V:tM - New Orleans by Night

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Post by Stormbringer »

Alec was struggling with the Giovanni and was starting to get the upper hand when he flew up and started to fly. The spell didn't work but instead it broke Alec's hold on the Giovanni. He lost his advantage, indeed the thug even got the advantage.

Even his modest celerity skill wasn't enough to ward off the blade at the disadvantage, the thug had at least equal skill. Slowly inexorably the blade was being forced towards his heart. And he couldn't stop it.

Oh, shit! I guess this is it.
Last edited by Stormbringer on 2002-12-15 03:45pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mark S »

Physically I may have been in a posh night spot fighting someone's vampric yes-men, but my mind had flown back to a Polish battlefield and I was facing off against a group of the attacking horde known now as the Mongols. It was cold, calculating, grim concentration that had brought me through those times and that was what always served me now.

My charge for the uzi weilder was abruptly stopped as 'ol Mal appeared in a blur and went to work. I didn't think I was needed there.

I shifted focus and saw the biker facing off on his back against two attackers. To me, it was now a comrade, out numbered and prone. I moved in as fast as I could.

Reaching the trio as each side waited for the other to make the first wrong move, I plunged my stake into the back of the one on the right and through his heart. Slamming my body into the other enemy as hard as I could and sending him off to the side, I reached down to offer a helping hand to this shades wearing, leather clad person I didn't really know.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

"NO!" Anna screamed. Something in her snapped as she quickly ran to Alec's aid. The thug had him pinned, trying to push the knife into his chest. She dove, knocking him with her full strength. They rolled across the room. Anna kicked and screamed like a banshee.

Somehow, the dagger got into her hand. She began stabbing the Giovanni over and over, slicing him to bits. She did not care that she was now covered in the vampire's blood. She did not care that if she realized he was dead, she would go after the nearest person. She only wanted him, and the others, dead.
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Post by Dahak »

((Just out of curiosity: How many Giovanni are still standing? I sorta lost count..))
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

((I think at least 4, if not a couple of more. I know at least two or three are dead out of the 9))
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Post by Dahak »

((Good, then there are still targets left...))
Dachlan saw Anna hack maniacly at the remains of the Giovanni, splashing blood all over her.

He looked for a target and locked on a Giovanni who was still near the door. He concentrated, and with an arrogant flick of his hand he flung another huge fireball at the unsuspecting `Vanni, and watched him lighting the room in a warm red, shrieking.
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Post by Stravo »

Jack grinned as he accepted the offered hand and got to his feet quickly. He whipped his hand around and unloaded his clip into the Giovanni thug the stranger had shoved out of his way. He grimaced in disgust as the Giovanni turned around, blood staining the cheap off the rack suit with numerous bullet holes in its torso, notably all in tight clustered formations.

The Giuovanni smiled grimly and motioned for Jack to come get him.

Jack could not refuse such a invitation.

"Thanks stranger, maybe when this is over we can share some war stories over a drink. Until then, I think we're busy and as they say in The Big Easy Laissez les Bon Temps Rolle!" Jack discarded his weapon in disgust ( he loved his 9mm but so far it had only proven useful on ghouls and neonates.) He held out his hands and suddenly his nails sprouted into sharp talons.

The Giovanni paused, staring at the talons wit concern.

Jack grinned and launched his attack.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna stood, covered in blood. Her silk blouse was ruined, clinging to her body. Her eyes had a feral look to them as she scanned the room. Nearby was another Giovanni. She hissed and leapt at him.

The thug screamed as the dagger stabbed deep into his chest. She sliced him from his neck downward. Grasping his skin, she ripped his chest open and cackled wildly. Blood spurt everywhere, but she did not even notice. The lust had taken her over.
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Post by Dahak »

Anna seemed to have...lost her mind slightly Dachlan observed as she was madly haccking her way through the bar.
This is getting too much now....
HE concentrated himself, and if someone looked closely, he could have seen Dachlan becoming darker, his fomr morphing, twisting, melting into an amorph...darkness.

In his new form he slithered across the floor and up the nearest wall, silently observing the mayhem below.
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Post by Mark S »

((By my count I think we may only have one Giovanni left. The one Stravo is fighting. Maybe another one somewhere.))

The man spoke to me as I pulled him up. It was English, which confused me for a moment. I shook my head and tried to answer.

Nothing came out but a rasp. Looking back I can see that my lungs were far too punctured to hold air.

The precussion of gunfire so close to my head finally thrust me out of my flashback. I looked from the biker to the thug and stepped back to give them room to dance. I wasn't getting in the way of this one.
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Post by haas mark »

Joshua looked on quietly. He noticed all the bloodshed and the stains on Anna's clothing. He shuddered. He knew she was pissed off, and that she was already not happy with him. So he sat quietly.
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Post by Dahak »

From his secure position high atop the wall, he realized that the battle was about to be finished.
He slithered back down the wall, and across the bar to the fight Jack had with the Giovanni. He positioned his form of living darkness near the fight, and it seemed that he disconcerted some of the bystanders. He gave a mental chuckle. He remained there to observe the fight, and help Jack if needed. A bad things if new friends die...
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Post by Larz »

Mal snapped from a strange stupor look, with a single rolling move he plunged the stake in his hand deep into the heart of the thug he had downed. He dark grin rolled over his face "you, you shall feel the pangs of hell my deserted childer of cain and god". With that Mal draged the stupored giovanni out with him, taking hand written bible with him. With that he disappeared into the night air.

((See you all in a month, toodles!))
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Post by Stravo »

Jack charged the Giovanni who set himself to receive the charge. Jack launched himself over the Giovanni and landed behind him, whirling at his waist and raking teh talons across the Giovanni's back.

The Giovanni screamed and turned with a haymaker. Jack ducked underneath the blow and smiled as he saw his opening. He stepped into the swing and his right hand slashed the Giovanni's throat, the razor shapr talons ripped through undead flesh like paper and the Giovanni stumbled backwards trying to hold in the spray of vitae.

Jack did not hesitate and plunged his left hand into the Giovanni's gut and lifted him off his feet with one hand. The Giovanni howled, fangs revelaed as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"Whoa, frenzy!" Jack spat and pulled his hand away. The Giovanni's stomach was torn open like a greasy paper bag and the kindred's stunted entrails spilled out onto the club's floor. The guts glistened with frehs vitae.

The Giovanni was no longer vaguely rational. The Beat had come to the surface roaring and the Giovanni should have been crippled at this point but the Beast did not realize this and crashed into jack slashing and btiing at him like a crazed animal and Jack stumbled backwards, unable to find purchase on the vitae slicked floor.

He stumbled backwards and slipped to the floor hard, the frenzying kindred on top of him with only one thought in its mind.

To Kill Jack.

"This is not good." Jack muttered as he used all his strength to keep the maddened kindred from ripping his throat out.
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Post by weemadando »

Question: How long until the end of night 1?
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

((Not long after this fight. Your hostess is going to be a bit... drained after this battle))
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Post by Mark S »

"Ah shit," I moaned breathlessly as I saw a misstep turn the biker's winning situation into a steaming pile of the same stuff that had just spilled on the floor. The goon was going ape. I had seen it a million times before. Usually I was the guy on his back though.

Well, at this point I wasn't about to let the guy get torn to pieces. As much as both their deaths would be two less mouths in competition for my food, I had found myself on the same side as this biker. I had to help him. It was just one of those things that had held over from my life.

I threw myself at the frenzied vampire and rolled with him across the blood slick floor. The ride ended with me on my back, him on top facing up, and my arms trying to find a way to lock his mad flailings.

"Would somebody finish this please," I forced the words out over the snarls of my enemy. That was when the thug started trying to bite my arm.
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Post by Dahak »

Dachlan saw the sudden change of events turning towards the unfortunate.
As the other vampire was trying to help, he, too, was getting problems.

His black form flowed closer to the struggling pair on the floor, sliding past Jack, and he concentrated on the flailing giovanni.
It was straining and difficult for him, but he grasped the 'Vanni with the force of his mind, and lifted him away from the vamp on the floor.
He lifted him high up in the air, and let him hang there for a while before he flung the vampire away from him, and Jack.
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Post by Mark S »

I rolled away as my attacker started levitating away from we. I was standing as he was flung by unseen hands.

The smell of spilled blood and booze, gun smoke, and burnt flesh all mixed to create a nausiating cocktail of odour. It would have made any mortal want to throw up. How do you think I felt with my sense of smell.

I scanned the room. It looked to me like the vampire hanging in the air was the last of the enemies so I made my way to back to the bar. Hopping up, I found a paring knife by the stock of lemons and went about digging the slug out of my thigh.

It could have been worse, I thought as my eyes fell on the room's central statue. Somewhere in the fight poor Horus had taken one to the crotch.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna snapped back to her senses. She looked at her blood covered hands and began to cry. *What have I done,* she thought. Her gaze fall on the room. So much death and destruction. She was going to have to explain to Prince Darian and the Giovanni why nine of them were found dead in her bar. She hung her head in shame. <"Death and destruction is not my way,"> she said in Latin. <"Why have I succomed to this?">
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alec walked up to Anna, approaching her cautiously. He had never seen that happen to Anna. Fear was written across his face; fear for Anna and the future and the price to be paid. He wrapped his arms around her and guided her into the back, into Anna's office. He grabbed a bottle of booze on the way, anything would do.

"We'll explain. Things will be alright"

He sat Anna down and collapsed into a chair himself. He continued to hold her hand. He poured himself a stiff drink of scotch and offered Anna another.
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Post by weemadando »

The cab driver had long since left the site. His memories of the two strange men and their paralytic friend blurred by the domination employed by the old Brujah.
"Are you sure this place is safe to store him?"
"Quite safe. And if somethign crops up I'll be the first to hear of it."
"Excellent, lets leave our insolent young friend and be on our merry way."

Oswald slid the hidden panel across space in the wall and moved the bookshelf back infront of it. All around him were his favourite texts, archived safely in the bowels of the university that he called his home.
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Post by Dahak »

As Dachlan saw that the fight was over, he reverted to his physical form, morphing back from pure blackness into a human shape.

He looked around at the mayhem and destruction. Well, so much for interesting times...

He saw Alec leading Anna to her office. She really looked terrible. He thought about going to her, bbut he thought Alec would handle that better.

Looking around, he saw a table still standing, and just sat down, brushed some dirt off his leather coat and waited.
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Post by Stravo »

Jack brushed off some dirt, blood and gore off his jacket and frowned.

"That might leave a stain...fucking Giovanni." he muttered.

He looked up at the stranger that helped him earlier and smiled.

"Thanks for the assist. How about we sit down and have a drink, maybe share a war story or two and help with the clean up later."
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Post by Mark S »

Stravo wrote:"Thanks for the assist. How about we sit down and have a drink, maybe share a war story or two and help with the clean up later."
I eyed him cautiously and than returned my attention to the blood soaked bullet I had just pulled from my leg. I casually tossed into a waiting trash can, wiped my hand on my ruined jeans (now I was going to have to go out a kill somebody for another pair) and than extended it out in offering.

He had the look about him of someone who wasn't a bullshitter. Somehow I felt that he was traveling down some of the same roads I had. What could it hurt? Not every vampire I had met in my life had been all bad.

"I could sure use a drink," I said as we shook and I slid from the bar top. "But not of anything that comes from a bottle."

I looked over as the Owner broke down and was led away by DuMont. "What's with her," I asked. "She was within her right from where I stand."
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
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