barricade wrote:Ed, you would be the one to bring up specific names.....
I'm curious as to what might happen if Michael-Lan pushes one of his customers once too far, and they descend to Earth to get their Fix, and get caught. The repercussions from that could be potentially staggering, especially as you've got an Angel, likely a high ranking one, all but begging for their stuff.
"That's right Sachiel, tell us how many guards are on the other side, and we'll give you more. Yes? Ah now doesn't that feel better? But you know, you've been awfully helpful with us, so we were wondering if you'd like some more. Like possibly one free fix a week from us, no charge. Just let us know about what's on the other side of the Heavengate. That's it! Just talk about home, and you'll get your fix."
Never underestimate the powers of persuasion that running a bag of cocaine under the nose of a desperate addict can give a person. They'll tell you thinks willingly, and without lying, as they're too addled TO lie (or at least do it well), that you'd never hear even from the most brutal tortures.
That'd actually be a good way for the whole situation to blow up in Michael's face, although he's probably taking steps to reduce that. He's got his own personal stash, and as Stuart mentioned, part of creating a cult is creating fear of outsiders (and that probably includes Earth humans as well). Of course, how strong that matters if one of the angels is just
dying to get another shot of blow is something that should be interesting to explore.
Soon, it would become a loathsome and malignant sore on the people who had the mark of the beast.
Plague, I guess. Does that mean that Michael's not as aware of the human world and its medical sciences as he's thinks he is (since plague can be treated with antibiotics)? Or is it some nasty variety that he's been cooking up in heaven? The angel is described as pouring out the Bowls of Wrath to spread the infection, and plague (at least Bubonic Plague) is usually spread by fleas, frequently via rats.
Of course, that doesn't touch into issues of actually getting the antibiotics to the infected areas that need them on Earth, so a lot of people could die in the process.