I would actually love to game with you guys sometime. Pity we live so far apart.Umbras wrote:Nah we talked about it on a few occasions after gaming, and Cyn has my trust and knows me welll enough to work out how Triz would react to situations. You should see when we game, we dont even have to say what we are going to do, We just go to town without even saying a word.
woe to the annoying NPC's when we are playing together
With Justice For None (Nalifan and Company)
Moderator: LadyTevar

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
The appeared outside of the gates of Nalifan's manse. Gaheris whipped his head around to make sure everyone was accounted for. "Let's get him inside," Kaeryn said.
"I can walk," Nalifan rasped.
Kaeryn through his arm over her shoulder and wrapped hers around him. "Sure you can. This is just in case you're weaker than you think you are." She extened Messina's chared skull to Gaheris. "Can you hold this? Be careful, it's still hot."
"Good thing we're both wearing gloves," he replied.
Kaeryn steadied the arch-mage and the whole group walked foreward. The gates swung open as they approached and they marched up the walkway to the door. "They'll be able to find me now," Nalifan said. "Anyone who left even a drop of blood behind can be found."
"There are ways of blocking even that," Astinius replied.
"Yes, but there are know ways of them blocking them finding out who you are or where I live," said Nalifan. "Fortunately my manse is well defended."
The approached the door. Imizael said, "I don't mean any disrespect or to trouble you so soon after your ordeal-"
"Out with it," Nalifan snapped. "You think my defences are too weak."
"The slaad is formidable but he is-"
"Merely a part of a greater whole. Now get me inside and this thrice cursed collar off me."
Laerasis was at the door. "My lord!"
"Get me to a work room." The drow woman held out an arm and Nalifan took it, slipping out of Kaeryn's grasp. He steadied himself and let go of Laerasis. "Let's go. The rest of you can make yourselves at home."
Gaheris watched him leave. "Not even a thank you," said Astinius. "Why am I not surprised."
"He is both grieving and showing weakness," said Kaeryn. "What is normal for one of his background is to ground someone into paste to show that he's still not to be trifled with. I suggest we give him a few moments to collect himself before we label him a hopeless ingrate."
"Fair enough," said Gaheris, "although your choice of bed mates leaves something to be desired." He handed her back Messina's skull.
"Almost got it," Laerasis said. She twisted the probe. "There." She dropped the tool and pulled the yoke apart. Nalifan took it from her hands and tossed it on the table.
"Thank you," he said.
"I take it things went badly, my lord?"
"Disasterous," he replied. "I committed several grievous errors."
She blinked in surprise. "My lord-"
"There is nothing for you to do about it." He rubbed his neck. "I must adjust my plans accordingly and rejoin my guests." He took inventory of his possessions. The Banites hadn't bothered to rob him but had taken the dagger and both of his remaining pieces of magic. They had, however, missed the adamantine wire. He picked up a long knife from the work room before leaving.
He found the rest of the adventurers at his sitting room. "My thanks for the rescue," he said as he entered.
"Our pleasure," Imizael replied. Astinius's expression indicated the sentiment wasn't quite universal.
"I don't leave my people behind," was all that Gaheris said.
"Of course," said Nalifan, his face a pleasant mask.
"Nal, I can restore her," Kaeryn said. "And Abbot Kazar as well."
"I doubt it," said the drow. "The altar stone is soul eater. Anyone killed on it or any soul brought to it is annhilated, they energy then being used to forge more weapons of power."
"So that's why the Banites are so well equipped," said Gaheris.
"That and the leadership of Jarval Kreed."
"Beshaba's Brats!" Gaheris cursed. "Doesn't any double damned Banite stay dead?"
"Apparently they've decided to emulate their god," said Nalifan as he slumped into a chair.
"You're sure it was Kreed?"
"Unless the artist who drew his likeness took great liberties, yes. And he admitted it. He could have been an impostor I suppose."
"Not likely," Gaheris admitted. "To command Razhal Ironfist you would need to be someone like Jarval Kreed."
"Who is Kreed?" Imizael asked.
"A High Imperceptor of Bane," Gaheris replied. "He was presumably killed in the Bane Death but he either survived or was resurrected. His soul is as dark as the pit, but his mind is as sharp as a razor. His power was equal all but the greatest Banites. He's a man who should have stayed dead." Gaheris' grim manner left no doubts that he would be ready to help in that matter.
"At any rate, if he was involved in the attck on the Abbey, he would have tried to capture the souls of leaders and would have the magic to do so. I imagine he would have felt a considerable amount of pleasure of not only denying those souls their just reward or a chance to return to life, but in being consumed to fuel the powering of more weapons for the followers of Bane."
Gaheris' face grew grim. "I'm not sure, of course," Nalifan said, "by all means have Kaeryn check on it, but that is, in my opinion, the likeliest outcome." He pushed himself to his feet. "Feel free to move about the manse. Do not attempt to enter a room with a locked door, for your own safety. I am sure you will need time to comes to terms with this and consider you next move." He walked towards a door.
"Where are you going?" Gaheris asked.
"To do the same. My feelings are not a public spectacle. My people will attend to your needs. Dinner, I think, will be in an hour or two. I will rejoin you then."
"I can walk," Nalifan rasped.
Kaeryn through his arm over her shoulder and wrapped hers around him. "Sure you can. This is just in case you're weaker than you think you are." She extened Messina's chared skull to Gaheris. "Can you hold this? Be careful, it's still hot."
"Good thing we're both wearing gloves," he replied.
Kaeryn steadied the arch-mage and the whole group walked foreward. The gates swung open as they approached and they marched up the walkway to the door. "They'll be able to find me now," Nalifan said. "Anyone who left even a drop of blood behind can be found."
"There are ways of blocking even that," Astinius replied.
"Yes, but there are know ways of them blocking them finding out who you are or where I live," said Nalifan. "Fortunately my manse is well defended."
The approached the door. Imizael said, "I don't mean any disrespect or to trouble you so soon after your ordeal-"
"Out with it," Nalifan snapped. "You think my defences are too weak."
"The slaad is formidable but he is-"
"Merely a part of a greater whole. Now get me inside and this thrice cursed collar off me."
Laerasis was at the door. "My lord!"
"Get me to a work room." The drow woman held out an arm and Nalifan took it, slipping out of Kaeryn's grasp. He steadied himself and let go of Laerasis. "Let's go. The rest of you can make yourselves at home."
Gaheris watched him leave. "Not even a thank you," said Astinius. "Why am I not surprised."
"He is both grieving and showing weakness," said Kaeryn. "What is normal for one of his background is to ground someone into paste to show that he's still not to be trifled with. I suggest we give him a few moments to collect himself before we label him a hopeless ingrate."
"Fair enough," said Gaheris, "although your choice of bed mates leaves something to be desired." He handed her back Messina's skull.
"Almost got it," Laerasis said. She twisted the probe. "There." She dropped the tool and pulled the yoke apart. Nalifan took it from her hands and tossed it on the table.
"Thank you," he said.
"I take it things went badly, my lord?"
"Disasterous," he replied. "I committed several grievous errors."
She blinked in surprise. "My lord-"
"There is nothing for you to do about it." He rubbed his neck. "I must adjust my plans accordingly and rejoin my guests." He took inventory of his possessions. The Banites hadn't bothered to rob him but had taken the dagger and both of his remaining pieces of magic. They had, however, missed the adamantine wire. He picked up a long knife from the work room before leaving.
He found the rest of the adventurers at his sitting room. "My thanks for the rescue," he said as he entered.
"Our pleasure," Imizael replied. Astinius's expression indicated the sentiment wasn't quite universal.
"I don't leave my people behind," was all that Gaheris said.
"Of course," said Nalifan, his face a pleasant mask.
"Nal, I can restore her," Kaeryn said. "And Abbot Kazar as well."
"I doubt it," said the drow. "The altar stone is soul eater. Anyone killed on it or any soul brought to it is annhilated, they energy then being used to forge more weapons of power."
"So that's why the Banites are so well equipped," said Gaheris.
"That and the leadership of Jarval Kreed."
"Beshaba's Brats!" Gaheris cursed. "Doesn't any double damned Banite stay dead?"
"Apparently they've decided to emulate their god," said Nalifan as he slumped into a chair.
"You're sure it was Kreed?"
"Unless the artist who drew his likeness took great liberties, yes. And he admitted it. He could have been an impostor I suppose."
"Not likely," Gaheris admitted. "To command Razhal Ironfist you would need to be someone like Jarval Kreed."
"Who is Kreed?" Imizael asked.
"A High Imperceptor of Bane," Gaheris replied. "He was presumably killed in the Bane Death but he either survived or was resurrected. His soul is as dark as the pit, but his mind is as sharp as a razor. His power was equal all but the greatest Banites. He's a man who should have stayed dead." Gaheris' grim manner left no doubts that he would be ready to help in that matter.
"At any rate, if he was involved in the attck on the Abbey, he would have tried to capture the souls of leaders and would have the magic to do so. I imagine he would have felt a considerable amount of pleasure of not only denying those souls their just reward or a chance to return to life, but in being consumed to fuel the powering of more weapons for the followers of Bane."
Gaheris' face grew grim. "I'm not sure, of course," Nalifan said, "by all means have Kaeryn check on it, but that is, in my opinion, the likeliest outcome." He pushed himself to his feet. "Feel free to move about the manse. Do not attempt to enter a room with a locked door, for your own safety. I am sure you will need time to comes to terms with this and consider you next move." He walked towards a door.
"Where are you going?" Gaheris asked.
"To do the same. My feelings are not a public spectacle. My people will attend to your needs. Dinner, I think, will be in an hour or two. I will rejoin you then."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
You do not wish to know. And you will regret trying to get inside.The Nomad wrote:Just out of curiosity, what kinds of things can you expect behind those locked doors ?
Kaeryn would be torn between offering comfort, and giving Nal his space to grieve. Either way, she'll be just as interested in getting vengence as he is.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Dinner was nearly an hour latter. Night had long since fallen and the staff had turned on the house's glow globes as well as preparing dinner. Platers of vegetables and cold meats were put placed on the table, as well as several bowls of sauces. Flagons of wine, beer, and chilled water were brought forth. The adventurers pecked at the food, with the exception of Gaheris.
Some habits learned in childhood were hard to break and when the battle to obtain food had been life and death one, one did not linger in the presence of food. While his subsequent experiences had mellowed his behavior, the paladin bolted down the appetizers with considerable gusto.
"Never," said Imizael in response to a question from Astinius.
"Until today, I've never taken an intelligent life." She wasn't touching any of the food.
Astinius munched on an olive. "I am sorry to say that I have done it often. I am by nature a peaceful being, but Mystra seems to have called me for a higher purpose. Truth be told, some of those I have killed deserve much worse than they recieved at my hands."
Nalifan arrived as the bowls of mushroom soup were being served. His people were careful not to look at him directly when he was watching, but their concern was palpable. With a twitch of his fingers he levitated a flagon of white wine over and had it fill his glass.
Nalifan picked up a spoon and began to rapidly eat his soup, pausing only to take sips of wine. The others joined in, partaking in both soup and appetizers. The conversation had died away, with the exception of Astinius relating a story involving his defence of a hillside village from goblin raiders and his refusal of any reward or payment. Eventually, his story ended and all conversation died away.
The staff cleared away the soup bowls and brought in two roasted fowls as the main course. Laerasis presided, wielding a long handled prong and razor edged knife with practiced skill. With flicks of the blade she described cuts and then deftly sliced pieces off the birds and put them on the diner's plates.
After she had served everyone and withdrawn, Gaheris cleared his throat. "Circumstances have changed," he said. "We need to hit them hard. Now. I need options."
"Nal," said Kaeryn, "are you up for this?"
"Yes," said Nalifan, "although I will not be participating."
"What?" Gaheris almost shouted.
"My reasons for urgency are gone," said Nalifan. "I have other, urgent matters to attend to and Messina is gone. I see no reason to continue this struggle with a fraction of my total power and resources when I can spend my time more profitably recovering them."
"By which time the Night Masks will own Westgate!" shouted Gaheris. He slammed his fist down on the table, making the cutlery dance.
"That will happen anyway," said Nalifan, tenting his fingers, "unless I am in error. Since I have committed several of those recently, I don't discount the possibility. In any case, you have the aid of a high priestess, an arch-mage, and elven high mage whose powers exceeds my own. A not insignifigant force."
"So you're just going to cut and run?" Gaheris said with disgust.
"My interest in this matter was quite clear from the beginning, as were your conditions for assistance. I choose not to continue our arrangement. You may remain as guests at my manse until your business in Westgate is concluded."
Morfindel's voice was barely above a whisper, but it could be heard across the table. "What about revenge? They tortured you, almost killed you and they did worse to her. They consumed her soul. Are you going to let that go unanswered."
Nalifan's answering smile was full of cruel confidence. "Oh, I will attend to that. In my own time and in the manner I see fit."
Some habits learned in childhood were hard to break and when the battle to obtain food had been life and death one, one did not linger in the presence of food. While his subsequent experiences had mellowed his behavior, the paladin bolted down the appetizers with considerable gusto.
"Never," said Imizael in response to a question from Astinius.
"Until today, I've never taken an intelligent life." She wasn't touching any of the food.
Astinius munched on an olive. "I am sorry to say that I have done it often. I am by nature a peaceful being, but Mystra seems to have called me for a higher purpose. Truth be told, some of those I have killed deserve much worse than they recieved at my hands."
Nalifan arrived as the bowls of mushroom soup were being served. His people were careful not to look at him directly when he was watching, but their concern was palpable. With a twitch of his fingers he levitated a flagon of white wine over and had it fill his glass.
Nalifan picked up a spoon and began to rapidly eat his soup, pausing only to take sips of wine. The others joined in, partaking in both soup and appetizers. The conversation had died away, with the exception of Astinius relating a story involving his defence of a hillside village from goblin raiders and his refusal of any reward or payment. Eventually, his story ended and all conversation died away.
The staff cleared away the soup bowls and brought in two roasted fowls as the main course. Laerasis presided, wielding a long handled prong and razor edged knife with practiced skill. With flicks of the blade she described cuts and then deftly sliced pieces off the birds and put them on the diner's plates.
After she had served everyone and withdrawn, Gaheris cleared his throat. "Circumstances have changed," he said. "We need to hit them hard. Now. I need options."
"Nal," said Kaeryn, "are you up for this?"
"Yes," said Nalifan, "although I will not be participating."
"What?" Gaheris almost shouted.
"My reasons for urgency are gone," said Nalifan. "I have other, urgent matters to attend to and Messina is gone. I see no reason to continue this struggle with a fraction of my total power and resources when I can spend my time more profitably recovering them."
"By which time the Night Masks will own Westgate!" shouted Gaheris. He slammed his fist down on the table, making the cutlery dance.
"That will happen anyway," said Nalifan, tenting his fingers, "unless I am in error. Since I have committed several of those recently, I don't discount the possibility. In any case, you have the aid of a high priestess, an arch-mage, and elven high mage whose powers exceeds my own. A not insignifigant force."
"So you're just going to cut and run?" Gaheris said with disgust.
"My interest in this matter was quite clear from the beginning, as were your conditions for assistance. I choose not to continue our arrangement. You may remain as guests at my manse until your business in Westgate is concluded."
Morfindel's voice was barely above a whisper, but it could be heard across the table. "What about revenge? They tortured you, almost killed you and they did worse to her. They consumed her soul. Are you going to let that go unanswered."
Nalifan's answering smile was full of cruel confidence. "Oh, I will attend to that. In my own time and in the manner I see fit."
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2006-05-12 06:51pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Rogue 9
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Dead on, I must say. 

It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Kaeryn knocked on the door. "Nal, we need to talk." The door swung open, revealing the solarium. Nalifan stood at a window, looking at the stars. She closed the door behind her as she entered the room. "What in the Abyss are you trying to pull?"
"Nothing," he replied. "I am merely adjusting to the reality of the situation. I have other, pressing concerns besides Westgate."
"They'll consolidate power, grow stronger."
"Dammit, face me when I'm talking to you!"
He turned. "As you wish."
"Nal, I know you are hurting and trying not to show it but this isn't a good choice."
"On the contrary, it is one of the better decisions I have made recently. I permitted Messina to remain in that city, I have indulged Gaheris, I have overestimated our allies, and I have underestiated the Night Masks. The consequences of those failures speak for themselves."
"You weren't the only making decisions," she said. "We agreed to them."
"Compromises," he said bitterly, "that were made because I could suggest and not command. That you agreed to them does not make them the error any less mine."
"I recall a decision to save you."
"And for that I am greatful, do not misunderstand me. My gratitude does not extend into continuing folly. I shall reclaim what is mine and then I shall return to this matter. When I do my heart shall be cold and my mind focused."
"Is this how you are going to deal with Messina's death?"
"She didn't die, she was annhilated. It would have been better for her if when I had first obtained her I had raped her, gutted her, and thrown her dying body to the riding beasts. Instead my mercy and my desire for her good regard resulted in her obliteration." He shook his head. "When I wanted her good opinion my judgement was flawed. Now I am fire and ice and my mind is clear. Truly, I must be drow."
"Is that it then?"
"Yes, I think it is. The short game is lost but the long game can still be won."
"And what do you think I am going to do?"
"I don't know. Whatever you feel is right, of course. I will admit matters of conscience are not one of my areas of expertise. I have given you the courtesy of sharing my plans and I would appreciate it if you would reciprocate."
"Sometime Nal I almost think I love you. And other times, times like now, I want to throw you off a cliff." With that she turned and left.
Imizael was waiting for her when she crossed through the dining hall. "How did it go?" the high mage asked.
"How did you know?"
"It was a predictable move. I may have very little experience with battle, but I am somewhat more experienced in tempestous relationships."
"He hasn't changed his mind."
"Unfortunate," Imizael replied. "What are you going to do?"
"I can't just abandon these people mid campaign," said Kaeryn. "And you?"
"I suppose you could say the same for me."
"You owe me," said Kaeryn.
"You used that spell of yours to get me to trust you, open up to you, treat you as if you were a friend. You owe me answers."
"The spell wasn't intended to for that. It was, well," she stopped. "It was to smooth things over during negotiations. I didn't intend to take advantage of you. You have my apologies."
"I want more than that. I want the truth you haven't spoken. Why were you so eager to join us?"
There was a moment of silence. It stretched to fill an akward gulf of time until Imizael spoke. "Very well. You are right, I owe you that much. My family is old, very old. It goes all the way back to Aryvandaar."
"Vyshaaran," Kaeryn whispered.
"Yes. My family produced high mages even then. High mages that assisted in the conquest and opression of their fellow elves. High mages that must have caused the Dark Disaster and kept their silence when it was called an accident. High mages that had to know their colleagues were dealing with corrupt powers if they weren't doing so themselves. They participated in crimes up until it was clear that the days of Vyshaar were done. Then they switched sides and tried to bury their crimes. They claimed ignorance and repentence. Some of it might have been true, but some of it was surely lies."
She paused a moment. "They were forgiven. Forgiven. The drow were cursed and driven into the Underdark. The Miyeritar were innocent, the victims of my ancestors and they were punished for crimes they never committed. My ancestors were forgiven. Oh they lost status, but they regained that eventually. Where is the justice in that?
"So I decided I would help the drow who wanted to leave the darkness. It was only fair. I wasn't the only one to feel a sense of obligation. My sister turned her talents to battle and to guarding the dark places of the world. She called me a coward for refusing to confront evil. I called her a monster for rejecting mercy. We were both right. So when confronted with whether or not to try and save Westgate, I chose to help."
"That's a lot to carry."
"Yes and I shall cary for as long as I live." She shrugged. "Justice, of a sort, I think."
"Nothing," he replied. "I am merely adjusting to the reality of the situation. I have other, pressing concerns besides Westgate."
"They'll consolidate power, grow stronger."
"Dammit, face me when I'm talking to you!"
He turned. "As you wish."
"Nal, I know you are hurting and trying not to show it but this isn't a good choice."
"On the contrary, it is one of the better decisions I have made recently. I permitted Messina to remain in that city, I have indulged Gaheris, I have overestimated our allies, and I have underestiated the Night Masks. The consequences of those failures speak for themselves."
"You weren't the only making decisions," she said. "We agreed to them."
"Compromises," he said bitterly, "that were made because I could suggest and not command. That you agreed to them does not make them the error any less mine."
"I recall a decision to save you."
"And for that I am greatful, do not misunderstand me. My gratitude does not extend into continuing folly. I shall reclaim what is mine and then I shall return to this matter. When I do my heart shall be cold and my mind focused."
"Is this how you are going to deal with Messina's death?"
"She didn't die, she was annhilated. It would have been better for her if when I had first obtained her I had raped her, gutted her, and thrown her dying body to the riding beasts. Instead my mercy and my desire for her good regard resulted in her obliteration." He shook his head. "When I wanted her good opinion my judgement was flawed. Now I am fire and ice and my mind is clear. Truly, I must be drow."
"Is that it then?"
"Yes, I think it is. The short game is lost but the long game can still be won."
"And what do you think I am going to do?"
"I don't know. Whatever you feel is right, of course. I will admit matters of conscience are not one of my areas of expertise. I have given you the courtesy of sharing my plans and I would appreciate it if you would reciprocate."
"Sometime Nal I almost think I love you. And other times, times like now, I want to throw you off a cliff." With that she turned and left.
Imizael was waiting for her when she crossed through the dining hall. "How did it go?" the high mage asked.
"How did you know?"
"It was a predictable move. I may have very little experience with battle, but I am somewhat more experienced in tempestous relationships."
"He hasn't changed his mind."
"Unfortunate," Imizael replied. "What are you going to do?"
"I can't just abandon these people mid campaign," said Kaeryn. "And you?"
"I suppose you could say the same for me."
"You owe me," said Kaeryn.
"You used that spell of yours to get me to trust you, open up to you, treat you as if you were a friend. You owe me answers."
"The spell wasn't intended to for that. It was, well," she stopped. "It was to smooth things over during negotiations. I didn't intend to take advantage of you. You have my apologies."
"I want more than that. I want the truth you haven't spoken. Why were you so eager to join us?"
There was a moment of silence. It stretched to fill an akward gulf of time until Imizael spoke. "Very well. You are right, I owe you that much. My family is old, very old. It goes all the way back to Aryvandaar."
"Vyshaaran," Kaeryn whispered.
"Yes. My family produced high mages even then. High mages that assisted in the conquest and opression of their fellow elves. High mages that must have caused the Dark Disaster and kept their silence when it was called an accident. High mages that had to know their colleagues were dealing with corrupt powers if they weren't doing so themselves. They participated in crimes up until it was clear that the days of Vyshaar were done. Then they switched sides and tried to bury their crimes. They claimed ignorance and repentence. Some of it might have been true, but some of it was surely lies."
She paused a moment. "They were forgiven. Forgiven. The drow were cursed and driven into the Underdark. The Miyeritar were innocent, the victims of my ancestors and they were punished for crimes they never committed. My ancestors were forgiven. Oh they lost status, but they regained that eventually. Where is the justice in that?
"So I decided I would help the drow who wanted to leave the darkness. It was only fair. I wasn't the only one to feel a sense of obligation. My sister turned her talents to battle and to guarding the dark places of the world. She called me a coward for refusing to confront evil. I called her a monster for rejecting mercy. We were both right. So when confronted with whether or not to try and save Westgate, I chose to help."
"That's a lot to carry."
"Yes and I shall cary for as long as I live." She shrugged. "Justice, of a sort, I think."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Nalifan hummed a murder ballad under his breath as he arranged the workroom. Brute force, as a solution to problems, was widely underestimated. Sometimes though, such as now, it did not suffice. He could not scry on the location of his death or on the person responsible, but that did not put such information beyond the reach of his magic. He could scry on himself, or more specifically, his past.
There were complications, of course. The difficulties of sifting through the time stream would daunt a less mage, but were well within his capabilities. No, the difficulty would be in recording every last scrap of information for analysis. For that he needed appropriate foci to act as holders of images and sensations. Mirrors were the best tools he had in sufficient number, but this workroom didn't have anywhere nearly enough. Time to plunder unused ones from the rest of the manse.
The drow left the room and began walking his halls. It was well past midnight and the humans, with their need to sleep, had retired to bed. Only he and his drow servants were up. He took a mirror with a gilded frame out of one of the surviving atrociously decorated outer offices and returned with it to the workroom. Not enough yet, but a start both thaumaturgically and aesthetically. He really should get around to renovating those last few rooms.
He almost bumped into Astinius on his way out. "Why am I not surprised that you have decided to abandon the fight?" the sun elf sneared.
Nalifan smiled. Of course the sun elves didn't need sleep any more than the drow did, even if they prefered the daylight hours. "Really? If you anticipated these results, why didn't act differently. The results, as you say, were predictable."
"You are an arrogant son of a bitch."
"Yes, and by using those words you reveal just how much more time you have spent in the company of humans than of elves. My behavior, as you say, was entirely predictable. It wasn't like my interests were hidden. Save Messina and earn her favour. Oh, and incidently, not be known as someone who it is advantageous to coerce."
"And now that she's dead you don't give a damn."
"Now that she has been obliterated the issue is much less urgent. My revenge will be terrible, you may be assured of that." Nalifan smiled. It was a terrible thing to behold. "The time table and its occurence will be of my chosing."
"And what will Kaeryn think of you?" Astinius taunted.
"Oh nothing favorable I imagine. Of course, of the two of us here I am the one who doesn't loath himself, so I'll do just fine."
"You're deluded if you think you know me drow."
"You're lying little faerie. You do that alot, especially to yourself. Why, of all the virtious souls in this group, are you the only one who has to brag about all the good deeds you have done? Not Kaeryn, not Gaheris, not Morfindel, but Astinius. Your not merely afraid of being touched, you don't even like to see your own reflection in the mirror. And I know why." Nalifan's voice dropped to a taunting whisper. "You're not the pure, innocent victim you pretend to be."
"You're sick," said Astinius. "And you're no better than the monsters I've killed."
"Changing the subject, are we? Let me guess, the story goes something like this: orphaned elf boy sold or captured by evil wizard. Evil wizard likes lithe young boys in his bed. Evil wizard rapes young elf boy for a long, long time."
Astinius's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. "That's the easy part. You practically give it away, but that's your intention. You want their pity, their affection. This is where the story gets less clear, but that's because this is where the lying starts. Evil wizard starts training the elf boy in the Art. Is this because the wizard wants the elf boy to love him or is this because the elf boy realizes this is his best exit from his hell and starts playing the whore to get the Art? Or is it a combination of the two? Ahh, I see it in your eyes. The hate. Yes, I'm close. Don't feel to bad about it. I can read you so well because I am drow and cruelty and manipulation, especially in sexual relationships, is an artform among us. Literally in some cases."
"But I degress. What happens next? Running away is natural move, but that isn't the one you make, is it? So what did you do Astinius?"
"I killed him. Its what I do to slavers and rapists."
"A threat from the mighty master of counterspells. Such a . . . . passive use of magic. And one that depends on timing as well. One must be swift enough to have the right counterspell ready as the enemy casts. One must be strong enough to overcome the enemy spell. You think you're fast enough to take me, don't you? Perhaps even turn my own spells back against me. But you know I'm fast and that I have unusual and powerful magic at my command. You worry that maybe you won't be fast enough, maybe even if you are your counters will fail and your flesh will wither and slough off your bones."
"Try me drow."
"I try not to murder my house guests. Its hard enough getting new allies as it is. If you, Gaheris, and Morfindel had decided to taking a different route to establishing the terms of our alliance I might still be with you. If you had been, say Trizkel, it would still be my top priority. But this interesting side issue is really just a distraction. How did you kill your former master? Poison? A knife?"
"With magic."
"A spell duel?"
"Yes. I won, he lost."
"You mean you stayed long enough to learn enough magic that you could defeat him? Passing up the opportunities to escape that must have presented themselves? What aren't you saying?"
"You're the genius, you figure it out."
"Ahh. So you liked it," said Nalifan. Astinius' eyes flashed with rage. "You were such a good little whore that you came to enjoy it. That is the conclusion you've left me with. It explains the guilt and shame so well. Maybe you got a taste for young boys yourself."
"I should burn you where you stand!"
"Try it. Of course, that means commiting to something other than counterspelling. A know a working of marvellous brevity. Its effects are equisitely lethal. Do you wish to pit your spells against my magics, your speed against mine, your faerie flesh against my magic resistant hide?"
"Your mind is a sewer."
"So you say. Yet you are the one who is hiding shameful secrets. Shall we go back to discussing your master? Maybe it wasn't hate that caused you to turn on him. After all you had stayed with him all that time. Maybe it was something else. Maybe you were getting to old. Maybe he had found a new boy. Yes, yes that is it. I can see the fear in your eyes. Was it jealousy? Or despair that you would no longer have a place in the world, a teacher for that Art? That all you had endoured had bought you no security at all?"
"You're half right," said Astinius bitterly. "You actually have been right if your mind could encompass a decent thought. He did have his eye on a boy. I couldn't let him do to him what he had done to me so I challenged him. I wasn't strong enough to beat him. He should have killed me, but by Mystra's grace and Tymora's luck touched me and I won."
"Delightful. You say it with such practiced ease. If I hadn't ever heard a well rehearsed lie before I might believe you."
"Suit yourself drow. Just because you cannot imagine decency doesn't mean there isn't any in the world."
"Then why do you hate yourself Astinius? You may fool the others, but you don't fool me. You want to be liked so much, you want to be seen as good. A distraction to hide the sewer, to borrow your word, of your feelings and desires. You can fool them, because they see your pitiful display and their hearts and minds go soft. But I am pitiless and I see the truth that you hide. You aren't as pure as the driven snow." The drow leaned close. "And do you know why you are so easy to read? Because you reek of fear, just like all prey. It rules you. It makes you weak and your secrets all to easy to extract."
Astinius' flinched away. Nalifan laughed and pressed closer. "Run away little faerie. This world belongs to the strong and despite all your learning and all your spells you are still the weak. Run away and maybe I shall not dig any further into your shame. Perhaps I will decline to share my observations with the others. Or perhaps not."
Astinius turned around and walked stiffly away. Nalifan watched him go. If Astinius was strong he would confront what he loathed about himself, but he wasn't. He would continue to nurture the shame or guilt from whatever hidden desires he had or transgressions he had made, continue to covet the role of the victim and the approval of others. To be an arch-mage and to play the weakling. What could be more revolting than that?
There were complications, of course. The difficulties of sifting through the time stream would daunt a less mage, but were well within his capabilities. No, the difficulty would be in recording every last scrap of information for analysis. For that he needed appropriate foci to act as holders of images and sensations. Mirrors were the best tools he had in sufficient number, but this workroom didn't have anywhere nearly enough. Time to plunder unused ones from the rest of the manse.
The drow left the room and began walking his halls. It was well past midnight and the humans, with their need to sleep, had retired to bed. Only he and his drow servants were up. He took a mirror with a gilded frame out of one of the surviving atrociously decorated outer offices and returned with it to the workroom. Not enough yet, but a start both thaumaturgically and aesthetically. He really should get around to renovating those last few rooms.
He almost bumped into Astinius on his way out. "Why am I not surprised that you have decided to abandon the fight?" the sun elf sneared.
Nalifan smiled. Of course the sun elves didn't need sleep any more than the drow did, even if they prefered the daylight hours. "Really? If you anticipated these results, why didn't act differently. The results, as you say, were predictable."
"You are an arrogant son of a bitch."
"Yes, and by using those words you reveal just how much more time you have spent in the company of humans than of elves. My behavior, as you say, was entirely predictable. It wasn't like my interests were hidden. Save Messina and earn her favour. Oh, and incidently, not be known as someone who it is advantageous to coerce."
"And now that she's dead you don't give a damn."
"Now that she has been obliterated the issue is much less urgent. My revenge will be terrible, you may be assured of that." Nalifan smiled. It was a terrible thing to behold. "The time table and its occurence will be of my chosing."
"And what will Kaeryn think of you?" Astinius taunted.
"Oh nothing favorable I imagine. Of course, of the two of us here I am the one who doesn't loath himself, so I'll do just fine."
"You're deluded if you think you know me drow."
"You're lying little faerie. You do that alot, especially to yourself. Why, of all the virtious souls in this group, are you the only one who has to brag about all the good deeds you have done? Not Kaeryn, not Gaheris, not Morfindel, but Astinius. Your not merely afraid of being touched, you don't even like to see your own reflection in the mirror. And I know why." Nalifan's voice dropped to a taunting whisper. "You're not the pure, innocent victim you pretend to be."
"You're sick," said Astinius. "And you're no better than the monsters I've killed."
"Changing the subject, are we? Let me guess, the story goes something like this: orphaned elf boy sold or captured by evil wizard. Evil wizard likes lithe young boys in his bed. Evil wizard rapes young elf boy for a long, long time."
Astinius's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. "That's the easy part. You practically give it away, but that's your intention. You want their pity, their affection. This is where the story gets less clear, but that's because this is where the lying starts. Evil wizard starts training the elf boy in the Art. Is this because the wizard wants the elf boy to love him or is this because the elf boy realizes this is his best exit from his hell and starts playing the whore to get the Art? Or is it a combination of the two? Ahh, I see it in your eyes. The hate. Yes, I'm close. Don't feel to bad about it. I can read you so well because I am drow and cruelty and manipulation, especially in sexual relationships, is an artform among us. Literally in some cases."
"But I degress. What happens next? Running away is natural move, but that isn't the one you make, is it? So what did you do Astinius?"
"I killed him. Its what I do to slavers and rapists."
"A threat from the mighty master of counterspells. Such a . . . . passive use of magic. And one that depends on timing as well. One must be swift enough to have the right counterspell ready as the enemy casts. One must be strong enough to overcome the enemy spell. You think you're fast enough to take me, don't you? Perhaps even turn my own spells back against me. But you know I'm fast and that I have unusual and powerful magic at my command. You worry that maybe you won't be fast enough, maybe even if you are your counters will fail and your flesh will wither and slough off your bones."
"Try me drow."
"I try not to murder my house guests. Its hard enough getting new allies as it is. If you, Gaheris, and Morfindel had decided to taking a different route to establishing the terms of our alliance I might still be with you. If you had been, say Trizkel, it would still be my top priority. But this interesting side issue is really just a distraction. How did you kill your former master? Poison? A knife?"
"With magic."
"A spell duel?"
"Yes. I won, he lost."
"You mean you stayed long enough to learn enough magic that you could defeat him? Passing up the opportunities to escape that must have presented themselves? What aren't you saying?"
"You're the genius, you figure it out."
"Ahh. So you liked it," said Nalifan. Astinius' eyes flashed with rage. "You were such a good little whore that you came to enjoy it. That is the conclusion you've left me with. It explains the guilt and shame so well. Maybe you got a taste for young boys yourself."
"I should burn you where you stand!"
"Try it. Of course, that means commiting to something other than counterspelling. A know a working of marvellous brevity. Its effects are equisitely lethal. Do you wish to pit your spells against my magics, your speed against mine, your faerie flesh against my magic resistant hide?"
"Your mind is a sewer."
"So you say. Yet you are the one who is hiding shameful secrets. Shall we go back to discussing your master? Maybe it wasn't hate that caused you to turn on him. After all you had stayed with him all that time. Maybe it was something else. Maybe you were getting to old. Maybe he had found a new boy. Yes, yes that is it. I can see the fear in your eyes. Was it jealousy? Or despair that you would no longer have a place in the world, a teacher for that Art? That all you had endoured had bought you no security at all?"
"You're half right," said Astinius bitterly. "You actually have been right if your mind could encompass a decent thought. He did have his eye on a boy. I couldn't let him do to him what he had done to me so I challenged him. I wasn't strong enough to beat him. He should have killed me, but by Mystra's grace and Tymora's luck touched me and I won."
"Delightful. You say it with such practiced ease. If I hadn't ever heard a well rehearsed lie before I might believe you."
"Suit yourself drow. Just because you cannot imagine decency doesn't mean there isn't any in the world."
"Then why do you hate yourself Astinius? You may fool the others, but you don't fool me. You want to be liked so much, you want to be seen as good. A distraction to hide the sewer, to borrow your word, of your feelings and desires. You can fool them, because they see your pitiful display and their hearts and minds go soft. But I am pitiless and I see the truth that you hide. You aren't as pure as the driven snow." The drow leaned close. "And do you know why you are so easy to read? Because you reek of fear, just like all prey. It rules you. It makes you weak and your secrets all to easy to extract."
Astinius' flinched away. Nalifan laughed and pressed closer. "Run away little faerie. This world belongs to the strong and despite all your learning and all your spells you are still the weak. Run away and maybe I shall not dig any further into your shame. Perhaps I will decline to share my observations with the others. Or perhaps not."
Astinius turned around and walked stiffly away. Nalifan watched him go. If Astinius was strong he would confront what he loathed about himself, but he wasn't. He would continue to nurture the shame or guilt from whatever hidden desires he had or transgressions he had made, continue to covet the role of the victim and the approval of others. To be an arch-mage and to play the weakling. What could be more revolting than that?
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
... ouch.
That was just beautiful, taking Astinius apart like that. *applauds*
That was just beautiful, taking Astinius apart like that. *applauds*

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Rogue 9
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Astinius has been surrounded by paladins, clerics, suspicious rogues, and most importantly justiciars of Tyr who dislike his order and have the power to root something like this out in seconds, and it hasn't come out before now? Somehow I think Nalifan's reaching. 

It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
Or no one's thougth to do more than just take his word for it. After all, out of the two of them, Nal & Astinius, which one is the Paladin, Cleric, Rogue, or Justicar going to use the "Sense Lies" upon?Rogue 9 wrote:Astinius has been surrounded by paladins, clerics, suspicious rogues, and most importantly justiciars of Tyr who dislike his order and have the power to root something like this out in seconds, and it hasn't come out before now? Somehow I think Nalifan's reaching.
I'll bet it's not the High Elf getting dirty looks
EDIT: Comp shut off... stupid auto-update at work
Last edited by LadyTevar on 2006-05-15 04:02pm, edited 1 time in total.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
That what hasn't come out? That Astinius was emotionally damaged by decades of abuse? That his motivations might not have been absolutely pure? No justicar of Tyr has the power to "easily root out" mixed emotions regarding his abuser in seconds, nor would a justicar who had be particularily surprised to find it. I'm surprised that you would believe guilt and emotional trauma in a character whose central concept is that he has been emotionally traumatized to be hard to believe.Rogue 9 wrote:Astinius has been surrounded by paladins, clerics, suspicious rogues, and most importantly justiciars of Tyr who dislike his order and have the power to root something like this out in seconds, and it hasn't come out before now? Somehow I think Nalifan's reaching.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Breakfast was a strained affair. Grim faced servants placed pitchers of juice, milk, and water on the table along with platters of bread, muffins, cheese, honey, butter, jam, and hard boiled eggs. Nalifan was conspicious by his absence. Astinius and Imizael were also not present.
"They don't look to happy," said Gaheris.
"I just broke my word to their lord, who saved them from a slave pen and has to considerable lengths and expense to ensure their saftey in the past," Kaeryn replied. "They aren't happy with me. Word travels quickly I suppose."
"You're doing the right thing," Gaheris said as he cracked the shell of a hard boiled egg and began peeling it off. Morfindel speared several chunks of cantellope off a tray.
"I know. The people of Westgate need help now and I can't just abandon this fight. I've told myself that at least ten times. I'm still breaking my word to him and I don't like the taste that's leaving in my mouth."
"A bad place to be," Gaheris replied, "but situations change and sometimes what you swore to do is less important than what you need to do. It isn't easy, it shouldn't be easy, but sometimes your word must break."
"Yeah," she said, "but to do it to him right after Messina's death, I'm not proud of that."
"He chose to walk away from the fight. You chose to stay. We pulled him out of there, we saved him from worse than death and he turned his back."
"If we had had his back, he wouldn't have needed rescuing in the first place," she said. "Its not fair, both of us were down, but that doesn't change that no one backed him up either. If Mikos or Kuuni had been there. . . ." Her voice trailed off and she took a swig from her glass of orange juice.
"Or Trizkel?"
"You've been digging."
"Yes. Information isn't power, but it is the key to using what power you have well."
"You don't want to be around when Trizkel learns of this mess," said Kaeryn. "Hades, I don't want to be around when Trizkel learns of this mess. Just hope he doesn't decide that everyone involved needs instruction by ordeal." She finished off her juice and refilled the glass.
"Imagine the most sadistic drow and toughest arms instructor merged into the same body and then deciding that some poor bastards need to learn something the hard way. That isn't as bad as Trizkel, but it at least gets you to the right region."
"Hmm," Gaheris replied and began salting his egg. He bit off the top half as Astinius entered the room. He sat down nervously equal distance from everyone. "Are you alright?"
"Yes," he replied. "Rough night, that's all." He put several slices of cheese and apple onto his plate before filling a glass of milk.
"The dreams again?" Gaheris asked.
"Dreams doesn't really describe it, but no." He buttered a piece of bread.
"I see the genius who mistakes cruelty for strength is absent. What about Imizael?"
"Haven't seen her," said Gaheris.
"She'll be with us," said Kaeryn.
"You sure?"
"I spoke with her last night. She feels a strong obligation to help."
"I can't go further into it without betraying a confidence."
Gaheris nodded. "Good enough."
"What's the plan?" Morfindel asked.
"That's what we are going to discuss. Now-" Gaheris was interrupted by Imizael's entrance. She sat down quitely next to Kaeryn.
"Please continue with what you were going to say," said the high mage.
"Are you with us?" Gaheris asked.
"Yes. I was just clarifying certain matters with our host."
"And?" asked Kaeryn.
"We are welcome to stay and make use of the manse as a strongpoint. He believes our strategy will be less than successful, he made no mistake about that, but was certainly pleased to support our attacks against people he hates."
"I love his respect for our abilities," said Astinius. "I'm up for making him eat those words."
"So am I," said Gaheris. "The problem is the best plan I can think of right now is his."
"So?" said Astinius. "He isn't stupid. Just because he thinks that his 'inferiors' aren't up to the task doesn't make him right. He doesn't quite overestimate us, does he?"
"He admits my superiority at high magic readily enough," said Imizael. "I was also raised not to insult one's host while eating at his table. I do not think such manners have become outdated."
Astinius nodded. "As you say. If nothing else, the man can hire a formidable cooking staff." He peeled off a grape and dropped it into his mouth.
"What is the plan Gaheris?" Imizael asked.
"Hit a bunch of Banites and their minders by surprise so they don't have time to signal back. Squeeze them for information so we can find their temple and hit it."
Astinius nodded. "It should work. The only thing we know about where they lair is that it has a large, windowless space and a teleport circle. They have undoubtedly made preperations to repulse further scrying and teleportation."
"It wasn't that easy to breach in the first place," said Imizael. "I wouldn't want to try it now that they're expecting visitors."
Astinius continued. "I'm betting either a warehouse or underground and considering what has made its home in Westgate over the years, that leaves a lot of territory."
Kaeryn nodded. "Its the best plan we have to go on. I take it rescuing your people goes without saying?"
"Yes," said Gaheris. "We also need a good teleport point. One where we can enter the city and not be seen."
"That's easy," said Imizael. "I have the perfect one. Inside the Temple of Lathandar. There will also be Banites close at hand. I have the spells to rip their secrets from their minds."
Gaheris looked around the table. "Then it is settled?" There were nods of approval. "Then lets finish up and get ready to go."
"They don't look to happy," said Gaheris.
"I just broke my word to their lord, who saved them from a slave pen and has to considerable lengths and expense to ensure their saftey in the past," Kaeryn replied. "They aren't happy with me. Word travels quickly I suppose."
"You're doing the right thing," Gaheris said as he cracked the shell of a hard boiled egg and began peeling it off. Morfindel speared several chunks of cantellope off a tray.
"I know. The people of Westgate need help now and I can't just abandon this fight. I've told myself that at least ten times. I'm still breaking my word to him and I don't like the taste that's leaving in my mouth."
"A bad place to be," Gaheris replied, "but situations change and sometimes what you swore to do is less important than what you need to do. It isn't easy, it shouldn't be easy, but sometimes your word must break."
"Yeah," she said, "but to do it to him right after Messina's death, I'm not proud of that."
"He chose to walk away from the fight. You chose to stay. We pulled him out of there, we saved him from worse than death and he turned his back."
"If we had had his back, he wouldn't have needed rescuing in the first place," she said. "Its not fair, both of us were down, but that doesn't change that no one backed him up either. If Mikos or Kuuni had been there. . . ." Her voice trailed off and she took a swig from her glass of orange juice.
"Or Trizkel?"
"You've been digging."
"Yes. Information isn't power, but it is the key to using what power you have well."
"You don't want to be around when Trizkel learns of this mess," said Kaeryn. "Hades, I don't want to be around when Trizkel learns of this mess. Just hope he doesn't decide that everyone involved needs instruction by ordeal." She finished off her juice and refilled the glass.
"Imagine the most sadistic drow and toughest arms instructor merged into the same body and then deciding that some poor bastards need to learn something the hard way. That isn't as bad as Trizkel, but it at least gets you to the right region."
"Hmm," Gaheris replied and began salting his egg. He bit off the top half as Astinius entered the room. He sat down nervously equal distance from everyone. "Are you alright?"
"Yes," he replied. "Rough night, that's all." He put several slices of cheese and apple onto his plate before filling a glass of milk.
"The dreams again?" Gaheris asked.
"Dreams doesn't really describe it, but no." He buttered a piece of bread.
"I see the genius who mistakes cruelty for strength is absent. What about Imizael?"
"Haven't seen her," said Gaheris.
"She'll be with us," said Kaeryn.
"You sure?"
"I spoke with her last night. She feels a strong obligation to help."
"I can't go further into it without betraying a confidence."
Gaheris nodded. "Good enough."
"What's the plan?" Morfindel asked.
"That's what we are going to discuss. Now-" Gaheris was interrupted by Imizael's entrance. She sat down quitely next to Kaeryn.
"Please continue with what you were going to say," said the high mage.
"Are you with us?" Gaheris asked.
"Yes. I was just clarifying certain matters with our host."
"And?" asked Kaeryn.
"We are welcome to stay and make use of the manse as a strongpoint. He believes our strategy will be less than successful, he made no mistake about that, but was certainly pleased to support our attacks against people he hates."
"I love his respect for our abilities," said Astinius. "I'm up for making him eat those words."
"So am I," said Gaheris. "The problem is the best plan I can think of right now is his."
"So?" said Astinius. "He isn't stupid. Just because he thinks that his 'inferiors' aren't up to the task doesn't make him right. He doesn't quite overestimate us, does he?"
"He admits my superiority at high magic readily enough," said Imizael. "I was also raised not to insult one's host while eating at his table. I do not think such manners have become outdated."
Astinius nodded. "As you say. If nothing else, the man can hire a formidable cooking staff." He peeled off a grape and dropped it into his mouth.
"What is the plan Gaheris?" Imizael asked.
"Hit a bunch of Banites and their minders by surprise so they don't have time to signal back. Squeeze them for information so we can find their temple and hit it."
Astinius nodded. "It should work. The only thing we know about where they lair is that it has a large, windowless space and a teleport circle. They have undoubtedly made preperations to repulse further scrying and teleportation."
"It wasn't that easy to breach in the first place," said Imizael. "I wouldn't want to try it now that they're expecting visitors."
Astinius continued. "I'm betting either a warehouse or underground and considering what has made its home in Westgate over the years, that leaves a lot of territory."
Kaeryn nodded. "Its the best plan we have to go on. I take it rescuing your people goes without saying?"
"Yes," said Gaheris. "We also need a good teleport point. One where we can enter the city and not be seen."
"That's easy," said Imizael. "I have the perfect one. Inside the Temple of Lathandar. There will also be Banites close at hand. I have the spells to rip their secrets from their minds."
Gaheris looked around the table. "Then it is settled?" There were nods of approval. "Then lets finish up and get ready to go."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
If only there was a way for Kaeryn to send Miko or Trizk a message "Nal needs you... don't tell him I said so."

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Mirrors lined three walls of the workroom ready for to be used in Nalifan's spell. He would clear away the veils of time and reveal what had happened in those days he had lost when he had been killed. The fragments of his past would be stored in sequence in the mirrors where he could quickly sort through them and reclaim the events surrounding he death. All he had to do was utter the initiators and yet he hesitated.
Weakness. Time did not favor him, giving his killers more time to prepare defences or flee, if they were so inclined. He should act now, but still he hesitated.
It was Kaeryn. He had anticipated her decision, it hadn't been hard. Kaeryn had picked strangers over the man who had shed blood with her and shared her bed. He had anticipated it, predicted it, and adjusted his plans to take it into account and still it gnawed at him. He had not expected it to hurt.
This was weakness, nothing but weakness. Weaknesses needed to crushed or excised like cancerous tumors, not cultivated and indulged. His reactions to Messina and Kaeryn demonstrated it without a doubt. How did one refreeze one's own heart?
Control was the key. He had mastered fear and restrained hatred and wrath. These soft and feeble emotions could be tamed as well.
He uttered words of power and touched his own soul. His past remained encoded there even though this cloned brain contained none of those crucial memories. The information still existed and if his flesh could not have it, he could transfer it to glass.
The reflections in the mirrors bled a thousand colours, twisted, and bent. They reshaped themselves, each displaying a vignette from the missing part of his life. He peered closely at the results.
The first images of were mundane. The next ones showed him with Fadina and then checking out a stretch of rugged terrain, probably the Ilythiiri site. And then he was underground.
He flashed foreward to the end of the Ilythiiri scouting ones. A hidden door in the rock, which revealed a secret passage beneath. He adjusted the flow of the other mirror, pushing it foreward as he did this one.
There were several devious mechanical and magical traps that he either overcame or avoided. After passing over spiked pits and around lightning traps he had entered a large cavern guarded by a great warrior of iron that stood twenty feet high. The golem had been overcome by a rushed invocation of the higher powers which had drained him, but had rusted the construct into immobility.
He had passed beyond that to a huge cavern, illuminated by great glowing glyphs on the wall. Even diluted through being viewed through the mirrors, the shear amount of magic was staggering. Magic like this had made the clouds rain poison and the trees weep blood during the Crown Wars. It was no wonder that he had been caught almost completely off guard by the magical attack.
A sun elf in gold and ebony robes had blasted him with fire and penetrated his own formidable defences. He had struck back with a killing spell, but her own defences had absorbed it. She had then struck with lightning and killing frost, but the cold touched him not at all and he dodged out of the way of the worst of the lightning. His retalitory spell hand sundered her defensive magics.
He saw his death. She had been faster than he with her next spell. Globes of acid had struck him, splashing corrosive fluid all over his body. After that, there was nothing but darkness.
He pulled those two mirrors back, having them replay his discovery and the final images of his life again. He had been slain by a sun elf mage, probably a guardian of a site of Ilythiiri magic that was too hard or too dangerous to destroy. She had slain him and probably taken his possessions. Considering how much time he had lost, it was unlikely in the extreme that she hadn't examined Spellbreaker and Weavebinder and decided to employ them herself. To go back there was not only to face a foe that already had defeated him without his most potent talismans, but to face them being used against him.
Nalifan smiled. This time he would not be taken by surprise and he had other tricks. He took a slim volume out of his desk and began to write. His successor, if there was need of one, would have plenty of information awaiting him. He would update his remaining clones, but he might not get the chance to take a new body if he lost this fight. If that happened, Trizkel would know exactly what happened when he returned.
Weakness. Time did not favor him, giving his killers more time to prepare defences or flee, if they were so inclined. He should act now, but still he hesitated.
It was Kaeryn. He had anticipated her decision, it hadn't been hard. Kaeryn had picked strangers over the man who had shed blood with her and shared her bed. He had anticipated it, predicted it, and adjusted his plans to take it into account and still it gnawed at him. He had not expected it to hurt.
This was weakness, nothing but weakness. Weaknesses needed to crushed or excised like cancerous tumors, not cultivated and indulged. His reactions to Messina and Kaeryn demonstrated it without a doubt. How did one refreeze one's own heart?
Control was the key. He had mastered fear and restrained hatred and wrath. These soft and feeble emotions could be tamed as well.
He uttered words of power and touched his own soul. His past remained encoded there even though this cloned brain contained none of those crucial memories. The information still existed and if his flesh could not have it, he could transfer it to glass.
The reflections in the mirrors bled a thousand colours, twisted, and bent. They reshaped themselves, each displaying a vignette from the missing part of his life. He peered closely at the results.
The first images of were mundane. The next ones showed him with Fadina and then checking out a stretch of rugged terrain, probably the Ilythiiri site. And then he was underground.
He flashed foreward to the end of the Ilythiiri scouting ones. A hidden door in the rock, which revealed a secret passage beneath. He adjusted the flow of the other mirror, pushing it foreward as he did this one.
There were several devious mechanical and magical traps that he either overcame or avoided. After passing over spiked pits and around lightning traps he had entered a large cavern guarded by a great warrior of iron that stood twenty feet high. The golem had been overcome by a rushed invocation of the higher powers which had drained him, but had rusted the construct into immobility.
He had passed beyond that to a huge cavern, illuminated by great glowing glyphs on the wall. Even diluted through being viewed through the mirrors, the shear amount of magic was staggering. Magic like this had made the clouds rain poison and the trees weep blood during the Crown Wars. It was no wonder that he had been caught almost completely off guard by the magical attack.
A sun elf in gold and ebony robes had blasted him with fire and penetrated his own formidable defences. He had struck back with a killing spell, but her own defences had absorbed it. She had then struck with lightning and killing frost, but the cold touched him not at all and he dodged out of the way of the worst of the lightning. His retalitory spell hand sundered her defensive magics.
He saw his death. She had been faster than he with her next spell. Globes of acid had struck him, splashing corrosive fluid all over his body. After that, there was nothing but darkness.
He pulled those two mirrors back, having them replay his discovery and the final images of his life again. He had been slain by a sun elf mage, probably a guardian of a site of Ilythiiri magic that was too hard or too dangerous to destroy. She had slain him and probably taken his possessions. Considering how much time he had lost, it was unlikely in the extreme that she hadn't examined Spellbreaker and Weavebinder and decided to employ them herself. To go back there was not only to face a foe that already had defeated him without his most potent talismans, but to face them being used against him.
Nalifan smiled. This time he would not be taken by surprise and he had other tricks. He took a slim volume out of his desk and began to write. His successor, if there was need of one, would have plenty of information awaiting him. He would update his remaining clones, but he might not get the chance to take a new body if he lost this fight. If that happened, Trizkel would know exactly what happened when he returned.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.

Kaeryn hurt Nal that much?
ouch. Some how I think it will take a helluva lot more than a simple 'I'm sorry' to undo this one.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Remember, he's drow. The whole basis of drow civilization and social organization is "us against the rest of the bastards" and that works on a personal, family, and city-state wide level. It also applies to the adventuring group. The most profound betrayel is choosing outsiders over the in group and that's exactly what Kaeryn did.LadyTevar wrote:![]()
Kaeryn hurt Nal that much?
ouch. Some how I think it will take a helluva lot more than a simple 'I'm sorry' to undo this one.
So, even though he was expecting it, it stings. Not that he's getting all angsty over it or is going to go smoke some clove cigarretes and listen to Linkin Park.. It just hurt more than he expected
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
Actually.. I thought all drow expected betrayal from those closest to themImperial Overlord wrote:Remember, he's drow. The whole basis of drow civilization and social organization is "us against the rest of the bastards" and that works on a personal, family, and city-state wide level. It also applies to the adventuring group. The most profound betrayel is choosing outsiders over the in group and that's exactly what Kaeryn did.LadyTevar wrote:![]()
Kaeryn hurt Nal that much?
ouch. Some how I think it will take a helluva lot more than a simple 'I'm sorry' to undo this one.
So, even though he was expecting it, it stings. Not that he's getting all angsty over it or is going to go smoke some clove cigarretes and listen to Linkin Park.. It just hurt more than he expected

It's something she had to do, tho. Something her church required of her.
You're right.. this is Justice for None.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
They do, but it is still "my brother and me against my cousin, my house against all other houses, my city against another city." To betray from personal interest isn't extraordinary, to choose strangers over your allies is.LadyTevar wrote: Actually.. I thought all drow expected betrayal from those closest to themThat's the way they're normally protrayed.
It's something she had to do, tho. Something her church required of her.
You're right.. this is Justice for None.
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2006-05-22 06:56am, edited 1 time in total.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
But to follow the tenets of your faith over your personal wishes? Where does that stand to a drow?Imperial Overlord wrote:They do, but it is still "my brother and me against my cousin, my house against all other houses, my city against my city." To betray from personal interest isn't extraordinary, to choose strangers over your allies is.LadyTevar wrote: Actually.. I thought all drow expected betrayal from those closest to themThat's the way they're normally protrayed.
It's something she had to do, tho. Something her church required of her.
You're right.. this is Justice for None.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
That's normal enough, but that usually involves sacrificing people with the assumption you'll get help or power is returned as opposed to helping strangers because it is the right thing to do.LadyTevar wrote: But to follow the tenets of your faith over your personal wishes? Where does that stand to a drow?
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2006-05-18 10:08pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
True enough. Pity she doesnt' think to put it in those terms... "I'll help them, and then use them to help you"Imperial Overlord wrote:That's normal enough, but that usually involves sacrificing people with the assumption you'll get help or power is returned as opposed to helping strangers because it is the right thing to do.LadyTevar wrote: But to follow the tenets of your faith over your personal wishes? Where does that stand to a drow?

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Gaheris flexed his wrist, limbering up as Astinius entered the dining room. "The ladies are almost ready," the arch-mage said. "Imizael is just studying a good teleport spot with a scrying spell."
Gaheris nodded. "Yeah," said Mister Toad, "no one wants to appear in the middle of a wall."
"Do you think the drow is going to sabotage us?" Gaheris asked.
"No," Astinius replied. "He wants those Banites to bleed too much. We should have seen him jumping ship though."
"It was always an alliance of convienance," Gaheris replied. "I imagine that the drow is more experienced in the art of betrayel than the rest of us."
"I thought the street would have taught you those lessons fairly well," said Morfindel.
"Yeah, but you spend a few years not worrying about where your next meal is coming from and surrounded by people with actual moral fiber and you can get rusty. I should have seen it coming. For him it was all about the w- Messina. He certainly didn't have any reason to love us."
"Pinning him to the wall by the throat is mild compared to what he deserves," said Astinius.
"That's not it. Baator's Hells, you're right when you say he deserved worse, I just should have seen this move coming." He paused. "We've got to get the rest of our people out of there."
"That will be dangerous," said Astinius. "With the kind of magic at their disposal and all those Night Masks and Banites, it will be hard for them to escape. In fact, they've probably known who most of your people are for a while. Once you went beyond spying, once you started intefering in Westgate in a manner they would notice, it was pretty much inevitable that they would find you."
"Astinius, with all do respect-"
"I know more about how easy it can be to find someone with magic than you ever will," the elf said fiercely. "Once someone knows to look, it is very hard to escape. Do you think I wouldn't have escaped earlier if I could?" Tears welled in his eyes.
"Astinius,"Gaheris said gently, "we weren't in the same situation."
"No, the Night King is a much more powerful and skilled magician with high priests in his retinue, an army of agents, mind control powers, and the ability to enlist the animals of the city as his spies. It would have been easy for him. Find someone, snatch him, rape his mind, and send him back out with his memory altered. And then you know some of his friends are and you do it again. At the Night King's level of proficiency, with the right spells, it would be virtually impossible to detect. Or you just spy on them an wait as one person leads you to the next and so on and so forth. Either way, they get you."
Gaheris nodded coldly, remembering the raid on his safehouse. "And they let us run free so his hand wouldn't be tipped, probably while securing his most important 'assets'. Gods damn him, he just threw away the lives of men he could have saved."
"That surprises you?" asked Astinius.
"No, but it's still disgusting. They were bad men serving a bad cause, but they were still betrayed by their leader. He threw them to the wolves.
"Yes," said Astinius. "The Night King held off until they were ready to crack the Abbey."
"And then they hit us, but didn't sweep away all of my people because they could still be used as bait. Bait that we now have to take. If I'm going to rescue that drow piece of shit I'm as sure as Baator not going to abandon my own people."
"They'll be anticipating that," Astinius warned.
"We won't be going in blind. We'll be going in heavy and get our people. And this time, it will be the Banites who will be caught off guard and we'll show them they don't own Westgate yet. Just before we end them."
Kaeryn stood at the doorway. "She's ready."
"Good," said Gaheris, "its past time." Bright Edge gleamed in his hand. "We have a city to take back."
Gaheris nodded. "Yeah," said Mister Toad, "no one wants to appear in the middle of a wall."
"Do you think the drow is going to sabotage us?" Gaheris asked.
"No," Astinius replied. "He wants those Banites to bleed too much. We should have seen him jumping ship though."
"It was always an alliance of convienance," Gaheris replied. "I imagine that the drow is more experienced in the art of betrayel than the rest of us."
"I thought the street would have taught you those lessons fairly well," said Morfindel.
"Yeah, but you spend a few years not worrying about where your next meal is coming from and surrounded by people with actual moral fiber and you can get rusty. I should have seen it coming. For him it was all about the w- Messina. He certainly didn't have any reason to love us."
"Pinning him to the wall by the throat is mild compared to what he deserves," said Astinius.
"That's not it. Baator's Hells, you're right when you say he deserved worse, I just should have seen this move coming." He paused. "We've got to get the rest of our people out of there."
"That will be dangerous," said Astinius. "With the kind of magic at their disposal and all those Night Masks and Banites, it will be hard for them to escape. In fact, they've probably known who most of your people are for a while. Once you went beyond spying, once you started intefering in Westgate in a manner they would notice, it was pretty much inevitable that they would find you."
"Astinius, with all do respect-"
"I know more about how easy it can be to find someone with magic than you ever will," the elf said fiercely. "Once someone knows to look, it is very hard to escape. Do you think I wouldn't have escaped earlier if I could?" Tears welled in his eyes.
"Astinius,"Gaheris said gently, "we weren't in the same situation."
"No, the Night King is a much more powerful and skilled magician with high priests in his retinue, an army of agents, mind control powers, and the ability to enlist the animals of the city as his spies. It would have been easy for him. Find someone, snatch him, rape his mind, and send him back out with his memory altered. And then you know some of his friends are and you do it again. At the Night King's level of proficiency, with the right spells, it would be virtually impossible to detect. Or you just spy on them an wait as one person leads you to the next and so on and so forth. Either way, they get you."
Gaheris nodded coldly, remembering the raid on his safehouse. "And they let us run free so his hand wouldn't be tipped, probably while securing his most important 'assets'. Gods damn him, he just threw away the lives of men he could have saved."
"That surprises you?" asked Astinius.
"No, but it's still disgusting. They were bad men serving a bad cause, but they were still betrayed by their leader. He threw them to the wolves.
"Yes," said Astinius. "The Night King held off until they were ready to crack the Abbey."
"And then they hit us, but didn't sweep away all of my people because they could still be used as bait. Bait that we now have to take. If I'm going to rescue that drow piece of shit I'm as sure as Baator not going to abandon my own people."
"They'll be anticipating that," Astinius warned.
"We won't be going in blind. We'll be going in heavy and get our people. And this time, it will be the Banites who will be caught off guard and we'll show them they don't own Westgate yet. Just before we end them."
Kaeryn stood at the doorway. "She's ready."
"Good," said Gaheris, "its past time." Bright Edge gleamed in his hand. "We have a city to take back."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Rogue 9
- Scrapping TIEs since 1997
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- Joined: 2003-11-12 01:10pm
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Pretty good, but I don't think Gaheris would slip into calling Messina a wench, presuming that's what the slip was. He's hardly one to judge people by their backgrounds; he'd pretty much have to hang himself if he did.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
I thought it was "that woman" myself. *shrug*Rogue 9 wrote:Pretty good, but I don't think Gaheris would slip into calling Messina a wench, presuming that's what the slip was. He's hardly one to judge people by their backgrounds; he'd pretty much have to hang himself if he did.
either way, that was a good chapter, although if Kaeryn hears them talking about Nalifan like that she'll be giving him a major tongue-lashing.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet