevated seats above the floor. Each one was attended by transparent screens crawling with data. "Ultra Magnus, reporting as ordered."

"Commander Magnus," said a slight, purple Autobot. Senator Batrix, the master of the sinister goon that Ultra Magnus had passed in the lobby. "You have not prevented the crowd for inflicting considerable damage."

"Cost of doing business," said Ultra Magnus. "That's what they say when the value of energon goes up, despite the stockpiles being horded. When everything costs more and pays less. That's what your friends say senator and how much do they pay you? Or do you pay them now, with all the acquisitions you've made. Must be handy to make the laws that govern the businesses you're up to your optics in."

"This is outrageous!" Batrix shouted. "You do not presume to lecture the Senate!"

"Indeed," rumbled the huge red Senator Grandix. "It is your conduct that is in question, not ours."

"Work is harder to get. Work pays less. Energon is scarcer. The large commercial institutions are swimming in energon. There is considerable circumstantial evidence of energon hording and price manipulation. 'Bots will be angry. They are angry. They have a right to be angry. I won't shoot them down like berserk drones in the street because they're demonstrating they're angry. You're the Senate. Making policy on behalf of the populace is your job. Do your job. Stop filling your vaults and give them some damn relief!"

"Commander Magnus," said the tall and slender blue and green form of Senator Auxilus, "you have a long and distinguished record and so allowances have been made, but no more! Crime is up! More assaults! Thefts! Murders! Vandalism, civil disobedience, sabotage, subversion, and outright terrorism! This will stop!"

"Go to a room with a window and look outside," said Ultra Magnus. "Things are becoming increasingly intolerable to the average 'bot on the street. Sure there are only a few thousand demonstrating. Here. Now. Too many are feeling desperate. This is a problem that can be contained and bled off only if there is real, positive change in the near future. We go in there cracking heads and we'll set off something even worse. You want a quick and easy solution? Sell off some of that horded energon and let the price drop and shut down those damn games. They bring out the worst in 'bots."

"Get rid of one of the most popular public spectacles?" scoffed Batrix. "At a time of increasing discontent? I think not."

"And how much are you profiting off Grimlock's and Megatron's rabble rousing and violence?" asked Ultra Magnus.

"I think you've been left behind in the passed old 'bot," replied Batrix. "Your glory days are over. All in favor of sending Commander Magnus to a less challenging post and replacing him with an officer better suited to our modern problems." Two-thirds raised there hands. "Motion carries," said Batrix with a smirk on his face. "Ultra Magnus you are dismissed. You will be informed of your new assignment."

"I'm only sorry I didn't do this vorns ago," said Magnus as he turned around. "There will be the Pit to pay for this and all those deaths will be on your heads." He walked out without looking back.

The elevator took him back to the lobby. He passed Batrix's goon and headed back towards his men. "Prowl."

"Sir," said the Autobot.

"You're in charge. I've been dismissed from my post, pending reassignment to the worst moon or mining asteroid they can find."

"I'm sorry sir. It's been an honour to serve under you."

"I should have done it vorns ago. This isn't what we should be doing. We've lost our way. We're the protectors of the people, not this." Ultra Magnus shook his head. "Don't value having this job above doing what's right. You'll just lose your way." The big 'bot straightened up. "It's been a honour serving with all of you. Remember you're the Autobot Elite Guard. That means your job is to defend the people of Cybertron. Those people out there beyond the barricades. Give Sentinel Prime my best wishes."

"Yes sir!"

Ultra Magnus saluted his soldiers. The saluted back. He passed through their ranks and then moved towards the crowd. It had gone strangely quiet. They could tell something was up. "Go home," Ultra Magnus told the crowd. "No one up there wants to listen to us." Then he stepped forward and vanished into the sea of robots as if he had never truly been there.
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2011-10-08 04:24am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Skyfox120 »

Very nice flashback... showing the more legitimate reasons for the Decepticon uprising..

I do wonder who they got to replace Ultra Magnus?
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by LadyTevar »

It doesn't matter. The Senate drives the populace into revolt with their greed and petty politics. Megatron kills Sentinel Prime. The Senate finally does something smart (although they don't know it at the time) and put Orion Pax up for the Matrix.

Optimus Prime does his best, but the Senate falls. Senator Batrix gets his though ... his "goon" Soundwave destroys his body and puts his spark into a Cassetticon chassis, programmed to (mostly) obey and answer to his new name -- RatBat. The rest of the Senators are not so lucky.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Kuiper Belt, Sol System, Now

"What now leader?" asked one of the Sweeps, the Third among them. Unlike their leader, the rest of them hadn't chosen names yet. That would come with time. Unicron did not encourage identity or independent thought within his creations.

"We follow their wake and see who wins."

"The Autobots or the Decepticons?" asked the Second.

"No," said Scourge. "We will seem Decepticon to both eyes. The Autobots will not trust us and they do not hold Cybertron." Earths communication systems and data networks had held a treasure trove of information. It had been child's play for the hunters to tap into them. "The victor will be the strongest and the one we can help."

"Our master comes," said the Fourth.

"Unicron is no longer our master," said Scourge. "Servitude or disobedience, they all lead to death. As long as he exists, he is our enemy."

"Not all perish," said the Second. "You did not. The-"

"I have cheated the death Unicron would have given me," said Scourge. "And the master still needs him. He will die as soon as he is no longer needed. The only thing that Unicron will allow to exist is Unicron."

Scourge extended his hand into the distance. "They went in that direction. The trail is strong. We will find them and watch and see who emerges victorious, Megatron or Straxus. We will share with the victor the secrets of Cybertron and give him the power to destroy even Unicron."


Frexis, Now

Frexis Skyhook orbited its namesake ice moon, connected by a cluster of cables to the sprawling industrial complex beneath it. On the surface kilometer high towers belched smoke as they processed hydrocarbons and minerals into useful chemicals and metals, including fuel for the array of fusion reactors which powered the facility. Energon and processed materials went up the Skyhook to be shipped to Cybertron.

Drones and thrall chipped Autobots perform most of the labour. Armed Decepticons watch all. Surface to space missile batteries are planeted at the outskirts of the industrial plex, but they are almost unnecessary. The Autobots will not bomb their own. The Skyhook bristles with weaponry and their are Decepticon flyers on station and warships in system. An Autobot assault would drowned in its own mech fluid. Not even the Nemesis could crack the defences.

Blackout oversaw the command center. The big Decepticon was an Overseer, upgraded and promoted for his many successes. The warning light of an unscheduled hyperdrive entry attracted his immediate attention. "Report," he demanded of the Casseticon at the controls.

"Unscheduled arrival," said the Casseticon. "Not a big ship by the readings. We should be receiving identifying codes . . . Decepticon. Astrotrain."

Astrotrain who was missing in action. "Signal Astrotrain. Have the Slagmaker prepare to intercept." The Decepticon strike cruiser was one of two worships on duty at Frexis. "Slagmaker" had been one of Megatron's nicknames and naming a ship after him when he had long been missing and presumed dead had been an adroit move by Straxus. Now that Megatron was apparently alive and trying to seize leadership of the Decepticons, it had become an ill omened name.

"Transmission incoming from Astotrain."

"This is Astrotrain. I've just managed to escape." There was a note of desperation in the Decepticon's voice. "I've taken damage. They shot me. You've got to let me in and get to the repair bays."

Blackout considered the transmission skeptically. It could be true. On the other hand, it could be a lie to try and insert an assault force. Astrotrain did have a respectable carrying capacity.

"Please," said Astrotrain. "I'll submit to full security inspection and everything. Just let me land. Straxus needs to know. Megatron isn't alone. He's acquired allies."

The command crew were all looking at him. Blackout pretended to ignore them and checked the sensor readouts on Astrotrain. He was showing a hard burn, but not enough acceleration. That looked like engine damage. "What kind of allies?"

"So you can blow me out of the sky because you're still feeling jumpy? No way! You don't know what I went through to escape. I had Deathstrike practically crawling down my exhaust tubes."

"Boss," said Impulse. "Strike Cruisers carry light crews. If it's a trick, he wants to get close to one. Then they can take it over and run with it or join the real attack. If we bring him in here, with a full security crew we can just blast them."

"Activate a Guardian Robot and send it to Docking Bay Three. Get every available Decepticon there. I want it swarming with Decepticon guns."

"Yes sir."

"Then tell Astrotrain he's clear to land. Direct him to Docking Bay Three."
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2009-07-14 09:31pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by LadyTevar »

"I had Deathstrike practically crawling down my exhaust tubes!"
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Skyfox120 »

LadyTevar wrote:"I had Deathstrike practically crawling down my exhaust tubes!"
Taking that out of context can be interpreted in SO many wrong ways......

which I blame on a odd urge the otehr day to look Transformers fanfic on
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Skyfox120 »

While I ama bit sad Scourge didn't side with teh Autobots out of sheer curioisty how such an alliance might work (Sad but not surprised).... I must say I do enjoy the reason Scourge decided teh decepticons are the way to go.

Scourge isn't calling Autobots weak, but decides against them because their philosphy woul dmark them as decepticons in Autobots eyes. A nice sound reason, that doesn't have them underestimating or dismissing the autobots out of hand for being 'weak sentimental fools'....
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by Imperial Overlord »

"Well that was nice of them not to blow us out of the sky," said Starscream. "Then Megatron's plan would have failed completely and we would all be dead."

"Only if they succeeded Starscream," said Deathstrike. "Which they would not have. Unless you can't fly as well as you say you can, air commander."

"Oh my," said Starscream, "that was a clever retort. I'm utterly overwhelmed by your superiority."

"Bay doors opening," reported Soundwave in his characteristic monotone.

"Oh scrap," said Astrotrain.

"That's quite a welcoming committee," said Starscream. "A dozen Decepticons, a gun turret suspended from the roof, and a two Guardian Robots. I see Megatron's ruse was totally convincing."

"Guardians can be defeated. Do you want the one on the left or the one on the right?" asked Deathstrike.

"I'll take left," said Starscream. "Get your menagerie ready for battle Soundwave. This is going to be rough."

"For them," said Sixshot. He raised both of his blaster rifles. "Astrotrain, stand by to open your side doors."

"When I do, everyone bails, because I'll be transforming. No way that I'm staying a big target," said the triple changer.

Astrotrain coasted into the docking bay. Two massive Guardian Robots stood at the far end. Six Decepticons lined either side of the bay, an even mix of Vehicon, Casseticon, and Dreadwings. A double blaster turret on the ceiling tracked the Decepticon space ship.

Astrotrain's side doors opened and Soundwave leapt out, a cassette in his hand. He tossed it towards the Guardians. Frenzy flew through the air, transforming and broadcasting his disruptor signal as he did so. "Now!" shouted Starscream as he flew out the doors on the other side. In his right hand he held a silver and black pistol.

"Die!" Starscream as he opened fire. The beams shot by Megatron's pistol form were just as powerful as his full sized fusion cannon blasts, but the concentrated particle streams were more effective against armour. Two blasts struck the Guardian in the face as it brought its massive gun arm to bear. The beams left sparking craters in the giant robot's face plate as they destroyed its primary sensor system. Starscream continued to fly towards the side of the hanger, firing as he flew. Two more bolts struck the Guardian in the chest and burned through armour, but the huge robot was massively tough and equipped with redundant systems. It turned towards Starscream, trying to track the Decepticon despite Frenzy's jamming and the destruction of its primary sensor system.

On the other side Sixshot flew out, a concussion rifle in each hand. A double blast from each rifle blasted the turret into scrap metal as Deathstrike flew out behind him. Deathstrike sent a slicing beam of x-rays at the other Guardian Robot. The laser cut a line of gold glowing slag across the Guardian's face. The highly penetrating x-rays ionized circuity and burnt out systems beneath the armour, disabling the Guardian's primary targeting systems.

Sixshot took a pair of glancing hits that failed to penetrate armour. He replied by firing on both Vehicons who had hit him simultaneously, blasting open smoking wounds in their chassis. They crashed to the deck as Laserbeak and Buzzsaw began attack runs.

Frenzy landed in the midst of the confusion. His distortion signal overrode and disrupted balance and targeting systems of all nearby robots who weren't protected by a counter signal from Soundwave. In this case that meant the enemy and because of his jamming the enemy wasn't able to shoot worth a damn. Frenzy slid behind a maintenance cart as beams and bolts flew and confusion reigned.

Astrotrain transformed with a triple changer's customary swiftness, shrinking from a shuttle to a merely a large, powerful, and heavily armoured robot. As he did so Deathstrike launched a pair of large missiles. The heavy ordinance had reduced the number of weapons he could carry as part of his payload, but it was worth it. The missiles were short ranged but equipped with massive warheads. They struck the Guardian's chest with a blast that shook the bay. The huge robot staggered and then fell as a second volley breached its armour.

Megatron tumbled from Starscream's hand, transforming as he moved. "Now Starscream," roared the Decepticon warlord as he fired on the Guardian in front of him. Their was a violet flash as the fusion cannon blasted armour off the Guardian's chest in cloud of super heated vapor.

"I've done this before Megatron," said Starscream as he launched a pair of missiles. The front of the rockets burst apart, showering smaller munitions among Straxus's warriors. The detonations sent lethal shrapnel tearing through mechanical bodies.

Megatron fired on the Guardian again. The weakened armour failed under the hammer blow and a crackling wound was torn in the Guardian's chest. "Die!" Megatron shouted, firing again and again. Great smoking rents were blasted in the robot's chest and it fell.

Meanwhile Shockwave, Rumble, and Astrotrain were laying down a barrage of suppressive fire as Sixshot swiftly and methodically gunned down Straxus's soldiers. The Guardian Deathstrike had downed climbed slowly to its feat. Pulses of violet light seared into it's Guardian's chest as Deathstrike targeted the Guardian's major systems and sent streams of x-rays through its weakened armour. The Decepticon took out the Guardian's secondary sensor system and systematically targeted its motivators and actuators. The Guardian took hit after hit after hit before slowly toppling.

"Sixshot!" ordered Megatron. "Finish this rabble." A particle beam struck Megatron in the left shoulder, heating his armour and frying some of his wiring. Megatron raised his fusion cannon and fired. The Vehicon responsible was blasted against the wall and fell with most of his torso blown open. A second blast blew him apart. "There is nothing here worth our time," said the Decepticon leader.

"As you command Megatron." There was a brief flurry from Sixshot's guns and then he ceased firing. None of Straxus's soldiers were standing. The other Decepticons ceased firing and all but Deathstrike landed and joined Megatron. Deathstrike dropped down on the chest of the fallen Guardian and fired his x-ray laser as a continuous cutting beam, carving out a section of the fallen Guardian's armour.

"Deathstrike, what are you doing?" asked Starscream.

"The Guardian is only temporarily downed," said the other Decepticon. He reached down and tore the plate away. He then stuck his arm into the breach. "I"m correcting that." He pulled his arm out of the breach. There was a crushed rectangle in his hand that trailed a long mass of wiring. Deathstrike tore it free and tossed it away.

"Megatron," said Soundwave. "Communications traffic indicates reinforcements are being summoned from the surface."

"Excellent Soundwave. That makes things almost too easy. Signal the Nemesis to approach."

"As you command Megatron."

"Deathstrike, Sixshot, take point. We're going to the command center. Terminate all resistance."

"With pleasure Megatron," replied Sixshot.

"With pleasure," mocked Starscream. "He's certainly enthusiastic about changing sides, isn't he?"

"Your pettiness and backbiting grow tiresome Starscream," replied Megatron. "We still have much to do."
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2009-07-18 02:03pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Transformers: Beginning and End

Post by LadyTevar »

OK... I see you got the worst typos, but there's still a few you missed.
"Die!" Starscream as he opened fire.
I know people would like to see "Die Starscream", but still... ;)

SideNote on Starscream. When does Starscream ever just "say" something? He mocks, he snarks, he retorts snidely. He slyly insults, he rants, he screams. "Said" just doesn't work with his personality ;)

OK.. next question: How many Guardian Robots were there?

One for Deathstrike:
The missiles were short ranged but equipped with massive warheads. They struck the Guardian's chest with a blast that shook the bay.The huge robot staggered and then fell as a second volley breached its armour.
One for Megs:
"Die!" Megatron shouted, firing again and again. Great smoking rents were blasted in the robot's chest and it fell.
So.......... which one is this one?
Pulses of violet light seared into the other Guardian's chest as Deathstrike targeted the Guardian's major systems and through its weakened armour. The Decepticon took out the Guardian's secondary sensor system and systematically targeted its motivators and actuators. The Guardian took hit after hit after hit before slowly toppling.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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