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Post by JME2 »

Very nice, very nice. I can just hear John Wayne calling out from the grave, "All right gummy, we're goin' to war!"

And I loved the little phantom menace bit. :twisted:
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Post by Stravo »

Here's something that's been bugging me about this chapter creative and editorial wise.

I originally intended a name change of the Emperor's Will to Imperator's Will. But then I thought, wouldn't it be awesome to have it called Skywalker's Will? I imagined the scene at the Battle of Andor when the name is announced and what Vader's reaction would be. But then I vascilatted and thought Luke wouldn't want that because it would smack too much of a Cult of Personality like Palpatine's and Luke is trying to build a dynasty that will there long after he's gone.

So I went back and forth and settled on what I originally intended. Anyone disagree and think it should be Skywalker's Will?
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Post by Dartzap »

There is a cheap way out of that, you could just call it the Imperuims Will.. but Skywalkers Will would definitly be an intresting thing, when Vader and Thrawn were around (and yes, i know i screwed that blasted word up)
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Very good chapter. All though Tarsi seems to be able to make desiscions for the entire triuphumarate (goddamnit i can't spell) annoys me.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Bravo Stravo. I like the name Imperator's Will, it has a nice ring to it. It can even just be called The Imperator.

Now, when is Thrawn going to come in and kick all of their asses?
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Post by Perseid »

Great chapter Stravo, worth the wait (even if it was two months of torture)

Can't wait for the Battle of Andor

Hmm, kinda sounds like one of the biggest fleet engagements in SW, barring the RotS battle
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Post by Star Empire »

Great chapter. As good as the name Skywalker's Will sounds, you were right not to use it. It would seem to out of character. I look forward to reading the next chapter.
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Post by Dead_Ghost »

Stravo wrote:Decide you must on how best you serve yourself and your friends.
Most amusing, I could almost imagine the "ghost" of Yoda in the room, standing near Luke :lol:
Well done, Stravo. Now I'm very very curious to see how will the Federation and its Remnant react to the Battle of Andor...
Mark S wrote:Maybe they're allowed to have all the casual sex they want. It's not sex that's forbidden, it's attachment.

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Post by Stravo »

Dead_Ghost wrote:
Stravo wrote:Decide you must on how best you serve yourself and your friends.
Most amusing, I could almost imagine the "ghost" of Yoda in the room, standing near Luke :lol:
Well done, Stravo. Now I'm very very curious to see how will the Federation and its Remnant react to the Battle of Andor...
I was really wondering if anyone would pick that up. :D
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Post by Mr Bean »

*gah new chapter caught me offguard and asleep
*Edit as for your question Stravo, a massive broadcast per-battle with all hands yelling for Lord Skywalker would have much the same effect, naming the ship after himself DOES smack to much of cult of personality even though thats just what he's built.
(Even if at some point down the road he has the insituions in place to take over for him once's he's gone, its not like he can say, Ok folks, turns out there's not a comet coming to take us away to La-la-la, don't bother drinking the cool-aid just go home, oh and don't forget to turn the lights off as you leave.)

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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Ho-lee shit. Federation vs Federation... Empire vs Empire... This Sunday in the Fanfic forum, be ready for the ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN as the forces of good and evil collide for one... last... TIME!

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Post by Darth Yoshi »


Andor is going to rock. Keep it coming, Stravo.
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

New Starcrossed, after so long!!
Stravo, I love you, I want to have your children!
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Post by FTeik »

Call it "Son of the Suns". :D
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

Imperator's Will has a better ring to it.

Thanks for posting a new chapter.
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Chris OFarrell
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

It'll be interesting to see how Kirk and his people react to this.

Afterall, they havn't been sitting still. They have been able to reverse enginear the Turboalser technology easily enough, it was just a problem of finding enough power to use them. Now they have the hypermatter reactors and they have Rebel/Federation technicians desperatly working on duplicating and installing them. They have been manufacturing proton torpedoes to repalce the photon torpedoes on their capital ships damn near non stop for some time. The system has been mined to an absurd level. They still have the Doomsday Machine up and ready again, this time WITHOUT a Sith Lord screwing everything up.

And lest we forget, Section 31 is ready to blow Andors star and take out the entire system ANY any hostile ships and I'm sure they have a plan to keep the bad guys traped in system until its too late....

So I'm VERY curious as to whats going to happen here....

Beyond that, lets get a quick check of the status of everyone?

Kirk is back and about to engage in a war with Jellico for control of the fleet. All the Klingon ships Worf can spare are with him and Andor is locked down tigher then a Catholic Girls boarding school.

The Federation as it exists has agreed to help the Imperium move to Andor, presumably to fight against Thrawn on his chosen battlefield.

The Romulans also are happily ready to fight with the Imperium against Thrawn.

And the Imperium has rallied behind Luke Skywalker. Who has declared himself Emperor...and is at a weird state of being. He doesn't appear to have any guilt or care for the billions he has directly killed through the Galaxy or the fact that there are many races who probably don't like him at all much for showing up and enslaving them. And it looks like he is about to go ahead and deploy all those new Stormtroopers.

Thrawn must be pissed to all hell thanks to Vadar screwing up everything and starting with the Imperial fleet ahead of schedual. I'm sure they'll just be WONDERFUL to each other when they meet up again. Oh and Khan still appears to have outguessed Thrawn and is ready to try and take over with Thrawns comprimised senior officers.

Vader is pissed, his Son has turned away from the Dark side while he can not. Next time they meet, he has sworn to kill him...

The Borg have rebooted, this time under sane leadership and control. The collective is still reasnobly intact in terms of numbers and now with intelegence in command of the Hive....

Maul is off trying to kill people for the Emperor, who is still running around with his *dramatic pause* FULLY ARMED AND OPERATIONAL BATTLE STATION slaying most of Treks lesser 'superbeings'.

You know, I think the battle of Andor is going to resemble nothing so much as a fifteen car pile up on a highway. Two cars collide, then car after car keeps comming around the corner and slowing down far too late, smashing into the wreck which just keeps on getting bigger and bigger and bigger...
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

Chris OFarrell wrote:And lest we forget, Section 31 is ready to blow Andors star and take out the entire system ANY any hostile ships and I'm sure they have a plan to keep the bad guys traped in system until its too late....
Maul is off trying to kill people for the Emperor, who is still running around with his *dramatic pause* FULLY ARMED AND OPERATIONAL BATTLE STATION slaying most of Treks lesser 'superbeings'.
Whoa, whoa, WHOOOAAAA! Where did these two come in?!

You know, I actually felt like I was going to cry when the Romulan recieved his rank in surprise. Something about the Romulan empire not just being a protectorate but also an equal state in status really choked me there. I guess it's because empires always reduce the conquered to second rate states and it's very nice that it's not true here.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Didn't the Romans also do that? Pax something-something or something?
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Post by Stravo »

Any charges of laziness I think have now been refuted. Enjoy the chapter ladies and gents, this one was a pleasure to write,

Chapter 86: Chains of Command

Luke stood silently at the foot of the medical bed. He was watching the young woman with a deep penetrating gaze as the duo of Jem’Hedar stood silently like hunting dogs at his sides.

“Leave us.” He ordered.

The Jem’Hedar wordlessly stepped out of the room but stood stoically immediately outside the door. The stormtroopers outside and the Jem’Hedar exchanged perfunctory glances but said nothing.

“Nice watch dogs you have there for yourself.” Mara finally broke the silence. She looked into his eyes, returning his intense gaze. “So…I hear you’re and Imperator or some personage of importance these days.” She smirked.

“Word has it I am in need of my Dark Lady.” Luke commented quietly.

Mara frowned. She shifted uncomfortably in her bed. She was a woman of action and detested these moments of weakness.

“Did you have to do it? You were fine where you stood. No one blamed you for testing the limits. You’re a Sith lord after all and like Vader you’re given an extreme amount of leeway when it came to challenging the Emperor. But this.” She paused as if trying to get a bad taste out of her mouth. “You’ve declared war on the Empire Nemesis. What choices have you left me!” She spat and slapped the tray hanging over her bed with glasses of water and fruits away in furious impotence.

“Are you going to kill me then?” Luke asked as he took a step over from the foot of the bed to her bedside. His eyes drifted down to her belly. Within he could feel it, the life growing inside and it was strong in the Force. It shone from within like a beacon.

He wondered if his father ever had a chance to watch him grow or did he fall before he knew? Vader never discussed those matters. He never wanted to talk about the past, before he was Vader. But a name drifted on his thoughts for the briefest moment when Luke pressed him one day. Padme.

If his child had been a girl for some reason he would have named her Padme.

“You’re a bigger fool than I thought.” Mara sneered.

“Why? I won’t stop you.”

Mara eyed him dangerously. He knew that she was seriously considering it. This moment was dangerous for him. His vision was particularly clouded here. Too many decisions to be made, too many forks in the road and the Force was no longer as clear as it once was. It was as if a great mudslide had clouded the waters of the future. So little could be seen now – he had never even had a glimpse of his son until now.

“You would wouldn’t you? You would let me kill you.”

“If it means so much to you. But you and I both know you won’t.”

“Don’t test me. I don’t like it when people test me. I push back.” She whispered darkly.

“So. This dance we’re having, when precisely will it end?”

Mara said nothing.

“You are angry at me for finally declaring what was an open secret. You knew my intentions long ago sweet Mara. You chose to stand by my side nonetheless and you tried to rescue me from certain death. If you were still an Emperor’s Hand you would have left me back there on Darkstar’s world or at the very least you would have struck me down now but you have not.”

Mara was suddenly up on her knees with one hand whipped around Luke’s waist holding his saber and the other placing a knife that had materialized out of some fold in her clothes planted firmly against his throat.

The Jem’Hedar instantly snapped to attention and stormed into the room, the stormtroopers closely behind, weapons drawn.

Luke held up a hand at his guards.

“Everything is under control.”

“Is it?” She asked sharply increasing the pressure of the knife on his throat.

“Cut it.” Luke instructed.

Mara looked from Luke’s face to the guards and back at Luke.

“Cut it or sit down and let us discuss the future of our son and heir.”

She reacted as if Luke had struck her.

“You may leave us.” Luke turned his attention to the guards and placed some emphasis on the words with the Force. A gentle tug on their relatively simple minds and the guards walked out almost robotically, the Jem’Hedar looking confused that they had done so without hesitation or complaint.

“I don’t want him.” She said fervently.

It was Luke’s turn to feel as if he had been given a terrible body blow.

She slumped back down into the bed and let the knife clatter uselessly to the floor. Luke watched her for a moment, feeling her despair and confusion.

“Why?” he asked simply.

Mara stared at him in half bemusement and half confusion.

“Can you imagine what it will be like, Nemesis.”

“Luke.” He interrupted gently.

She sighed deeply. It was all coming apart before her very eyes.

“I fell in love with Darth Nemesis not some hick farm boy.” She replied hotly.

“Ah…so you are in love.”

Mara sat up in the bed and jabbed a finger into his chest.

“Do you want to hear it? Is that it?! Yes I am in love with Lord Nemesis, I loved him when the Emperor showed me his holodisplay and ordered me to watch over you and kill you if necessary should your allegiances falter. I loved him when he destroyed all opposition to our rightful rule of this wretched galaxy and I loved him when he challenged the might of the Empire without fear and hesitation.”

Luke took her hand, wrapping it in his and bringing it up to his lips. He kissed it gently, smelling her scent and feeling the hard calluses and still soft spots along her palms and fingers. SO like her, hard yet soft at the same time.

He looked down at her meaningfully.

“Yet you made love to Luke Skywalker and now you carry his child.”

She drew her hand away as if stung.

“Luke Skywalker is weak. He cannot lead. Unlike Nemesis he needs to be loved, he needs to feel that people WANT him to lead. Just as you came here asking me to tell you that I love you Nemesis would have accepted it as a given.”

“Nemesis did not love you.” Luke finally stated with conviction.

Mara’s eyes widened slightly and he could see the tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

“He did not love you. He saw you as an instrument, a tool, a way to gain leverage and by clouding your emotions he would remove your ability to threaten him for how could someone kill the man they loved.”

“That’s not true.” She whispered.

Luke nodded gravely.

“I am so sorry Mara. The love that you felt in return for yours was mine. The Luke Skywalker that crept out in moments of weakness or distraction for Nemesis. It was that one moment of weakness that allowed me to come to the surface and truly love you. If you don’t believe me then do what must be done.”

“What?” She asked uncertainly.

“I have no doubts that a trained Hand like yourself must know some techniques to abort that child.”

Mara eyes narrowed on Luke.

“What are you saying? That I should kill him?”

Luke pursed his lips. “Listen more closely. If you do no accept that I love you and that it was always Luke Skywalker that loved you then destroy the end result of that love. But if you are willing to accept that love then take my hand and let us be joined forever as husband and wife and raise our son to be ruler of all that we have built here.” Luke gently extended his hand out to her.

Mara watched him closely for a long silent moment.

“What kind of parents would we be, Luke?” she asked softly. “What kind of son could I raise? I’ve spent my entire life killing and destroying. I don’t have a maternal instinct in my body and yes damnit I’ve been taught to abort the unwanted products of any couplings I’ve had. All the better to seduce and destroy good men.” She spoke like a ghost revisiting her past, a haunted expression in her eyes as she looked away. One hand absently fell to her stomach as she spoke. “It should be second nature to me by now and I almost did when I felt it inside of me.” She looked up at him now, pain etched on her face. “But it was a part of you and I did not think I would ever have that again.” She said, voice cracking. Luke’s eyes moistened but he said nothing. “And now you are offering me a chance to be a queen, raise a son, love a man. And frankly Luke…I don’t deserve it.”

“I love whom I love. You have been my queen the moment you stepped on this vessel and stood by my side as my little deadly shadow.” Luke replied and ran his free hand along her cheek, now wet with her tears. “As to what sort of parents we will be…my father was Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith and I think we can do better than that. Don’t you?” he smiled warmly.

Mara could not help it. She laughed. A short burst at first but then she laughed harder and even snorted which caused her eyes to widen in embarrassment and she laughed even harder in reaction to that, getting up on the edge of the bed and falling into Luke’s chest laughing harder still. And as she laughed one hand very quietly, hesitantly at first, but gently slipped into his offered hand.

Luke closed his hand on hers and held her to his chest as she continued to laugh and he began to laugh as well, running one hand through her hair and trying not to think of the battle to come that might render this scene moot.

“We are secure from warp speed Captain. Approaching Avalon at one half impulse power. Awaiting your orders.” Sulu reported calmly as his fingers danced along the helm control and brought the science vessel in on a leisurely approach towards the Federation Remnant’s secret headquarters.

“Continue on this course Mr. Sulu.”

“Tactical?” Entebbe asked.

Kirk shook his head slowly as he saw the first wing of starships swiftly approaching.

“No, we’re doing this the hard way. If Captain Jellico wants to hold onto his command he’s going to have to fight for it but he’s going to start that fight.” Kirk glanced up at Entebbe and smiled softly. “I’ll finish it.”

Entebbe nodded but was not thrilled with the option of hi science vessel flying right into the teeth of Jellico’s defenses without at least her shields raised. They were playing for the most serious stakes of all right now. The future of the Federation.

“I’m scanning twenty seven starships on approach and thirty more holding back in reserve. The rest of the fleet is in standby mode.” Spock reported as he analyzed the data scrolling on his science monitors. He found these control interfaces far more ergonomic and useful than the hooded sensor system on the original Enterprise.

“Fifty Seven starships. Is that how many he can count on?” Kirk wondered aloud.

“According to Captain Riker he has almost complete control of the attack wing he originally commanded and was working hard at gaining the loyalty of other like minded commanders.” Leia noted standing by the Captain’s chair.

“Bloody mutinous sinners each and every one of them.” Scotty muttered darkly.

“They were brave commanders under my watch.” Kirk replied chidingly. Scotty shrugged.

“Sir, we’re not picking up any hailing frequencies.” Uhura reported. “Rather cold reception when your commander in chief returns from almost certain death.” She added.

Kirk nodded understanding the intent.

“He wants me to make the first move. It acknowledges his position. I have to come to him if anything will happen.”

“We can raise the rest of the fleet and just call them out now. Draw a line and get them to cross it on our side or remain on his.” McCoy suggested sternly.

Kirk looked to his new friend and then over at Leia.

“If I understand Jim’s course of action here we can’t do that.” Leia replied.

“Why not? In the end that’s what we want to do. Essentially say more people want to follow Jim so you better back down.”

“We want to put a finer point on it Bones.”

“If we begin these negotiations demanding allegiances it leaves Jellico no room to maneuver and may force him to rely on brute force to hold on to power. Unless you want to start a shooting war out her between our own forces we need to proceed with diligent caution.”

“Besides, I’m not too thrilled with those Klingon ships out there. The minute they smell glorious combat they’ll start scrapping too and we’re in deeper.” Tom Paris noted from his place at the Navigation station.

“Ah, the Klingons.” Kirk sighed. “Well, let’s see where things go from here.” Kirk saw the lead ships of the incoming wing slow down and stop right in his path. The lead ship was a Nebula class vessel. It was flanked by a pair of Exclesiors.

“Spock, do we have registers and Captains yet?”

“The lead vessel of the interception group is the Colossus.”

“Captain Damien Edwards?” Kirk asked checking his own knowledge.


“Edwards is a hard ass. He and Jellico graduated together and have been drinking buddies before that.” Paris muttered. Kirk’s eyes narrowed curiously at the young man. Tom noticed the attention and shrugged. “Friends of my father. You get to know some of the brass whether you like it or not when you’re an Admiral’s son.”

Kirk always meant to ask Tom about his father. Unfortunately none of the Admiralty save for Ross and a handful of others escaped Earth and all surrendered with the Federation Council days later. Kirk did not recall Admiral Paris among those men. Considering what happened to Tom’s wife and child Kirk hoped that when this was all over the young man had someone waiting for him back home.

“So he sends his most trusted Lieutenant out to face me. What about his flagship?” Kirk asked.

Spock was already checking anticipating the Captain’s request.

“The Cairo is still docked at the main station. She is however powering up and preparing to clear moorings.”

“He’s playing casual, not rushing out to meet me.”

“The fact that he’s on his starship and not in his office tells me he’s expecting trouble.” Leia cautioned. Kirk nodded in agreement.

“The question of the hour is will he fight for this if push comes to shove.”

“Captain Jellico’s service record indicates that in the end, even when he strongly disagrees with Starfleet he has always followed his orders.” Spock offered.

“The rub, Mr. Spock is a very simple one. I’m not Starfleet. Hell, I’m not even supposed to be in this time line. What reason does he have to follow me?”

“Well, Jim, you’re going to have to make a decision.” Leia gently urged as the enormous Nebula class vessel loomed over the Sagan.

Entebbe said nothing. It was his ship and he knew damn well that even with the combat upgrades there was no chance in hell they would last a minute in pitched battle with one of these war nebulas. The sensor pods were replaced with a dozen phaser strips and several torpedo launchers giving these vessels a punch one did not expect. After all the big boys were the Galaxies and the Sovereigns. The Nebula class was a workhorse and had proven themselves throughout the war. Their survivability rate was near astronomical in comparison to the other ship classes.

All that said, Entebbe still felt confident they were going to win this.

“Hailing Frequencies?” Kirk asked after a moment of silence in the facedown between the two vessels.

“None.” Uhura reported annoyance creeping into her tone.

Kirk nodded.

“Alright, we do this his way. Open a channel with the Colossus.”

“Fleet wide band sir?”

“Not yet, Uhura. Let’s try to see if we can settle this in private first.”

“You’re being too nice about this, Jim.” McCoy grumbled.

“Chancellor Worf suggested a warning salvo across their bow before opening frequencies. I like to think of this as my way of striking a balance.” Kirk replied with a somber smile.

“Hailing frequencies open sir. On screen.”

Kirk sat coolly in his command chair, Leia to his right and Chewbacca to his left. The Wookiee remained silent so far throughout the exchange but there were no doubts he was not thrilled with this distraction as he saw it.

Captain Edwards appeared on screen. He was a striking older man, silver hair grown long tied in a ponytail and neatly trimmed goatee. He was quite an interesting looking figure, not so spit and polish like Jellico but the same unyielding resolve when it came to matters of discipline and command.

“Captain Edwards, This is James T. Kirk on the Sagan. I take it you received my transmission earlier?” Kirk stated neutrally. He could see a communications officer relay something to Edwards’ XO, a Tellarite, who quickly whispered something in Jellico’s ear. Undoubtedly they wanted to make sure this was not going out on fleet wide band.

“Captain Kirk, indeed we did.” Edwards replied with a cold smile. “Captain Jellico expressed grave concerns regarding the tone. Frankly he’s a softy. I found it mutinous.”

Several of the bridge crew on the Sagan visibly stiffened and McCoy let out a snort of disgust.

“I didn’t realize I wasn’t clear in my transmission. I am assuming command of my fleet.” Kirk replied sternly. Leia watched him. He was obviously accustomed from dealing from a position of strength, whether bluffing or other wise. Jim did not like to be on the short end of the negotiating stick. Jim just couldn’t resist. They came at him hard and he pushed right back. She only hoped this was the correct tact to take with Jellico and his stooge. Too much was riding on this to allow foolish pride to get in the way.

“By whose authority Captain? The Council is gone, last we heard they signed a formal surrender to the Imperium and are now a full fledged member.”

“And by whose authority did you follow me into combat, Edwards?” Jim shot back. “You guarded my left on Vulcan. You helped hold the line against the stardestroyers until we could drop the hammer. You were there with me in every battle. I didn’t hear you complain about authority then.”

“I was also there when you went running after the Battle of Romulus, Captain Kirk. I was here when Jellico held us together, rebuilt the fleet, got our butts in gear and kept hope alive. Now you come back here thinking all he was doing was keeping the seat warm for you?” Edwards shook his head emphatically. “No dice, Kirk. You can take your ship and get the hell out of here but you’re not taking command.”

“Starfleet Academy should have taught you that there can only be one captain on a ship. I’m the Captain, I always have been and I always will be. If it weren’t for me you and Jellico would be looking very smart and proper in your Imperium uniforms.”

That comment obviously stung Edwards as he sat back in his chair and glowered at Kirk for a moment.

“You’re not going anywhere past me, Kirk. Is that clear. I don’t give a damn about your reputation and support among rebel elements of this fleet. You think you can take me in a suped up science ship? Try me.”

Kirk nodded.

“That would be true if I were alone.” Kirk gave Uhura a silent signal with his hand and she beamed a transmission out into the space behind them. “But unfortunately for you and your Captain I have friends.”

The space around the Sagan warped and shimmered like the heat coming off a pavement on a hot summer day. Hundreds of Klingon warships appeared in perfect formation radiating out behind the Negh’Var class Battleship Vengeance of Kahless, the Flagship of the Klingon Fleet.

The Sagan was nearly dwarfed into insignificance by the massive warship bristling with weapons emplacements and hungry to live up to its name. The Klingons worked long and hard on completing the warship during the dark days after the Base Delta Zero of Quo’Nos. She was their defiant answer to the Imperium claim that the Klingons had been broken.

“That thing is more like a super Negh’var.” Tom quipped.

Edwards did not look impressed.

“You did say you were bringing the Klingons to the party in your transmission. I for one am not impressed.” He smirked.

“Look a little closer, Captain.” Kirk suggested. Leia made her own surreptitious signal to Uhura who promptly made another transmission. There was a brief flash of light and the Reckless Hope appeared in front of the mass of Klingon warships, X-wings quickly filed out from the main body of the fleet and formed up around the rebel frigate. Andorian planetary defense ships were out on the flanks and sprinkled throughout were Vulcan, Tellarite, Rigellian, Trill, Betazoid and all other manner of ships from throughout the Federation down to shuttles and courier vessels.

Edwards’ eyes narrowed sharply as he began to see the tapestry of vessels behind the Sagan.

“I’d say the people have spoken, Captain.”

Edwards was about to retort when his communications officer reported something off screen. Edwards nodded.

“Stand by Kirk.”

The screen switched off for a moment

“Let me guess…” Kirk began.

“The Cairo has reached the front line.” Spock reported.

“Now this is where the fun begins.” Leia nodded seriously.

The screen wavered and Captain Jellico appeared. He looked grim as he stood arms clasped behind his back.

“Captain Kirk.”

“Captain Jellico.” Kirk nodded.

Both men regarded each other in steely silence for a long moment.

“So, Captain. It seems you think you can just walk back and take your command seat again.” Jellico indicated the empty captain’s chair behind him with a sweep of his right hand. Leia did not react but her estimation of the man’s diplomatic prowess rose significantly. He was using props in his little opening speech and that took some forethought. The man was not just flailing verbally. He had come ready to fight this out in whatever arena Kirk chose to fight him.

“It was never yours to take.”

“What else was I supposed to do, Jim, just let the fleet muddle about on its own until you found yourself or whatever the hell it was that you were doing out in Orion space? There was a war that needed to be fought.” Jellico replied tightly but betrayed no annoyance or anger.

“And from what I’ve seen you haven’t been fighting much of a war at all. The Excalibur hasn’t left Avalon since she returned from Romulus, the fleet hasn’t sortied and you haven’t fought a single engagement. That’s not fighting, Jellico.”

“You think this fleet could fight in the state you left it in after Romulus? I’ve spent this time preparing this fleet to fight the Imperium and Thrawn’s new empire. You seem well informed about the fleet’s status. I can only assume I have Riker to thank for that.” Jellico shook his head in disappointment. “With the new torpedo systems we’ve installed in the majority of our ships, the shield upgrades and tactical system adjustments our starships are no longer flying death traps. We actually have a chance of surviving any engagements.”

“Your stewardship certainly succeeded where I could not in getting us on a better fighting footing but now you have to realize what is needed.”

“And what would that be?” Jellico asked pointedly.

Kirk leaned in slightly.

“This fleet needs me now Jellico. You made it stronger now you need me to make it win.”

“You seriously expect me step aside based on that argument?” Jellico snorted and crossed his arms.

“No, I honestly don’t. But I do know that you’re a man that respects discipline and the fact that you chose to follow me in the first place tells me that you believed I was the man that would lead the Federation to victory.”

“That was before Romulus, Kirk. That was before you abandoned the fleet.”

Kirk and Jellico watched each other for a long moment, the only sounds were the respective bridge stations of each starship.

“Take a look around you, Jellico. I have the full might of the Klingon Empire behind me and more importantly I have the support of Andor and Vulcan as well as the other Federation worlds that chose to send ships here. How long before the fleet starts to tear itself apart in mass defections if you refuse to step down now?”

Jellico smirked.

“You really are a piece of work aren’t you? You’re a man out of your time and everything I always heard about you is right there for all to see. Reckless. Daring. Rebellious. All those traits are not what this fleet needs. It took time for me to admit this to myself but this whole campaign under your command has been nothing more than one gimmick after another. Vulcan. The recovery of the Excalibur. Romulus. I was the one that pushed the Alliance Engineers to get those proton torpedoes working, I organized the massive refits for the entire fleet and I stood here and had the thankless job of holding these people together all the while they asked me the same question.” Jellico frowned. “When is James Kirk going to return?”

“And that didn’t tell you something?” Leia interjected.

“I was wondering when your silent partner was going to speak up.” Jellico snapped.

“A leader needs to know when to lead and when to step aside. These people follow Kirk because they want to. They follow you because they have to.”

“I have a newsflash for you Princess. They follow me because their hero left them in a fit of pique. This is not some ass backwards monarchy like the one you seem to be a member of Princess Leia. This is a military and as such we do not follow those we wish we follow those we must. Discipline wins this war not flash in the pan tactics and cowboy strategy.” Jellico retorted some real anger in his voice now.

“Don’t lecture me on military discipline. You’re facing a single sector fleet. The Rebel Alliance has faced the full might of the Empire - Hundreds of thousands of warships spanning an entire galaxy and limitless legions of stormtroopers hunting our Alliance with very little friends or hopes. We held it together for over a generation. You’re months into your resistance and you cry to me about hardships. I’ve lost my homeworld and not the way you lost Earth, Captain. My world was reduced to scattered debris.” Leia explained in a cold calm voice.

“And this explains the defection of your vessel and your engineers to Kirk how?”

“Because James Kirk is the Commander of this fleet. I was there in the Council chambers when you promised to step aside if he were to return. So much for the word of a Starfleet officer.”

“You’re willing to walk away from this fleet and all we stand for to be with him.” Jellico indicated Kirk with a jerk of his head. “Without our infrastructure and our ships what are you people going to accomplish? If the Alliance wants to count for something in this war then it needs to stand by us. But by all means abandon any pretense for caring about the fate of the Federation and we’ll accept that the Rebel Alliance stands with a man and not an ideal.”

“In this instance the man is the ideal.”

Jellico smiled cruelly after a moment and Kirk could see it coming with the quick glance over at Kirk before he spoke again.

“I guess the intelligence reports I’ve been receiving might be more than just rumors.”

Leia blinked and then realization dawned on her face.

“It helps when this ideal is also your lover doesn’t it?”

Leia maintained her composure. She was surprised that she did because Jellico was such an unlikable bastard that reminded her too much of the Imperial officers she grew up knowing in the Imperial Senate. All frustrated bureaucrats and strutting marionettes. The fact that this man could sneer such a claim as a logical response to what she was saying infuriated her but her training as a politician and diplomat would not allow her to give him the response he was so obviously fishing for.

“Whatever he is, he has the loyalty of his fleet with him or is that why you’re so afraid to have this exchange on the fleet wide band? I know you’ve done a quick head count, I know that this portion of the fleet is all that you can count on to stand with you. Precarious is one word I would use to describe where you stand if the time came to see who stood with you.”

“And I have another word for what you’re suggesting – mutinous.” Jellico turned his attention back to Kirk.

“You know you have the numbers, I’ll grant you that but I have what you can never take with weight of numbers.”

Kirk said nothing.

“You need legitimacy Kirk. If I don’t stand aside and give you the command then you have to take it from me.”

“Is that what you really want?” Kirk asked sadly.

“What I want Kirk is for you to take that fleet of paid mercenaries and political malcontents and leave this space forever. You had your time and now it’s mine. With any luck we won’t have the kind of casualties we’ve suffered under your command.”

“Jellico, you go to war with the fleet you have not the fleet you want. All I had was what was there after the Battle for Earth. Whatever starship captains wanted to follow me and ignore the surrender order during those dark days is what we had to fight with. Now you’ve brought the fleet to a point where it can actually be a threat to these Imperial fleets. You addressed a weakness in my command.” Jellico looked closely at Kirk as he continued speaking. “I’m a man of action; I make no apologies for that. I want to be out there scrapping with my fleet against the enemy but I gave little thought or priority to building up my ships and trying to make headway against the technological gap. You did that and there’s no taking that achievement away from you.”

“But. There’s always a ‘but’.” Jellico interjected.

Kirk smiled weakly.

“Indeed. But Captain, you don’t intend to fight with that fleet do you?”

“Of course I do.” Jellico replied in exasperation.

“Not in the way that will win us this war.”

“What do you want Kirk - that I lead the fleet in a series of propaganda victories utilizing wild unconventional tactics to defeat a superior foe? That’s not going to win us this war. The princess should know damn well that the best way to fight these Imperial forces is a highly coordinated and disciplined guerilla campaign.”

“We don’t have the time for a guerilla campaign.” Kirk replied and passed a hand through his hair. He could not substantiate that statement in any reasonable way. How could he explain the visions he’s had with Trelayne of the universe ending?

Jellico smirked.

“Why don’t you do all of us a favor and leave Kirk?”

Kirk stood up from his seat and walked closer to the screen.

“I will leave. And I’m going to Andor.”

Jellico shrugged.

“You know as well as I do that Andor is a death trap. You want to walk into that trap be my guest. I won’t stop you.”

Kirk smiled grimly.

“I’m going to Andor with the fleet I have not the fleet I want.”

“You want this fleet? I’m ready to fight for it Kirk.” Jellico nodded to his XO. Moments later the red lights of battle stations flashed on the screen. “Are you?” He asked pointedly.

“How dramatic of you.” Leia smirked.

“Come off it, Jellico, this is insane fighting amongst ourselves is doing the enemy’s job for them!” McCoy exclaimed in exasperation.

Kirk quietly watched Jellico. He nodded to himself.

“Do they still have the Kobayshi Maru Scenario at the Academy?” He asked curiously.

Jellico blinked in confusion. Leia could tell that in his head he was desperately trying to analyze where Kirk was going with that statement.

“Yes, they do.”

“And did you take it?”

“All command staff has to. Though it isn’t as important a tool in our time as it was in yours.”

Kirk nodded.

“Quite a bit has changed about this Federation and Starfleet opposed to mine. But one thing I hope hasn’t changed.” Kirk looked meaningfully at Jellico. “The character of a Starfleet officer.”

“Get to your point.” Jellico grumbled.

“I’m giving you a no win scenario Jellico. I’d like to imagine that I know how you will respond.”

“You’re going to fight?” Jellico’s voice betrayed disappointment and tired resignation.

“No, I’m not.” Kirk replied after a moment of silence between the two men. “I’m going to call upon those that want to follow me to Andor. I will take the fleet I get and not the one I want.”

Jellico began to speak but Kirk cut him off.

“Here are your choices. I call for the fleet to join me and you lose a vast majority of ships and personnel and I get to keep the hypermatter reactors I have and the Alliance technical expertise. You try to stop me from making that call, the Klingons and rest of my fleet responds and we have a shooting war here in Avalon that does the job for the enemy without us having to go to Andor. You acquiesce to my return to command and take your place in my lead attack wing as my second in command. These are your options. Two of them lead to destruction of all you’ve built here and the last merely robs you of the power you’ve gained here. The course open to you should be as clear as day if you’re half the Starfleet officer I think you are.” Kirk explained coolly.

“Of course the same could be said of you. You would be tearing this fleet apart by taking this tact.”

Kirk shrugged.

“The difference here is I have all to gain and not much to lose. A vast majority of the fleet will come with me, you know that, and the technology we need to continue this fight is in my hands. Imagine what you could accomplish if I placed you in charge of retrofitting this fleet with turbolasers and the hypermatter reactor cores in my hold. You could truly make this fleet a weapon to be feared. All you have to do is step aside and let me lead what you build.”

“You’ll do anything for power is that it?”

“I would rephrase it as anything to save the Federation.”

“Great dictatorships have been built on similar ideals.”

“If that’s what you think then why did you join me in the first place? Nevertheless these are the choices I’m gibing you…now.” Kirk nodded to Uhura. Another transmission was sent.

Almost immediately a shout of alarm could be heard on Jellico’s bridge from the communications station.

“Sir! The Enterprise is breaking formation. She’s heading straight for the Sagan—” a long pause. “The Excalibur is powering up her engines sir!”

Jellico frowned and regarded Kirk on the screen with a hateful intensity.

“You are forcing my hand.” He growled.

“I’m forcing you to make the right decision. If you are indeed the consummate Starfleet officer you know what choice you need to make. It’s never easy to lose, Jellico. The trick is losing in the right way.” Kirk stepped closer to the screen. “Remember it’s a test of character.”

“And if you were wrong about my character?” Jellico replied dangerously.

“Captain, the Colossus is locking phasers on us.” Spock calmly reported. “The rest of the attack wing is entering attack posture.”

“The Klingons aren’t taking this sitting down.” Tom warned as Bird of preys broke formation and fanned out into an attack pattern around the Federation first wing.

“Evasive maneuvers, sir?” Sulu asked tensely, hands hovering over the controls to execute the command as soon as he heard it.

“Negative.” Kirk replied evenly eyes not leaving Jellico’s. “I’m listening to my people, are you listening to yours?” Kirk asked.

Jellico said nothing but the reports were increasing. A list of ship names that were dropping formation and joining Kirk was increasing as his communications and tactical officer tried to keep up with the mass defections. The Excalibur rumbled over the Cairo its long blue conical shape casting a shadow over the starship.

“Your move, your decision.” Kirk stated grimly.

“Sir, Chancellor Worf is demanding we strike.” Uhura reported to Kirk who remained impassive watching Jellico.

“Sir, fleet commanders want to know what to do. Do we fire on mutinous ships?” Jellico’s communications officer asked apprehension obvious in his voice.

The ships were massing now around Kirk’s side of the divide. The Klingon fleet was quickly fanning outward behind the Sagan.

“Sir, what do we do?” Jellico’s XO demanded tensely.

“What are you going to do, Captain?” Kirk asked gently.

Jellico seemed as impassive as stone for the longest time as more ship names were announced in the rapidly growing list of defectors and targets were announced from the tactical station. Then as if punctuating the state of his command one of the ships in his attack wing broke formation to Kirk’s side.


“Yes?” Kirk replied.

“I believe you will be going to Andor with the fleet you want.” Jellico said without emotion.

“Thank you, Captain. You are a true patriot and a Starfleet Officer.” Kirk replied but was quickly drowned out by the whoops of joy and exultation as word spread like wild fire throughout the fleet.

“Jellico out.” He stated with no emotion but his jaw was clenched.

The screen went blank for a moment and the image of his fleet came back on. Her watched with barely concealed joy as the ships formed up around him.

“I’m home.” Kirk sighed. Leia hugged him tightly and laughed.

“You did it.”

Kirk laughed as well. While making his way around the bridge exchanging hand shakes, congratulations, hugs and slaps on the shoulder Uhura motioned for him to approach her station.

“What is it, Uhura?” He asked curiously.

“I received a transmission from the Cairo right after Jellico signed off, your eyes only. Thought you might want to take a look at it.”

“Go ahead.” Kirk nodded.

Uhura keyed her codes in and allowed Kirk the privacy to open the transmission. Kirk read it for a long moment as the celebrations continued around him on the Sagan’s bridge.

It was a simple text message.

And when your time comes for the No Win Scenario what will you chose?

Kirk keyed off the message and stood in silent contemplation while the others shouted and exclaimed in glee.
Last edited by Stravo on 2005-06-12 03:12pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mr Bean »

“I have a newsflash for you Princess. They follow me because their hero left them in a fit of pique. This is not some ass backwards monarchy like the one you seem to be a member of Princess Leia
Thats a great line right there.

Looks like we are one step closer to our titanic fight, one step closer to the massive brawl that is going to happen.
Last edited by Mr Bean on 2005-06-12 02:18pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Ghost Rider »

Excellent work there with Luke and Mara. I enjoyed the standoff and the few RoTJ quips and this is a nice set up for Andor, though now I wonder what is going on with Thrawn and Vader.

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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Holy shit he's on a roll!
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Post by JME2 »

I liked Mara's arguements regarding her qualifications as a mother -- that was something that the EU has never really touched on and I enjoyed it. And the long-awaited confrontration between Jellico and Kirk was superbly written, especially the last line. I eagerly anticipate the Battle of Andor; good work, Stravo... 8) :)
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Post by Stravo »

I was aiming for Jellico not being a villain in this standoff because frankly he has some very good points to make. Yes, he seized power but its not like he doesn't have reason to reject Kirk's claim thta it's better for the fleet that he lead it than Jellico.

In essence I wanted the reader to sympathize with both sides in that confrontation.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Hahaha, it was actually on Sunday too. Clouded my vision is not. :wink:

So... this is it. The story seems to be heading towards its climax, once and for all. Let's weigh in:

The Imperium
Luke with the Imperator's Will, the Romulans, the Federation leaders, plus the Jem'Hadar as cannon fodder.

The Empire
Grand Admiral Thrawn with the biggest and most powerful of the fleets; Darth Vader; and presumably, at some point, His Majesty Himself with his happy fun ball.

The Federation Remnant
Kirk with all his gang, including Leia, Chewbacca, Rogue Squadron, etc.; the rest of the Federation fleet along with Jellico; the Klingons, Vulcans, and Andorians; not to mention a fully armed and operational... Borg. Did I miss anyone?

I haven't even touched on the various subplots either. :)
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