(flashbacks of the first nine episodes)
With the Society of Sister and Alyrium Denryle Dead, the three black mages captured and imprisoned, Zaia and Fanboy have little choice but to put out a casting call for new allies and characters.
(cut away to an empy room save for two folding chairs and a fold out table. Fanboy has just opened the first of thirty seven Heinekens he is planning on consuming during the episode, and Zaia is double checking to see if her gun, a .44 Magnum, is fully loaded.)
Fanboy: Okay who's first on the list?
Zaia: First up is a guy calling himself "Borg Boy"
Fanboy: Oh goody, Trek Geek three of fifty kabillion...
Zaia: Oh come on let's just hear him out he did take the time to audition.
(Robert Walper Enters the Scene)
Robert Walper: Beware Enemies, Resistance is futile!!!!!!!
Fanboy: Ummm yeah, we're going to have to ask you not to say that anymore, um yeah.
Robert Walper: Yes sir commander sir! I'll bet you two would like to hear about my super powers that make me an excellent addition to the cast!
Zaia: Fire away chief.
Robert Walper: Well for one thing I have been cybernetically enhanced with BOrg equipment! Isn't that amazing?
Fanboy: Is that what made your skin so pale?
Robert Walper: Nah it was already like this.
(Fanboy and Zaia begin taking notes, Fanboy mutters and opens a second beer)
Robert Walper: Watch as I use the ultimate Borg Battle Technique!
(Robert Walper begins lumbering slowly towards Fanboy and Zaia)
Zaia: Is that all?
Robert Walper: Well umm ahh, it works better when the rest of the collective is here but, well, they're all playing magic over at the comic book shop...
Fanboy: I think i've heard enough. *pulls lever*
(Robert Walper is ejected via springboard through the cieling and somewhere off into the distance. Cries of "Rabid Warsie Fucker" are heard off in the distance by those who care)
Fanboy: They aren't all like this are they?
Zaia: Let's hope not, candidate #2 is "The New England Patriot"
(Colonel Crackpot enters the scene)
Fanboy: Patriots fan eh?
Col. Crackpot: Damn straight, going all the way this year too!
Fanboy: Hard to argue (
There's something wrong with this guy....)
Zaia: So what's you full name?
Col. Crackpot: Colonel Crackpot Ma'am, dedicated New Englander and kicker of asses
Fanboy: (
New England.....hmmmmm....)
Zaia: And what exactly are you a Colonel of?
Col. Crackpot: We'll I led the Clam Chowdah Brigade in Bahston to victory over the....
Fanboy: A-HA!
Zaia: Fanboy what the fuck, sit down.
Fanboy: Tell me something, who is the greatest shortstop in all of baseball?
Col. Crackpot: Duuhhhh, No-MAAHHHH GAHH-ciapAHHHHA (Nomar Garciaparra)
Fanboy: Cowboy Up Yours Red Sox Loving Infidel! GO YANKEES! (Fanboy pulls a second lever and Col. Crackpot is dropped into a pit full of rabid mutated Dolphins)
Col. Crackpot: WE GOT ScHILLING!
Fanboy: Bastard! I'm going in after him (puts knife in his teeth)
Zaia: (Smacks Fanboy in the face with his own Oar) Sit down, i'm not doing this by myself.
Fanboy: (
Maryland Bitch, probably a damn Orioles fan)
Zaia: WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!
Fanboy: Nothing! I didn't say anything!
Zaia: Good, all right next up is...oh god...
Fanboy: What, lemme see the list.....Who's Raoul Duke Jr.?
RDJ: ZAIA! MY LOVE! I finally found you! By the way who are all those short guys calling for your deaths out there?
Fanboy: (looks over at Zaia) Hey, Z, is there something you're not telling me?
Zaia: just shut up.
Fanboy: Freinds don't keep secrets and secrets don't keep friends!
RDJ: It all began on that passionate magical day....
Zaia: Listen, he asked me out once, i took him up on the offer, nothing happened...
RDJ: Nothing? Oh ho ho If that's what you call hot hot hot sex, then yes we did nothing. ALL NIGHT LONG!

Z, dont tell me...
Zaia: We went to one party together and had some drinks. he got plastered off of Cosmopolitans and Wine coolers and I had to drive him home. I dragged his ass to the front door and when he finally got inside he touched my boob, I slapped him, and he calls me the next morning wondering why I left before breakfast.
Fanboy: Ok I see how it is.
(Zaia Starts reaching for the lever, Fanboy turns to Raoul Duke Jr)
Fanboy: You're hired,
Zaia: WHAT?!?!?!
Fanboy: You're first mission is to go outside and kill all of those little short duded in the red shirts. You have an weapons?
RDJ: I have this box of flexi straws in case Zaia and I ever want to share a milkshake, Oh Oh and I have a empty 20oz bottle of Dr. Pepper...
Fanboy: Perfect, go out there and kill all those Gnomes before they steal all of Zaia's skimpy neglige.
Fanboy: Hehehe, this shouldn't last long.
Zaia: Why the hell did you...
Fanboy: If he survives this then he's definitely worth bringing aboard, besides, how often is it that you get a guy who will do any sort of depraved task you ask for on the off chance he's downwind of your belches?
Zaia: YOu got a point but...screw it...Next candidate is...
Fanboy: Darth Garden Gnome doesn't feed them enough! You'll have to try and avoid leting them bite your nuts off!
Zaia: As I was saying, the next Candidate is.....Sinister of Min?
????: (compeltely cloaked figure from head to toe) Hahahaha I am the worst night mare of all GNOMES BWaHaHAH!
Fanboy: Give it a rest Alyrium.
Aylrium Denryle: How could you tell?
Fanboy: Between the fruity looking cloak and the inconspicuous Halo that clearly depicts you as "deceased"
Denryle: Ummm, I LIVED!
Fanboy: Sorry man.
Denryle: DAMN IT!
Zaia: That was odd, are you running out of ideas for writing the story?
Fanboy: Coulllllllld be. Tell you what, i'll read down the list name by name and you just say yea or nay. Then we'll get the hell out of here and back to the plot before any of those idiot fans of ours notice.
Zaia: Ummmm *points back at YOU THE READER thru the computer screen*
Fanboy: The hell? Zaia why are you...(looks at YOU THE READER) I was saying Gnome Hunter readers are intelligent and sexy and they vote for their favorite story Gnome Hunter to Win Sexiest Fic of the year as well as Golden Star Destroyer Awards. And to prove I love you, here's Zaia in a Bikini.
(Zaia walks out on to a mysteriously appeared runway and begins modeling various skimpy swimsuits)
Zaia: Fanboy ummmm
Fanboy: Hey! Nobody forced you!
Zaia: It's not that, but this is a text only story right? They can't even see me.
Fanboy: (points back at YOU THe READER) look! That guy already has a stiffy just thinking about it! Keep dancing While I go check on Raoul.
zaia: (Keeps posing but runs away because ONE OF YOU SICK AND TWISTED READERS just took off their pants and began making lewd gestures, way to go spoiling it for the rest of us dammit.)
Fanboy: hey Raoul did you...HOLY SHIT........
(nearly a hundred gnomes lie dead in a heap, many of them bearing holes that apear to have been made by a fiercely stabbing flexi straw, other bludgeoned to death by the plastic Dr. Pepper bottle. RDJ stands atop the pile of dead nomes, victorious)
RDJ: True Love conquers all!
Fanboy: I'll say, that's some damn fine work. Okay here's the deal. Zaia can't know you're alive.
RDJ: Why?
Fanboy: Listen, I need you to go on a mission for me, it wont be very easy.
RDJ: But Zaia...
Fanboy: Quiet down dammit or you'll spoil the surprise!
RDJ: SUrprise?
Fanboy: Yeah man! Okay, Zaia thnks you're dead, she'll lament about how brave you are and wish that she could just tell you how she really felt about you. Now during this you're going to run to the store and get me some survival supplies for my car. We'll need beer, chips, one of those things full of sprayy cheez, umm some Doritions, the Cool Ranch AND the Nacho...
RDJ: And this will get Zaia to love me?
Fanboy: What? Oh yeha listen I can't let you use my car because I need it for a few episodes, so you're going to have to hoof it.
RDJ: You mean walk?
Fanboy: He'll if you could hover i'd say do that. Now listen just run back to the nearest human town, that's umm, about a thousand miles away, and bring everything on the list.
RDJ: SWEET! Okay, I'll be right back!
(RDJ Runs off)
Zaia: (peeks from behind corner) Is he gone?
Fanboy: Umm yeah, I told him you went to ummm, (INSERT RIVAL AREA OF YOUR CHOICE).
Zaia: But why would he go there?
Fanboy: How would I know? they're all a bunch of sheep fuckers in (INSERT RIVAL AREA OF YOUR CHOICE) anyway.
Zaia: So we went through all of that just to still be stranded here in the Gnomelands by ourselves?
Fanboy: Don't worry, I know a guy.
Zaia: Be still my beating heart, we're saved now.
Fanboy: Would you rather go with Raoul?
Zaia: *Sighs* Lead the way...........