"Guards. Leave me.” Emporer Palpatines spoke unexpectedly before whispering, “he’s here.”
“Here I am… Senator.”
“Master Yoda. I am amazed to see you have come.”
“Feel him you do… stop this we must… the dark side before I have felt but this is new…”
“Resist it you must. Work with you I am forced to.”
“How were you able to escape from whatever backwater you were stuck on?”
“In many ways can the force work, defending itself, it is.”
“The head of the Jedi Council and a Sith Lord? In coalition?”
“Imbalance there is. Action must be taken.”
“But what if I join Chaos? I could kill you here and heed the call.”
“You’re foresight can see where this ends. Power you crave, and powerless you would be.”
“Guards, inform Grand Moff Tarkin that he is temporary leader of the Galactic Empire. I must take a respite.”
Lightsabers in hand the Dark Lord of the Sith and leader of the Jedi Council walked side by side to a shuttle to begin their task of saving the force from destruction.
The entire Enterprise bridge crew that remained was gathered in Sisko’s ready room with the Deep Space Nine crew observing. Numerous security guards stood around ready for any trouble. The young betazoid man walked into the room and greeted Sisko.
“Many thanks for agreeing to do this,” Sisko said. “Scan round the room, do you feel a… malevolent presence. Something which appals your telepathic sense.”
The Betazoid began to move around the room, standing first by Data, shaking his head, moving on to Picard, shaking his head, then Riker.
“I feel. Aggression, hatred…” the Betazoid began backing off.
“Die!” shouted Riker insanely trying to strangle the Betazoid.
Phasers fired at Riker and he was sent to the floor, Eldrack held a knife wielding Dr. Crusher long enough for her to be shot as well.
“It was the two of them.” The Betazoid said. “Definitely. Everyone else here is normal.”
Stood between Dr. Crusher and Commander Riker Eldrack could not agree more. He watched the Betazoid go with glee.
“Captain, may I have a word?” asked Eldrack after everyone else had left
“Of course.”
“I believe I may have been contacted by the Prophets last night. They told me how our replicators might be able to make bolters.”
“I was contacted too but I received no such detailed instructions.”
“Do not ask me how I know but I do.”
“The prophets are a mysterious people.” Sisko agreed. “Go to Dax and give her the instructions. Also, order the Enterprise to be locked, I do not want Picard going alone to try and disrupt the wormhole.”
Somewhere, a Ferengi was wondering why his holodecks had been on all night.
“Your agent has failed,” Magneus Calgar declared.
“And you’re warriors fared no better,” Inquisitor Grim replied. “And my agent has not failed completely, we can still send warriors over there. The only difference is that we will have to take the space station by force from their brig instead of from all location simultaneously. Are not your warriors capable of that?”
“The Ultramarines will defeat any foe!” Magneus Calgar roared in anger. “By challenging the might of the Emporer’s chosen you challenge the might of the Emporer himself!”
“As an Inquisitor I outrank you!” Grim protested.
“Out rank this!” Calgar shouted swinging a power fist.
The mechanically enhanced fist struck Grim in the centre of the body sending the Inquisitor smashing into the wall of the Ultramarines temple.
“Let’s go!”
“Just keep moving,” Boba Fett growled at Leia and Luke. “We’ll reach Mos Eisley soon enough.”
“I can’t go on,” Leia wailed sinking to her knees.
“Yeah come on,” Luke protested, “We’ve been walking for an hour now and we’re boiling up. You probably have some sort of coolant in there; how are we supposed to keep up with you?”
“Because I haven’t got a gun at my back.” Boba answered firing a warning shot past Luke’s ear.
Luke heard a voice within his head.
“Luke… Luke.”
“Obi Wan…” he whispered.
“The force has opened itself up to you, feel it flow through you and gain control of the situation. When Yoda comes, heed him, Yoda is the wise Jedi master who instructed me….”
“Hey! Move!” Boba Fett insisted.
“No.” Luke said suddenly feeling the overwhelming presence of the force. “You do not wish me to move.”
“I am not susceptible to Jedi powers.” Boba cocked his head slightly.
“Oh really?” chuckled a voice from behind him.
“What the…” Boba turned to find an old pale man standing behind him, fingers pointing towards him.
Bolts of electricity sprang from the fingertips of the old man and threw Boba Fett backwards landing heavily on the Tatooine desert with lightening pulsing through him.
“Unnecessary that death was,” Yoda sighed next to the man, Darth Sidious, who had sent the wave of lightening.
“We didn’t have time for a treaty.” Sidious rebuked him.
Leia began to realise that in her a power was growing, she knew she was capable of great things.
“We must begin your training,” Yoda said quickly. “To the shuttle.”
It seemed bizarre to Luke and Leia that the shuttle had not been apparent to them before but there it was, standing proudly in the middle of a backwater planet as if it, and the Emporer, were in exactly the right place. They began to move quickly towards it.
“Who are you?” asked Leia.
“He is Yoda,” the ghostly figure of Obi Wan Kenobi appeared behind the two Jedi masters. “And that is the Emporer.”
“The Emporer?” Luke asked increduosly.
“We have no time to explain,” Sidious hissed. “We must away immediately.”
Two figures landed on the sand behind Luke and Leia.
“Because otherwise we show up right?” asked the first.
The first figure was only alarming in his sudden appearance, his humanoid shape, pointed ears, two hand pistols, ordinary civilian attire and strange tattoos were not as alarming as the figure that once had been Darth Vader, which had once been Anakin Skywalker: instead of the black helmet a vaguely canine head rose up from between the shoulders, red spikes stuck out throughout the body and a pair of wings adorned his back.
Eldrack and Palpatine had equal reactions in regards to their shuttles and both attacked each other by proxy destroying the other.
“And we’re stuck on this planet.” Eldrack smiled. “I see you did not bring your communicators here.”
Yoda and Palpatine lit up their lightsabers. The Demon with Eldrack stepped forward with 2 lightsabers.
“I wouldn’t recommend it,” Eldrack smiled aiming his two rifles at Luke and Leia.
“Stronger than you believe the force is,” Yoda’s eyes narrowed.
“Really?” asked Eldrack backing away towards Boba Fett’s carcass and kneeling down.
The lightsabers flew from the Demon’s hands and were caught by Luke and Leia.
“Focusing on chaos your new servant is,” Yoda revealed. “The force is strong with all of us. The force is unfocused within Anakin.”
“That name no longer has meaning for him,” Eldrack said. “He is Revenger.”
“And he is weaponless,” Palpatine smiled stepping forward to attack the beast.
“That is an incorrect assumption,” Eldrack corrected him as the Demon sprung an axe and a staff from his hands that seemed to buzz with energy. “An axe? Too much anger.”
“We will defeat him,” Leia said.
“Of course you will,” Eldrack said. “There are 4 of you and one of him but I was wondering what you could do to this?”
He grabbed the jet pack with one arm and set it off. They could see that the straps had somehow come loose from Boba Fett. Eldrack flew in a horizontal line as he awaited their impending destruction. From the sky came the Millennium Falcon straight at the group of Jedi. The 4 of them raised their hands to it and it stopped before it rammed into them.
“Impossible,” Eldrack whispered in momentary shock. He turned the jetpack and went up to land on the Falcon. “But not unbeatable!”
Revenger stabbed his staff at Palpatine and swung his axe down on Yoda. Eldrack made it on to the hull of the Millennium Falcon and grabbed hold of the satellite dish. Palpatine parried the staff aside amazed to see it stood up to the force of a lightsaber whilst Yoda parried the axe aside. Leia and Luke moved in on the Demon who fired a pshycic power at them, a flame that leapt from its eyes and required the two of them to duck and roll to avoid it. The Millennium Falcon altered course and sped along the grounds at speeds that, though slow for a spacecraft, were sufficient to put significant distance between the Jedi and Eldrack. Eldrack began climbing into the Falcon itself so that it could increase speed and not throw him off or kill him. As it was the sand in his eyes was horrendous. Palpatine parried the staff aside and cut off the Demon’s arm. Yoda aimed low and removed the Demon’s legs and Luke and Leia combined destroyed the torso leaving it lifeless.
Dax, Data and Eldrack Nightshade had just began replicating bolters.
“Dax to Sisko. We don’t know how they work but we’ve been able to copy them. Essentially they should be normal shotguns but the power they yield is remarkable.”
“Just in time old man! Just got a report that armoured beings are terrorising the promenade!”
Eldrack picked up a power weapon and threw another to Data.
“Come on.” Eldrack said grabbing a bolt pistol.
“It appears that I would have no alternative.”
Feels shorter today but thought I would leave it on a cliff hanger before I write the next bit - which I am going to enjoy even if nobody else does!