The Twilight War
Moderator: LadyTevar
I have been wanting to write this chapter for awhile now because it introduces one of the more important and intriguing (for me) characters in this story. Enjoy the latest chapter and watch out for the newest main character - though it may not seem likely.
Chapter 22: Fading Trumpets
“Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t”
Hamlet Act 2 Scene ii
“Captain Jean Luc Picard, as the duly appointed representative of the United Federation of Planets you are aware of the charges the Separatists Union has brought in regards to hostile actions taken by Federation vessels from your past against our troops and fleet assets, leading to the death of thousands of Separatist troops. We want to know now where does the Federation stand?” Dooku asked coldly as he stood at the head of the enormous conference room table in the Union Headquarters.
Picard rose from his seat without hesitation, casually noting the assembled members who sat at every available seat at the table around him. Before it was just his people and Dooku’s select close advisors. Now he stood before the entire assembly of the Separatist Union. Hundreds of aliens of all manner and shape watched him intently. The most curious of the attendees was a simple olive green protocol droid that stood in the place of the Mandalorians. So few in numbers and intent on revenge against the Jedi, the Mandalorians no longer bothered attending these meetings. Instead they sent a protocol droid to observe and recall everything. Some suspected the droid maintained an active hyperlink with the Mandalorian high command so that they were able to watch these meetings in real time as they prepared for their next battle.
Picard could see the anger and distrust in many of the representatives’ faces. He knew that the concept of time travel was difficult for many here to accept. They were having trouble distinguishing the fact that Kirk’s Enterprise was different from Picard’s. Frankly so was he.
The Neimoidians were particularly angry as their representatives openly glared at Picard. They suffered the brunt of the casualties in Kirk’s attack on their battleships. It was so disconcerting for Picard to even consider that one of his childhood heroes could be involved with a group like the Galactic Republic.
As he watched the assembly for a moment before speaking he remembered the conclusion that he and Riker had come to in regard to their tactical position. Should the Separatists decide to turn on them the Enterprise had no chance of escape from this world’s orbit. They were completely at their mercy and it was an added stark reminder of just how powerful their potential allies were.
He recalled the grim expression on Riker’s face as he pointed to several clusters of Separatist vessels operating freely in the Alpha Quadrant.
“They have over three wings of battleships and support craft operating in the quadrant. If they decided to suddenly leave Dominion space and go on a romp through the Federation we would be in a very precarious position with the bulk of the fleet assembling at the wormhole.” He sighed.
“A sword of Damocles if I ever saw one Number One.” Picard replied softly as he fingered the data pad.
Now he was facing them well aware that his next words could spell certain doom for his ship and crew or bloody war in the Alpha Quadrant. However events had unfolded back home that made these concerns moot. Picard didn’t know which bothered him more. That the events were rapidly spinning beyond their control or the direction in which the events were leading them.
“I must first pass on my condolences on behalf of the Federation for your troops lost in this regrettable incident. An incident that we must stress was beyond our control and had no way of knowing could happen.”
Dooku watched Picard intently. He remained standing, arms forward, hands resting open palmed on the table. Sev’Rance sat quietly by his side. Her eyes were on Picard but he could not read her expression at all. Her blank red glowing eyes reflected nothing at the moment.
“I have also been ordered to share this holorecord time stamped no less than 12 hours ago from Earth.” Picard nodded to Data. The android adroitly activated the controls at his station and a hologram sprang to life over the center of the table.
The assembled representatives watched the flickering hologram with intense interest.
The President of the Federation was making a speech before the Federation council concerning the status of the talks with the Separatists. He stood behind a simple podium as he made his point concerning the new technology and the doors that it would open for the Federation and its citizens.
An explosion could be heard off screen.
“Did you hear that?”
“What’s happening?”
Panic began to ripple through the ranks of the assembled representatives. The president began to call for calm when a second explosion ripped through the chamber above him and debris scattered right through the holoimage as if the shrapnel were raining out from the hologram into the audience at the table watching the events unfold.
There was an unmistakable snap hiss and a bright emerald beam danced through the thick white haze from the explosive. The reaction from the Separatists representatives was explosive. Many rose to their feet exclaiming in horror and outrage. “Jedi!”
The green blade dipped hard as a shadowy figure tumbled through the air and landed on top of the podium, followed by several figures dressed in body armor who rappelled down the ruined ceiling into the Council chambers. They landed and fired from the hip, the unmistakable reports of blaster fire cut through the screams from the Federation council and their aides.
In the back of the conference hall sitting in the shadows Bane and Janus watched the hologram with a critical eye.
“He’s no Jedi.” Bane whispered shaking his head. His lone eye tracked the Jedi’s movements on the hologram as he whipped his lightsaber around into a downward stroke at the president.
“Damnit he sure as hell doesn’t move like a trained Jedi. Look at that sloppy footwork and the leap – did you see that leap? It was atrocious. I’m thinking at best he’s some half assed padawan who ran away a week into his training.” Janus added with a sour frown.
The emerald blade missed the president as he stumbled frantically backwards and the blade sliced neatly through the wooden podium.
Bane and Janus exchanged a knowing glance and nodded.
“He missed.” They said simultaneously and Janus started to chuckle.
“That’s the worst impression of a Jedi I have ever seen.” Bane snorted.
“Boy, Dooku must have scraped bottom of the barrel for this moron.”
“Whoa! That’s weird.” Bane suddenly shifted gears as he saw the Jedi recover his blade, turn suddenly at his waist and deflect three phaser blasts that lanced across the chambers towards him.
“There’s no chance a guy with no training like this clod is bouncing blaster bolts around like that.” Janus
“I doubt he has any precog at all.”
“Hell I doubt the Force flows through him.” Janus smirked.
“Still how the hell is he doing that?” Bane wondered aloud as the Jedi leapt forward off the table and deflected another volley of phaser fire as the armored troops that rappelled down into the chamber started laying down a murderous fusillade of fire that was cutting down the council members and stunned security officers.
He landed behind the president and wound up to swing again.
Several of the armored attackers were clearly visible as they clustered around the Jedi. Their faces were all the same.
“Clonetroopers.” Several of the representatives whispered to one another.
“Money says he doesn’t kill the president.” Janus whispered to Bane.
“Easy money my young padawan.” Bane replied and nodded accepting the bet. Janus smirked as he turned back to see the awkward stance of the would be Jedi assassin. He swung his lightsaber blade, the president stumbled backwards screaming in fear.
The doors to the chamber burst open as more Starfleet security personnel swarmed in. Clonetrooper blaster fire concentrated on the new incoming threat as the Jedi stalked after the scrambling president.
Dooku and Picard maintained a steady gaze on each other, their eyes not wandering from the other. Sev’Rance seemed to be watching the hologram but it was obvious that her full attention was on the reactions of the Federation team seated opposite to Dooku and her.
The Jedi was stalking the president when his lightsaber hand twisted hard to the right intercepting an errant phaser blast. The Jedi seemed annoyed by the sudden twist of his arm. He recovered the blade quickly.
“Did you see that? Horrible form.” Janus sighed shaking his head in disgust.
Bane’s lone eye narrowed on the image.
“Not just bad form, down right awkward, like he didn’t know or want to move his arm.”
“Well then how did he move it then?” Janus challenged. Bane’s eye remained fixed on the lightsaber hilt.
“Now that’s damned clever.” Bane chuckled.
“I’ll tell you later.”
Janus frowned and crossed his arms.
The Jedi finally caught up with the president and swung his blade up over his head and drove it down into the president’s midsection. The president screamed and thrashed about for a moment and the Jedi watched him intently as he finally lay still.
Dooku noted the discomfort on the faces of Picard’s crew at the sight of their president’s death. Murmurs of outrage rippled along the length of the table. Picard remained stoic throughout the display.
The Jedi turned suddenly lifting his blade up high as a torrent of phaser fire slashed through him at various points, one blast severing his arm from his body and another lifting him off his feet and sent him tumbling like a rag doll against the far wall of the chamber, crashing into the Federation seal proudly hanging before the council.
The clonetroopers immediately switched into defensive square formations and their fire became more rapid and sweeping as they attempted to break through the cordon of Starfleet security officers. The shrapnel from the explosions of the blaster bolts tearing through masonry and wood downed many security troops as they went down screaming.
A grenade sailed out from the center of the clone trooper formation as they began to slowly move out of the cramped quarters of the chamber and the explosion flashed on the holoimage replacing it with a cascade of static snow.
The hologram dimmed and vanished.
Picard waited patiently for the murmurs and exclamations to subside to a manageable whisper before clearing his throat.
“This attack and many like it took place on Earth not less than 12 hours ago. As you can clearly see from the images our president was killed. Emergency powers have been granted to Starfleet for the duration of this crisis to secure the planet and the Federation in general until emergency elections can take place for a new president.”
Bane smirked. Janus turned back to his comrade in arms.
“Just how did you know that fraud was going to kill the president. He had all the Jedi skill of a gundark.”
Bane shook his head sadly as he regarded his young friend.
“You still got a lot to learn my young apprentice.” Janus opened his mouth to protest. “When you go to kill a king, its best you don’t miss and besides.” Bane looked back up at the assembly. Many of the Separatist representatives no longer looked angry at Picard, many in fact looked sympathetic or nodded in agreement with Picard’s words. “You can’t turn public opinion where you want it without a martyr on the deck. I suspect that we’ll find this president’s name and picture on every damned starship between here and Earth in a matter of days. Humans fight for symbols and causes. Whoever orchestrated this knows damn well that to be the case.”
Janus stared at his one eyed friend for a moment, the black iron eye patch glinted dully in the low over head lights.
“What?” Bane snapped good-naturedly.
“Sometimes I wonder about you Bane. You’re starting to think like those Jedi. Always manipulating and looking for the best way to leverage something out of a situation.”
Bane snorted in disgust.
“What are you snorting at?” Janus pressed.
Bane slapped his friend on the shoulder as he got up to leave.
“You still think the Jedi are the worst thing we have to worry about.” Bane swept out of the aisle and quietly exited the room. Janus watched after him for a long moment.
“Well aren’t they?” he whispered softly in confusion.
Picard looked down the line of the table, to each representative’s face before speaking again. He placed his hands on the table and leaned forward as he spoke.
“Starfleet command has granted me authority to say that we are now united in your cause and we will not rest until the Republic pays for this unwarranted and despicable attack on our people and its leadership. As of this moment I am assuming command of the First Extragalactic Fleet as it assembles at Deep Space Nine.”
Dooku said nothing but pursed his lips.
“I think Captain Picard that I speak for everyone at this table when I say the United Federation of Planets is most welcome among the freedom loving peoples of the Separatist Union. My only regret is that you had to suffer so great a loss so early in this conflict but I think actions speak much louder than any words I’ve had to say to you in our time together, Captain. The Republic has spoken quite loudly this day but I assure you we will be the last to be heard once this war is brought to a just end.”
Many at the table pounded the table top in enthusiastic agreement, some cheered, others clapped various appendages. Picard nodded.
“Thank you Count. I only hope that this conflict can be brought to a rapid end.”
Dooku nodded slowly.
“Indeed Captain. I will want to meet with you and your staff before you leave to take command of your fleet. There is much to discuss these dark days.”
“Agreed Count.”
Dooku looked out over his assembled allies.
“Is there any other business to be brought before us before we conclude this meeting?”
The assembled representatives exchanged glances.
“The android.” The Neimoidian representative spoke up.
“Ah yes, the android Data, Captain, Has your Starfleet decided to acquiesce to out special project?” Dooku asked pointedly.
Data did not look up at Picard. Instead he continued working on his station and staring intently at the status screens. Riker spared Data a glance but Troi watched him, sadness in her eyes.
“Starfleet command has decided that in order to make as great a contribution as possible to this alliance and help speed the end of the war that the Soong type androids should begin mass production as soon as possible, Mr. Data will make himself available to your droid smiths as soon as possible with the implicit understanding that nothing will happen to him and that he will be available to me before we enter combat.” Picard seemed to have trouble speaking the last parts and quickly took a glass of water and drank deeply. Troi could feel the emotions swelling in her Captain. He was not pleased at all with this part of the deal. She could not blame him at all. It seemed that the tone coming from Earth and Starfleet Command had changed almost overnight.
Dooku looked from Picard to the Neimoidian representative expectantly.
“Our manufacturing facilities are geared for full production. As to the integrity of the android we have been building and designing droids for a thousand generations it is foolish to think we would do anything to damage such a valuable commodity.”
“Mr. Data is not some commodity to be traded and exchanged. He is a sentient being and I –”
“I’m sure what the good Trade Federation representative meant is that they would never mean to harm or injure any part of Mr. Data. Their examinations will be quick and painless as they put together a working model for their droid factories. Didn’t you?” Dooku pressed with a stern gaze.
The Neimoidian frowned, hands twitching about in annoyance.
“Count Dooku is correct. Your Mr. Data will only need to be with us for a day or two at most, you are of course most welcome to assign a Federation officer to accompany Mr. Data during his examination. We will use state of the art scanners to break him down to his molecular structure and build him up again as a template for our droid foundries.”
“Very well.” Picard agreed most reluctantly. He felt like a flesh trader brokering a better deal at this point. His conscience would not let him sleep tonight.
“Excellent. We shall begin working on this project immediately. I want to see the first new set of battledroids ready for the offensive our new general is planning.”
“New General?” Picard asked curiously.
Dooku smiled grimly.
“Oh yes. The Jedi have made yet another enemy out on the Rim and he is most anxious to turn his talents against them. I will introduce you to General Grievous shortly but for now if there is no other business let us recess to celebrate the new Confederacy of Allied Powers that we have created. No longer are we simply a Union of Separatist Worlds, but truly a Confederacy of systems all working towards a common goal of freedom from the tyranny of the Republic, prosperity for our allied worlds and security in a most uncertain galaxy. Join me all of you please in my palace. Captain Picard you will be my guest of honor.”
“Thank you Count.” Picard replied with a weak smile.
The assembly rose as one and began to applaud and pound the table as Dooku bowed and swept his cape behind him as he regally exited the chamber. Many of the representatives were lining up at the Federation place at the table and congratulating Picard and the others. The Neimoidian eyed Data curiously and the android watched them uncomfortable by the sudden attention.
In the crowded din around them Picard felt a presence materializing beside him.
Sev’Rance had risen from her seat earlier and suddenly appeared by Picard’s side, placing a calming hand on his shoulder. The cacophony of sound and speech seemed to fade away and it was as if Picard and she were alone in the massive conference hall.
“It is most unbecoming of me to say this Captain but I find myself without escort for this gala event and would not want to impose on you however….it would be most pleasant to be by your side at this event.”
Picard paused and smiled uncertainly.
“I’m not sure how to take that.”
“Take it in the spirit in which it was given, a sign of respect and admiration. My people can be most difficult in making their meaning clear.” She replied coolly.
He looked into her glowing red eyes and noticed the supple rounding of her hip as she seemed to unconsciously lean into him.
“I believe in this instance your meaning is quite clear, Sev’Rance.” Picard replied warmly and then nodded. “Of course, I would consider it my honor to have you as an escort for this event. You might be able to guide me through some of the more prickly diplomatic issues in this celebration.”
“The honor is mine, Captain. I shall meet you in your ready room in an hour.” She paused. “Is that sufficient time?”
“Oh yes.” He replied.
She smiled and seemed to hesitate as if she wanted to say more and stepped away, melting through the crowd and vanishing before his very eyes.
Troi cleared her throat.
“Counselor, I did not need to be an empath to surmise your observations.” Picard interjected before she could speak. More minutes of glad handing and congratulations passed before the final representatives quickly departed and filed out as they hurried to wear their best at this event. Dooku was renown for the elegance and opulence of his festivals and none wanted to disappoint.
Picard sat back down at the table and took a long drink of water. Riker watched his Captain for a moment, an expression of mild bemusement lit his eyes.
“What is it, Will?”
Riker sighed softly.
“You seem to be more thirsty than usual sir.”
“It’s the taste Will. It’s hard to get out of my mouth.” Picard replied grimly as he watched Data gathering the pads and disks while speaking to Troi.
“What taste would that be sir?” Riker asked curiously.
“Ashes, will.” Picard replied as he took another long drink. “It tastes as if we’ve been dining on ashes today.”
The sounds of moans of pain in the relative quiet of the starship’s sickbay was disconcerting for some of the civilian members that found themselves in the over flowing medical facility of the starship Saratoga.
Grand Admiral Turner was in quiet consultation with the Captain of the Yorktown. President Dash Rand sat by the bed side of his old friend, the representative from Earth on the Federation council. He was lying on a medical bed, sweat glistening on his brow pale as a sheet under the lights of the sickbay.
The Andorian absently dabbed the sweat off his friend’s brow.
“Are you certain of this Doctor?”
“Indeed I am Mr. President. Avery Rivers is suffering from a wide array of traumatic injuries, the most grievous being the weapon blast he took in the upper chest as well as his crushed legs and massive internal hemorrhaging which I have finally managed to stop with micro sutures. However it is very clear to me that he will most likely not live out the rest of this day. Even if he were to be treated on a planet bound facility it is highly doubtful we could have saved him. Frankly it’s a miracle he’s still alive.”
“No miracle. This man has a will of iron. I’ve seen him out insult a Tellarite once. Quite a feat even for a human.” Dash noted sadly.
“Right now I’m trying to make him comfortable sir. But he’s still with us through sheer force of will.” The Doctor noted gravely.
“Doctor, I want to thank you on behalf of the Federation for your efforts.”
The human frowned.
“Sir, I’m merely doing my duty. No thanks are necessary at all. I wager you’re the one who has the weight of the world on his shoulders at the moment. There’s really no one else who’s going to have to make the decision of where we go from here. But if it helps any sir, we’re Starfleet officers and we took an oath to preserve and defend the Federation from all enemies foreign and domestic. I don’t think there was a clause in there limiting us to enemies in just this galaxy. We stand with you through whatever bloody business needs to be done.”
The Andorian’s ear stalks twitched slightly.
“Odd. Your sentiments coming from a Doctor.”
The Doctor smiled sadly.
“I’m what you call a realist sir. I know an enemy willing to do this unprovoked will do far worse if we don’t respond. I’d rather be sewing together soldiers fighting out there taking the fight to them than orbiting my homeworld sewing up civilians and my duly elected officials. We’re a fleet, let us do our job.”
Dash nodded slowly.
“I’ll keep your words in mind Doctor.”
“If you’ll excuse me sir.”
“Of course.” Dash replied.
“Sir. He’ll be in no pain.” The doctor added and quickly walked into a gaggle of nurses handing him results and charts.
Rand watched his friend mutter something under his breath,
“What would you say now, old friend? What road will we walk now?” Rand asked softly.
Suddenly Avery’s hand closed around Rand’s. His eyes opened slowly as he gripped the Andorian fiercely.
“They want a war, Rand.”
“Yes they certainly seem to.”
Avery shook his head slowly and coughed.
“No one in their right mind WANTS a war, Rand. We were bushwhacked and they knew that we now have only one choice….” Avery coughed again. Rand leaned in closer, placing a comforting hand on his friend’s chest. “If you don’t go to war Starfleet will eat you alive. The people will call for your feathered head and we’ll go down a very dark road.”
“And if I do call for war.”
“We’ll suffer horrific casualties until we can get up to speed on this technology.”
“Blood on either path I take.”
Avery struggled to raise his head but Rand leaned in closer and placed a supporting hand behind the human’s head.
“The only way to get out of a trap is to know that its there in the first place.”
“Trap? Avery what do you mean trap?”
“No one wants a war yet they came begging for one, just when it looked like we were going to pull out. Smells…Rand. Smells and looks like a trap. Keep your eyes open and trust in Starfleet. They’ll pull us through this. They’ll fight like champions. But watch out for the future…they know what we are, who we are, what we can do.” Avery’s voice weakened.
“Please, hold on.”
Avery looked into his old friend’s eyes as the world began to dim.
“I just wish…I could have…been there for you…to walk that path…with you.”
“Hold on please.” Dash pleaded, tears welling in his eyes.
“War ain’t easy partner. But war seems to be the only choice we have.” Avery gripped Rand’s hands with both of his. His voice rose. “Cowboy up Mr. President. Now’s the time.” He said loud and clear, then his eyes misted over and Avery slumped back into the bed. The diagnostics over the bed rest suddenly all dimmed and an alarm sounded.
Nurses rushed over to the bed but Dash knew precisely when his friend’s essence fled his fleshy prison. He also knew that he was bound to the path set before him.
“Grand Admiral Turner.” He called softly.
The Grand Admiral adjusted his gold command shirt and nodded to the Captain of the Yorktown as he quickly walked over to the president’s side.
“Mr. president?”
“I want you to draft orders of battle, recall every ship you need from all five year missions, reinstate the planetary draft for ground troops and drag every vessel we have out of mothballs and crack the whip on every contractor finishing construction on so much as a shuttle.” The president ordered quietly. He looked into the Grand Admiral’s eyes.
“Get me James Kirk and Doctor Dehner on the line. The Grand Alliance will be signed and by this time tomorrow I consider us at war with the Separatist Union.”
Turner said nothing for a long moment and then nodded.
“Your will be done sir.”
The doctor flipped over his notes and checked a previous entry. He watched him quietly from his seat in restraints. The circulation to his hands and feet was restricted so that they were numb and heavy but not quite uncomfortable.
“You mentioned your crew the last time we spoke of loyalty and trust.”
“Yes Indeed I did.” He replied curtly. He barely hid his contempt for the man.
“You realize that they were being loyal to the Federation when they arrested you.”
“They were betraying their loyalty to me. The Federation is a high ideal and concept Doctor. A starship Captain is a much more concrete concept to feel loyalty to. I am there after all. Sitting in the center seat watching over my crew, telling them when to eat, when to sleep, how to do their jobs. They have moral clarity because I provide it for them. Feel bad about those tentacled aliens we vaporized? The Captain told me to. What’s that? A pang of guilt you feel about failing to get to those colonists on time? Why, it was the Captain’s mission, he’s ultimately responsible. Starfleet really has no clue what kind of stress they put on a starship captain.” He mused.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because if they had even an inkling as to how much stress they place on these fallible men they would think twice about letting them out of Federation space for five years with enough fire power to blast one of these new civilizations they’re so keen on finding into the stone age.” He replied with a bitter laugh.
The doctor nodded, tapping his pen against his pursed lips in contemplation. How he despised this man and his atrocious personal habits. He was practically broadcasting his thought processes for all to see.
If you had been at the peace talks with the Klingons they would have discerned all our state secrets from just watching you imbecilic clod.
“I can understand how that kind of stress and responsibility might lead one to develop a sort of feeling of superiority, perhaps even feelings as if you’re above men in general.”
“You mean like a God?” he offered.
“Yes.” The doctor’s eyes narrowed on him. “Just like that.”
He threw back his head and roared with laughter.
The doctor looked confused.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he gasped through his tears of laughter. “You’re an idiot.”
The doctor frowned sourly.
“You try to diagnose me with some pathetically simple disorder like a God Complex? Let me guess…you most assuredly did not graduate at the top of your class.” He asked shaking his head.
“I don’t see what that has to ---”
“Top third even?”
“It is inappropriate for you to be asking me---”
“That settles it then. Bottom third.” He replied calmly while smiling wolfishly at the good doctor.
“What makes you say that?!”
“You didn’t have to say anything Doctor. That’s what I like about you. You’re an open book.”
“So now you’re the psychiatrist is that it?”
“Our careers share a very common thread, Doctor. A starship captain has to know how people work before they can lead them. For instance humans have a strange fascination with symbols and heroes.”
“You say human with such disdain yet you are human.”
He stiffened and his face darkened.
“What did you say?” he asked in a dangerous whisper.
The doctor frowned.
“I don’t understand this almost pathological need to distinguish yourself from---”
“I am a son of Izar! We may look like you, we may sound like you but we are most definitely NOT like you!”
“Humans and Izarians share 99.7% genetic material. All organs are the same, identical down to the cellular level, how can you say with such emphasis that –”
“Chimpanzees and humans share 99% of their genetic makeup and yet it is that 1% difference that you humans cling to in order to not be what you most certainly are – glorified apes. So you’ll excuse me if I’ll kindly remember that I was born and raised on Izar under a crimson sun. You humans infest the Federation now with a sickening fundamentalist zeal of manifest destiny in your heads. We were brought into the Federation at your entreaties, begging us to join you.”
“That’s a rather one sided view of the---”
“And when the Klingons came for our worlds was it an Earther that saved the Federation, hmmm? April was an aging relic who thought we should all be Scientists before we were soldiers.” He spat in derision. “It was me, a son of Izar that defeated the Klingons at Ragresh III, it was I who sundered their impenetrable Kahless Line at Sigma Draconis and routed them back into their space. It was I that brought them to the peace table and forged the peace in which you prosper under so well now. I brought you this. It was not a human that made the Klingons fear us, it was not a human whose exploits are required reading for all Starfleet cadets, it was not a human that rewrote the tactical and strategic school’s curriculum.”
He leaned in hard against the restraints, veins in his neck throbbing as he spoke. “The Klingons feared my name, it was my name that forged a new Federation and saved it from those conniving barbarians. It was my name that drove the Kzinnti into a blood lust that burned through twelve star systems before I brought them to heel. Me. Garth of Izar. That is the name they remember to this day.”
The silence was deafening. Only Garth’s rapid breathing broke it as he slowly sat back against the restraints.
“Robert April was your friend. Can’t you remember that?”
“All I recall is a tired old man who condemned me to this place.”
“He along with four other admirals.”
“His is the only face I care to remember. One legend turning on another. Great epics are written of such things. You. You’re an ant in the afterbirth. Your name will not be remembered while mine burns brightly as long as there is a Federation.”
“I think we’ve had enough for today Garth. Perhaps at dinner we can discuss your feelings about your crew.”
“They betrayed me. That’s all you need to know about my feelings. Mutineers are spaced. They were given commendations.”
“You killed millions.”
“Did I doctor? And how many did I save? How many of you draw breath under a Federation banner because of me?”
“Ends do not justify the means, Garth.”
Garth chuckled darkly.
“Bottom third indeed. I commanded entire star fleets, Doctor. Note that is not the singular usage. I saved them and their pitiful worlds, giving my blood and men and what do they send me? You.”
The Doctor nodded to two burly guards who promptly began to wheel Garth away from the meeting room. The doctor watched him leave in stony silence. Garth no longer deigned to acknowledge him as he exited.
A young female intern stepped out from behind a privacy screen.
“That was intense.” She noted.
“That is the best summation of that man I have heard in a long time.”
“Do you think we can help him? He seems rather…unwilling to be treated.”
“What else can we do? The man is clearly unbalanced ever since his accident. He killed millions of innocents in an orbital bombardment. But he has given us so much we need to make this man whole again. He is a living legend after all.”
“His racism is so unnerving. I thought we were past that.”
The doctor sighed softly as he closed his notepad.
“That man saved the Federation. Twice. The least we can do is save his mind.” He vowed.
Chapter 22: Fading Trumpets
“Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t”
Hamlet Act 2 Scene ii
“Captain Jean Luc Picard, as the duly appointed representative of the United Federation of Planets you are aware of the charges the Separatists Union has brought in regards to hostile actions taken by Federation vessels from your past against our troops and fleet assets, leading to the death of thousands of Separatist troops. We want to know now where does the Federation stand?” Dooku asked coldly as he stood at the head of the enormous conference room table in the Union Headquarters.
Picard rose from his seat without hesitation, casually noting the assembled members who sat at every available seat at the table around him. Before it was just his people and Dooku’s select close advisors. Now he stood before the entire assembly of the Separatist Union. Hundreds of aliens of all manner and shape watched him intently. The most curious of the attendees was a simple olive green protocol droid that stood in the place of the Mandalorians. So few in numbers and intent on revenge against the Jedi, the Mandalorians no longer bothered attending these meetings. Instead they sent a protocol droid to observe and recall everything. Some suspected the droid maintained an active hyperlink with the Mandalorian high command so that they were able to watch these meetings in real time as they prepared for their next battle.
Picard could see the anger and distrust in many of the representatives’ faces. He knew that the concept of time travel was difficult for many here to accept. They were having trouble distinguishing the fact that Kirk’s Enterprise was different from Picard’s. Frankly so was he.
The Neimoidians were particularly angry as their representatives openly glared at Picard. They suffered the brunt of the casualties in Kirk’s attack on their battleships. It was so disconcerting for Picard to even consider that one of his childhood heroes could be involved with a group like the Galactic Republic.
As he watched the assembly for a moment before speaking he remembered the conclusion that he and Riker had come to in regard to their tactical position. Should the Separatists decide to turn on them the Enterprise had no chance of escape from this world’s orbit. They were completely at their mercy and it was an added stark reminder of just how powerful their potential allies were.
He recalled the grim expression on Riker’s face as he pointed to several clusters of Separatist vessels operating freely in the Alpha Quadrant.
“They have over three wings of battleships and support craft operating in the quadrant. If they decided to suddenly leave Dominion space and go on a romp through the Federation we would be in a very precarious position with the bulk of the fleet assembling at the wormhole.” He sighed.
“A sword of Damocles if I ever saw one Number One.” Picard replied softly as he fingered the data pad.
Now he was facing them well aware that his next words could spell certain doom for his ship and crew or bloody war in the Alpha Quadrant. However events had unfolded back home that made these concerns moot. Picard didn’t know which bothered him more. That the events were rapidly spinning beyond their control or the direction in which the events were leading them.
“I must first pass on my condolences on behalf of the Federation for your troops lost in this regrettable incident. An incident that we must stress was beyond our control and had no way of knowing could happen.”
Dooku watched Picard intently. He remained standing, arms forward, hands resting open palmed on the table. Sev’Rance sat quietly by his side. Her eyes were on Picard but he could not read her expression at all. Her blank red glowing eyes reflected nothing at the moment.
“I have also been ordered to share this holorecord time stamped no less than 12 hours ago from Earth.” Picard nodded to Data. The android adroitly activated the controls at his station and a hologram sprang to life over the center of the table.
The assembled representatives watched the flickering hologram with intense interest.
The President of the Federation was making a speech before the Federation council concerning the status of the talks with the Separatists. He stood behind a simple podium as he made his point concerning the new technology and the doors that it would open for the Federation and its citizens.
An explosion could be heard off screen.
“Did you hear that?”
“What’s happening?”
Panic began to ripple through the ranks of the assembled representatives. The president began to call for calm when a second explosion ripped through the chamber above him and debris scattered right through the holoimage as if the shrapnel were raining out from the hologram into the audience at the table watching the events unfold.
There was an unmistakable snap hiss and a bright emerald beam danced through the thick white haze from the explosive. The reaction from the Separatists representatives was explosive. Many rose to their feet exclaiming in horror and outrage. “Jedi!”
The green blade dipped hard as a shadowy figure tumbled through the air and landed on top of the podium, followed by several figures dressed in body armor who rappelled down the ruined ceiling into the Council chambers. They landed and fired from the hip, the unmistakable reports of blaster fire cut through the screams from the Federation council and their aides.
In the back of the conference hall sitting in the shadows Bane and Janus watched the hologram with a critical eye.
“He’s no Jedi.” Bane whispered shaking his head. His lone eye tracked the Jedi’s movements on the hologram as he whipped his lightsaber around into a downward stroke at the president.
“Damnit he sure as hell doesn’t move like a trained Jedi. Look at that sloppy footwork and the leap – did you see that leap? It was atrocious. I’m thinking at best he’s some half assed padawan who ran away a week into his training.” Janus added with a sour frown.
The emerald blade missed the president as he stumbled frantically backwards and the blade sliced neatly through the wooden podium.
Bane and Janus exchanged a knowing glance and nodded.
“He missed.” They said simultaneously and Janus started to chuckle.
“That’s the worst impression of a Jedi I have ever seen.” Bane snorted.
“Boy, Dooku must have scraped bottom of the barrel for this moron.”
“Whoa! That’s weird.” Bane suddenly shifted gears as he saw the Jedi recover his blade, turn suddenly at his waist and deflect three phaser blasts that lanced across the chambers towards him.
“There’s no chance a guy with no training like this clod is bouncing blaster bolts around like that.” Janus
“I doubt he has any precog at all.”
“Hell I doubt the Force flows through him.” Janus smirked.
“Still how the hell is he doing that?” Bane wondered aloud as the Jedi leapt forward off the table and deflected another volley of phaser fire as the armored troops that rappelled down into the chamber started laying down a murderous fusillade of fire that was cutting down the council members and stunned security officers.
He landed behind the president and wound up to swing again.
Several of the armored attackers were clearly visible as they clustered around the Jedi. Their faces were all the same.
“Clonetroopers.” Several of the representatives whispered to one another.
“Money says he doesn’t kill the president.” Janus whispered to Bane.
“Easy money my young padawan.” Bane replied and nodded accepting the bet. Janus smirked as he turned back to see the awkward stance of the would be Jedi assassin. He swung his lightsaber blade, the president stumbled backwards screaming in fear.
The doors to the chamber burst open as more Starfleet security personnel swarmed in. Clonetrooper blaster fire concentrated on the new incoming threat as the Jedi stalked after the scrambling president.
Dooku and Picard maintained a steady gaze on each other, their eyes not wandering from the other. Sev’Rance seemed to be watching the hologram but it was obvious that her full attention was on the reactions of the Federation team seated opposite to Dooku and her.
The Jedi was stalking the president when his lightsaber hand twisted hard to the right intercepting an errant phaser blast. The Jedi seemed annoyed by the sudden twist of his arm. He recovered the blade quickly.
“Did you see that? Horrible form.” Janus sighed shaking his head in disgust.
Bane’s lone eye narrowed on the image.
“Not just bad form, down right awkward, like he didn’t know or want to move his arm.”
“Well then how did he move it then?” Janus challenged. Bane’s eye remained fixed on the lightsaber hilt.
“Now that’s damned clever.” Bane chuckled.
“I’ll tell you later.”
Janus frowned and crossed his arms.
The Jedi finally caught up with the president and swung his blade up over his head and drove it down into the president’s midsection. The president screamed and thrashed about for a moment and the Jedi watched him intently as he finally lay still.
Dooku noted the discomfort on the faces of Picard’s crew at the sight of their president’s death. Murmurs of outrage rippled along the length of the table. Picard remained stoic throughout the display.
The Jedi turned suddenly lifting his blade up high as a torrent of phaser fire slashed through him at various points, one blast severing his arm from his body and another lifting him off his feet and sent him tumbling like a rag doll against the far wall of the chamber, crashing into the Federation seal proudly hanging before the council.
The clonetroopers immediately switched into defensive square formations and their fire became more rapid and sweeping as they attempted to break through the cordon of Starfleet security officers. The shrapnel from the explosions of the blaster bolts tearing through masonry and wood downed many security troops as they went down screaming.
A grenade sailed out from the center of the clone trooper formation as they began to slowly move out of the cramped quarters of the chamber and the explosion flashed on the holoimage replacing it with a cascade of static snow.
The hologram dimmed and vanished.
Picard waited patiently for the murmurs and exclamations to subside to a manageable whisper before clearing his throat.
“This attack and many like it took place on Earth not less than 12 hours ago. As you can clearly see from the images our president was killed. Emergency powers have been granted to Starfleet for the duration of this crisis to secure the planet and the Federation in general until emergency elections can take place for a new president.”
Bane smirked. Janus turned back to his comrade in arms.
“Just how did you know that fraud was going to kill the president. He had all the Jedi skill of a gundark.”
Bane shook his head sadly as he regarded his young friend.
“You still got a lot to learn my young apprentice.” Janus opened his mouth to protest. “When you go to kill a king, its best you don’t miss and besides.” Bane looked back up at the assembly. Many of the Separatist representatives no longer looked angry at Picard, many in fact looked sympathetic or nodded in agreement with Picard’s words. “You can’t turn public opinion where you want it without a martyr on the deck. I suspect that we’ll find this president’s name and picture on every damned starship between here and Earth in a matter of days. Humans fight for symbols and causes. Whoever orchestrated this knows damn well that to be the case.”
Janus stared at his one eyed friend for a moment, the black iron eye patch glinted dully in the low over head lights.
“What?” Bane snapped good-naturedly.
“Sometimes I wonder about you Bane. You’re starting to think like those Jedi. Always manipulating and looking for the best way to leverage something out of a situation.”
Bane snorted in disgust.
“What are you snorting at?” Janus pressed.
Bane slapped his friend on the shoulder as he got up to leave.
“You still think the Jedi are the worst thing we have to worry about.” Bane swept out of the aisle and quietly exited the room. Janus watched after him for a long moment.
“Well aren’t they?” he whispered softly in confusion.
Picard looked down the line of the table, to each representative’s face before speaking again. He placed his hands on the table and leaned forward as he spoke.
“Starfleet command has granted me authority to say that we are now united in your cause and we will not rest until the Republic pays for this unwarranted and despicable attack on our people and its leadership. As of this moment I am assuming command of the First Extragalactic Fleet as it assembles at Deep Space Nine.”
Dooku said nothing but pursed his lips.
“I think Captain Picard that I speak for everyone at this table when I say the United Federation of Planets is most welcome among the freedom loving peoples of the Separatist Union. My only regret is that you had to suffer so great a loss so early in this conflict but I think actions speak much louder than any words I’ve had to say to you in our time together, Captain. The Republic has spoken quite loudly this day but I assure you we will be the last to be heard once this war is brought to a just end.”
Many at the table pounded the table top in enthusiastic agreement, some cheered, others clapped various appendages. Picard nodded.
“Thank you Count. I only hope that this conflict can be brought to a rapid end.”
Dooku nodded slowly.
“Indeed Captain. I will want to meet with you and your staff before you leave to take command of your fleet. There is much to discuss these dark days.”
“Agreed Count.”
Dooku looked out over his assembled allies.
“Is there any other business to be brought before us before we conclude this meeting?”
The assembled representatives exchanged glances.
“The android.” The Neimoidian representative spoke up.
“Ah yes, the android Data, Captain, Has your Starfleet decided to acquiesce to out special project?” Dooku asked pointedly.
Data did not look up at Picard. Instead he continued working on his station and staring intently at the status screens. Riker spared Data a glance but Troi watched him, sadness in her eyes.
“Starfleet command has decided that in order to make as great a contribution as possible to this alliance and help speed the end of the war that the Soong type androids should begin mass production as soon as possible, Mr. Data will make himself available to your droid smiths as soon as possible with the implicit understanding that nothing will happen to him and that he will be available to me before we enter combat.” Picard seemed to have trouble speaking the last parts and quickly took a glass of water and drank deeply. Troi could feel the emotions swelling in her Captain. He was not pleased at all with this part of the deal. She could not blame him at all. It seemed that the tone coming from Earth and Starfleet Command had changed almost overnight.
Dooku looked from Picard to the Neimoidian representative expectantly.
“Our manufacturing facilities are geared for full production. As to the integrity of the android we have been building and designing droids for a thousand generations it is foolish to think we would do anything to damage such a valuable commodity.”
“Mr. Data is not some commodity to be traded and exchanged. He is a sentient being and I –”
“I’m sure what the good Trade Federation representative meant is that they would never mean to harm or injure any part of Mr. Data. Their examinations will be quick and painless as they put together a working model for their droid factories. Didn’t you?” Dooku pressed with a stern gaze.
The Neimoidian frowned, hands twitching about in annoyance.
“Count Dooku is correct. Your Mr. Data will only need to be with us for a day or two at most, you are of course most welcome to assign a Federation officer to accompany Mr. Data during his examination. We will use state of the art scanners to break him down to his molecular structure and build him up again as a template for our droid foundries.”
“Very well.” Picard agreed most reluctantly. He felt like a flesh trader brokering a better deal at this point. His conscience would not let him sleep tonight.
“Excellent. We shall begin working on this project immediately. I want to see the first new set of battledroids ready for the offensive our new general is planning.”
“New General?” Picard asked curiously.
Dooku smiled grimly.
“Oh yes. The Jedi have made yet another enemy out on the Rim and he is most anxious to turn his talents against them. I will introduce you to General Grievous shortly but for now if there is no other business let us recess to celebrate the new Confederacy of Allied Powers that we have created. No longer are we simply a Union of Separatist Worlds, but truly a Confederacy of systems all working towards a common goal of freedom from the tyranny of the Republic, prosperity for our allied worlds and security in a most uncertain galaxy. Join me all of you please in my palace. Captain Picard you will be my guest of honor.”
“Thank you Count.” Picard replied with a weak smile.
The assembly rose as one and began to applaud and pound the table as Dooku bowed and swept his cape behind him as he regally exited the chamber. Many of the representatives were lining up at the Federation place at the table and congratulating Picard and the others. The Neimoidian eyed Data curiously and the android watched them uncomfortable by the sudden attention.
In the crowded din around them Picard felt a presence materializing beside him.
Sev’Rance had risen from her seat earlier and suddenly appeared by Picard’s side, placing a calming hand on his shoulder. The cacophony of sound and speech seemed to fade away and it was as if Picard and she were alone in the massive conference hall.
“It is most unbecoming of me to say this Captain but I find myself without escort for this gala event and would not want to impose on you however….it would be most pleasant to be by your side at this event.”
Picard paused and smiled uncertainly.
“I’m not sure how to take that.”
“Take it in the spirit in which it was given, a sign of respect and admiration. My people can be most difficult in making their meaning clear.” She replied coolly.
He looked into her glowing red eyes and noticed the supple rounding of her hip as she seemed to unconsciously lean into him.
“I believe in this instance your meaning is quite clear, Sev’Rance.” Picard replied warmly and then nodded. “Of course, I would consider it my honor to have you as an escort for this event. You might be able to guide me through some of the more prickly diplomatic issues in this celebration.”
“The honor is mine, Captain. I shall meet you in your ready room in an hour.” She paused. “Is that sufficient time?”
“Oh yes.” He replied.
She smiled and seemed to hesitate as if she wanted to say more and stepped away, melting through the crowd and vanishing before his very eyes.
Troi cleared her throat.
“Counselor, I did not need to be an empath to surmise your observations.” Picard interjected before she could speak. More minutes of glad handing and congratulations passed before the final representatives quickly departed and filed out as they hurried to wear their best at this event. Dooku was renown for the elegance and opulence of his festivals and none wanted to disappoint.
Picard sat back down at the table and took a long drink of water. Riker watched his Captain for a moment, an expression of mild bemusement lit his eyes.
“What is it, Will?”
Riker sighed softly.
“You seem to be more thirsty than usual sir.”
“It’s the taste Will. It’s hard to get out of my mouth.” Picard replied grimly as he watched Data gathering the pads and disks while speaking to Troi.
“What taste would that be sir?” Riker asked curiously.
“Ashes, will.” Picard replied as he took another long drink. “It tastes as if we’ve been dining on ashes today.”
The sounds of moans of pain in the relative quiet of the starship’s sickbay was disconcerting for some of the civilian members that found themselves in the over flowing medical facility of the starship Saratoga.
Grand Admiral Turner was in quiet consultation with the Captain of the Yorktown. President Dash Rand sat by the bed side of his old friend, the representative from Earth on the Federation council. He was lying on a medical bed, sweat glistening on his brow pale as a sheet under the lights of the sickbay.
The Andorian absently dabbed the sweat off his friend’s brow.
“Are you certain of this Doctor?”
“Indeed I am Mr. President. Avery Rivers is suffering from a wide array of traumatic injuries, the most grievous being the weapon blast he took in the upper chest as well as his crushed legs and massive internal hemorrhaging which I have finally managed to stop with micro sutures. However it is very clear to me that he will most likely not live out the rest of this day. Even if he were to be treated on a planet bound facility it is highly doubtful we could have saved him. Frankly it’s a miracle he’s still alive.”
“No miracle. This man has a will of iron. I’ve seen him out insult a Tellarite once. Quite a feat even for a human.” Dash noted sadly.
“Right now I’m trying to make him comfortable sir. But he’s still with us through sheer force of will.” The Doctor noted gravely.
“Doctor, I want to thank you on behalf of the Federation for your efforts.”
The human frowned.
“Sir, I’m merely doing my duty. No thanks are necessary at all. I wager you’re the one who has the weight of the world on his shoulders at the moment. There’s really no one else who’s going to have to make the decision of where we go from here. But if it helps any sir, we’re Starfleet officers and we took an oath to preserve and defend the Federation from all enemies foreign and domestic. I don’t think there was a clause in there limiting us to enemies in just this galaxy. We stand with you through whatever bloody business needs to be done.”
The Andorian’s ear stalks twitched slightly.
“Odd. Your sentiments coming from a Doctor.”
The Doctor smiled sadly.
“I’m what you call a realist sir. I know an enemy willing to do this unprovoked will do far worse if we don’t respond. I’d rather be sewing together soldiers fighting out there taking the fight to them than orbiting my homeworld sewing up civilians and my duly elected officials. We’re a fleet, let us do our job.”
Dash nodded slowly.
“I’ll keep your words in mind Doctor.”
“If you’ll excuse me sir.”
“Of course.” Dash replied.
“Sir. He’ll be in no pain.” The doctor added and quickly walked into a gaggle of nurses handing him results and charts.
Rand watched his friend mutter something under his breath,
“What would you say now, old friend? What road will we walk now?” Rand asked softly.
Suddenly Avery’s hand closed around Rand’s. His eyes opened slowly as he gripped the Andorian fiercely.
“They want a war, Rand.”
“Yes they certainly seem to.”
Avery shook his head slowly and coughed.
“No one in their right mind WANTS a war, Rand. We were bushwhacked and they knew that we now have only one choice….” Avery coughed again. Rand leaned in closer, placing a comforting hand on his friend’s chest. “If you don’t go to war Starfleet will eat you alive. The people will call for your feathered head and we’ll go down a very dark road.”
“And if I do call for war.”
“We’ll suffer horrific casualties until we can get up to speed on this technology.”
“Blood on either path I take.”
Avery struggled to raise his head but Rand leaned in closer and placed a supporting hand behind the human’s head.
“The only way to get out of a trap is to know that its there in the first place.”
“Trap? Avery what do you mean trap?”
“No one wants a war yet they came begging for one, just when it looked like we were going to pull out. Smells…Rand. Smells and looks like a trap. Keep your eyes open and trust in Starfleet. They’ll pull us through this. They’ll fight like champions. But watch out for the future…they know what we are, who we are, what we can do.” Avery’s voice weakened.
“Please, hold on.”
Avery looked into his old friend’s eyes as the world began to dim.
“I just wish…I could have…been there for you…to walk that path…with you.”
“Hold on please.” Dash pleaded, tears welling in his eyes.
“War ain’t easy partner. But war seems to be the only choice we have.” Avery gripped Rand’s hands with both of his. His voice rose. “Cowboy up Mr. President. Now’s the time.” He said loud and clear, then his eyes misted over and Avery slumped back into the bed. The diagnostics over the bed rest suddenly all dimmed and an alarm sounded.
Nurses rushed over to the bed but Dash knew precisely when his friend’s essence fled his fleshy prison. He also knew that he was bound to the path set before him.
“Grand Admiral Turner.” He called softly.
The Grand Admiral adjusted his gold command shirt and nodded to the Captain of the Yorktown as he quickly walked over to the president’s side.
“Mr. president?”
“I want you to draft orders of battle, recall every ship you need from all five year missions, reinstate the planetary draft for ground troops and drag every vessel we have out of mothballs and crack the whip on every contractor finishing construction on so much as a shuttle.” The president ordered quietly. He looked into the Grand Admiral’s eyes.
“Get me James Kirk and Doctor Dehner on the line. The Grand Alliance will be signed and by this time tomorrow I consider us at war with the Separatist Union.”
Turner said nothing for a long moment and then nodded.
“Your will be done sir.”
The doctor flipped over his notes and checked a previous entry. He watched him quietly from his seat in restraints. The circulation to his hands and feet was restricted so that they were numb and heavy but not quite uncomfortable.
“You mentioned your crew the last time we spoke of loyalty and trust.”
“Yes Indeed I did.” He replied curtly. He barely hid his contempt for the man.
“You realize that they were being loyal to the Federation when they arrested you.”
“They were betraying their loyalty to me. The Federation is a high ideal and concept Doctor. A starship Captain is a much more concrete concept to feel loyalty to. I am there after all. Sitting in the center seat watching over my crew, telling them when to eat, when to sleep, how to do their jobs. They have moral clarity because I provide it for them. Feel bad about those tentacled aliens we vaporized? The Captain told me to. What’s that? A pang of guilt you feel about failing to get to those colonists on time? Why, it was the Captain’s mission, he’s ultimately responsible. Starfleet really has no clue what kind of stress they put on a starship captain.” He mused.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because if they had even an inkling as to how much stress they place on these fallible men they would think twice about letting them out of Federation space for five years with enough fire power to blast one of these new civilizations they’re so keen on finding into the stone age.” He replied with a bitter laugh.
The doctor nodded, tapping his pen against his pursed lips in contemplation. How he despised this man and his atrocious personal habits. He was practically broadcasting his thought processes for all to see.
If you had been at the peace talks with the Klingons they would have discerned all our state secrets from just watching you imbecilic clod.
“I can understand how that kind of stress and responsibility might lead one to develop a sort of feeling of superiority, perhaps even feelings as if you’re above men in general.”
“You mean like a God?” he offered.
“Yes.” The doctor’s eyes narrowed on him. “Just like that.”
He threw back his head and roared with laughter.
The doctor looked confused.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he gasped through his tears of laughter. “You’re an idiot.”
The doctor frowned sourly.
“You try to diagnose me with some pathetically simple disorder like a God Complex? Let me guess…you most assuredly did not graduate at the top of your class.” He asked shaking his head.
“I don’t see what that has to ---”
“Top third even?”
“It is inappropriate for you to be asking me---”
“That settles it then. Bottom third.” He replied calmly while smiling wolfishly at the good doctor.
“What makes you say that?!”
“You didn’t have to say anything Doctor. That’s what I like about you. You’re an open book.”
“So now you’re the psychiatrist is that it?”
“Our careers share a very common thread, Doctor. A starship captain has to know how people work before they can lead them. For instance humans have a strange fascination with symbols and heroes.”
“You say human with such disdain yet you are human.”
He stiffened and his face darkened.
“What did you say?” he asked in a dangerous whisper.
The doctor frowned.
“I don’t understand this almost pathological need to distinguish yourself from---”
“I am a son of Izar! We may look like you, we may sound like you but we are most definitely NOT like you!”
“Humans and Izarians share 99.7% genetic material. All organs are the same, identical down to the cellular level, how can you say with such emphasis that –”
“Chimpanzees and humans share 99% of their genetic makeup and yet it is that 1% difference that you humans cling to in order to not be what you most certainly are – glorified apes. So you’ll excuse me if I’ll kindly remember that I was born and raised on Izar under a crimson sun. You humans infest the Federation now with a sickening fundamentalist zeal of manifest destiny in your heads. We were brought into the Federation at your entreaties, begging us to join you.”
“That’s a rather one sided view of the---”
“And when the Klingons came for our worlds was it an Earther that saved the Federation, hmmm? April was an aging relic who thought we should all be Scientists before we were soldiers.” He spat in derision. “It was me, a son of Izar that defeated the Klingons at Ragresh III, it was I who sundered their impenetrable Kahless Line at Sigma Draconis and routed them back into their space. It was I that brought them to the peace table and forged the peace in which you prosper under so well now. I brought you this. It was not a human that made the Klingons fear us, it was not a human whose exploits are required reading for all Starfleet cadets, it was not a human that rewrote the tactical and strategic school’s curriculum.”
He leaned in hard against the restraints, veins in his neck throbbing as he spoke. “The Klingons feared my name, it was my name that forged a new Federation and saved it from those conniving barbarians. It was my name that drove the Kzinnti into a blood lust that burned through twelve star systems before I brought them to heel. Me. Garth of Izar. That is the name they remember to this day.”
The silence was deafening. Only Garth’s rapid breathing broke it as he slowly sat back against the restraints.
“Robert April was your friend. Can’t you remember that?”
“All I recall is a tired old man who condemned me to this place.”
“He along with four other admirals.”
“His is the only face I care to remember. One legend turning on another. Great epics are written of such things. You. You’re an ant in the afterbirth. Your name will not be remembered while mine burns brightly as long as there is a Federation.”
“I think we’ve had enough for today Garth. Perhaps at dinner we can discuss your feelings about your crew.”
“They betrayed me. That’s all you need to know about my feelings. Mutineers are spaced. They were given commendations.”
“You killed millions.”
“Did I doctor? And how many did I save? How many of you draw breath under a Federation banner because of me?”
“Ends do not justify the means, Garth.”
Garth chuckled darkly.
“Bottom third indeed. I commanded entire star fleets, Doctor. Note that is not the singular usage. I saved them and their pitiful worlds, giving my blood and men and what do they send me? You.”
The Doctor nodded to two burly guards who promptly began to wheel Garth away from the meeting room. The doctor watched him leave in stony silence. Garth no longer deigned to acknowledge him as he exited.
A young female intern stepped out from behind a privacy screen.
“That was intense.” She noted.
“That is the best summation of that man I have heard in a long time.”
“Do you think we can help him? He seems rather…unwilling to be treated.”
“What else can we do? The man is clearly unbalanced ever since his accident. He killed millions of innocents in an orbital bombardment. But he has given us so much we need to make this man whole again. He is a living legend after all.”
“His racism is so unnerving. I thought we were past that.”
The doctor sighed softly as he closed his notepad.
“That man saved the Federation. Twice. The least we can do is save his mind.” He vowed.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11949
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
They were sitting way in the back of the chambers talking to each other. The conference table is way to to the front so there's no chance of them being overheard. And yeah, if Picard overheard some of what they were saying it could mean trouble.Crazedwraith wrote:1st post!
Garth of Izar? Krik's Hero? Excellant!
I didn't fisnd the first section rather confusing though. Were Bane and Janus supposed ot be in the conference room with Dooku? Or watching the recording else where? They seemed to be saying alot of thins Picar and co shouldn't hear.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
This updated sig brought to you by JME2
Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
This updated sig brought to you by JME2
Garth of Izar finally makes his entrance into Twilight War (you said he would appear some time ago, so I'm not surprised).
Excellent. Damn, he's cool.
Excellent. Damn, he's cool.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
- Chris OFarrell
- Durandal's Bitch
- Posts: 5724
- Joined: 2002-08-02 07:57pm
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Enjoy the latest installment which finally kicks off the main event as all the diplomatic wrangling is over.
Chapter 23: Twilight Truce
“A plague on both your houses!”
Romeo and Juliet Act 1 scene iii
The ceremonial trumpets blared loudly and the roar of the multitude easily overwhelmed the instruments. James Kirk walked stiffly alongside Elizabeth Dehner as they approached the Senate building. Clone troopers lined up perfectly along the route rifles at their chests completely unmoving. Each stood shoulder to shoulder forming a makeshift barrier between the people and the pair.
Above them droning in endless circles were Republic LAATs fully crewed and armed. Two LAATs flew very close above them ready to pounce down and form a perimeter around Kirk and Dehner at a moment’s notice.
Kirk knew that far above them in low orbit smaller Republic vessels were stacked one on top of the other, gun emplacements tracking any ship within two planetary diameters from Coruscant. Clouds of Clone fighters, the new Y Wings and Z-95 headhunters and sundry fighters from a thousand worlds formed flying wedges that extended over the entire continent.
“The Supreme Chancellor isn’t taking nay chances.” He muttered to Dehner out of the corner of his mouth.
“Indeed. After the fiascos on Earth and here he can’t afford to look weak again, especially if he loses the only ones in this galaxy with authority to sign the Articles of Alliance.” Dehner replied through a frozen smile as she waved to the crowd.
“Which makes me wonder why all the pomp and ceremony?” Kirk asked smiling and nodding suddenly at a congregation of Wookiees who were howling their support as he passed.
“Because we insisted.” Meerlinda replied calmly as she fell into step behind Kirk.
“The people have a right to see their government in action.” Obi Wan added stepping in behind Dehner.
“Besides.” Mace Windu stated coolly as he stepped in front of everyone to lead the way. “The people need something to cheer them up. It’s been a bad year for everyone.”
Kirk eyed the trio quickly and exchanged a troubled glance with Dehner. Three Jedi to protect the two of them on top of everything else? One a leading member of the Jedi council. They might be expecting something.
They approached the guilded steps that led up to the massive Galactic Senate. Kirk was always impressed by this building, larger than any governmental structure in the Federation it stood proudly gleaming in the sunlight shimmering down on them. There wasn’t a cloud in the deep magenta sky.
“Even the weather cooperated with the Supreme Chancellor’s signing ceremony I see.” Kirk noted.
“Uh, well Coruscant weather control made sure of that, James.” Meerlinda pointed out.
“Oh, of course.” Kirk laughed it off and caught Dehner’s eyes. Weather control. The Federation was only just starting to experiment with similar systems on Earth and on the colony of Riza.
At the top of the long flight of steps stood the Supreme Chancellor flanked by his aides and young Anakin Skywalker stood to his right. The young Jedi knight seemed a permanent fixture around the Supreme Chancellor of late. Palpatine opened his arms wide and smiled warmly.
“Welcome my friends. On behalf of all of the Galactic Republic and worlds under Secessionist occupation allow me to welcome you to the community of stars between our two peoples.”
“We thank you, Supreme Chancellor for this great honor and amazing sign of support from the people of Coruscant.” Kirk faltered for a brief moment when a small unobtrusive silver orb dropped down close to his mouth and his voice suddenly boomed across the massive square that stretched on for miles around the Senate.
The masses responded and applauded and shouted even louder. It sounded like thunder breaking over a rolling Iowa landscape. Kirk suddenly missed home and had no idea why. He spent most of his adult life in space and never felt these pangs before.
But that did not stop him from speaking.
“I think I speak for all citizens of the Federation when I state that out interests are united in a common cause, our love of freedom, or democracy, of justice brings us together to end this destructive conflict once and for all.”
The masses roared their approval.
Palpatine clapped politely. Anakin frowned.
“He’s quite the popular one isn’t he?” He noted.
Palpatine shook his head.
“Anakin, my boy, you must allow the Captain his moment to shine. We are all on the same team.”
“I remember some of the Jedi Masters telling me that Dooku was on our team before Geonosis.”
Palpatine nodded politely towards the Captain and Doctor Dehner but replied softly.
“Being a Jedi Master does not automatically grant you wisdom Anakin, that has always been my experience with the order.”
Anakin said nothing as the roar of the crowd thundered through the flat square. The people were hungry for victory, aching for any news that could hint at an end to the struggle that had burned through this galaxy. He could feel it emanating from them in waves. The emptiness and hunger for more.
Kirk was currently providing it for them.
“And in this Grand Alliance we stand hopeful that together we can achieve what neither alone could achieve, that in this coming struggle there can come something positive and clean from the grit and evil of this war. Let us reach for victory and in doing so open the path for a brighter future where all of us, Republic, Federation and Separatists can walk that new path in peace and solidarity for a tomorrow none of us could ever have imagined alone.”
The crowd exploded in jubilation and excitement at the man’s words. All manner of noises emanated from the decidedly mixed crowd but all of it sounded festive and joyous. Kirk smiled to the people and waved. Dehner joined him.
“You’re quite the public speaker.”
“I never knew I had it in me. Just voicing what we all hope, things are so dark now at home that I want there to be some hope for peace in the future.” He replied softly, she could barely hear it over the chants.
“What are they saying?” Dehner asked curiously.
“I think they’re saying…Kirk.” Obi Wan answered and smirked.
Kirk listened closely and quickly became obvious
“Captain Kirk, you have no idea how much it pleases me to see that our efforts have borne such sweet fruit.” Sly Moore said softly with a cool smile.
“I’m not sure I understand.” Kirk replied uneasily.
“I do. They’ve undertaken a rather broad public opinion campaign haven’t you?” Dehner replied as she instantly realized what they were referencing.
“Yes Captain. The Federation needs a public face to give the people someone to focus on, a symbol if you will.” Palpatine explained gently.
Kirk was distracted by the chants of his own name swirling and crashing around them like waves from the sea.
“Kirk! Kirk!”
“I don’t know how wise that was, Chancellor.” Kirk noted.
“Oh? Don’t you think you are the consummate Federation officer?” He said with a broad grin.
“Well, I would hope I was, sir. It’s just that I won’t be heading up the Federation effort here. I have my orders straight from command. Fleet Admiral Robert April will be arriving with the first task force of the Expeditionary fleet shortly and he will be bringing with him more brass than I can count sir. I will most likely be taking my place in that fleet and be one of many starship Captains in this effort. Admiral April should be the man you look to.”
“But we all look to you Captain Kirk. You’re daring and leadership in the defeat of the Separatist ambush at the wormhole not to mention slipping out of the Separatist’s Assassins’ trap and saving your delegation here on Coruscant. All actions that demand recognition Captain.” Moore replied softly sliding past Mace Windu and standing close beside Kirk.
Dehner cleared her throat.
“Nevertheless Captain Kirk is correct. We are the special envoys for the Federation in this negotiation. Once this mission is over when we sign the Terms of Alliance we will withdraw to our previous assignments. I will return to Earth and continue my practice and Captain Kirk will…fight in this war.” Dehner paused for a moment as the weight of her words suddenly crystallized for her. She glanced at Kirk sadly for a moment.
She would return home, write a series of articles on her experiences here in another galaxy and move on. James Kirk would return to his starship and fight in what would perhaps be the bloodiest war the Federation had ever seen.
Kirk smiled attempting to reassure her and discretely tapped the gold bars on his wrist. He was gently reminding her the responsibilities that went with his rank. It had become a constant theme of late between them.
Palpatine nodded.
“Indeed, Doctor. However you underestimate my powers of persuasion. Imagine how much weight a direct request from the Supreme Chancellor would have if I were to personally request you remain here on Coruscant as personal advisors.”
“That is most generous of you sir.”
“We will of course consult this matter with command.” Dehner added.
Palpatine smiled and nodded sagely.
“You do that Doctor. Now, judging from Master Windu’s rather dour demeanor I assume that all of us standing out here in the open in public is making him increasingly nervous so we will retire to the Senate itself. They have gathered to see this magnificent event and one that I have strived for since the day our peoples first became aware of each other.” Palpatine welcomed them into the senate building with a wave of his arm, his indigo cloak flapped in the light breeze as he swept his arm forward.
Kirk and Dehner exchanged a glance and both walked forward.
“Aren’t you going to say goodbye to your adoring public?” Anakin asked Kirk as he stepped past the brooding young man. Kirk eyed him for a moment, the tall young Jedi eyed him back with a bemused smirk.
Kirk smiled at him.
“As a matter of fact I think I will.” He winked and turned to wave to the crowd. The cheers went up again and started from the front and traveled their way backwards through the throng.
“That’s enough now, captain. Care to escort a lady in?” Dehner interjected taking a hold of his arm and gently pulling back away from the crowd.
“Of course Doctor.” Kirk replied and as he turned to follow he whispered quickly “Why do I have the distinct impression that this crowd is not the only ones being influenced?”
Dehner nodded slowly.
“I know precisely what you mean. Stay close.”
“That’s my line doctor.” Kirk said with a quiet laugh as they walked into the Senate building. Obi Wan and Meerlinda paused at the entrance to the Senate. Meerlinda watched the crowd for a moment as Obi Wan checked the perimeter.
“You know they’re starting not to trust us.” Meerlinda noted.
“The Federation?” Obi Wan asked curiously.
“No.” Meerlinda answered simply as she finished feeling the emotional pulse of the crowd. She looked at the young Jedi Master. “They are.” She pointed back to the horde pressing in on all sides. The sun shone through her long mane of green hair and it glowed brilliantly.
“They’re just weary of this war. Palpatine was too busy filling their heads with visions of glorious battles and thrilling victories and we walked right into a meat grinder.” Obi Wan noted as he walked wit the emerald haired Jedi Knight.
“You’re being hard on him again, Master Kenobi.” Anakin interjected.
“Oh, yes, I forgot he’s just a man trying to do a job.” Obi Wan sighed.
“He’s a good man given a thankless job of trying to win a war that is costing us more than we ever suspected.”
“Peace is still within our grasp if we strived as hard for that as we did bringing the federation into this war.” Meerlinda added sadly.
Anakin grimaced.
“You were always a peace maker, too much the diplomat and not enough the warrior. You weren’t there on Geonosis. You didn’t see what Obi Wan and I saw. I paid for my lack of vision.” Anakin absently closed the golden mechanical fist of his right arm. “I don’t intend to give Dooku and his lackeys the chance at striking at us again unprepared. The Separatists must be dealt with from a position of strength and that is precisely what the Chancellor is trying to do. The Council would be best served in helping him at this moment of crisis.”
‘The council will decide on its own what we need to be doing Anakin. Its always the young one full of fire and vinegar that drives these things.” Obi Wan smirked.
“You were there. You saw what they were planning to do. Do you honestly think things have changed since then?” Anakin pressed.
“You get to excited Anakin. It will be the death of you one day.” Obi Wan chided.
“People change Anakin.” Meerlinda replied firmly. “Time changes all things including motivations and desires. A year of bloody stalemate and lost profits must be taking their toll on these businessmen or have we forgotten that little aspect of our enemies.”
“I haven’t forgotten that they are out enemies.” Anakin replied with a bitter laugh.
“If you Jedi don’t mind….” Windu spoke from within the doorway.
“Right away Master.” Meerlinda replied quickly and followed Windu into the building. Anakin and Obi Wan paused and regarded each other for a moment in the sun.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve just stood in the sun and talked.” Obi Wan said softly, kicking a pebble off the steps.
“Yes it has master. Sometimes…I wish…” Anakin paused and shook his head. “Let’s go.”
Obi Wan followed his ex apprentice for a moment with his eyes and shook his head sadly. He was trying to grapple with feelings and emotions that were hard to deal with alone. Even the greatest Jedi Masters knew that the meditation and solitude only went so far when it came to handling your own tangled thoughts. That is why the Jedi order encouraged the relationship between master and padawan to continue despite the padawan’s ascension to knighthood. There was always someone wiser than yourself that could help guide you through these trying moments in a Jedi’s life.
And therein lay his ex padawan’s problem. He was so powerful that he never thought once to look to another for another answer. With Anakin lay only what he could do and not do. There was never room for anything else.
Obi Wan hoped that before this war was over Anakin would learn that he could turn to others for help and support. Sometimes answers weren’t found within no matter how hard you looked - Obi Wan glanced at the way Anakin strode through the assembled Jedi Knights, almost as if he were apart from them as they entered the Senate. - Or how powerful you were.
Obi Wan never imagined that the Chosen One would get very far not looking past himself. Still there was always time to learn and Qui Gon was certain he was the one. It never helped Obi Wan much during those dark twilight hours when he was alone with his doubts and fears. Could the Chosen One fail?
“He’s a regular ham our Captain isn’t he?” Gary chuckled as he watched Kirk walk into the Senate building on the main viewer.
“The Captain’s sudden upsurge in popularity is hardly his doing.” Spock commented.
“He’s no silver tongued orator is that what you’re saying?” Gary asked with a mischievous smile.
“The Captain has been at the center of a very dedicated and loud publicity campaign from the Government.” Uhura interjected. “You should see some of this stuff.” She rolled her eyes.
“You call it a publicity campaign I call it propaganda.” Number One sniffed.
“Oh do please put it on the main viewer.” Gary begged.
“The ceremony instituting the Grand Alliance between our people and the Galactic Republic and lead us into a war the likes of which we have never seen is about to unfold and you want to watch Republic propaganda?” Number One snorted.
Gary leaned back in his chair and placed his hands behind his head. He swung back and forth in his Navigator’s seat and smiled at the cold XO.
“You betcha! I want to see Jim in all his glory. Besides it’ll take them a few minutes to get set up. These Galactic Republic folks just LOVE their pomp and circumstance.”
“Try to keep your attention on the matter at hand.”
“Ok, let’s sit here and watch the screen showing the crowd chanting our Captain’s name until they get the ceremony underway. Yes, ma’am.” Gary saluted and turned round in his seat to face the screen and sat hands folded neatly at his station.
Number One glared down at Gary.
The bridge was silent as the crew obediently watched the screen. The image was of the massive crowd chanting the Captain’s name went on full a full minute with only the sound of the bridge systems audible. Number One glanced around slowly watching the stony faces of the crew.
“You are such a child.” She snapped and turned back to the Captain’s chair. She slid into it stiffly and nodded reluctantly to Uhura. “A little diversion might be what the crew needs.”
“Gary, this one goes out to you.” Uhura cooed.
“Thank you sweetie. I’ll give you my ration chits for lunch tomorrow.” Gary winked.
Uhura keyed several controls and the image on the view screen switched to the Republic Seal . A deep bass voice began to speak.
“Every war needs heroes and this war is not different.” Gary put his hand up to his mouth to hide the smile.
The image switched to the Enterprise as it soared among the stars. Several members of the bridge crew began applauding drawing the glare of the XO.
“Now we have heroes from a galaxy far away come to help us in our hour of greatest need. Heroes like Captain James Tiberius Kirk.” The image switched to Captain Kirk standing heroically in his gold command shirt, wind tussling his hair as he surveyed the area around him.
“Oh god where did they get that shot?” Gary muttered to Lee Kelso. The helmsman tried not to laugh.
“Captain Kirk is the first of many Starfleet officers ready and willing to join us in a Grand Alliance to defeat the Separatists foe and restore order to our galaxy.”
“My job is a simple one. To help you win this war and bring us closer together.” Kirk spoke to the screen, an obvious excerpt from an interview.
“My job is a simple one – try not to look like an ass.” Gary snorted into his shirt sleeve as his face began turning red. Number One rolled her eyes. She noted with some annoyance that many of the bridge crew were laughing as well now.
“And despite the odds James Kirk is doing just that alongside such notable heroes as Anakin Skywalker –” the image switched briefly to the young Jedi Knight in the heat of battle, lightsaber swinging wildly about tearing through a Separatists droid army lines as he made his way to the command deck of a massive warship. Clone troopers were arrayed around him like a personal army. Oddly enough no other Jedi were seen in the brief montage of the Jedi’s feats. Number One’s eyes narrowed. That was odd. The few battle records she had seen clearly had Jedi working in teams to maximize their effectiveness. Why were these snippets of footage chosen?
“In the never ending struggle against the dark forces arrayed against the mighty Republic. James Kirk sent a strong message of unity and bravery when he led his forces out of an ambush meant to destroy him.” The image switched to a Rodian who was speaking excitedly. “It was amazing to watch him courageously lead his ship into the teeth of the enemy without fear or hesitation. If we had more of him this war would be over.”
Gary started to pound on his Navigational council with one hand while holding back the laughter with the other clapped over his mouth. Kelso shoved him with an elbow but it only made Gary laugh harder.
“He will never live this down.” Gary gasped between breaths.
“That’s because you won’t let him.” Kelso sighed.
“I fail to see the humor in this.” Spock commented to Number One.
Number One eyed Gary with distaste as he slapped his station again when the image switched to Kirk standing in the middle of a pile of destroyed battle droids giving out orders.
“You lack a distinctly childish sense of humor, Mr. Spock.” She replied. To think this man would be XO once she was gone.
The Senate was in full session and everyone was in attendance. Senators, their aides, diplomats, government employees and all manners of beings milled about the enormous chambers but the show was on the Senate floor itself as the flotilla of senatorial repulsorlift pods were starting to rise up into their allotted slots as the last minute additions arrived and hurried to their places. Missing this moment would be unforgivable for many.
Kirk watched the ebb and flow of the movement with a child like wonder.
“We’re proud of getting an assembly of a few hundred representatives in place around a table back home. Look at this.” Kirk gasped.
“It does send a rather distinct signal doesn’t it?” Dehner noted as she watched a senator’s pod rise up right past their faces and disappear up into the near invisible walls of the main chamber. The pod soundlessly nestled into its berth and waited patiently.
“And what signal is that?” Kirk asked watching another pod rising past them into the heights.
“Just how large this Republic is and how small we are in comparison.”
“A wise Jedi Master once said to me “Size matters not.” I think he may be right about that in this instance.” Obi Wan laughed as he checked the surroundings one last time. He could feel no disturbance in the Force but that was never enough in these dark times. Now would be the absolute worst time for something to happen and unfortunately the Jedi had borne the brunt of too many disasters in these dark times.
“We can’t be with you when the time comes. The Supreme Chancellor did not want the wrong signals to be sent if you were to be seen alongside Jedi at this historic moment.” Meerlinda noted as she adjusted Kirk’s collar of his dress uniform.
He smiled at her and Dehner eyed the moment with a speculative eye. Obi Wan pointedly ignored it.
“Now why would that be, Meerlinda? It was through the Jedi that we managed to forge the treaty, because of the Jedi we survived that ambush and if it wasn’t for you and Master Kenobi here my so called brilliant defense of the delegation would have been for nothing.” Kirk replied in annoyance.
“We’re not very popular right now James.” She replied hesitantly.
“What do you mean?” He asked, eyes narrowing on her. She shifted her head on her long elegant neck. He reached out and smoothed the collar of her plain brown cloak.
“Now is not the time.” Obi Wan interjected. “It’s your turn to be in the spotlight. We’ve always been here and we’ll always be here. There is no need for concern, Captain.”
Kirk began to speak when the gentle tap of a cane on the stone floor interrupted his next words.
“Yes, to Obi Wan you listen.” The small frail form of the Jedi Master Yoda spoke softly. “Guardians of the Republic Jedi are and always have been. Dark and turbulent these times are but remain steadfast we must.”
“Of course, I didn’t think otherwise.” Kirk said smiling down at the diminutive Jedi Master. It did not surprise him that the small alien was the source of the Jedi proverb about judging things by their size.
“In you must go.” Yoda gestured to the pod that was slowly descending towards them and settling down on the ground.
“What’s waiting for us there?”
“The future.” Yoda answered as he gestured for them to walk into the pod. Kirk and Dehner hesitantly made their way to the pod. As soon as the pair became visible to the Senators a storm of applause erupted along the parked pods. Kirk waved up at them as he stepped onto the pod and took Dehner’s hand and gently helped her up as well.
“This is a little more than what I expected.” Kirk commented dryly as he checked the pod.
“This is precisely what I expected, perhaps even more low key than I thought. The Supreme Chancellor’s government certainly adores its ceremony.” Dehner sighed softly.
“Master Yoda.” Kirk called down to the Jedi Master.
Yoda looked up expectantly as the pod slowly began to rise off the floor.
“What’s ahead for us in the future?” Kirk asked with a smile.
Yoda almost smirked at the young Captain’s playful question.
“Always in motion is the future. Difficult to tell.” Yoda called back.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Meerlinda, there’s still a chance to be seen with a bonafied hero of the Republic.” Kirk called out to her as the pod gently rotated to face the assembly before continuing its ascent.
Meerlinda waved him away. Yoda and Mace Windu exchanged curious glances as the pod ascended into the lights flooding the senate floor. The assembled Jedi has quietly taken their places, out of sight as usual.
“Close you have become to this starship Captain.” Yoda noted casually.
“Your assignment called for you to protect him and guide him.” Mace Windu added without looking over at the young Jedi Knight. Meerlinda frowned and looked from one Jedi Master to the other.
“I didn’t realize I had overstepped my bounds Masters.” She said calmly.
“We did not say you did.” Mace Windu replied after a beat of silence.
“Observing were we. Strong his feelings for you are. Very Strong.”
Meerlinda looked down at the ground for a moment, clearing her mind as she had been taught.
“Your master Thane was always concerned about your tendency to reach out to far to the ones you were interacting with. He felt you became too emotionally attached to your assignments.” Mace noted. The pod was now at the required height and it halted its ascent and paused. A bright light illuminated the occupants and the front of the pod slid backwards to reveal the Federation seal.
The applause increased and some cheers filtered down from the higher levels. Kirk and Dehner did their best to hide their surprise concerning the pod’s adornment.
“The Order considers me the best diplomat on Coruscant, There’s a reason for that.” Meerlinda countered. Thane had taught her a healthy respect for her Masters but also sprinkled a liberal does of self esteem as well. ‘Jedi Masters sometimes need to be reminded from whence they came and what they have done. The Will of the Force can be carried out by the most humble padawan or the most esteemed Master.’ She missed him. He was off fighting on the Rim and had not seen him in months.
“Indeed.” Mace replied without further comment.
Yoda leaned in closer to her.
“Your feelings you must watch Farstrider, they can cloud judgment and the Will of the Force. A simple reminder that is all.”
“As always you are right Master Yoda and I receive the advise in the spirit it was offered.” Meerlinda bowed her head deeply.
Yoda continued to watch her as she looked back up at the scene playing out above them. He noticed the way her green eyes softened when she saw James Kirk’s face and he sighed deeply. Mace smirked down at his comrade.
“Sometimes the message can be lost among the noise.” He whispered to Yoda as the two masters took their place at the front of the assembled Jedi.
“Confusing this time has become. Jedi losing their path and not watching where they walk.”
“That’s why we are here.”
Yoda glanced up at Windu but said nothing.
“The chair recognizes the Senator from Rodius.” Palpatine intoned deeply from his place at the center of the Senate floor.
“The Rodian people enthusiastically second the motion to agree to the terms of the Articles of Alliance between the galactic Republic and the United Federation of Planets.” The small Rodian senator spoke, shout moving up and down almost like a wagging dog’s tail.
“As I understand it, that means happiness?” Kirk softly asked Doctor Dehner.
She nodded. “Or excitement. Either way that’s good for us.”
“The Chair recognizes the Senator from Naboo.”
Senator Amidala nodded to Palpatine as her pod floated up into view.
“The people of Naboo also welcome the United Federation of Planets to this Senate. We request that 3 days are allotted as per the Floor Rules fro debate on these Articles of Alliance.”
There were some outraged hisses and shouts from the Senatorial pods.
“That’s not so good for us.” Dehner replied but remained stoic.
“She’s doing what she thinks is right.”
“Stalling the inevitable?”
Kirk looked over at Dehner.
“Making sure this goes by the book and there are no regrets later down the road. No one should want to rush to war.”
“Perhaps you saw a different holotape than I did but the war has already come to us. Battle droids in the President’s estate?!” Dehner replied tightly.
Kirk said nothing as another pod floated up next to Senator Amidala’s.
“The chair recognizes the Senator from Alderaan.”
“I second the motion from Naboo. These Articles of Alliance have not even been seen outside of the Supreme Chancellor’s special Committee and have certainly never been disseminated publicly.” Senator Bail Organna stated regally. Kirk’s eyes narrowed on the man. He was a born leader of men and a passionate defender of his ideals. He was saddened to have to oppose this man in any way.
“I wish he were on our side.”
“Once we sign these articles, he will be.” Dehner replied frostily.
Kirk glanced over at the cold blonde.
“A man like that we should want to freely join us not bound by paperwork and words.”
Dehner said nothing in reply as the debate grew heated amongst the senators.
“The Articles of Alliance are well known amongst us and what it entails, the Senator from Alderaan is playing rhetorical games when he attempts to portray this agreement as anything other than a publicly known document.” Mon Mothma stated evenly and with a gentle smile.
“Perhaps the Senator from Chandrilla would like to recite just one of the articles for me then if it is such public knowledge.” Bail pressed.
“I will do no such thing. Perhaps the Senator from Alderaan thinks I am one of this subjects to order around like chattel.”
Bail’s eyes narrowed.
“That was beyond the pale even for a lackey of the Supreme Chancellor like yourself.”
“Calm yourselves.” Palpatine interjected forcefully.. He looked from Bail Organna to Mon Mothma.
“I for one would support the vote for debate by Naboo and Alderaan.” The senator from Corellia broke in taking advantage of the silence. “After all I think with all the hero worship going on here of one of the Federation representatives we need to remember that it was a ship bearing his own ship’s name that attacked and killed many of our troops only several days ago.”
“This is nonsense!” a Senator bellowed from below. A Wookiee howl of anger drifted through the senate floor as well.
“I see the Supreme Chancellor’s propaganda has me at a disadvantage.” The Senator from Corellia replied bitterly.
“I see that Corellia forgets her place when addressing the Supreme Chancellor.” Mon Mothma protested.
“Where has the First Corellian Expeditionary fleet been in this war, hmm?” the Rodian asked acidly.
“Protecting our worlds as she is meant to.” The Corellian replied hotly.
“The Fleets of this Great Republic are supposed to be protecting all of the Republic not just the member worlds of that fleet.” Mon Mothma replied coolly.
“Corellia has always maintained her war fleets. It is not our fault that the rest of you abandoned any pretense of self defense in the vain hopes that the Jedi could turn back the occasional enemy fleet.”
“The Jedi are not up for discussion.”
“Maybe they should be!”
Palpatine watched the exchange in silence, his eyes moving slowly from one senator to the next. He was quietly gauging the emotions on the floor.
“This is about trust and Corellia does not trust the Federation.”
“What a fine statement.” The Rodian sighed sarcastically.
“I think that is Admiral Garm Bel-Iblis talking NOT Corellia.” Mon Mothma interjected.
“I speak for Corellia my lady, we all know whom you speak for.” The Corellian ambassador snapped.
“These Corellians are a bit…” Kirk began.
“Ill mannered? Hot headed?” Dehner offered.
“I was going to say independent.” Kirk replied wanly.
“The Chair recognizes the motion on the floor and will open for voting the motion to begin 3 days of debate on the Articles of Alliance offered by Senator Amidala of Naboo and Seconded by Senator Bail Organna of Alderaan.” Palpatine ordered with a firm voice. “The voting will be tallied by computer in secret balloting.”
Amidala’s eyes widened slightly.
“I call for voice vote. Let the senators be heard and on the record on this matter!” she demanded.
Palpatine smiled like a kindly grandfather.
“Senator Amidala, as you should be well aware by now, any motions carried on the floor can be voted on at the Supreme Chancellor’s discretion in matters of Galactic Security and I choose secret ballot. A voice vote would be unnecessary and take too much of our valuable time. After all you are not suggesting that you’re colleagues would be dishonest about their intentions if they were to be heard on the record?”
Amidala stared at the Supreme Chancellor for a long moment. She could feel Bail’s eyes on her. She knew that the Peace Faction had suffered serious setbacks with the latest wave of violence on Coruscant that happened to miss the peace factions offices and residences. To admit such in public would only weaken them further.
Palpatine would get what he wanted, no matter what. Bail had predicted this from the start. They were still sorting through the Byzantine changes to the Senate Procedures by Palpatine’s special commission.
“No. Of course I’m not making that suggestion.” Amidala replied softly but her eyes narrowed on the man she had helped bring to power.
“Good. Then it is settled.” Palpatine smiled broadly.
“I’ll make that damned suggestion if no one else will!” The Corellian senator shouted.
“The floor is closed to any more debate and the voting will begin.” Palpatine replied sternly.
Kirk watched each senator begin voting using the panels in their individual pods. He glanced over at the central floating platform where Palpatine stood. The supreme Chancellor smiled and nodded reassuringly to Kirk.
“He just knows he has this in the bag.” Kirk mused,
“Captain, you have a lot to learn you know about politics.”
“Do I?” Kirk asked pointedly.
Dehner sighed and tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder with roll of her head.
“Did you honestly think we came this far, saw so much, seen so much political capital spent to have this vote stalled or fail? He wants a Grand Alliance and he’ll get one.”
“I thought this was a democracy, will of the people and all.”
Dehner frowned.
“We’re talking about what is best for all of us.”
“And who gets to decide that?”
Dehner said nothing else as her attention returned to the vote tally illuminated above them in a rotating holographic display for all to see.
“And the voting has been decided. The motion for debate has failed to carry. We know open the floor to voice voting on the Articles of Alliance.”
“On this you will carry a voice vote then?” Senator Organna asked angrily.
“Indeed we will. I have promised the people an open record on how we decided this Alliance and it is time to fulfill that promise. All those in favor or opposed to the Articles of Alliance begin your voice vote beginning in order with the Senators from Aalansk.”
The voice vote continued throughout the afternoon as each senator voiced his agreement or disagreement with the Articles of Alliance. The Senate was hushed when such important members as Corellia flatly rejected the Articles of Alliance. When it came to Amidala she reluctantly agreed, she had little choice, the Queen of Naboo was adamant that they not embarrass the Supreme Chancellor. Senator Bail Organna paused for a long moment and sadly nodded and said yes when it was his time.
In the end the vote was carried by an overwhelming majority.
Cheers arose again amongst the senators though Kirk was quick to search the crowd for those that had said no and noticed that they stood stoically in their pods and did nothing but stand with their arms crossed. He had a running tally of these worlds and would make sure that the federation did what it could to ease their concerns. But one world would require a personal touch. He glanced at the Corellian Senator. He would have to see Garm Bel-Iblis and talk this out man to man.
“We’re up.” Dehner said as the pod they were sitting in suddenly began moving again towards the Supreme Chancellor’s personal floating pod. He was stepping down to the edge, Sly Moore carrying a scroll that resembled parchment paper. Palpatine held in his hand one very exquisitely exotic quill pen and his assistant Mas Amedda with his massive bull like head and horns held out two similar quill pens as well when their pod docked with Palpatine’s.
“Thank you.” Kirk and Dehner replied as they received the pens from Amedda.
Palpatine smiled at each of them.
“I have waited for this moment for three months. It is a glorious day today.”
“I look forward to bringing an end to this conflict.” Kirk added.
“This is a singular moment in all our histories.” Dehner said softly.
Palpatine signed with a flourish and held up the pen. The senators cheered. Dehner signed and she stepped back. The cheers grew. Kirk took a deep breath and signed the document. He stepped back and they could hear the cheers from outside now thundering.
Palpatine eyed the young Captain as he smiled at the cheering assembly. He took a step back and silently mused to himself as he allowed the Federation representatives to bask in the glory of the moment.
“Do you think perhaps we did too well in selling James Kirk to the masses?” Sly Moore whispered to her master as she gently rolled up the scroll and pressed the Republic seal into the side of the scroll.
“Only time will tell my dear. After all this is a long and bloody war and so many heroes have already fallen.” Palpatine replied never taking his eyes off the young Captain. Kirk paused and looked back uneasily for a moment. Palpatine smiled and lifted the scroll up over his head.
“I announce the formation of the Grand Alliance. Let our enemies beware. We are coming for them.” He boomed.
The cheers became a roar and the roar reverberated through the senate like a storm. Yoda frowned as a vision passed across his sight. There was much blood coming. Too much blood. It was as if a great twilight had broken out across the sky and left them all in darkness. He leaned on his cane as he weakened.
“What is it?” Mace asked seriously when he noticed the Master’s weakness.
Yoda looked up at Mace, sadness in his eyes.
“Begun this Twilight War has.”
Chapter 23: Twilight Truce
“A plague on both your houses!”
Romeo and Juliet Act 1 scene iii
The ceremonial trumpets blared loudly and the roar of the multitude easily overwhelmed the instruments. James Kirk walked stiffly alongside Elizabeth Dehner as they approached the Senate building. Clone troopers lined up perfectly along the route rifles at their chests completely unmoving. Each stood shoulder to shoulder forming a makeshift barrier between the people and the pair.
Above them droning in endless circles were Republic LAATs fully crewed and armed. Two LAATs flew very close above them ready to pounce down and form a perimeter around Kirk and Dehner at a moment’s notice.
Kirk knew that far above them in low orbit smaller Republic vessels were stacked one on top of the other, gun emplacements tracking any ship within two planetary diameters from Coruscant. Clouds of Clone fighters, the new Y Wings and Z-95 headhunters and sundry fighters from a thousand worlds formed flying wedges that extended over the entire continent.
“The Supreme Chancellor isn’t taking nay chances.” He muttered to Dehner out of the corner of his mouth.
“Indeed. After the fiascos on Earth and here he can’t afford to look weak again, especially if he loses the only ones in this galaxy with authority to sign the Articles of Alliance.” Dehner replied through a frozen smile as she waved to the crowd.
“Which makes me wonder why all the pomp and ceremony?” Kirk asked smiling and nodding suddenly at a congregation of Wookiees who were howling their support as he passed.
“Because we insisted.” Meerlinda replied calmly as she fell into step behind Kirk.
“The people have a right to see their government in action.” Obi Wan added stepping in behind Dehner.
“Besides.” Mace Windu stated coolly as he stepped in front of everyone to lead the way. “The people need something to cheer them up. It’s been a bad year for everyone.”
Kirk eyed the trio quickly and exchanged a troubled glance with Dehner. Three Jedi to protect the two of them on top of everything else? One a leading member of the Jedi council. They might be expecting something.
They approached the guilded steps that led up to the massive Galactic Senate. Kirk was always impressed by this building, larger than any governmental structure in the Federation it stood proudly gleaming in the sunlight shimmering down on them. There wasn’t a cloud in the deep magenta sky.
“Even the weather cooperated with the Supreme Chancellor’s signing ceremony I see.” Kirk noted.
“Uh, well Coruscant weather control made sure of that, James.” Meerlinda pointed out.
“Oh, of course.” Kirk laughed it off and caught Dehner’s eyes. Weather control. The Federation was only just starting to experiment with similar systems on Earth and on the colony of Riza.
At the top of the long flight of steps stood the Supreme Chancellor flanked by his aides and young Anakin Skywalker stood to his right. The young Jedi knight seemed a permanent fixture around the Supreme Chancellor of late. Palpatine opened his arms wide and smiled warmly.
“Welcome my friends. On behalf of all of the Galactic Republic and worlds under Secessionist occupation allow me to welcome you to the community of stars between our two peoples.”
“We thank you, Supreme Chancellor for this great honor and amazing sign of support from the people of Coruscant.” Kirk faltered for a brief moment when a small unobtrusive silver orb dropped down close to his mouth and his voice suddenly boomed across the massive square that stretched on for miles around the Senate.
The masses responded and applauded and shouted even louder. It sounded like thunder breaking over a rolling Iowa landscape. Kirk suddenly missed home and had no idea why. He spent most of his adult life in space and never felt these pangs before.
But that did not stop him from speaking.
“I think I speak for all citizens of the Federation when I state that out interests are united in a common cause, our love of freedom, or democracy, of justice brings us together to end this destructive conflict once and for all.”
The masses roared their approval.
Palpatine clapped politely. Anakin frowned.
“He’s quite the popular one isn’t he?” He noted.
Palpatine shook his head.
“Anakin, my boy, you must allow the Captain his moment to shine. We are all on the same team.”
“I remember some of the Jedi Masters telling me that Dooku was on our team before Geonosis.”
Palpatine nodded politely towards the Captain and Doctor Dehner but replied softly.
“Being a Jedi Master does not automatically grant you wisdom Anakin, that has always been my experience with the order.”
Anakin said nothing as the roar of the crowd thundered through the flat square. The people were hungry for victory, aching for any news that could hint at an end to the struggle that had burned through this galaxy. He could feel it emanating from them in waves. The emptiness and hunger for more.
Kirk was currently providing it for them.
“And in this Grand Alliance we stand hopeful that together we can achieve what neither alone could achieve, that in this coming struggle there can come something positive and clean from the grit and evil of this war. Let us reach for victory and in doing so open the path for a brighter future where all of us, Republic, Federation and Separatists can walk that new path in peace and solidarity for a tomorrow none of us could ever have imagined alone.”
The crowd exploded in jubilation and excitement at the man’s words. All manner of noises emanated from the decidedly mixed crowd but all of it sounded festive and joyous. Kirk smiled to the people and waved. Dehner joined him.
“You’re quite the public speaker.”
“I never knew I had it in me. Just voicing what we all hope, things are so dark now at home that I want there to be some hope for peace in the future.” He replied softly, she could barely hear it over the chants.
“What are they saying?” Dehner asked curiously.
“I think they’re saying…Kirk.” Obi Wan answered and smirked.
Kirk listened closely and quickly became obvious
“Captain Kirk, you have no idea how much it pleases me to see that our efforts have borne such sweet fruit.” Sly Moore said softly with a cool smile.
“I’m not sure I understand.” Kirk replied uneasily.
“I do. They’ve undertaken a rather broad public opinion campaign haven’t you?” Dehner replied as she instantly realized what they were referencing.
“Yes Captain. The Federation needs a public face to give the people someone to focus on, a symbol if you will.” Palpatine explained gently.
Kirk was distracted by the chants of his own name swirling and crashing around them like waves from the sea.
“Kirk! Kirk!”
“I don’t know how wise that was, Chancellor.” Kirk noted.
“Oh? Don’t you think you are the consummate Federation officer?” He said with a broad grin.
“Well, I would hope I was, sir. It’s just that I won’t be heading up the Federation effort here. I have my orders straight from command. Fleet Admiral Robert April will be arriving with the first task force of the Expeditionary fleet shortly and he will be bringing with him more brass than I can count sir. I will most likely be taking my place in that fleet and be one of many starship Captains in this effort. Admiral April should be the man you look to.”
“But we all look to you Captain Kirk. You’re daring and leadership in the defeat of the Separatist ambush at the wormhole not to mention slipping out of the Separatist’s Assassins’ trap and saving your delegation here on Coruscant. All actions that demand recognition Captain.” Moore replied softly sliding past Mace Windu and standing close beside Kirk.
Dehner cleared her throat.
“Nevertheless Captain Kirk is correct. We are the special envoys for the Federation in this negotiation. Once this mission is over when we sign the Terms of Alliance we will withdraw to our previous assignments. I will return to Earth and continue my practice and Captain Kirk will…fight in this war.” Dehner paused for a moment as the weight of her words suddenly crystallized for her. She glanced at Kirk sadly for a moment.
She would return home, write a series of articles on her experiences here in another galaxy and move on. James Kirk would return to his starship and fight in what would perhaps be the bloodiest war the Federation had ever seen.
Kirk smiled attempting to reassure her and discretely tapped the gold bars on his wrist. He was gently reminding her the responsibilities that went with his rank. It had become a constant theme of late between them.
Palpatine nodded.
“Indeed, Doctor. However you underestimate my powers of persuasion. Imagine how much weight a direct request from the Supreme Chancellor would have if I were to personally request you remain here on Coruscant as personal advisors.”
“That is most generous of you sir.”
“We will of course consult this matter with command.” Dehner added.
Palpatine smiled and nodded sagely.
“You do that Doctor. Now, judging from Master Windu’s rather dour demeanor I assume that all of us standing out here in the open in public is making him increasingly nervous so we will retire to the Senate itself. They have gathered to see this magnificent event and one that I have strived for since the day our peoples first became aware of each other.” Palpatine welcomed them into the senate building with a wave of his arm, his indigo cloak flapped in the light breeze as he swept his arm forward.
Kirk and Dehner exchanged a glance and both walked forward.
“Aren’t you going to say goodbye to your adoring public?” Anakin asked Kirk as he stepped past the brooding young man. Kirk eyed him for a moment, the tall young Jedi eyed him back with a bemused smirk.
Kirk smiled at him.
“As a matter of fact I think I will.” He winked and turned to wave to the crowd. The cheers went up again and started from the front and traveled their way backwards through the throng.
“That’s enough now, captain. Care to escort a lady in?” Dehner interjected taking a hold of his arm and gently pulling back away from the crowd.
“Of course Doctor.” Kirk replied and as he turned to follow he whispered quickly “Why do I have the distinct impression that this crowd is not the only ones being influenced?”
Dehner nodded slowly.
“I know precisely what you mean. Stay close.”
“That’s my line doctor.” Kirk said with a quiet laugh as they walked into the Senate building. Obi Wan and Meerlinda paused at the entrance to the Senate. Meerlinda watched the crowd for a moment as Obi Wan checked the perimeter.
“You know they’re starting not to trust us.” Meerlinda noted.
“The Federation?” Obi Wan asked curiously.
“No.” Meerlinda answered simply as she finished feeling the emotional pulse of the crowd. She looked at the young Jedi Master. “They are.” She pointed back to the horde pressing in on all sides. The sun shone through her long mane of green hair and it glowed brilliantly.
“They’re just weary of this war. Palpatine was too busy filling their heads with visions of glorious battles and thrilling victories and we walked right into a meat grinder.” Obi Wan noted as he walked wit the emerald haired Jedi Knight.
“You’re being hard on him again, Master Kenobi.” Anakin interjected.
“Oh, yes, I forgot he’s just a man trying to do a job.” Obi Wan sighed.
“He’s a good man given a thankless job of trying to win a war that is costing us more than we ever suspected.”
“Peace is still within our grasp if we strived as hard for that as we did bringing the federation into this war.” Meerlinda added sadly.
Anakin grimaced.
“You were always a peace maker, too much the diplomat and not enough the warrior. You weren’t there on Geonosis. You didn’t see what Obi Wan and I saw. I paid for my lack of vision.” Anakin absently closed the golden mechanical fist of his right arm. “I don’t intend to give Dooku and his lackeys the chance at striking at us again unprepared. The Separatists must be dealt with from a position of strength and that is precisely what the Chancellor is trying to do. The Council would be best served in helping him at this moment of crisis.”
‘The council will decide on its own what we need to be doing Anakin. Its always the young one full of fire and vinegar that drives these things.” Obi Wan smirked.
“You were there. You saw what they were planning to do. Do you honestly think things have changed since then?” Anakin pressed.
“You get to excited Anakin. It will be the death of you one day.” Obi Wan chided.
“People change Anakin.” Meerlinda replied firmly. “Time changes all things including motivations and desires. A year of bloody stalemate and lost profits must be taking their toll on these businessmen or have we forgotten that little aspect of our enemies.”
“I haven’t forgotten that they are out enemies.” Anakin replied with a bitter laugh.
“If you Jedi don’t mind….” Windu spoke from within the doorway.
“Right away Master.” Meerlinda replied quickly and followed Windu into the building. Anakin and Obi Wan paused and regarded each other for a moment in the sun.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve just stood in the sun and talked.” Obi Wan said softly, kicking a pebble off the steps.
“Yes it has master. Sometimes…I wish…” Anakin paused and shook his head. “Let’s go.”
Obi Wan followed his ex apprentice for a moment with his eyes and shook his head sadly. He was trying to grapple with feelings and emotions that were hard to deal with alone. Even the greatest Jedi Masters knew that the meditation and solitude only went so far when it came to handling your own tangled thoughts. That is why the Jedi order encouraged the relationship between master and padawan to continue despite the padawan’s ascension to knighthood. There was always someone wiser than yourself that could help guide you through these trying moments in a Jedi’s life.
And therein lay his ex padawan’s problem. He was so powerful that he never thought once to look to another for another answer. With Anakin lay only what he could do and not do. There was never room for anything else.
Obi Wan hoped that before this war was over Anakin would learn that he could turn to others for help and support. Sometimes answers weren’t found within no matter how hard you looked - Obi Wan glanced at the way Anakin strode through the assembled Jedi Knights, almost as if he were apart from them as they entered the Senate. - Or how powerful you were.
Obi Wan never imagined that the Chosen One would get very far not looking past himself. Still there was always time to learn and Qui Gon was certain he was the one. It never helped Obi Wan much during those dark twilight hours when he was alone with his doubts and fears. Could the Chosen One fail?
“He’s a regular ham our Captain isn’t he?” Gary chuckled as he watched Kirk walk into the Senate building on the main viewer.
“The Captain’s sudden upsurge in popularity is hardly his doing.” Spock commented.
“He’s no silver tongued orator is that what you’re saying?” Gary asked with a mischievous smile.
“The Captain has been at the center of a very dedicated and loud publicity campaign from the Government.” Uhura interjected. “You should see some of this stuff.” She rolled her eyes.
“You call it a publicity campaign I call it propaganda.” Number One sniffed.
“Oh do please put it on the main viewer.” Gary begged.
“The ceremony instituting the Grand Alliance between our people and the Galactic Republic and lead us into a war the likes of which we have never seen is about to unfold and you want to watch Republic propaganda?” Number One snorted.
Gary leaned back in his chair and placed his hands behind his head. He swung back and forth in his Navigator’s seat and smiled at the cold XO.
“You betcha! I want to see Jim in all his glory. Besides it’ll take them a few minutes to get set up. These Galactic Republic folks just LOVE their pomp and circumstance.”
“Try to keep your attention on the matter at hand.”
“Ok, let’s sit here and watch the screen showing the crowd chanting our Captain’s name until they get the ceremony underway. Yes, ma’am.” Gary saluted and turned round in his seat to face the screen and sat hands folded neatly at his station.
Number One glared down at Gary.
The bridge was silent as the crew obediently watched the screen. The image was of the massive crowd chanting the Captain’s name went on full a full minute with only the sound of the bridge systems audible. Number One glanced around slowly watching the stony faces of the crew.
“You are such a child.” She snapped and turned back to the Captain’s chair. She slid into it stiffly and nodded reluctantly to Uhura. “A little diversion might be what the crew needs.”
“Gary, this one goes out to you.” Uhura cooed.
“Thank you sweetie. I’ll give you my ration chits for lunch tomorrow.” Gary winked.
Uhura keyed several controls and the image on the view screen switched to the Republic Seal . A deep bass voice began to speak.
“Every war needs heroes and this war is not different.” Gary put his hand up to his mouth to hide the smile.
The image switched to the Enterprise as it soared among the stars. Several members of the bridge crew began applauding drawing the glare of the XO.
“Now we have heroes from a galaxy far away come to help us in our hour of greatest need. Heroes like Captain James Tiberius Kirk.” The image switched to Captain Kirk standing heroically in his gold command shirt, wind tussling his hair as he surveyed the area around him.
“Oh god where did they get that shot?” Gary muttered to Lee Kelso. The helmsman tried not to laugh.
“Captain Kirk is the first of many Starfleet officers ready and willing to join us in a Grand Alliance to defeat the Separatists foe and restore order to our galaxy.”
“My job is a simple one. To help you win this war and bring us closer together.” Kirk spoke to the screen, an obvious excerpt from an interview.
“My job is a simple one – try not to look like an ass.” Gary snorted into his shirt sleeve as his face began turning red. Number One rolled her eyes. She noted with some annoyance that many of the bridge crew were laughing as well now.
“And despite the odds James Kirk is doing just that alongside such notable heroes as Anakin Skywalker –” the image switched briefly to the young Jedi Knight in the heat of battle, lightsaber swinging wildly about tearing through a Separatists droid army lines as he made his way to the command deck of a massive warship. Clone troopers were arrayed around him like a personal army. Oddly enough no other Jedi were seen in the brief montage of the Jedi’s feats. Number One’s eyes narrowed. That was odd. The few battle records she had seen clearly had Jedi working in teams to maximize their effectiveness. Why were these snippets of footage chosen?
“In the never ending struggle against the dark forces arrayed against the mighty Republic. James Kirk sent a strong message of unity and bravery when he led his forces out of an ambush meant to destroy him.” The image switched to a Rodian who was speaking excitedly. “It was amazing to watch him courageously lead his ship into the teeth of the enemy without fear or hesitation. If we had more of him this war would be over.”
Gary started to pound on his Navigational council with one hand while holding back the laughter with the other clapped over his mouth. Kelso shoved him with an elbow but it only made Gary laugh harder.
“He will never live this down.” Gary gasped between breaths.
“That’s because you won’t let him.” Kelso sighed.
“I fail to see the humor in this.” Spock commented to Number One.
Number One eyed Gary with distaste as he slapped his station again when the image switched to Kirk standing in the middle of a pile of destroyed battle droids giving out orders.
“You lack a distinctly childish sense of humor, Mr. Spock.” She replied. To think this man would be XO once she was gone.
The Senate was in full session and everyone was in attendance. Senators, their aides, diplomats, government employees and all manners of beings milled about the enormous chambers but the show was on the Senate floor itself as the flotilla of senatorial repulsorlift pods were starting to rise up into their allotted slots as the last minute additions arrived and hurried to their places. Missing this moment would be unforgivable for many.
Kirk watched the ebb and flow of the movement with a child like wonder.
“We’re proud of getting an assembly of a few hundred representatives in place around a table back home. Look at this.” Kirk gasped.
“It does send a rather distinct signal doesn’t it?” Dehner noted as she watched a senator’s pod rise up right past their faces and disappear up into the near invisible walls of the main chamber. The pod soundlessly nestled into its berth and waited patiently.
“And what signal is that?” Kirk asked watching another pod rising past them into the heights.
“Just how large this Republic is and how small we are in comparison.”
“A wise Jedi Master once said to me “Size matters not.” I think he may be right about that in this instance.” Obi Wan laughed as he checked the surroundings one last time. He could feel no disturbance in the Force but that was never enough in these dark times. Now would be the absolute worst time for something to happen and unfortunately the Jedi had borne the brunt of too many disasters in these dark times.
“We can’t be with you when the time comes. The Supreme Chancellor did not want the wrong signals to be sent if you were to be seen alongside Jedi at this historic moment.” Meerlinda noted as she adjusted Kirk’s collar of his dress uniform.
He smiled at her and Dehner eyed the moment with a speculative eye. Obi Wan pointedly ignored it.
“Now why would that be, Meerlinda? It was through the Jedi that we managed to forge the treaty, because of the Jedi we survived that ambush and if it wasn’t for you and Master Kenobi here my so called brilliant defense of the delegation would have been for nothing.” Kirk replied in annoyance.
“We’re not very popular right now James.” She replied hesitantly.
“What do you mean?” He asked, eyes narrowing on her. She shifted her head on her long elegant neck. He reached out and smoothed the collar of her plain brown cloak.
“Now is not the time.” Obi Wan interjected. “It’s your turn to be in the spotlight. We’ve always been here and we’ll always be here. There is no need for concern, Captain.”
Kirk began to speak when the gentle tap of a cane on the stone floor interrupted his next words.
“Yes, to Obi Wan you listen.” The small frail form of the Jedi Master Yoda spoke softly. “Guardians of the Republic Jedi are and always have been. Dark and turbulent these times are but remain steadfast we must.”
“Of course, I didn’t think otherwise.” Kirk said smiling down at the diminutive Jedi Master. It did not surprise him that the small alien was the source of the Jedi proverb about judging things by their size.
“In you must go.” Yoda gestured to the pod that was slowly descending towards them and settling down on the ground.
“What’s waiting for us there?”
“The future.” Yoda answered as he gestured for them to walk into the pod. Kirk and Dehner hesitantly made their way to the pod. As soon as the pair became visible to the Senators a storm of applause erupted along the parked pods. Kirk waved up at them as he stepped onto the pod and took Dehner’s hand and gently helped her up as well.
“This is a little more than what I expected.” Kirk commented dryly as he checked the pod.
“This is precisely what I expected, perhaps even more low key than I thought. The Supreme Chancellor’s government certainly adores its ceremony.” Dehner sighed softly.
“Master Yoda.” Kirk called down to the Jedi Master.
Yoda looked up expectantly as the pod slowly began to rise off the floor.
“What’s ahead for us in the future?” Kirk asked with a smile.
Yoda almost smirked at the young Captain’s playful question.
“Always in motion is the future. Difficult to tell.” Yoda called back.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Meerlinda, there’s still a chance to be seen with a bonafied hero of the Republic.” Kirk called out to her as the pod gently rotated to face the assembly before continuing its ascent.
Meerlinda waved him away. Yoda and Mace Windu exchanged curious glances as the pod ascended into the lights flooding the senate floor. The assembled Jedi has quietly taken their places, out of sight as usual.
“Close you have become to this starship Captain.” Yoda noted casually.
“Your assignment called for you to protect him and guide him.” Mace Windu added without looking over at the young Jedi Knight. Meerlinda frowned and looked from one Jedi Master to the other.
“I didn’t realize I had overstepped my bounds Masters.” She said calmly.
“We did not say you did.” Mace Windu replied after a beat of silence.
“Observing were we. Strong his feelings for you are. Very Strong.”
Meerlinda looked down at the ground for a moment, clearing her mind as she had been taught.
“Your master Thane was always concerned about your tendency to reach out to far to the ones you were interacting with. He felt you became too emotionally attached to your assignments.” Mace noted. The pod was now at the required height and it halted its ascent and paused. A bright light illuminated the occupants and the front of the pod slid backwards to reveal the Federation seal.
The applause increased and some cheers filtered down from the higher levels. Kirk and Dehner did their best to hide their surprise concerning the pod’s adornment.
“The Order considers me the best diplomat on Coruscant, There’s a reason for that.” Meerlinda countered. Thane had taught her a healthy respect for her Masters but also sprinkled a liberal does of self esteem as well. ‘Jedi Masters sometimes need to be reminded from whence they came and what they have done. The Will of the Force can be carried out by the most humble padawan or the most esteemed Master.’ She missed him. He was off fighting on the Rim and had not seen him in months.
“Indeed.” Mace replied without further comment.
Yoda leaned in closer to her.
“Your feelings you must watch Farstrider, they can cloud judgment and the Will of the Force. A simple reminder that is all.”
“As always you are right Master Yoda and I receive the advise in the spirit it was offered.” Meerlinda bowed her head deeply.
Yoda continued to watch her as she looked back up at the scene playing out above them. He noticed the way her green eyes softened when she saw James Kirk’s face and he sighed deeply. Mace smirked down at his comrade.
“Sometimes the message can be lost among the noise.” He whispered to Yoda as the two masters took their place at the front of the assembled Jedi.
“Confusing this time has become. Jedi losing their path and not watching where they walk.”
“That’s why we are here.”
Yoda glanced up at Windu but said nothing.
“The chair recognizes the Senator from Rodius.” Palpatine intoned deeply from his place at the center of the Senate floor.
“The Rodian people enthusiastically second the motion to agree to the terms of the Articles of Alliance between the galactic Republic and the United Federation of Planets.” The small Rodian senator spoke, shout moving up and down almost like a wagging dog’s tail.
“As I understand it, that means happiness?” Kirk softly asked Doctor Dehner.
She nodded. “Or excitement. Either way that’s good for us.”
“The Chair recognizes the Senator from Naboo.”
Senator Amidala nodded to Palpatine as her pod floated up into view.
“The people of Naboo also welcome the United Federation of Planets to this Senate. We request that 3 days are allotted as per the Floor Rules fro debate on these Articles of Alliance.”
There were some outraged hisses and shouts from the Senatorial pods.
“That’s not so good for us.” Dehner replied but remained stoic.
“She’s doing what she thinks is right.”
“Stalling the inevitable?”
Kirk looked over at Dehner.
“Making sure this goes by the book and there are no regrets later down the road. No one should want to rush to war.”
“Perhaps you saw a different holotape than I did but the war has already come to us. Battle droids in the President’s estate?!” Dehner replied tightly.
Kirk said nothing as another pod floated up next to Senator Amidala’s.
“The chair recognizes the Senator from Alderaan.”
“I second the motion from Naboo. These Articles of Alliance have not even been seen outside of the Supreme Chancellor’s special Committee and have certainly never been disseminated publicly.” Senator Bail Organna stated regally. Kirk’s eyes narrowed on the man. He was a born leader of men and a passionate defender of his ideals. He was saddened to have to oppose this man in any way.
“I wish he were on our side.”
“Once we sign these articles, he will be.” Dehner replied frostily.
Kirk glanced over at the cold blonde.
“A man like that we should want to freely join us not bound by paperwork and words.”
Dehner said nothing in reply as the debate grew heated amongst the senators.
“The Articles of Alliance are well known amongst us and what it entails, the Senator from Alderaan is playing rhetorical games when he attempts to portray this agreement as anything other than a publicly known document.” Mon Mothma stated evenly and with a gentle smile.
“Perhaps the Senator from Chandrilla would like to recite just one of the articles for me then if it is such public knowledge.” Bail pressed.
“I will do no such thing. Perhaps the Senator from Alderaan thinks I am one of this subjects to order around like chattel.”
Bail’s eyes narrowed.
“That was beyond the pale even for a lackey of the Supreme Chancellor like yourself.”
“Calm yourselves.” Palpatine interjected forcefully.. He looked from Bail Organna to Mon Mothma.
“I for one would support the vote for debate by Naboo and Alderaan.” The senator from Corellia broke in taking advantage of the silence. “After all I think with all the hero worship going on here of one of the Federation representatives we need to remember that it was a ship bearing his own ship’s name that attacked and killed many of our troops only several days ago.”
“This is nonsense!” a Senator bellowed from below. A Wookiee howl of anger drifted through the senate floor as well.
“I see the Supreme Chancellor’s propaganda has me at a disadvantage.” The Senator from Corellia replied bitterly.
“I see that Corellia forgets her place when addressing the Supreme Chancellor.” Mon Mothma protested.
“Where has the First Corellian Expeditionary fleet been in this war, hmm?” the Rodian asked acidly.
“Protecting our worlds as she is meant to.” The Corellian replied hotly.
“The Fleets of this Great Republic are supposed to be protecting all of the Republic not just the member worlds of that fleet.” Mon Mothma replied coolly.
“Corellia has always maintained her war fleets. It is not our fault that the rest of you abandoned any pretense of self defense in the vain hopes that the Jedi could turn back the occasional enemy fleet.”
“The Jedi are not up for discussion.”
“Maybe they should be!”
Palpatine watched the exchange in silence, his eyes moving slowly from one senator to the next. He was quietly gauging the emotions on the floor.
“This is about trust and Corellia does not trust the Federation.”
“What a fine statement.” The Rodian sighed sarcastically.
“I think that is Admiral Garm Bel-Iblis talking NOT Corellia.” Mon Mothma interjected.
“I speak for Corellia my lady, we all know whom you speak for.” The Corellian ambassador snapped.
“These Corellians are a bit…” Kirk began.
“Ill mannered? Hot headed?” Dehner offered.
“I was going to say independent.” Kirk replied wanly.
“The Chair recognizes the motion on the floor and will open for voting the motion to begin 3 days of debate on the Articles of Alliance offered by Senator Amidala of Naboo and Seconded by Senator Bail Organna of Alderaan.” Palpatine ordered with a firm voice. “The voting will be tallied by computer in secret balloting.”
Amidala’s eyes widened slightly.
“I call for voice vote. Let the senators be heard and on the record on this matter!” she demanded.
Palpatine smiled like a kindly grandfather.
“Senator Amidala, as you should be well aware by now, any motions carried on the floor can be voted on at the Supreme Chancellor’s discretion in matters of Galactic Security and I choose secret ballot. A voice vote would be unnecessary and take too much of our valuable time. After all you are not suggesting that you’re colleagues would be dishonest about their intentions if they were to be heard on the record?”
Amidala stared at the Supreme Chancellor for a long moment. She could feel Bail’s eyes on her. She knew that the Peace Faction had suffered serious setbacks with the latest wave of violence on Coruscant that happened to miss the peace factions offices and residences. To admit such in public would only weaken them further.
Palpatine would get what he wanted, no matter what. Bail had predicted this from the start. They were still sorting through the Byzantine changes to the Senate Procedures by Palpatine’s special commission.
“No. Of course I’m not making that suggestion.” Amidala replied softly but her eyes narrowed on the man she had helped bring to power.
“Good. Then it is settled.” Palpatine smiled broadly.
“I’ll make that damned suggestion if no one else will!” The Corellian senator shouted.
“The floor is closed to any more debate and the voting will begin.” Palpatine replied sternly.
Kirk watched each senator begin voting using the panels in their individual pods. He glanced over at the central floating platform where Palpatine stood. The supreme Chancellor smiled and nodded reassuringly to Kirk.
“He just knows he has this in the bag.” Kirk mused,
“Captain, you have a lot to learn you know about politics.”
“Do I?” Kirk asked pointedly.
Dehner sighed and tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder with roll of her head.
“Did you honestly think we came this far, saw so much, seen so much political capital spent to have this vote stalled or fail? He wants a Grand Alliance and he’ll get one.”
“I thought this was a democracy, will of the people and all.”
Dehner frowned.
“We’re talking about what is best for all of us.”
“And who gets to decide that?”
Dehner said nothing else as her attention returned to the vote tally illuminated above them in a rotating holographic display for all to see.
“And the voting has been decided. The motion for debate has failed to carry. We know open the floor to voice voting on the Articles of Alliance.”
“On this you will carry a voice vote then?” Senator Organna asked angrily.
“Indeed we will. I have promised the people an open record on how we decided this Alliance and it is time to fulfill that promise. All those in favor or opposed to the Articles of Alliance begin your voice vote beginning in order with the Senators from Aalansk.”
The voice vote continued throughout the afternoon as each senator voiced his agreement or disagreement with the Articles of Alliance. The Senate was hushed when such important members as Corellia flatly rejected the Articles of Alliance. When it came to Amidala she reluctantly agreed, she had little choice, the Queen of Naboo was adamant that they not embarrass the Supreme Chancellor. Senator Bail Organna paused for a long moment and sadly nodded and said yes when it was his time.
In the end the vote was carried by an overwhelming majority.
Cheers arose again amongst the senators though Kirk was quick to search the crowd for those that had said no and noticed that they stood stoically in their pods and did nothing but stand with their arms crossed. He had a running tally of these worlds and would make sure that the federation did what it could to ease their concerns. But one world would require a personal touch. He glanced at the Corellian Senator. He would have to see Garm Bel-Iblis and talk this out man to man.
“We’re up.” Dehner said as the pod they were sitting in suddenly began moving again towards the Supreme Chancellor’s personal floating pod. He was stepping down to the edge, Sly Moore carrying a scroll that resembled parchment paper. Palpatine held in his hand one very exquisitely exotic quill pen and his assistant Mas Amedda with his massive bull like head and horns held out two similar quill pens as well when their pod docked with Palpatine’s.
“Thank you.” Kirk and Dehner replied as they received the pens from Amedda.
Palpatine smiled at each of them.
“I have waited for this moment for three months. It is a glorious day today.”
“I look forward to bringing an end to this conflict.” Kirk added.
“This is a singular moment in all our histories.” Dehner said softly.
Palpatine signed with a flourish and held up the pen. The senators cheered. Dehner signed and she stepped back. The cheers grew. Kirk took a deep breath and signed the document. He stepped back and they could hear the cheers from outside now thundering.
Palpatine eyed the young Captain as he smiled at the cheering assembly. He took a step back and silently mused to himself as he allowed the Federation representatives to bask in the glory of the moment.
“Do you think perhaps we did too well in selling James Kirk to the masses?” Sly Moore whispered to her master as she gently rolled up the scroll and pressed the Republic seal into the side of the scroll.
“Only time will tell my dear. After all this is a long and bloody war and so many heroes have already fallen.” Palpatine replied never taking his eyes off the young Captain. Kirk paused and looked back uneasily for a moment. Palpatine smiled and lifted the scroll up over his head.
“I announce the formation of the Grand Alliance. Let our enemies beware. We are coming for them.” He boomed.
The cheers became a roar and the roar reverberated through the senate like a storm. Yoda frowned as a vision passed across his sight. There was much blood coming. Too much blood. It was as if a great twilight had broken out across the sky and left them all in darkness. He leaned on his cane as he weakened.
“What is it?” Mace asked seriously when he noticed the Master’s weakness.
Yoda looked up at Mace, sadness in his eyes.
“Begun this Twilight War has.”
Wherever you go, there you are.
Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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- 2000AD
- Emperor's Hand
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- Location: Leeds, wishing i was still in Newcastle
So some jedi are more popular than others, secret vote rigging and overall palpy setting things up.
Nice, plus Yoda paraphrasing himself.
Nice, plus Yoda paraphrasing himself.
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers Guild Sluggite Pawn of Chaos WYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sig EBC-Honorary Geordie
Hammerman! Hammer!
Hammerman! Hammer!
- Emperor's Hand
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You normally get references to twilight wars as piviotal event which occur during the fall of a large empire followed by a long 'dark' ages.
If a civ is having a twilight war its already gone too far down the road of decay.
If a civ is having a twilight war its already gone too far down the road of decay.
"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity." ~ Dr. Daniel Jackson.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
Yoda had a vision of a great twilight falling over the sky and so his reference to this being a twilight war since his vision coincided with the signing of the Grand Alliance. Hackey? Maybe but I liked writing it.Crazedwraith wrote:Very nice but i hope we hear mroe from the TNG lot soon. I alos have issues with Yoda saying 'Begun this "twilight war" has' why does he have any reaosn to call it a twilight war? (aside from its the title of the fic)
The TNG side will get plenty of coverage coming up I just needed to get the Grand Alliance signed since the TNG side just eneterd the war in the previous chapter. I like to keep both sides mirrored as the story progresses.
I love politics, political intrigue, etc. so that's the parts I have really enjoyed writing. All we get in the films is how Palpy started his rise to power and how he ends it. But we all know there's a hell of alot that goes on inbetween. I want to focus on that in this story. Mon Mothma's blind devotion, The Corellian's wild rebelious nature, the Honorable Bail Organna trying to walk a fine line, Palpatine's machinations and soon the introduction of the Federation et al into the mix.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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- Emperor's Hand
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- Location: Cheshire, England
Stravo wrote: I love politics, political intrigue, etc. so that's the parts I have really enjoyed writing. All we get in the films is how Palpy started his rise to power and how he ends it. But we all know there's a hell of alot that goes on inbetween. I want to focus on that in this story. Mon Mothma's blind devotion, .
And how it gets completely smashed in to millions of itty bitty peices?
Every time I think of her and the expression of sadness and determination in ROTJ I keep thinking what brought her to that point? What made her such an enemy to the Empire that she would risk everything to stop them? And how far had she fallen from being the Sean Hannity of Palpatine to the Michael Moore of the EMperor?Crazedwraith wrote:Stravo wrote: I love politics, political intrigue, etc. so that's the parts I have really enjoyed writing. All we get in the films is how Palpy started his rise to power and how he ends it. But we all know there's a hell of alot that goes on inbetween. I want to focus on that in this story. Mon Mothma's blind devotion, .
And how it gets completely smashed in to millions of itty bitty peices?
Wherever you go, there you are.
Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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- Spice Runner
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- Chris OFarrell
- Durandal's Bitch
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Bump yet again.
I'm curious Stavo, now that we have a more detailed and fleshed out look at the clone wars and the personalities involved in it, will this change how things will progress in your strip? Durge hates mandalorians, yet you ahve them working witht he seperatists. Severrance is still alive with Ventrass nowhere to be found. Grievous just got a brief mention. What about Dooku's racism? Sora bulq, Skorr, and Quinlan Vos are where? What about the ships? we know precious little about most of them?
I'm curious Stavo, now that we have a more detailed and fleshed out look at the clone wars and the personalities involved in it, will this change how things will progress in your strip? Durge hates mandalorians, yet you ahve them working witht he seperatists. Severrance is still alive with Ventrass nowhere to be found. Grievous just got a brief mention. What about Dooku's racism? Sora bulq, Skorr, and Quinlan Vos are where? What about the ships? we know precious little about most of them?
بيرني كان سيفوز
Nuclear Navy Warwolf
in omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro
ipsa scientia potestas est
Nuclear Navy Warwolf
in omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro
ipsa scientia potestas est
I had no idea about Dirge's hatred of Mandalorians. That still works in my favor as I intended to portray Dirge as a Viking Berserker like warrior. The CIS generally point him in the direction of the enemy and unleash him. It would be good to have some tension between him and the Mandalorians.Ender wrote:Bump yet again.
I'm curious Stavo, now that we have a more detailed and fleshed out look at the clone wars and the personalities involved in it, will this change how things will progress in your strip? Durge hates mandalorians, yet you ahve them working witht he seperatists. Severrance is still alive with Ventrass nowhere to be found. Grievous just got a brief mention. What about Dooku's racism? Sora bulq, Skorr, and Quinlan Vos are where? What about the ships? we know precious little about most of them?
Ventrass....I'm still weighing whether to bring her in or not because frankly she and Sev'Rance would probably kill each other and Sev'Rance makes a far better love interest for the good Captain Picard than Ventrass makes a good villain.
The reason Greavous didn't get a bigger mention or appearance is simply because I was under complete black out for ROTS as I wanted to remain Spoiler free so I didn't want to commit to Greavous until I saw the movie. He will be a very important villain in my story with the intent of making him a deeper for well rounded character than we saw in ROTS.
Dooku's racism will come to the fore when it needs to, right now he is courting the Federation and trying to be the consumate noble man so he is on his absolute best behavior.
I'm not big on technical stuff but I love describing ships and battles so I'll have most of the classes in the EU represented as well as some of my own. (ie. the Republic Monarch class seen in several chapters which would have been the Venators now but as I was blissfully unspoiled that just gives the Republic one more heavy ship.) The Federation TOS era will have some interesting new classes utilizing Republic technology - watch for the Belasarius class that will put them on fighting chance territory against the bigger CIS ships.
With ROTS done I have a much better idea what I want to do and where I want to go with this story. What I want to do in the next chapters is start covering the Clone Wars by Campaigns. Some very fun things are in store and I will be fleshing out the Jedi as much as possible so that when Order 66 time rolls around we all shed a tear when your favorite Jedi goes down.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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- Chris OFarrell
- Durandal's Bitch
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What about the TNG Federation? Or will they simply redesign existing clases? The TNG era UFP has better adapability of alien technology and more infastructure to produce more ships / upgrade ships...but it'll be interesting to see when the Federation fights the Federation.Stravo wrote:The Federation TOS era will have some interesting new classes utilizing Republic technology - watch for the Belasarius class that will put them on fighting chance territory against the bigger CIS ships.
Knowing you, it'll happen in the last chapter, all the Capitans will all go 'Ohh SHIT' as they realise how Sidious played them, then a thousand Star Destroyers will exit hyperspace around both fleets
The TNG Feds will simply refit their ships with Separatist technology showcasing the flexibility of their technology and industrial base. The TOS Feds have to build ships from the keel up while existing ships will have to make do with some add on tech like slapping torpedo launchers and slinging some turbolasers under the saucers.Chris OFarrell wrote:What about the TNG Federation? Or will they simply redesign existing clases? The TNG era UFP has better adapability of alien technology and more infastructure to produce more ships / upgrade ships...but it'll be interesting to see when the Federation fights the Federation.Stravo wrote:The Federation TOS era will have some interesting new classes utilizing Republic technology - watch for the Belasarius class that will put them on fighting chance territory against the bigger CIS ships.
Knowing you, it'll happen in the last chapter, all the Capitans will all go 'Ohh SHIT' as they realise how Sidious played them, then a thousand Star Destroyers will exit hyperspace around both fleets
Also the Republic will be outsouricing Starship construction so the TOS Feds can try to keep up with the TNG numbers.
Still the CIS will always have the edge in raw numbers, the Republic will have to rely on the quality of their units and leadership.
The Oh SHit moment will be quite satisfying to write.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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- Youngling
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Well, I have to say that I didn't think much of Twilight Wars for a while, but you've got me now, damn you. JOOI, how did the TOS-Shadowfleet get the battle droids?
I'm looking forward to your treatment of Grievous- He's probably the biggest waste of CG talent in the whole 6 films. When I say him running out of the Seperatist shuttle, panting like a fat man with asthma, I wept for the 100s of man-hours they spent hyping him.
I'm looking forward to your treatment of Grievous- He's probably the biggest waste of CG talent in the whole 6 films. When I say him running out of the Seperatist shuttle, panting like a fat man with asthma, I wept for the 100s of man-hours they spent hyping him.