Star Trek/Star Wars: The Best of Both Worlds
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Disclaimer: Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and owned by Paramount Pictures. Stat Wars created by George Lucas and owned by Twentieth Century Fox and Lucasfilm. I own the story and any original characters/species. No copyright infringement is intended.
The Best of Both Worlds
Part IV
"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal."
- Philippians 3:13-14 -
Author’s Notes: First, I’d like to apologize for the delays. As Star Wars fans know, The Unifying Force, the final book of the 19-book New Jedi Order series has been released and I could not put it down. I’m not going to spoil anything and it’ll be a while before anything in the book is incorporated in the story. Now, after three chapters of building suspense, we’re there baby! We’ve arrived at the flashpoint: Enterprise-E vs. the Vong, mano y mano so to speak. Keep in mind though my writing experience is centered more towards characters and not as much as with the ships. Still, the action sequences will be enjoyable - I guarantee it. Technical information on the Federation systems comes courtesy of the Daystorm Institute Technical Library website ( Once again, I thank all of you for your patience and support. Enjoy!
Location: Naboo System
That Galaxy Far, Far Away...
“Enemy ships in range in ten seconds…five…four…three…two…”
“Now Mr. Worf!”
The Enterprise was ablaze with light as the mighty Starfleet flagship shot phaser blasts and quantum torpedoes from every available launcher and array across its sleek superstructure. One of the advantages that the Federation’s ships had gained in the last century was the development of the omni-directional phaser array; they could hit multiple targets from a single launcher without overheating the array.
As a result, two of the incoming squadron of Coral skips were instantly vaporized by the onslaught of Starfleet weaponry. Of course, the other ships instantly fired back their plasma weapons at the flagship‘s starboard side. The mighty Sovereign-class’ shields absorbed the energy blasts with ease; they had after all been designed to withstand barrages from superior Borg and Dominion weaponry.
“Starboard shields are at ninety-five percent and holding, Captain” announced Data.
“Initiate Defensive Pattern Kirk-Epsilon and reroute power to compensate,” replied the Captain. “Tactical analysis, Mr. Worf?”
“This can’t be right.”
Picard stared at the Klingon tactical officer whose eyes were widening.
“What is it, Mr. Worf?”
“Sir, of the attacking group, two of the Vong ships have been destroyed but the others have suffered only minimal damage from our phasers.”
Picard frowned as he gazed at the tactical display mounted on the side of the captain’s chair.
“How is that possible? Those were direct hits.”
“It looks like the phaser discharges were…swallowed.”
Data piped in in his usual cool-businesslike manner, made even more so by the fact that he deactivated the emotion chip that his father, Dr. Soong, had given to him, during battles.
“ I believe I may have an explanation. Sensors arrays are picking up what appear to be miniature quantum singularities emanating from the Yuuzhan Vong ships.
In the space of a second, Picard, not unlike Data in many ways, instantly recalled two major instances of where the Federation had encountered miniature quantum singularities. The first and foremost had been with the Romulans.
Whereas the Federation used the Dilithium and Matter/Antimatter warp engine design that had been developed three centuries before by pioneer Zefram Chochrane, the race of Vulcan offshoots known and feared throughout known space as the Romulan Star Empire utilized quantum singularities in their reactors, a feat that while impressive and advantageous had not been without its problems, as Picard remembered all too well from the incident with a Romulan warbird and its collapsing singularity almost a decade before.
The second, while lesser, was still of great archeological importance to himself: The discovery in 2374 by the U.S.S. Voyager of a series of quantum singularity-powered subspace relays, relays which they had used it to send their EMH Mark One across unknown space to the Alpha Quadrant in order to make contact with Starfleet and to inform Command of their plight. In return, before the array had been destroyed by the nomadic hunters known as the Hirogen, Voyager had been brought up to speed on what had happened since they had begun their sojourn.
But this was unlike anything he had seen before.
“What could it-”
“It’s called a Dovin Basal.”
Han Solo of Corellia had been on many a ship during his fifty years of life, from the long dead Shrike’s Trader’s Luck to the YT-1300 freighter that, even after he and Leia had settled into a modest apartment in the Eastport district on Coruscant, he still called his one, true home.
But as with the shuttle bay, he was overwhelmed by the Enterprise’s center of operations, its bridge and he was sure that his family, shuffling out of the ‘lift behind him felt the same way too. Again, it had a sleekness that matched that of the Man Calamari ship designs. It sparkled with and glimmered in a way that New Republic bridges, from Bothan Admiral Krey’Fey’s Ralroost to the Mon Calamari cruisers, lacked.
The bridge also heightened Han’s curiosity about this Federation. They had arrived out of the blue, or rather wormhole, and had accepted their offer to help with little or no hesitation. He wondered if this Federation was based in the galaxy - if it was, then it could have been based in the Unknown Regions? Unlikely given the Chiss factor, but still…
In any event, the only organization in his memory that bore the name Federation was the now-defunct Trade Federation. The Trade Federation had been a consortium of merchants and transportation providers that effectively controlled shipping throughout the galaxy during the waning days of the Old Republic. Under the rule of the Neimoidians, a race that remained, by nature, shameful to the present day, the organization had attained enough power and influence to even have full representation in the Galactic Senate.
It was under the control of Neimoidians that the Trade Federation had, for reasons that were still not known, blockaded and invaded the main planet in the Naboo system, the planet that the Falcon had been trying to reach before having been forced out of hyperspace by a dovin basal mine. With the aid of the Old Republic-era Jedi Order, the incursion had been stopped.
The Trade Federation was strong enough to survive the scandal, even with its Directorate mostly intact. However, the Republic had seized most of their fleet and dismantled most of their armed ships and battle droids.
Unfortunately, that hadn’t stopped them from allying themselves with the then-popular Separatist movement and playing an essential role in the commencement of the Clone Wars, a conflict that in hindsight many, including Leia, believed Palpatine himself had engineered as part of his plan to destabilize the Republic and create the Galactic Empire from the chaos of the Clone Wars.
Like the Republic, it hadn’t survived the end of the Clone Wars nor the birth of Palpatine’s dark dream. Han had learned about it through his smuggling years and in his time on Nar Shaddaa, AKA the Smugglers' Moon.
Or rather, what once was the Smuggler’s Moon…
Nar Shaddaa, like Nal Hutta and the majority of Hutt territory, was currently in the hands of the enemy and, according to what little intelligence existed, was being ’Vong-formed’. Han, while sympathetic to those he knew who had been unable to get off the world, had shed few tears to the planet itself. The moon represented a chapter of his life that he had closed a long time ago, a chapter that had begun to end the day he had walked into a cantina in the Tatooine port of Mos Eisley and had been approached by a crazy old man, a farm boy, and two droids in need of passage to Alderaan.
Besides, with such a fate facing the Hutts, those who had suffered from Hutt crime lords like Jabba and Durga felt it was poetic justice.
‘Dovin Basals?”
The voice belonged to the Enterprise’s Captain, something-Picard, who had communicated with the Falcon minutes earlier. He was bald, about middle-aged, but even Han could tell that this man had a radiating presence of command about him, similar to the presence his wife and brother-in-law had displayed on innumerable occasions.
“I’m Han Solo, Captain of the Falcon. They’re organic devices that can manipulate gravity, and can project miniature black holes that deflect or absorb incoming enemy fire. It‘s also their source of propulsion.”
“Impressive,” muttered Worf. This dovin basal appeared to have done for the Vong what the cloaking technology, technology that the Romulans had given to Qo’noS a century before in exchange for D7-class battle-cruisers, had done for the Klingon Empire.
“So how do we counteract them?” asked Picard.
“The key is to hit them hard and fast and to try and overload them; they can only absorb so much before collapsing.”
“And their armaments?”
“Two launchers of some kind firing heated plasma,” stated Worf.
“They call them Volcano cannons.”
“Understood.” replied Captain Picard. But beneath the surface, despite the fact that the Federation flagship, his ship was engaged in battle with an unknown enemy, he was fascinated by this.
A different galaxy and a different time, but species using Earth-terms like volcano…
It would have to wait until later.
“Sir, the most damage was done through concentrated phaser blasts and as I was about to say, their lack of shields.”
“How many remaining ships, Mr. Worf”
“Eight small vessels-”
“- which are coming around for another pass, and one medium-sized cruiser.”
No shields…
“Commander Worf, continue firing on those ships - concentrate multiple firing-vectors on each ship - use quantum torpedoes to try to overload these dovin basals.”
The Klingon nodded.
“Aye Captain.
Picard tapped the side of his chair and accessed the comm system.
“Bridge to Engineering”
“LaForge here, Captain.”
“Geordi, I have an idea.”
Onboard the Matalok-class medium cruiser Burning Death, the commander, one Vaikra of the Domain Shai, was not happy. Though he would not admit it to his subalterns, he had made a critical error. He had automatically assumed that the infidel ship was just as similar to the New Republic ships that they had been slaughtering thus far into their invasion of this galaxy. They were prepared for turbo lasers and ion canons, the preferred weapons of choice for the Republic’s capital ships. They had never encountered this new kind of weapons.
But this would not stop him. His reputation, his Domain counted on him, even if it meant his death - which of course, all Vong were prepared to give at a moment‘s notice.
The Domain Shai had been one of most respected and influential castes in the Vong culture They had been so well respected that after the failure of Praetorite Vong at Helska 4, their Domain had been giving the honor of giving the infidel’s galaxy a proper introduction to the wonders and terrors of the Yuuzhan Vong.
Unfortunately that was in the past. In the present, their reputation had been seriously tarnished by the arrogance of their Domain’s leader, Commander Shedao Shai, arrogance that had led to not just his death, but the destruction of the Kor Chokk-class Grand Cruiser Legacy of Torment, one of the few Grand Cruisers in the Yuzzhan Vong’s vast navy of warships, cruisers, coralskippers, worldships, and many more.
That was why he and his ship were here now, at another system promised to the Yuuzhan Vong by the Gods they worshipped without hesitation. The capturing of the Millenium Falcon and its passengers, the most-wanted Jeedai would put him in the influential eyes of figures like Supreme Commander Komm Karsh and Warmaster Tsavong Lah, and help to undo the ridicule and score that Domain Shai had been experiencing the year and a half since Ithor. Soon, the annoyance of their rival Domain Lian would be buried under their undue superiority to the lesser Domain.
If only I can take this infidel ship and-
The Vong commander glared at his subordinate.
“Commander, our coralskippers - look!”
There in space. With the yammosk that the ship had on board, the fighters flew with a unity the infidels could not match.
And yet they were at that very moment, inexplicably blowing up.
What in the name of Yun-
Before the Vong commander could utter anything, a faint humming that reached his ears, causing Vaikra to swing around. His jaw instantly dropped. There, on the bridge, his bridge, there lay a machine, a long cylindrical device at least by the infidel’s standards, two meters long, with lights that began blinking.
Vaikra Shai had barely time to launch a typical Vong curse at their most hated foe of all, machinery, as the bridge was engulfed in a flash of light and the Burning Death, ironically, began to burn, with detonations all across the interior of the hull from multiple areas. In the space of a few seconds, it collapse upon itself and disintegrated, taking its crew and its commander with his dreams and hopes for the future with it.
“That transporter technology sure comes in handy.”
Since this was their first glimpse at the workings of the transporter, Picard couldn’t help but feel a certain amount of pride, though some regret, as the remains of the Vong carrier and seven of the coralskippers began to cool and spread out.
Starfleet’s transporter technology had been first developed two centuries beforehand, one of the field-test systems that had been installed on the legendary NX-class Enterprise during her historic mission of exploration. Although prone to breakdown and dangerous to use at the time, the Starfleet transporter had come a long way in its development since the 2150‘s.
Bur despite all of its many advances, it was still impossible to beam through other ships’ shields.
But these Vong ships had no shields and thus, the transporters were not a problem, though there had been some difficulty since the transporters’ targeting emitters were more effective against slower moving ships rather than fighters. Still, this had been a move that had rarely succeeded in Starfleet history, though there were exceptions, such as the Voyager beaming a torpedo onto a Borg probe-ship in 2375.
“Mr. Worf?”
“Sir, there I am reading one Vong craft left, the coralskipper that we were unable to get a lock on. It appears to have gone to warp, but I can’t be for sure - these gravitic readings are unusual.”
Han frowned.
“Then it’s used its dovin basal to make the jump to lightspeed.“
“Is that unusual?”
Han nodded.
“That’s not like the Vong - they fight to the last man rather than surrendering.”
Picard grimaced.
Sounds like the Jem’Hadar all over again.
“Well, at least it’s over for now.”
“Indeed, Captain,” said a feminine voice, one that Picard instantly recognized from the transmission with the Millenium Falcon minutes earlier.
For the first time since the start of the battle, Picard observed a group of six humans and two apparent androids standing behind Solo on the Enterprise’s spacious bridge. His eyes met with the speaker, a woman dressed in a white flowing tunic, with the air of a diplomat, but the eyes glowed with determination. At her side on her belt there hung a cylindrical device of some sort. The captain also observed similar devices on five of the others.
“Ambassador Leia Organa Solo, I presume?”
The woman nodded.
“Yes. Allow me to introduce my family.” She began pointing out the members of her company. “This is my husband Han Solo, my children Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin, my brother Luke Skywalker and his wife Mara Jade Skywalker. These are our droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO.
Leia outstretched her hand and Picard shook it.
“On behalf of the United Federation of Planets, I welcome you aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, Ambassador Solo. This is my first officer, Commander William T. Riker, who you met in the shuttle bay, and our counselor Lt. Cmdr. Deanna-”
The introduction was cut short as the red-haired woman that Ambassador Solo had identified as Mara Jade, cried out in pain, began moaning and collapsed to the ground. He husband was instantly at her side as Picard tapped his combadge.
“Dr. Crusher to the bridge - Medical Emergency!”
“On my way, Jean-Luc.”
“Forget it. Transporter Room Two, emergency Site-To-Site transport of Dr. Crusher from sickbay to the bridge.”
“Aye Captain.”
Also known as direct beaming, site-to-site transport was a process that had only in the last century been perfected, whereby a transport subject was beamed to the transporter from a remote location. Instead of being materialized in the chamber, however, the subject was then transported directly to another location.
In the blink of an eye, Dr. Crusher had materialized on the Enterprise’s bridge. As she began to examine Mara with a tricorder, Luke explained quickly to Dr. Crusher and Picard that Mara, two years prior, had been attending a diplomatic conference where she had been infected by Yuuzhan Vong agents with one of their bio-engineered diseases, a disease that had killed all other recipients within days or weeks, but a disease that Mara had had go into remission and been able to thus far survive through the aid of The Force.
Picard frowned, a quizzical expression spreading on his face.
‘The Force?”
Luke did not answer and Picard did not blame him - if he had had a loved one collapsed on the floor, that he most certainly-
“Crusher to Transporter Room Two, emergency transport to Sickbay.”
Luke grabbed Crusher’s arm.
“Is it her disease?”
“It’s more than that.“
She quickly turned to Picard.
“Jean-Luc, she’s going into labor!”
Location: Q Continuum
Somewhere in the Universe
“Who initiated the contact, my dear?” asked the Lady Q.
“I’m not sure; all indications lead me to-”
Q stopped suddenly, a smile forming on his face.
“What is it dad?”
The older Q just grinned.
“Dear, we’re in the middle of a crisis that threatens to destroy not one by two galaxies and you’re smiling?!”
Q just shook his head.
“No, no my dear. I am just amused that discover that contact has been initiated by our old friend Jean-Luc…”
To be continued…
The Best of Both Worlds
Part IV
"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal."
- Philippians 3:13-14 -
Author’s Notes: First, I’d like to apologize for the delays. As Star Wars fans know, The Unifying Force, the final book of the 19-book New Jedi Order series has been released and I could not put it down. I’m not going to spoil anything and it’ll be a while before anything in the book is incorporated in the story. Now, after three chapters of building suspense, we’re there baby! We’ve arrived at the flashpoint: Enterprise-E vs. the Vong, mano y mano so to speak. Keep in mind though my writing experience is centered more towards characters and not as much as with the ships. Still, the action sequences will be enjoyable - I guarantee it. Technical information on the Federation systems comes courtesy of the Daystorm Institute Technical Library website ( Once again, I thank all of you for your patience and support. Enjoy!
Location: Naboo System
That Galaxy Far, Far Away...
“Enemy ships in range in ten seconds…five…four…three…two…”
“Now Mr. Worf!”
The Enterprise was ablaze with light as the mighty Starfleet flagship shot phaser blasts and quantum torpedoes from every available launcher and array across its sleek superstructure. One of the advantages that the Federation’s ships had gained in the last century was the development of the omni-directional phaser array; they could hit multiple targets from a single launcher without overheating the array.
As a result, two of the incoming squadron of Coral skips were instantly vaporized by the onslaught of Starfleet weaponry. Of course, the other ships instantly fired back their plasma weapons at the flagship‘s starboard side. The mighty Sovereign-class’ shields absorbed the energy blasts with ease; they had after all been designed to withstand barrages from superior Borg and Dominion weaponry.
“Starboard shields are at ninety-five percent and holding, Captain” announced Data.
“Initiate Defensive Pattern Kirk-Epsilon and reroute power to compensate,” replied the Captain. “Tactical analysis, Mr. Worf?”
“This can’t be right.”
Picard stared at the Klingon tactical officer whose eyes were widening.
“What is it, Mr. Worf?”
“Sir, of the attacking group, two of the Vong ships have been destroyed but the others have suffered only minimal damage from our phasers.”
Picard frowned as he gazed at the tactical display mounted on the side of the captain’s chair.
“How is that possible? Those were direct hits.”
“It looks like the phaser discharges were…swallowed.”
Data piped in in his usual cool-businesslike manner, made even more so by the fact that he deactivated the emotion chip that his father, Dr. Soong, had given to him, during battles.
“ I believe I may have an explanation. Sensors arrays are picking up what appear to be miniature quantum singularities emanating from the Yuuzhan Vong ships.
In the space of a second, Picard, not unlike Data in many ways, instantly recalled two major instances of where the Federation had encountered miniature quantum singularities. The first and foremost had been with the Romulans.
Whereas the Federation used the Dilithium and Matter/Antimatter warp engine design that had been developed three centuries before by pioneer Zefram Chochrane, the race of Vulcan offshoots known and feared throughout known space as the Romulan Star Empire utilized quantum singularities in their reactors, a feat that while impressive and advantageous had not been without its problems, as Picard remembered all too well from the incident with a Romulan warbird and its collapsing singularity almost a decade before.
The second, while lesser, was still of great archeological importance to himself: The discovery in 2374 by the U.S.S. Voyager of a series of quantum singularity-powered subspace relays, relays which they had used it to send their EMH Mark One across unknown space to the Alpha Quadrant in order to make contact with Starfleet and to inform Command of their plight. In return, before the array had been destroyed by the nomadic hunters known as the Hirogen, Voyager had been brought up to speed on what had happened since they had begun their sojourn.
But this was unlike anything he had seen before.
“What could it-”
“It’s called a Dovin Basal.”
Han Solo of Corellia had been on many a ship during his fifty years of life, from the long dead Shrike’s Trader’s Luck to the YT-1300 freighter that, even after he and Leia had settled into a modest apartment in the Eastport district on Coruscant, he still called his one, true home.
But as with the shuttle bay, he was overwhelmed by the Enterprise’s center of operations, its bridge and he was sure that his family, shuffling out of the ‘lift behind him felt the same way too. Again, it had a sleekness that matched that of the Man Calamari ship designs. It sparkled with and glimmered in a way that New Republic bridges, from Bothan Admiral Krey’Fey’s Ralroost to the Mon Calamari cruisers, lacked.
The bridge also heightened Han’s curiosity about this Federation. They had arrived out of the blue, or rather wormhole, and had accepted their offer to help with little or no hesitation. He wondered if this Federation was based in the galaxy - if it was, then it could have been based in the Unknown Regions? Unlikely given the Chiss factor, but still…
In any event, the only organization in his memory that bore the name Federation was the now-defunct Trade Federation. The Trade Federation had been a consortium of merchants and transportation providers that effectively controlled shipping throughout the galaxy during the waning days of the Old Republic. Under the rule of the Neimoidians, a race that remained, by nature, shameful to the present day, the organization had attained enough power and influence to even have full representation in the Galactic Senate.
It was under the control of Neimoidians that the Trade Federation had, for reasons that were still not known, blockaded and invaded the main planet in the Naboo system, the planet that the Falcon had been trying to reach before having been forced out of hyperspace by a dovin basal mine. With the aid of the Old Republic-era Jedi Order, the incursion had been stopped.
The Trade Federation was strong enough to survive the scandal, even with its Directorate mostly intact. However, the Republic had seized most of their fleet and dismantled most of their armed ships and battle droids.
Unfortunately, that hadn’t stopped them from allying themselves with the then-popular Separatist movement and playing an essential role in the commencement of the Clone Wars, a conflict that in hindsight many, including Leia, believed Palpatine himself had engineered as part of his plan to destabilize the Republic and create the Galactic Empire from the chaos of the Clone Wars.
Like the Republic, it hadn’t survived the end of the Clone Wars nor the birth of Palpatine’s dark dream. Han had learned about it through his smuggling years and in his time on Nar Shaddaa, AKA the Smugglers' Moon.
Or rather, what once was the Smuggler’s Moon…
Nar Shaddaa, like Nal Hutta and the majority of Hutt territory, was currently in the hands of the enemy and, according to what little intelligence existed, was being ’Vong-formed’. Han, while sympathetic to those he knew who had been unable to get off the world, had shed few tears to the planet itself. The moon represented a chapter of his life that he had closed a long time ago, a chapter that had begun to end the day he had walked into a cantina in the Tatooine port of Mos Eisley and had been approached by a crazy old man, a farm boy, and two droids in need of passage to Alderaan.
Besides, with such a fate facing the Hutts, those who had suffered from Hutt crime lords like Jabba and Durga felt it was poetic justice.
‘Dovin Basals?”
The voice belonged to the Enterprise’s Captain, something-Picard, who had communicated with the Falcon minutes earlier. He was bald, about middle-aged, but even Han could tell that this man had a radiating presence of command about him, similar to the presence his wife and brother-in-law had displayed on innumerable occasions.
“I’m Han Solo, Captain of the Falcon. They’re organic devices that can manipulate gravity, and can project miniature black holes that deflect or absorb incoming enemy fire. It‘s also their source of propulsion.”
“Impressive,” muttered Worf. This dovin basal appeared to have done for the Vong what the cloaking technology, technology that the Romulans had given to Qo’noS a century before in exchange for D7-class battle-cruisers, had done for the Klingon Empire.
“So how do we counteract them?” asked Picard.
“The key is to hit them hard and fast and to try and overload them; they can only absorb so much before collapsing.”
“And their armaments?”
“Two launchers of some kind firing heated plasma,” stated Worf.
“They call them Volcano cannons.”
“Understood.” replied Captain Picard. But beneath the surface, despite the fact that the Federation flagship, his ship was engaged in battle with an unknown enemy, he was fascinated by this.
A different galaxy and a different time, but species using Earth-terms like volcano…
It would have to wait until later.
“Sir, the most damage was done through concentrated phaser blasts and as I was about to say, their lack of shields.”
“How many remaining ships, Mr. Worf”
“Eight small vessels-”
“- which are coming around for another pass, and one medium-sized cruiser.”
No shields…
“Commander Worf, continue firing on those ships - concentrate multiple firing-vectors on each ship - use quantum torpedoes to try to overload these dovin basals.”
The Klingon nodded.
“Aye Captain.
Picard tapped the side of his chair and accessed the comm system.
“Bridge to Engineering”
“LaForge here, Captain.”
“Geordi, I have an idea.”
Onboard the Matalok-class medium cruiser Burning Death, the commander, one Vaikra of the Domain Shai, was not happy. Though he would not admit it to his subalterns, he had made a critical error. He had automatically assumed that the infidel ship was just as similar to the New Republic ships that they had been slaughtering thus far into their invasion of this galaxy. They were prepared for turbo lasers and ion canons, the preferred weapons of choice for the Republic’s capital ships. They had never encountered this new kind of weapons.
But this would not stop him. His reputation, his Domain counted on him, even if it meant his death - which of course, all Vong were prepared to give at a moment‘s notice.
The Domain Shai had been one of most respected and influential castes in the Vong culture They had been so well respected that after the failure of Praetorite Vong at Helska 4, their Domain had been giving the honor of giving the infidel’s galaxy a proper introduction to the wonders and terrors of the Yuuzhan Vong.
Unfortunately that was in the past. In the present, their reputation had been seriously tarnished by the arrogance of their Domain’s leader, Commander Shedao Shai, arrogance that had led to not just his death, but the destruction of the Kor Chokk-class Grand Cruiser Legacy of Torment, one of the few Grand Cruisers in the Yuzzhan Vong’s vast navy of warships, cruisers, coralskippers, worldships, and many more.
That was why he and his ship were here now, at another system promised to the Yuuzhan Vong by the Gods they worshipped without hesitation. The capturing of the Millenium Falcon and its passengers, the most-wanted Jeedai would put him in the influential eyes of figures like Supreme Commander Komm Karsh and Warmaster Tsavong Lah, and help to undo the ridicule and score that Domain Shai had been experiencing the year and a half since Ithor. Soon, the annoyance of their rival Domain Lian would be buried under their undue superiority to the lesser Domain.
If only I can take this infidel ship and-
The Vong commander glared at his subordinate.
“Commander, our coralskippers - look!”
There in space. With the yammosk that the ship had on board, the fighters flew with a unity the infidels could not match.
And yet they were at that very moment, inexplicably blowing up.
What in the name of Yun-
Before the Vong commander could utter anything, a faint humming that reached his ears, causing Vaikra to swing around. His jaw instantly dropped. There, on the bridge, his bridge, there lay a machine, a long cylindrical device at least by the infidel’s standards, two meters long, with lights that began blinking.
Vaikra Shai had barely time to launch a typical Vong curse at their most hated foe of all, machinery, as the bridge was engulfed in a flash of light and the Burning Death, ironically, began to burn, with detonations all across the interior of the hull from multiple areas. In the space of a few seconds, it collapse upon itself and disintegrated, taking its crew and its commander with his dreams and hopes for the future with it.
“That transporter technology sure comes in handy.”
Since this was their first glimpse at the workings of the transporter, Picard couldn’t help but feel a certain amount of pride, though some regret, as the remains of the Vong carrier and seven of the coralskippers began to cool and spread out.
Starfleet’s transporter technology had been first developed two centuries beforehand, one of the field-test systems that had been installed on the legendary NX-class Enterprise during her historic mission of exploration. Although prone to breakdown and dangerous to use at the time, the Starfleet transporter had come a long way in its development since the 2150‘s.
Bur despite all of its many advances, it was still impossible to beam through other ships’ shields.
But these Vong ships had no shields and thus, the transporters were not a problem, though there had been some difficulty since the transporters’ targeting emitters were more effective against slower moving ships rather than fighters. Still, this had been a move that had rarely succeeded in Starfleet history, though there were exceptions, such as the Voyager beaming a torpedo onto a Borg probe-ship in 2375.
“Mr. Worf?”
“Sir, there I am reading one Vong craft left, the coralskipper that we were unable to get a lock on. It appears to have gone to warp, but I can’t be for sure - these gravitic readings are unusual.”
Han frowned.
“Then it’s used its dovin basal to make the jump to lightspeed.“
“Is that unusual?”
Han nodded.
“That’s not like the Vong - they fight to the last man rather than surrendering.”
Picard grimaced.
Sounds like the Jem’Hadar all over again.
“Well, at least it’s over for now.”
“Indeed, Captain,” said a feminine voice, one that Picard instantly recognized from the transmission with the Millenium Falcon minutes earlier.
For the first time since the start of the battle, Picard observed a group of six humans and two apparent androids standing behind Solo on the Enterprise’s spacious bridge. His eyes met with the speaker, a woman dressed in a white flowing tunic, with the air of a diplomat, but the eyes glowed with determination. At her side on her belt there hung a cylindrical device of some sort. The captain also observed similar devices on five of the others.
“Ambassador Leia Organa Solo, I presume?”
The woman nodded.
“Yes. Allow me to introduce my family.” She began pointing out the members of her company. “This is my husband Han Solo, my children Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin, my brother Luke Skywalker and his wife Mara Jade Skywalker. These are our droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO.
Leia outstretched her hand and Picard shook it.
“On behalf of the United Federation of Planets, I welcome you aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, Ambassador Solo. This is my first officer, Commander William T. Riker, who you met in the shuttle bay, and our counselor Lt. Cmdr. Deanna-”
The introduction was cut short as the red-haired woman that Ambassador Solo had identified as Mara Jade, cried out in pain, began moaning and collapsed to the ground. He husband was instantly at her side as Picard tapped his combadge.
“Dr. Crusher to the bridge - Medical Emergency!”
“On my way, Jean-Luc.”
“Forget it. Transporter Room Two, emergency Site-To-Site transport of Dr. Crusher from sickbay to the bridge.”
“Aye Captain.”
Also known as direct beaming, site-to-site transport was a process that had only in the last century been perfected, whereby a transport subject was beamed to the transporter from a remote location. Instead of being materialized in the chamber, however, the subject was then transported directly to another location.
In the blink of an eye, Dr. Crusher had materialized on the Enterprise’s bridge. As she began to examine Mara with a tricorder, Luke explained quickly to Dr. Crusher and Picard that Mara, two years prior, had been attending a diplomatic conference where she had been infected by Yuuzhan Vong agents with one of their bio-engineered diseases, a disease that had killed all other recipients within days or weeks, but a disease that Mara had had go into remission and been able to thus far survive through the aid of The Force.
Picard frowned, a quizzical expression spreading on his face.
‘The Force?”
Luke did not answer and Picard did not blame him - if he had had a loved one collapsed on the floor, that he most certainly-
“Crusher to Transporter Room Two, emergency transport to Sickbay.”
Luke grabbed Crusher’s arm.
“Is it her disease?”
“It’s more than that.“
She quickly turned to Picard.
“Jean-Luc, she’s going into labor!”
Location: Q Continuum
Somewhere in the Universe
“Who initiated the contact, my dear?” asked the Lady Q.
“I’m not sure; all indications lead me to-”
Q stopped suddenly, a smile forming on his face.
“What is it dad?”
The older Q just grinned.
“Dear, we’re in the middle of a crisis that threatens to destroy not one by two galaxies and you’re smiling?!”
Q just shook his head.
“No, no my dear. I am just amused that discover that contact has been initiated by our old friend Jean-Luc…”
To be continued…
Last edited by JME2 on 2004-02-06 02:14am, edited 2 times in total.
- Pathetic Attention Whore
- Posts: 5470
- Joined: 2003-02-17 12:04pm
- Location: Bat Country!
I've got one word for you: EDIT!!!!
Typos aside, it was fine.
Typos aside, it was fine.
No conscience. No law. No stopping them....
....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.
Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.
Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
Question: Wouldn't phasers be far more effective on the organiclly grown Yuuzhan Vong with their material dependant NDF chain reaction?darthdavid wrote:Meh... A little too wordy and the enterprise seems slightly overpowered, other than that (and a few typos) it's pretty good.
As for the quantum torpedo attack on the Burning Death, there may well have been multiple torpedoes.
Anyway, the Yuuzhan Vong have shown themselves to be able to adapt to their foe's tactics and will probably be able to use the Dovin Basals to produce a transporter interdiction field.
And now...Part V!
Disclaimer: Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and owned by Paramount Pictures. Stat Wars created by George Lucas and owned by Twentieth Century Fox and Lucasfilm. I own the story and any original characters/species. No copyright infringement is intended.
The Best of Both Worlds
Part V
“I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them.”
-Clara Barton-
Author’s Notes: Well, I had a little extra time on my hands this weekend, so I was able to get the fifth chapter of my little epic ready for your viewing pleasure. With the exception of the scene aboard the Burning Death during the previous chapter, this will be the first major time in the story that we will see the Yuzzhan Vong culture. In order to accomplish this, I read through several of the New Jedi Order books (I own all nineteen, including the series-finale, The Unifying Force. If you are a Star Wars fan or have been following the New Jedi Order since Vector Prime back in 1999, read it; you won’t be disappointed) in order to get a better feel for the culture and I believe that I have nailed it (That or just think the Jem’Hadar crossed with Species 8472 - kidding!). So, without any further adieu, just sit back and enjoy this latest installment.
Location: Duro
That Galaxy Far, Far Away...
Many considered the planet known as Duro to be one of the galaxy’s greatest tragedies, a tragedy on the level of the destruction of Alderaan and the detestation of Caamas. But it had not been reduced to an interstellar debris field of rock and ore, as Alderaan had. Instead, it had suffered a similar fate as Caamas, its surface devastated, but not for political reasons.
Rich in resources, it had been heavily exploited by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, its ruins and artifacts plundered, it’s landscape poisoned and devastated by Imperial factories which churned out the weapons of war that had characterized Palpatine‘s institution. The majority of the people of Duro had long ago abandoned any real mourning for their homeworld and had moved into orbital cities.
But despite all of this, it was now a different place. Perhaps it was a change in the appearance of the planet or even a certain sense of clarity that it had once lacked.
Or maybe it was simply the fleet of Yuzzhan Vong warships that orbited the planet, a space once occupied by the floating Duro cities, destroyed during the battle to take the planet as part of a sacrifice to Yun-Yammka, the Slayer and the Yuuzhan Vong’s God of War
The Yuuzhan Vong had taken Duro nearly a year beforehand, but their invasion had reached a standstill for the moment. Warmaster Tsavong Lah’s offer was still in effect, though for how much longer remained to be seen among both the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong’s courageous warriors. Many warriors, despite their shared apathy toward the Jeddai, did not like this, did not like this waiting.
Still, they would never voice their feelings and opinions directly to the Warmaster - it was uncalled for. Besides, unquestioning loyalty to one’s superior was one of the most significant things that made the Yuuzhan Vong different and superior from the infields of this galaxy. So, they simply waited, content to spar with each other attempt to enjoy this reprieve, however uneasy is was, and await the day that the cleansing of the infidels would begin again.
On board the fleet’s flagship, the Sunulok, however, was a warrior who was not in a joyful mood. He was in fact rather worried and knew that there was a high probability that he would be dead shortly.
He was kneeling in a private inner sanctum of the Sunulok, a location reserved only for the high commanders, also known unofficially among the Warriors, Shapers, and the other castes as the Chamber of Command. In the center of the room was a chair and upon that chair was a Yuuzhan Vong male. His left leg was gone, having been replaced with the foot of a biot, the vua'sa. In his hands was a Baton of Rank, a more narrow version of the common amphistaff that required more skill to wield, but was an indication of his rank, of honors bestowed on only a handful of his people.
“What do you mean a single infidel ship defeated your task force?!” growled the Yuuzhan Vong that was known as Tsavong Lah of Domain Lah, one of the most feared domains of the Yuzzhan Vong race.
The warrior, one Garh’e of the disgraced Domain Shai, who kneeled before him trembled with a visible sign of fear. He was after all the only survivor of the attempt to capture the Solo’s ship and the Jeddai it carried with it, the pilot of the sole coralskipper that had fled the skirmish at the system that the infidels called Naboo.
Such an action was outrageous and even heretical to the Yuzzhan Vong, who lived for the battle and would never give up, even in the face of overwhelming odds - they never had and never would. Such an action would most certainly also damage the already checkered reputation of Domain Shai even further, and would result in this pathetic excuse for a warrior’s death, by his own hand or by execution.
“Warmaster, the Burning Death’s complement of coral skippers was engaged in glorious combat with the infidel ship known as the Millennium Falcon, the ship of the Jeddai. Before we could fully disable them, a ship appeared, one that we have not encountered thus far in the march across this promised galaxy. They claimed to serve a Federation and vowed to protect the other infidels. When we attacked, the force was destroyed, but in a way that the infidels has not shown yet.”
Without warning, he suddenly brought his coufee, the large double bladed knife that every warrior carried, to his chest.
“I know my actions disgrace me and bring shame to our people. My life in exchange.”
He awaited the Warmaster’s signal to plunge the blade into his chest and end his shameful life.
Yet, Tsavong Lah’s response was hardly what he would have expected.
“Did the tactical villip on your coralskipper record this skirmish?”
The villip was the mollusk-like plant that served as the Yuuzhan Vong’s equivalent of the infidels’ comlink and other communications devices. The tactical villip was a variation used solely by the warrior caste to send information during attacks.
“Yes, it did. I have it here.”
The warrior reached into the pouch connected to his vonduun crab armor and produced the villip he had spoken of.
“Give it to me.”
The warrior gave Tsvaong Lah the villip without hesitation. The Warmaster took it and placed it to the side of his quarters and by a large lens like organism. The central quarters were equipped with a memory chilab, a creature was essentially a projector capable of accessing data recorded by a villip or sentinels.
In a moment, the chilab had linked with the villip. With quick motions of his hand, the Yuzzhan Warmaster accessed the chilab and the battle at Naboo began to play out in Tsavong Lah’s Chamber of Command.
Warlord Lah gazed silently at the white foreign vessel. It was a perverse sight, since after all, it was a machine and all Yuuzhan Vong had been taught that machines were a great evil. But still, even he, one of the most powerful figures in the four mighty castes of the Yuuzhan Vong below the dreaded one himself, Supreme Overlord Shimrra, could not deny that there was an almost despised majestic sleekness to this infidel ship.
Of course, he would never admit this aloud, lest his rivals in the other domains and castes use such a statement against him - he had already been chastised by them for the standstill in their march toward the Core.
He then gazed at the ship’s name, emblazoned on its white saucer. He knew enough of the hideous language that the infidels termed Basic, to make out the wording.
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E
The Chamber of Command was silent as the warmaster sat unmoving examining the replay of the battle from the memory chilab. He watched as the Enterprise struck out with unusual weaponry and how the attack ships suddenly blew up without an explanation.
The recording ended as the coralskipper turned away from the battle and, with the aid of its dovin basals, entered darkspace. There was silence for a long moment before Tsavong Lah raised himself to his full height and started down at the warrior of Domain Shai.
“This demands our further attention. You have done well, Garh’e Shai. By fleeing the battle, you have brought a new enemy development to my attention. You and your domain earn my praise for this action. You will be promoted and honored.”
All traces of the earlier fear vanished from the warrior’s face and a new eagerness broke through.
“Thank you Warmaster. I will not fail!”
The warrior was dismissed as Tsavong Lah reached for one of his personal villips. The Warmaster had spoken the truth. They were close to enacting what Lah had termed ‘Battle Plan Coruscant” - the invasion of the New Republic’s capital, the world that he wished most of offer to both his gods and to the Supreme Overlord. They needed only a little more time before they would be prepared to break the cease-fire that he had instigated the previous year when his people had taken Duro.
Now, a new player appeared to have entered the fray, with technology that was not standard of the infidels thus far. Could this be a brand-new ship/weapon that the Republic had just built in response to the invasion? If so, then their spies had failed enormously. The one that primarily came to mind was the duplicitous Kuati Senator Viqi Shesh, his people’s highest ranking agent who had been providing them with information since before the Centerpoint incident.
Perhaps she was playing both sides and Lah had good reason to suspect this. He knew that Shesh had little real interest in the Yuuzhan Vong way of life, that she was only providing classified New Republic data to him because she hoped that he would spare her homeworld of Kuat from the same fate that had befallen Ithor.
In any event, a frown came to his face as he beckoned the villip to life. To learn more about this new foe required an expert hand from the Intendant caste, and although he strongly distrusted the individual he intended to summon, the agent was still the best at what he did.
For a minute, the villip was still. Then, the facial features of a Yuuzhan Vong male formed across the bulb. His face was typical of the average Yuuzhan Vong - scarred and tattooed, but with one exception; his left eye was missing and in the empty socket was a fake eye better known among the Shaper caste as a playerian bol, a creature that with a movement of nerve impulses, could spit poison up to fifty feet.
“Yes Warmaster?”
“Executor Nom Anor; I have a special assignment for you.”
Location: Sector 001
The Milky Way Galaxy
“Captain Maxwell, Torpedo Bay-1 reports that the Class-Five probe is ready for launch”
On board the Gormenghast’s bridge, Maxwell looked over to the science station at Lt. Cmdr. Joseph Tobin, who was peering over the console at the ship’s sensor readings.
“Has there been any change in the readings on the wormhole?”
“No Captain.”
“Then launch the probe.”
The science officer tapped the OkudaGarm.
“The probe is away.”
The Excelsior-class vessel’s forward-starboard torpedo bay flared briefly for a moment as the probe was launched. It shot forward and suddenly, there was an explosion of red and silver light, the folds of space parted, revealing an aura of light and energy. It blazed for ten standard seconds and then collapsed upon itself.
“Hmm…very similar to the Bajoran wormhole,” noted Commander Noice.
Maxwell also saw it, but did not let it distract her.
“Sensors confirm that the probe went through; Further data should be coming through shortly, depending of course where the probe exits. I can’t tell if it the exit point of this wormhole is even if own galaxy, Captain.”
There was silence for a moment before the Captain responded.
“Understood. Keep me informed of any developments.”
If we’re lucky, we’ll find out what happened to Picard and the Enterprise.
Location: Naboo System
That Galaxy Far, Far Away...
The Enterprise-E hung silent in space, victorious in having repulsed the Yuuzhan Vong task force. Red Alert had been downgraded to Yellow Alert and damage control teams, at the direction of Chief Engineer LaForge were making minor repairs to bulkheads and equipment that been damaged in the attack.
The scene in the Enterprise’s primary sickbay on the other hand was somber, with Dr. Crusher, Nurse Alyssa Owaga, and several other medical personnel scanning and working feverishly. Mara Jade Skywalker lay on the surgical bed, hollering and trying to remain still. The passengers of the Millenium Falcon stood in the viewing room, their attention completely focused on the procedure.
Picard stood in apart from them in Sickbay’s main office, contemplating everything that had happened in the last few hours. The Enterprise had been hurled through a previously undiscovered wormhole six million years in the past to a galaxy where humans existed, had fought a new, vicious alien race, and were now trying to save this woman.
If anyone could help her, it was Beverly Crusher - Picard trusted her abilities that much.
He glanced over at the viewing bay at the rapt attention of the occupants. He didn’t need to be a telepath to tell that this woman clearly meant a great deal to them, but most especially to the man calling himself Luke Skywalker.
Here to Picard was another piece of the puzzle that the Enterprise was being faced with: Luke, a common name to not just to humans in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, but also in this galaxy it seemed. This was -
Picard turned to see Data standing behind him.
“Yes Data, what is it?”
“Captain, before Dr. Crusher began the procedure, she asked me to examine the DNA sample that she took from Mara Jade Skywalker.
It was the typical double-helix that made up the basic human genetic structure - and not just humans, but the majority of humanoid species as Picard’s old professor of archaeology, Richard Galen, had set out to prove shortly before his death almost a decade before.
“Biologically, they are as human as you and Dr. Crusher. But on the genetic level, that’s where similarities start to branch off. Look at this.”
Data tapped the Sickbay display console and enlarged the DNA sample that had been taken from Mara Jade Skywalker. He pointed to several parts of the strand of DNA and what to chemical receptors within the DNA. Picard looked at the enlargement and frowned.
“What hell is that?”
“They appear to be some kind of microscopic organism, but there’s nothing in the Starfleet database that matches this. They could the ‘coomb spores’ that her husband mentioned earlier, but - ”
“They’re called midichlorians.”
Picard and Data turned around to see Luke Skywalker facing them.
This was a piece of information that the Republic scientists, going through the Imperial Information center, had discovered in files Palpatine’s agents had kept on Jedi imprisonment and identification techniques. The New Republic had shared this with him and it had proven to be a useful piece of information during the latter stages of his attempts to find Force-strong candidates for the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4.
“They’re microbes, inhabiting all living cells, that act as receptors to the Force”
Picard’s interest piqued again.
“You mentioned this Force back on the bridge. What is it?”
Skywalker cleared his throat, reciting the words that Obi-Wan Kenobi had told him in the confines of his hut on Tatooine over two decades before.
“The Force is an energy field created by all living things. Being an adept in the Force meant tremendous power to serve others... or to be served instead. For there are two paths for the seeker of the Force: the Light Side that a person contributes to, or the Dark Side which espouses the grasp of power for power's sake.”
Reciting the teachings of the Force calmed him and helped to ease the stress of Mara’s trouble.
“Such is the teachings of the Jedi.”
“The Jedi?”
“The Jedi are, or rather, were peacekeepers, guardians of peace and the Old Republic, the New Republic’s predecessors. My father, Anakin, was the first member of our family to be inducted into the Jedi Order had the potential to become the greatest Jedi of his age. He instead became one of the greatest traitors in the history of the Order. He sided with a man named Cos Palpatine, the Republic’s last chancellor who overthrew the establishment and declared himself Emperor. Under the alias of Darth Vader, my father help to exterminate most of the Jedi Knights, the first of countless crimes he was responsible for. I’ve since worked to rebuild the Order, but it has not been without - ”
Luke fell silent as Dr. Crusher exited the sickbay and headed for the viewing chamber. Picard, Data, and Luke followed her.
‘She’s stable for now, but I don’t know how long that will last.”
She turned to Luke.
“This disease you spoke of, it’s unlike any viral pathogen I’ve ever seen.”
“Beverley, is their any effective way to combat it?”
Crusher sighed.
“I might be able to adapt the procedure that the Voyager EMH utilized to repel Species 8472 cells, but there’s no guarantee. I’m sorry, Mr. Skywalker, but I have to state the obvious: Your wife and child will most likely not survive.”
There was a deep silence if the room. Then Master Skywalker spoke.
“Doctor, let me be with her. Please, I know how I can help her.”
Crusher stared at Skywalker briefly before nodding.
“Alright, but I don’t know if whatever it is you have planned will work.”
Luke turned back to her and gave a small hint of a smile.
“With the Force, anything is possible.”
Location: Q Continuum
Somewhere in the Universe
“Picard? Jean-Luc Picard?!”
Q nodded with a bit of humor.
“Yes my boy, he’s a bald headed, all too serious Captain who I had thoughts of making your godparent before settling on Aunt Kathy and who I‘ve been pestering for the latter part of the decade -”
He did it again; he was thinking again in linear terms and on the humans’ temporal plane. But that was a trivial concern given the present circumstances.
“Sounds like you’ve got quite a low opinion of him, dad.”
Q shook his head.
“Despite what I just said, this is quite a serious development to have Jean-Luc involved with the Merging.”
“How so?”
Q did not answer.
“Sorry Junior, but I cannot and will not voice my suspicions until I’m absolutely sure. Which means that I’m going to be paying the old Capitan a visit shortly…”
The Best of Both Worlds
Part V
“I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them.”
-Clara Barton-
Author’s Notes: Well, I had a little extra time on my hands this weekend, so I was able to get the fifth chapter of my little epic ready for your viewing pleasure. With the exception of the scene aboard the Burning Death during the previous chapter, this will be the first major time in the story that we will see the Yuzzhan Vong culture. In order to accomplish this, I read through several of the New Jedi Order books (I own all nineteen, including the series-finale, The Unifying Force. If you are a Star Wars fan or have been following the New Jedi Order since Vector Prime back in 1999, read it; you won’t be disappointed) in order to get a better feel for the culture and I believe that I have nailed it (That or just think the Jem’Hadar crossed with Species 8472 - kidding!). So, without any further adieu, just sit back and enjoy this latest installment.
Location: Duro
That Galaxy Far, Far Away...
Many considered the planet known as Duro to be one of the galaxy’s greatest tragedies, a tragedy on the level of the destruction of Alderaan and the detestation of Caamas. But it had not been reduced to an interstellar debris field of rock and ore, as Alderaan had. Instead, it had suffered a similar fate as Caamas, its surface devastated, but not for political reasons.
Rich in resources, it had been heavily exploited by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, its ruins and artifacts plundered, it’s landscape poisoned and devastated by Imperial factories which churned out the weapons of war that had characterized Palpatine‘s institution. The majority of the people of Duro had long ago abandoned any real mourning for their homeworld and had moved into orbital cities.
But despite all of this, it was now a different place. Perhaps it was a change in the appearance of the planet or even a certain sense of clarity that it had once lacked.
Or maybe it was simply the fleet of Yuzzhan Vong warships that orbited the planet, a space once occupied by the floating Duro cities, destroyed during the battle to take the planet as part of a sacrifice to Yun-Yammka, the Slayer and the Yuuzhan Vong’s God of War
The Yuuzhan Vong had taken Duro nearly a year beforehand, but their invasion had reached a standstill for the moment. Warmaster Tsavong Lah’s offer was still in effect, though for how much longer remained to be seen among both the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong’s courageous warriors. Many warriors, despite their shared apathy toward the Jeddai, did not like this, did not like this waiting.
Still, they would never voice their feelings and opinions directly to the Warmaster - it was uncalled for. Besides, unquestioning loyalty to one’s superior was one of the most significant things that made the Yuuzhan Vong different and superior from the infields of this galaxy. So, they simply waited, content to spar with each other attempt to enjoy this reprieve, however uneasy is was, and await the day that the cleansing of the infidels would begin again.
On board the fleet’s flagship, the Sunulok, however, was a warrior who was not in a joyful mood. He was in fact rather worried and knew that there was a high probability that he would be dead shortly.
He was kneeling in a private inner sanctum of the Sunulok, a location reserved only for the high commanders, also known unofficially among the Warriors, Shapers, and the other castes as the Chamber of Command. In the center of the room was a chair and upon that chair was a Yuuzhan Vong male. His left leg was gone, having been replaced with the foot of a biot, the vua'sa. In his hands was a Baton of Rank, a more narrow version of the common amphistaff that required more skill to wield, but was an indication of his rank, of honors bestowed on only a handful of his people.
“What do you mean a single infidel ship defeated your task force?!” growled the Yuuzhan Vong that was known as Tsavong Lah of Domain Lah, one of the most feared domains of the Yuzzhan Vong race.
The warrior, one Garh’e of the disgraced Domain Shai, who kneeled before him trembled with a visible sign of fear. He was after all the only survivor of the attempt to capture the Solo’s ship and the Jeddai it carried with it, the pilot of the sole coralskipper that had fled the skirmish at the system that the infidels called Naboo.
Such an action was outrageous and even heretical to the Yuzzhan Vong, who lived for the battle and would never give up, even in the face of overwhelming odds - they never had and never would. Such an action would most certainly also damage the already checkered reputation of Domain Shai even further, and would result in this pathetic excuse for a warrior’s death, by his own hand or by execution.
“Warmaster, the Burning Death’s complement of coral skippers was engaged in glorious combat with the infidel ship known as the Millennium Falcon, the ship of the Jeddai. Before we could fully disable them, a ship appeared, one that we have not encountered thus far in the march across this promised galaxy. They claimed to serve a Federation and vowed to protect the other infidels. When we attacked, the force was destroyed, but in a way that the infidels has not shown yet.”
Without warning, he suddenly brought his coufee, the large double bladed knife that every warrior carried, to his chest.
“I know my actions disgrace me and bring shame to our people. My life in exchange.”
He awaited the Warmaster’s signal to plunge the blade into his chest and end his shameful life.
Yet, Tsavong Lah’s response was hardly what he would have expected.
“Did the tactical villip on your coralskipper record this skirmish?”
The villip was the mollusk-like plant that served as the Yuuzhan Vong’s equivalent of the infidels’ comlink and other communications devices. The tactical villip was a variation used solely by the warrior caste to send information during attacks.
“Yes, it did. I have it here.”
The warrior reached into the pouch connected to his vonduun crab armor and produced the villip he had spoken of.
“Give it to me.”
The warrior gave Tsvaong Lah the villip without hesitation. The Warmaster took it and placed it to the side of his quarters and by a large lens like organism. The central quarters were equipped with a memory chilab, a creature was essentially a projector capable of accessing data recorded by a villip or sentinels.
In a moment, the chilab had linked with the villip. With quick motions of his hand, the Yuzzhan Warmaster accessed the chilab and the battle at Naboo began to play out in Tsavong Lah’s Chamber of Command.
Warlord Lah gazed silently at the white foreign vessel. It was a perverse sight, since after all, it was a machine and all Yuuzhan Vong had been taught that machines were a great evil. But still, even he, one of the most powerful figures in the four mighty castes of the Yuuzhan Vong below the dreaded one himself, Supreme Overlord Shimrra, could not deny that there was an almost despised majestic sleekness to this infidel ship.
Of course, he would never admit this aloud, lest his rivals in the other domains and castes use such a statement against him - he had already been chastised by them for the standstill in their march toward the Core.
He then gazed at the ship’s name, emblazoned on its white saucer. He knew enough of the hideous language that the infidels termed Basic, to make out the wording.
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E
The Chamber of Command was silent as the warmaster sat unmoving examining the replay of the battle from the memory chilab. He watched as the Enterprise struck out with unusual weaponry and how the attack ships suddenly blew up without an explanation.
The recording ended as the coralskipper turned away from the battle and, with the aid of its dovin basals, entered darkspace. There was silence for a long moment before Tsavong Lah raised himself to his full height and started down at the warrior of Domain Shai.
“This demands our further attention. You have done well, Garh’e Shai. By fleeing the battle, you have brought a new enemy development to my attention. You and your domain earn my praise for this action. You will be promoted and honored.”
All traces of the earlier fear vanished from the warrior’s face and a new eagerness broke through.
“Thank you Warmaster. I will not fail!”
The warrior was dismissed as Tsavong Lah reached for one of his personal villips. The Warmaster had spoken the truth. They were close to enacting what Lah had termed ‘Battle Plan Coruscant” - the invasion of the New Republic’s capital, the world that he wished most of offer to both his gods and to the Supreme Overlord. They needed only a little more time before they would be prepared to break the cease-fire that he had instigated the previous year when his people had taken Duro.
Now, a new player appeared to have entered the fray, with technology that was not standard of the infidels thus far. Could this be a brand-new ship/weapon that the Republic had just built in response to the invasion? If so, then their spies had failed enormously. The one that primarily came to mind was the duplicitous Kuati Senator Viqi Shesh, his people’s highest ranking agent who had been providing them with information since before the Centerpoint incident.
Perhaps she was playing both sides and Lah had good reason to suspect this. He knew that Shesh had little real interest in the Yuuzhan Vong way of life, that she was only providing classified New Republic data to him because she hoped that he would spare her homeworld of Kuat from the same fate that had befallen Ithor.
In any event, a frown came to his face as he beckoned the villip to life. To learn more about this new foe required an expert hand from the Intendant caste, and although he strongly distrusted the individual he intended to summon, the agent was still the best at what he did.
For a minute, the villip was still. Then, the facial features of a Yuuzhan Vong male formed across the bulb. His face was typical of the average Yuuzhan Vong - scarred and tattooed, but with one exception; his left eye was missing and in the empty socket was a fake eye better known among the Shaper caste as a playerian bol, a creature that with a movement of nerve impulses, could spit poison up to fifty feet.
“Yes Warmaster?”
“Executor Nom Anor; I have a special assignment for you.”
Location: Sector 001
The Milky Way Galaxy
“Captain Maxwell, Torpedo Bay-1 reports that the Class-Five probe is ready for launch”
On board the Gormenghast’s bridge, Maxwell looked over to the science station at Lt. Cmdr. Joseph Tobin, who was peering over the console at the ship’s sensor readings.
“Has there been any change in the readings on the wormhole?”
“No Captain.”
“Then launch the probe.”
The science officer tapped the OkudaGarm.
“The probe is away.”
The Excelsior-class vessel’s forward-starboard torpedo bay flared briefly for a moment as the probe was launched. It shot forward and suddenly, there was an explosion of red and silver light, the folds of space parted, revealing an aura of light and energy. It blazed for ten standard seconds and then collapsed upon itself.
“Hmm…very similar to the Bajoran wormhole,” noted Commander Noice.
Maxwell also saw it, but did not let it distract her.
“Sensors confirm that the probe went through; Further data should be coming through shortly, depending of course where the probe exits. I can’t tell if it the exit point of this wormhole is even if own galaxy, Captain.”
There was silence for a moment before the Captain responded.
“Understood. Keep me informed of any developments.”
If we’re lucky, we’ll find out what happened to Picard and the Enterprise.
Location: Naboo System
That Galaxy Far, Far Away...
The Enterprise-E hung silent in space, victorious in having repulsed the Yuuzhan Vong task force. Red Alert had been downgraded to Yellow Alert and damage control teams, at the direction of Chief Engineer LaForge were making minor repairs to bulkheads and equipment that been damaged in the attack.
The scene in the Enterprise’s primary sickbay on the other hand was somber, with Dr. Crusher, Nurse Alyssa Owaga, and several other medical personnel scanning and working feverishly. Mara Jade Skywalker lay on the surgical bed, hollering and trying to remain still. The passengers of the Millenium Falcon stood in the viewing room, their attention completely focused on the procedure.
Picard stood in apart from them in Sickbay’s main office, contemplating everything that had happened in the last few hours. The Enterprise had been hurled through a previously undiscovered wormhole six million years in the past to a galaxy where humans existed, had fought a new, vicious alien race, and were now trying to save this woman.
If anyone could help her, it was Beverly Crusher - Picard trusted her abilities that much.
He glanced over at the viewing bay at the rapt attention of the occupants. He didn’t need to be a telepath to tell that this woman clearly meant a great deal to them, but most especially to the man calling himself Luke Skywalker.
Here to Picard was another piece of the puzzle that the Enterprise was being faced with: Luke, a common name to not just to humans in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, but also in this galaxy it seemed. This was -
Picard turned to see Data standing behind him.
“Yes Data, what is it?”
“Captain, before Dr. Crusher began the procedure, she asked me to examine the DNA sample that she took from Mara Jade Skywalker.
It was the typical double-helix that made up the basic human genetic structure - and not just humans, but the majority of humanoid species as Picard’s old professor of archaeology, Richard Galen, had set out to prove shortly before his death almost a decade before.
“Biologically, they are as human as you and Dr. Crusher. But on the genetic level, that’s where similarities start to branch off. Look at this.”
Data tapped the Sickbay display console and enlarged the DNA sample that had been taken from Mara Jade Skywalker. He pointed to several parts of the strand of DNA and what to chemical receptors within the DNA. Picard looked at the enlargement and frowned.
“What hell is that?”
“They appear to be some kind of microscopic organism, but there’s nothing in the Starfleet database that matches this. They could the ‘coomb spores’ that her husband mentioned earlier, but - ”
“They’re called midichlorians.”
Picard and Data turned around to see Luke Skywalker facing them.
This was a piece of information that the Republic scientists, going through the Imperial Information center, had discovered in files Palpatine’s agents had kept on Jedi imprisonment and identification techniques. The New Republic had shared this with him and it had proven to be a useful piece of information during the latter stages of his attempts to find Force-strong candidates for the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4.
“They’re microbes, inhabiting all living cells, that act as receptors to the Force”
Picard’s interest piqued again.
“You mentioned this Force back on the bridge. What is it?”
Skywalker cleared his throat, reciting the words that Obi-Wan Kenobi had told him in the confines of his hut on Tatooine over two decades before.
“The Force is an energy field created by all living things. Being an adept in the Force meant tremendous power to serve others... or to be served instead. For there are two paths for the seeker of the Force: the Light Side that a person contributes to, or the Dark Side which espouses the grasp of power for power's sake.”
Reciting the teachings of the Force calmed him and helped to ease the stress of Mara’s trouble.
“Such is the teachings of the Jedi.”
“The Jedi?”
“The Jedi are, or rather, were peacekeepers, guardians of peace and the Old Republic, the New Republic’s predecessors. My father, Anakin, was the first member of our family to be inducted into the Jedi Order had the potential to become the greatest Jedi of his age. He instead became one of the greatest traitors in the history of the Order. He sided with a man named Cos Palpatine, the Republic’s last chancellor who overthrew the establishment and declared himself Emperor. Under the alias of Darth Vader, my father help to exterminate most of the Jedi Knights, the first of countless crimes he was responsible for. I’ve since worked to rebuild the Order, but it has not been without - ”
Luke fell silent as Dr. Crusher exited the sickbay and headed for the viewing chamber. Picard, Data, and Luke followed her.
‘She’s stable for now, but I don’t know how long that will last.”
She turned to Luke.
“This disease you spoke of, it’s unlike any viral pathogen I’ve ever seen.”
“Beverley, is their any effective way to combat it?”
Crusher sighed.
“I might be able to adapt the procedure that the Voyager EMH utilized to repel Species 8472 cells, but there’s no guarantee. I’m sorry, Mr. Skywalker, but I have to state the obvious: Your wife and child will most likely not survive.”
There was a deep silence if the room. Then Master Skywalker spoke.
“Doctor, let me be with her. Please, I know how I can help her.”
Crusher stared at Skywalker briefly before nodding.
“Alright, but I don’t know if whatever it is you have planned will work.”
Luke turned back to her and gave a small hint of a smile.
“With the Force, anything is possible.”
Location: Q Continuum
Somewhere in the Universe
“Picard? Jean-Luc Picard?!”
Q nodded with a bit of humor.
“Yes my boy, he’s a bald headed, all too serious Captain who I had thoughts of making your godparent before settling on Aunt Kathy and who I‘ve been pestering for the latter part of the decade -”
He did it again; he was thinking again in linear terms and on the humans’ temporal plane. But that was a trivial concern given the present circumstances.
“Sounds like you’ve got quite a low opinion of him, dad.”
Q shook his head.
“Despite what I just said, this is quite a serious development to have Jean-Luc involved with the Merging.”
“How so?”
Q did not answer.
“Sorry Junior, but I cannot and will not voice my suspicions until I’m absolutely sure. Which means that I’m going to be paying the old Capitan a visit shortly…”
Last edited by JME2 on 2004-02-06 02:15am, edited 2 times in total.
- Pathetic Attention Whore
- Posts: 5470
- Joined: 2003-02-17 12:04pm
- Location: Bat Country!
Again, excellent. Is there an estimate on when the next update can be expected?
No conscience. No law. No stopping them....
....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.
Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.
Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11949
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
For some one who seems to be so keen on the Vong you have made a rather large error concerning the warmasters implants.
point in case:
Also in a pure vong, scene you refered to biotechnology. Vong would never referr to their living servants as "technology"
Thirdly this:
Despite this seemlying negative rant, I really like your story.
point in case:
Twas Lah's Left foot that was smashed so badly by telekinesised whirlwind of objects it had to be amputated. And it was replaced by the foot of a vua'sa. The randank claw replaced Lah's arm as he sacrificed to give Battle Plan Corusant the blessing of the gods.His left leg was gone, having been sliced off by the Jeddai Jacen Solo the previous year. In its place, the shapers had attached a clawed leg of the fearsome biot known as a randak
Also in a pure vong, scene you refered to biotechnology. Vong would never referr to their living servants as "technology"
Thirdly this:
Paragraph seems needless of Course luke's going to care THEIR MARRIED.He glanced over at the viewing bay at the rapt attention of the occupants. This woman clearly meant a great deal to them, but most especially to the man calling himself Luke Skywalker.
Despite this seemlying negative rant, I really like your story.
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 2355
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My bad. Corrections will be made ASAP. The problem is there is so much NJO info that I knew I'd overlook or mix up something sooner or later.Crazedwraith wrote:For some one who seems to be so keen on the Vong you have made a rather large error concerning the warmasters implants.
point in case:Twas Lah's Left foot that was smashed so badly by telekinesised whirlwind of objects it had to be amputated. And it was replaced by the foot of a vua'sa. The randank claw replaced Lah's arm as he sacrificed to give Battle Plan Corusant the blessing of the gods.His left leg was gone, having been sliced off by the Jeddai Jacen Solo the previous year. In its place, the shapers had attached a clawed leg of the fearsome biot known as a randak
Also in a pure vong, scene you refered to biotechnology. Vong would never referr to their living servants as "technology"
Thirdly this:Paragraph seems needless of Course luke's going to care THEIR MARRIED.He glanced over at the viewing bay at the rapt attention of the occupants. This woman clearly meant a great deal to them, but most especially to the man calling himself Luke Skywalker.
Despite this seemlying negative rant, I really like your story.
That's what we, the readers, are here for. Believe me, if you goof up, someone is bound to catch it so you can fix it.JME2 wrote:My bad. Corrections will be made ASAP. The problem is there is so much NJO info that I knew I'd overlook or mix up something sooner or later.
Update by week's end? Great! I just hope you won't sacrifice quality for expediency.JME2 wrote:I'll try before the end of the week. At the latest, next week.
No conscience. No law. No stopping them....
....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.
Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.
Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 2355
- Joined: 2002-07-05 09:27pm
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Umm, JME, my computer just came back from the shop...
... and I was reading your story, Chapter 4. Apparently, you chose to assume that transporters get a FREE pass as long as there are no shields.
That's fine by itself. But I am just wondering why did you choose to have the cruiser not engage with its heavy weaponry? If the Vong cruiser engaged and even got one hit, it'd almost certainly be curtains for the Enterprise.
I know very well that storywise, you couldn't just sacrifice the Enterprise in such a fashion. But for plausibility, why did the Vong cruiser stand off until it was blown up to a transported torpedo? I'm curious. Honestly curious.
It is fine if you want to give the Federation a "bypass-defense" capability to compensate for their inherently weak "force-defense" capability. But at least let the enemy use its own "force-defense" capability, too.
That's fine by itself. But I am just wondering why did you choose to have the cruiser not engage with its heavy weaponry? If the Vong cruiser engaged and even got one hit, it'd almost certainly be curtains for the Enterprise.
I know very well that storywise, you couldn't just sacrifice the Enterprise in such a fashion. But for plausibility, why did the Vong cruiser stand off until it was blown up to a transported torpedo? I'm curious. Honestly curious.
It is fine if you want to give the Federation a "bypass-defense" capability to compensate for their inherently weak "force-defense" capability. But at least let the enemy use its own "force-defense" capability, too.
- Col. Crackpot
- That Obnoxious Guy
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Re: Umm, JME, my computer just came back from the shop...
i think that can be classified as the learning curve. no doubt the Vong will figure out how to adapt the doval basins to negate the transporters soon. I think the engagement was fundamentaly sound.Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:... and I was reading your story, Chapter 4. Apparently, you chose to assume that transporters get a FREE pass as long as there are no shields.
That's fine by itself. But I am just wondering why did you choose to have the cruiser not engage with its heavy weaponry? If the Vong cruiser engaged and even got one hit, it'd almost certainly be curtains for the Enterprise.
I know very well that storywise, you couldn't just sacrifice the Enterprise in such a fashion. But for plausibility, why did the Vong cruiser stand off until it was blown up to a transported torpedo? I'm curious. Honestly curious.
It is fine if you want to give the Federation a "bypass-defense" capability to compensate for their inherently weak "force-defense" capability. But at least let the enemy use its own "force-defense" capability, too.
"This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.” -Tom Clancy
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 2355
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Re: Umm, JME, my computer just came back from the shop...
I suppose there would be transporter countermeasures soon. I'm more wondering WHY the transporter ever had time to come into play in the first engagement, when all the Vong cruiser has to do is hit the Enterprise once with its regular weaponry and it'd be pretty much curtains. This has nothing to do with learning curve, unless the Vong have to learn to attack with their capital vessels in conjunction with their fighters.Col. Crackpot wrote:i think that can be classified as the learning curve. no doubt the Vong will figure out how to adapt the doval basins to negate the transporters soon. I think the engagement was fundamentaly sound.
Re: Umm, JME, my computer just came back from the shop...
Because unless we want this to be another Star Trek meets Star Wars, Star Trek dies horribly, Star Wars continues on its merry (malevolent) way with no further incident fanfic some allowances are going to have to be made. I'll be happy if the Enterprise is bumped somewhat in power in order to give us a good story.Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:I suppose there would be transporter countermeasures soon. I'm more wondering WHY the transporter ever had time to come into play in the first engagement, when all the Vong cruiser has to do is hit the Enterprise once with its regular weaponry and it'd be pretty much curtains. This has nothing to do with learning curve, unless the Vong have to learn to attack with their capital vessels in conjunction with their fighters.Col. Crackpot wrote:i think that can be classified as the learning curve. no doubt the Vong will figure out how to adapt the doval basins to negate the transporters soon. I think the engagement was fundamentaly sound.
"The best part of losing your mind is not missing it."
Re: Umm, JME, my computer just came back from the shop...
My understaning was that Vong weaponry was actually rather weak compare to standard Star Wars tech, and that their ability to drop the shields of an enemy vessel is what allows them to dish out punishment.I suppose there would be transporter countermeasures soon. I'm more wondering WHY the transporter ever had time to come into play in the first engagement, when all the Vong cruiser has to do is hit the Enterprise once with its regular weaponry and it'd be pretty much curtains. This has nothing to do with learning curve, unless the Vong have to learn to attack with their capital vessels in conjunction with their fighters.
I seem to recall in the first NJO novel, that their weapons bounced off a B-Wing's shields like ping pong balls and that only after the shields were droped, were they able to do much damage to the ship itself.
Granted This could have changed given the multitude of authors writing NJO books.